Variety (Oct 1932)

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VARIETY Titesdajrt October 25, 1932 PARAMOUNT, N. Y,; (Sbod . cpmpoijents ought a good Bhow- to niake, but they aon*t alwaysr. They dtfii'^t' tht* ' w«ek' at the Paify ■ Plenty 6t fnaterifti and "with the film 'AH American' (U) will build to a nice gross lor the week, but thfe ^tage end Just doesn't blend. Maybe, it's Boris..Petrolfi? fauljt arid'.maybe it isn't', . He staged tho thing and to him tSWB: the botiquet, siiich a? it is. But quite possible : that he didn't know who was. going into the show until the last, minute; Most dubious element ia how the headline tum, Ovy Lombardo and band, is treated; Rubinoff starts BOXY, N. Y. , Now- York. Oct 21. ' ' Altbobgh- t'Ae Roxy'iiow'-must play to ft larger volume oC. cuatomera. t<> get the same amount'oif coin Into' its box ofnce. likelihood, this .w$ek. is it wlU do tt4 beal:-.bUBlbeas ' ln several'weeka, . 'Slit Houra t}> Mve*. (Pox)-oftiBriB enough of a iure, plus; Warner • Baxter's' name, to, jbriner. above average mbnfey Into house re-* gardless .of how Pjlctiire, staoks up! as entettainihent, < It's a fantastic' idea in film snaking brinering back; to life ftfr alx. hours a nwn.Who'a; experienced. death; and knewa Ixd' must die again. • It is dlfncult te sense what the the show ofE with one of his usual public reaction to thU sort of idea- calisthenic affairs called 'Strauss may be, but chances are the title. Melodies ' And Lombardo'a 10 mu- peven Jf some fans figure it haa to siciins are asked to close the same do with a death aentence. wlU en- show. It s not a matter of compar- tice. Fox has done numeW)us stories ing bands, but leading from a large lately that must^be pegged As dtf- symphonic troupe like Rublnofl's to ferent even if they haven t been a smaller bbdy (in numbers) such b.o. successes. Thto is another, but as Lombardo's, is simply hot cricket: its commercial value la more u Seems as though for this week the IfinigM than the Qthers. ; . . . Rublnoft troupe might have been Strictly from the moj s yl^^^^^ anft iM^daled at least for anotUeht I week s Roxy sfhow is far from DuroMM ■ • ^ ' tops. Whatever reaction to mm' Rest of the show seema equally fajT V/«i«*?^«w*'^h^^'irmltinn „„„ T^^t,^ to fall .a little oelQw the eatimation f?tt.lA*'l'^i^i"^^if„'*^2„^^°K"i^:0^ flome in the memory of Roxy on his piiiuio aocordJon. Patricia, Bowman and bor baUet ttMr i gbre^ the ^hov lt«-^OQ^. giutatandln^oiium-i ber.- Sflt m a 4)iauUfiu. fll|yw'. "tree! effect. with Maatliaum- - gma :4oing' the Introductory .'ballet work. \UtBS Bowman. acorecr-Wlth her sylph-Ukei figure "and .graceful eyoluiloina, and gets top of.thebtlL ,(<•'!(':. ■ Joe' B.' Bro.'^n': on .|iext?',wlth., ai repetition of llouiiai 6Y Ua fa'vorlte atorlea, atter.'wh4(jh...lM»i flsuira^i m a number, of akitiBiwuh Baker .and' McNaiightOn-v 9Upl vei^ utiopUlar ^ud he «an .^iwayn icount on, .ft wi^inn reception .here,-:.• .1.1 . •! ^ . ..•>;:..,: IcIoLBha -BuiiohuK,! guldlnig the- or:^ cheatra, selected 'Through - the Opera 01ass»'. a medley 'of' classic airs which' gav»' him full ■ oppor- tunity to show some range In tone and tempo, qualities whtoh had )>revloualy been overlooked. Very big response. Milton Charles plays 'Masquerade' as a request number and then gets his singing class into action' for the first time in many weeks. He was also given a nlcO' rd'oeptlon. as though whoever , cofues first grabs the stage first;: , Line of girls opens in : a rhumba number for no logical xeaisoh, with that leading .xlirectly. into. the > spot cialty dance by Harry and Dorothy Dixon. . Miss Dixon is a swell per- former, with a fine sense of humor and got her point over nicely. RaO Samuels follows in 'one' for a 'regulars. ; The house is as different in its operation now as its grosses when .compared to former .days. .Stage show is in one piece though chang- ing in sets, which gives the pro- gram makeup much • closer-simllar- |;ity to that of thO Paramount and. I'Capltol.' ' ■ ■• ..•■i:..- ' If anything, house 'Is ^getting couple songs,, doing her regular ipio.ser'-to the Paramount system of vaude. ..routine. . Jesse Crawforda ^program building ^han to the 'Cap!-: now take up' the center of a full tol, and with'Frank Cambria - hete, stie^e arrangeifnent''for their organ 'staging the unlt'a; that t>uhll^ ,toiji,ch epiapde; tow^ird the ,end of . which [ he knows so Well iis f^e^uently ap- the girls romp.iiit for a talr to mid-IpkreAt, • ■ : ;. ''.. dling'roiitine, with Vercoll and Seh^- ji This, -vtr.eeH Cambria calls hla ahow net: ih' a toe diance finishing. i'On to. Rio,?. It's, the 'iort,' 6f thing :'iE^k to 'onie'\ again tor the Rltz iCambria likes , tol do ,4n^^ usually, S'jro'th^rs, yi^ho are., funnlerp thiu; idoes, be.tter .than' he . haa Ph ..this ■iiaiial, ahd inio tiie Xombardo act, ioccaaibn .'when' lack of. 'taJlent is (Sood. aa the.Ritz*s are, they are pholding him baok fi little: . Probahly Bt^roled by-the'tnowledge that they t:''**''^'"^ '"^^ *' confined budget a?e taking up time between the f uU [ and' tt-ying tO_ keep the Roxy stage stage Appearances of the two Craw- filled Is one of Cambria s handicaps, fords and the Lombardo bind. , \ Two mterludes-ln unit .stand out. The band is ekceptlonaUy. fine. They are Hal Menken, doing a very sweet and ' quiet miiBic, as cjeve^ miniature stair dance and a against the UsUal brash of many stanza in which three unbilled men • juat^« .wolj,^^^^^^ ''^^ p'pritlhife>d, until the .trailers, fonowr -Ing,-were"well started. :. ; Kciuf, Parambiiiit, This occurs in the first part of the unit, locale of 'whicih ls. a Ri6 de Janeiro cabaret. When, the radio Impersonations, are brought oh to -virind ii^ upi a^scrl^ drop-repreaent- i AAt OA 1 iMg the front jol a radio ia brought # , „„^- l^i?f®fev^5^^'^V« ?Aliil^^^^^ Its a4 effective, way of Colorful and faat^uoving is Ihla proaenting the In^personatlona. Fanchon &.Marc.o_^^^^ to that pdlht the Roxy en- While the settings atand out, not sO Q,^,g; ^sya iap contribute: to "^i^ *2''J'^*^®'^'^t.?®^ thA cabaret atmdsphere but scoria SP*:^*'^ :fla8h,: Tm no ,e^5^p: The Rasch gir;a.;are ou ^by Fanchon';andihei' 4PWcate touch fo^*>'yg^ brief spelL Mlss^liz top- *^^r®^? .*" ***f'^' ?• V Ptng in a sop* of t Spauls)! snake- - •Veils' jnarkf . . "^'i^^ „f' JJ^^ with a Stmhourlhe. Miss Kaz, shows to Seattle, out the past month atrictly eccentric, in her type of on account of . delay in opening thia I ^j^n^l^ ^o^a^nj^^jl^g, .number .^t the house, due jto. musician gc^le 1 blose that serves her better on au- TRANSLUX juatinent. • The Stage showa form- jerly were at "the'.'FlftK avenue^ also ja Fox West Coast'houae. . Th.e.Par- amount. ^ haa ' been dark since Ia9t 'April when double . feature policy proved a washout. No flesh shows here, for about a year Truth is this house has been on a spot ^ince it opened in 1929. At timea it got the biz, but not con sistently. The nut ia high, prob ably around . $12,000 Frank L. Newman, ,dlv. mgr., an nounces it la his determination to elevate the Paramount, .largest In the N. W., to. de luxe. fltatua. . He has made a good atart. Jul<ea dience. relactlon. , Part- three of stage presentation is labelled 'Home"! and brings forth a cpvered wagon scene, with the I'ear end of a few, wagons practical. It's led oft by Paul Ravell and the male singing ensemble, Rasch girls topping and Menken following. A single bit by one of the Rasch octet could have stood; better .buildup. The Roxyettes !work in two be- tween,.the. fullsta^e seta in a . tango moderrie and later on. on their sec- ond a^slgnmenti as Argentine senors,' Theirs ane the conventional routined, -but the fine preclAioh' that crowned their efforts in the past MAINSTI^T/K. C. Kansas City, Oct. 19.. Rosetta Duncan iwaa given a full half hour on therbSII this tireek,.and she yvi^a in action itll of the 30 min- utes, with tiie eixcjeption of a brief space given to her, planiat 'while she. rubbed on the bij|rnt 'cork for the. Topsy half of thej act. Miss Dun-, can's spot/was' between, acta of the Fanchoh .& Marco jTown and Coun- try-:uhlt;'-and fhe^q were times-when the customers : se;^med anxious for the other numbers to come on. Unit'is spliendliy dr^sed 'and .the; scenic effects nicely workisd but, the finalfel' -'Smgirtg Inj the Rain,' >vlth; reaL.water, .t^ken from the .finish'Of' the picture, 'HollyWood Hevue,' get- ting a big hand. ' j Show opened, wiph 12 dancing glrls^ doing a . nqtrelty' UasketbcUl number on a c'dlleg^ caihpus set; vciry'pt'etty. A skipping' rppe' bit followed, with the ropes aglow with lights on a darkened stage. Nllea March, fe- male impersonator, with blonde, wig and striking gowns, followed. He burlesqued his stuff and got by nicely, A'lockey dance broqftht the j girls out again; I f.nd they jumped over ..low . hurdles 'and p'rahced aroU'tid' in the regular routine..•' Next came the Brox . sisters, blonde-brunette-red, in' 'Dinah' and ah vlmpersonation' of Marline. Diet- rich singing 'Falling: in.'Love -Again.' They were ,:an. «yel}ut.i with their white-. silk he^. and;. much-evpose,d; blue gartera. Novak and Fay, com- edy acrobatSt; held . the., next ^spot,. followed "by MIsa bun^an. ->e'ned -with a ahbrk intrOiduc- tory bit and then gave her burlesque 'Q'lieen' .of i(he May.' ^I'he iaccom-, paniat'.'.waa giveni aav'eral '. .minutes, here wbile Miss Diincan got^intb her Topsj'. bharacter, but ahe- was quick- ly back in blackffce. Here. Jt'Was that the audience :falled to respond. Closing scene'sHo^cfd ,'a penthouse with strlkihg skyline and the. girls'i jylth Bette and Ddrthy Lewis, offers thg a hot tap Routine.. This was the most elaborate of!the sets. Feature picture, 'Phantom of CreatwOod' (Radio), together with news, comedy and trailers for 'Irene,' next, stage show, completed the bill. ; II j The Luxer people all of a auddeh lAade up their mliid 'to ihalce two attlQ ones, into one htg. one. That as the only explanktioh- offerf^d, regular Sat. mat. patrons'who* foilhd a dead b, o: on Broadway, other ithan to let them take a peep at iworkmeu tearing dowp the-partl- tloh. ' 'When the combination is ready. Which should: .be before another week,- the Luxer will be able to seat'around. 400'people. Incidentally thb new size will bring it into the seating capacity flass of the Bm-' basay which meana that the atem from now on .will; have two adult, ncjwsreel .theatr.<).a. / Mayhe the iprlhta V^re; faulty, oi^ Just posalbly ther^-a a difference In jnanagement.) ojC hooths* but thd Madlaon aveiiuei LUxer'a screen waa literally raipy in comparison to the technical aide usually found in the Broadway, house.., Brbadway'a boy inanicurist on. the make. for male , customer, with ntf tincertainty. l^ft, about the 'make,' drew quantity laugha at this spot. Screwy opinions-on Hoover^ and Roosevelt in the last <of Pathe's- poll furnished the uBUp;!- mirth. Finale, a,n interview with a Bowery drifter, who was drunk before the camera,, got some, of the gasping .instead of. laughing. ; What looks '■■ like a Pathe scoop .caught Candidate iJohn- P. O'Brien ;and . Al: Smith, .In v6t*bal action.' ,Smith!s advice„waa a. neW angle fqr jiiewsreela. - He said the most im- portant- part- of ^he election -Was iinsuring Ddmoqratjs irt law making, bod'ies. . ,,■' :' , ■' '■.- , An odd subject'Vhlch will doubt- less intereE^ the rhusically inclined' but means.nothing uiore than a.lot^ of dots, curves aiid dashes to. the masses, was Univbrsal's picture of how music registers with some minds.. Pathe followed a balloon race in the Goodyear contest and got some excellent views of a bag prettlng in trouble with treetops. ' Other Luxer clips included; Park Ave., apeak raid;/ Jesse Crawford' and"'^ fOur-year-old organist; roller skate maraithon; Mussolini revleWV auto polo;. French wine; NatI6naI Dairy Exposition; Red Bank steeple- chase. -' . Woiv- . Bu^fano heads .30 piece Bymphonyl gg(,„a be missing, In their band, with 18 of the group working 1 ftrat number particularly Friday for .th? ^tage shown iRf»I;^wti«t8j night, many of thb girls were badly in this layout. Gaylord. Carter is at j out of line ' ' ■ the organ, ^nd- h^ work, too, wap| House fihda rdom currently Cor to the likings of th^ ^udlence. Pic- J a , abort, King .tTeptuhe' (UA). a tune feature, la .'Six Hours to Live' g„,y. sysnphon*^ lln color, that's a .(Fox) with shorts ^filling out bal-J bright spot on ah othorwWe spotty anced entertainment, . ■ , v ! show, plus F-mT News. 'Busln<fds In response to Mayor Dpife's plea; better, than.^ual Frfdair night, for 'prosperity' and more emplojr-; ■ 'Cfcar ment for Seattle. Newman made the] ■ ■' . . I anouncement during 'Gala* week] ■■ M that the Pair amount "would open.' lUlA^nri^'A'ltM' Also that, would tak,e .a hlgh placeij - ra/\d 1|D/\KJIV1 among the cinema palaces^ of aU ' .Phlladelnhi* Onf 2a 1;ime. prank Newman^ Jr., Is,house, v:, .^.. rh^apfpnla,, Oct. 84, Uianagfti*. ' I Axternoon housA looked very good Zelda -Santiey heads the etagei cn second week jof this re-opened show, Her iiriper.qonatlona of famed'} theatre^ Plenty of big st^e nameia, movie, stars are the standout.. Thla | including Joe B, Brown; vWho holda miss is also mtstr^aa of ceremonlea,-] the record for amaahing attendance eellng the acta okay. She got the [ here a year ago, Phil Baker, Ta- biggest applause, however, In % play' mara, -Harry McN&ughton, alao on on words. : hand;- Patricia Bowman and a' bal -. Edna Ei-rico waa liked aa the lot of 32 and Yaaha Bunchuk as ^rch singer, especially in her song, guest conductor of orchestra of 76, 7?Shine.' . 'Very clever proved little | Milton Charles a regular feature at Merna Fortune, who wais a sensa- tion in her contortion dahoe.. This, misa worka ao faat in moat dlfll> cult body-twiata that It looks easy^ None better, for the usual agony Is: missing. the organ, always populan 'One Way. Passage' (Warner's) , is the feature. Baker cornea on cold tinnouncing himself at. the mike .before the cur- tain. Most, of hia chatter came lyfadeline i^chmldt ia announced aa':| mbWer than uaual kM he seema to 'sbhooi girl prima donna' and her be reating on his laurei8. .the'atobge voice was .used to good purpoae aa atufC. haying nothing new and the harmony bjsuikground to much of the skits being pretty mild. Harry Mo action.' A blonde, who danced a|Naughton acta ad attaight for a nice rouijihe; jfoii;i^ up .with them f^jw. niinutea and .then the Kikutas, 'fbr 'fli \> a n^ugieartrlo.. The a Japanese juggling and balancing line' girls w^ri ^^((jeedtngly well' te&m; t>ut oh an' act that ia really dressed''alt'ail'tifuea. . . good. ... ' Coni'ad^s -Plegona waa a nifty act. \. . Baker calls on Tamara next and ' ' Finale-w4^ ^ liridal aitialr, with I this good lookliig 'glM bomes out; .lots <>f fialsH in. suiting for a weddinglon the forward platform- to alng a; 'ihottf. rrep^, I.few songs, accompanied by Baker CMEASSY ^baaay thlfi^^^k haa politics aa well as football praotlcally sewed' Vip. It had everythfbg=(axcept Smith,' -aind ' the political program was sq V arranged aa td almost resemble What might bO called a continuity. > - Hoover's 'fear speech' in Cleveland \t'aa received nVildly in -comparison to Roosevelt'a reply in 'Virginia. The Democrat's talk, was interapersed with- Emh^ay applauae though It . wa.8 far from unanimous. As a matterVnf audience' record Samuel Seaburyla appearance, even hefore hie denunciation of. Tam- many, waa a algn«4 for the greatest applause. . ' -I : Comptroller Betry's attack on what he called ne^apaper distortion of the city's flnanclal' facta was listened to. . Henry Ford, whoae ciip> was a general release, got a'few pattera and boos. Both Ford :and Seabury photograph poorlyj Ford keeps his ieyes gltied' to a manu^rlpt while Seabury tilts hia above the audi- ence; The two men seemed camera conscious. , . ■ Editor Tally itked 'Falts 'McManus'.l work aa a talking! reporter so well that he la. cutting jddiArn''Fatsi" leg- Work and letting, him do a.gab series ion trick subjects,] This . week the jactor-vocallst-contact'ihan turns his ■voice oh a. fpotb'all game between jjamln teanis of Ne.w" York; ! i Presentation of a-magazine award jto Helen Keller - was. an unusually iimpresslve. subjficti. In.cljae'ntally the .<Sllp gave the hewsr£cls ^ts fastest' '4fcmonsttratlon of slgn'l&nguagc. ;: Frazier Hunt's' ' taKk on world !<ii'oubles -waa interesting ' ahd spe- iciflc. He spoke lnitimM.ely of Hitler, land handled Ghandi iii such a way . that the audience could picture him. as alapping Mahatma's baci: Other ' Embassy clips included : Georgetown-NYU game; California monkeys; rOdeo in-Mad, Garden and' Auatralla; Empire race track;.Greek; jenrthquake; airnien.'i niinols;' ■laying of cornerstone. for 'new IT; S.» iSupremo Court butlditii^;:'hair'fash? ions. ■ -.- .-..!• ■ .", .. ■ Both theatres had the^irish sweep-' {stake number grab;" .l^iennsylvahla, itlkes; Prince Michael." . .XVahi. IMI^RIAL^TbRONTa ' Tforonto, Oct. 21. Theme of current Imperial-^shcAv is behind-the-scepea activity of - a broadcasting co)mpany'3'. studio. Means'that radio listeners can stay home this week ind play with the dia|^;.lh that th^l ^)i^ber$ 'bf.'thlBi cast. in. thla stage idea are 9,iniply doing imitations of ttie big names. Either way, it's sjmthetic entertainr tnent and indicates the power of th0 boys in the* controt .room In getting the desh-ed' effeot: Significant that; ^ajor audience, response went to ;.Tony PagUaocl, ', kid ; warbler, who "dispensed with 'ther mike entirely for the" only nunibci|- of the livening. . , ■ ., Full atage dTapto for studio set-[ ting and pit band on-stage.. Eddie Bruoe ia m. o. and announcer, a ,cigar-manlpulating comio -who bur- lesquea nationally-advertised prod- ucts prior to announcing the various singers. Itra an all-warbling bill thia'week with the exception of an acrobatjc dance- by Peggy Warde. Even the talking parrot of John Tio uaes the mike, but draws laffa even If the ielement of torthrightness is missing. Bill Aronaon dOea a Bing Crosby; Four Albee Sisterja imitate.the Bos- well Sistera; Kaye Falre gives ' a Kate Smith interpretation; and Leota Lane imitates Jeasica.Drago- nette. Nothing ;| outstanding, al- though the Albee girls aeem to have the making of an act that should get by on Ita own merits, irrespec- tive of the Boawell tie-up. Aronson also doea-a comlt*b .^moa 'n' .Andy that ia passabl<a[ and. a Winchell and Ben B^rnle.'that are not. . Bill runa 60 nitlnutea. Overture is one of those tranaposltlon. arrange meitts of .popA- jand claaalcs and pleases. Feature .*One Way Passage' (WB). ,' . .MCStay. UNIT^I> ^ArITISTS, L Jl, ': ' ;'.' ti'o's' Angelesi Oct."20.'.. •Mystery* .;unit, >Whlch opened it^ Vt^ncouver about ifive..|non:tha. iago,. is ;back''arbun'd'.thei circuit, although two of the thire.e: original acta have been I'eplaced bjr j the Three Bred- wltis and HeUer' and . Riley. yjiVi Duval, .'sleight-of-hand ..artist, they form a trio of'.turns-of-sufficient strength to hold up the 48,-minute- show.'' '.; ■..! : .■''..". ..'. . This marlcs the I reopening of the UA dfter sfeVeYi months' dai^knesa.. Also Its initial showing of Fjet.nchon & Marco units. vLjong lines .and ca- pacity first show attest a smash pre- opening .campaign, although the plc- turlB, -Red Dust' (MGM) can be held partly ^•esponsible. On the other- hand, film is day-and-dating at the! Pantages, Hojly.wood, thus losing any possible trade from that end of town. Flashy setSj gpod -chorus work and well-pacbd . tempo are In evl- de'nce, sihd , the three acts all de- liver. Duval's trickery may be Just a little slow oH jthe planting)'but probably will '-nojt be picked iip; Bredwlns' aiiro ..Work, coupled .with the ,(;oaxlc*s 'timnbilnc^, draw plenty of applause. Helleii- and Riley, ipixed talk and song'te^m, alao rated high; Cute little toe' number contributed by Bettina.. ,.:■.'< Henry Murtagh; is th? console, back ih .to^h aft'epr eight years, and does .A Iot..i)etter{ than any recent picture house 'org|ihist around here^ Jan Rubini' .oveijture wais far' .too long...- ; ';. i :-; , ■ : ; CHICAGO , ■ clilckgo, Oct.V2^.• Ve^y• good' viaudevine bill headed by Fred and Dorothy Stone (New Acta) with Columbia's 'Washington Merry-Go-'Round', on: the screen.. Some question whether the type of people who patronize the Palace are readers of such' iconoclastic litera- ture as 'Merry-Go-Round.' ■ Felovls,. concerning whose marvela Of control there is a full record or effusive acclaim, opened and sent the show off rlpsnortlngly. Deucing was Annie, Judy and Zeke, seml-> hillbilly .affair. This? turn, isn't quite fulfilling cxi)ectatiorts. Yiet, in falr-i ness, they did okay on applause. Stones and Charley Collins - fol- lowed. Starting with the senti- mental best wishes of every one the Stones sold themselves on solid merit for a bulls-eye. Barry and Whitledge, slicker and .qllckeress, stayed i-'em. It's a habit they've gotten into. They, were ^lucc^ded by the feverishly speiedy Norman Thomas quintet, - which brought the bill to a thumping close, Land. FOX, BROOKLYN ... . - Brboklyni Oct. 22.1. i i I'riyle. E*riif&nza| i^'-the' star - of iFanchon & Mar<$o's '^^jiaciaverles*'. |Idea< at the Fox jBrooklsm' this week !and. the .ampl0. veteran, holds, up a Istralght -vaudeville I shb'w/ rfenitirkably |well. Not. only dqes ^he jwln more' :a:pplause for her. personal. eitorta ithan - any act to' ihavie played the {house Ih a. long, lonfi. tlme; but she: 'kids the audience ihio mitC.wbrk fp^' the other0 and brings, the show over !the 'hhiah line -with Athe crowd all' jsteamed up. ' .' ''. '. j Miss Friganza imav have triple Ichlns on . her knees instead of her -jaw, but she's still there with the showmanship, and'radiates a good humor that communicates Its.elf 'to the patrons. It really is not much ' :0f a bill, but she maK'^s it look like ione .. ■ She opens In one against a neu- :tral drop with a song to the effect jthat .she's as young as she looks :and feels. Her -white costume ; matches up with the circus idea of the week before, but she looks like a grand duchess' >in ..pplt^ of her .eirth. Having farmed the, au- idienco upr the: drop -flics, to reveal the ehtlre troupe (no line), trying. to suggest they rire at a rjnrden party. ' ' : '' There is a iarfje- easy chair and a special spotlight at the left for the star, and she, ^its through the' 37. n^intites of show- Apparently' en- joying every act-as .though she had not already, seen] it a couple of hundred, times: .Sfie laiijcrhs and ap' nlauda to Bef.-the jpace.tor: the 'pa,y patirons,, and .they follow her leadi Therei are four glHs and-eight men in tHe butnt ahd .'only a ,dancing trlb leayes .'the 'stag#. i The, others wpr)k and go back to the'chair , warmihg.- Not an altogether happy idea, but something of a novelty. - First out are the Keene twins, two cute girls with some good aero? batic stuff' and snappy costumes. Moro and Yaconelli on next with a guitar and aiccordion, later with two guitars. Not so hot, but pleas- antly received. Followed by a whistler -who can carry tunes ex? pertly, not always an accomplish- ment of this clan. Also does bird imitations. Apparently either Paul Howard or Mark Brpnsori. Stadler- Rose trio proffer; a rag. doll spe- cialty.. Two men wlw toss a girl around regardless. She is a close bender and their act is outstanding. Next Is by a baritone with a capiltal voice who does 'Why Darkies Were Born,' and he ■ backs up stage to warble another while a.graceful girl does a . dance. Seem to be Ina Ray and Victor Griffln, though it's any- body's guesa. Two boys contribute step numbers, one after the. other I (Continued'on page 54)