Variety (Nov 1932)

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VARIETY »7 New Program Calendar Fen<>dt on tke air for the first time, or resaming commercially ■ ^ . -f- WEDNESDAY. NOV. 16 Trade and lyiark' (CBS). Smith Brothers Cough Drops and Syrup presents a program similar to the one It's now running on NBC, with Scrappy Lambert and Billy Hlllpbt and an orcbestrcu CBS hookup takes In 26 stations, with the progr&m originating from WABC, N. T., 8:45 to 9 p. m., EST. FRIDAY, NOV. 18 'Big 3ix of the Air with A! Jolton' (NBC). Chevrolet has contracted time for this one over a period of 19 weeks with the hookup extending through the basic red, the north- west, the southeast, the south cen- tral, the southwest, the mountain, the orange links and KFSD and KTAR. Program besides Jolson will carry an orchestra and quartet. Originating from WEAF, N. Y., 10 to 10:30 p. m., EST. TUESDAY, NOV. 2» «The Barbaeol Program' (NBC). Barbasol Company switches the talent setup of its session from Ray Perkins and the Peter Van Steeden orchestra to Carson Robinson and His Pioneers (John and Bill Mitch- ell and Pearl Pickens) in hillbilly specialties. New contract is for 13 weeks, and Includes 17 stations on the red network. Originating from WEAF, N. Y., Tuesday and Thurs- days, 7:30 to 7:46 p. m., EST. SUISfDAY. DEC. 4 'Jergens' Presents Waiter Win- chell' (NBC). Lotion maker has the columnist tabbed for 26 weekly broadcasts. Origlnateis out of WJZ, N. Y., from 9:30 to, »:4B p. m., EST and over the southwest, south cen- tral, mountain and Orange links from 11:15 to 11:30 p, m. EZTBA TEAR FOB *KMtSt , Wander Company, o£ Chicago, maker of'Ovaltlne, has renewed on its 'Orphan Annie' program with NBC for another year. Extended contract rune uatll Oct. M, 1933. CANTOR'S GAGS c. & S.. Comic After More Laff Scriptists—rTouring Plana ''TlieyoiMoC J Expertenee^ WOR Daily at 12 Noon Also Saturday 6:30 to 7 P.M. An unuaual; serias, running the entira tamut of human amotions HUm A. XOOBB8 M ■. 41at Bt., New Tork dis" JACK DENNY AUD ORCHESTRA WEAF %. WABC Waldorf-Aaterta He4al Vtotor Raoorda Lueky Stritw Danee Kowr Whitman Can<ly WJiZ ift WOR Management M. C. A. ON WEAF AMD WOR Don Bestor HOTEL LEXiNGTON 46t4i St. at Lexington Av. NEW YORK TIOTOK KE€OBI>S Eddie Cantor Is scouting for more material writers to contribute to his Chase & Sanborn show. The comic Is working out a deal with H. I. Phlllipsi the syndicate column- ist, whose last ether contact was as m: c. on the Robert Burns Cigar program, just before th<e account waa taken over by J. Walter Thompson and Burns and Allen were brought in. While , on tour with his road show Cantor will be picked up for the coffee program no matter where he's, playing. Rublnoffi and the band will do the brod,dcastlng out of New York. Only question to be settled is the James Walllngton m. c. angle,, with the commercial inclined toward letting Cantor use his own m. c. out of the road show. World Broadcasting Now Recording in Hollywood Hollywood, Nov. 14. World Broadcasting System, li- censee of Western Electric, has started radio record operations with discs for the 'Tarzan of the Apes' perlal as the first recordings. Pat Campbell is in charge d£ re- cording, with ; the new ERPI 'liill and dale' vertical process being used. Fleiscliinaiin on Moderate Budget Gets Money Names Cheap for 'Showings CLIQUOT'S IDEAS NEW NBC SALES SYOTlSETUP WLW BOOKS 7 OF 500 AIR ACTS AUDITIONED Cincinnati, Nov. 14. New mike vibrators at WLW arc Alice Remsen, contralto; Aaron Sisters, harmonists; Joe Lenzer, musical sawer; Biiiie Dauscha, blues isinger, and Frank Henderson and Paul Stewart, dramatic. They, together with the Mooncy Bros, and P^orrie LeVere and Lou Handraan, with his sister Edythe,' were signed In New York by Cros- ley's talent sleuths, John Clark, Richard Nlcholls and Gene Perazzb, from among the 600 out of 600 ap- plicants they auditioned In a few days. The testing was' done at the New Yorker hotel. WLW heralded its search for talent by a prelimin- ary ad in 'Variety', Oklahoma Bob Albright, who re^ cently started on sustaliUng at this station, began warbling this week on. the International Oil Heater program. Joe Emerson here for the past month, has been given an across-the-board dinner spot. Ippolito Wants Lesser PSurbiership Dissolved in the receivership and account- ing suit of Frank L. Ippolito versus Theodore J. Lesser, the two the- atrical lawyers who had a financial falling out over Lessor's alleged re- tention of {Percentage earnings from their radio clients, 'Ippolito has made a, motion for Judgment on the pleadings. That Is, Ippolito wants his partnership ordered dis- solved. Lesser hful admitted that it wsts a partnership at will, and in view of this Ippolito has petitioned Judge Bernard J. Shienta^ in N. Y. Suprenae Court to grant the dis-. solution. This is apart from the motion for a receiver which Justice McCdok has bad under advisement for a number of weeks. In this latter plea Ippolito set forth how Lesser allegedly is withholding for his own use sundry monies, collected from radio artists such as Burhs and Allen, Seeley and Fields, Jessel. Price, Sylvia Froos and Jack Benny, chiefly in the form of 10%' for services as personal representa- tive or manager. Lesser, ostensibly representing^ these clients essentially as an at- torney, also Is set forth as haying collected Insurance premiums, and getting a percentage thereof, for annunity policies which he had In- fluenced these show people to take out. Lesser, stated Ippolito in his complaining affidavit, received 26% commlsh on the premiums. THOSE THBEE XOTELT VOICES IN I'ERFBCX HABMOCNT ELER SISTERS and LYNCH m MONTH—WOR—3 TIMES WEEKLY T:M F. M., Monday—Wednegdoy—flatiirdar OlmtlM PHIL TYRELL I GENE and GLENN I WbUM (JAKE and LENA) Hid QtrASEB OATS COMPANT I>«4ly 8 A. M.; MBC BED NETWORK STANDARD OIL COHPANT Daily 6:45 P. M„ B.S.T., ■WTAM—Ct^EVBDAJM) TnSlj 7:16 P. Jt, VlM.'t^ "WLW—CINCINNATI First major move made by Rich- ard C. Patterson since his entry as executive v.p. of NBC has been the reorganization of the network's saTes department. Several sialesmen have bieen dropped but the execs in ail divisions remain Intact. Slated as next in line for a reshufiCling and general revision o>£. duties is the program department, with Col. Pat- terson particularly interested in working out a' closer co-operation between the NBC ; Artists Service and the program department. Under the setup put Into effect in the sales department the com mercial operations of the network has been split into two parts, one the service, division iand the other the sales or new business division. Former faction will concentrate exclusively upon taking care of the talent, publicity, merchandising and other needs of the account already on the NBiC books, while the other division will have nothing to do but keep, after ne.w business and keep the old customers in line as far as renewal of contracts are concerned, Service and new business depart- ment will function under their indi- vidual district managers. On the New York end Theodore F. Allen had his title changed from assistant general sales manager, to that of Eastern Service manager with D. S Shaw stepping in as eastern Sales manager. In the Chicago dlvlsldh Kenneth O. Carpenter was moved into L B. Showerman's spot as mid west sales manager while Showers- man assumed the title of midwest service manager. Shift on the Pacific cdast division spotted Harry Ander- son as western sales manager and Glenn H. Tlcer as western service manager. Revision* Primed for Vfttsran Air Cornmercial Cliciuot Club is working on a re- vision of its Friday evening pro-; gram over NBC. Harry Reser and his band stay intact, with the ginger ale account figuring on in- serting a.girl wabler ah<) a speaker either of the educational or humor- ist category,; Slated for auditioning here '.ire Lee Wiley and Annette Henshaw as the vocal candidates, while the prospect for the other assignment include Dr. Louis K.. Anspacher, authority on the drama and play- wright, Strickland Gillian, piped IntO'New York/trom WRC, Wasli- Ington, Clem Bevans, H. M. Neelcy and Albert JK. Rowswell, ether philosopher and humorist. , SAT. NIGHT BUGABOO ON BOTH NETWORKS With the broadcast season sup- posedly at this period in full flour- ish, the Saturda:y evening clocking continues as a commercial bugaboo, unfavorable reaction against the 'j weekend, night set in the latter part of last winter and the networks haven't made progress toward over- coming this layoff attitude. All told on the three link's of the chains there were only six commer- cially supported programs last Sat- urday (12) night. WfiAF at 6:45 had the General Electric quarter hour and at 10 o'clock Lucky Strike. On WJZ Pepsodent filled 16 minutes at 7 o'clock and a half hour with the El Toro session two hours later. WABC had nothing sponsored be- tween 6 and 8, at which latter time Phillips dentrifrlce took up 15 min- utes. Chesterfield bridged 16 moro at 9 and Carborundum a half hour later made its debut on the network with a 30-minute band recital. Fleischmann Yeast hour Thurs- day nights over NBC-WEAF net- work, with an average of five acts working with. Rudy Vallee's va- riety hour, is budgeted nioderately, ciespite the piretentiouaness of some of the names. Said budget ranges from $2,600 to $3,000 for the acts, with some as low as $200 . and oth- ers up to $1,000. J. Walter Thompson agency . tin-ough Its NBC contact, Mort Mil- man, sells the talent on the theory of 'showing' for the air. and it's favorably regarded along those lines. It has worked out that way too, Milton Berle and Helen Brod- erlck,: among others, impressing so favoiably that they're in line for 13 ^Sveek contracts for air commer- cials. The Broadway agents also wel- come this open sesame to the per- formej's. For the agent it estab- lishes a much sought for contact with the. more or less obscure pow- ers-that-be in the networks and in the ad agencies who purchase the talent. They are learning what it means • to go up before a program board on an audition, along with the many other angles. . 'The Broadway type of talent, either from the varieties or legit, is also favorably disposed to these Fleischmann opportunities. Exception There are exceptions to the price range such as George Gershwin last week who collected $1,260 for his end of it. Marie Dressier (as re- ported in the picture dept. of this week's issue) is set for this Thurs- day at $2,600, which is a hew top. The .Vallee. band is payrolled at $2,000. Ross and Eklwards and Val and Ernie Stanton, both standard vaude> vine acts, are set for the Fleisch- mann programs for the next two weeks. COAST SCRAMBLE FOR KTM, KELW CHANNELS Los Angeles, Nov. 14. B. L. Cord, owner of KFAC, and W. L. Gleeson of Oakland are latest applicants for the! wave length of KTM and EELW, In danger of be- ing taken away from these stations by the Radio Commission. Cord would substitute the frequency at KFAC!, hilt Gleeson's Intention is to use it . either In Sacramento or Sa^ Unas, Calif. - Guy Earl of KNX also la trying to get the frequency for a station at Sacramento, while William Ran- dolph Heamt has a deal on to buy the. two stations if the oommlssion decides to allow them to retain the disputed wave length. Earl C. An- thony has also put a bid in for using the wave length at the pres- ent KECA, one of the local NBC outlets. 3 KFRC Outs San Francisco, Nov. 14. . KFRC has a few letouts. Eugene Eubanks got his notice as assistant to head of production department, Fred Lane out aa announcer, and Eleanor Alleii oft the payroll as or- ganist. Earl Towner succeeds the latter. STAGE M.C. rOE KHJ REVUE Los Angeles, Nov. 14. KHJ will use a permanent m. c. for its Merrymakers revue hour which la a Sunday night CBS coast service. Several picture bouse m. c's will be spotted on future broadcasts in order to get fan reaction. Charles Irwin handled the first program Sunday (13). Hour will also use more stage acts, having been heretofore an al- most exclusive station talent affair. Involuntary Bankruptcy Move Against WIBQ, Chi ■ Chicago, Nov. 14. ^Charles H. Garland and Joseph Fisher doing business as Audio Service and G. W. Stamm doing business as 'Broadcast Advertising* are petitioners before Federal J.udge George A. Carpenter to throw Sta- tion WIBO Into bankruptcy. Case Is due for a hearing this week. •Allegation Is made in the bill of complaint that Nelson' Brothers, owners of the station, have shown other creditors preferred considera- tion and secondly that the property and assets of WIBO were trans- ferred to a new Delaware corpora- tion. Nelson Bros., Inc., on Aug. 4, 1932, for the purposes of Tiinderlng.' Audio Service, which prints and distributes program listings claims $378.19 while 'Broadcast Advertis- ing* claims $200. Nelson Brothers are identified under the . corporate name State Investment Company. WIBO was formerly an NBC af- filiate but has been without network connection for over a year. It has a pact with Balaban & Katz for reciprocal advantages and a studio in the Chicago theatre building. One of the oldest stations in town and billing itself 'on the top of the dial' WIBO's wave length la sought by Ralph Atlass of WBBM and Co- lumbia for his Indiana station WJKS of Gary, Why Does a Chicken Croat the Street? [OU may know the answer, but you may not know the answer too good INSURANCE INCORPORATKO '-INSURANCE-'- mn MOADWMT NlW-VORK-'CCTr iRfvnatlM wlihsM •tllnlltn Tt radi* Mk TONY WONS (AND HIS SOBAP BOOK) YOU LISTENIN'? WABC DitUy Bt •:SO .A. K. I'm Introdocln' "A Pair of Red Heads" PoBMy Keenan S, Sondra Phillips R YOU WATCHIN'7 RUTH ETTIN6 GLORIFYING POPULAR SONG ^LUMBIA'COAST-ICHOASr KHWOflK WED. 10 P.M.—SAT., 9 P.M., E.S.f. Management THOMAS C. ROCKWELL <90 Seventh Ave, New York