Variety (Aug 1932)

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RKO Wouldn^t Pajr Wire (^surgei^ Gi^ Ale Act Bookings Off Booking of tbe Canada Dry radio Drograiil into the Palace* New Tork, and three other RKO houses has been called off ,t>y: the circuit Act'aisked for ?d,pOO and. that the circuit carry the out of town broad- cast wire charges. Martin Beck refused to raise \the. ante beyond $8,000. ' As the NBC artist bureau had it framed, a couple of dancing turns were to be added to the cast, with the idea of expanding the running time to around an hour. Act would have gone into the Palace as the singleton stage attraction for the week. I Reyiying *Frencfainen' Anatple Frledla,nd . will take his ^0,000,000 Frenchmen' tab off the jBhelf on or abouit . Labor Day and put it: back into rehearsaL . . Friedland sunk, f20.00Q in the tab last season, but couldn't get to- e'etber. with the circuits., .. . ^ • BKO VAODEVILI.B INTACT W •'' (W««ll -Am. 12) P«l«««. Xhlww TtiE GiilijlL iibtiiHD RICH ; CMERI' ' I .. .... "MIbs Pert of Paris". TOMA GENARQ 'Soutb Atnerlca's Ni^we'tt'DancM' TOMMY LONQ "The Blongated Bzpress of Comedy" AL HODGES "Okiabotna'a Antbasaador" ENGLAND ONG The Cjtlneae Helen Kan* JOE; BELL....;; ■ I i^; .',T4l»/Volca..wltb,a Heart** . GILBERT LAWRENPE and Hl'a fipaVa BlpB .And tli« .RICH RHYTHM BAND . . (piirectton of Blo^deil > Macfc), Doubling . Gus Edwards .<lpubled b«« tween the RKO booking offlce as an agent and Ijoiw's Met- ropolitan, Brooklyn, as oppo- slsh all last week. He's play« ing the Crotona for Skouras this week, also doubling on the RKO floor. Sdwardis wsia granted an RKO agency, franchise a couple of months ago. RKO'S $2,400 DAMAGES VS. FRENCH BAND ACT RKO has been awarded a judg- ment of 60,000 francs (about $2,400) by a French court in Its breach of contract suit in Paris against Rode's Band, one of the European acts booked for RKO'a American vaudeville by Martin Beck. Suit alleged that Rode signed an RKO Vaudeville blanket contract which be attempted to cancel upon receipt of another American offer, this one from the Shuberts. Henry Liartlgfue handled the siilt for. RKO. 2 MORE SHIPS SAIL WITH SHOWS ABOARD The Belgenlapd; on its weekly six. day cruise, sailed with 40' profes- sionals inclusive 6f , the show's or' chestra. Floor show was reyisied the, revue portion being out and three sister teams replacing that feature SpiecIallstB are " Marjorre and Irene, Four Borrymores, Fran and Ted Nash, Riene and Lora, Ann Martln.^, Marie Johansori, Llla Bey with the repeaters Chlgl, Gloria Lee and Sherr brothers, Fay itnd Well- ington, VanslUer amd Copway, Serge Abagoft, Mlecha MarkolS and the Gypsy Ensemble. Added to thie Brltta.nlc's troupe, sailing yesterday (Monday), were Del Faust, Zara liCe, • Steele Sistiers and Michael Foneen. ■ The Transylvania and the France have been added to :the groupi of liners which will sail iSept. 2, over Labor Day with, performing con- tingents. Artists on all ships, ex- cept the France, receive compen- sation. DeVinO MD DENNY M DOT STEVUS Broadcasting—. , "-^Hello, Byan ft Koblette—Has th« IDeprAsslon affcot«d the Olymjplo ; G^nies." ■ ■ Deal for F&M Units at RKO'S 105th St., CleVe. Fanchon & Marco unita. with Rube Wollf as a. permanent m.c; may go hito ■ the lOBth St, Cleve- land, for RKO, Etome time In Sep- tember. Also f: & M;' may break- Its JumP: from Vancouver to Den- ver with a week, stand at .the RKO. Orphetim, Salt l^k'e City- If .going, into the 105th St, Cleve- land, F. &: M. \7U1: replace' the pres-^^ ent RKO- vaude.. Gordon for F&MV 'Sam' . Hollyif^ood, Aug.y22. Desperiate Sami' is working tltlo of . F&M tinlt . being' built; around Bert Gordon. WUl be seml-melo- dramatlc. Gae Foster has started chorus rehearsals. - No supporting- princi- pals so-far lined up,. Catclhas-Catch'Can Unit Acts at Coast's 1 and Only San Francisoo, Aug. 22.. , After ia week of staged band policy; RKO reverts its G^olden Gate to vande with' Hotaice Heldt's band doubling from stage to pit Booking office 'la , grabbing as n(ian7 RKO Unit acts.. aa po'ssible, there lielng a dearth,of .local mate- rtaL This being, only RKP house on the Coast.using.stag|» acts .office .is snapping up whatever, unit aois blow Into town; after having whole Coast fall oiit from under them while playing Northwe&t. Benny Ross and Jack Clwlnn were used last week.- IN nUI AND 7-11 UNH Lps Angeles, Aug. 22. Bert Gordon, vaude, got his first eyeful of studio lights in 'Madison Square Garden' at Paramount Was his Initial screen part Set now for Fanchon & Marco unit. Authorized RKO Aitiste' RejireseiitatW^^ and Officially Fraiichisd Agents and Associates Miim. Walkathpn (Soes Past $^0,dpO Mark Minneapolis, Aug. 22. The local Walkathoh, a twist name for a dance marathon, is roll- ing up unusual grosses here. It's In on percentage at the Municipal Auditorium with. the .city sharing oii a percentage basis of 10% of the first $60,000 a;nd 20% of every- thing over that figure. Now in its seventh week, affair has skipped past the $60,000 mark and has un- til Sept 13 to run. . ' ■ Promoter Is W. E. Tebbets, thea- tre man of Portland, Ore., who per- suaded the city to the' percentage Idea Instead of the usual $760 nightly rentaL Nut is $5,000 weekly for Tebbets with :plenty. coming in from concessions .granted as welL SAMUE BAERWrrZ 151 West 46th St., New Tork Tel. Bryant 9-4614-5 BLONDELL & MACK y 1560 Broadway / NE\y YORK GUS EDWARDS PRODUCER (Star Maker) Suite 140-42', ASTOR HOTEL, NEW YORK JACK HART < . Mow Affiliated With BILLY JACKSON JbRyant 0-I1SS 1660 Broadwdy, , New York JEN IE JACOBS 1674. Broadway NEW YORK ^EDWARD S. KELLER Palace Theatre Bldr-. New York CHARLES S. WILSHIN 1 Afniliited Member, ' Bert WlHlinew, Associate ' Tol. BBynrit 9-4649 MILTON LEWIS Associated With r MAX GORDON i CHARLES MORRISON ( Snlte lOU Bond Bid*. ; 1660 Broadway, New York PHIL MORRIS Artiats', Rep^festfhtative , 1664 BROADWAY NEW YORK CITY HARRY NORWOOD Suite 403, Palaei» Theatre BIdg. BRyanft 19-3619 O. L. OZ . Artists' BepresentatWe Suite 703, Pafaea Theatre BIdg. NEW YORK (DITT JAMES LPLUNKETT : SAM TISHMAN MAX TISHMAN, Cheneral MaiuiKer THOMAS CI7BRAN. AasocUte . 15S4 n'trar. New York. Phone Br. P-6571 OEO.O. JOHN A. WEEDEN & SCHDL1Z Associate, W1IiI<IAM O. WEEDEN Palace Theatre BIdg., New York LEE F. STEWART and EDWARD RILEY Vandevllle—^Hadlo—Plctnres 9!04 Palace Theatre BIdr., New Toric BRyant 'e-09($l Harty Weber-Simon Agency SnIte 502 Palace Theatre Bid*., New York' an(k Equitable BTdg., 'Hollywood,' Califi i - IfAj^^ rVCK, Associate J ACK WEI N ER Announces n Vaudeville Partnership with M. S. BENTHAM Palace Theatre BIdff., NKW .l(OI(K Alreadjjr Chicago, Auer. 22. After being In business: lu an Indle booking office for two weeks and having lined up . such , n>etr,opoUt^n centers as Iron wood, teacariaba, Mar- quette, .and . Jg^ipeiiilng, . Glen , Burt and Billy rjlampnd were talking to a. visitor in thielr of-..; flee. .Seeing a j-oung. man at. a desk In one comer, the vis- itor inquired: •Who's that 7* , Without batting an eyelash Burt replied: • "Oh, that's our small time department.' JIM FOTHERINGHAM'^ 90 DAYS FOR LARCENY Jlni Fotherlogham, former Keith and RKO house manager,, is serv- ing a 90-day sentence on Staten Island for taking receipts of the St. George theatre, of .which he was manager. He pleaded guilty, to petty larceny when arrested upon the theatre's discovery, of a '!fl,300 shortage In its accounts. Of the missing $1,300, $600 has been recovered by' the'' bonding company.. The sp^clflo charge against .the qianag^r involved^. the tbe^t. of $ipp of thQ .the(ttre's fupds on.two occasion^.. : . / • .. Fotherliigham, who . Is. 46years oldr .o^nce managed .the Franklin and Madison, theatres, for. jtKO.. $4,000 RED Palace's 1si Loss Sfiiee Combo Policy-^Needs f16^ 'Bergere' a Specialty Show Until Clumged Their III^ •FoHes Bergere,' rtvue t>resented by Max Rudnick, heretofore a stock; burlesque manager, opened raggedly at Long B^ach .Friday (19). Show played uiitll Sunday night, but laid off Monday fdr tevlsion and rehear, sal,' being due to restart at New- ark tpnight (Tuesday) i . Although ia vaudeville and spe- cialty revue, there was a running story which v/as dropped. Just In what form 'Bergere' will finally reach town was undecided. Scheduled to play two performances dally, In- cludlihg Sundays at the Harris, but Equity will not Interfere because several members have run of the play contracts whlctt call for guar- antees and percentage. EJqulty ofld- clals AdmiiitM that the violation of the eight performance and no Suii- days slipped by them because mem- bers retorted' the show was frathed as a vaudeville show. Whereas most of the 'Bergere*^ players favored Equity leaving hands off becAuse they needed the jobs, some who were let out at Long Be^h 'have taken a different attl> tude. They were paid three-four- teenths of a week^s salary, whereas had the show been under Equity control they , would have had been protected to the extent of two weeks* salary, -rhe let-ojiits were partlcu- liarly aggrieved/because they re- hieabBed five weeks. James Etartoh, Ada May and Fred Hildebi^hd head the cast. Harry Carr6U of vaudeville is" in on the venture as stager. RKO's Palace, New York, dropped 14,000 last week, its first loss since the advent of combination bills at the former straight vaudeville ace. Gross was $12,400. Needs $16i600 to break. - Glent Falls' Vaude . Glens Falls, N. T., Aug. 22. Reopening of . Rlalto and Park Sept. 1, by Rlalto Operating Corp., announced.. . ... RKO vaude Thursdays to Satur- days at the Rlalto. BOZIE'S GLOBE OIEDLEBS Los Angeles, Aug. 22. WanderwellB, world-touring mo» torlsts, booked for week of personals at the Roxle, 16-cent grind. RYANx'NOBLETTE Ahswering DE VITl^O and DENNY—And DOT STEVENS ^Tes. in tho-■ Dimple Ksmes thia year the Qnott Throwers are pitch- Ins pennies." Loew's Mentpbis Union Tiflf Cuts F-M Time Los Angeles, Aug. .22. , Ano.ther.week drojpsped by Fanchon & Marco, w|th Loew's. Statjs,. Mem- phis, going straight sound, follow- ing failure to reach-; an sgreement with stagehands. V • Union dlfflcultleis Iri the east have necessitated route switches. Teddy Joyce unit, 'Hollywood Collegians,' was set to Jump :frbm Lps Angeles to New Haven, but now will work its way east over regular route. ' Detroit now a layoff week for linlts, due to dropping of stage pol- icy by the Fox. Temporary added week Is the RKO Malnstreet, Kan- sas City, playing "Desert Song,' week (19). First F. & M. unit to play there was Ted Lewis unit. , EpBOWITZ GOES WEST -■. - Chic^o, Aug.. 22.. Meyer Horowitz, New Tork Indie vaude booker« has arrived In Chi- cago to, open a booking office. He is new to the-territory. . After establishing anchorage in Chicago, Horowitz hopped Into his car and went into the sticks looking for houses. F-WC BOOKS BBITTON BAND Hollywood, Aug. 22. Following 'Strtinge ' Interlude* prolog at the Chinese, the Frank and Milt Brlttoh band will play two weeks for Fox-"West Coast In San Francisco and Oalcland. May continue on to New York with a Fanchon & Marco unit. C. & A.'S COAST BBANCH Hollywood, Aug. 22. William Meiklejohn, locial indle vaude agent, will open Hollywood offlce as' coast representative of Curtis & ~ AUen, RKO agents. Meiklejohn formerly was booker here. General Sxecutiue Offices LOEW BUILDING AN N E X BRyant 9-7800 NEW YORK CITY J. H. LUBIN OBNBBAI. MANAOKB MARVIN H. SCHENCK BOOIUNO HANAGJ THE TALK OF NEW YORK MARTHA RAY The Greatest Song Singer of Today Steel Pier, Atlantic City, Week Aug. 27 Exclusive Management BENNY DAVIS