Variety (Aug 1932)

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t^AVnT^'B" rONDON OFHCE. 8 St. Bbrtfa's VL, wmacH fMVW NEWS •TABraXT'S" PABI8 RUPBKSENTATIVK, 85 Bm Nolle! J* Cable Addnwa: VAB1NEW8, PABI9,. Marcadet 7»'94 ^;. " ■ '■" . Torpnto, Aue-'li:^. ■ Despite .'ithe 'Glve-TJs-Proflt-Pic- tures', 'wall of. Independent theatre ^oWhefs throughout Ontario, Jlned.'up * In opposition , to atiy . leglalation iterla 'Bi;ltl3hrfllm : Qudte,'^ ,bmclais\; of the' ;p]^oyJpse' !are:JL«ifet^liie.d to ,encour7 ^ftge ^Srlti.s^,/]^ctyi^S; an^ -w^Ul so • set wh'eiii ".this /subJect^ at ).thc ^m!per1al''Ec.onibmfp^^ , t;GeotUQ'S.:'°Aiii^Y/^^^ minister' ot;.d0^tarlo, adjmltted that the par- ticijiilr, thought on which he had ^V^^lo-llzed' In recent discussion? i^dr.^icommunlcatlons with R. B. ,^eiCtietti Dominion premier, and wp^iwhlch Ontario would lay great ■■wp4)3«fe In. •- fotthq(omjinE^^v^conference Itfelrib^ratloni^'; '^vrao'^ M^Sl^^ncouirager mepti of th'(9\\i$e.;(>i^^',3§r|ltl8H picture :^ij^MUBhout!|the'|'P^^lhlpn^^ , '• ■ ' vtrjdon't'-knowi of dhy fereatdr edu- catj|»pal force at the present time (thatV;]' the Alms,' said Hon. Mr. D^enry. 'They are one of the things \rhich are dominated In ouri .counT tjry by Amierlcaiividieals ^nd/ possi- bly/ihe: standards the jr set aro not ..•tirhAt w^ ejxpect -aii^ to 'which"' we* aire entitled . hftre. - . T v" feisl ,v'^ry .strongly on this point. I think I aixi safe in saying that Mr. Bennett teeU likewise. We are out to get more British fllma over here., I thlnlc we shall be able to do it.' Quota Xegial.ation . At the,.present, time: Ghtarlf> pos- "aesafes legislation ■•f6i"''edtabllshllngr "a litrltish film quota. Such Invocation .haia . never been enforced, however, thrpugli fear that its introduction inig^t bring<infeclor,:iprltlsh fiIn)Si,to ti^ndjla. i.ThiBj/aa.ik^^\^&iiB6x. ,'iiaB pf^ti/ pointed ^o'lit by irideperiiSeilit .e^bilbltor bodies. ""j>t^;aph weight has been brought Itol^Kear upon the government by -triptlc fraternities and the subject ;IiaA'falready been under, discussion .-t^-^ree previous Imperial Confer ■ j. i (Continued on p.ctge'44) rowlandxee walks on sWanson; Joins kokda ' -V tondoh, Aug. 1. •■ Rowland Lee, the Hollywood "dl rfector, walked. Qut[ of Gloria Swaii son's , English unit, which was to ■'m'^e 'Perfect Understandiifg,'-be- cause of the rt^chtilcal {Intervention^ of Von-techhlcal minds. t 'Ne w director is being negotiated anj'wlU sail .from;tli^"Blal^|lmrpef 4la.iejy the deal- is bet. i M^Elnwhlle, Liee has Joined Lori- • 'dpfi 'Tllm ..Productions,. Alexander .JKprda's unit; ifor" three flims.' This .tonipkny plans getting away here in .*is-.^slyle. Oyer to .Handle. Cniplre. fop Loewr^ ■Raymond to.. S. .Africa lioew Is. sending' 'Harry ' druU to Jjoriddn.V "tb; asstfoie management ,there>.o.t the circuit'^. Empire the- atre.'. -He .' sails Friday (5),'on ' the. Eiii:opa.:::\"-^^-;v;..>'^;- . The 'Emipfre " is'. presently In the hands of Charles Raymond, who on OruU'er arrival in London will trans- feij tp|;Se'pth Africa to take charge of'Loew' oiperatlon in that territory. Crull spent 15 years with the Keith organization and was at the Fox, WasKliiston^^folr twb years, . . liesser Ta^ Is Keynoite To Berlin's Off Show Biz . : Berlin, July 23: : 'T.he tax revenu^sl of ■.the .BerHt municipality frjpm',;; entertainment; ta< on cinemas,'; mi^iic'. lhalls, • tiriei ^tres, etc., has considerably d'e? crealsed in the course of the'last month. Only $125,000 received as compared to , ■ $150,0.00 the corre- sponding month, last year. The' decline characterize the dlf flcult situation of exhibitors here.. 'Paradise' for World I Auten & Wild ' have taken the foreign rights to 'Isle of Paradise, -Ballnese travelogue. ' Picture was shown at a special New "Tork one day performance at the ■Vanderbllt and negotiations are no.^ oh for national distribution in the U. S. ESTHiai BALSTON^S BBIT; 3 London, Aug. 1. Esther Ralston, the' American blonde who did' a, long string of si lents' for Paramount, has signed for three more pictures with Gaumont Britislv • ' r,.She Tra,3 already made an initial .talker here) and interrupts hec vaudeville tour of the English /■'ticks'to start on the second. CRULL TO LONDON ,V-' NO CANAIHAN British film Toronto, Aug. 1. producers 'will not Teeth Taken Out of Final Draft of New French Quota Law-"7 Docs Not ... Limit Foreign kimports in Any Manlier . r-~ Dubbing ! iEIement , Is' Not: Bother- , SQme|aiid< Clbieflyi A£Fects " Metro -4 All Qthers Do Th^ir' Dul^bi^^^^ in' France Re«a|-di^*;.)^^ . REt^ftO^GTiyp TO;JUtV 1 seek.k|(].u<!>ta;.,JUl, that they will ask' at the inter-lJmpll .2 Economic Con- ference is that British pictuves shall not, as a result of agreements, financial associations, apd ^he direct or • ihdirect' coritrbl "bf' theatres., 6r" Qirc'ilits', be placed'"in a position' of dlaaclvaiitage as compared with foreign fllms^ on Empire screens. such is the; first concrete, outline of wKat the British, producer wants as gleaned in an interview with M. Neville Kearney of the Federation of British : Industries. .. Representa- tives of iBi-itlsh liUni: icbnipanles are here i>ut Kearney will be the sole spokesman for the British film ihr dustry. ,He ,left ■ here for .Ottawa last week." ' Although Canadian distributors hav«..wage4 a clamor<>U3 '.cattle with goVerhtricInt heiids'during ' the past three weeks in protest .against ex- pected British cLuota legislation, the British film groiip rcveiiled' that ■ (Continued on page 44) ; j'K- ,•'..•■/ ;;■■ ,:''i^;iParti»,, Atigr^l. ''- UJ; S<i;p.ic{Mr«'firm con- siderably V^Vj^ryf la th«,' final di'aft of ^hjb'. 0<bW t^rench ' quota law. as offie^lTy ..- proclaimetl hare- .Friday (29)i' The law, which is retroactive to JE^iy; 1, do^s not,. .$is w^s feared,«. piimber'' .of foreign iinpoHts in any'J manner,.-.c^ belnig ; figu^.s foh' edniing^hts Or lieebMs giyen./ Law U differant from the previojiiB one in only >tWo ways, most impoKant being tho barring of dubbed films made outside* of Francs. Antl^dubblng bugaboo, which was feared by Americans for some time, is now considered not a serious con tention. It affects only one U; S. company, MetrOr all other American Arms: being BatisiSed to do their duti; bing. dyer here," .Most U.. S.' ' com' pahies, as a matter of - fact, have ;.: (Continued on page 4'4),' NEW MM Fox. Rep. to Ep^jpt TaYalcalle' BriL Cad Hollywood, Aug. 1. George Haddon, dialog director with Frank Lloyd on 'Cavalcade,' for Fox, is. on his 'wa;y Jto New T^ork wHete he'sails'Aailg. 6 for London, to obtain types and characters for the cast of the picture going into prbductibn Sgpt., 12. ' ' • Qilv^'.iBrdpk -and Herbert. Mundin ari; - tbe: pnly,\\ li?^'0 actors liovc ^in Hollywood ■ . cast . .Ipr the Balance of' the cast,' '.Including . the children required, will be Recruited in London, and " brought over im- mediately. . . " . . . Understood^ the mission also is a a good will * one to get the co- operation of • the British government and press in the'exploltatibri'p'f the picture, prior to and after Its re- lease. May Anny Ahlers, Evelyn Laye Reeniact Parts in Pix London, July 23. Aijny . Ahiera negotiating with British International .to star in talker version of "The Dubarry,'' the stage hit in which, she is star- ring at His Majesty's theatre. Miss Ahlers, a Hungarian girl, will' lead in the film. Picture will be partly B. T.. and partly Richard Eichburg's, the later to produce it. Evelyn Laye, in the same way, la dickering for talkers, insisting first on a Continental holiday after "Helen." Proddctlbri of about 30 short sub- jects arid ; a dozen featuris lenigth films in. Spanish id being plajqned for ArgoSr newly, formed Argentine company, Gompahy was' . foiled with a capital of $l,ObO,Od'b ari^i l^'as already starte4 work on i.'ii^evieral shortSr -. ' '»' 'Si 'A. Kbaarin, technicail director of the .or$ariization< is In-Mew .'t'prk to negPtl$it'e with RCA fkiiid a,'t<;bn- stnidtipt^' coiniMiny., r He 4l^o'i-\e.x€!oto,t,an^^ nical. [sl^aft'i .' ■,' v.' .i \ 'i'-. m. Ai^g^Qtlne, governtnent h y>a'ck :oC the project and ihajj; a^eed tb a ' : (CbiltiriHed oni page 44) Market; Mexico May FMe^ Aug. 20 for^e (ause Alex Esway to Paris for korda^$ Co;; 3 French Pics London,-july 13. Alexander Esway, ijroducei*. • and scrlpit writer^ once Of TJfa .a'nd .more recently of Galnaborpugh and ^rjlttf" Ish Internatloi^'g.!, -(iuit;. EbnclPtt fijr ilairls' to handle. .optenchi'.jJJ^dduCtlftni for - Alexander' Kbrda;; iwijose ,:. fliih' company, L'ondbi^ .J'ilnj PfodJUptibijs, is 'opening a Parl.a^^ubsjdl^ni: 'un^<^t tine title" AleXayid^frvKbrdi''P^ tlbns,. ■":... ■ ;^'/'• ■ ■ j'^^;,- ; -Esway .< ^111 • make; thrfee.- patlvp. talkers In- France b^for^ returhi'ng' tb.Londbn/ ' " . . • . '. m IN ENG. London, AUg: L . . Fox has formed, a company herb to produce In,-Engla:hd> . Local Fpz bfhclals say iidb^ Is to make only one picture as. a4 experiment an'd extend the activities if supcessfuU.. Stockholm, July 23. An acute lack of. product has hit the local. market ■■. ahdr practically crippled film biz lit this s^tion or the world,' Largely .the blame lies in the, recently .l&ppifei^^^^ Which.ra'ised duties 'pii fprelgn films ,atobut:i,5PQ?i.--.-^ y .'-•Aii-''' ';,■ ^.Very few Aihertcanvflltrts -are seep- ing. thrpugh> and. these ate -not too ; >y^eli 'selected frPm'rthi .^fitahdpoiht b!f.';taBfte:^'GfirM^ do- jirtg. a bit .ibetier thftiv>,prevlpusly be- cause of: lbca:l,/rti^up^\"bat also are jiot hear' wI^at::iff'iK)sBlble.] /!Svenskfllin;f t&e .drtly '' Important local ' picturb' ;'c6mpaty,:.- la npt equipped to turn' out'more than a dozen , or- two; iilmtf, . which , doesn't come niear'- acratcbinjir the.' surface. Due to a reCerit 'ileup with Ufa it. Is expected that Svenskfilm may buck up. The tieup is of a reciprocal na- ture, calling for Svensk pictures to be given a break in Germany and Ufa films in Sweden. Figured that It will help the local pict\lre com- t»any in more ways than one, most important being th^ European pres- tige to be gained, out of being a •partner* of Germany's ace company. . .About 40% of- the theatres, in ,'S.w:eden arci, d^k and .inore facing, the possibility dt cibslng. ' . Fox .executives , in[\ Neyr' :-Ttovk khow 'nPt^lrig_ of the' LondP|i.yi|fo.-- ductibn • pla'ns,'. fxplainlrig,.' hbwev^^ th4t. bPtli Clayton- iSheehapr . Fdx'; foreign headj, -and Sfdhey iu J^S^ent,' Fox prealdeht; are purrently ^ LotiV dpn and .could tbrm the companj; without cbrisulting or irifbrml^g^ New'S^ork.'-' ■ v . \ '« }■ Fox up to, the present has. bpep ordering Its British' quot^; ^lAa 6h the open market in London, \ ; , ' ^ .. Several .weeks agro Fqxi antenged for the production <$f.'abmer'.FreiicH talkers in iParla yia 'a new iridlb Conipany. Two 'plijtures .are to. be made by a Company to be formed by Andre' Ullnlan, previously of Paramount, with Fox paying about tworthitds'of the negative cost. ' LPndon proposition la. likely, on \fL. similar basis,, if t>'nly for., one,' plc-^ tnre, as claimed in. England,' slrice, -lf4Fox--goes-to-'tiie-trouble_6LS«4^^^^ Ally. go'Ing Into produ'ctiPn '^brbad dnd picture .cannot possibly .tetiirn enough revenue to make a venture Worth while. WB IVbdi HI jGennany Not Denied by Sam Morris . Berlin, July 23. Sain E. Morris, foreign chief of "VV^rners, is due back from London to settle the final arrangements for possible "Warner production in Ger- many. . Warner production In Germany la no longer . denied by the "Warner executives, as a possibility. Joe n$her Dne Joe Fisher, th« Singapore and Far East theatre man; la expecting to return to New York in the fall. He was here, last winter buying films. . . • ■ Dinipulty in setting a definite date due'^to ^ the fact It take'a a letter 40 days to reach Fisher froin New -Tork. ' '." . Buenos Aires, July ^0. Film ' altuatioh liere becoming much clearer with firiw rejection by tlie government of the proposed 10% gross on admissions. Instead, a tax will be levied on admissions at athletic games, principally foot- ball, which, draws huge crowds, while another tax accepted which will replace the one proposed on films Is on betting at the Palermo racetrack. Next move here Is in regard to exchange control, still acute but re- ga,rdlng which those in position to state aver that within a few weeks film concerns will be allowed a cer- tain amount of dollars and gpid standard currency. Data supplied to. Exchange Control Committee shPwai that all film, firms here re- quire per annum around-$4,000,000 U. S., which'works out at $1,500,000 Arg. per nidnth, and is In reality less, than half'Of 1% of exchange r^flulreihbnts. This amount will (Cdntlriu©d bh page 44) ' Mexico City, Aug. 1. The prospect of Mexico becoming virtually a'- film-lbss land; which loomed last, 'su^mei^ ~ when a law Bopatinig ;^,0QO^ lniport>levies on all ridn-Span'fshV.t^^l^e'r' films and discs nras pa^sbdv 4a'ipbtnlrtg; again with, the^ establishiWeht bf ti;duty :of some $^ each pn\ (^laipg and'musical discs. Ns\^ in:tp09t^ '^effective '4ugv 1^ also '^:^es\ iinpprt 'assessment of: around \ . (Continued en ,pa^b . 44) Fiij(ii(oiii^c(».M Berliti, July 23. A new German-Dutch' film pro- duction company has bebn founded In Amsterdiani under the name of Internationale EldbphPh -Ny'. Y. with ai' c{^pit&l ■ stock: of 'about j(450,000. The parents JhitcK 'coiropany will Make • bver"'ln.: ithe .Itn'po'rtant Euro- pfeaii "cWlfl.trlc'ar.-soundfllni—work—in- the' way of i<rpdii<iti6rii'' release, etc, . The German daughter company, the, Deutsche Eidophon 6. m. b. H., 'with' a capital stdak of. |l60,600, will be -managed by 'Dr., Rudolf ;Belssel, Wilhelm Huebh(6)p ' and; Joseph Meyer. •''■'-■ ''"^-■ • - '. Internatlqn&Ie Eidqpfabii'haB signed llcense'^ and . Tif:oi?kih|ff,;: i^greements with Tobis and -Klansff^lnii 'Iii(;ludlng patent rights 'of . Dr,:, jtbennemann, .whose wellrknd^^n. riasearcb work was th^ jAnar reason for. th<^ setting up. of t^e-iibw-concern. ; i - ' . ,^-.Qb^^ian7p^bductlpn of the new company .is/to-.take, place' at the iytarierifelde 'Tbrfa Studios, which ■will be bqulpped . with, two seta of Tobls-Klan^flliu appaifatusses. Five featureis will be' produced by the German coippany, the firftt picture already in work for September re- lease. . - , 3-Piy Serial Of ^ugo's 'Miiserabies*. in French I . Paris, Aug. 2. Victor Hugo'a 'Mlserables' Kill t>e made Into a three episode tal'ker serial. Adaptation by Andre liarig will be directed by Raymond Berr nard who made "^CrolX de Bols' for Natart. Idea is to reiea,3e simultaneously the three episodes In thrcb different houses so patrons can take In the three shows In the same week in- stead of the usual delay. Reason for cutting .story into three pieces Is that ..It has thua been compressed to the limits