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SCREEN ■ STAGE ■ RADIO ihurdiHaU for Idle Actors omo \ ^^adwar QM^ b« allowed ! to |rtai<ve^. Wltk 86% oC lUi ahow ^oble out ot work, and half of that |i«roentaero tnlssineTrntaU aM on verigv of deBtttutlaifl» ftccordloe Mo'rellof ergatilEatMit, flgrures, somtt- 1>M got to- h* -done Inune- %ie\y. Aifd,' th«r« km ray« ot op- . . While there' lii taHc pic orjgneinlzlni; .\k ^heatrldil Boaird' ot Trade,' ln-~ ijAuding picture, ;leKlt find vaudeville ij^rbft's, certain of the - ^ajoe 'fca:* |i»rh4i t>pdl<^^^ WhKh' lt&v^ Vanded . l^getber during the degression, are ■et to step oUt aM OKhlblt Indtyld. tial Initiative rlght^^ aftpr. the first i0f the-year.' , Ot these eme^gehcy moves one-of the^ most ambitious programs is that which, .will be adopted by the Catholic Actors Ouild ait its next ^essibii. ^his calls for creating jflibq for actors.. - A. ohuroh circuit for 10-20-30. "faudeville and .stotsk- companies VFlth an admission top .of fl 1b un- 4ierway. Gerald-Griffln, head of the Guild, and himself a sho.wman who ^aa traveled the'world, has already Closed for eight church halls. It will be.in these that approx- imately 100 performers will start frork • riglit after Christmas. The first part of the chain Is all within city limits. If It is successful the ciccplt will be expanded to Include outside territories^ On the HouM Arrowhead'Innyln upper New Tork Clty intendB glvliig a free evening 'on the house* when' beer arrives.. Ihvltatlonii with' out date are In eltec't. : '' ; AnnWncenfent Is that when ;tH« bUi 1>eer 6low happens,'-all 'Arrqwh4ad'' patrons who bav^ eifpressed'« desire td be-pjFes- ' ent, can go the limit for food Olid drink, without a check.'. ■ It's the first' time for th»' wholesale on the house thing. CUT EISENSUN Fllitt TO A ^11 M;H00 NIGHT CLUB CFTS NORTHWEST PLAY Minneapolis,'Dec. 5. Parties on a 'night duh on 4rheels' are in vogue, here. The Omaha railroad operates the roll- ing, night club which consists of tw'6 "cars fitted up for dancing and ainl;ng, with an orchestra in each, and;^ anotjiier bagga.ge car fitted up fts a. card room, A party of 300 club members were run out somewhere on the Omaha's main line 100 miles, returning here shortly after midnight. Meaiiey the Sth San Francisco, Dec. 5. Don Meaney, vaude, took his eighth matrimonial plunge this Week when he alrplaned to Reno to many ilai ian Dia,el, dancer in the act he's playing around these parts. Meaney's former wives, all pro- fessionals, include Virginia King, blues singer; Conistance Knood, Vir- ginia Clark, Marian Roland and Bdna "VVilson, dancers; and Amy Dwyer and Elizabeth Wheatley, •Ingers. Hollywood, Dec, 5. Sergei ISlsenstein's Mexican made feature, which raised a tempest when the Soylet director attempted to return here to .cut thei picture. Is now being offered for Sale as a travelog. Upton Sinclair, novelist, who sponsored Elsehstein's venture, and the seven wealthy Pasadena back- ers, see this as the only way to get some return on the |76,00O sunk Into the produ<itIon, especially In view of the fact that there was no script for the film. Sol Lesser, head of Principal Pictures, is one of those offered the negative. The 220,000 feet of 'Viva Mexico, as It was called, have been in the Consolidated laboratory since spring when the U. S. Immigi-ation De partment refused Eisenstein per^ mission to return to Hollywood to cut the film. Difflculties oyer this picture was said to be one of. the contributing causes to the present illness of Sin clair. Bie TOPS IFTER t Circiutes Fignr* SereiNi P< pie .'Aloii* Can Milke Moh^jr for Outdoor' Out- fits Dnrilif GbmiBfir'-Sea- •on-^Listod Po9iibjlitieft ENGLISH BARMAIDS IN N. Y. In Style Anyway—Looker* for New Beer Speak Show girls, picked for looks, will he used £18 barmaids in a hew night spot to open Thursday (8) In the Times Square sector. It'll be ar- ranged as an English drinking spot, with decorations in the British manner. Six girls will be used, blU from show business, they getting a |fiO weekly guarantee to draw beer. Their .tips will be piled up against the fifty. Anything over that figure goes to them but the house makipg good any deflcienoy. Hollywood, Om^ .S. Thm great Amerioan circus, ad mittma-th* fur*- of tho-tlire o -r 1 n g €>cl «nt«rt«lnment h'ae wa'nod. Is' re.aeli- ing out to Hollywood for pj»tur# nameB as aoe attractiohf 'for their aawdust travel thts oomino season. . No iontfef d<>. elephantsr' aerobskts^ horses and - spangled; tights attract! ihp public. Past se'ason has -been thp worst the ~t«nted; oiilfiti have exiperisnced' in-years.. ~But.o;ip.cir^- cus made monoy,;ths Bamum show. It got $900,000 net. less than half of the net of year before .(1930) but other losses ate it up. As a business builder, the Ring- ling circuses are after picture names. Already they ha,ve con- tacted Tom Mix, the star of the Sells-Floto tent show for two years. Others Who have been or will be approached are Will Rogers, Marx Brothers and Clara Bow and ftex Bell. Ringllng^ expects to talk to Miss Bow before she leaves for Eu- rope. Willing to Pay |l6,0e0 Circus Is willing to pay Rogers $15,000,; weekly for the season If he will go' for the canvas en- tertainment Mix's salary. If he gives in, will be $12,000, $2,000 over the amount paid him by Sells-Floto. No figure has been quoted on either Miss Bow and Bell or the Marx Brothers.. Other picture, names are under consideration, but the five listed are rated by the Rlngling out- fit as the best bets for. the circus. Mix and Bell would fit In with the wild . west section .of Jlie shows. Rest mentioned might be best fitted In the side shows, selling their pic- tures. General belief among circus peo- ple is that only natne attractions will get money next season, theory being thiat the standardized type of' three-ringed circus entertain- ment is washed up with the public. Only out for the circuses Is to get freak attractions or picture names Skoestrkigers as B. 0. LegH Shows with on m Commoii: Stock . With the /tplroulta cutting prices on .talpnt, -and revising these' further downward/ in stock . markeit inanheF^ , Sam . Lvbta ask%d M;arvln Bcltenok^' ; 'What'.a .todaj^ Uld oi .Ted iHealy.T .How many polEttfCd^d^ ! Tex Qulnsin, drop ,todayX is tho ' ; fnuBc^t bSa'irlsb' on .liia^Grey.' , ! Chaplin? 'What'J t>o last.'bid .find ask plricefbr Ann Penning- ton?' .... Mrs. E. Marshall Field's town t.ouse at 4 East 7pth 'street. New York, becomes a snooty club next spring, with a 'closing* of the resi- dence to be commemorated by a tea this week.' Among the plans for the club will' be the conversion of the formal garden which rUns through from 70th to 69th street Into a Florida-temperature, all-year-round swimming pool. It will be known as the Intown Country club. The six-story house includes 28 bedrooms and baths and 18 maids' rooms. AH will be reconverted for spacious - dining, lounge and play rooms. A $1,000 membership fee and $100 monthly dues will obtain Chlefiy Park avenue In Its social promotion, but Cole Porter, Freda Innescourt and Lioulse Trussing are among, the theatrical personages In terested. ^ ■ ■ ' FILM BOARD IN WRONG Just Discovered Double Bills in St Louis—Told What To Do Choosey Hollywood, Doc 6. After receiving a handout from Wynne Gibson at her Mallbu home, a hobo asked the player if he could borrow a bathing suit and.take a dip. Getting the cold shoulder he suggested that If necessary he could make up a fourth at bridge. From 'Yartetif'if Hollywood BMttetin. St Louis, Dec. 5. St. liouis Film Board of Trade objected to RKO double featuring at the Missouri. It has been existent at the house for around three years and was In.stltutcd by the Skouras Brothers. - RKO's answer was that the Film Board could have the house If It wants to operate the spot. Doubles for Animals Hollywood, Dec. 6. Radio will have animals do a 'Strange Interlude* in its two-reel comedy, 'Who's Zoo in Africa.' 'Animal dialog and the a.H'ide.s wH be dubbed by Charlie Luiig, local ra^lo artist, who has had an air act over several Htations In which he simulates a dozen or I mors different voices. ^Julefl Levehtbal Is looking for a theatre to spot another revival In. and O. E.'"Wee have three going nhw, at thp Hudson, W«Idorf.mid Forrest, NeW: Tork, and aro doloir W|eU enough to :want ano^ier housoi Ajl ir'evi^U;. all wltH cut irafeB, and oashlera .advised.' to take .whatever .they .cua gel .the. box' ofBco. ^^ich - Is Broadyray^i newest story of leglt." ■ "'■. '.; Cheap coupon ticket, thlngr haa never'be«n-'6tfr&~156lt^r;'ispr^^^ currently. .It'ji bee^-dpne'for .some, seasons on Broadwai^ wltii occa« slonal fair success, ' But It's pretty, well figured out how and put on a 'w<>rtclrig basis. .' - '- -.' • . ... Big .0iz. ..' Recording to the;box ofllce at o'h^} of the l^'vehthal' houses a ' $400 night is pretty good'. He has most of the theatres on' percentage .and the'cast gets Uttle or no'salkry aa' 'the experience right on Broadway* Is:Worth more thin saWry, they are told. Lads and lassies are .supi- posedly given a chance to show themselves to, all the big producars and picture scouts. gSdenery is all pick up stuff collected here nnd there, and just about no other ex- penses to worry oVei*. J.t there are only $200 profit on the week everybody's tickled silly. With the tleups as is, not likely for any loss strong enough to hurt ■ Town is flooded with ducats reading 'OK 2,' Mentioned on the back that there's a service charge without any figure.-When the dead- heads arrive at the box offlce with the coupon it's generally 60 cents on the line. If It looks possible to get away with It, or With a pretty good bouse in, the chisel leaps up. Only woi'r'y 'fs 'the 'tt£x' thing, but the shoestHngers have figured that out by a lot of. book-keeping. Only, ones sore are , thp. .cgijnter-uppcrs, who have-to. st^y. ;at the theatre every nlghf until two or three, fig- uring. HAYBE NEW UNSEEN KC. SOLUTidN OF SHOW IHZ • • • • Hollywood, Dec. B. Fanc.hon'(ft- Maf<id'"Wlir borrow Pete Smith ■ from • Metro.* to" "be the unseen m.e,' • for; thelt 'Phantom' stage unit which goes into pr6duc« tlon shortly.' Smith's m; c'lng will be' recorded on a sound-trSitk." It will be oper- ated from • thft - pi-t)3efctroh booth. Smith's welt ■ • WOflulated,' refined voice will introducfe each of the acts. Flr.'tt time' an idea of this type has been, used in presentations. Success of Smith as the narrator of Metro's two-i-ool sport shorts influ- enced F. & M. to try the Innovation. ■11