Variety (Aug 1932)

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Tuesday, August 30, 1932 rIc T n R E c■OS s e s VARIETY ^Zomln^' at jU. Cb^^ Monhpiery .Chicago, Auer> 29. . Althoueh Chlcaso la, and will 'slow In startlngr because of late re<- Ifeasa dates dn lnost:t)f the new pic-, tures, local'showmieh are generally optlmlstlb and feel that the upturn : Is near; Thio ls reflected in the re- openings of various dosed theatres, Managements In almost every Inr stance are. spending: liberally on lobbies, marquees and .exploltatloin. ■Contemplated repeal of double features' has wiped some of the frowns off the substituted incipient erlns. This will, ^ in theory, - help \ everyone starting In the outlying districts about Oct.. ? and. in the bigger stands In mid-September and sending its radiations downtown to' the loop. . Palace last week gave notice that " '^tHjr doldtiamH wertf ^tas'sed' -by-zotwn'r Ing through with a. timashihgly profitable .week'of $27,000. There were lines dally for 'Hold 'Bm, Jail.' .. Another happy omen, of course, was 'Horse Feathers,* \7hich, de- spite McVlckers lowered admi>]slon, rah to 137,000.. on lta> getaway; Last week's, grosses at the -Tivoll, $17,000, . and the Uptown, $13,600, w«r6 -en- couraging for tjie rie.ighborhood de- luxers, although against this was a bad $19,000 at .the .Oriental and a poor. $31,00P,.at the Chicago, where the Constance Penhett picture, . "lYfo Against the World,? disap- pointed. ' • United. Artist^ opened Thursday (.25) with ''White Zombie' and used aev^ral stqoges. on .the ipa,rque0; in an animated , gboseplmple tableau to halt passers-by. This exploitation . was most unusual for the house, and 'accumulated a sldex^alk ' audience •'at the busy 'RaridolpK-Dearborri ' c'oirner. '' : '.' Estimates for Thi* Week Chiiaflo (Publlx-B&K) (4,000; 40- ■ 66-8B)^'Blondl0 of the .T'ollies' (M- G) and stage show. iRobert Mont- gomery given top billing over Mar- ' Ion Davles by house with ads read- ing, that way appeimrlng In Hedrst papers, as welt as others. Sxpect average '$34,000. • Last week Con- stance Benheti fell down as a draw . In 'Two Against the 'World,' which barely sneaked over the barrier Into the $30,000's.' : , McViekers (Publlx-B&K) (2.000; • 40-6B-75) —'Hbfsefeathers' (Par> ■ (Z^ week). -Wtir tally $27,000 on ' holdover, after whirlwind start', of .. $37,000. . First wallop of the local season. - rOriorital (Publlx-B&K) (3,200; - 40-86-86).—'70,00B Witnesses' (Par) ' (ind stage showl Mur'der on the grid- iron deemed entertaining picture, - t>ut four.weeks in 'advance of the ■ football fever. Neither Oriental nor ' Chicago liave heavy stage shows this week. Should : hover around ■ $20,000^ the flgut-e for last week with 'Jewel Robbery.' Palace (RKO) (2,600; 40-65-83)— •War Corersppndent' (Col) and vaude. House wilt relax this week . after high tension seven day^ with 'Hold 'Em Jair last week. 'Corre- spondent' plus . dubious box ofUce vaude lineup may hit $19,000 against last week's wow $27,000. State-Lake (RKO) (2,700; 26-36- • 40-65)—'Hollywood Speaks'". (Col) and vaude. Still the best quanti- tative bargain in the loop. Seven acts and an usually fair picture. Business has been spotty, but has turned in. small profits and repre- " sents an advance ovier the straight film policy. This week will be helped by fan appeal of title. Anticipate $16,500. Last week 'American Mad- ness' did okay on holdover, $lS,5Qi). Unfted Artists (Publlx-B&K) "•■(1,700; 40-65-75)—"White. Zombie' (UA). Nicely handled opening and ' iittentlon-arrestlng marquee display, .. exceptional for house, but pace not , promising.' Look for moderate $16,- : 000. Facade given the power-gun for a general massage and theatre shipshape.'. Miles Concannon again In charge. New Haven Perlcs Up; i Biz All Armind O.K. New ilaven, Aug. 29. Business Is picking up currently with further improvement. In eight with folding of shore and outdoor amusement spots due soon. • Estimates for This Week College (Arthur). Will reopep Sept. 12 with split week single first run and .five acts vaude. . Paramount (Publix) (2,353; 40- 72)—'70,000 .'Witnesses' (Par) and unit, $7,500,. fair. Last week 'Horse Feathers' (Par) and unit,! $14,000, big. . Poli (Arthur) (3,040; 35-55)— •Back Street' (U) and 'Painted Woman.' Should build to nice $7,000. Last week 'Zombie' (UA) and 'Speak Easily' (IM-G) skyrocketed to best gross, $8,000, since spring.' Roger Sherman (WB) (2,200; 35- 65)—What Price Hollywood' (RKO) and 'Racetrablc' Okay $5,000. Last week 'Blonde Captive' (Col) and 'Crooner' (WB) petered out to a mild $4,000. EOYD GIBBONS^JAIL' WOW $16,000, DENVER . Denver, Aug.. 29. . Floyd Olblwns prpvied a draw. a:t ,the Orpheum, although he ha^ exi celleht backlner in 'Hold 'Em' Jait' and Baby Rose Marie. : He: was'.a. gold mine tor ^xploltatloh, making page .1 of .tii9.,*P03t' every, and a big art page 1 day he arrived; art Inside the others. . 'Post' used two signed stories liy iilm. Gibbons also jai§V.Qye.r?d an_. cx-soldler here wfco saved his life wiiien .Glbbphs had his 9y,e phoit oiit | the first time. .. Story aroused grciai interest,, but .Gibbpns' broadcast was the true cause of the popularity.which broke the opening day record .since Huffmian has bad the Orpheum. '• Ted Macik, proving a draw at the Denver, hasr a big part of the show .applause..iand ihdlcates his populajr-. ity igi etovrlne. .."Without Gibbons to buck, Denver woyld cop top place.; Paramount Is doing 'okay wlfh comedy, bUt Rialto disappointment with picture sans any love Interest. Paramount and Rialto cutting frt>hii 60 and 45 to 40 next week to dU6k tax; ' Estimates for This Week Dehver (Publix) (2,500; 26-40-66) —'Devil- and the Deep' (Par) and stage show. Not bad $14,000. Laat 'week 'Horse Feathers' (Par) did;a fine, $16,000, aided by reappearance of Ted Mack, and 7,000tb appearance of Fred Schmltt as Denver orchestra leader. Orphoum (RKO-Huffman) (2,600; 26-40r66)—'Hold 'Em Jail' (RKO) and RKO vaude with Floyd Gibbons. Smashing $16,000. Last week 'Back Street' (U), aided by Jack Dempsey In person, did over $14,000, two gra]Dd better than previous week. . Paramount (Publix). (2.0OO; 26-. 35- 55),^'Speak Easily! (M-O),. .Okay $6,0.00. Last: week 'Doctor X' (FN) proved a tonic to this hbusQ doing $6,000. ; Rialto (RkO-Hufllman) (900; 25- 36- 50)-r:?Tbm-Brown of Culver' (U). Up a bit to $2,260. Last .week 'Igloo'; ( Uy . proved cold and waa -piill^ ,after six'.days and a poor ■$l,900i • Beaiicoap Comedy, but tirsl Year'at $9,000 Very Good Too, New'k Newark, Aug. 29.1 This ought to l>e called 'Laugh Week' with three of the four de- luxers open playing, respectively, 'Horse Feathers,' 'Speak Easily' and 'Hold 'Em Jail.' But the Branford, playing 'The First Tear,' is going to be right amonjg the leaders and with the excess of comedy may come In first. The Seia, Girt hegira, which was supposed to have hurt on Saturday, and what is close to vaude, 'Follcs Bergere,' running both mat and Sunday nite, offered competlsh, but a rainy Saturday night was a week- end, break.- T4ie Empire (burlesque) and the Orpheum (colored) reopen Satur- day, but not a peep has come from the closed-film houses. • Estimates for This Week Branford (WB) (2,966; 16-65)— 'First Ifear' (Fox). Greatly, liked and probably will top $9^000. Last week 'War Correspondent* fair at $6,800. Capitol (WBJ (1,200; 15-26-35)— 'Unashamed' (M-G) and 'Stranger in Town' (WB). Ought to be close to the steady $5,000. Last week 'Almost Married' (Fox) and 'Lady and Gent' (Par) fine at $5,300. Little (Cinema) (299; '50)—'White Devil' (Ufa) and 'Balinese . Love.' Should f?et a nice $1,200 on third week. Last week did well with nearly $1,600. Loew's State' (2,780; 15-65)— 'Speak Easily' (M-G). If the.farces don't pail 'dri the patrons this one should click with nearly $.10,000. Last week 'Skyscraper Souls' (M-G) fair at $7,000; . Newark (Adams-Par) (2,248; 16- 66)—'Horse Feathers' (Par), Can hardly como much below $11,500, great. Last week 'Devil and the Deep' (Par) $6,500, off. Proctor's (RKO) C2,30Q; 15-20-30- 35-40.-55-05)—'Hold 'Em Jail' (Ra- dio), Weakest of the farces, but may climb to nice $9,00O. Last week 'Passport to. Hell' (Fox) good enough, close to $8,000. 'Igloo/ $2j200, Tacoma . r - .■ Tacbma, AUi^. 29] Back to three-a-week plx chaYige at' ..the Rialto to use up jproduct while Blue Mouse hitting improved paC6 '.vith 'Igloo.*. Orpheum dark, not helping-so much. ' Estimhtet for This Week' Blue Mouse (Hamrlck) (660; 26) —'Igloo' (U). Big bally and apropos lobby display helping; Iboks $ 2,20Q . Last week ^Jewel Bobt^ery* CWB): laid a fair $2,000. Rialto (FWC) (1,260; 26-36),— "Brown of Culver' (U), ''Almost Married'. (Fox) and 'Guilty as Hell' (Par), tatter In for three days. In- dicated $2,800, 80-ao.- Last -week 'Madame Racketeer' (Par) and 'Horse Feathers* (Par) did trreat $3,400. . Columbus, Aug. 29. Everyone's trying to figure It but and getting nowhere. For some un- kno\vn reason this biirg hasvsud- denly gone picture crazy. Atter: a plenty slack sumnder, .up to ixoyr, four-, doiyntown houses . but. of five played to standees on opening night of this week and kept up the good work tlirbugh Saturday as -well. It certainly Ibblcs an though there is plenty of siigar waiting to be spent and plenty people now. ready to do Jiigt that. ■. . • Palace wltK 'Bird of - Paradlsef had 'em In line all day of opener and It looks as though It.will con' tihue all week., •White-Zoinble' at the Broad also' had' 'em waiting, while the coml>o of Bill Dalton at the organ and 'Brown of Culver' packed the Grand and John Gil bert's latest did better than good at the Ohio. If this keeps up gobd times - are more' than ' just''back. This bullish biz Is building up to the town's major topic. It amounts to a run on tl\e theatres, and if the state fair visitors sliould join the local folk In this ' run even the hei^vy expectations will be topped Estimates .for thii Week Palace (RKO) (3.074; 26-36) 'Bird of Paradise' ■ (Radio). . Looks like a smash for this hbuse and t^iet sinde the new low prices^ ' Should get at least $10,000 and- continued tops may-bring It to $12,000. Last week 'War Correspondent' (Cot) fair at $4,CiuO. - ■ Ohio tLoew-UA) (3,000 26-3B) 'Downstairs' (M-Ql). Not up to last week's figure but sUU plen^ heavy biz at $10,600. Last week 'Speak Easily'' (M-Q) Imocked' 'em-fori a row- at $13,000.. i Broad (Loew-UA) (2,600; 20-2^) •White Zombie' (U). just too bad the pflce scale is so low here, but even at that .this film will top $8,000 which Is plenty heavy. Last week 'Almost Married' (Fox) fair enough $3,500. Grand <Neth) (1,100; 20-86) 'Brown of Culver' and Bill Dalton at tbe organ. Fine $7,000 and everybody's liappy. Last week 'Jewel Robbery' just managed to take $3,200. Majestic (RKO) (1.100; 16-26) 'Hollywood Speaks* (Col). May be better than $1,300. Last week 'Fast Companions' (Fox) proved slow but .still fair at $2,200. ^^^^ 1^ Off : A calm hangs oyer Broadway box ofllces this week. Second weeks on run pictures and holdovers of others at weekly changes is presenting the Scene 'trith little that excites the gross-watchers. The only exceptions are the May- fair and llialtb. The May fair with 'Back Street' will clock $23,600; and the third week of 'Horse Feathers' wilt gfess $24,000, very nice; Capitol Is moving slowly a,t a.|62,- 000 pace, 'The Last Mite' falUng to Incite the draw that It was believed it would manifest. Stage show holds Chkrles 'Buddy' Rogers, Leon Errol, Jay C Flippen and Art Jar- rett, but the desire to take a look at 'Mile' Is not proving intense. 'Mile' - is - the- first- outside bookitig for that de luxer by Loew's in 20 months, Metro ordinarily being overboard on product for this spot. Of the other new pictures t.Hls week 'Life Begins' started out only fairly, running up $8,000: on Its first three days, while 'Night Club Lady' at the Par, plus return engagenient of George Jesset and Norma Tal- M&dge on stage. Is falling to rea^sh out £br big coin. House will be for- tunate to do $43,000, poor. - Palace, on second, run of ''White 'DEm-DEEP,' $13^000, INDPLS. OOTSTANDER Indianapolis, Aug. 29.' Biz picking up a . bit with folks back In town after vacation. Things at Circle are fine with stage show inaugurating new fall season. Marx Bros.' 'Horsefeathers*. went plenty big last week at the Indiana; so big that the show is being' held for sec ond week. First time in.history for house. Estimates for This Week Apollo (Fourth Ave.) (1,100; 26- 35), 'Two Against the 'World' ("WB). Around $4,000, okay. Last week 'CongOrlUa' (Fox) closed at $3,000. Circle (Skouras-Publix) (2,600; 25-35-55), 'DevU and the Deep' (Par) and F&M stage unit. Will reap plenty, around $13,000. First istago show at Circle tqj; some weeks. Last •week 'Crooner' (FN) good at $6,200, Indiana (-Skouras-Publix) (3,300; 25-35-55), 'Horsefeathers' (Par). May get corking' $10,000 for second week. Last week this comedy took $18,000. Loew's Palace (Loew) (2,800; 26- 35), 'Last Mile' (WW). May reach $4,800, but will have to climb. Last week 'Speak Easily' (M-G) around $6,800, plenty good. 'Back St' in Native Giicy,Socko$22,00(h Cincinnati, Aug. 29. . This week's lineup for downtown film parlors has plenty b. o. appeal and Is reaping rich rewards^ Com-' bined fake Is best In months. • Rebpehing of Keith's, whloTi %as greatly libprbved during the. 'sum mer, ■ restores Walnut street to imazda lane. Food show at the Zoo and fireworks spectacle at- Coney Island are stiff opposish for theatres. E'etimates for Thie Week ., . Albee (RKO) (3.300; 36-80)^ 'Downstairs* (M-Q), and F-M 'Gobs of Joy* unit, with Josef- Cherniavsky and his Sympho-Syricopatbt's'', as extra, attraction. John-Gilbert Is a screen' name-for. this' house, Cheny's, band has built up a local following from long runs at leading hbtels. and dansants hereh- via 'WLW broadcasts. Looks tike $17,00.0i fair. Last week 'Madame Racketeer' (Par) and F-M 'Star Night' Idea, featuring • Betty Compson,- Just topped, a: fair $17,000. Palace (RKO) (2,600; 30-66)— 'Back Street' (U). Clncy locale of Fannie Hurst's story celebrated with hefty Hollywood openlhg Friday (26) midnight at 75c. and $1 re- served seat scale and dailies are giv- ing picture added puffs. Irene Dunne and John Boles are b. o. In this town, All helping for a whopper $22,000. Last week'Horse Feathers' '(Par) soared to a lofty $22,600, Lyric (RKO) (1,286; 30-66)—'Bird of Paradise' (RKO-Radio). This perennial theatre fare naturallng for $16,500, a socko sunt Aided by extl-a newspaper advertising, marquee vol- cano flash and Hawaiian lobby en- tertainers. Last week 'Skyscraper Souls' (M-G) bungalowed to a. fair $6,000. Koith's (Libson) (1,650; 26-40)— •A Successful Calamity' (WB). This theatre reopened after summer rest during which. $40,0.00 was expended for modernizing, including concrete floor, tearing out of lower boxes, new seating, carpeting and decorat- ing and marquee. New booking ar- rangement is for alt-Warner prod- uct.. George Arliss billed heavy for current attraction; $6,000, fine. Capitol (RKO) (2,200; 30-66)— 'Blondle of the Follies' (M-G). Rob- ert Montgomery crowds the banner- ing above Marion Davles. Luring $12,600, very good. Last week 'Two Against the World' (WB) got $10,- 000; good. Family (RKO) (1,000; 15-25)— 'Texas Bad Man' (U) and 'Midnight Lady* (Fischer). Split week. This pop-priced stand has been pepped up of lato with frequent changes of tried and trUe lobby pull-'em-in stunts. Tom Mix putting added b. o. life this week for $3,200, oke. Last week "Wild Women of Borneo' (FD) and 'Office Girl' (Radio) did $3,000. MacArthur Jump Ahead On 'Rasputin* Rewrite Hollywood, Aug. 29i Metro has assigned Charles Mac- Arthur to rewrite several sequences of 'Rasputin'. Author is working against time, with company photographing the stuff as he bats it out Zombie' and a staire show without heavy drawing csgrds, Arthur Tracy leading the array, 'wilt slip off to around $12,800, a deprebatln^ figure after the nice $17,700 chalked tip by Olsen a,nd Johnson previous week. It means plenty of red. ; Aniong the pictures titat ane- on their second weeks, . Maurice . cHe-V valier is disappointing. a tittle at the'Rlvoll, with only about $27^000 for 'Love Me Tonight' (Par) on-its second week. Roxy^ holding over, "First , 'Tear* (Fox) appears to be. heading* for under. $40,000 on five final days' on holdover. , "Down tp. Earth' (J*ox) coming In; Thursday (1). Strand Is melting ^way to. $l6,706 on the second week of 'Two Against WoEld^(WB), . while -the. bthen Warn, ner operation. Winter Garden^ is playing to empty seats £it $10,000 on 'Passport tb Hell,' one of the Fox pictures booked away from - the Roxy. 'Big City Blues' Is next in, opening Thursday,, the same-day that 'Blessed Event' mioves Into the Strand, . ' , ~ Warners taay- spot Tm a Fugi- tive' into the HoHywood after 'Life Begins.' playing- it at • same top price reserved-seat scale. ' ' ,v ■ United Artists tikes'over'the Rir on end of the Chev run; pliaclhg Its 'Mr. Robihsbn Chisoe' In 'there. • If business on 'LoVe 'Me Tohlght' dbes not Improve, that -#111 be" "within three weeks. ' PubU'r^ having only the Rialto as a run, s^bts' another comedy in there,- Harold. •'Lloyd's 'Movie Crazy* on top of thie Marxea. •Blonde 'VenUs* (oiefricti) virill play the Paramount In'stead of get- ting a run, going In Sept. 9.. If Justifying It, Publix majr hold that one a second week or longer. • ' Estimates for This Week Aster (1,012;. 83.V'$1.10-9I.G5-.'(2.20> —'Strange Interlude' (M-G);-. Opens here at a $2 top tomorrbwi night (Wednesday). .'Grand Hotel' (M-G) goes out tbnight. after a 19 weeks' run. . I . . • Capitol 6,400; 36-72-88-i$1.10- $1.66)—'Last Mile* ' (World Wide) and stage show. Film tfaniscrip- tlon of hit play's-paee indicates only $62,000. Blg stage show^not enough to make up fot ^Mite's' lethargy. Last week, 'Speak' Easily* (Metro), Ben Bernie and' Eddie Dowllhg on stage, $63,000, big". Mayfair (2,200; 3E-'r2-83)-^'iack Street* (U). A winner,-running-up the tilt's cpntmts tb-afouhd $23,600 and a. holdover. PjreVlbus Incum- bent "Hold 'Em Jail* (Radio) proved a dud at $10,100. ■ .Palace (1,700;. 30-40-66-83)—» 'White Zombie* (UA) (2nd run) ^nd vaude. Palace combines this chiller and Arthur on si^e as its drawing cards, but together they aren't drawing: muph;. $12,800. bn week will be, far from the black. Olsen and Johnson alt over the stage and 'American Madness' (Col) on screen last week did a fine $17,- 700, but also in the red because oC the hea"vy hookup. Paramount (3,664; 40-72-94-$l.'i0) —'Night Club Lady' (Col) and stage show. Publix brought back the Jes- sel-Talmadge stage show after, an absence of a week, but that diidn't turn the trick; lucky to escape with $43,000. That will mean two poor weeks in a rOw for house after bad $41,300 last week on 'Devil and Deep' (Par). Rialto (2,000; 40-56-72-02-$1.10)— 'Horse Feathers' (Par) (3rd week). A lot of the town continues to laugh at the screwy Marxes, according'to $24,000 pace on third .week. Last week, second, a good $31,000. • Rivoii (2,200; 40-66-.72-94-$i.l0)— •Love Me Tonight' (iPar) (2nd week). This Chevalier isn't, doing as well as Chcv usually does. Any-' thing over $27,000.will be a surprfse, with pace noticeably stpwed 'up after first week.when hoUde hit $^0,- 300. Maybe only two .more w^eks at. that rate. Roxy (5,200; 35-6e-83-$1.66)-^'The First Tear* (Fox) (2nd week) aihd stage show. Won't reach $40,000 on final five days of holdover week. First week a,round $60,000/ okay. Will Rogers' latest 'Down to Earth' (Fox) opens Thursday (1), but house won't go Thursday openinsf as a regular. . Strand (2,900; 35-55-83-94-$!.10) —'Twb Against World'. (WB) (2nd week). Connie Bennett's lure at t^he b. o. eases off on holdover of this one, to around .?15,700. Initial se-\^n days a big $22*000. Winter Gardbn (1,410; 35-55-83- 94)—'Passport to Hell' (F6x)i A drab showing is being made by this one; under $10,000 augured. 'Croon- er' (WB) did little better as house's previous attraction, $12,800. Hollywood (1,553; 55-83-$l-$1.10« ?1.65-$2,20) — 'Life Begins* (WB). Opened here Thursday night (25) at a pace that 3jras only fairly gobd* Initial three days $8(000.