Variety (Aug 1932)

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Tueftiay. August , 19?^ > P I CTURES VARIETY 2%. jn days when bu^feSfi^^'S^S^good? ^n', niter Pa 4nV;rit&'Jf.^c^-^ iwhat then? Ai'&^i^k.tibfoin' to sit down an' talk ^D^ 'plctare over an* decide It was BO;fl.tfQ;)>iat daughterly iwearln' her one srf?^^^ new sum- pier^ dress that Iftd^prowled ai'oui;>d an' got at the Bec^idwfty baaenJent. sale; art' son, sfftl in his suihtner' placks so sister could havie the'^hew aress, should go down an' spenjl,£jn-;^ other dollar of the faintly nroney an' see it ? An' If they do, what-is" brother an' sister a gpin' to ?^1K- (tbout on tho way home? , . ■• Juist now there's a mighty clever jroung man In Hollywood, an' he's a goln' to make a couple 'a pictures, an' if George Cohan will stick tp^hia old stage rule an' leave 'em laughln', in the picture, the American public- will get up oh Its hind feet an', give three cheers that Mr. Coharii|was born on tho Fourth of July an' jiijiiRe that his children -win. all look'iike: ;Washlngton, an' talk'iilke Jeffersoh "an' Linccln. ' fe.' In recent years th'e'';pubUc has been gorged by tinsel extravagance an' talse values.. TGdaly,J'j£&ere's a distinct reaction In favor^i>li:• aub- stantlal an' wholesom^.v;'enii|irtktn; meht. Over In the pu'fiHo,. library; here In.- Los Angele^ "^;the." ■ g.ltl that' hands ' sa^s the publlc-^youpff ^ari'' old-^ltf teadin,. jftOre ' .ahv '.better T)o6ks-f books thit t'rlnp: . a hop^ of self advancemont... Do tfie picture mak- ers knoW'thI^ 'S,n' .co^ It. in ^6'^^ lectin' stories? A lot of 'jsm would profit by droppin' Into oiie! Q£;tiie, public libraries an' talkln'- wltti thej attendants. If it would jhiefp.. 'em - any—an'. It • Tjrpbably • wouldt-T;i>1cah.- supply - 'em; - with'' the library ad^' dresses.. .;'v,.f.- i. -. , - .'Timihci A Cut But the - gents " '6t • tho Industry iain't altogether asleei^-they're .wide awake when It comes to ciittli^ sal- aries. I don't know how it was man-' aged or wlio did It—but it was gbbdi . The da^ ia' i^a .A an» hounced \the:' big slice lii thi' pay check—^ho. fl-lso got piit on a five- day-weeit;'tin*.; had . his salary cut $15,000,. .Nobody; but the President of the iUii^ted • States,-, the boys i'in Mr. Hb^ver'^-oe«^sondi Qji^^^ ' geiiits In Congress an' nine White. IIIo^Bd : door slammers?? ':".Cv'V When the pay-cut announcenientl ■was handod,.o!Ut, quite a few of boys an'?.;|tlrtaj; i'-lifCected. thereby" 't6 the tuniD'piJl" few, tlipu^^ rushed '.yfljdl^^", .intoiin..' ezecut;lv9^Ei office,:•rv\rp".ain'i; a%g6ln'. to' stand'^ for It; .we ain't,'* saya th'ey. ' "I wouldn't take it so hard. If 1 .were you,' sootW'thd: big!man at; the mahognay desk an', who takes quite an Interest in politics. ."He won't mind It—^It Was at his own suggestion, an' remember, he's been- e wonderful president an' his nom- ination, which means election, as- sures a return to prosperity an'" Mr. Hoover Is a settlii 'a fine example • to the rest of "us an'—" 'Are you talkln'. about the out in our salary of 35% or Mr. Hooyer's 15% slice?' interrupts the protestlh- crowd. "We ain't never fed the Btarvln' rrelgalns or located oil wells In China an' we ain't workln' In the foreign versions of the pictures, Jve're just—' "But gentlemen," breaks.In the 'studio boss; "I'm surprised—;havd you the heart to come in here an' complain when; so Exalted a per- sonage as our revered president, the Vice president an' members of the cabinet accept a ,cut without a mur- mur, while you-r-pictures stars an felayers an directors—suggest that— Xvhy gentlemen, really, I'm shocked.' >-an'—" By that time the room was empty. Talent and % I .ia-in't been able, 'up to now, to lind out whether this particalar stu- .dlo, ordered Mr; Hopyer's salary cut; or it all Just happened to'happeni on the same day.' But; whoever fixed It was good. You gotta hand it .to Whoever It was. But the rest of the. studio wasn't In on the play an' inuffled a fine chance for another .Salary cut without argument Speakln' of salary cuts—the star Is worth, so they've always said, his actual boxofilce value along with due compensation for whatever he's ■lable to offer to the screen that the rest of 'em haven't got. That Jifpuld seem fair enough, but I never heard o^ anyone gettin' It. What's the matter with payln' the star fair percentage of the gross- not the net— of his picture? Of course, this plan Is based on the Idea that there's but one set of books to be kept. If a star can't draw his proportionate share, apply the old ranch rule—^we fe6d 'em well an' jpay 'em little. Today, I know of stars with the old, holdover, silent contracts get- tin' the big money, while their pic- tures—talkln'—ain't ratln' on all fours with the studio's regular pro- griim output. Based on percentage 'they wouldn't be gettin' 6% of what Jthey're actually drawln'^.,v Any star or playeij* with- a recognized, box-, offlcfe standitt'T shouldjlwolpotae a percentifi'e, fereak, provldii^i;^ he's feettlh' a falr'cbunt at'the chutes. : 'Vlf aj'^^director, star-'or" player, 'turned ; OUt ia' picture th^t- didn't click—they^l. be paid ^cordln'. But if they were'sharln', they'd be'care- ful of story an' of directlpn ah' production;;- If a -boxc^ce hit was turned 6ut> they'd "all bie' in with the play-^an' that strange sight would be presehte^TTStudio an' actor both" satlsftedf oiut that way, tlje, studios, or bhe of 'em,, ifhlght see iitaiw'ay clear to orderln' Mr, Htfpyer's'."salary b^ici«. "•" - Tdniperai^eint . I'm not unmindful, In discusslh' thiia propositlbut that the studios may have had some trouble, with the temperamental actor. Persoinal, I've always suspected sonie bird in Hollywood fnade a business of . teachln' 'How to be Temperamental .Six Lessons.' I got suspicious jwhen I.ijtoun^.that aU of^'em ;puli{h' the '•jt^mperamenl^r..Btu^^^ ''v^S^^ ..the. same' system - an' the same'^.-Fi'^iid- wbrdage. Most ,of .'em-^^spe'o^ailj^ the womieh;; although some of the mfh 'wfere^ just as "b^dr^had to have' 'relaxation' 'time fot .isetf,-expression, or .their.-;fenoceht j haLtili^es rebelled> •An|_ the ..'relSsx^ was the •'^kme with'4^^ 5 .p. m.. I^^An. ^ h'er-e's.' hQw,-' the;;-',t>^Ajen'ti^ge 'Plan .would he^i .thO studl(}' ^Jpive the temperaihentai .pcbblem., If It was necessary to shoot a few hours —^extra late—thereby savin* -frbih |10,opo tp" $20,obo on" the picture, an!, the stai*" 'was sharin'i he'd grab a lunch counter dinner an' keep at it. .if; It was an. 'extra-early call,_ the picture -sharln' p'ercentage' -Actor 'would b^'found a sittln' oh the ^Stu^^ dio dPbrstep s.rouhd ^ sun-up". .time awaltin' to g6t tb -work* Ah' the studio wpuid find that' the." bridge-klatche'k; golf socials," .sbul^^. bulldln'. beacH soirees a,h' swtamln- pool parties, na .matter how'^WUft^ or mentally .eieyitlh';; would; ^^^^^ ■favbr of t^e.. Jjfbbd old 'Aiinfa-ican d'plTar7^Vhlcfi;¥H 'the Nvayv ^t^^e■ wbfitf3^ gT$a|est fc"oat-i>i-i!lu:jas/ ■ .V 'Whe'n-^a nian'/'.-Ki§ijpiiV r^toye kti\ sik o'clock cbfees^iosin' flme^an' he's gpt nine customers In the place; he'll lock the dooir 'but kbep the customers. in until ' they're ^.waited bnV He's the owrifer an' the prbflts are all his. Biit if-only clerk's are there^ a,t.. six,.bells they'll slani the ;4bor an' ran the'.custpmeris home. But .g^tve^ the .clerks a. percentaire an' they'll stay uhtii . the last man-is served- an'; likely-as^ hot,'-let a few- more In. That's axactiy"; what the studio would-find on the sharlnf id'ea; playing Ball 'I'll play, ball with you' "is a favor- ite Hollywood expression. An' mo§t of 'em will—pro vldln' they can'be the . catcher and keep the balL No- body -wants to" pi'tch. Once the ca.tchef jgets-: the ball,-you'd bettjer keep clo^ei 'to ttie skoks. - .You ndver can tell when"the hidden ball will be pulied on you. The studios Could easily 'play b.air If they'd let the rest of- the* fellers 'catch once lA a ■while—an' the.percentage pl&n would' be a fine, gesture, to start.the game; Pitt-S^aciise Deal by " The'^^f|r^IUB»> theatre deal for Syrabiisei"- and'; iHitSburgh,. hanging fire theVpiast;|few months, is def- initely set to |t>ecQme effective Aug. 12, The matter .|oi.:ebore changes has been One 'voause of negotiations having been ma£o'bned. Theatres involyed are the Strand, Ssrracuae, ahd the. Sheridan Square, •I^fttsDurgh. Completion of the deal a 'will >ee RKO operating the Syra- cuse Strand, and transferring the "WB: pictures it wants to K;eith's. W;b ^'will assume the Sheridan Sq'uare and reassign Radio pictures 'to its other Pittsburgh houses as de'slredT Stadio Placement 1^ Indies Say Igypnan First of Tk Coiik Ik^iiixers R •'"v .' Hbllywbod, Aug. t< '■ , .Poi-'West Cbasi -will, reopen the iigyptlah, dark for the past eight months', early in Sejptember. New sound equipment will be Installed, and ac'oi^uatical arrangements im- proved. Policy is fbr-grind.-on frea.k plctute attra'ctibnal.'' : Sami^ orgohlzatloh.'later in ndiohth; will ot|en the,-United Artists/In the Wiisbire 'dls'tribt^ ' . Hbviie w^^ hullt sby jj^- A: and,' tujiied "over to: P-^WCf wh^,.completed lasit^ebr,»iary,;;jy'as ^^pt'dark, due to close "proximity of" Blt!i;y another Fox district house, 'i^ollcy for United Artists will be sam&< as " In Ritz now, -with that house "to. continue .'with straight double. biU grind/ . .Pari cbntfemplfttes,' reopening the U.' A., downtown^ liabbr :I3ayy with 'Rain' likely as the first attraction. Musicians- Deihahd Forces Chi Garnck to Close .Chicago, Aug; li, InsistenceL, of the musicians' union that the five man orchestra clause Iprbvided In' the contract with the Shub^rts should apply to the Gar- rfck) despite a straight film policy, dos^ that' house Saturday (30) after one w-eek. . ; Warren Irons, former burlesque operator; had the theatre establish- ing a 26 cent policy opening with Tiffany's 'Ijena Rivers' and follow- ing with Jionogram's 'Big Timer.' Contract '-with the Shuberts runs out Sept. I'J Union held that em- ployment oi .five men at ?480. was an Integral part of -the Garrlck's overhead whenever operating. RKO's 40-Car Giveaway Tie-up with an automobile dealer- in Boston by RKO' c&lls for the lat- ter to give away about 40 cars in its theatres in Manhattan, Brook- lyn, Boston and Long Island. . Terry Turner -went to Boston to niake the deal for RKO. May Make 150 Should the hopes of all those in- tending' to become indte producers dome -true, .according to announced fhtentIoh|| or;'desires, the total num- ber jpit^teatures would be 772. A co'mplIatrb''h hy Interested parties in the Independent field places the niimbe'r 'oit Indle producing firms, neair, distant ..^nd doubtful, at 177. Around 160 -features,- If that many are fin£ill^..d^Vered, wllI^ctuiEiUy' ba looked upptv^'fui.Jblg. Thji 177 .pppi- panles, or indlvlduais involved, takes . In'the eiafit, W€«t a,nd. any J?lace thalt pictur^ .nUght'or could'be taade^ IIE1S nrCOBPOBATES Columbus, Aug. I. Local chain of five theatres, pwned and'-operated' by '-J. Real Neth; was ihco'rpbratbd Friday (29). Ihcorpprja-tbrs' "arei "Neth; Albert O'Ryan, Ell^ab^th Rlc^ter and John A^. .Conner, .attorney. , . Move brought a^bout by the inbve lor "a receivership for two of- the Houses by Walter A. Murphy,'trus- tee for the mortgage bondholders of the houses. Guy Coffman was appointed receiver for these the- atres. He .-In turn designated Neth as manager and will continue op- -eratlon ^ as a. chain Under the pew incorppratio'n, .. . . Incorporadoiis CttUfoniU < . Sacramento, Aug. 1, . Stereorl^lOB, Xtd., County of Irt>a Ani-. eelea. Capital- stdeic 100 shares^ none au)>scrlbell. Stanley N. Barne's, Lau- rence A. .Po.t<ue. F. "Walter B'rpnch. , . 'Eoicle Book riays,, County of Los Anodes. No capital stock. .Arth,ur. f},-^ Coons, Chas. ~A. Butler, dlen 13. Arbo- gast, .. Mnrion M, Null, Harold Harris. The Theatre LeaKiie, Inc., County 61 Los Angeles; Capital ' stock $E0,00O, none 'subscribed. Gllmor ,.Brovn, Chas. P. Prickett, ■ Chas.. Levlson/ Bradford' MUlfl, J. Francis Smith. ' Certlflca,te changing name . of ,Harry. .Weber, Inc., Lo'a ' Angere's;' to" Harry ' Wobor-Slmon Agency, Inc. Permits to Bell' stock Issued to; ' Bagrlo Prodnctlons. Motion picture productions;:. Capital, 2,600 shares,. no par. Permitted to Issuo SCO shares. CulTcr City Speedway. Auto race track. Capital, 500 ehares, par. value ||lO. Permitted to Issue alL MisBouri Rozy Theatre Corp., St. Loula, Vo. ; capital, $60,000. Incorporators: . Alex Papund, Urs.-A. Sha'hk, Joseph Lltvajgr. JUDGMENTS Colornim Corp.; 1122.30; Wld's Film and Film Folk, Tnc. Aotomatlo illoi Miioliloe Co.: 12,762,31; Manhattan Desk CoT Grant Mitchell for 'Tin Foil,' Metro, Nora Lane, 'Polo' and' Bullet trail,' Col, Lee Tracy, Walter Connolly, Con- stance Cummings, Alan Dlhehart, ' Washington Merry-Go-Rpundi' Col. Shirley Palmer, 'Polo,' Col. Dlokie Moore, borrowed from Roach for 'Little Orphan Annie,' Radio. > . ' Mae Marsh, Samuel Bly the Colt, Arthur Stone, Luciisih Llttlefleld, •That's My Boy,' Col. Sarah Padden, Bugene Pallette, Louise Beaver, Willard Robinson, 'Salom'y Jane.' Foar. . Henry B.' WtiUhall, 'Chandu, the Magician,' Fox. Gorinne Griffith, 'Sbt Hours to Live,' Fox, Ray Cooke, Marion ShPckley, £d- mund Breese, Franklin Pangborn, Adaline Ashbury, Thomas Holden, Robert Homahs. Untitled 'Torchy' comedy, Ed. Eric" Linden, "Little Orphan Annie,' Radio. Julie Haydbn; Guy Klbbee, 'The Conqueroris,' Radio. George O'Brien, Janet Chandler; Emmett Corrlgan, Bert Halnlon, Onslow Stevenson, 'Golden West,' Fox. . Aileen MacMahon, David Landau, 'Silver Dollar,' WB. John Wray, Edward Pauly, Jack LaRue, George P. Collins, 'Im a Fugitive,' WB. , Noah Berry, Dorothy Burgess, 'Out Of Singapore,' Charleq Hutch Ihson directing, Goldsmith (Tec- Art).^ William Collier, • Jr., Barbara Kent, Raymond Hatton, Walter Mc Grail, Roy Stewart, Wheezer, 'Bx posed,' Al Herman directing. Eagle. :-Lo.t)ise Closser Hale, Brandon Horst,.' Reginald. Barlow, Gustav Von Seyaertifz, 'Rasimtin,' Metro Frank ah e'r Ida 4^, *Merry'-<30i' .JEtbund,'.U. '. ' .■'■"'' ■"■•.' ' , . Herbert . Mundin,; . ..-^Sherlock -Holmes,' Pox. . • .- . Ralph" Efellajny,!' 'S»Iokny ,' JanV Fox.' —-^:^V'' Ben Taggers, 'Horse Feathers,' Par. . "tl. B. -Warner, Matty Kemp, Aileen -Prlngle, Robert McWade, Mary D.UhCEin, Anita Louise. Cteorge JS. Stone, Saqi Hftrdy, Ivah Simpison, Robert Elliptt, 'Phantom of Crest- wood,' Radio.. . Constance . Cummings, Joseph CawthornV 'Sport Pagfe,' Radio. .. Nat Pendleton, Willlakh "V,- Mbng, 'Sign of the Cross,'Par. Blanche FredericI, Gilbert Emery, -<lecil . Cunningham, . 'Farewell to Arihs,' Par... . - - Sharon Lynn, "Big'- lBr6aidcast»' Par. ■-. ■ r - ''h - -:uV - Kent Taylor, 'Blond .'Venus,'..Pat. ' John ' L. BiEilderstbnr adaptation' 'She,' U. ^ - ■ - -r . - ' .; James MulhauBef(' <:oihedy dialog, 'All AMaerica,'. U,' 'Riddle Me This,' to 'Guilty lis Hell * P&r* ' Robert Ellis, '13 Men,' Col, Emmett' Corrlgan, Eddie Kane, 'Night Jffayor,' Col. Barbara' We^ke^ Hustlers Roost,' Col, . ■ . ' ■■■ ■ .- ■ • .: •■ ; Luclen > Liftlefteld, '- .'Rasputin,' Metro. . Dudley Nichols ' to fdlalog- - and- adapt 'Robbers' RooBt,' FPX. . . - i Louis Weltzenkorh borro.Wed from. Par to scenarize 'Bridge vs. Bridge,' M-G-M. Warren Duff to adapt and dialog "Uptown New York,' KBS. - Dorothy, Hale, Henry'■ Stevenson, 'Cynara,' Goldwyn." ' ■ : ■ "Tad Alexander; 'Rasputin,* Metrot . .Maria Alba for 'Hypnotized,' 3en- nett. " ■ ■ ' •;. Sidney Foxe, ."Merry-Go-Round,' U.' Lyda RobertI, Robert Toung, John Mlijan. Ruth Hall, 'Kid from Spain,' UA. Lillian Rich, Wilfred Lucas, Creighton. Hale, Tree Wheeling,' Roach. Otto Fries, Almeda Fowler, James Morton, 'Allum and Eve,' Roach. ■■. Charles Chase, Muriel Evans', Bill Henderson, Tfoni Wilson, Nora Cecil; Gale Henry, 'Mr. Bride,' Roa'cfe;^'* ' " Victor f>6tei;^&einle Conkliri, Dor- othea .Wolbert,"'Kew Torker,' UA; - Julius McVlcker, 'Phantom Pres- ident,' Par. . , ' Jack LaRue, /Farewell to Arms,' Par. "Billy Butts, Heieii Jerome Eddy, Charles Grapewln, 'Night of June 13,' Par.' .- ■ • Skeets Galagher, Matty Kamp, <Phantbm of Grestwood,' Radio. Three Ambassadors, Art Wilson, Mart Spet'zel, Geneva Mitchell, Mar- tha Mattox, Kathleen Clare, Eric Wilton, 'All the Evidence,' Bach- man-Radlo. Eifgfene Pallette, 'YUba Bill,' Fox. William Collier,. Jt., untitled plcr^ ture, Monogram. . ^ Preston Foster, 'All America,' U. ' Bert Roach 'The New Yorker,' UA. Jed Prouty, Robert Grelg, 'The Conquerors,' Radio. Tallulah Bankhead, 'Tinfoil,' Metro. Florlne McKlnley loaned by Par to Sam Goldwyn for 'Cynara.' Tom Lennon writing 'Freedom,' original, for Bachman. Ralph Graves, 'All America,' U. Edward Le Saint, 'Night of June 13,' Par. ORCUITSWORRY OVER COAST DOG TRACKS Lbs Angeles, Aug. 1. Coast's recent dog track habit, estimated to be drawing some 50,000 customers nightly in Lps Angeles, Culver City and Frisco, has. the theatre circuits worried. Situation has .reached that stage -where cPm- pany heads In the east have become agitated over the matter. Recently there was suggested the creation of a natlbnal committee a;mong theatre men to survey and Investigate Coast conditions relative ~ to evolving a remedy for all. Thisi : move has not yet Botten -nder way. All major circuits are concerned with the hounds and their draw be- ing discussed on all sides by Fbx; RKO and Warners, plus Publix and Lbew's standing by. Minn. May Reopen, Rent Free, at 55c Minns Stage Shows Minneapolis, Aug. 1. To bring about the reopening of the 4,200-seat Publix Minnesota here, local owners of the house are said to be willing to waive all rent indefinitely. Now reported nego- .tiatlti&Vwlth Publix in New York on the Abasia of frjee,rehlt ^ .: Original ,(lpttse' baited ; for; iPubll<. to pay >3i006 a weelc'rental pluA $60,000 4;'Sreafc't^es,:*nt th^^^ recently" cbhsehted^ a year slash. • .■?.,!/'/:..,;. Anxiety of the owners fs -due, to other tenants In the building 'co'in> plaining that since the closing of the shpwhouse. their business has fgbne. , Th^y dipclai'r'e' the^. .; cannot cpnUnue'' paying their .rent iintejsa thesitheatre reopens,;... '-'■"'••";v.':^\.'- ?.' --''iio'cEil dxpectatlohs are'.ythat Publik will rebpen the ii'p'ySre^:ihIs--fm^ If so the price will likely be'Icut firojh 75c to 56c, including tax and that stage shows will be eliminated. Also ;B'd)»)la_ tallc of the theatre to have M-'icj pictures-for eitclusiv^ tuns. .. •■ " ., ■ .— ■ - , . • ■ *■ • J'ack Markle, formerly with Hteir- schel Stuart in New England :,{uid now traveling inspector for RKO, ^il|^ specialize on budgets and oftpstly. front operation. in N. E.,. Markle held a similar Job -jPlth Fox-Poll under Stuart'^i operatlohi.' .-*'^-' Alabama Expects Tak <. Birmingham, Aug.'1., Special session of the state legiS" latiu-e Is expected to be called to devise walys and means of balancing the slate's budget Sales tax and a tax on amusements may be passed. Rumored around the capitol that % tax on amuB^ihentei: -w:ould be levied, styled "after the', tax recently passed In Mlss'lsstppl which cal^ for 10^ of all ataUsemfents. - Pool , /-.Fool Is 'being - arranged between . the;jFarley-Shirley group ln-.S6heh'-^' fectady; and. RKO., .:BlU Farley iff' handling the'deal, personally, Arrahgemerit calls for RKO to take over operation of. the three Shirley-Farley houses In 'the up- state New York town and pool with RKO's two spots there. Buhler at Philly Fox Philadelphia, Aug.; 2. Frank W. .Buhler, former, of the Stanley Co. and vice-president of the A. R.. Boyd Enterprises, re- places David M. Idzal as manager; of, the local'Fox theatre. Idzal has been appointed manager of the Fox, Detroit, a post he held before coming here. WURLITZEE'S COOLERS Wurlltzer company, piano manu-. facturers, Is going to turn out air- cooling cabinets for business offices. jim Ryan, firm's sales head, has arranged for the first batch to go Into the Loew executive ropihs in New York.