Variety (Aug 1932)

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10 VARtJETY PIC T U RE C R a S $ E S Tuesday, Aiigust 2,r l93^ a Boon to Reduced MnneapoUs, AuGT' !• Happy days are here asnln. With 'The First Year,' 'Winner Take All' and 'Minion Dollar Legs' on loop screens and Alice Joy present in person, prospisrlty continues In, the saddle and a long sustained period of profitable loop grosses shows no sign of Interruption. There Is no gainsaying the pull- ing power of the Janet Gaynor- Charles Farrell team and 'The, First Year,' excellently sold by the State, is off to a sensational start The, matinees are particular wows and takings give every promise of hit- ting a surprisingly high level. Cagney appears to have attracted a very respectable following here, too, and aided and abetted by Alice Joy In person, on the stage, 'Win- ner Take All' is. demonstrating fine box" power and bids fair to roll up a very pleasing profit for the- RKO Orphe\jm.' Here, too, there has been some neat exploitation work. - Another fine , advertising and showmanship job had started 'Mil- lion Dollar Legs* to a fast running start at the Lyric. :-The Aster closed suddenly last Mondiay morning after only two days , of the .'Weeik-End Marriage' run.. This.makes three loop.Fubllx first run hduises, accduntliig.'. lor nearly 7^000 seats, now dark,, and letfves a.. record low. '..of. but three loop Piiblii first run theatres, with only, some V4,600 seats,, sttll In ap^T9Xl&a, and one of thiis trio, the Grand, conibines an occasional sec- ond run with. Its first runs. ' Together"wIth the RKO Orpheum. total loop first run seats now num- ber abput'7,400, less than twice as many as the 4,200 seats of the closed Minneapolis. Moreover, three Publlx Jieighborhood bouses also bave gone dark and three more of the largest and most pretentious ones are screduled to follow suit within the next fortnight. ■ Undoubtedly the elimination of so many seats is a factor in the im- proved business of the theatres still remaining open and helps to ac- count for the profitable: biz these latter amusement emporiums are liow enjoying... I v • ..Estimates fi>r This Week State (Publlx) (2;2b0; B.5), 'First Tear' (Fox), Gaynor-Farrell box office knocko.ut here - and this pic- ture, helped by first rate exploita- tion, had the customers coming from the start Word, of mouth boosting should help maintain fast initial clip. X-ooks like very big 117,600. Last weekj 'Washington Masquerade' (M-G) $10,700,^ good. Orpheum (RRO) (2,890; 65), •Winner Take All' (WB) and vaude- ville, headed by Alice Joy in person. Cagney and' Mlds .Joy both bi~ draws and showmanship helped to bring splendid opening. Picture and stage show going over fine and should build, With St. Paul Or- pheum noW closed, this house has only stage-show in Twin Cities with their population of nearly 800,000. Looks better than f 11,000, big. Last week, 'Tom Brown of Culver- (U). 110.000, good. " Lyric (Publlx) (1,300; 35). 'Mil- Hon Dollar Legs'. (Par). Exploited to a fare-ye-well'and showing great results. Picture well liked and should keep up swift pace. May reach big ?7,600/ Last week 'Man from Yesterday' (Par), $5,300, good. Grand (PubJix) (1,100; 35), 'Mer- rily We Go to Hell' (Par), second loop run, and 'New Morals for Old' (M-G), split About $1,800 Indi- cated. - House, now showing first runs along with occasional second runs and helped by closing of Aster next door. Last week. 'Attorney for the .Defense' (Col) and '3tranger3 of the Evening' (Tiff). $li300. good. Very Nice of 'Em ! Berlin, July 23. Klangfllm has come to an agreement with exhibitors to sell the sound, equipnient In- stead of only leasing' as hereto- fore. PITT UP 100%; TIRSTYEAR' tesoo Pittsburgh, Aug. 1. Town running wild. this week, most of the chief spots doubling grosses on great selling' campaigns, f)OX bflAce names and draw pictures.. Only four first run houses running this' summer ha-ven't • been getting $30,000 among them~ all summer, but it 'looks like a $60,000 six-day period at least currently. And how the boy^, can stand, takings like that for a change is nobody's business. Biggest thing of the' week Is 'Bring 'Em Back! Alive', at Warner, with management leaving no stone unturned in order to push this one. Tie-ups included everything from newspapers, with plenty of. extra space in return for free show for newsboys, to radio and a great lob- by display in addition. In fact the .lobby display, which preceded the picture by a week, is given credit for attracting a couple of grand extra last week for 'Roar bf the Dragon,' unusual for a campaign on one film getting business for an- other. 'Bring 'Em Back' heading for swell $16,000. on first. week, with a holdover certain. 'Scarface' at Penn • also iiushing ahead to. extraordinary . trade, and loads of space given film when It was fighting to get past state board, of censors isn't hurting It any at all. Opening day equaled- Garbo's record-breaking figures in 'As You Desire Me' and with any kind of break should get around $18,000 anyway. Fulton, with 'Man Called Back,' also feeling Impetus of In- creased trade and will better $3,360. Eatimatea for This Weak Fulton (Shea-Hyde) (1,750; 10- 15-26), 'Man Called Back' (Tif), Selling this one as straight picture and not aa the front page stuff, with the Libby Holman angle inti-. mated, the way they're doing It In the east Cast names mean noth- ing, but should amble along to fair $3,300. Last week 'Monte Carlo Madness' (1st dlv), $3,000, Penn (Loew's-UA) (3,300; 25-30- 40), 'Scarface' (UA). Plenty of ex- tra space for this one, and no end of Interest through picture having beeii held up for several months by censors. Should gather a swell $18,000. Last week 'Make Me a Star* (Par) not so forte at $9,000. Stanley (WB) (3,600; 25-30- 40), 'The First Year* (Fox). Gay- nor and Farrell again, which still plays a merry b.o. tune arouixd BiJ. EXCITEMENT NSG FOR WASH.;'YR,'|16,000 ■ Washington, Aug. 1, Excitement -Incident to. chasing out the: bonus army of Thursday last rode over until the whole town became sightseers' the 'next day. Which meant that the opening day in every house went screwy and will naturally hav« Its effect on the final count-up. Gaynor-Farrell Combination Is leading the town In 'The First Year' at the Palace. 'White Zombie' started okay but has already eased off plenty. ' '^rown of Culver' started light but 'did. a jump Satur day and seemingly Is responding t6 the push put behind it to get a little dough out of It. Columbia, former gold mine for Loew, Is dying with westerns, Earle slid last week but is staging come- back currently with 'Love Is ' a Racket' with Little Jack Little on the stage . and building. Met is arousing some Interest -with 'World and the Flesh.' though Bancroft just did a brodie at the Palace \veek or tw;o preceedlng. . Estimates for This Week Columbia (Loew) (1,232; 25-36- 40)—'McKenna of the Mounted' (Col). Though mighty far from old figures on this hquse this particular picture seems to be. headed for about :i500 above ipecerit Intakes on.'^est-. erns, about $2,100". Last week 'Monte Carlo Madness*, got $3,600. Earia (Warner) (2,424; 26-36-60- 70)-^'Love le a Racket' (FN), and tilttle Jack Little on st&ge: Headed for' recovery after disappointment last week with Warren William and Bette Davis making personal apr pearaiicefi. Currently take should run to $18,000 against ■■ last week, when the anticipated $19,000 ended up at' $16,000 for 'Miss Pihkerton* (FN). . Fox. (Loew) (3,434; 26-35-60)— •White -Zombie* (UA), and stage unit. Started all okay against bonus riot slghtdeers but now Is fading out and If $18,000 Is jgarnered will be good. Last week the three starq.. George Sidney. Una Merkel and Anna May Wong plus 'Madame Racketeer' (Par) got the $22;600 an- ticipated. Met (Warner) (1,700; 26-36-:50-70) —'World and the Flesh* (Par). Not great deal, maybe $6,000. Last week 'Misleading Lady' (Par) got $7,600. Keith'a (R)KO) (1,830; 26-35-60)— 'Tom Browtt of Culver* (U)+ House after It from all angles plus a Mickey Mouse cartoon and plenty of show and should get $6,000. .Last week .'Roar of the Dragon*., (RKO) finished at $7,000. Palace (LoQw) (2,363; 35-B0-70)— 'First Year* (Fox). With high scale and Interest In Gaynor-Farrell team business very good; $16,000, Last week 'Washington Masquerade' (M-G) finished $14,000. lATSE Revokes^ Oiarter of No. IfiS, ocal RADIO ACT Jama 'Em Jn in Small, Unrafriger: . atad Theatre in Ky. 1. Cincinnati, Aug. Liberty theatre, Covington, Ky., opposite Cincy, added .WCKY •Fol- lies' to Its screen fare last t^eeH And Jammed |em every night for best week's busihesis this year. House, ■ which Is unchilled. .and station are headed by L. B. Wilson. 'ANEW CAR FOR $1, here. Opening was best since stage shows were dropped for straight pictures and will have easy time hitting $16,600 or better. Last week 'Lady and Gent* (Par) down to brutal $8,000. Warner (WB) (2,000; 26-30-40), 'Bring 'Ihn Back Alive* -(RKO). This one bringing business back alive here after a protracted siege of red. Great campaign started 10 days In advance gave animal pic- ture biggest opening here In years and film Itself expected to hold up to great $16,000, with no question of a h.o. Last week. 'Roar of the Dragon* (RKO) okay at $6,500, with lobby display for 'Bring *Em Back* credited with attracting customers to the Dlx picture; Dark Lyric Helps Ind. ; *War Cor'p'deiit' $8,500 German Films In Budapest Indianapolis, Aug. 1. With the closing of the Lyric, In- dianapolis' only vaude. house, tem- porarily for repairs (reopening scheduled for September) biz at the other downtown houses is becoming brisk. All helped along by in- creased advertising and exploita- tion. Fare thiis week straight picture iand all prices under taxable amounts. Gentry Bros, shows took out about $6,300 in three-day showing. Indiana received 60 local entries In the Paramount contest. Palace this week ts using a Co- lumbia pic tuVe,, the first at this house in months. . With the closing of the Lyric, an exploitation stunt of giving away a free auto each week has bieen stopped. The .Lyric and the Apollo, both owned by the Fourth Ave. Co. of Louisville, Ky., combined in the stunt which had been running for two 3!;ears. '. Estimates for This Week Apollo (Fourth Ave.), (1,100; 26- 36), 'First Year'. (Fox). Expected to igfo'about usual figures; may fln- Americans Survey Shows Budapest, July 23. At the season's close it is ap- parent that Germain.films dominated the Hungarian inarket. It is not merely the language that makes them more easily accessible to the public, but also tbe viewpoint Not one of the Gerrhan pictures was Ish around $4,200 because of the Farrell-(jraynQr pull. Last week the announced 'world premier' of 'Tom Brown of Culver' ; (U) did $4,500, due particularly to the locale being laid in this city and at Culver Mili- tary Academy, at Culver, Ind. Circle (Skouras>-Publlx) (2,600; 25-36), 'Madame Racketeer' (Par). Near $5,000. At 'last minute this supplanted 'Roar of the Dragon' (RKO). Last week 'Westward Pas- sage' (RKO) a nice $4,800. Indiana. (Skouras-Publlx) (3,300; 25-35), 'War Correspondent' (Col). Around $8,500, fair. Last week 'Miss Plnkerton* (FN) and first eliminations in the Paramount screen star contest $9,000. Loew's Palace (Loew) (2,600; 26- 35); 'Blonde Captive' (Col). Okay $6,500 in view. Last week 'Sky- .scraper .Spuls; (M-G), about $4,500, n. s. s. an outstanding success, but exhibs felt safer In buying them than in dealing with American product This w(is the first Reason when local production weljghed in the bjalance, too. ^ . 'Hyppolit' had one of the longest runs both In the deluxers and in the. neighborhood houses. Locally produced pictures, so far, ar^ more along German than along American lines. Here Is' a list pf American films shovirn in Budapest this year, giving the number of days of their first runs In ^e deluxe houses: Paramount 'Feet First,' 3 theatres; 2 weekd. Itango,' 1 theatre, 8 weeks. 'Taboo,* 3 theiatres, 10 days. 'Smiling Lieut.,' 1 theatre, 3 weeks. 'Dishonored,* 2 theatres, 2 weeks. •Amer. Tragedy,* 8 theatres, 10 days. , . 'Shanghai Exp,' 1 theatre, 34 days. '24 Hours,' 1 theatre, 1 week. 'Hour with You.' 3 theatres, 2 weeks. - . Chevalier pictures have fallen off (Continued on page 64) Seattle, Aug. 1. Fifth' Avenue seems, set for an- other oke week. Montd' Blue In per- son vheads the stage fare of Fan- chon-Marco, and this on' top of Perry ABka.m in 'Desert Song* last week, makes; It two In a row. FWC evidently believes In jarring loose the' shekels by ' giving the folks, something- to. see and hear. Aside from the stage show/ the pic at the Fifth Is. a real pull, with Gaynor and. Farrell In .'The First Year.* : \ . * Orpheum finished two weeks with 'Bring *Em Back Alive*, to" satisfac- tory Intake, the sedohd week' sur- prising, and also'lielped by'good vaude fare. This wee^ 'Roar of Dragon* has Dix to help the b. o. Liberty Is surprising even Itself with. the pull It gets from a new car gag that seems set for every three weeks. New cars are not sell- ing so hot at the reg prices, so Jen- sen-von Herberg's. general man^gen LeRoy Johnson; has floured It but to sell a new Ford' V-8 car for. just $!. At that price they gO, and mOre than that, they bring great lines to all the J-'VH houses, the. Llbfirty. and the two (suburbans, .• Venetian, and Bagdad. . , There ' Is . no advertising Ih ~the papers about-it, but there Is" plenty on the ^dcfeenr.'and around the the- atre, as weir«as :liauUng the $1 car arouhd the stress on a truck. The gag Is .simply that all who buy tick- ets at the .reg price at any of the three houses are eligible to buy the car at $1. The One whose number Is drawn gets the; harg;aln.\ Eatimatea for This Weak Fifth Ava. (FWC) (2.300; 26-65> 'The First Year' (Fox) and Mpnie Blue on stage. (Gaynor and Far- rell look rosy for b, good $12,000. Last yreek . 'Milllor Dollar Li<egs' (Par), but Harry Askam.In 'Desert Song' at the same. prices, was the real magnet, for a dandy $18,000. 'Legs* was just the right lengrth and. fitted in. oke with this sort of stage fare. Orpheum (RKO) (2,C00; 26-60)— Roar of the Dragon' (RKO) and James Hall. In ..person at stage. Building to fairly gbod $6,500. .Vaude show liked a lot. Last week, second of 'Bring 'Em Back Alive' (RKO) with oke vaude, set up a satisfac- tory figure at $6,000. Fox (FWC) (2,100; 25-56)—'Lady and Gent' (Par) and okay, stage band presentation. Bancroft being sold on this one; fair $4,000. Last week 'Make Me ai^tar* (Par) didn't mean a thing, so locally they called it 'Mertori of the Movies,* but that didn't seem to help any either; ^low at $3,200. Liberty (Jensen-von' Herberg) (2,000; 10-16-25)—'Hound of the Baskervilles* (BIP). Gpod $4,300. Last week 'Bachelor's FOlly* (BIP) went for a tremendous $5,800, but selling autorhobile for $1 was larger ly responsible for this big take. Muaie Box (Hamrlck) (900; 25- 35)—'Zane Gray Himself In South Sea Adventures' (PP); Getting top billing, with added attraction, 'Many a Slip' (U). Looks to bit $2,800, good. Last week 'Purchase Price' (WB), mild $2,600. Blue Mouse (Hamrlck). Dark. Last week 'Road to Happiness' (Col) did a very poor $1,500. Coliseum (FWC) (1,800; 25-36)— 'Letty Lynton* (M-G). Excellent $3,000. Tbls house is leading in th« FWC managers percentage increase contest. last week, 'Forgotten Commandments* (Par) slow at $2,000. May Be Lucky 7th Hollywood, Aug. 1. Nina Wilcox Putnam now work- ing on 'Wheat' for Metro. She Is the seventh writer to have been given the Job of extracting the. grain from the chaff. Clnc<nnatl, Aug. 1. i Charter" of Moving Picture Ma* chine Operators'. Local No. 166 haj< been revoked by the lATSE. Offl-. cers", and''executive comniltteemeii ^lavo; been;' dropiied from member- ship.; In the International body and a new local, n'nmbered 327, has been formed for "union projectionists in dlreater Cincinnati. ReOrgahlzatipii' resulted from a reported shortage; In the local's finances,: , I,William Elliott of this city, and recently elected president of the lATSB, and Clyde Weston, repre* sentatlye 'of ■ the- parent union body,, have been here, the .past couple ot weeks to istralghten .out. the tangle^. Their lnysi9tl£atlpn was. delayed by, torn pages and other missing rec^* ords 9f No.' iet?,' 'b£ 'wblch Harry- Schwartz was. president and- 'Will Hahn.w.aa business'agent. Schwartz,. Hahn and-^he nine exe.cutive cam^ nilttcemen were let .Out Year of Bannering -, .... With the reorganization canie a: sudden halt to the bannering of I'S neighborhood theatres in Clncinnatf. and .suburbs under way sinte last. September. The- 65 exhibitors, brgahlzcd ad' thei Allied Theatre Owners* Asso- ciation, cut relations with 166 af-> ter refusing to^ meet the latter'a} demands for the hiring of two ope-v rators In a booth at a weekly sal-} a|ry of $80 each.. Allied exhibs then' promoted, the 'Union Operators." of' American, under direction of R. A^^ Rheinhardt, and schooled new pro- jectionists who were employed singly* at a lower rate than demanded by; the Schwartz outfit. . Since the formation last week of No. 327, of which Jack Ha,wthome Is president, and Arthur Firlck the'' business' agent, dally .conferences have-ljeen.rheld' by i its 'representa- iives and Allie'd' Theatre. It is Hke-> ly that an early agreement will be^ .reached whereby th^ eiChlbitors wilt eniploy membera . of- the. new local oh.th6 basis of onQ!oi>erator to tlie bppth.-at '$65 per^yeek. Fred Strlef 1ft; executive sfi.crptary for the ex-< ■ .. , ; The', offlclaliy- reported cause fof revoking the''<cH.4rter of No. 166 wad given aiS falliire upon the part of its. offlcers ' to negotiate with the Allied Theatre Owners* ABsoclatlon.- It Is believed to be the first case' where such action has been taken' by the lATSE. 0eyen 'of the 66 exhibitors Jn th«l asBociatlon are located In northern'. Kentucky and have been at outd with the union operators since Sep-' tiember of 1929. B'HAM'S MUSH FAVS IN TIRST YEAR,'$10,000 — : I Birmingham, Aug. 1. The Birmingham mush twins are' doing the business here this week. They are Gaynor and Farrell, who hold the record of doing the most business In this town and while no records will be set this week busl-: ness is good. 'Grand Hotel' was held over an additional two days at the Empire with the road show getting a nice out. Estimates for This Week Alabama (Publlx) (2,800; .25-36- 65)—'First Year* (Fox).- Good for $10,000. Last -week 'Million Dollar Legs* (Par) was too silly to do any- thing, $7,000. Ritz (RKO) (1,600 ; 25-40)—'Cul- ver* XTJ) and 'Strangers of Eve- ning* on split week to catch up with bookings, $3,500. Last week 'Is My Face Red* (RKO) and 'By Whose Hand' (Col) on split $3,300. Empire (BTAC) (l.lOO; 25-40)-* 'Man from Yeiaterday* (Par). Second best bet, $4,000. Last week 'Grand Hotel' (M-G). Bpoked for four days held over for six and good business. Got around $13,000. Strand (BTAC) (800; 20-30)-' 'Night Court* (M-G); Nothing to write home about $1,500. Last week) 'Ferguson Case' (FN) fair at $1,600. ' GalaK (BTAC) (600; 15-25)—'Air most Married' (Fox). Fair to mid- dling, $900. Last week 'Forgotten Commandments' (Par) rehashed from old prints of 'Ten Command- ments' proved to be biggest lemon of year, $700. 1. I.'s LADY MGB. Jamaica, L. I., Aug. 1. Queens has its first -woman the- atre manager in Teresa Marie Ge- racl, who' Is in charge of the Carl- ^•toh theatre, Jamaica.