Variety (Aug 1932)

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34 VARIETY TIME § Sau;4 BE Tuiesday, - August 23, 1932 East Boardwalk at Coney Island opened last Thursday (18) following de* struct ion o£ a section by Are July 13. Marathon dancers In Laurel Springs, N. J„ quit dancing to hunt Thomas Morris, manager of the affair, who is sliy $500 in wages and $150 local accounts. DeW'olfe Hopper, now 75, is going back on the stage in "fhe World Between.' Sheppard Traube denies that he is In with Arch Sehvyn on 'Square Heads.' On his own, he says, and ready to start in about four weeks. Joseph Emont, 'cellist In the N. T. Philharmonic, recently i^rrested for kidnaping his daughter from the custody of his wife, how suing for legitl possession of the child. De- cision reserved when case was heard last week. ,iiMMetuBB!i!BiHi8i.»«^tiiiFjiaaHiii9aagiRBia!iaf!«aiflijiiiHi»8insiiaiB«^ ^ HH^ Theodore Dreiser narrowly escaped death when a car In which be was driving crashed .pno.ther and -went «L«Ter an embankment on the Saw Mill River road ; near Mt. Pleasant^ N. T. The author and Mrs, Clara L. Clark, who was driv- ing, were uninjured, but the writer's daughter, Helen Dreiser, was treated for contusions In a hos- pital. Helen Foru to do a dramatic i-ole on Broadwi • Will be seen in 'The Othei One.' That Spewacic comedy may be called 'Clear All Wires.' Looks as though 'The Passionate Pilgrim* would go into rehearsal next month. Has had hard sled- ding. Bank checks beait theatre ticket tax as revenue getter under the emergency imports. Brought in $1,094,287 during the first nine days In which the law was in operation. . Theatres, fall of June, including th; tax above $3 prior to the new impost, wad $343,691. Ernest SchelUng, pianist and coinposer, back from'. Europe and plans to resume, his piano playing, which he was forced to abandon due to a felon on this thumb. . Last week the 'Herald Tribune* carried the advertisement of a 'Mr. L.,' who described himself sis a radio program maker and asked for a job. Said his qualifications were that he could keep his mouth shut. ' his eyes open and present a good executive appearance. He got a job with a. doll firm, but. his name not revealed. A. C. Bluihcnthal in coiirt a^in. This time he seeks to vacate the receivership of the Fox theatres on the allegation that the equity action was a 'sham to benefit the Ulrai affiliates.' States that he stands to lose a large isum. He holds a judg- ment-tor $356,000, part of the sum awarded him as a note holder by the N. Y. State Supreme Court last Janucry. Dixie days in West 21st street last week. ' Warehouse destroyed 1,200 cases of a wine tonic on order of the owners, a; drug concern, who found the product not salable. Poured into the gutter, but much rescued by tramps with tin cans and milk bottles. Earl Carroll brings In 36 foreign players for his 'Vanities.* Paraded uptown In bannered taxis with a kilties band in honor of Will FyfEe. CoIe-Reddlng has taken an option on 'Sha Mat,' described as a satiri- cal comic opera. By Frank Lea Short and Lou Merrill. Adelaide Hall, Negro night club and musical comedy star, has pur- chased a $35,000 home in Larch- mont, N. Y. Jean White, burlesque, arrested on a charge of strangling her room- mate, Florence Miller, arraigned in General Sessions last Thursday (18), pleading hot guilty. Her counsel offered $6,000 bail, but on request of the DLst, Atty's office ball was set at $20,000. News From the Dailies This depc^'lment contdins retoriiien theatrical neivs items as published during the toeefi in the dail]f papers of Nel» York, Chicago, San Francisco, Hollyr»ood and London, Vairiei}) takes no credit for thesp.'tieps items:, each has been rewritten ftorn; a daily paper. ganizatlon. Other frati&rnal orders under investigation, but- indictments found Only against the men ■ whoi rah the potteries. Figured that these lotteries have brought in more than $3,000,DOO, of which the win- ners r-^ceived only $223,000. Tamara Geva confined to her bed with a knee ailnient. Albertina Vitak will sub for Miss (Seva in the Philadelphia engagement of ■Flying Colors,' Latter hopes to be ready for the N.. Y. opening..- Lily Pons broke Caruso's b.o. rec- ord at the Colon theatre, Buenos Aires, last week. . Charlie Rose, boxing manager, sued Joe Jacobs, manager of Ma.x Schmellhg, for $24,000 as his share of the earnings of the fighter in 1928-30. Compromised for $10 be- fore the trial and suit withdrawn. Miami Civic theatre, little theatre movement, gets a former tobafcco warehouse valued at $1.5,000 which it will convert to Its uses. Finance Ing handled by a committee of bus- iness men. C. Martin Coffin, who gbt In a Jam with Equity last season over his brief season at Locust Valley, L. I., was to head the Lake Players, Lake" George, this summer. When Equity demanded not only, a de- posit for this season but one qiiarr ter of the back debt. Coffin made over the business interest to Harry S. Casleir, who filed a bond for this season. Coffin remained as director but without a voice In the manage- ment. Kfew he is trying to. square with Equity in the hope of being able to try B'w:ay this season with a new play. Harry Lorch, former western sales manager for .Universal, has joined Irving W. Mandel to set up the Security Pictures Exchange in Chicago. Renee Carroll, Sardi*s hatcheck girl, to be married. Solly Rosen, racing reporter, is the man. No date set. • Miss'Georges Lewys u-^/ In sup- plementary proceedinpi over her failure to pay costs assessed against her in her unsuccessful suit ajgainSt Eugene' O'Neill, and others, for plagiarism of her play, which she contended was the basis of 'Strange Interlude.' Costs were $17,500, and she testified she. had received no royalties in two years and was im-^ able to pay. Hearing to be resufned Sept. 8.. Unable to get a new lease on the former Carroll theatre, which has been taken by A. C. Blumenthal, Eail Carroll has taken a lease oh the Broadway theatre, (Moss) at 53rd street. Alia Nazimova back from. Europe for 'Good £arth' and the Guild. Bernard Levy, producer, first of the A. 3. F. veterans to receive the Purple Heart Medal for military prowess. Instituted by George Washington for Continental" Army and revive^, to commemorate his bi- centennial. ' Wife of Freddie Rich, radio orch leader, flics papers asking for a sep- aration, $500 weekly and $7,600 counsel feea. Says her husband makes $125,000 a year and before their trouble she used to spend $2 000 annually on clothes. (At the same time, she entered a denial of his suit which' grows out of a raid made on. her apartment. John L. De Ruyter, who was there at the time, submits that both were in their street clothes and that he is no more than a friend. Mrs, Rich Is the former Joan Lawton, chorus Discovering that the lo.te Paul Jones, court etenogr.iphe^r, had not been paid for his services during the Erlanger-Flxel case, and that no payment had been made his v/idow. Surrogate O'Brien told S. J Barron that' settlement of the bill was A matter of sentiment With him. Jones, who had been stenog- rapher in the Surrogate Court for years, died during the trial. Weber and Fields to be given a dinner at the Astor, Sept. 25, to mark their 69th anniversary. Mrs. Gifford Pinchot, 2hd, former Janlne Volson of the French stage, says she doesn't know when, asked if her marital boss Is Renoi bound. Equity suggests that Federal Re- serve bring back prosperity by ex- tending credits to established the- atrical producers. Franl: Mandel back from France. U. S. Senator James J. Davis, former Secretary of Labor In HnrdinK's and CoolldRe's Cabinets, and head of the Loyal Order of Moose; indicted, for conducting a lottery to raise funds for that or- Lake Players, Lake (Seorge, N Y., summer stock, ievlcted from schoolhou&e they used, as theatre when board of education ruled that law prevents such use of school buildings. Sherwood Anderson'is 'Wlnesburg, Ohio' .being rhade into a play by Arthur Barton, ' Horace Llveright expects to produce It. Georgio Hale replaces Bobby Co-onoUy as dance director of 'Humpty Dumpty.' , Jacob Cottin. att'y, made a dat'j with Wni. H. Mnrron to ?,-o flshln;-{ last Labor' Day. Marrori came ail the way from ' the Bi^6nx to pick Cottin up at 6 a.m. Cottin told him he was too tired to go fishing so Marron-pushed his way Into the room and discovered a briinet who was the cause of it all. He told Mrs. Cottin, formerly Pauline Mil- ler, of the stage. . Last week the court awarded her a divorce and the cuistody of their daughter. •Canie the Dawn* noyr In rehearsal for B'way, and trying put at Sharon, Conn., this week. ;ProVincetown, Mass., police pre^ vent ishowing of 'ten Days That Shook the World' for the benefit of the Harlan miners. : Closed on the claim that the use of film consti- tuted a fire menace. John Dos Pasos headed the. movement, A. C. blumenthal, who* as Jiolder of Paramount bonds, brought suit to dissolve the Film- Securities Corp., subsidiary under which Par. obtained a loaii, how seeks to join the banks as. parties to the suit. Banks named Include Bankers' Trust, Central Hanover, Manufac- turers Trust, National City and others, Blumenthal asserts they knew the loan was contrary to the Interests of the bond holders. Hearing on the accounting of the estate of A. L, Erlanger by Saul J. Baron postponed to Sept. 14. Sur- rogates anticipates more objections. W. I. Slrovlch, Congressman who doesn't like critics, is to run for his fourth-term of office. Notified last Week by the Fourteenth Congres- sional District, N. Y. . Hebrew Actors' Union In accord with Yiddish theatres. Those get- ting in excess of $66 a week will take'26-30% slice. Those under that sum down 10%. ' Hawking of candy durinr. Intermission to be cut out and r.o speeches'to raise money for various funds.' Eva LeGalllenne's Civic Repertory theatre to light Oct 26 with 'Llllom.' Maria Olszweska to. switch from Chicago to Metropolitan. Wouldn't sing with Jeritza, . but the latter now out. Harry Rosenthal, actor and com- poser, and Marjorie Levee, chorus girl, have announced their engeige- ment. Wilda Bennett charged with disr orderly conduct at Allenhurst, N. Y., when she'.went. over to the police station in her bathrobe to complain of a row in her cottage. Society , of Motion Picture Engi- neers has applied to American Standards Assii. to standardize technical equipment, jstudio proce- dure, theatre and exchange equip- ment, etc. A. E. Lefcourt, who used to spe- cialize in building office structures in New York, is now president of Remington Pictures. J. D. Trop, Louis Schneider and Sam Fried- man also interested. . Last named two are indict exhibs. Pictures to be made In Hollywood. Victor sound engineers have de- veloped a new microphone which dislienses with the usual dlaphgram in favor of a more sensitive ribbon of duralumin capable of recording up to 14,000 cycles. Claimed it is free from distortion. Albert Shlsoff, Coney Island con- cessionnaire, borrowed a snake to draw a crowd ' for ' his ballyhoo. Snake bit him, but condition not serious. . Cecil Clovelly, ' Tom Adrian (Tacraft and Martin Beckley have forrned a ' hew- company carrying their names in that orJfei'. Will do play producing, starting with 'Home Is Best,' by Charles Divine. Bela Blau to Magnblia, Mass., to stage 'Gangway.' He and John Hallorah authored. Belle Blanche, who used to be an impersonator, plans a .vaude come- back. Married a broker and re- tired 16 years ago. Trenton, M. J., police order re- peal signs ofC locar autos, but will not moles': tourists. W. C. T. tJ. protested and old law dug up. Guy Bates Post to have a Broad- way engagement this season. Play or date not announced. Dan Kussel ls looking around tot someone who wants to produce a musical comedy. Has just com- pleted the book of one. the money for the picture and the advertiser or broadcasting system the reward for the radio feature. First decision in 1934 on the 1933 product. Awards to be made under the supervision .^of American Unlr- verslty, Washington, D. C. Jed Earris having 'Salt of the Earth', retaliored to fit George Jessel. Cameramen's holiday at the Hoover camp at Rapidan last week when the President posed for more than sin hour for the newsreels and still photogs. Posed in every form of camp activity. Made costume changes ad requested, too. .Pauline Lord expected back on Broadway in Sidney, Howard's adaptation of 'Prenez Garde a la Pel/jturie.' Time, house and title yet to be set. Frances Williams may have lead in a new muialcal comedy adapted frbm the French by Gladys Unger. Harry Tiemy is writing tunes for it. Titled 'Life in Athens.' Phil Baker says his 'Laugh It Off* will stay laughed off until Novem- ber.' Arch Selwyn and Cecil B. DeMllle planning to collaborate on stage productions of 'Chocolate' and 'The Squared Circle.' Both from Russia. C. Stanley Reed Riches, who was Betty Compton's husband in 1922, remarries in Toronto. Betty Andrews, American per- former now in Colon, In the Canal Zone, taken from bed by two fake policemen wlio took her to a shack on the outskirts of the town and ass ulted her. Police officials expressed the belief . that ' trie masqueraders were soldiers. Now the army is boiling and the case is getting heavy publicity. Possibility that Will Rogers will return to the stage \.hls season for Jed Harris. Greta Garbo, through an agent, purchase)^ for $10,000 the $160,000 summer estate In Sweden of the late Ivar Kreuger, the former match king. Philco radio took, space in the dallies to advertise announcement of a prize contest to be given over the radio the same evening. Trip to Havana is 'super grand' prize, so lots listened in Friday (19); Lyle D. Andrews, who started out to make ah intimate review of ma- terial from the 'Nine 6'Clock Re- vue' shown at Barblzdn Plaza last spring, now haef added the Idea of animating Boglow*s 'King* cartoons from, the 'New Yorker* to make a big show out of a little one. Morrle Ryskind may write the book. Rob- ert A. Simon and Henry SoUvalne on the lyrics and music. S. J. Burger, fight promoter, is readying a. troupe .of eight girls to take on tour in boxing contests. Wear 14-ounce gloves and don't hit very hard, .but all lookers. Work- ing out in a Times Sq. gym where an admission is ' iirged. Richard G. -Hemdon holding pre- views at the Belmont in the hope of finding sufficient new talent for his 'Impromptu Revue.' Just for a change A. C. Blumen- thal Is 'being sued. Albert Co., of Phlla., asking for $4,485, profits on production of'(3Irl Crazy.* Elmer Rice back from Russia and amazed to find packed theatres In the Soviet country as agalhst dark houses here; Brought batk the pic- ture script of 'Counsellor at Law.' ■ Ted Healy officially oiit of the Shiibert ^Passing Show;' Equity re- fusss .to compel him to fill contract as that paper did not conform to Equity requirements. Shubert may seek to enjoin Healy from other ap- pearances. Billy Rose will produce his revue at the St, . JamesJ^ formerly Er- langer's. Le Shubert has bought the .rights to 'A Perfect Marflaise/ Formerly held by (Seorge M. Cohan. Premier of 'The Comic Artist' postponed by A. J.:Beckhard. Was due here Sept. 12, ^ Al Shean backs but of 'Varnish.' Offer of Chester D. Pugsley. of Cleraidlne Farrar back In town Peekakill for $500 each for the best after a trip to the North Capes, .sound picture .ind the best dally Laid a memorial on .the tomb of radio broadcast, formally an- i Grieg and permitted to play on the nounced last week. Dramatist gets ' piano he used. ■ Coast Anyone crossing the border Intoi Juarez, Mexico, must have at least $6 in his pock'et. Regulation is to put damper on beggars. .. / George Cohan honored at testU mbhlal dinner given by songwriters at Ambassador hotel, Los Angeles, : Lo8 Angeles will have opera thli fa:il If plans of Q, L. Smith and' Gaetano Merola materialize. Sari Francisco's $6,000,000 muny opera, housb will be dedicated ne^t ' month. Opens Oct. 16 "With 'Tosco.? Dorothy Lee awarded final decree in Los Angeles Superior Court in divorce frona Jariies Fldler/ p.a. Proviso that he enter prlvata sanatorium gave Monte Katterjohh scenarist, parole in Los Angelea psychopathic court. Suffered delu- sloiva that m.p, studio sent out ether waves preventing employment. > .. Just $1,000 for return of Angora cat offered by Constance Talmadge.: Joan Blondeil kidding Los Angeles hews hounds by evasiveness regard- ing, reported marriage to George Barnes, camera- man. Back alimony of $300 must be paid before Busby Berkeley, dance director in Hollywood, can seek abolishment of his $100 weekly alimony. L; A. Superior court, oh Sept. 7, will hear petition by Tom Mix for' custody of, his daughter, Thomaslna» 10. ■ Pour men and three women ar-, rested at the Majestic, L. A., on charge of giving indecent perforhir ahce. ■ Los Angeles Superior court ap- proves distribution of $100 estate of late Kenneth Hawkb, director kllle.d In plane accident during filming Of Fox picture. Suit of Clair Claibert, soprano, for $6,000 against L. A. and 'Frisco opera associations, dismissed by Su- perior court; . S. George Ullman, former execu- tor of estate;of Rudolph Valentino, ordered In. L. A. superior court lo reiniburse estate to extent of $183,-, 754. Ullman charged by late star's brother and sister with making un- authorized expenditures. Estate of late Maurice DeMond, once president of Breakfast Cub. sued for $2,000 by C. J. Cresmer. ■ Suit, filed, in Los Angeles Superior' court, charges amount was given to DeMond for 'safe keeping.' Marjorie March, London actress now in Hollywood, ahnounces en- gagement to Walter Bibo, publisher. Max .'Schlesslnger & . Co., N. Y. accountants, through Marie H6h« neck, are suing James Cruze Pro- ductions for' $2,044, alleged due for services. Grease, psilnt and lipstick splotches on ills face was evidence presented in Los Angeles Superior court by . Mrs. Virg'inla CJi'Donnell, former actress, in winning divorce from William O'Donnell, assistant director. , Cliff Edwards* ex-wife, Irene, asks Los Angeles Superior court to collect $17,999, which she claims due from comedian for back alimony. Gleorge Brown, suspended Los. Angelea bopper, freed of charge that he was party to hijacking $4,000 stolen from Million Dollar: theatre in L. A. . . John Bly th Barrymore, Infant son of Mr. arid Mrs. John Barry- more, christened at St. ;Andrew's Catholic church. Lbs Angeles. Conrad Nagel injured slightly in auto accident 'at Santa Monica, Cal. Basil Ra,thbone and wife defendr ants in suit filed in L. A, Municipal court charging couple owe $771 In back rent, arid for dishes, books and other articles- missing from a Bev- erly Hills horiie. . John W. McDermott, scenarist, in hospital with ruptured blood vessel. Constance Binney divorced iri Reno fram Edward Cotting", noh- pro. ■ First National Pictures and Rob- ert C. Fairchild made defendants in $151,761 suit in Los Angeles. Dale 13. Craik ' charges auto accident blinded him in one eye, and made him lose his sense of smell, taste and hearing. Mac Murray and her husband, Prince M'Dlvanl, want more tlian the kitchen sink on their property near A^enice* Calif., they told 'Frisco district court of appeals in. fight against.orde-i* granting Los An- (Contlnued on page 40)