Variety (Aug 1932)

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faedday, August. 23, 1932^ VARIETY J3 NEXT WEEK (August 27) THIS WEEK (August 20) Numerals tn eonneition with bMls .betow Indicate opening oay af •how. vyhethei* full or split week VEW XORK CITX ■ POlMS <87) Koeette & liUttman Str««t Singer Papline Pollard . . ■ (20) ■ Olmn & JohnaoB R lot bait (27-30) Cherry & June Harry J Conley Co Peaches Browning . OUB EMtwardB*' Rev brook£tM Albee.(t1) Olaen & Johnson R (20) B'ood & Bood Harlan & 6t John X^ndt 3 White Barry' & Whltl.edge Rosetta & liUttman I.ynbrook (27) Whltey Rbborts :(Foi> All) (20) JunKieland' Jctfrti^ DENYISB . Keith's (S7) Stone tt Strain Harrison & Blmb - Baby Rose Marie Joe Herbert Co Floyd Gibbons (20) Harris 2 & Loretta Cole Bros Jack. Dempsey . Hiil ft Hoftnian . Princess Wahletka - -tovisynuja Btelt* (SS) ° Benny MerofC Orch: (Others to All)- KANSAS cm Keith's (SS) D«ye Jones 'ft Bobby Uay . Ssintqs ft iDklri Al Tralian Co Bathlns 'Beauty Rv ■ (19) Dcigert Sontr MADISOK ' Keith's • (27-«t) ' VIVIAN FAY : KOXY RE-OPBNINO . BILL AND GEORGE PRENTICE CAPITAI/, HE>V .XORK Both Pimced , By LE.DPV &. SMITH Jack Usher Co Chas Kemti^r Mat Haasley Orch I ■ -Prospoet <lRt half (27-90) S Page Boys - Biobter Lowry ' (Three to flll) 2d half. (31-2) Olcott ft Mary Ann Pr Jekyll ft Mr H Chaa King . (Two to flll) 2d half. (24-26) Billy . Rolls ft D 3 Small Bros. Geo Brbadhnrst Co. Henry Barbig Rlinac's Orch AISANT • ''' Palace ' Ist half (27-30) . Texas Qulnan Co Sd 'hftir (31^2)" Gilbert-Bros Chester Fredericks Barry ft Whltledge Peaches Browning Maro Iioekford Co . ad' balit (34-2t) ;oe B«U ft Sis Allen ft Canfleld >f Montgomery Bis of SlcUlet Orbna- Dancers BOSTON Boston (t7) Bdo>J ft Bood 0tepptnc Oat Allen ft Canfleld IrCar-Dee-Chefs . (20) Z^ra ft Wolf Itvin O'Dunn Chester Fredericks Oln Llllth VIo Oliver Fred Warlng's Or Keith's (27) Wing Wah Tr Cbase ft McDonald Bobby Plncus BUI Robinson Co Bis of Skillet Joe Bell ft Sis OnCAGO Palace (27) Doc Baker 'Welcome Lewis Walter Dare Wahl Henry J ICelly 'Co • lUiynt'ond!. Wllbert ' Hobairt' "BoBworth Ralph - Cooper Or . AIXNNBAPOUS,. . . .Orpheaca .(S7> Marcus Co ' (20) Herb Larimer Co Frank DeVpe Medley ft Dupree Hcbart BosfpTorth' Ralph Cooper Orch NASHVIIXK Princess (86) " Co-Ka..& Cadet Rev Jack Merlin Co Merrick 'ft Allen 3 French Misses : MKw obi:;ban8 Keith's (e7) Wells , ft Brady Ray Shannon.Co Brltt Wood • ' Renoir .;ReMovB.'ft B (20). , Fra^k fivers ft O JackiMajor' - DfYlto: .ft. Denny Barney' Grant Co Stone ft Gibbons . OKAHA KeUh's (97) Harris' 2 ft I/oretta Cole Bros Jack Demitsey Hill ft Hoffman Prlnoeea Wahletka- .-•<H) . Dave Jones' ft.P - Evans ft Mayer Don Santo ft Bhile Bobby May Al Trahan : PROVIDlBNCIl Keith's (S7) Lya ft Wolf Barry more 4 i ■Victor OlU'er Waring's Orch ' (20) Joe Mandls S Chase ft McDonald Daphne Pollard Ann .Pritchard Co Bobby Pincus Hilton Sis ROOHESTEB Keltfi's (27) Puwlaey-& tice Sis CARL FREED Aug. 6.. P«rtliod, Or«.' Oeorge Sidney Scu-ney Rapp Orch , „ (20) . S-Cossacks • ' Fried Sanbome J .'ft K Lm Xddle Nelson Haas Columbo Or . State Xake (27) Fabpr ft Lord J ft K Spangler Jackson A Gardiner Gene Austin Bid Marion Oiemona Belling yerry 2 ft Tarls • (20) QAston Palmer Murray 1am Co Henry J Kelly ft V Raymond Wllbert Jordan & Woods Oreat Httber Palace (27) Lois Torres' M_lckoy McQuiro Al|f« Frohmsn Stevens Nelson ft 9 Ted Healy Orch _ (20) Downey, ft Lee Sis JVills ft pdvia Gruco Hayes Gi'orgo Sidney Barney Itapp Or ■ 105th St. (27) Gaston Palmer Wuiray Lmie Co Harlan & St Jphn Boiler ft Wills Tdbo (20) Gilbert Bros Kaber & Ford Doc Bfther Rov Lawrence Grey WIIU ft DavU Ingenues • (20) t Victor Girls Casa ft Lehn Waijy. Sharpies Co Bddle, Qart • Otto Gtey Cd TRENTON Capitol tat half (27-30) Henry Burbig' Elmliy 'Vaii' Losen (Two to till) 2d half (Sl-3) Radio Rubes Slim Timblln Phyllis Rae ft H 2 2d half (24-24) Kam Tal 3 Peaches Browning; Harry J Conley CO Bud Harris Chrlstcnscns TOROT^TO Hippodrome (27) 3 Whippets Plllard: & Hllltard Dawi) Sis Jack Mulhall E.vans & Mayer (20) , 3 Ft of Rhythm Lol'AUl Welcome Lewis Co Lowin ft Ames Blanche Calloway WESTWOOD Keith's (27) McKay Si Ardtne H Harrington St i.-' Chas King (Two^^o ail) (20) Model Bakers Billy Toung Geo Broadhurst Co Stanley & Corday RImac's Orch Loew NEW YORK CITS' Capitol (21;) Buddy Rogers . Oroh Leon Brrol ' Aiteen Stanley i " Jay G Fllppen . Art Jarrett Bernlce ft 'Binlly Boalevard 1st half (37-30) Boyd Senter Ca!ts Bros Jack Starries Co (Two to fill) 2d haU (31-2) Ford, Stpne. ft Pitts. Hermfin HyUe Norman I'rescott (T*o to flll) ''.:- Oipheoaa ' .'. 1st halt: (27-3<^) Carl Shaw Cff . Tyler ft' Mason '. ' NV>rman Freacott (Two to flll) . :■: 3d half (31-2) (^4lni ' . Calt'ok Bros jOhlet ;CampbUcan'~ (Two to flll) .Paradise (2«> Klkutas Japs Buck ft Bubbles Boswell Bis ' Prleco Ben Bemie yOrch::" . State (27) Casting Stara. Br tie -BInriche Owen 'Mo.ore ■ Ann Pennington . Chug Judels . ' Nlok Long ■ Mills Kirk ft IC %jBO Pollock Co • BROOKLYN ' . . Gates 1st half (27-30) Mndle ft' Ray Chief Campollcan (Thrge-to flll) . 2d half (31-2) Frank D'Amore Dance Olympics . .- (Three to-flll) :MetropoUtan Daptle & I<amb Co.okle .-Bowers Harriett Lee CO Bddle Hanley Go Borah MInevich Co Valencia (26) (^apelle & Carlton 4 Step Bros Hilton ft Caron Zelaya Abe. Lyman Orch AStOBkA ' . Triboro ■ 1st half (27-30) Armand'ft Perez . ; Cardlnl Herman' Hyde Mae ■ Wynn Co XOne to flll) 2d half (31-2) Boyd. Senter . Cdrl. Shaiw Co - Tyler Ma'son (Two to flll) ' BALTIMORB = Century <27) Rto Rita ' BOSTON ' Keith (27) Duptints Radiolltea Cnllins ft Peterson. Adler. ft Bradford Middle DoVyllng 'Rne Dooley jRBSEir '^rrv ' Loew*s (27) ' Arthur LeFluer Co Delivery Boys Bort Lytell Co ' Frances Wllllains Calif Collegian's ' - . ItlONTBEA'Ii Loew'B (27) . "Van Cello ft Mary Rosemary 'ft Fra^'r Lewis Mack'^o Cbas Kemper Co Wells ft 4 Fays PALISADE Zoew's (27) Boyd ft Wallln Hans Keller Rellek 3 Mclfords WASHINGTON Falocs (27) Wilfred DuBolse .MIPS Patrlcola Po|a Negri Joe Phillips Georges Carpentler Olga ft Mishka Balalaika- Six , ' ' Flaschette Tudy Virginia^ Peck La Verne NEW HAVEN Paranionnt : (27) 'Hello Porree' P & N Ghezzi Lynn Cowan.Co Ramon ft Virginia . J Roiihlcr ft. Shace Sunklst Bns NEW ORLEANS State (27) . •Clean Up' I • Mills & Shea Rhythmettes Alexander Callam Jimmy Hadreos Joe Christy Vernu Sylvia ft R Sunklst Ens OAKLANB ' OnkUnd (26) 'Follow Thru" Joe Penner. Olive Olson ' Eddie Temblyn Mac Harris Helen Wright BUI Halllgan Frnnklyn Famum Jerry Rose Dee Loretta Madeline ShefSeld. Allta Duncan Earl Maestro . PORTLAND .. Paramount (20) - 'Stitch. In Time" WARNER kuzabehH' Bits - Ist half (26-22) Marty & Naucy.^ Earl Mussellman Co B ft J Brown Dsaoe Olympics Jack-Pepper • Jas Klrkwood ... Colby ft Murray Rv Roeett* Duacoa (19) Danc« Olympics - Leon Navsrra ' OFFICIAL DHNTIST TO THH N. V. A.' DR. JULIAN SIEGEL i IMV Brea4m>r ' This 'Weekt Xthel tjtti BIalii» HeNaIr; 2d hilt (30-1) Roxy La Race* Murray Bros (Two to flll) Itit half .(IS.2^) Dolores Eddy ft D Masters ft Oaatler Street' Ballyhoo Tork ft Goldle Leo Henning Sd half (2S-St) 2 Boltqn Sis ' Alttn Reno ft 1^. 4 tiarltoh B^os Rosetta Duncan PHILADELPHIA Earle ^26) ., 2 Daveys Ray Hughes ft P 4 Rubes B ft J Brown Glenn ft Jenkins.' 4 Weigands ' ITASHlNaTON Earls (26) Carr Bros ft B Aft M Havel Everett Marshall Hal LeRoy (19) Bredwlrj Lcwli; Mack Oe Nick Lucas Stanley 3. X-d Fanchon & Marco BOSTON MetropoUtoB (27) •Tahltr I Rerl -Bernardo De Pace Qreaham ft Blake Park ft Clifford Gus Elmore Sunklst Beauties Celine Ixisgar . LlOyd -Robert Milter, . I . 'BitivifAUO ■' Buffalo (27) Trixie Frlganza . Moro ft ToconalU Stadier Boe^ 4 ' ' . Ina Ray -•' Victor Grlffln Paul Howard Bunny Bronaon Mark Popper Keene 2 Ken Syner CHICAGO Hvoll (26) 'Rookies' I JohAny Burke Nina Olivette Lea Everson Irwlh ft McAvoy Dancing Doughboys Uptown (26) . .'Ted Liewla Show' Dixie 4 'Snowball'. Whlttier Esther Frkssman Elsie Melfjod Dorla Deabe Baby Jane Mildred Gaye High Hat Hand PES l^OINKS - Paramount (27) 'Movie ClriiUB' Monte Biu'o Monroo Bros Roaltor Paoo' Moreno Proethy Bnt DETROIT Xnshcr (27) 'Nlpht Club' Idea Holland ft KnlgHt '^N'illon Crowley . ... 'I Rudy Kayo Fetch ft Deaaviiu; Janice Walker Sunklst Bns Deszo Better nOIXTWOOB Pontages (20) 'Irene' Dale 'Winter Bobby 'Watson ■ Oeorge FOx. a M Bait Dorothy LaMar Mignon Walter Regan Betty Farringtoa - Warren Wood Sydney Reynolds ^ Featherstone Anolyn Arden Wanda Allen Curtis Coley INDIANAPOLIS Indian* (27) 'Eddie Peabody H' Jessie Draper Jack ft Jerry Joy Boys Mary & Marge Marthan Vaughn Tom ft Hank . LONG DKACH West Const (26) 'Sally* Mary Eaton Bert' Gordon T Boy Barnes LOS ANGELES loew's State (26) 'Hearts' of B'way' Vera Gordon Sydney Page 4 Juggling Norm'os Mack Learner Nadje Gordon Foggy Earlo Topay McCann Myrtle Lyman Torhey Ens anLWAl'KKE Wlsronaln (27) 'C Poy's Bughouse' Ollarlle Poy Maxlne Lewis J ft ^McKenna ' Tommy McAuUlte 5 Dccardos - Harriet Mortimer Topay Lee Torney Ens' SAN FRANCISCO Fox (26) 'Town nnd Country' Drox Sis Nlles. Kovnk .& Fay Nlildred Perlee B & D Lewis . Sunklst Ens . SEATTLE 5th. Ave. (20-31) 'Sweet and Lovely* .Blanche Sweet C- ft C Stroud Ch'mb'rlin & Himcs IjOC Lorraine Al RInker Catclialcts ST. LOCIS . Fox (27) 'Mickey ft M Mouse* Arnaut> Bros Buster Shaver O & G Brasko Munty 6 Carlo Tooti Novelle Minnie Mouse. Ens TORONTO Imperhd (27) 'MAllbu Beach' I Raquel Torres Berhle ft Walker . Reiiee Torres Anderson ft Allen Tom Dick ft Harry Henri, Therrlen Sunklat.Ens Weiek of Aug. 22 , - ConterbiirT H. S. | .KILBURN lat half (22-211 1 Graago Two Carltons -■ -1 Terry Wilson MIto Trio M , I Grade ft Roth JACK >PWELL'S Tip Top for TELEVISION At present - naridng.- tints 4 LEDDY « SMITH ; .2d half (23-2S) Cranstonians Lewis ft Lawn. Kit Kat Reatoariont Kit Kat Kittens Co, as. booked Vietorls Palace Louis Armstrong- Murray ft. Moouey.. Memories of Tore -Allen & Gordon Chas Hlgglna Somers^ft.Fell .' Sully ft Houghton' .. Strobl BRIXTON ' Astoria' . Myron Pearl Co Max Miller . A Lowe ft F Foi' Co.' as booked. CXAPTON ■ •■ Rtnlc Hlntonl Bros Bort-TerI^eU . .. .BAST. HAk .. Premier 3 Aberdonlans Balg & Kseoe EDOEWABB BOAD Grand Alee Halls ft Page Selkirk ft Glyn iPINSBUBT PABK : ' ' Astoria Georgesco Band : . .. - Ibnplie. ZjOuIs Annstroac Co. ojb booked HAMMER8HITH ndace Wnllender Sea Lions Gaston & 'Andre . MILE END Empire 1st half (22-24) Lewis ft Lawn Craatonlans . 2d half (26-27) Carltons MIto Trio J4BW CROSS .'.1' Bmplre Radlana. Co. as' booked KInema' Colllnson & Dean ValUere ft Page OLD KENT BOAB ' AstotU Vait -Miller Leslie Pierce Rosa Plaherton. PECKHAX Palace Michel ' Max Hoffman . Tower . Paiil.Gray ' Reloii ft Penards Keith' . Wllbor SHEPHERD'S B'H , . PavlHen Little Poreen ' STBATPOBD B r na iwt ty Joy ft Don Roaa Welsh Minire 4 - Xmplre Scott ft-Whaler Co, as booked . STRBATHAM ' - Astoria . Barbette - TOTTENHAM . . Palace Porothy Colston 7 Hindustans PROVINCIAL Week of A^g. 22 . BIRMINGHAM. Empire Tom Burke . 'Co as booked ' OABDIFF Capltel IB ft B Franklla DUBLIN l_ Cepltel Bonettl Bros Frederlque Alma. Mackey . Co as booked EDINBVROH '' Empire Taabel Elsom L'ucan ft McShane 'MotrlB ft Matr Tessa Peane Slimmy Shields jCorwalla ft Eddie . Glyune Sis ^asu ft Jessie i -GLASGOW . . : Empire - Graclo Fields Armonr Boys Erie Randolph Horace Kennedy Lapp ft Habel Buckleys Plckford Slia D .ft B Newel\ Act Superb' UEED8 Paraaioant Pl^zA Tiller Girls Enid Ralph Co as booked. '1IANCHE8TBB . .>' ' Paramoont- Geraldo Tancn Bd NOmNGHAM ' 'Empire Billy Caryl Hilda Mundy . M<?lBa Klngsley ft' Porde ' Bert Lloyd . Dorothy I.ena Gandey's Circus , Horeb.urgh Bros Cabaret Bilb NEW YORK CITY Central P'k Casino Veloz ft Yolanda . Bddle Puchln Or Club Calais .lean Malln Lpw Gsrula Orcb Francis Dunn Arthur Budd . Colleen Adams Eht'prs ft' Borgia Connie's. Inn Baron Lee Orch J'zzllpa Richardson J Little Words Alice Joyce Cora Green Baby Cox Glennlo Cheesman Paul Meeres Lola Deppe Willie Jackson Bon Don Buddies 'Cotton Club Aids Word Henri Wesscl Swan ft Lee Anise Boyer Roy Atkins Peaches ft Puke Brown ft McOraw' Nicholas Bros Leltha Hill Don Redman Orch U'llyw'M Reatnur't Tommy Tucker Or Barron Judetb Faith Bacon AndrO 4 4 Climax's Theo Thane Jphn. Walsh Nat Club 4 Eton Boys Nutsy Fagan 'Vic Dunne Joan Bennett Waleh Bros Dlllle Lane La Belle Rose 3 Crane Bin 3 Tnylor Sis Casper ft Lake Dobble TTcmalne Cook Bis Audience-Wise Cinderella Lilttie Janet Gayhor has -a really truly Mama, Papa, Uncle and Hus- band In 'The First Year.' The screen's fivorite orphan is thereby deprived of one of her greatefst joys: costing wistful eyes toward heaven and lameritinis plaintively- that there is none closer than a second cousin to see that she has her shoes soled and puts on her winter underwear. Though 'The First Tear' deals with the earthy struggles of a new. ly wedded pair, It remembers that Miss Gaynor is, a mythical wraith, a heroine out of a falfy tale. Right- ly, her home town is i'bower Of cherry blossoms, screening a row of fragile cottages that 'mJght be made of sugar and icing;, her cpsttimes, cunning prints and daintiest or.^- gandy; her hailr comb, a orown of fluffiest curls. raer, too; making bar halrcomb a bit of a ,problem. The. present ver- sion is a long bob, curling fluffliy about her face. The- Idea is excel-, lent, but the execution Involves one loose, untidy ■wave and ends that . are frizzed into the semblanc© of a home-made curl. An alternative coiffure, youthful nnd becominir wheii shot from side angles, draws the hair smoothly oft the brow to fluff into full ciirls .bf'hlnd the ears. Both' hair coinbs are too poorly groomed to impress American., fanettes. ■ Not Much'Chance Ann Dvoraki Sheila ^erry, Betty Gillette and. Claire Dodd are the programmed . principals, among a multitude of Hollywood ladies, who worship at the shrine of David-Man- ners as 'The Grponcr.' Machlner made parts arid' bos'turaes glVe them little ppportunity to rise above the -multitude.' ' An Unhappy Heroine •Devil and the Disep' presents Tal- lulah Bankhiead with a perfect gem of dlalpg, a golden n])gget of dan- gerously a.ccui;ate self • criticism.. Gary, Copper,, runs the story, has. discovered Miss BankHead wa,nder- ,lng, disheveled and forlorn, through an African market place* He com- miserates with lier upon her half dazed appearance^ 'Tut, tut,' denies the heroine, 'that is j list my normal exi>ression.' ■They needn't think they can eit- plaln away a lack of animation that -way. It would be far wiser to give Miss Bankhead a story that might coax a^. smile to her dlBcPn- tented features, .or .Introduce.a few bright scenes tp cre<ite a new per-, sonality, since the old one. has thus far not caught on with-picture ait-< dlences. ' Miss -Bankh^d has growii slim- ier since her last Picture, and .hetf' ter able to model her'eleekr inter- estingly contrived it&wns. : Unfor- tunately, her face has. inroWn. sUm.- Sfidck Proof Mrs*'Oliver . Come weal, ' conife ■woe; comio" Wheeler, conie'.' Woolsey, nothing matteiTS to Edna May Oliver. Miss Oliver iio^i) the unusual fac- ulty of isolating .herself in .self-ias-< sured moodis. 'Hold - 'Em Jail' -may', ask her to rub shoulders "With. . U-B - literate, convicts, - sing* duets •with- Mr. "Woolsey or cheet Mr. WheeleP on to a touchdown for the old pene- tentlary; Thit's Pke" -with- Miss Oll-ver. decisive'matron who re* tires. Into New England. d:ignity' when . things :dlsplease her, she ia.. not abashed by peculiar surround-. Ings. She's a rock Pf righteousness: and a comfortlnig note of sanity in the wild WheeWf-"and, Woolsey- world.. ■ . ' " Her . costumes are as carefoUy' thPugh -Put as her genteel,. superior ■ gestures. She wears flowered printa» ' nothing flambpyjint and very Back Bay. £laclc rlmmeciipince nez thq-t would dangle: from, a long 1>on. if they were not restrained hy a shoulder gadget, add the risht amount of school marm dlsapprovaCt, >A black velvet l>and about her necfc^^ and bangs that escape from a ma-^'.; tronly coiffure,: say that M)ss Oliver .can be a bit,;.of a ,c04uiette ..wheri-, .'filie's a >jqaln4; ; An4 Yvlien JsheV: playing. ppp9sita .Mr> Woelsey, .'She'ii a mind .to.'. ;•'■:•;' ' ■ Betty Grable, new love interest • for Mr. • Wheeler, is pretty aiid" young and'reads het*'lln.fes' In . tli«f not-tob-coy" ingeiiiiiB' maimer.'' ' '.; Kchnre Theatres HaSW 'VOBK OITT Pe sn ii n t <1») Ultchel ft Purant 'Eddie Lowry Donald Novie Marjbrle While 'Ual Le Roy Beatrice Belkln Carr Noyes ft L 'Devil and Peeii* - BROOKLYN rtanmamBt <!«) George J.essel - Norma Talmadge Bums ft Allen - 'Devil' and Deep^ BUXTALO BoffUo (19) J ft P Ullchon T>e'WI and Deep' CHICAGO Clileace iW Frauk Richardson Sylvia Clark BuMcr ShaTer Oe Lsnslter Bros^ . Bobby ICnhn Sylvia Btaarp Bne Rtidolph Wagner '2 Anatnst World' Tlvoll (19) . Bth^ Ws.tera . Valadla . Berry Bros' Blue M'AlIlster Cecil Mack . PJke Pavls Bd 'ildm Ra'-cketeer* ' ' Cptonm (19) Will JIahtoney Novelle Bros Minnie Mouse & P 'Rebecca of S'nyb'k -namioiT ' Ptsher -(19) F ft.J Hebert Art Hetiry Co 'Uerse Feathers' La Belle Rose Enoch'Light Orcb .Panunpont OrlU Beth Chains- Jl'ly'w Colleelans Mclba Mason . Oschr Grogan . ' ' Julie Jenner, . Balobbw Iiui . Chris Pender Selma Kins Rudolph ft- Cblclts. Al Goldman Honey Mays Frankle Freda Or. Blvi^ Harry Fox Dorothy DcU Lita Lope Val Vesto/f Jane Dunlap Flleeri Clewley Helen Sheldon Mildred ft Maurice Kdssiaa .Arts Joe Morantz Orch ~ Rcpee! ft Laura ' Nickolas Hadarick Barra Birs Miaha Usanoll Tnft Grill ' Geo Hall Orch Vlllake.Usrn RelUy ft Comfort. Pojie ft ThoiUlpson Berhlce .Short ' Blnser Turner Jimmy Bsskette ■Bobby - Sawyer NorinaD Astvrood 4 Blazes Alma Smith ' - ' - Crockett M'tneers Ted Faith ft Kris Emily Day Babs Perkins Bh'rift J'sh Medders B'shf'l H'k Warren Teddy Black Orcb Banter Isle Inn Geo Owen Orch Buddy ' Kennedy Kerr R'uaseaue ft K Edith Griffltfa Kentucky 2 PavllUon Boyal Guy Lombardo. Orch. CHICAGO Kdgewater Beech Hotel Irene Stanley Stanley Jacobson Dusty Rhodes Bmll De.Solvl Harlan Hnsaburg Marshall SoBson Chas Agnew Orch IJncoln Tavern Andrea Marsh 'Red' Inclo Country Wanhburn Parker 0.1b,bn Elmo I'ann'er Weston Vaughn Ted Weeras Orch The Dells Sophie Tucker CoIIOtte .Sis J ft J AValton Marie Peterson. Co Gus Arnhelm Orch Vanity Pair Earl Rlckard Lillian D.-irnca Castenn Llbby ft K Ward Sis .Joe Fin ley Mary Vanda Girls Eddie South Orch Shelnui.' Tod.^. has .iNrpkeP;, wba^,; ever necbrds:^jbstied,.in, |^liywoo<| for high-powered.<vamplng.^.''' I : Lately she- was discovered ais'thO^ sweetbeurt Pif, iii6i otic!; but all fodr' of the Marr'Bro.thetB;' ihat! uhii).ii^^. suiBc^litible'' aui^i^iitjt. J %lM>b« 'ipW^ tV*-, alatan^ Is OY^ll'<K»pt'e by .the .-wrljgfcl* oi a. shoulder*: the linritatioji. o<. ih- smile. MiBS' Todd faced the. MsieC onslaughts- -v^tth aplomb- ahd: keen ' strategy in the' clinches. She'lut«d them o^ )6be t6xigtit ,^4m -otC piilchritude' ah'd " pt>ise—il' perf^V Librelel for , a completely cracke4 foursome. . 'Horsefeathers' was merely a pre-c llminary work-out that put MlsS' Todd in fohn for 'Speak BJasily.* Hcire she is matched^ -with BusteP Keaton,' a geritlezban" who. Id hl9 quiet, befuddled 'way,' is extremefy hard to get. Miss Todd hasn't m&det up her eyes in the aPin^oved vam- pire outline, hasn't flnflfed her hair into on aura -of saucy curls nop adopted a series bf clinging frock»' and negligees for lipthln^. Inevita- bly she lures her prey into a f3hii^' lous cpuirtsbiP; To the r^st of ihO/ world it resembles a combination Olympic sprint and wrestling match; but In a Keaton picture it signifies the! dawn of love. - In spite of Miss Tpdd's ..vehement allure, Ruth Selwyiji is the girl y^o really cat<ihes' thi^ . Keaton fkncyV Her use pf Baascan^ jlip as indiscreet as her competitor's, ibut her glance, is isoft, her manner shy, her eps- tumes shabby and denjnre. Tho inake-up properly describes her aa an unpretentious ingenue of a tanic town theia.trical troupe and an ac- ceptable vis a vis for Mr. Keatoiu New Angles •The Roxyettes haven't been idlinff away their time all these weeks. Bright, precise troupers that they).-V are, they've .been working up a' brand new routine while their em- ployers were scyrrying round for a bank-roll. 'New Angles' it's called^ and "new angles it is, opening up unsuspected possibilities for preci- sion routines. PoSed against black velvet back- ing, supported in diagonal positions by Invisible braces, they pattern stn, intricate routine—a moving stylized, frieze. Their svelte white tlghtsi remembering the Cathedral attltudeL are refined by the dim mystery b£ Roxy lighting. The audience, stunned by the (Continued on page 35)