Variety (Aug 1932)

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VARIETY osses IMOWB^ For ' In A. flununer ihat will be un- bleae^antijr ^lemprable on the tablets pi Chlcafiro hlatory," last we^k. pro- )Buce<|i the sltuatioiiv />f a nelgbbpr- |bok>4 r.<3eluxer out^rosslne^, a ^down-; ikown.41tto« .'Tlvoli yfw about ti,QOO better on the week than :the Orl- jgntaL Approximate grogaes. for the blflT ' 'B^andkay tKeali'4s ; arbUhd fo^irii-Wfeife.: . Chlcaoo'■*•"•♦•'•>■••'••'••'• •'••^30^|000. • . I .,Tlvoli. . v«• •'.tZfOOO I Oriental t*;>'.^>>.°> 1^000^ I \yp\oyin 16,000 ' ) Mkrboro .. . . i. ......'..'. iZ^OOO Thoae big nefghb'orhbOdeiia of all lelrcuita and In all neUrhborhoods always , hay^ and stlU dq .slash the loop teirltitly. Now espectalljr this Us s6° with' the added expense .for itart&t^i'- ifcinount to 28c1tOT. t^o, or 'fU fare of 40c. for two, holding knaqy. in th^lr native, bailiwicks Be- Btdes ^i^he higher , loOp admissions, ininlihiim parking fee'is 60c. ' M^triiwliiiff the State-Lake; is (Bohceded ' a success, with Its- new- poUcy> Sanguine ^ expectations- for |hia house and ,poU9y. when the piimni'er is over are expressed. ,'Eftimatei for This :>y,M!c ; ; Chicaao . (Pubiix-B&ik). (4.000; 96-66-83)V 'Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm' (Fox). But fair $36,000' br ipo expebted. Mills . ^Broa. - head ^Radlo Revue' oh stage,' with Cot Stoopnagle and Budd' and :^ Sylvia pYoosialso from the networks^ .Jjaat [jreek 'Lady and, Gent' (Par) plumped under ' exiSectationtt for ^30,000,: just palasable.' Oriental (Publix-B&KV (3,200; ?6-56-S3)f, 'Skyscraper Souls' (M-G). ."Warren "Vl^illlam starred ld..Cosmo- Sditari picture, blocked, by^ . iisual ei^rfit extra lineage. Fanchon & ^du-cb units AlUhjf; in .here. . Cur- rently filadle Peabbdy, the. banjo Iddi ,1s ^eadll^er. Around. $20,000 antlcipat§.d against , last .w.eek'a sor.r rowiSul. $J.6,000 with 'Mlsa Pinker- ton' (FN>'; i, .. • V. ,. Palace,: (BKO) (2,5001 -55-56-88), The Man: Called Back^ (Tiff) and S'ur, Show by the local merchants.- Jn forflier.'ybara .when-playing- Bala- it>an!^-KaU houses this manneauin carnival, was rated a bis 8Um,ulator.' 1^ the Palace may see , ;¥1T,OOQ 'despite.' a wishy-washy scneen ftt«. traction.. , Last week 'Roar, of the Pragon' .(Radio) counted-up. fairly ^ell, also around $17,00b> ' = - ' State-Lake (RKO) (3,7.00; 26-35- 66),' 'Mystery Ranch' (Foi). West- ern-oomblnatloA provides a test bal- loon'for this house.- Vaudeville and cheap prices, lowest of loop de- luxera,' Is the real- draw. Hitting above $16,000 and strictly promis- ing. Last week 'No Greater Love' .(Col) held to that propinquity. mSt YEAR,' $14,000, i CHEERS UP PORTLAND ; Portland, Ore., Aug. 1. Biz In general off. Average ad- inish reduction is about one>tbird. More grinds than first run houses. Hamrick opened a new grind at the W Capitan, former legit, house. In spite of falling biz and prices, good product gets results at the ma- jor spots. ■ RKO Orpheum held TBring 'Em Back* for second week .and did. better than average with a new picture. ; ' Fox-Paramount making a current comeback with "The Flfst . Tear* after taking a brodie on 'Society Girl.' Even strong stage unit with Monte Blue in persbh failed to hold .up. biz on the latter. Hnmrick doing good enough biz with his three grinds but finding »ough goiiig at the first run Orien- tal. That house currently , has 'Miss Plnkarton' and Just fairlyl Last week's 'Purchaise Price' (WB) failed to get any extra reaulfs. Fox-Paramount now buying atitos for. cash to give as door prizes. Figuro at least 300% profit in added admish. Appeal is direct to the 'something for nothing' - yen jand aeeras to get more resulta than any other, form of institutional explbita- tlon. ■ No ■ leglt house in the burg. Amusement park biz is In the red. Auto licenses 50% off at July regis- tration date. Current grosses re- flect v/orst biz pei'Iod locally so far. • Estimates for This'^Weok Paramount (Fox-Parker) : (3,000; 26-63)—'JClrst Year' (Fox) and F&M tinit. •. Getting about average biz, $14,000. Last week: 'Society Girl' (Pox) pQpr ait $8,000. ; ^Orpheum. (RKO) (2.000; 26-60)— -TRbar of the . Dragon' (Radio) and ISlf YR* $15/100, (iNlY THING IN BLAH BUFFALO ; ' ' . Buffalo, Aug! 'il Low grosses continue.' Too much feather mat! competlsh.^ ' " ^' 'Es'timatea for This Week ' I Buffalo .(Publlx). (3»600; ^0-40-7«) —•First Tear* (Fox).; tloder $16,000 but hot bad oonsiderliog/ Last week 'Lady and Q«nt; (Pajr), $13,.S!0O, low. ' Hippodrome (Publlxii .(2,400: 25r 36)—-Winner Take AH' CWB); Fair $8,600. Last week. 'MllUon Dollar Legs' (Par),' .|f;905, okay, , Century (Putlix) (3,460; 25-36)— 'Westwaifd Paijsage' (RKO). Slov? at' $8,000. Laist"week. Uairk. Hiors^'. (F.N),i,flfat week at."reclficed sum- 'mer prices, $6,100. i 1: Lafayette (Ind) (3.4O0i; ^6)—■ !Whllo , Paris Sleepsf (Fox). May hit strbng $7,600. . Last week fAttbr^ ney .for. Deten^'. (Col), . $7,000, neat 'ZOMBIE'iODDED, BUT PARADOXICAL PROV. UPS Providenee, Aug. 1. Fairly' cool weather' helped' all first run stands 'to spurt- over the week-end, -'and with an even break, for 'the rest of the" week houses should'garner grbssea that win have sipme semblance' of normaUty. . RKO Albee ia again In. tbe lead, personal .appeara^ic'esvof Kbnheth Harlan .and Al St . John largely rb-^ sponsible for the biz. Vaudeville hoiise la figuring on getting close to $10,000 with Tom BrbVn of Culver' on the screen.. - Majestic, with a swell double fea- ture program, 'The First Tear* and 'Bachelor's Folly,' .Is expected to ca0h In on first real gross house has' had- for mbntha 'addi incidentally, lead straight plctnrd-theatres. . . ■ l^biirnateii fbjf tliia Week RKO Alb^a. (2„396*,;, 16-66-66)^ 'Topi. .Brown b£.; Culver*. ^ (^J), anfi vai;de,..wlth screen'st^a. headlining. Feature playing., secbml . fiddle %o stage ahow, but getting; iniich favor-; khle comment House dbihg the biz Aveek after week; sure to get at loaat $10,000 this week. Last week 'Roar b£ the Dra«;i>n'.(Iiadfo> did a'fairish $8,000. l^bew'a. Stat* (3,700;,-16-66-76)— •White Zomible' (ITA). UnlesiK there la.a sudden sprint thla one looks as though it win catch the booby prize. This, In s'pite of one bf the most re- markable build-up campaigns the town has seen. In many a inoon. ^ilm beliig kidded terribly, and just now It appears as thotlgh the fine selling ballyhoo house has attempt- ed won^t bring this one over $7,000; about 60% off. Last week 'Sky- scraper Souls' (M-G) managed to tilt a fair $9,000. . ' Majestic (Fiay) (2,200; 15-55)— 'The First Year* (Fox) and 'Bache- lor's Folly* (World-Wide). Finest program of pictures in town, and the box office is sihiling for first time in weeks; close to $9,500, good . Last week 'Stranger in Town' (WB) and *Miss Plnkertown' (FN) so-so at $6,500. • Paramount (2,200; 15-55)-^'Mart Called Back' (World-Wide).' Indie booking' disappointing; maybe a' lit-^. tie better than $4;000, -which'is poor. Last, week 'Madame R&cketeer* (Par) and Gene Dennis on the stage off at y4.800. RKO Victory (1,600; 10-26-30)— 'Drifting Souls' (Tower) and 'Bring 'Em Back Alive' (Radio). Nothing in this bne to baft the. .crowds. Jungle feature no help, as it played RKO Albee couple of weeks ago and wore'out its welcome at that house; probably . $2,000. Last week 'They Never Come Back' (Monogram) and 'What Price Hollywood' (Radio); another case where a feature was brought back to town too soon to do anything; off at $1,700. vaude. Doing fair enough around $6,000. Last week held 'Bring 'Em Back Alive' (Radio) for a'very nice second week, $6,400. First week was' $8,500. ; United Artists (Fox-Parker) (1,- 000; 25-35)—'Weekends Only' (Fox). Just getting by with about $4,500. Last week 'Unashamed' (M-G) closed better than expected, $4,000. Oriental (Hanirick) (2,500; 26-35) —'Miss Plnkerton' (WB). About average with $4,000. Last week 'Purchase Price' (WB) goT$3,500.- , Rialtb ■ (Gamble) (1,600; 25)— 'Vanishing Frontier' (Par). Fairly for $3,000. Last week 'Cock of the Air* fUA) nicely for this house at $2,500. - MITZI Pies'1ST YRV ; ffHAH $16,000 .; - Denver, Aug.. 1. A perfect combination for Denver at' the ' Oriihfenm .'tWa //^^^ 'T'^ilh. Mltzl' (3reeh in persoih and Janet Gaynor' and' Charles . Farrelt on screen. Tlier© are 'lines a- block- long every day and' lobby, staiid^ puts. Looks to do $16,0O0V liutzi Is wowing the housd -and honors are divided 50-50 between her and film. Rest of vaude bill snappy and kept running by two inlatresses of'cere- monies;'an inhbviatlbn 'bf'Huffman's'' ^ihce tak'ihg'charge. of the Orpheum. 'Bachelor'a Affairs' la a disap- pointment, at the Aladdin but Tom; doing nicely at .the Rlalto, Paramount;only fair, with Denver not much lietteir. Otpheum coinpe- tttlon tbo strong this tireek..' . Eetlmatet-fep Thia.Week V Aladdin (RKO-Huffman) (1,500; 36-66-66)—mchelor Affairs' (Fox). Mild ■$4',000. Laffweek 'Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm' (Fox) ^ fair at $4,600 In face of atrong «ompetitiQn. ■■ Denver (Publlx) (2,500; 26-40-66) —'Man' From Yesterday*, (Par) • and stage show. So-so $10,000. Last week Ted ' Lewis' orchbstra drew^ big $18,200.'' On the-screen'was 'Xfn.- . ashamed'(M-QJ^' '■ Orpheum (RKO-^Huffman) ,(2,600'; 26-40-66)—!Tho First Year* (Fox) and vaude. Corking $16,000, Last week .'Bring .'Em JBack Alive' (Ra-. dio) a fine $J*,OW. . - ^ > . - > Parambunf (tiiblik). (2.000; 25-36- 56)—'The Dark Horse' (FN). Off at $3,000. Laat week Madame Rack- eteer* (E^v dldi$l,800, n., s;; g. J - ;Rialtb-(KKOTaaffman) (9001:26.^ 55-50)-^Rlder of Death Valley' (U). Fair $2,700, -Last week.."Lena Rlv- ers[' : i'iitVi i poor .at^:$2.360. Too miibh .opmiftietition, - . iSmcy Kz Brisk; ./' ^•■■C.lrteinriatVAnff. It' ! icurr.ent''' ijU :'at, ail ;;,tob;V cinemas la fabidlnff up handily- after last- wbek^tf black fesusti,'-bchbed by two holdoyera;'... ■ \ ■ ; Albee's IW.OOD for /Washington. Masquerade* is exceptionally good, ahd is.OOO and' 97,0.00, respectively; for the holdovers of "Bring 'Em Beck AUve' and 'Red Headed Wbman^ 'are plenty okay, too. - . 'Unashamed' at the Cap 'capital- ized on the holdover by going to a nifty $lli500. - V EttlniatW for This Week Albee (RKO) (8,300; 35^80)— 'Washington Masquerade* (M-Q) and F-M 'Reflections' unit on stage. Lionel Barrymore, a rare screen sock for thia house, la the b. o. draw. Should hit $19,000, excellent. Last week 'Forbidden Compahy' (Chesterfield) and ^Opportunity Rei;. ■vue,' amateur show with local tal-' ent, to $16,000, which, while fair, left some black because of record lo.# nut. Palace (R;KO) (2,600; 80-55)— ^Brlng 'Em Back Alive' (RKO)|. Thriving on $8,000 in second week after immense $17,000 for first seven day.<}, during which. Frank Buck made personal appearance for .first halL : Lyric (RKO) (1,286; 80-65)—^Red Headed-Woman' (M-G). Rounding out fortnight with $7,000, fine; fol-. lowing smash $13,000 in first week, Capitol (RKO) (2,200; 30r55)-^ 'Unashamed' (li-G). Aided by ror peat engagements in two first-run cinemas, heading for $11,500, - very £0od. Last-week 'Purchase Price'. TwB) brought $11,000, okay.. Family (BKO) (1,000; 16-25)-t- 'Border Devils' (Standard) and 'Al- most Married' (Fox). Split -Week. Drawing $2,800, neat Last week 'Man from Mexico' (Monogram) and 'Woman in Room 13' (Fox), ditto. iiivonlllliQiwitk '\ On a basis ot< percental pf ptofli in ratio to overhead, the Palace,-a rank apprentice at playing filii^, is making the big street's opposition look up to It pretty high this week. Pal is running Into its biggest money since, it tried adding film to vaude. ./It- will do. $19,000, a hand- soipe profit.. B^te Smith la .con- ceded as the house's majority, draw sinccthe picture,- 'What Price Hol- lywood,' comes from a. two weeks' ^tay at the Mayfair,.wj|th protection waived;. •'... - : ' Like, many other tboatrea in New York and otheir keys, the Palace currently proves the box office yalue of notable stage-names.' lit addition to the Pal and the strong. $50,000 holdover week at the Capitol with its $20,000 stage, show, there are some surprises out of town* Of unr Hot in CbilK. BiittiieWe»tli(r,Tirst Year' JULES WHIII PROBABLE PAR SHORTS PRODUCER Hollywood, Aug. 1. With, the Mack Sennett deal for shorts abandoned by Paramount, latter'is now negotiating with Jules White. Wants him to take Over the departtnent and make 30 of the re- quired 52 releases. Pictures are to be made at coast Par studio at. an average of $15,000 each. If the deal • is .closed it -is . prob- able that .Zion Myers, who worked with White at: Metro, will be as- sociated. Columbus, Aug, 1. . Nothing hot but> the weather here this week, and even- that may cool off . ^ to ' Where the customers- can breathe >iagain. .Ohio---with Farrell and Gaynor as thb draw is the"One - ' • ' ' - - I'Lady and -Gent^ at the Palace m^-possibly build-up alao.- - Others look/rather light*.; :- - Estimates for Thia Week ' Palaee (BKO) . (3.074; '25:^36)— 'Lady and Gfent'(Par). Will do well tb top $6,000. Laat week 'Roar of .the Dragon' (Radio) and bathing girl revue better than fair, $6,200. Ohio (Loow-UA) (8,00bV i26-36)>—. "The First Year'" (Fox). Will ptit house ifi the clear In nice shape with $8,000.- Last week' 'Washington Masquerade' (M-G) good enough with $6,^00. . Bread <Loew-:UA). (2,600; 16-26) >-T^'Soclety Girl' (Fox). . :Be8t break here in .weeks nhut aueationable whether, more >^than . regulara -will buy. Should hit $4iQ00i..;Last week .'Unashamed' (M-G) good .enough, 43.200. : ; . .-.-•■., ; .- ' ■> ... • Grand (Neth) (1.100; 20-96)'^'Thb Purchase Price'. (WB)v Fair $2,700 in ~8ight.- ^Laat - >week' 'Street of Women' (WB) feU off to $2,400. Majestie (RKO) (l,l(jO; 16-26)— la My Face Red* (RadioK : Looks good $2,500. Labt week 'Bring 'Em Back Alive' (Rl£10) here for ita. sec- ond 'week after Week at Palace hit good enough $2,600.. ' B'klyn Can't Get Hot If Ifs Hdt; <GaUed' $34,000 B<^ooklyn. Aug. X. Uneventful week. - Beachea get-• ■tlng the. play. . ■ Bright stage show at the Par- amount headed by Eddie Lowry and Bert Lahr 'With 'Man .Called Back' (Par) figures around $34,000, mild. Albee, with Rusa Columbo on the stage, means 'a little additional dough to the box offlce. Phil Fabello, new pit - maestro with -specialty work, is also being: built up locally. Estiniates for This Week - Paramount (4,200; 26-36-50-76-85) 'Man Called Back' (Col) and stage show. Lowry, house ih. c, has two more weeks here. House is giving the folks a bright affair with Lahr, Pearl Osgood, and bthers; In'the vicinity of $34,000, mild; Last week, 'Madame Racketeer* (Par) $21,900, away oft. Albee (3,600 r 25-50-76)-^'Tom Brown' of Culvet* (RKO) -and .vaude. €olumbo orchestro. seemtf to be get- ting the play. ; Around $14,000, fair. Last week, 'Roar of Dragon' (RKO), $12,600, nbthing to brag about. .: Fox (4,000; 26-36-60)—'Drifting* (Fox) and Mary Nolan heading. F. & M. unit. Looks like another lemon. $8|000. Last week, 'Almost Married' (Fox). $10,000; bad. Metropolitan (3,000; 25-35-50-65) T^-'Unashamed' (RKO) and vaude. Weak bill should bring in $17,000, so-so. Last week Doomed Bat- talion' (U) with Ethol Merman heading the vaude bill, 418,000, oke. Strand (2,000; 25-36-50)—'Pur- chase Price' (WB). Mild $9,200. Last week, 'Miss Plnkerton' (WB), $8,500. Bocquet on Testa Hollywood, Aug. 1. Harry Bocquet, assistant to Sid- ney Franklin, Metro director, has been made director of tests at that studio. He replaces Felix -Feist, Jr., now la Europe, with Benny .Thau, casting head. precedented .:profit proportlona is the . $26,800 done laat w^ek by. thd Missouri, St. Xiouls, with 'Rhapsody, i in Black,' colored stage show. House . has been averaging Just about $20,^ OOP less than that Unusual busl<* ness. was also the Denver, i Denver, with Ted I^ewia last week, house trebling its usual intake. . . With 'Skyscraper Souls,.' opening Thursday (4), another'fancy array., of names comea Into the Capitol^.' headed, by Milton Berle and Morton: Downey, with Abb Lyman holdings over. - The hold, over. one\day, Lillian Roth, ihiccebd- .-- ing them Friday (6).. ■The Paramount antedated, the. Cap on name apliurging but cur- • rently on fourth week's holdover o^., Harry Richman.aa. niib of the rbsf. trum show the house, is sliding. t% will be fortunate to top. $40,69iO;' which at the same time - does ■■ not. listen .so well for ^Rebecca of Sun- . nybrook Farm* (Fox), first from this distributor In the hQuae. Richinan: 'has ; Frances. WUliama and Jack.i Haley with him Curreiatly.. Hq^ wlUi remain a fifth week, under plana.-, -. Rivoll comes ta sbme sendblance of life with fairly good. $26,000 in tow for 'White Zombib,' and Wihtbf Gardeh'hahgs on 'atoutly^.'at $16,000, ' second, week of 'Congprljla*' 'ift'ox).,' which remains a third week h^re. ' livery other hoiise la piroceedinff ' at deprecating pace;' RialtO IS' going floppo \ with ' 'Man' Collbd' Back.* which' 'Vroh't do 'more than' $7,600. " • ■ ! Not much better, bomit^atlvely- speaklng, iff the'Mayfair'a''$ll,000'bn' 'Tom Browi> of Culver.* Strairtd will' do only $13,000 oq six-day' holdover' of 'Jewel Robbery.' ' 'poctor 'XT > opens tomorrow (Wednesday).' ■ The May fair will try to jget away froih thbse doldrums with opening' of 'American. Madness* Friday (6),' House has apprbprlatbd a 26%' incrcdse 'ln its advertising ' budget on the picture, beihg played by RKO> day and date at the Albee, Brook-■ lyn> and In Newark and Boston. ' . EstimiitM for This Week' Astor (1,102; S3-|1.10-il,66-$>: 'Grand Hotel* -, (M-G) .(i6th. \ Still no date, tentative Or-oOtbrwise, for Interlude*- (U-O), It .pbming in. here aa scheduled, several weeks, ago,,' JRoadshowing plana for 1nte£lude*. how reported aa :somewhat ,doubt«' fuU - •■■ :■ , ' : ... . ' . Capitol. (6,400r S5-72T«8-|l.:li6>^ $1.66) 'Washington. Masquejrade*,. ,(M-G) (2d week) and stag^. show.. Warren- William -and, Bette .Davis, Warner film, .namea* joined Loi| Holtz, Phil Baker and Others bn. rOstrum^'Friday (2$),. adding to djr^w In aupport of pictures,. Should', do. $60,000, okay \ for holdover. First wedc $60,000, or $6,000. short of a. percentaere split for .Holtz on anyo thing over $05,000. Rayfair (2,200; 36-72-83) 'Tom Brown of Culyer* (U). Not entic-* ing the Broadway mob at a meagro $11,000. Last weeic, - second of- 'What Price Hollywood* (Radio) $13,700, weak. Palace (1,700; 30-40-^5-83) 'What Price Hollywood* (Radio) and vaudb. Big $19,000, allowing for a nicb profit, In view. Kate Smith, who did five shows Saturday for heavy turn-' over, doing the drawing. Last week,': 'Roar of Dragon* (Radio), on first rim, $13,500, with the house going slightly in the red. Paramount (3,664; 40-72-94-$1.10) 'Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm' (FOX) and stage show. Fourth Week of Harry Richman, with Stances Williams and Jack Haley currently added, not offsetting, the four-Wheel brakes . oh house's . business thi^. week; only'$40,000 presaged. Trb- yioiis week Blchman and Bert Lahr on stage, with fiicker .'Madanie Racketeer* (Par) built to a pretty good $61,'300 after a sluggish start iRialto (2,000: 40-66-72-92-$i.l0)-i. 'Man Called Back' (Tiff). No b. o. lure In this outside Independent booking at $7,500 on the week. 'Vaniahing Frontier^ (Par) may bo rushed in before end of tha week. Final week of 'Freaks' $7,000, low. . Rivoli (2,200; 40-55-72-94-$l.l6)—^ 'White Zombie' (UA). At $25,000 will- be bringing to house best.week it has had In over. a .month. Publlx may spot 'Blonde Venus' (Par) In here next Date unset. 'Igloo' (U), which preceded 'Zombie' and stayed only one week, failed to get any- wheye a.t all, $8,000. Strand (2,900; 35-55-83-94-;$1.10). —•Jewel Robbery' ("WB) (2nd. Week). Slipping on holdover and will remain only six daysi - doing probably around $13,000, First week, $21,200, pretty nice, 'Doctor X' ("WB) opens tomorrow (Wednes- day) . Instead of the customary;. Thursday, house's change day. : - Winter Garden (-1,410; 36-56-83- 04)---'Gongorilla' (Fox) (2nd week). Holding up to $15,000 second week, ' picture will remain a third. Initial ' ^ven days $18,600, jgood. • • '" '