Variety (Aug 1932)

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VARIETY VAUDE- B n R L E S « U E 'Tuesday, August 30, I932 Matter of Cash Wheel Unlikely . Chlcaero, Augr. 29. ' Burlesque ppsslbliltles In the mid- dle west are still uncertain. One obstacle. regarded ' quitd important by landlords, is that most of the would-be. managers have little or no cash. It makes a contemplated mi.dwestern wheel unlikely. ' irons and damage want the Gar- rick, in the Loop, but the property owners apparently . aren't anxious for a burlesque tenant and the deal may not be consummiated. An- nouncements were sent to the press 'of a 'il^egs and Laughter' company to open there with Betty Moore, Bert. Carr, Lillian Law and Jack Edwards show, to be staged by Paul MorokofC. Should the Garrick adopt a bur- lesque policy, it is thought'possible the Woods, its next door neighbor, ftiay follow suit. That's only sup- position. MINN. MINUS BilRUSQUE *~~"^— . . .1 City Council Rejects Gayety'* Li- cense Application Exqui .00 OeLuxe Package lisite Parfiim^ Deltah for only ^2.95 To introduce to our theatrical frlenda the new ttire, exotlo odeurs by Del- tab, makers ot. ttie famoiia; I>eltah Pearls, we are making.'this' unusual otter. '.The. special DeLux? Package contains 1 purse, flacon of each of tbe fbllowlnK: , KcstosV, Sehteur," Uon Bijou, Mldnitia ' Hour, and-the new Deltah 'Lipstick. Offered for a llm- Itod time only. Sent postpaid oo re- ceipt ot check,, draft, or P. O. Money Order for $2,96, Repicsentatives Wanted Tou cm . easily- make |16 to ISO weekly tntroddclng the nationally ad- vertised Deltah perfumes at very spe- cial prices. Beautifully packaged. Attractive'sample kit. For'Complet<k Information and 'free offer,' write MARVAY INC. Dept 0,S41 Delaware Avenoe BII5PFALO, N- X. ■ UKO VAVDEVILrE INTACT 88 (Week Bmf. 10), KeHh't, Borton THE eEiilAL ROTUND LARRY R 1 C H with CHERI "Miss Pert of Paris" TOMA GENARd South /America's Newest Dancer TOMMY LONG "The Elongated Bxpress ot Comtidy" AL HODGES . "Oklahbma's Ambassador" ENGLAND ONG The Chinese Helen Kane JOE BELL . "The Vo^^e with a Heart'* GILBERT LAWRENCE : and hlfl Snako Hips : ' And the RICH RHYTHM BAND (Direction of Dlondell ft-Mack) SGHUDERandROSS DANCERS 'Week Aug.. OS —Warners Downtown - Week Sept. 1, Million Dollnr Xos Angeles, Cnllf. . RYAN and NOBLETTE Talking—"Hello, DeVlTO and DENNY and DOT STEVENS, "lon're in Memphis tlil« week— Where do you week?" Minneapolis, Aug. 29. For a; second, time within a tew months an application to permit re- opening of the Gayety theatre, stock burlesque, has been rejected by the city council. . Harry Hirsch, operator of the .Gayety for. the past four years, failed two months ago in an effort to obtain a license for next season. Last week Axel Herman sought the license and W:aa also unsuccessful in his efforts. Representatives of the Women's Co-operative Alliance, reform or- ganization, opposed tlie llciense while labor union officials requested that it be granted. Failure of the .license to go through means that Minneapolis must do without burlesque tlie com- ing seeuson. NICHOLSi^^ RIVAL aROJlT ADNN. DAILY AnACKS am TffAlKATHON' : Minneapolis, Aug. 29. A furor stirred up here by news- paper charges that liquor was being sold op.erJy in thei city's municipal auditorium at the dance marathon in which the city itself Is a partner. Front page story In the 'Journal,' local dally, started the fireworks. Yarn described bootlegging activity, drunkehne&s; fist fights and rowdy- Is'm in the audlto'rluna^ A city ordl- n'aifce here prohibits' dance mara- thons, ,but to get around the law this, one "is, called a 'Walkathon.' 'Journal'- followed its Initial story with a front page double-column editorial d'eiiouncing the show itself as 'degrading,' etc, W. A. Tebbetts, Portland, Pre,, film exhibitor, is the prompter,. but despite the newspaper censure, Mayor W. A. Anderson, reformer and prohibition leader; . has not avall&d himself of his police power to halt the 'Walkathori.* It was Mayor Anderson-who- prohibited the performance here oC 'Crazy QuUt' and Carroll's •Vanities' without even permitting the shows to open or seeing them, Polio-wing the 'Journal's' editorial, however^ the mayor finally issued an 'ultimatum' to the 'Walkathoh' to 'clean up or get out." It has been here seven weeks and has about two to go. •. From Minneapolis Tebbetts goes to St Fiaiil to put the same thing on in conjunction with Jone. Lane, owner of a big dance hail. Tei>betts has his own 'Walkathon' organization, which he takes from one city to another. Baltimore, Aug. 29. An indie co-operative • bui-lesque circuit for the rotation of principals is to be attempted by. If on Nichpls, owner and operiator of the local hurley, the Gayety. 'Venture was Indirectly caused by the split between L H. Herk and Nichols, breaking an aasoclatlon of nearly 20 years standing. This year Herk has taken iiis own house in Baltimore, the Palace, for the new Empire wheeL Already announced as set for the rotation scheme are Daly's in Buf- falo, Billy Watson's house in Pater- son and the Ootham in Brooklyn, besides, of course,, the local Gayety. Negotiations are said to be on for other houses, all east of Chicago. . As now arranged,, acta will most likely come out of Milt Shuster's biurleycue boolcing office in Chicago, jumping to Buffalo, Baltimore, Pat- erson, Brooklyn In that order. Pbs- sibillty that the Academy, N. S. Borger's Gbl burley stock house, will come into the deal. Nichols has gone Minsky-minded, redressing his theatre front strictly after the Mliisky flagh style. Gayety opens Sept. 3 with stock, under the tag of Progressive bur- lesque, which ' may be this label adopted by the .other houses. Herk's Palace here gets'g'oUier the day fol- lowing. Both spots ■ will play it two-a-day with the u^al Saturday midnltes.! ^ Headlining for the Gayety Is Nadja, a burlesque name, of Chicago. Barger's Stock Troupe Opens Sept 3, Chicago • - Chicago, Aug. 29. " Nathan "Br Barger, who last siESa- son operated the burlesque policy at the Woods, hks taken the Star and Garter, former. Columbia wheel house. He will open a stock bur- leycue policy there Sept. 3. Leo Stevens will stage the shows. Meanwhile, -Barger will probably convert the Academy,, around the corner from the Star, into straight pictures. Academy has only 900 seats against the Star's 2,100, Lat- ter property controlled by the Hyde and Behman estate of New Tork. Unioiis Take Cohunlms - Hoia^ for BWfejr Try Columbus, Aug. 29. Stagehands and musician unions have talcen. over the new I^yceiim theatre and will opeii It'with bur Icsque next month. Qfllcials are now dickering for wheel shows, but may switch to burley eitock. Oper- ators wilt again work on a co-op basis. Lyceum replaces the old house of the same name which burned last March. New house is a local novel- ty, being a 700-seater with no. bal- cony, Arthur Says Stage Shows For Wproester-Springfield Worcester, Aug. 29. Regardless of whether or not set- tlement of the stagehands' and pro- je<!tlonlsts' strikd Is reached, Harry Arthur intends to re-establisii stage shows here and at Springfield, Mass. Thd local Palace will reopen early, next month- and the Poll, Sitringfield, Sept. 12. -. If the strlice Is settled these thea- tres will have units. If not there will be vaudfllm. ' . An arbitration meeting has been arranged with- G. G. Wood; federal arbitration commissioner, in la fur- ther effort to settle the labor diffi- culties. DARKENED RKO HOUSES 'First legit to make the bk6 closed houses on the RKO-Eelghton & LefHer arrangement. is 'Another Language,' ' Houses which L, & r will utilize for these onernlght lecit Etopoviers are those which RKO in, tendM to deep dark mostly, . ' Thesie Include the Proctor's) ai< bany; Palace, Trenton; Grand Opera House, Cincinnati;: .staie^ ^ Strand, Dayton; Palace, Ft. Wayne*' Keith, Grand Rapids; Palace, To- ledo; Orphoum, Chkmpalgn; Park- way, Madison; Orpheum, Kansas City; Orpheuni, St Louis; Majestic Ft. Worth. Routing Thurston Howard Thurston, Who's beerf- laying off in Chicago, after 60 con- secutive weeks for various circuits starts .the now season at the Am-* bassador, St. Louis, Friday (2), fou lowing at Indiana, Indianapolis. William Morris office Is arrange! ing additional time. Jack Waldron in Irene/ ^ Mary Eaton Reheairsitig Hollywood; Aug. ,29. Jack Waldron lis first principal contracted by F&M to support Mary Eaton In tab, 'Irene,' opening here Sept 23, at the State. Pearl Eaton is rehearsing her sister Iti dance numl>ers. .•Whoopee' set bsu:k. two weiaks, Opening date now Oct. 7. 'Veils' unit, produced In St. Louis, pre- cedes the Zlegfeld musical tab into the State. 'Georgia Minstrels' may follow "Whoopee.' L. A. Stock Burly Cut After Four Weeks' Red Los Angeles, Aug. 29. Stock burlesqite goes out ot the Arcade.- Daltoit Brothers decided to (hop it after taking a $6,000 loss in four weeks. Troupe, or parts of it will aug- ment the burly at the Follies, also run by the Dal tons. Al Siegel at Sanatorium Hollywood, Aug. 29. Al. Siegel Is at Hays' sanatorium at Monrovia, where doctor has or- dered him for a six months' rest Out here for lung ailment Siegel has been coaching singers i;ecently, and is In a weakened condition. Molly's $2>500 Offer A ^ $2,500 Loew offer to Molly Picon, Yiddish comedienne, has been cabled her in Buenos Ayres. She's appearing there as guest star with a local Yiddish legit comipany, .Miss Picon's last flgrure with Loew was up to $4,000 a week. COMICS SHIFT TO TErLS' Los Angeles,. Aug. 29. Russell, Marconi aijd Jerry, com edy act, shifted by F&M from 'Re flections' unit, closing Sept. 2, to 'Veils' Idea, coming Into Loew's State next week. Zelda Santley heads 'Veils.' 5 RKO Week End AcU New Bedford, Mass., Aug. 29. The Empire, operated by Zeltz brothers, who also have the State and New Bedford, began a vaudfilm policy on Thursday (25) with five RKO acts the last half of each week. • The Empire, until opened recently with films, was closed for a long time and had been considered, a 'white elephant' by Publix, which operates the Olympla here. F&M's Teletype New teletype system of the A. T. & T., utilized mostly by the police, will be used by Fanchon & Marco at headquarters In New York and Los Angeles. F&M figures the teletype will be cheaper and more satisfactory than telegraph and. telephone which is used extensively . betwcien both coasts. I£BOY PRINZ'LIABILITIES ; Los Angeles, Aug. 29. Bankruptcy schedule filed by Le- Roy Prinz, Fanchon & Marco stager,. lists $23,392 liabilities and $3,060 assets. Largest claim ia for breach of contract betwieen Mrs. Grace Hogan, Mary Grace VaNoy, and Kathleen VaNoy and LeRoy Prinz, Inc., for $16,800. Dance director says Paramount Grill, of New York, owes him $500, and Morris Greenwald and Al Wes- ton, also of New York, $2,310. Only other assets listed Is $250 in house- hold goods^ '/ <■ Buffalo Gayety Reopens Buffalo, Aug. 29. Arthur Dlggs has been named manager and Thomas Downs mu- sical, director of the Gayety (bur- lesque). B. 13. Daley re-opcnod the iiouse this week with burlesque stock. Ulir^'S ONE WEEK SHIFT Hollywood, Aug. 29. So that Publix might use Eddie Peaboay F&M unit at the Indiana, Indianapolis, currently, Madison, Wis., which plays shows following St Louis, released idea for the week, and is substituting vaude. .Milton Feld i^egotiated switch. Seeks Nutmeg Spot Danburyl Aug. 29.^ .. Stock burlesque ifor this city Is be- ing considered by a New York op- erator. Empress Is the only house available. Burlesque has not'been seen In this city for niany years, and any attempt to Install d .com- pany Is expected to meet wltli. op- positlph. . , Another house being considered by the producer, who is reported, to be very anxious to find a spot In Connecticut is the State at Spring- dale, near Stamford. ^ m. JOSEF CHERNIAVSKY 'The Russian Jazz Maestro' and ' His Symjpho-Syncopators HEADLINING THIS WEEK (August 27r RKO AlBEE, CINCINNATI 20 weeks. at Hotel Gibson and now lit 17th week at Netlxerland-- Plaza HotoL Hold over Indefi- nitely. . ( On WLW Daily Ooer a Year Peraonal B«pres«ntAttT« ' A. E. SchotTer Radio Act's Test Date To "get a line on the Funny*i-** boners' possibilities as a boxofflcb draw around the New York area, Loew has booked the ether trio into the Boulevard. Bronx, for the week starting Sept 7. Route around the circuit's nabe stands and a stop at the State de- pends on the result here. BEO TAKES COLORED TAB RKO is booking the musical con- densation, 'Rhapsody In Black,'' for the middle west following'comple- tion of unit's present bookings oh Publix, up in about a week. As yet RKO has not designed number of weeks or the houses for 'Rhapsody.' All-colored show was boiled doTim by Lew Leslie for Pu|)liX' several- months back.: F-M XJinT'S ADDED. WEEK Los Angeles, Aug. 29. Although F. & M.'s 'Reflections' unit closed at New Orleans, Walter Sachs, company manager, received instructions on way here to play week at the West Coast Long Beach. ~ Company disbands after run, which started Aug. 20. . SPRINGFIELD OPENING Springfield, Mass., Aug. 29. State opens Sept 12 with 'Dim- pled Darlings,' a show of the Em- pire Burlesque association. Jimmy James, who has operated the State in other seasons, will be manager. Troupes will come here from Bos- ton and go to New York from this city. K. 0. CARL FREED Mat«rlal by BUOENK CONBAD ' DIroctloa CURTIS « AliLEN WEEK SEPT. 22 DENVER, COLO. HEADLININO PARAUOVNT PUniilX: THEATBE8 JACK MITCHELL and FRANK DURANT Chlc.ti^o Theatre, Clilcngo Tills Week {Aug. 80) Dir.: .WM. MORRIS DeVITO AND DENNY And DOT STEVENS Answering Ryan and Noblette "After all, don^t embarniaa a»t''