Variety (Aug 1932)

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Tuesday, Aiiguet '2» 1^32 T D a O R s VARIETY 55 O B I T U A R Y , JAMES R. QtflRK . Jamea R. Quirk, 48, editor f^nd publisher .of 'Photoplay,' died in the Hollywood, hosplta'f, HOlIyvvopd, Ati& 1 of ^pneumonia, complicated with h^rt disease,-after'a flve-day 111- jiesB. On the <;oftst to,..defend the ^Ima Rubens case .against his mag, eight, iaV's,; on the' witness.. Btanci pr<}y;(ed a ierriflc physical strain'and /the. breakdowp,;.' Quirk waa bprn- ha 'Boston.. • .. ,• • Services •will be held In Hollywood Thursday. (4),-place of burial unde- tefrinlrtfedi • Survived by: widow, ■ th0 fprihfr'Ma/- AlUao'n," ebirefntittt^'. also 't^o' chndfen/VFrancSy'"?)!^^^^^ Quirk and Jean 'North Quirk',' who ar«i in., cajup^n Maine. - <A>ae;ars-aicaount:appears elsewhere In thife-iplciture depArtttidttfcl '•' LEWIS. JACQBSON ; ■ ' ■ • - : ^ft\v^B; Jac,pbiftpnx. 36;;, .Sa^,. J'^a^i- ctsco findi Oakland Teal, estate iqanr ager for RKO, died iJuly 2B;-.ln!Sa« Francisco, a few minutes after, he had' dtiink poisoned liquor.. .Two poii{:*i;;p:f[r$fers, W^^^ Ifqudr.. w.ltp,' JflcpibsPi)!;, 4n ;i»la/ ofpce in the Goldeh Gate theatre build- ing, als(}i„dlpdv;;.:v. ■ u.,m ' . V -Jfvuobw>ni, Wft9 weljV. V kno wn,;. In ooas.t; show ,tiU8lne.3s-..v: J3efore>hl3 tae^ caiiie «;Ssoclated with 'RKO' he was treasurfeVV bf^'the -oldtielasd'6'^ Plle^- ture Corp. * Considerable mystery surrounds the efeffth jdf ihe.;trlli;';! jkYM • rig'T&ali^dX'that;'V^^^ Qjyi»ieri."^'p'i,Ues of th§. ;, ,UquoT;,,wJil<?]ti,J|[;lJled,,'tl»e tpio ■sHe^ie^w}tho^^t,•anyl•tr{vce ,of ( poi- son, .and!:that- It v/as- hotr<:a pdison' lisiu.lly associated with bootleg. Jacobson 'is survived by his wife, . Vldlfit' Jacobsotil • concert ' and, ra^lo, AUBREY LY1.E8 :,,i»iji.¥l^j!'y"ll^yles,,,48^ ,^ former t^am .oiC i&IJiU,ei:,^d JLyles,,^l$idnin. a. I^ew^.^.9j:k hospital- July 28,.follow-' ing^asbAperntl i an.', treatment for' gastric iiloers.' HAi had ib66n> a'pia-' tlent; ttbtidtf 'five' wfeekS.' '" ~'"' With Flbarhey 'Mirter: \a ^'ili^fe-' co^e^^ ; t.<i5,ms. , ,In ^. 'tt\^ ,^ (theaipi(^ bueinesis 'and v.thelr 'Shuffle. Along': wa^;..a .'tremendous ^flna^iticia^l 'and pot>ulftp'.!SUccGss. I'They 'ijplayed in Charlot's'^Revu© In 'Iiohdbhi in l^lf aiSd had aprkear^d l;! Ge'jiige 1^Hlt'e'6. •Scaridal'sr'' aM'. a ^ ilumbd^' .'j.tBeljj.' o^W'inu^dicelf'cohijq^^ iSfei" New York appearance.was!.in. 'Sugar Hill' this season. .1 He is survived'by his 'Jvldo^'. and tVo children. .. , |1'-.|<V < A' hARFiV PARC , Harry Earl,' BT, ' mkiiager of Gohan*s <5irah<l,,'micai;©^^^^^^^^ July 29, In Murpfiy "Hospital,' Chicago, from peritonitis. ITe waq. ahpther of the largi-'groiip' 'oiE theatrical''pef- sonsr ,to. come . from Syracuse, New YO'-k... .. ... \ .: ... ' For many years I with circuses In various cd,pacUiE<s'Earl obe^ried the' Rlalto tl^^atr.e,.,Chicago,..yiears-ago, and was at one time connected with Rlalto,. •' St. ■'L'dUls: He' ■ riikhal^ed' Cohan's Grand until>- closed, for the season.- : ;■ A "Widow, mother, and .daughter; Burylye..^ Burial ihl Memprlfifl; Pa.rk,: Chiicago.?-''■ ' -..! ■ ■''■THOf^lASi.W^^J'-'V ;^ Thomas West, 73,: wfii.l. ltnoyirn character comedian," ' khoWn . '"as 'Chinese. .Tommy' for, his jsuccessfui interpretation of. orl<;nt:^l. charac- ters, died in i>hiladel]^hla', JjCily 28. I^ieath Was diiei-to liver trdublfe^dm- Iplicated by ,a heart weakness.; He had played in stock and vaudeville and was one of the early members of the Lublh picture stock company. He is survived by his widow and two sons. JOSEPHINE;C: LE CROIX Jpkiephlne "(Prdwell Lie .Croix die^^ In the ^^.uh^vflck .homie of. the Ac- tpr^' FuncJi;AmityyHlp, July: 27. She had .been a.rguest of the Fund: for many..years. .>. . ; She made her; debut in 1879 and had al)peared with niahy stars from Barry., apd Fay to Bobprt Hilllard, James A. Hearn and" Frank Kee- nan. Wr;- ; ' r ALBERt. p. KAUfFMAN •' • Albert" P. Kauffmtih', manaiger Pf the'\Cati4tol,,.t.heiatre.TtRocheiater,.. N. T., died- In the Genesee :hospital 'there July 26.' He ^, at one 'tiipe publicity director for David 'W/. Stlfflt.hi .ari'4 recently l-^ifitH' the Coni.- erfprd enterprises. . W|ll|a'iti .B. May8;'.;;bf Ldidls, an acrdla^, who broke litis neck in a: 60-foot fall at Mineola^ L. I., died i.i.Mai^*; K* Neffd', veteran radio station ■anii'^ lietwor;: employee, tiled sUddbnly July 2(5 'following ari' at^ tack of cerebral hemorrhage at-her pAlcfe- '^rt" 'head|quiiSrtefs,': Cht- eigd.'' iMl^s-'11;%,,Kalcl' .i5,0n in' 'radio I'q;^, >fears;.';_s't4^it'irig-.., .,wjith -..KpiKA.' Pitt^s.^lV'gh.^^.wl^en it •pfas ..'tjhe only b.rpadcasMng; station iniAmerica.... Hari'y ' 0: PbllWortH, ',69/ -kkiA ' t6 hS.Ve'Ue'en ofie', of t'<ie lll'st'to iVitro- duc9 a ■,tlgi{fc,i;oB'S'a^e;ln^Y^^^ ,lfl ;;Mil>afi)<ee ,^9lj(flw\ne^ p?.{i8ltrft.tl9iiv'.i .^ftllworth,i jwap,, cpflir. hected.:n(Uh.the..jBlatz H.o.t)bl and. was at-one. time vice-president'of the Hotel Greeters-M)f;..4.mierica. ' DEPRESH HURTS SALINAS RODEO ,^P«^,9Kter, .iiijOf Joe Howard of vaudeviije,,. ^ji^A.:>July ■ 2'• ,Pp'rt Clljatonj OhiP. Father, &7,. of Edna Ryan died in Philadelphia <july 24^ Pf heart ai^tack. He was a well .known physician.: HOWARD SMITH Howard .Smith, 61, manager of 'Green Pastures' since the New York' opehlng, " ai6d ■ Aug. : 30, Pf heart dlscease. a few hourl'before curtain went u'p 'pn ' the last per- formance in Denver, Goloi • •, Company left for tlie east for a month's va.catlpn, talcing the body. Getting^ I^ady for ''lies Moifies,, la.',', Alug,'. 1. ^. 'i'hd Iowa; 'fair sea'sori is j6'n.,^hl'si week, being ushered., in tomilrrow iCrues'daj^) witji mcffd 'than '.t2 c'ounty lahtf '^efctlp'ii'a^'. i^airs, and' lexppsitiori's itp'^ '^B ^tageA', 'dur'lng;,.;th6,.;Pire n^'oii'th',' aiid', 'during' Septeiniier'' and oc^pfaei\.;';',v;'■■; ..\, '.;' i 'Ijconp'miq, 'have, jcaifsied st'f,ew' of 't^e'pQunty'fairs to ■'fold','"b'lji.t'iin' tlie' m^lji''ther.^' .^Is. little Kiecrea^^i'' Ther^^'has,i)4eii ^ cut in. 'schedule's, fewer. ■ attractions a.n^^ iri. :so'me 'tAses. r'eiiupe'd premiums. , : Experiment of 'tlje .North Iowa Free "filr, Mispn' City,' yfitli' i\o ad- mtdBion> has led more^ than half a. 'do.zen'lowa fairs to foilpw suit, with p.tiiers ,'cuttlng admission., charges. radicall'y' and making special con.r .cessions to. families. .. , .i^irst.ipwa fair to get''under ■way. yr^ili 'be .that ',of the . Efenry county association, 'with, iddte.s . at ^oiint Pleasant,' Aug"" .2 ' 't'p ' .B.',' During August 'there 'Wjll ,' be 45 '.fairs, .'ii). 3ept6mber 2B,'ap'd'. phe each diiirliig. DciPlier'^and'^p^acemb^^^ •!..',-.. ....f ', vr-j,.: <;.\ :::c.:-i,i:-: i ■,.. . CARNIVALS (Fop Curr^nt.Weok—Aug. 1-6) ' Karker; J..I/.. Centralla. .. ■BedlManA' & aevety, KeAosha; wit.: ■ BMnardl Expo.v Trenttin.-•.■ • ... i i }.'B.UQts> Hftiniet, N. ^C. :• .. ■ , • . , l. CSBlle, Ehtlldi & H;. Kesrlna. ' ' Conkllo's .Alt Can:; Melville. ' ■'■ ! Empire City, .■ Cambridge, vMd.. .. : Flbrlda Exposition, Mj'ftlfe Beach (until l9ept.'.l);.".-. ■■: : 1- • • tireanbure Amm., HfLStlnn. , Islef drcSter, .Yorlt. ' " ' Jones,'Jblittny'J.,. Harrlsburg. I.ang'3 .pee,. .Elabei^ry, ,Mo. Murphy,' Frank J., .Yohkers. Pearsons, E. C -Charli^stown, Robertq & Ramlsh. Wlndgap.. '. Rdgers & Powell. De'VVltt. * Sb\ibart. Dr.; Alb«, ' Snapp, Wip. R- Xtell'Rapids. Spcronl, P. J., Wenona. West-Coast Am. Co.. Klamath .Falls; Ore. West, W: E:, Axtell. Yellowslone, Falrvlew. ,1 TOMMIE MALIE Chicago, Aug. I, ^ommie Malie, 40, armless song- writer, "died August 1 in County Hospital, Chicago, pf pheilmonla. He was weir known to Tin Pan Alley and'Loop.. No known relatives. CIRCUSES ; „ (Fo.r. fcu'pfe.nt Week^^Aug. '1-6) Al ,0. bariies . . lAug.: 1, Sheridan, 'Wyo.: 2.. B(lllngs, Mont.; 3, fiozemah, Mont.; 4, HelSha; 5,' Butte; C,- Missoula, Mont. ■ Hagenbeck-Wallace . rAdg.'!>.'Detroit; 2. Ann Arbor! 3. Lans- ing; . 4,. Battle Creek; C, Benton Harbor; (t, Hammond,' Ind.; 7, Kankakee; 8, Strea- t.or.-' I ' R.ingling Bros. '■AMg. . j. .'t>av<^nport; .2, Cedar-.-Rapids; 3, Des Molnee; 4, Waterloo; 0, Freeport; fl to Ijl, Chl(iago. . ;.' Sella-Floto Aug.'1, Provlde»icet 2. Hartford:'3^Merl"- den; 4, Kcw* Haven; 6, Stamford, 0, BWdg.c- porU San Francisco/Aug. .1. . Twenty r first annual; rodeo at the northern California toWn of Salinas, lOOb mli^B down the peninsula from here and'ien routfe to Los Angeles, feltf" the liresent cycle 'pf reverse prosperity.. Rodeo ' promoters . are cattlemen and 'business, men of the district. It's, a . losing proposition for. them, liast year >the nut wais $59,000 and the: gross; $42,000. This year's gross may .be'lower. -'Situation'' is more tteklish this year," too, hfecause pre-f vloiis donations of as high as'$5,066 from caitl^bien are being shaved tp $!600. Tptaul attendance hit 35,000 i^or thC: four days.: ^-Salinas rodeo started 21 years ago when kids : of the. territory got ^ to- gether at rPundup time! 'and engaged in riding cphtestd<', O'nP of the mbfe colhihercial minded jiives cbticelyed th'e . id"ea. .;pf ' a .two-bit' admjss'io^^^^,year■ '1$/ -. b'uslness .ipanager .>ira^ ad4^fi; .s-ii^ i PPW. .th'e .rpdeo| is :a big 9,fi^iv,, 'pperatlng., at,. fi.-:«en.^ral ad- |i2i£0 foEvbox seats.: ). ■; One. <rf. the^^^lrectprB, ■ Is' ^ Ray D\rddy, ' president of ^h'e ' chamber of commer(fe ''arid 'mahdger' of "the Fox. Call^oniigi' iliereV "A few years ^^6 he .'wky.'/'d.Oip'rfekn'At :a' Marlf^l s|)^ee,t. pict.iur^.iliQUs^e,: . -.v!; .• ■.- ....'5Che,'<cgTOinltte^ extended Us fi\isr pic^s tD:ithe(.jFQlfiy •& Burke...cai3»iyal outfit, i.whi(thj pitched :near'-.:the towii's' outskirts • and drew- a.'^ good Aiglit pfay alte^ the -arena, iltetly- ities were oVteir;''' :.''. ' ''■'. : ;'''.! ' - Medina, O., July 26. Dutton. circus, oiie of the knPwn of the, smaller outflts,', ig ex- perien'clrii^ a; gpbd'sed^bn Respite th^ depression. There has been jnip re- 'trenchme9t:6n this show, and" w^lle money is IjpBs th^n In former, ye.a^rs at some siipts, show is .booked suUH until the.fall closing.. -Mrs. (Nelliei Dii^ton, with a recflird of .almP3t,,4!ili li'^rs the , cir(,. continues. to pjlot .the, pherrlng show through , ^tfSTji., Ohio, west'^rn Pennsylvania and West Virginia,, playing major parks, and soon will launcli. its- set^sen. of_!^airs in the midwest and Bouthi. ' W. Mark Baus- man, m^T\y ;yeai^ with, the show, Is still handling tlie business and act- ing'as anribilncer' and eqLuesti'lan di- rect'on-- ' • ' ••'■ '■'• - ' Show is carrying' 18 'people this season, three horses, one elephant, : camel a:hd midisret inulb. Jump^ 'are rhad'eby'rall. With'one'truck carry- 'ing '^sising t^iitis aind other es'sen- ;ti41^. • .■■ ' •".'' : ■ ,-, Program, running better thari an hour and a-' h!aH, la well balaiiced and . flmdolh and' contains all ihe features "of a, three-ring circus. Cos- tuming' is well above the average for; a small BhowJ' 'Clowns number three, he&ded l)y' the veteran Dariny Mitchell, and they get many laughs, especially "Mitchell's bulld-ups; ' Prc^ram' oitens with the custom- ary pageant, with, .the entire per- 'sonhel °ahd all'^^to'Ck participatii^ig. First numb'cN^ is the leaps, revived several years;'ago by the-Duttons and' capa'b,Iy handled-, by the Alex'- .an^d^r . troupp,' including Ray.. Bob and', Walter; Alexanderi,".. Tony . Sala, Mikey Kazor, Stan Chesky and' Danny MitPhellj ,'^thd ' latter three' providing the . conieSy^ Walter Al^xand,er. doe^ a dpyble over fpUr horses.',, .^o^tine iKciudes hlgfa. fp'r-. war^, , wide', jfPrwards. and dives. Finale ^, at;Jl,eap over all the stock,, aupnferited ' by, ai\'. aujtbmoblje.' A, aisti'rtcthit"', aind,. a string' ppepi'ng. humbler.! Nellie ,Joi;dah .and, .«?pm-" pahy are. hejxt ,jpi>,', ^he tight. wire; wardrolj.e;gppd-lopltijip, and there is. comedy reliefi , 'Sparlf, ,']flujg,'.,p^,(lgel,.m"ule, gets a big laugh■,w%n 'wprjk'e<i .by Danpy . Mitchell and 'Mikey .Kaipr.. ■Vlvlah' De Vere, ,on, the aerial tr^pei^e, perr forms wpll. , Hpward Bros, next, yv\tli a pieaising comedy acrobatic turrii three ,in. troupe. Rosella Sisters, using' lavish wardrobe, in iron' jaw, .well received. Petite. Evelyne, pretty blonde, doing back bending'and hand balancing, finish- ing with a drop from a six-foot pedestal to her hands and into a fast routine ,of walkovers and flips, for a finish. Topsy, the ele- phant, still a trifle slow, but sure of every trick, worked by Mrs. Dut- ton, proved highly entertaining. Dutto'n Equestrian Revue easily the highlight of the performa,n<Je, arid always a flash, with some neW turn . "Three snow-tvhlte horses draw a white carriage. Bausman, who' has handled the undertaking since the death . of its originator, James Dutton, does' creditably. AIexa£nder troupe, five men and a woman, another strortg part of the program. ' Thei' do'ah'iexcellerit rou- tine ot ground" arid teeter-board acroWa)tI<ifl:--Finish trick is a triple somersault by Bobby Alexander, kid $1 an Hour Boating An aquatic diversion grow- ing in popularity in the paries where there is .water, is eleC- • trie boats. At .'Playland. Rye,' N. T., there is a- fleet Pf " 25 oi : these boats which may be hired On a drWe-ybursclf basis. - Generally, . howeverj an opera^- • tor lir abPard -witlt'thte charge: being $1 an hPtir per passenger." Boats are equipped with radios. • Crafts'hbdt $1,WO-each and h^ve been spotted bh other .eastern 'pa)ri<s^ „ , I - i i '. i i ,1 - III I I II Nickel and Peniiy Nites, 2-for-l's in Deiivef^ Pariks: • ' ' Denver.'Aug.-1. • Nickel night, penny ijight,, twp,- for-one night, .or any other scheme to psirt • Denver, from its money, Is being used by,r,the locsii.'amusem^jit parks. :Elltch started; It 'mithi n)ck^i nights. Entrance to • the .park, and all rides was a nickel, with danc- ing free frottii'S t6';l&. ' : .', ■ ' Iiast" weisk ' EHtch ''had ia' 'peri'iiy night-^he ticket '.'ai" Me:". rt^llat' price and another ^^r, H; ,^Prit- £ttk6- side is using, the 'two-fof-orie' at the gate and ,e:U. pve?'.-^- iV, . - . 1 - I I V i .i iv ' ',. 1 I .' • .-■ i . RINGLINGSHOi REORGANIZES • Landing,' Mfch.ri' Aug.' 1. •: ' -List of Michigan''falr'^dates coiiri'-r piled' 'by ' th6 state'.--ttfetoartmerit' of dgricuKUr© follp-^s:*'lAug.' 9-1?, ■ St. Johns; Au^. 10^-13/ MiH6rd; A\ig. 1^-20, • loiiia', Auir. '16'^197 - Bad AWr Jthg. 17^19;'' ekes" City; Auk". 23^26; Ciiro; A-ug, 23-:2e, Ma*aH41I', CAUg. 24-26;'TaleV Aii'^. 24-36,']^va'rtV',Ad^; "24-27," Northvllle; Aug. SOr.Septr'2,' Jackson; Aug. 30-Sept. 2,. Allegaii'; Aug. 30-Sept. 2, Ci-oswell; .Aug. 30- Sept. 2/ Armada} ' Atlg. TO-Sipt;' 2, Three Oakes; Aug. 30-Sept 2,'C>n'i'f kama,; Aug. 30-Sept.-13, Alpena; Sept. 4-10, Detroit-;- Sept: ^-9, Tra- verse City; Sept. ,6-9, ,Imlay, City; Sept. 6-10, Hastings; 'Sept. 12-17, Saginalw; Sept. 12-17^1 MuskegPn; Sep^. 13-15; Cddlllac; :Sj;Rt. 1.3^16, Hart; Sept. 19-23, Adrian"; Sept,...19.T 24, Centervllle; , Sept., 26-pc.t. .1, Hillsdale; . Sept. 27-idct. 1,'liairttprd, Those In the upper penihstila of Michlgalh' are:- 'Atiiir. •IS-IS';'IrPn- wobd; Aug. 22-27, Escaniba; A:iig.- 30-Sept.- 3, Mafquettfei ;;Sept.' 3-6, Pickford; Sept. 7-9, Newberry; Sept. 12-14,; Allenvlllei>.-. • .... , . There has been a reorganization pf .t!bL:?:.combliied..Bar,num & Ba,iley^ jpingiing, Broiivers. cirqus,; nbw^ ing . pfflclally ^ .known as Ringllngr Shows, Inc. Although the billing-will not be changed. The neW set-up re^ pMces the cp-partnershlp that here* tbfore conducted" the big top. , Understood , that when John ping'^ ling expanded, a loan of .$1,200,000 was secured from the New Tork In« Vestors, a. , branch of the^ Prudence •Bond Corp. Latter interests are. liK '«lUd«fd in theinew' Rlriglirig corporaiirt tion, but the lba)nr"iSippe!ars''to 'coiw cern .th6 other shows only. . . Sbmb. Blngflirig",'famliy trPu^jle iB ye]^'to be ,lroiaed|, otit. .Widow "b.f 'thp late Charles Rlnglirig.i's said tp^^avi^ objected to the old partnership coxiM tlnulng because she had not recei've4 a itttteirienf from Jo'hh'Rlnglihg fpl t'is'b''years;'accbi^dlHg" to r'epoift"^ Hie* ^btf,: Rbbeft;'; Is tra^ ttin^^^ing,. show,'for tihiit, .real^^i^'. Jrohft is.the.o^^y.sufylybr pf .'tiie fl(ye,K})Q.ifi(i ling; brpthers,. ; .. . .: .-.•■' ;-. , :Ringling -vlriiiaily~straddled-. -.thA, circus field when her took over.tlw. SeHs-PlPto, -Hagenbafch-Wallace,' M (3: ' Biai^rieiii ir^'nkeer Roblnsbh, -BtiiEW falo Bill, Robinson And Fdrd^il&u^ shows.; Only four pf these outfltit are iihder canva^ this seasPn. ^Seir^ eral ',W6i^' combined;.'TeducllVS^ th^. field ot the bl^ tope. Oflncers of the n6w cprporatloli are John- BingUqg^ president; Sam#i uel : ivy.. Gompeptz, ^ice. presidenl^ JoJ\ii, iil, .^eliyv. Vice. preijide^^ qitQiriesV.IUngling,.! ylpe ..piresid^ntf, Mg9i: Richard RlngUog.v .vice, prealu dent;i;J Frank Bender,, : Becrptarjf^ trtosurefiM ■ -: ■ > - .-'- .; • . . ■. ■. ■■ ■ ■ ■■ ■ ■■ Des Moines, Ia„ Aug. 1. SeVerity-two county ^nd'sectlbrial fairs and-exposi-tions are to b^' held in Iowa during August. While a- few coupty fairs have.:been: discon- tinued or suspended for one ye^r, others, have announced free gates in the hope that It. will be successful as the free fair experiment .at the North Iowa fair. Mason City,-Iowa. . Under this plan no charge is made for admission >lo the grounds^ air though a fee is extracted. for the grandstand. . : \ ■ ■: No Free Gate in '33 Keptjiyi'.l'a.," Atig.;, 1,' ' The 'annual Chautauqua, 'a Ijree admission event y,?**"' brought' .tp' a :?,ijicces?f.ut -f ippte, T^ItJi. the 1.933 i>rpgr^jn..^^?u"ri9<3^'Jfina^^ ly. arid!,;frpm aii att^ridarifie fltand.-:.* point.' '. , „. , ; ,,Forty guarantors .had:pledged tf'.Sf^ flnancifig, of ^the,_ip33 , bver<t, Tjrith ticket reserva^o;is already ^.ad,e. ip. COVer.c'osts. .-.:,,",:-.. . -I ,.' ■.,.,:(! 'y/.'V^.'t*MOTt.^alW'■:■"'■."'■. Charleston, "VV.; Ya., - Aug, .1. .-. Prppertieg of-thp; .Hawk's .-Nest Rock Resort cprppratlon^- one of the most fariious show-places in "West Virginia, sold by special commis- sioners for the Fayette, county, cir- cuit court to F'red Ohlinger, of Lookouti for $2,100. of the troupe, into-a chair. Ac- curacy and speed mark the act. Sandirio, trained camel, worked by, Mrs. Dutton, does an entertaining routine. It's one of few such ani- mals presented ad.a feature. Clos- ing again brings out the entire per- sonnel ' against a .specially: buHt scenic background, beneath flood llghtis. A trio of fast-stepping girls provide the fl'nish. in the absence of bands at 'some spots, amplified music Is uaed, a special system being carried by the show, A battery of flood lights also is carried this season.- Bausman is looking after the business, with Mrs. Dutton in charge. Danny Mitchell doubles as i electrician. lUbangisvTO^Stag^^ sRingiuig,^^ The Ubahgl .saucerrllps' stay wltli the Rlngllng-Barnum & - Bailejpl show for ti>e rest of the season,-']^ temporary injunction against |tne^ appearance havingbeen), '4'en^ed^l^^ Jvd|6« v apd^^ird-! ^VL •.. Federal" <|ipurt^ New.'-"S'orkt>.laflt .weelt.. .i.u.-. n m' •• : Hugh •.•W...^Fowzer:'eio'ught tb TfiH dtfaiiti Ririi^Iin^' <!fr^om" playirig 'tH^. a<i,t' bri ' t'hP grbUrid; that' to" has' freaky c^i^tracjt^^, .for , T^.turn ;tp La ."yulgarisatipn .Ettino\{ciu«» in ' Paris.- Latter society' controls the distribution of UbangI nativeil !for exhlbltloii'-puriMjsgd.' . Fowzer is now after a permanent injunction and Is aklng $85,00^ ;damag^'d against the' AmWicaii clr^ cuB'in -thie same'i^ourt -'Thl^' Efiilill IB' Bfet for''trial In November' Vbeii the UbanglEi ° win havd cbmpletett their engagement -With - the Rihglin^ show., ■-" '. ' The Ubangffi were engaged b;^ Rlhglirig ' thrbugh the 'i'tench '. BOiit' clety iaf te'ir an' Aihbrlcaii' vaucl«vj(]j[l0 jand picture tour for .which iiaifj^' ;Were. sub-cbiitracti^d,. by; Terry |Tv.^?- net atftpr Fow'aer ^haiS- brpught .then| over:; Fclwfcer's.'u'n^uccessi(ul.';peti^' tlori alleg4i"thiBit the Ripgling show; gra'bbed the act wlthbut' authorl'za<i, jtfoAv. .'■ •'• "... ■' ...;■ -.zr- I "'Mdrtii^ King I'.reprefiientB' ih4 jcircuB Interests In the ca^pii ^ -,i J Horses Free -11- I ■ "VlntPh, M,; Aiig. "1 It's a free gate at the Beritoif' 9PVtn.ty/..fair .thlB! .year«> Aug; 23'tb'2B, to all.,yehJ|cle8;and tndlvldwalfli «wltli but one ex<;ept.lp^,. thafa. .autpfljo-i Diles-; ■'. , '" "' . ■ , " ' Diredtbrs maintain that if an i'Ii^a.j^, "Vldual can sport a motorcar he can spare-the'price of stdmlsslbn.- ' ' ' ; A.utortobiles have' been 'cuttlni? Into the grandstand reservations ait most fairs, visitors electing to park around race track and stadium railsi. Chas. Kehally III >, Worcester, Mass.; Aug. J. Charles Kenally, secretary to Johii Ringling of the Rlngllng Brothers^ Barnum & Bailey circus, has been in Memori<Ll hospital sipce June 23.. Kenally was taiken to the hospital during the,"c.ircus' Iqcal date. . Buckfiye's Free Taikera Nowarl', O.", Aug. 1. ' '. Biickeye Lake Park, near heroi 11! gtvln'g- free pictures nightly to paic trbn's. 'Program are changed thr&i ; ,tlm^es;.a week. This is the fourth major amuses rrient park In central Ohio to ottet, sound films this season, others belnff Olentagy at Columijus, Meyers X>ak<^ at Canton and Idora f»a,rk ' Youngstown.