Variety (Aug 1932)

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32 VARIETY TIMES $QB ;4RE Tueflday, August 9, 1932 East Joseph F. Enijnonts arrested Aug 1 on a charge of abductlner his 15- mpnths-old daughter, who had been with her mother, pmmonts Is a •cellist with the N. T. Philharmonic James Flood, of the Forrest hotel, .. IiaJS . formed the'. B. E. F. Revue, ■wliich will tour for the beheflt of the bonus seekers. William Kent, Rome arid Gayt,.R02arie Kane, Mary Bills, Oscar Liorraine, Al Trahan, Will Motrlsey, Mldgle Miller, Dor- othy Kellogg, Johnny Walker, Ted Madaln, ■ Bob Kaiie, Renee Gartler and William Crame among th& vpl:- unteers.' ' John D. Wllllarns suing Maude Adams for $203,000 for work done In placing 'Merchant of Venice' on tour. Asks . for examination before trial.' Miss Adams replied she is willing to testify as to Williams' services, but not on other points. Including tour profits., Court ruled she must tell, ; Suburban • Playgoers' League formed in co-operation with pro- ducing managers to give bus serv- ice to suburbanites desiring to at- tend this theatre arid deterred by train schedules.; Parties of ■ 31 or 87,. the capacities of the type of bu^es to be used, will get trans- l^rtaltion arid: admissions for the bbxofflce cost of t'ie tickets alone. •Man Who Reclaimed His Head' how spotted for the Broadhurst, New York, Sept, 8. Edward Anthony sues In a Brook- lyn, court to restrain , showing of 'Bring 'Erii Back Alive:' Claims he TTaa engaged by Van Beuren to do 13 stories for a Buck serial, but that Van Beureh took the single feature length story of another writer. Decision reserved. ^ Herbert Shumlih will stage the |iew Spewack comedy. - Matty Zimmerman, of Leblang's, back frorii Germany. ^ Around 3,6PQ taxlcabs, or about one-'ilfth of the New Tprk fleet, out of service due to poor business. . balph Staub. of Columbia Pic- tures, propositioned . by Alaskan business men to direct a picture erlving the history of the territory since Its purchase from Russia. Had to turn It down because of his con- tract. • Harlem held big greeting for re- turning 'Green'Pastures' company at 126th street station. There were lb3 m the party. Drew a; special story from Wdrd Moorehouse which th) 'Sun' slapped on page one. Coney-Island will hold Its annual Vardi (Glras Septi 12-18.' ' Plans for the Oraiid Forum, or sunken pla^ at Rockefeller Ceri- ,ter, have been filed. First building jplatt in N. T. which calls for all . .work to be below the street level. Talk of a Broadway revival of *Italh' with Alice Brady. Reported that Jane ^owl will be !nrlth the Giilld this'season. Ernest Cossart will take Henry .Travers' place In "Reunion' when it goes on tour.. Travers . will remain In New York to play In 'Good tiarth,' both Guild shows. "Evening Journal' sprang a story last week that Xina Basquette had been married to Teddy Hayes In Newark last .October. Names were ^Iven as Lena Copeland Baskett and Theodore T. Hayes. Hayes Is Jack Dempsey's manager. Miss Basquette says Its not she. ^HaiBHMl l » l l> lllllLllliyMllHH»IHiliir.»llllllllllllllHlll^T"|^1llllllllllllllllllllllllllllHlllllHlMllllHW^ News Frc>m This department contains rewritten theatrical nefps items <u published during the tbeek in the dail}),^pers Qf NeT» York, Chicago, San Francisco, Hollyvfood and London. Variety) lakes no credit for these nel»s item; each has been reto^ ». BM Iin Ul l llEII HMaMBMlBli«MII»BHigiBBiailli»rllBMBIlHli<ll111BlHgilllllllllllllMlltllliyiB«l!lll«llllll31iiH Uead,' Is all set^ Others are 'Love Life of a Tlffy,' 'Manhattan Medley' and ian untitled, musical. Lucrezia Eorl biack from vaca- tion abroad; Will go, on a concert tour before the opera iacason; Vladimir Heifiti, former ac'com- panist for Ide Kermer, sued to en- join her from taking cr€fdIt^iEor hIs+ -.0onj,no^^ ^omes work. States that when" she wejnt to Europe she bbrrbwed spniie of his scripts 'of Jewish songs; and that these were published under the name of Isa Kreme, her .new pian- ist. Aska return of scrlpts, cessa- tion of wrong credits arid to stop publicatlQh of An; Album of Jewish Folk Songs in .which hils work ap- pears. Court denied application. . Word from Paris insists that Chai)lln's . next will be a talker, made on .the Riviera with local backing. Health Comn^lssiorier declares that unless something Is done .about sewage, pollution; it may ' becpnie necessary to' forbid .all )>athing at nearby' beaches Including Coney and Brighton. .- in"Jail peridlrig a hearing for non- support, ' ; which to pay any nne. Court ad- : ourned case tor a week so she can corine down herself.' Lodewlck Vrootri, who has the former Erianger theatre from .the Astor eistate, will^ renatae it the^ St. James^ Will use'It .'for the' produc- tions of the St. JTames Tbeatre Corp., of which h6 Is president. Henrietta Crosman will gUest ;sUr. at White Plains in 'Koyal 'Family ', : ■ into the PlayhoiiBe Aug. 16 after a tryput at Atlantic City. Harriet Hoctor goes in the new 'Vanities.' : '■ Emily McCormack, pf the Main Street radio sketch cast, named co- respondent In the divorce case brought by Mrs. Albert Tate Smith against her husband. . Supreme Court awarded Mrs. Smith a decree, the custody of their child and 486~ v^eekiy. Basis of charge was rud at the Half Moon hotel, Coney Island. • Jan Rublnl denied motion for re- daction lOf ex-wife's alimony from ; 1160 to $76 a month; Perle Barti, opera singer, and Serd M. DeLongubt,' French sector,. havQ taken out a. marriage^ license. Arthur E. Helriirlch, profession- ally Alan Edwards, found .In con- tempt In White! Plains Supreme Court, for failure to ' pay $1,686 to his. wife, Elaine^ Told to settle' or go to jail. .He soue:ht to convince the court he, has grown. too. old to play juveniles and' has no other line. . Theresa Hieifiburn, of the QuHd, will be connected with at least two Independent productions this sea^ son.. With Martin Beck she will stage 'Chrysalis,'- by Rose Albert Porter, and" with /Joseph Verner Reed;, will do 'Love Story,' by S. N. Behrman's drama. Her first job for the Guild will be to stage 'The Pure In Heart.' Charlotte Wakefield, show girl, refused, alimony and counsel fees when she sought a separation froni Walter Ruk^yser, mining engineer, who, she charged, beat and other- wise maltreated her. He-retorted that shp ' locked -hlrii out of- their room, threw knives at him and sel- dom was .sober. Judge Peter Schihuck decided , the husband , was more sinned against than sinning. Mrs. Rukeyser must wait for the trial. Examined before trial In hl3 suit for . slander against Mrs, Anita Ar- gulnibau for $260,000. following a weekend cruise, T. Ray £y>swell, picture director, claimed that her statements were merely to bea.t hlin to the' punch when' he threatened to make a clean breast of the affair to her husband. ! Frieda Flshbieh, pliay brol^r, has added Ann Miner to her staff., Will Fyfife, Andre Randall and Edwin iStyles sail tomorrow, (Wed) to go Into 'Vanities,' Chorus re- hearsals for the show start' this week under Sammy Lee. Show will have a .tryout in Newark Sept 12 before coming Into New Tprk, pos- sibly at the Casino,, fornierly 'Car- roll's. Rehearsals at the. Manhat-! tan,, wblch Norman Carroll has un- der lease. Artists' models have organized a guild in New Tork. • Starts , with a' membershl'i of about 300. Will supply booking service, legal advice arid collections, telephpne service and bash checks. ' ,All undisputed pay claims against the defunct N. T; 'Graphic' (Mac- fadden) were paid last week fol- lowing a meeting of the creditors^ • George Harris, winner of t^e At- Wfiter-Kent radio auditions, given a week with the Westport CL. I.) Players. . Elaine Manzi, toe dancer, puzzled as to whom she Is married. Thought she was . marrying Lord . North, whos.e ancestor was British premier during the Revolutionary War; but Lord North, who Is in England, thinks it must be two other fellows. Isldor J. Kresael suing- Mitchell ?3rlanger, through his secretary, Loretta Conway, for a npto for $25,- pOO said to be part of his retainer in the Fixel case. Max Rablnoft, impresario, badly hurt in auto accident near Yonkers. Car went off the road to avoid ah pther machine. .Barbara Blair, injured In an auto accident at Bridgeport, Conn., sus talnlrig a fractured skull, reported to be recovering-. Zt. Lawrence Weber may try four plays this coming season. First, ■Vhe Man Who Reclaimed His Earl Carroll's executive staff'will Include Howard Delghton, general stage dir.; Jack Kelly, stage mana ger; Ned. McGurn, ass't. stage man ager; Harry Long and Clem Taylor, rehearsal stage assistants; Ray Kavanaugh, ^uslc dir.; Mrs. Ar- lington, wardrobe; Mrs. Tapsfleld, workrooms, and Clias. Ashley, tech nicardirectpr. Announced that all Silly Sym- phonies, film cartoons. In the new series will be done in Technicolor. Winston-Salem grand Jury Indicts Libby.Hoiman and Ab. Walker for the murder of the former's husband. Smith Reynolds.; Walker, was Im mediately arrested. Singer jvas surrendered by her father. Jury acted after hearing only .t\?6 wit- nesses. Brewers Importing beer barrels from Germany in anticipation of repeal. North Gernlan^ Uoyd boats have, been bringing in around 600 barrels on each trip the past few weeks. ■. Hollywood police holding joe and. Sebastian Gagarin, Filipino brothers, on suspicion of having robbed and slugged Fred Massig, tllin actor. Two owners of racing hounds, Sam Clarke and Claude Williams, JailPd for .refusing to testify regard- ing Cylv^r City do* track, won re- lease oh ball and were ordered to appear before Superior judge Craig Aug.. 9 to . sho-w cause why they should not serve contempt . sen- tpnces. Mrs. Mlnrile. Kennedy-Hudson, mother of Almee Semple McPher- sPn Hutton brought $100,000 slander suit In L. A. Superior Court aigalnst husband, Guy Edward Hudson, based on. statements which It Is alleged he made In Las Vegas, Nev., after leaving her.. A . Carrie Nation cycle on the stage. To 'Crusading Carrie,' now making the rounds, will be added 'Carrie N&tlon,' produced by Arthur J. Beckhard' and authored by Frank McGratH."' That often announced Spewack play win prpbably be called 'O! Rare Buck Thomas.' To be put Into early rehearsal by Herman Shumllri. Deals with American In Russia. Scenes laid in a hotel. Parkway, dahcehall in Hawthorne, Westchester county, burned. Opened only a few months ago, Aaron Fox, brother of William Fox, granted a reduction, to $160 temporary alimony pendlnjg Mrs. Fox's suit for {separation. . Last May'the court awarded Mrs. Fox $200 weekly until trial.- Reduction riiade retroactive to that time. ' Accounting of the will of the late Ridy LIndon Danks,. who died In 1930, reveal'is a provision for three annual awards for the best drama, musical composition and novel writ- ten . by Ainerlcah citizens. Awards to be made by the dramatic,, musi- cal and literary editors of N. Y. 'American,' 'Times,' .'Herald Trib- une', 'Sun^and 'World,' New counterfeit $10 bill bothering the box-oOlce hands. Arthur: Edeson and George Burton collecting plays. They have 'Mar- ket Value,' by John , Hodges and Eric Kolkhorst; 'Kolpak Dances,' done from the G^rinan by Theodore Sky; 'Incubator,' by John Lyman and Roman Bohnen; 'We Three and One Other,' by Sidney Steiner, and 'Behind the .Screen,' by N. Brew ster Morse. No production plans announced. ■ Supreme Court, ruling pn appeal of disgruntled members,, holds, that picture operators Local 306 Is. re- sponsible for the legal costs of dcr fending Sarii Kaplan and ; Others from conspiracy charge.' Complain- ants argued that suit was against the men as individuals arid not as union ofllclals arid they should de- fray the cost themselves. Amourit Is about $25,000. Baby found abandoned In a Umou sine parked In front of the Capitol theatre Friday night. Note told that the mother was too poor to support the child. Theatre doorman called a policeman, who took the Infant to the Children's Society. . Ed Wynn to resume touring In 'Laugh Parade' at Boston on Labor Day.' Booked until March. Metro announces purchase of 'The Mask of Fu Manchu.' Early production planned. Will of the late Florenz Zlegfeld entered for probate In Westchester county. Entire estate left to his wife, Billie Burke, with the request that she provide for his mother Louis S. Levy, of New York, named as executor without bond, Cus- tomary tt-ansfer tax affidavit not filed;\ Impossible to even roughly appraise value of the estate at this time. Chas. 'Curran entered a dance marathon in Camden, N. J. In the hope that he could win the prize nnd ao pay his wlEe'.s back .lUmoriy. Dropped out after 800 hours .and glvcri a chance to catch up on sleep Last Thursday's (4) bull market netted U. S. Treasury $140,000 from the tax on stock sales. Tax is 4c on shares under $20 and another penny for higher, values. Frances Maddux got a ticket for speeding and driving without a 11 cense. Having a Job singing In the Paramount show, she sent her but ler to traffic court with $40 >vlth Coast $6,000, ani. the Davls-Mllis crosa suit fop $10,000. Action is outcoma of Davis and Mills dream of creat- ing a new film capital at Presidio Tex. • Suit for divorce filed by Mrs. Ann Alvaradb against-Don Alvarado in Chihuahua, Mexico, after eight years of married life. Action by mutual conisent. Pair have a young daugh- ter.. '- Johnny Welssmuller and Bobbe Ai-nst are reported discussing di- vorce with their attorney. Both are also denying. ^ Mrs. Grace Simpsbn, isceriarist asking -$126,000 ; from :.Mrs. Dorothy Coughlln, wife of . a Seattle capital- ist, for alleged alienation of arfec>, tlons of James T. Simpson, i More than the required 110,000'' signers' have been -obtained to place ' the California raclng.blll oq the No- vember ballot. Bstlniated measure jHTpuld add from- 6 to $7,000,000 an- . nuafly to the state, treasury. Maurice Judd, Washington, D,. c . las filed suit in Loa . Angeles for. $^.0,000 against Tx>m Mix' for legal services, said to have been rendered in making up Income tax returns, LIna Basquette denies she Is the Lena Copeland Baskette -who mar* ried a T. T, Hayes In Newark, N. j; last October. Teddy Hayes, at the Paramount studio, also denied he was the Theodore on the license. Heat from the sun Is believed tb have ignited celluloid causIng^ a blaze which destroyed, for the sec- ond time, film reclaiming plant of Jeffery's Fllac Co., Burbank. Loss ^1,600, Earl Wayland Bowman wants $200,000 from RKO studios. Inc., be- cause company . used title, 'High Stakes,' for a filhi. Bowman claims to .'have published story of that name in 1920. Suing, in L. A. Su- perior Court When a stench bomb in the form of a bottle was hurled from the balcony of the Arcade, Los Angeles, Henrietta. Peterson, dancer, was cut about the knees by. fiylne glass; Happened during opening perform- ance, midnight, of new burlesque i)oUcy. Arlliie Judge sued for $110 dent- ist's bill by Dr. Milton Bender Ih l: A. Jack Dempsey Salt Lake City from Hollywood to see bis mother, who Is seriously 111. Auto accident resulted In $21,000 damage ' sUIt brought by Isobell Kelly, dancer, against Roy Rust and Vernon Wilberk in Superior Court, Los Angeles. Assignee, of Edward Sniall, agent, brought suit In . Superior Court, Loa Angeles, against Bing Crosby for $106,000. Of the total, $25,000 Is clalmied. due In commissions during the past two yeard and remainder damages because, alleeredly, Crosby wrongfully dismissed Small, While rehearsing, for a vaude- ville act, Qalen Gough, strong man, is alleged to have attacked Aline Taylor, strong woman. Gough drew 90 days In Los Angeles courity jail on assault charges but was found not guilty on morals accusation. . Virginia Goodwin Graves granted divorce on. cruelty grounds from Ralph Graves in San Diego Su perior court. Awarded custody of minor son arid $500 a month. List of liabilities and assets pf John Francis Dillon, director, who filed,^bankruptcy petition in Los An gcles recently, stipulates debts of $73,469, half in bills due Beverly Hills merchants, and remainder bal arice diie on real estate. Assets of $33,249 Include an auto valued at $16,000. Los Angeles police started search after three da^ for Walter Gary, II, musician, 'who left home for a walk and failed'to return. Failing tb collect $30 fee for play Ing at the wedding of Joari Den nett arid Gene Markey in Beverly Hills, iribrence Sanger, . orgarilst, sued and collected from Ed Danlel6, florist, who cia.tered the event. Marriage of Dorothee McFarland annuled by L. A. Superior Judge Haas by her pleading innocence of the law in having wed Clyde Mc Fai'land before final decree of her divorce from Ervln Renard, actor, had been entered. Baby Gloria Mc- Farland, however, was decreed leg Itlmate. by the judge. J. Charles Davis and his wife, Marilyn Mills, are in court in L. A foir trial of suit brought by R, I Bledsoe and H. B. Bagley, realtors, to collect on i>romissory t!(otea o4 Betty Boyd, « picture actress, awarded- divorce frPm Charles H,. Over, Jr., stock broker, by Superior Judge Shinn, Los Angeles, .. Joan Blondell, WB-FN player, and George- S. Barnes, United Artists cameramani reported- secretly mar- ried and honeymooning In Portland, Ore. • Lorena Laysbn, a 'stand in' at the WB studios, escaped the eagle eye of executives for two years. Then Darryl Zanuck . saw her In the. studio lunchroom. A two year con-* tract followed. Olympics have brought , a new crop Pf pickpockets to Los Angeles,- poUce In one day receiving reports of $1;168 losses. At reopening .of Carthay Circle with 'Back Street,'- Panama Canal official was taken for. $763. Julia Lydig Hbyt. filed suit in Reno for a. divorce from Louis Cal- hern. Got the decree. Harold Duncan, brother, of Vivian and Rosetta, arrested In Los Angeles! on a rubber check charge. Wilson Mlzner, writer; has recov^ ered from pneumonia. ' Teddy Hayes has been sued In Los Angeles for $6,176 back- alimony which his first wife, Florence Lee». says he, owes. Carl Laemmle will build a $36,000 modernistic store building at Holly- wood's most prominent comer. Vino and Hpllywpod.. Evelyn Brent has been sued for $637 -by Dr. J. B. Hapenney. Hos- llltal bills for her prize dogs. Mid-West Balaban & Katz announced it would spend $1,600,000 fbr new film product. This would represent $800,000 for straight rental and $200,000 for percentage deals to Paramount alone. Other producers divvy the balance. Legal wolves were called oft in Nebraska against the . Walnut Grove ballroom near Fort Crook when the managennent agreed to discontinue taxi dancing altogether and to close at 1 a.m. Residents had squawked to police. Four times the speed of a theat- rical film, Pr 60 frames a second, is achieved in a new medical motion picture machine to photograph In- ternally. Archer Hoyt and Jesse Dumond, Minneapolis medlcbs, de- veloped the contrivance. Usual cluster of beauty contests around, the middle west. Every jerkwater town Is giving Itself a thrill and the girls a chance to parade In bathing attire. Miner, usher, dancer, was the sequence in the career of joe Con- nors, 26, whom Cleveland discov- ered, at RKO's lOBth Street as a former native son.' He hopes to get •the kind of a break Hal LeRoy got.' Reporter Leo Howard of Chl^ cage's tabloid 'Dally Times' sought out the povertyrstricken mother ot June . Martin, who strangled her roommate, Babe Raymond, in New York City because they had 'been too much to each other.' Mother earns $4.60 a week in a soap factoi'y and helps support two grown chil- ^Continued on page 46)