Variety (Aug 1932)

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20 VAREETY SC D V E H T I S E N E N H Tuesday, August 2, KEEPING UP WITH F. & M. )Vhat Stars and Grads of the Circuit Are Doing and Where and Why Exhibit Oil of Rerl, star F&M "Tahiti" Idea, yriW go on exhibition at fa- mous Ferajrll Galleries, New Toirk, In September. Done by Joseph Hennlnger, youngr Indianapolis por- trait •painter who waa doorman at New York Strand only Ave years ago, won art echoiturship in Paris and Is now town talk In Manhattan. Told Mildred LiUber, Rerl manager, h«^d been waiting three years to paint Rerl, j Cheerup Touessay has had masters of ceremony and mistresses of cere- ' mony, but never an "optlmlstress," which Is the cheering role of F&M's Sylvia Clark, star of "Birthday Par- ty" Idea, Country needs Sylvia more than a good five-cent cigar. Has Frank and Warren Laslter, Morgan and Stone, Bobby Kuhn and Sylvia Sharp In the "Party." Broxpraise Cincinnati Times-Star says that even as late Zlegfeld glorified the American (;\t\, "the Broz Slaters have glorified the American song." Comment made during engagement F&M's "Town and Country" Idea at the Albee, Brox Sisters headlined this unit, which received critical praise from every Clncy newspaper. Cincy last key city to capitulate to F&M Ideas. Giasscrash Fddle Feabody's reception Great Falls, Montana, so tremendous that in addition regular show review Great Falls Tribune does special atory headed: "Electric City Gives Peabody Big Receptloii." Regional Manager Bill Steege (for Fox Rain- bow Theatre) quoted by paper as saying: "This was the biggest crowd that ever attended any show- ing in any theatre here. Broke all the glass in our display frames." Winner Bridgeport (Conn.) Herald's Ra- dio Personality Girl, as selected by radio ed Bud Kingston and com- mittee. Is Sdlth JosephSQn. Mlsb Josephson is Thursday evening fea- ture over "WICC. Interviewed by Bud Kingston she revealed her first Interest in public singing brought; about through frolic contest: staged by Fanchon and Marco. Otter from WICC resulted. Edith has been there for over a year. Recollections Johnny Burke and Nina Olivette, "Buddies" Idea, are bringing Coast fans recollections of the Mack Ben- nett comedy lot (Johnny) and tour-" ing musical comedy (Nina). These > stars from movies and musicals head exceptionally strong Idea, ac- cording to Coast newspaper critics, and have swell supporting troupe In Les Everson, Jack Irwin, John Mc- Avoy and the Dancing Doughboy's;' Trixie James Aswell, Central Press ace, features F&M's Trixie Friganza. ln his nationally syndicated kolyum. Story mentions, famous movie names who have anccumbed to stage lure instancing Gilda Gray. Riacquel Torres, Alice White, Paul Muni, Conchlta Montenegro and Betty Compsoh. Four of the six, we would advise Jimmy, succumbed via Fanchon tind Marco contracts. Parade Fanchon . and Marco Sunklsts have their own "Beauty Parade" sponsored by Las Angeles Examiner In behalf' of Jig Saw Presidential Game. Fifty shiny ner automo- biles attended beauties, with much moosic by five bands. In Madison, Wis., 'nother group of Sunklsts de-, fled heat and wore fur coats to boost RKO Orpheum's "Fur Fashion' Show." Boloney Herbert Jennings, city manager Iioew Memphis theatres, diecoverE F&M's Prank Gaby has cousin In Memphis so gives him party a£ . "home town boy." Must like Jen- nings In Memphis to get away with that.. Bert Ross,. In The Performer, London, denies listing F&M's Barto and Mann as Brlilsh-bom act but just as American act very' popular In the tight little Isloi IVhoopee'F&M hce Setter for Hie New Season I<oa Angeles, July 26. After months of negotiations, F«>dMa * Marco cIoMd with the «IIVM*1 Mttwni ol Ziegfeld's <Who6pe^* maA bttv^ started re- h»Kcmi^ No namo principals cast so fsr. Only Uilnff *aeanlta is the Ziegfeld niuno will ho nsed heavll^ on exploitation.. This mm Jriorena Ziegfeld's last deal, doslns It with Martin Beck In New Tork. Bock turned over the right to FJklf to produce. Con- 'slderaUon was $20,000. At tho samo time, F&M closed f«r national rights to "Follow Thru,' which they win also put In re- hearsal Immediately. Wltli Desert Bong* already on tour; and Mary Eaton under eon* tract for. a; musical unit, F&M have their fan production schedule well under way. Produoers havo also engaged 'Snub' Pollard and Walter Hiers for featured parts with Ben Turpln In tho Teddy Joyce unit, noW In prep aratlon. ' Mme. Schumann-Helnk's one- week engagement has been extended for appearances to Oakland, Sacra- mento, Seattle-Portland.' and. Jjo* Angeles, a total of five. Variety, July 26 We are sighing new We're ill set to take you on - "stand." bigger tiames. - as an act or a When the weather turns copier and business gete "hotter" what will you be doing—-hustl- ing for time at the last minute or comfortably working with the busiest organization in show biz? MNCHOH'MARCO INC. Offices HOLLYWOOD t SAN FRANCISCO • SEATTLE • MILWAUKEE • NEW YORK