Variety (Sep 1932)

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PICTURE CH»»»t VARIETY. » Too Much HelT on Chi Marquees; t with 'Robinson Crusoe'Is Mild, $12,000 i ' Chicago. Sept; 5." ' ' palace started Strongly with "Bird fct Paradise* .plus Jack Deriipsey as heodllrier,. arid ought to remain, comparatively, "thereat of the Labor Par's 25c Mats Help Chev to $11,000 in N. H. New Haven. Sept, 5. Poll, showing; effect' of . 24-sheet Day we?k entries." Orien^l Wllt.oe com nice grosses past low with 'Speak Easily,' Balaban &; three weeks. ; • .' , .7" ~ rtl i wiling and thai Paramount Introduces new price Kat* gave the first billing and «ei ^ whlch mcludefl a cut In a ddl- explbttation prominence; to ' Jimmy . t i on to house standing the tax. Poll ijurante over Buster Keaton. ' also lops oft a nickel starting with o-White Zombie' stayed one week current bill, and R <>*/* f* eraian 18 ,1 * *u-. TT m if H /i' *^H^o p™. set to follow sui next ;week. : only at the United Artists, cam- Qeneral improved : product Is rtaign failed to bring; result's; and boosting figures la all de luxe $ie' indicated $16,000 -proved: to be.| houses. Estimates for This Week Paramount (Publix) (2,363; 40-60) -■— ~z.---.-i " -c i.i b j Ariv in i—'Love Me Tonight' and unit; New more bookings of that kind only in- A 1 "*, p 5 . cen t matinoe-.paoks them. Yites . deficits. However, a stag* \*™-}\ °fJ£ ® ™2. m S . «„«m», shu ^bout: $10,000. Feeling here is that the horror cycle /is over and that -version of the same- piece- was legit nop. locally last season and that didn't help the going on Ran- dolph ■ streets ..■>.;.■ '■•'■ • ■■ ' estimates for This Week Chicago (B&K) (4;000; 40-66-85) but ovenlng drop is noticeable. Still, $11,000 pace is ,okay.. Last week '70,4)00 Witnesses' (Par), a good $9,600. Poli (Arthur) (3,040; 35-50)— «Blrd Of Paradise' (RICO) and "Divorce in Family' (M-G); Okay around $7,000 Weather Dents Indpls.; - Chev 7 G'sV M $5,00() Indianapolis, Sept. 5. Weather too warm for much biz,' However, Indiana State fair is drawing big" crowds. Downtown biz. good in spots. - 'Horse Feathers,' the first picture to be held over at; the Indiana, was pulled out a day early • when plz dropped off. . . '■- .Estimates for This t Week . Apollo (Fourth Ave.) (1,100; 26r 35) 'Down to 'Earth' (Fox), Good for $3,400. Last week, *Twd Against the World' (WB), $3,500. ... Circle (Skouras-Publlx) (2,600; 25-35) *Love "Me Tonight' ■ <Par): Should click for good $7,000. Last week house volplaned with 'Devil and the Deep' (Par) and F. & M. stage unit, around $12,600. This^ pic- ture and unit were bought for In- diana but were shifted to Circle when 'Horse Feathers.' was held. Indians- (Skouras-Publlx) X3.300; 26; 35) 'Bring 'Em Back Alive' (RKO). May touch fair $6,500. Last week 'Horse Feathers' (Par), $7,000. Loew's Palace (2.800; 25-35) Blondle of the Follies' (MG). Good for $5,000'. Last week .'Last Mile' (Tif), poor $3, 400. PORT. BALLY UPS ALL; ROGERS PIC $12,500 Portland, Ore., 'Sept.'. 5. Exploitation methods returning, to- t picture selling, with greater season as. the chief. current Grosses in general' uppihg. ^■'Down to Earth' (Fox) and stage|Last week 'Back Street' (IS) and Bhow: Will' Rogers picture looks 'Painted Woman' broke $9,000, whlon like around $35.<W0.. okay. JBurns, topped all figures since May. . and Allen as headliners, on. radio , Roger Sherman (WB) (2.200, 35, reps; their last appearance at RKO 65)—'Doctor X'. (FN) and 'Big .City palace as just a standard'comedy Blues'. (WB). Fair .around $4,800. team: Last ..week JBiondte of :the [Last week .'What; Price. HpMywood. Follies' (M-G) captured a nice $40,- f (RKO) and .'Racetrack, ditto at ,000 after being suddenly switched $4,500. •• Into Chicago instead \ of Oriental, ] ■where originally Jjqoked. /.\ ... " (WcViekors (B&K) ,(2,000; ; 40-66- Si)— 'Horse Feathers' . (Par) (3d- rial wefck). Should .tally farewell SfiS.OOO . for " a dandy engagement* Chevalier's . 'Loye Me • Tonight' jhext. Oriental (B&K) 3,200; 40-65-8.5)— ^'SS».Sffl!f! 3u k g le ^es^en^lf S5S T'ooo^itnS^ Oriental tried the auto VRKOW2 6^1o-55*83)- ooorl prize gag with some success, yaude. Lo.ts of money spent on cam- » J?^^ 1 " 05 P ■ ■-. ■ 1 palgn^aho.' the biz started like there rie ^ v ^ e Tonlght ' into the Riaito .would be $26,000 Jn_the -MM onithe fr0 L m %\fpaSt for a second ceunt-up. South Sea atufC > with " fc , doing nicely on the h. o. fcemi-nude heroine and hero also, at week «^ r blue ribbon the United Artists with 'Mr. Robin-I Jgret^wees w ona £ ^ eon Crusoe.' Jack Dempsey'fc ova- h£ l m hoMlnB U p, r; ■-■ ■ . ■ • tlon • /gives ex-champ-' >«K. Im «if J Hamrlck's Oriental is in line for claim -to partof 'the credit-for thei better than average gross with (Palace's good week; Last week f « Ib1oo / This house seldom hits high .•War Correspondent' only spot g ( - b ut showed gains last week i$i&;600. " • ''_■■„_ with 'Doctor X.' " State-Lake (RKO) (2.700; 26-35-- ^ Fox ,p haa -Down to K0-55)—'Passport to Hell' (Fox) ana » and ls algo i n Hn© for ex- vaude:-Fourth picture ..around town ceptl0Jial blz and an black tearing w6rd : 'hell' and'the shock^Is fl g ure< House grosa is strengthened all gone:' Others : were 'Merrily We by p & - M un it a , now the only stage Go to Hell.' 'Guilty as ;Hell' and sh ows- in the burg. •Hell Below Zero,' riot .to menlort 'united Artists is doing nicely i'D^yll'and the Deep.' . Satanic titles wlth 'Downstairs' after another fair hot helping. This one coupled with wee k with 'Passport to Hell.' ' , musical tabloid instead ,.of. usual Fox-Parker plans to reopen the Vaudeville. Fair '$16,005. ' Around proadway this month. Also some that niche lost week with 'Holly- plans for "legit house to' open, but iwood Speaks.' .. . ' . mostly the vacant downtown houses United Artists (B&K) (1;700; 40- are being used currently as grinds. ' '"' v Estimates for. This. Week. Paramount (Fox-Parker) (3,000; 25-65)—'Down to Earth' (Fox) and F & M unlt. Getting okay results. In line for a winning $12,600;- Last week'Love Me Tonight' (Par) rang the belL for a nice $11,600' and into the Riaito for a second week. Orpheum (RKO) (2,000; 25-40)— 'Back Street' (U). Holding, up to good biz; $5,700. Last week 'Blondie Captive* (Col) answered to strong exploitation for fair $4,700. United Artists (Fox-Parker) (1,- 000; 25-35)—'Downstairs* ; (M-G) $20,000 70,000 Witnesses'Nice $62,000; Blondie' Easy $65,000 55 J7G)—'Mr. Robinson Crusoe; (UA). Fairbanks travelog will do $12,000, | ipassable. 'White Zombie' disap- pointed with $10,000v . .. ■ DENVER ON ALL SIX; i BIZ BEST IN MONTHS Denver, Sept.. 5. houses are bragging, about business,' with everything AH ™>?ntlne;"toward biggest "for" most I Should collect okay v$5,000. Last houses in past several months. Or- week 'Passport to Hell' (Fox) fair Hheum turning iti high . figure for for this house at $4.500.. inei«lod Harry Huffman has had Oriental (Hamrlck) .(2,50.0; 25-35) Jiouae but Will Rogers natural fpr —'Igloo' (U). Bettering average biz Denver this week, ■ even without and* may hit $4,500. Last week 'Doc- VJtufle backln** ' • { tor X' (FN) nicely for $4,000. l » Siamese Twins are proving good f , .Riaito (Gamble) (1,500; 26)—-Lpye «raw at same house, with five | Me Tonight! (Par). Clicking for standouts. This week Ted Mack's last' at Denver arid getting big hand in farewell program. Gilda Gray, is at trading at Denver Paramount. The Riaito is coming to life and turning in good figures, Denver's perfect theatre weather helping'here, too, Estimates for This Week Denver (Publix) (2,500; 26-40-66) fr-*Love Me Tonight' (Par) and stage Bhow. Big $16,000 In sight. Last week 'Devir" and ""the Deep' (Par) did $12,700, okay,' good 'second week after first week at the Paramount. ..Likely.$3,500. Last week 'Horse Feathers' (Par), second iweek, very okay at $4,000 Tacoma, Sept. 5 Labor day marks, the official end of the d'u'tdoor pilgrimages and brings in the fall show-season. The past summer has not been so good Orpheum (RKO-Huffman). (2,G00; | for the '.resorts, due to coolness of 26-40-C6)—'Down to Earth' (Fox) and RKO vaude. May reach fine $17;000.' Last week 'Hold 'E>m Jail* (Radio); .backed by. Floyd Gibbons in person, did a good $16,000 Paramount (Publix) (2,000; 25-40) »lr-':70,000 Witnesses* (Par). Has a. chance for $11,000, excellent. Last week 'Spoak Easily' (M-G) finished fair at $5,700. , Riaito (RKO-Huffman) (900; 25 40)—'Purchase Price' (WB). Looks to run up nice $3,200. Last week 'Tom Brown of Culver' (U) was a (disappointment, $2,250. the weather, with but few excep tions, and t'.iia played into the hands of the theatres. • - : Estimates for This Week Blue Mouse (Hamrlck) (650; 25) —'Doctor X* (WB), Fair $1,800. Last week 'Igloo' (U) went for okay 52,200. Riaito (FWC) (1,250; 2B-36)— 'Speak Easily' (M-G), and 'Love Me |Tonight' (Par), latter five days. Good $3,000. 'Brown of Culver' (U), "Almost Married' (Fox), and 'Guilty as Hell' (Par), in three-way i split, ditto. Kansas.'City, Sept. 5. When Ted Lewis was'booked into the Malnstreet four weeks ago' he. s started something. During the week lie broke all attendance records, and the crowds 'have kept coming ever since, with the. result that in the .four weeks in August; including the- Lewis, engagement, and, that of the 'Desert Song,' the house has played" to 260,000 admissions, a record for the town. Current week looks like some more of the same as 'Back Street' has 'em lined upVand waiting for the ticket windows to open and with the Labor Day holiday,, to boost a'little, the week will tobld very close to the one just gone, which was one of the best in months. A nifty $20,000 is the pace. The Newman, with "Horse Feath- ers' arid 'Love Me Tonight,'- also enjoyed the "best two consecutive weeks in a year; the Chevalier flicker being runner-up for the Marxes < ■ ' ■ LoeW's-Midland has suffered ter- ribly for several weeks, its pictures not being strong enough to offset the strong offerings of the others oh the street. This week will show a little increase, "but nothing great as the Jackie Cooper name, is not suf-. flcient to excite the customers. The Rlngllng show here Thursday for two performances drew -capacity for both, but there was no notice- able decrease in the downtown the- atres. Fall racing season, at River- side, started Saturday,- with the general . admission price 40c. and drew heavily over the week-end. ; Clty schools open Tuesday, which will take some of this matinee kid tickets out of the count. Starting Friday. Tex Guinan and her gang will. furnish the Main- street's stage show. Act was slipped in ort very short notice,' but the management Is spreadlrig the news far and wide. ' Estimates for This Week Liberty (Publix-DuWnsky) (800; 15-25)—'70,000 . Witnesses' (Par). This one was set in after 'Passport to Hell' , had been announced, and will hold to^a fair business, $3,500. Last week *Miss Pinkerton' (FN) not so hot, either. $4,000. Loew's Midland (Loew) (4,000r 25-40)—'Divorce in the family' (M- G). House in for but. fair week; as the fans cannot reconcile Jackie Cooper with the 'Divorce' title; $11,- 500. Last- week 'Last Mile' (World Wide) never got started and closed with only $8,200, poor. Mainstroot (RKO) (3.200; 25-35- 50)—'Baclc Street' (U) and vaude. If fans didn't know what's showing at this theatre It's not because' the management didn't tell them In all kinds of publicity for the main thing has been to 'Sell the house and show.' Topping the stage show is Grace Hayes, and the radio fans came to see her. Good $20,000 in view. Last week 'Bird of Paradise' (Radio) one of the best film draws for months, $21,000. Newman (Publix-Dubinsky) (1,- 860; 25-35-50)^—'Two Against the World' (WB). ; Good. $8,500. Last week 'Love Me Tonight' (Par), big $11,000. Exodus over the Labor Day week- end, with mobs 'running fronY the city's heat wave Friday night, holds Broadway back a little but, with some strong attractions In town and quite a lot of New ( .York visitors to be counted on, the^showing looks fairly good. Sunday's biz was good all around, threat of rain all day helping.' 1 ,«. The Capitol and Paramount both started out. strongly, as did ..the Strand, with thee© three looking to take the majority of the loose change around the big town, i Cap will top; probably doing, $65, r 000,' with 'chance for $70,000, and holding over a second week. House has its biggeBt stage show yet, and If doing $65,000, that will be topping business when. Lou Holtz, Phil Baker and other names were recently trying to better that. Cur-, rently the big. Loew de' Iuxer Invites the fans with Lilyan Tashman, So- phie Tucker, Jack Benny, Jack Pearl, Ethel Shutta and. George Ol-i sen's band. It's a great lineup, for. the stage In support ot; 'Bldhdle of the Follies,' fronvwKloh much wasn t Paramount has a- <Jha;.co for $62,- 000 with its' stageful-of radio artists, including Four Mills Bros^ Donald Novis (held over), Stoopnagle and Bud, George Price, Eddy Duchln orchestra and Sylvia Froos, plus the riori-ether comedian,' Will Mahoney. At this house the picture, *70,000 Witnesses,' ie\flgured as an aid in drawing, the good .biz. Strand has a chance f ot $25,000 on •Blessed ^Everit,' heavHy publicize'd and exploited, while Mayfair will .be doing okay on' holdover of 'Back Street' at $18,000 after a strong; first woclc* •■->»' During the past week Chevalier has started building a little" at the Rlv with 'Love Mo Tonight.* House will do $22,000 with a chance to bet ter that through the holiday. .. The Marxes at the. Bister Riaito J-V IN TACOMA Tacoma, Sept. 5. Jensen , & Von Herberg. have taken a lease on RKO's, theatre here. Policy not yet given out, but structure will be remodelled; Strong Prov.-Albee 12 G's, Par Near $10,000 Providence, Sept. 6. Exodus of holiday crowds for the beaches and -mountain's is cutting Into this week's business. Some of the film houses are figuring on forte business the last half of the week because of the unusually strong product in town. Others are con- tent to call it just another week. Albee is out in front again, al though opposish is tougher. Fay's opened Saturday . (3) with six acts and pictures. Albee has Mildred Harris Chaplin headlining, but 'Back Street* on the screen is doing most of the $12,000: Estimates for This Week RKO Albee (2,300; 16-56-66)— 'Back Street' (U) and vaude.. First time in weeks picture has had edge on vaude. In spite of holiday spot- will be swell in-$12,000 class. Last week 'Bird of Paradise' (Radio) and Fred Warlng*3 band made beautiful climb, house doing four shows a day last half to great $15,800. •Fay's. (2,000; 15-56) — 'Painted Lady* (Fox) and vaude. House closed all summer, reopening. with six acts instead of five as was bid policy. Swell stage show for open- ing, but picture weak and no help Not over fair $5,500. Loew's State (3,700; 15-65-75)— 'Divorce in Family' (M-G). Name cast, but not drawing. -House .de- pending*, on a last half splurge to keep it out of red at $6,000. Last week 'Last Mile' (W-W),- managed to creep over $6,200.' Majestic (Fay) (2,200; 15-55)— 'Two Against World* (WB) and 'Beauty Parlor' (Chesterfleldj. Ben- nett film doing the work. Maybe $7,500, good. Last week 'Uriholy Love' (Allied) and 'Congorilla' (Fox) swell at $8,200. . ♦ Paramount (2,200;. 15-55)'—'Love Me Tonight' (Par).' Okay and. looks like fine $10,000. Last week 'Horse Feathers' (Par) garnered $B;600 for second week after titling $12,000 opening week. RKO Victory (1,600; 10-25-30)— 'Hell Fire Austin' (W-W) and 'Midnight Morals.' Will do around $2,800 t fair. Last week 'By Whose Hand' (Col) and 'My Pal the King' (U) off at $1,900. Metropolitan (Conn) (3,400; 10- 25-30)— 'Texas Ouri Fighter' (W-W) and vaude. Conn promised theatre- goers eight acts and pictures. After one week, six acta. Novelty of new house helping, but not over $3,000 .for first half. are also holding their own nicely, probably hitting at least $20,000 on their fourth week. ' Another, week sure, possibly a sixth, after which Harold Lloyd's 'Movie Crazy* moves '"on Chev's exit at the Riv around Sept. 16, UA will bring in 'Mr, Rob- inson Crusoe' (Fairbanks), taking oyer house themselves. 100% at the same time. < • • -. • •Life Begins.' on a reserved .seat two-a-day policy at. the Hollywood, started picking up after the:, third day. In ,its first nine days it did : 122,000, fair enough. • A,t their other house, the Garden, , now third, in importance among, the three! operating, business, will he about evon with last week> $12,000, on .'Passport to'Hell,' holdover, holi- day helping, .•••'. The Roxy started out, strong when reopening, but. between last week and the current try with 'Down, to Earth'; (Will Rogers) its pace .has slowed down. Rogers may. bring house $60,000, but doubtful.:unless again* the . holiday accelerates. George Arllss in 'Successful Calam- ity' follows on Friday (9), first of. WB's for house, .. . RKO's Palace Is another that has been" wading around in the red lately..- Current possibilities augur no more than $14,000, .an ImRroye- ment over the previous seven days bUt'stlU enough of a, lorn .to'w^rry about. 'Age of JCohsent* (Radio), on first run, is the picture.'■ Metro's 'Strange 'Interlude'/ Which had Its, premiere at .the Astor at ;$2 Wednesday -night .(31)V started out . good, getting a capacity house the second night. . . :■; .' '. Estimates for This Week , Aitor (1,012; 83-$1.10-$J l 66-$^.20) - —•Strange; Interlude'. (M-G). Had its $2. premiere Wednesday ' night (31), getting oft to good 'start in spite of reviews that varied in opin- ion of picture; ':. v Capitol (5.400;. 35-72-83-$l;10- ^I.fifi^'Blondle of the Follies' ;(M- G) arid stage show. Names of Lilyan Tashman, Sophie Tucker, George Olsen, Jack Benny, Jack Pearl and others moylng. house into the $65,O0O class, maybe better. H. O. certain with stage doing big drawing-. Last week very bad $40,000 on 'Last Mile' (World. Wide). ' Hollywood (1,553; 65-83-$l-$1.10- $i;66-$'f.20)—*Llfe.Begins' (WiB). (2[d week). On first nine days chalked up around $20,000, ' fair; picture started to build after its first three days". ■ Mayf air (2,20035-72-88)— "Back Street' (U) (2d week). After strong first week may better an okay $18,- 000 for second. First seven days a big $24,000^ more than expected and indicating picture started building after its opening. 'Bird * of Para* dise' (Radio) probably next in here; Palace (1,700; 30-40.-65-83)'—^Age of Consent' (Radio) arid vaude; Red again' at the -rate Of $14,000 cur- rently, despite that picture's ort first run. Last week the'b. o. went t© sleep, dragging in only $11,500 with 'White Zombie' (UA), 2d run, and Arthur Tracy on stage. Paramount (3,664; 40-72-94-$1.10) —'70,000 Witnesses' (Par) and stage show. Draw from both screen and stage, this week, latter having Will Mahoney and flock of ether talent, Four Mills, Stoopnagle and Bud, Donald Novls, Georgie Price. Sylvia Froos and Eddy Duchin band; out to do very nice $62,000. Last week 'Night Club Lady' (Col) and return of Jessel-Talmadge unit, $47,200, n.s.g. ■ ' •• Riolto (2,000; .40-55-72-92-$1.10)— 'Horse Feathers' (Par) (4th week). Standing up stoutly^ with opportu- nity to' better $20,000, good for fourth week on any plx here. Ran up $22,000 on third lap of seven days. Rlvofi- (2;200; 40-55>72-94-$l.l0)r^. ',t,6ye', Me Tonight* (Part (3rd week); Started to pick up strength during past week, enabling it to expect at least $22,000 currently. Second week's take $26,000. Roxy (0,200; 35-56-83-$1.66) — 'Down to Earth' (Fox) and stage show. Will Rogers' latest not ex- hibiting the. pull he once,had; may reach $50,000, which gives house some profit, but should be doing better, and that figure not certain, either. Last week, on five-day hold- over of 'First Year* (Fox) good first week's pace slipped to under $40,000. Strand (2.900 4 . 35-55-83-94-$1.10) —'Blessed Event' (WB). Beating V to Broadwa'y with latter's 'Okay America,' which comes into the Paramount Friday (9), WB is ex- ploiting the columnist and 'okay' angle heavily. Biz looks like a chance for $25)000, but h.o. proble- matical. Last week, 'Two Against World' (WB) on holdover under $15,000. mild. Winter Garden (1.418; 35-55-83- 94)—'Passport to Hell' (Fox) (2d week). May do $12,000, equal to what was drawn on the first week, but only, through theJaeneflt of the holiday.