Variety (Aug 1932)

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48 VASIEtT ¥ E R TI S C R C N Tl Tuf^xt August 23, 193)1 2-Act Partners for 17 Years; Fvst Appeared as Team in Cafe N«w Toric Aiv. 26. Olaen and Jbhnion. vaudevlDe's noUieat bedlamitea, have almost . earned the' qom de plume of 'the modern Mclntyie arid Heath,' an tinhraken partnerahip of IT years. During thta time they have played "Ooattntially' on Kelth^Orpheum and lla Varioua meatmorphoaia without playiBB a'«OBpetltl«e circuit aave the ilrat.year «f this cMerfnl team's cemlrfne. Th'Mf business men' fanaterp taavv survived tbe:cy«lea of show business from tha •QVnfBt 8HOW NICK- BLODBON'^ to tha Palatial Boxy CathederiaL An Impersonal greenroom conver- sation revealed the Interestlnc facts that 6 and J recall when Morton Downey waa the Silver Tencr with the Ijevlathan Band; Bine Crosby flrst. sang In their show, Ifonkey Buslnesi^; Nate Buma^'of Bums and Allen, when he glorlOad an earlier apot; Rablnott, when hla Sddle hanced the' QuUet <)ulnlet; Ben Bwnle; when Fhtl Baker, the. Baker of Bemie and Baker, Just played a good -accordion, (they both now are doing very well); Jack Oakte,.when he w.aa worried' whether O and J Would Include him In- their after- piece .when; h« waa the Company' of. McConnel, Simpson and Co.; other boys who have since survived the test, such as Chester Morris, : Clark Gable, • James Cagney, Qeo. Katt, BUster Keatonr' . They have seen the youngster of . yesterday emeive li^to the STAR of TODAT; they have watched show business go from art to a profession, . from a profeaslan to • business, from a business, to a nightmare, and from a nightmare to every man for btauelf. PALACE, RECOkfiS SMASHED WEEE AUG. 6 Chicago, Aug. is. Over •S,ON-odd people <nore' than weee> Danocratlc convention) paid good money to see alleged comedy of Olaen and ^ohn- ■on, fwo bpya who do nothing and get paid for it. Attendanoe and boxofflce recelpta broke all house records, Olsen and Jfohnaon broke down and wept,' and audience broke Into gales of laugh- tar. In appreciation Palace manage- ment ; presented O. 4k J. with .em- blema. Emblems solid silver, until provsd:.oUierwtse.. AcknowIedgmeaU New Terk, Aug. M. On our MONUMENT of AP- PBECIATION. we have en- graved BC. H. Aylesworth. John Royal, John'V. Reber, Robert Cot wen, 'Weeden .dc Schults, Hasel Flynn. Johnny John- atones O eet a e Englea, Gordon Thompson, Martin Beck,. H. B. Pranklln, 'ROXT.' Oeo.- Qod- ftey, M. C. A., Aank Burk, N. J. Btumberg and Our Padded Cell. Playmates, Rudy Vallee and Orahame' McNamee. ULL AlHllllDE FANS HEUO AUSIKALIA FAIR OilNKUM—BONZA. DINK I' QIC Portrait ol a Bha After Iiit€HC> ObcB aid Mttoii Peru, lnd.,'Aug, 20. What the' dickens tnade the peo- pto'Iaugh at (hoae two.muggsT 'VtThat the diokena made me laughf... Name ma three strong nouns.' Tilmbttrger,: garllO 'V ahd ' onfonal' 'What's ao fanny about thatT... Well, I suppose It's Just as they say, those two felkiwa were borp Idiots and then went craxy...An those things they aald. keep running through my mind. 'When you got to go yon got to go.' 'Mor« fOn, more laughs, more skulls crushed.' Tai Napoleon, I'm a onion man.' Gee, I think Fm going erasy myself. I wonder If It's tma that the la- come tax eolleetor questioned that Item about HMO a year for gnns and ammuBltloa. I hear It- turned out to ba O., K. at that' Gees he ought to see the act. I. mean, he ought to HEAR the act Bang! BangI BangI BangI BangI . I wonder what they like about Sau«akyT Why do they call him the little man oa the horse? Is It because they play horses every time thay ha-ve vn oU gag thvy want to paUT...'CaD 'yon Imajglna anyone going to bed with his shoea onr 'Going to bed. with his shoes on!- Who does thatr 'My horse!'... Horses, horses, horsea, crasy over horaes.. .anything for a horae laught And watch the dill pickles Hoat out on the tlde*.,.tbat'a a beautlfkil aongl. It's getting people. I went to a patriotic rally the other night and I heard a mon alng, 'Oh, say, can yotl see...the dill pickles lloat on the tide.' This Is Olsen'...'and Johnson'... 'What am I giggling aboutT . More fun, more laughs, more' skulls crushed...There! 'I'va gone and crushed my owa.. .More tunl^ ' " Uteal Wira R«|»otto 138 Dead, S04 Wooadod la Air** GraitMt DiMuitar OFFICIALS SILENT Tha .Olsen and ishasaii - hilling has aroused the naiUen. Qroat mys' tcry surrounds tha entire affair and all efferta to eonUet NBC afflctalit were met with a strletly 'handa afP polley. "Hm distrlet attamey M a Uto hour een ^ aranaa with wawspapar men Inatated that^ the MHInt af Olaan and Jehnaeti muat step. Olsen and Johnaon killed, ho de- clared, at least * dosen .^Inaoceut stapdbyera On dach of their ilrst threia radio programsL 'From ^grla. repears to grim rO' pearat* was the way one correspond' ent put It attar reading over Olsen and Johnson's mortality list on the Flelochmann Teaat hour each Thursday night The number UU' offldainy stands at ISt dead and 804 wounded, with IS preclacta Qot yet ta. ' Oead ta Their Fotks It Is alleged that Oliaea and John- son's brand of radio humor la punC' tuated at Intervale with flrat degree murder, aecoad degree .l>oy acouts, third degree-tactlctt S2d degree so and so's and M degrees Pahrea- helt The Society for- Contributing to the Delinquency of Mental Sanity urges that bnmedlate steps IM taken to curb tha rapidly Increaalng tend' enoy o« the part of theae two fUU' aters toward glorUjrtag aaacabro humor. . Janitors of the VaudevUIe^the' a tree where Olsen sad Johnaon have played contend that sweeping out a house ordinarily is tough enough, but tha bodies o( laugh victlma after an O. & J. supper abow slay- lag make It much tougher. ■FUB Without Death' la tha war cry. for the t«glon for Ahatement o( Queer Noises.' But the boys stOl insist on sbooUag ths works. (COflTINUeO AT THE PALACB) Aodaty Hoto \ Beechhurat I., t, Aug. 20. The theatrical colony hero has been enhanced by the presence of Joseph Grlfln, with his family. Grlffln, who was Publlx ace prO' duoUon man In Detroit also' haO' dilng legitimate produc'tlona, lias been sighed by Olsen and Johnson for a series of presentation produc tlons. |Ie Knew Nuts Brasll. Aug. «. Senior asked Junior while passing a confectionery store what kind of nuts ho wished. Junior abseotmlndedly said, ."Olsen and JohnsoA,' PicU. Vande;* Radio Keqiii^ Oken and Jolmson Worried Doing Good Deeds Many reqaests ara being calved to change'tha ttma of tha Olaen and Johnaon broad* caat to 7:10 p. m, Mothera think that threatening to tara on the radio at this thus wUI frighten little children Into go* Ing to steep. This will also aa> sura a more plaasant pcograas for tha remainder of tho eves* Ing. Aoyttiiig Can Happoi When Two Westcnm Hit Easten Shttrcs ByJACKOSTBBHAV Spaelal Caatem Staff Writer VariMy Two fellowa resembling cowboys arrived In town for their Palaoa debut Tholr names—Olsen and Johnaoai These two boya, who>wn 90 per cent of the West are now here mu*- cllng In on Eastern territory.' Whether the mob will let them get away with It remains to b« aeen. They have some new material wictt-" ten especially for them by tha. prin- cipal keeper at Mattewan. -They broadcast for FIe|sctaraann's Toast using the product also, which ex- plains their healthy appearance. 'Vallee atlU usee a megaphone^ whldi explains nothing. Good luck, boys— And In cas« you've forgotten, the PateM Is on 4Zth St and. Broadway. Police Record Flrat met-r-In Wltmarkr old Chi- cago office. First, agent—Jako Stemad aind Sam Kramer. First appeamhc* together—North American reataurant Clilcago, pro- prietors of which wera Aba and Ben Frank. FItat vaude appearance—Mabel theatre, Chicago. Flrat author—J. Brandon Walah. First eastern, agent—tL Bart McHugh. First $1,000—From Keith and Orpheura. First production—'Monkey Busi- ness.' First production abroad—'Tip Toes' (Australia). First nim offer rejected—"Gold Diggers' (WB). First film oifer accepted—'See Naples and Die*'(WB). First radio contract—Fletschmann hour. First time 'starring* cootraot t«- Jected—Pathe (lt»). Favorlt authors —Grant Garrett,' John P. Medbury, Harry Grannlt Dean CoUlna and College Humor.^ New Tork, Aug. 20. Olsen had Johason are contracted . to do a series of feature picture* arrangad by John Schulta during hla slay In Hollywood. Most peopl* would ba eatlsHoil' with < good healthy pictura eon«' tract but not Olsen and Johnson.' Bealdea lha pictures, a tour oC '3d weeks starting with RKO Aug. M at the Palace^ New Torib Their! radio contract, which started /uly T. I' starring them on a . weekly program {- every Thursday night from S ta • over WBAP oi) tha Flelachmana'| Teast hour with Rudy 'Vailea cuad. his Connecticut Tankeea, oonttnuea Indeflnlteiy.- ■ Bo Uttle work being atlaobad t»' tha abov* aaslgnpioiits, amounting to' ovet one^iuarter .of a mllUoa dollars, the boys staMOd out ktA signed to make three shorto oa th» sld*. Lucky picture companies r Lucky vaudeville circuit? i Lucky Fletachmann hourf. Lucky Olsen and Johnaoai 0. & n VAUDE ACT COMPRISES 4S PEOPLE Bata and Besale KappelMk alster team; Ford, Marshal and Joneo,' threo colored dancers; Happy Moor, a small tot, • feet 9 inches' age 18, weighing 47S pounds, with (US' aldnklck, Emil Shy, who la 8 feet f Inches tall, 48 pound*, without mentioning his age; Miss Xyt^U, starred In many musical comedies;; chorus of 12 rosebuds from a gar-' gen of shrinking vloleU; Speedy Pattaraon, faater than lightning;' Holts Kids, sensational danca team; George Hoore,*Bydney dlb- sori, Harry Adier with hla animal hnlUtlonK BenrletU Duni4 the black. bhies singer; alao Bubto Blake and his 12 Hartem manlaoa supplying the muslo. Olaen and Johnson also appear. out OLSEN \ AND OHIO JOHNSON arid Their Atraelltea of 1B32 With OMfsay s( « MlaWa* (Aa»t*) RKO PaUc«, N«w Y«rk ■ twn aatasm