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Variety (Jan 1933)

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Tuesday, janiiary 3, 1933 ES VARIETY CALENDAR OF CURRENT RELEASES studio*: Path* Studioa, Culver City, CaL Allied Hoot Gibson learna to curb hla tempev. Dir. Qeorg* M«l- OflloMi 729 8«venth Ave., New York, N. Y. Bolllno Point, The> ford. 67 mlns. Rel. July 16. Bev. Nor. 8. eowboy Counsellor, The. Hoot Olbsoa poses as a lawyer. Dir. George IM- ford. 6S mlns. Rel. Oct. IB. Iron Master. The. Success and romance In a steel mill. Reginald Denny, Llla Liee, J. Farrell MacDonald, Virginia Sale. Dir. Chester M. Franklin. 66 min. ReL Nov. IB. Ofllcer 13. Motorcycle officer exposes racketeers. Honta Blue, Llla Lee, Seena Owen, Mickey McGuire, Jackie Searle. Dir. George Melford. 63 mlns. Rel. Dec 16. Parisian Romance, A'. Famous staere play. Law Codr. Marian Shilling, ^11- . , , »F jYankMn. T* mil bert Roland. Oct 18. Dir. Chester M. ReL Oct. 1. Rot. Chesterfield Ofllces; 1540 Broadway, New York, N. Y. tv parlor. Comedy drama. Barbara Kent, Joyce Compton, John Harron. Dir. Rich. Thorpe. Time. 63 mlns. BeU July 16. Rev. Oct. 4. KIna Murder. The. From the noveL Conway Tearle. Natalie Moorehead, Robt. ■ Frazer. Dorothy Revler. Dir. Rich. Thorpe. T?lme. 64 mlns. Rel. Sept. 25. Rev. Nov. 1. Slightly Married. Comedy drama. Evalyn Knapp, Walter Byron, Marie Pre- vest Dir. Richard Thorpe. Time, 66 mlns. Rel. Nov. IB. ThrHI of Youth, The. Modem society. June Clyde. Allan Vinoeat. Matty Kemp. Dir. Rich. Thorpe. Time, 63 mlns. Rel. Aug. 16. Women Won't Tell. Romantic drama. Sarah Padden, Otia Harlaa. Dir. Rich. Thorpe, Time, 67 mine. Rel. Dec 1. Studio: Qower at Sunset, Columbia OfUcea: 729 Seventh Ave., Hollywood, Cal. V^OlUmDW New York, N. Y. Air Hostess. Thrilling story ot ttie adventure and romance of a 1933 girl who fearlessly flies across the continent in passenger ships. Evalyn Knapp, James Murray. Dir. Al RogelL ReL Dec. 6. American Madness, Melodrama ot on the bank and how it was checked. Walter Huston, Pat O'Brien, Kay Johnson, Constance Cummlngs. Frank Capra, dir. Time, 76 mlna ReL Aug. 16. Rev. Aug. 9. BKtor Tea of General Yen. Romance and adventures of an American girl caught in the maelstrom o' Shanghai. Barbara Stanwyck, Nils Asther, Walter Connolly. Dir. Frank Capra. Rel. Dec. 20. By Whose Hand. Murder on a fast express train. Ben Lyon, Barbara Weeks. Dir. Ben StolofC. Rel. July 6. Rev. Aug. 16. End of the Trail, The. A U. B. cavalry officer, who is court martlaled. and redeems himself. Tim McCoy, Luana Walters. Dir. D. Ross Lederman. 68 mlns. ReU Dec. 9. Hello Trouble. Buck Jones quits the rangers—but he goes back. Buck Jones, Llna Bas^ettc. Dir. Xambert Hlllyer. Time, 61 mlivs. Rel. July 16. Rev. Oct. 18. Hollywood Speaks. Inside story of HoUywood. Genevieve Tobin, Pat O'Brien. Eddie Buzcell, dir. Time, .. mlns.: ReU June 26. Rev. Aug. 16. Last Man, The. Drama of outlawry on the high seas. Chas. BIckford, Con- stance Cummlngii. Dir. Howaid Higglns. Time, 66 mlns. Rel. Aug. 31. Rev. Sept. 20. Man Against Woman.^Btan's strength agalnflt wonmn's wiles. Jack Holt, Lillian Milea Dir. Irving Cunmilngs. Time, 68 mlns. Rel. Nov. lb. Rev. Dec 20. , . . « i. McKenna oil the Mounted. CanadlM policeman •J'OP" below the border. Buck Jones, Greta, Granstod. Dir. Ross Lederman. Time, 67 mlns. Rel. Aug. 26. Rev. Nov. 8. «urder of the NIoht Club Lady. Sea "Night Club Lady.' a.,«,„i,. laht Club Lady. XInlQUO murder mystery, dona from a novel. Adolphe ■ Menjou, Miyo Methot, Skeets Gallagher. Dir. Irving Cummlngs. Time. 66 mlns. Rel. Aug. 27. Rev. Aug. 30. NIoht Mayor. Political story based on Jas. J. Walker. Lee Twcy, Bvalyii Knapp[ Bugena Palette. Dir. Ben Stoloflf. Time, 66 mlns. ReL Aug. 19. Rev. Nov.-29. Me More Orchids. A millionairess who la regenerated by the new American spU'ifc Carole Lombard. LyU Talbot. Walter Connedy. Louise Closser Hale. ■ I>lr. Walter lADg. 70 mlns. ReL Nov. 26. That's My Boy. Football story off the usual lines. Rich. Cromwell, Dorothy JoTlan. toa MarshT ReL Oct. 6. Rev. Nov. 22. This SportlnqAoa. Revenge on Oje polo W J?**, H**^^'.J^nir*i Dir. A, w. Sennlson. Time, 71 mlns. ReL SepL 16. Rev. Oct. 4. Two Fisted Law. Tim McCoy dea^ himself ot an express robbery charge. McCoy, Alica Day, Tully Mar^halL Dir. Ross Lederman. Time, 64 mlns. Rel. June 8. Rev. SepL 20. Vanity Street GlH breaks a wlndow^to ?•» -rVm- lies.' Helen Chandler, Chas. BIckford. Dir. Nick Grlnde. Time, 67 mlns. ReL Oct. 16. Rev. OcL 11. Virtue. A street walker who goes straight. Carole Lombard. Pat O'Brien. Dir. Edw. BuzzelL Time, 68 mlns. Rel. Oct. 26. Rev. Nov. 1. War Correspondent. Chinese war story. Jack Holt, Ralph Graves, LHa Lee. Dir. Paul Sloan. Time, 76 mlns. ReL July 26. Rev. Aug. 16. Washlnaton Merry-Go-Round. PoHtical satiro. Leo -rracy, Constance Cum- mlngs. Dir. Jaa. Cruze. Time, 76 mina ReL Oct. IB. Rev. Oct. 26. White Eagle. Buck Jones as an Indian pony egress rider. Jones, Barbara Weeks. Dir. Lambert Hlllyear. Time, 66 mins. Rel. Oct. 7. Rev. Sept 27. C:^.!. A~o1^ r'AMk Offices: 1600 Broadway, rirSt Anglo corp. New York, N. Y. •ondemned to Death. Mystery drama from Jack ©'Lantern. Dir. Walter Forde. Time, 78 mlns. ReL Sept. 21. Rev. July 19. Missing Rembrandt, The. Last of Conan Doyle's Sherlock Hohnes ^stories Arthur Wontner. Dir. Ijeslle Hlscock. Time, Rev. Mar. 29. Thaa* tabulation* ar* eempHad from information ■upplied by tha various production eompanias and checked up as aoon as poMibIa aftar raleasa. Listing la givan whan ra- lease dataa ara dafinitaly aat. Titlaa ara retained, for six montha. Man- agers who raeaiva aarvic* aubsa- quent to that period ohouM pre- serve a copy of the calendar for reference. The running time a* given here io presumably that of the projection room showinge and can only approx- imate the actual release length in those stataa or communitiee where local or state censorship may result in deletions. Running time in the reviews as given In 'Variety' carry tha actual time clocked in the the- atre aftar passage by tite New York state censorship, since pioturee are reviewed only en actual theatre showings. While every effort Is made to liold this list accurate, the information supplied may not alwaya be correct, even thougF> official. To obtain the fullest degree of exactness 'Variety' will appreciate the co-operation of all managero who may note diserep ancies. 78 mins. Rel. July 20. Studios: !?• a. M_a.:^_.1 Offices: 321 W. 44th St., Firtt National New York, N. Y. Burbank, Calif. •abin In the Cotton. A social study of \}^f'Vo<yr^fiMt^s. f\c^Ja -B»^^^ Dorothy Jordan, Bette Davis. Dir. Michael Curtlz. Time, 76 mlns. Rel. Oct. 16. Rev. Oct 4. •antral Park. Western cowboy hunts bandits New York park Joan BlondeU, Wallace Ford, Guy Klbbee. Dir. John Adolfl. Time, 65 mins. itsinjHc-to:^ — - ■ -- •rash. The. How one couple reacted to the panic. Ruth Chatterton, Geo. Brent Dir. Wn:?. Dleterle. Time, B9 mlns. ReL Oct. 8. Rev. Sept. 13. •rooner. The. Comedy drama of a radio singer. David Manners. Ann Dvorak. Dir. Lloyd Bacon. Time. 68 mlns. Rel. Aug. 20. Rev. Aug. 23. Dark Horse. PolKIcal satire. Warren William. Dir. A, E. Green. Time, 76 mlns. Rel. July 2. Rev. June 14. Doctor X. Mystery thriller In color. Lionel Atwlll, Fay Wray. L^ Tracy, Dir. Michael Curtlz. Time, 77 mlns. Rel. Aug. 27. Rev. Aug. 9. Ufa Begins. Tactfully handled maternity story from a stage Play. Loretta Young, Eric Linden. Dir. Jas. Flood and Elliott Nugent. Time, 72 mins. Rel. Oct 1. Rev. Aug. 30. Match King. Fictitious romance of the Swedish financier. Warren William, Llll Damlta. Dir. Howard Bretherton-Wm Dec. 31. Rev. Dec. 13. Miss PInkerton. A sleuth In skirts. Joan BlondeU. Dir. Lloyd Bacon. Time. 66 mlns. Rel. July 30. Rev. July 12. Silver Dollar. Sliver boom days In Col. Edw. G. Robinson. Dir. Alfred E. Green. 84 mlns. Rel. Dec. 24. Rev. Deo. 27. T4»ay Call It Sin. Kansas girl breaks into N. Y. show life. Loretta Young, Geo Brent. David Manners. Dir. Thornton Freeland. Time. 70 mlns. Rel. Nov. B. Rev. Oct 25. Threaten a Match. Three schoolgirls have adventures. Joan Blondejl, War- Tren William. Ann Dvorak. Bette Davis. ~" 1 mins. Rel. Oct 29. Rev. Nov. 1. Tlffir Shark. Life and tragedjr^ with the tuna fishers. Edw. G. Robinson. £ Zlta Johan, Rich. \ Rev. Sept. 27. W^elc End Marriage. Norman Foster. Kelghley. 79 mlns. Rel. Iventures. Joan iiionaen, "bj- Dlr. Mervyn Lo Hoy. Time. 63 Arlen. Dir. Howard Hawks. 79 mlna. ReL Sept 24 Comedy drama of wives who work. Loretta Young, Dir. Thornton Freeland. Time, 66 mlns. Rol. July 9 / Rev. June 7 '^«u Said a MoutI f Rogers. DlT ./studio: Fox Hills, Mouthful. Joe Brown swims to Catallpa. Joe E. Dir. Lloyd Bacon. Time, 70 mine, Rel. Nov. 29, Brown, Ginger Rev. Nov. 22 Fox / Hollywood, Cal Almost Married. Mystery drama of a musician and his bride mlng. Ralph Ballamy, Alex. KIrkland. Dir. Wm. Men: irilns. Ilcl. July 17, Rev. July 26. •ail Her Savage. Tiffany Thayer's story of a^half breed glxl. Monroe Owsley, Gilbert Roland. Dlr, mlns. Rel. Nov. »7. Rev. Nov. 29. Offices: 850 Tenth Ave., New York, N Y, Violet I^em- Wm. Menzles. Time, 62 John Francis Clara Bow Dillon. Time, 82 CoaM Rentals Get ROOD Weekly Nkk As 27 Hovses Close Ohandu tha MaglcUn. Dramatized radio broadcast Edmund Lowe, Bela Lugosl, Irene Ware. Dir. Marcel Varnel. Time, 72 mlns. ReL Sept 18. Rev. Oct. 4. First Year, The. Domestic drama from a stage play. Janet Gaynor, Chas. Farrell. IMr. William K. Howard. Time, .. mlns. Rel. Jnly 31. Rev. Aug. 23. Handle with Care. Comedy. Jas. Dunn, Boots Mallory, Bl Brendel. Die, David Butler. ReL Dec 26. Rev. Deo. 27. Hat Check Girl. Murder and mystery In a nite club. Sally Eilers, Ben Lyon. Ginger Rogers. Dir. Sidney Landfleld. Time, 63 mlns. ReL Sept. 26. Rev. Oct 11. Mo and My Gal. Comedy drama. Joan Bennett, Spencer Tracy. Dir. Raoul Walsh. Time, 78 mlns. Rel. Dec 4. Painted Woman. Drama of the East Indies, with Spencer Tracy and Peggy Shannon. Dir. John Blystone. Rel. Aug. 14. Rev. Sept 6. Passport to Hell, A. Drama of African Jungle. EHlssa Landl, Alex. KIrkland, ■ Warner Oland. Dir. Frank Lloyd. Rel. Aug. 7. Rev. Aug. 30. Rackety Rax. Football satire. Victor McLaglon, Greta Nlssen. Dir. Alfred Worker. Time, 66 mlns. Rel. Oct. 23. Rev. Nov. 8. Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm. (Mary Plckford's silent hit.) Marian Nixon, Ralph Bellamy. Dir. Al Santell. Time, 81 mlns. Rel. July 3. Rev. Aug. 2. Sherlock Holmes. The Conan Doyle story with a newgangster twist. Cllve Brook. Miriam Jordan, Ernest Torrence. Dir. W. K. Howard. Time, 68 mlns. ReL Nov. 6. Rev. Nov. 16. Six Hours to Live. Murdered diplomat Is revived to avenge his murder. Warner Baxter, Miriam Jordan. Dir. Wm. Dleterle. Time. 78 mlns. ■ Rel. Oct 16. Rev. Oct 26. Tesa of the Storm Country. Talk version of an old silent. Janet Gaynor, Chas. FarrelL Dir. Al. Santell. Time, 76 mlns. ReL Nov. 20. Rev. Nov. 22. Toe Busy to Work. Talking version of 'Jubllo.' Will Rogers, Marian Nlxoa. Dir. Jas. Blystone. Time, 76 mlns. Rel. Nov. 13. Rev. Dec. 6. While Paris Sleeps. Thrill drama. Victor McLaglen. Dir. Alan Dwan. Time, 67 mins. Rel. May 8. Rev. July 14. Freuler Associates ^V^YoTk, n.""'.' Fighting Qontleman, The. A fighter who goes to the top and back'again. Wm. Collier. Jr., Josephine Dunn, Pat O'Malley. Dir. Burton King. Time, 69 mlns. Rel. Oct 7. Rev. Nov. 16. Forty-NIners. The overland trek In pioneer days. Tom Tyler. Dir. J. P. McCarthy. 49 mlns. ReL Oct. 28. Rev. Dec 20. Qambllng Sex, The. Racing story with a society slant. Ruth Hall, Grant Dir. Fred Newmeyer. Time, 64 mlns. Rel. Nov. 21. Rev. liOa Angeles, Dec. 81. With 27 picture houses in South ern California, mostly indie, going dark in the last 10 days, territory has been hit harder than at any time In six years. The deurkened theatres, with'few exceptions, have been money-makers in the past for their owners. Closings mostly have hit the indte distributors, with film rental losses flgured at around the |S,0QO mark weekly. Aside from Iios Angeles proper, towns where bouses have gone dark Include Santa Paula, North Hollywood, Olendale, Whit- tier, LaHabra, Norwalk, Zjoag Beach, Burbank, Bl Centro, OJal, and Tuma, Ariz. Until a few weeks ago the theatre situation in this section was par- ticularly bright, but the last fort- night has spelled plenty of grief, particularly for the smaller exhibs. Only a few circuit houses have gone dark, with several of these expected to reopen shortly. Only city in the Southern Cali- fornia territory that is holding 100% strong on b.o. returns appears to be San Diego, where, instead of houses closing, one new one is getting un- der way. Harry Hartmaa, former division manager for Fox West Coast, has taken over the Ramona, on the east side of the border city, and expects to get going early this week. Withers. Dec 27, Savago Girl, The. Big game hunters find a Hudson, Walter Byron, Harry Myers, Fraser. Rel. Deo. 6. white Jungle beauty. Rochelle Adolph Mllar. Dir. Harry U Majestic Tareweir Out—Cross' In Though doing good business at the Criterion, New Tork, as a roadshow picture, 'Farewell to Arms' is being sent out on general release during January. It goes out of the Crlt Jan. 11 and after two days moves Into the New York Paramount on Jan: -13v Simultaneously, it goes into other spots around the country. . 'Sign of the Cross,' current at the Rlalto on Broadway as a two-a- dayer, takes over the Criterion site, a much better house for the DeMllle picture under its policy than the present Rlalto. OfHceo: 1619 Broadway, New York City Crusader, The. Drama of a crusading district attorney. Evelyn Bren., H. H. Warner, Ned Sparks, Lew Coofe', Walter Byron, Marcellne Day. Dir. Frank Strayer. 72 mlns. ReL Oct 1. Rev. Oct 11. QoM. Western drama. Jack Hoxle, Alice Day, Matthew Bets, Dynamite- horse. Dir. Otto Brower. Time, 66 mlns. Bel. Sept 16. Rev. Oct 11. Hearts of Humanity. Drama of New York's East Side. Jean Hersholt, Jackie SearL J. Farrell MacDonald. Claudia Deu, Charles Delaney. Dir. Christy Cabanne. Time, 70 mins. Rel. Sept L Rev. Sept 27. Law and Lawless. Western drama. Jack Hoxle, Hilda Moreno. Taklma Can- -utt, Wally Wales, Dynamite-Horse. Dir. Armand Schaeffer., Time, 61 mins. ReL Nov. 30. Outlaw Justice. Western drama. Jack Hoxie, Dorothy OuUiver; Donald Keith. Dynamite-Horse. Dir. Armand Schaeffer. Time, 61 mlns. ReL Oct L Phantom Express, The. Railroad melodramatic mystery. J. Farfell Mac- Donald. William Collier, Jr., Sally Blane. Hobart Bosworth, Eddie Phil- lips. Dir. Christy Cabanne. Time, 70 mlns. Rel. Sept 16. Rev. Sept. 27. Sing, You Sinner. Dramatic life of a torch-singer. From the play by Wilson ColUson. ReL Jan. 1. Unwritten Law, The. A drama of betrayal and vengeance. Greta Nlssen, Skeets Gallagher, Mary Brian, Lew Cody. Louise Fazenda, Hedda Hop- per. Dir. Christy Cabanne. Time, 70 mlns. ReL Nov. 16. Rev. Dec 20. Vampire Bat, The. A thriller. Lionel Atwlll, Fay Wray, Melvyn Douglas, George E Stone, Maude Eburne. Dir. Frank Strayer. Rel. Dec. 16. Studios: 4376 Sunset Drive, Mnvfnir Offlces: 1600 Broadway, Hollywood, Cal. mayrair Ney, york, n: y. Alias Mary Smith. Events follow a chance meeting. Seml-detectlve. John Darrow, Gwen L«c, Ray Hatton. Dir. E. Mason Hopper. Time, 61 mlns. Rel. July 16. Rev. Aug. 30. Heart Punch. Murder story with a prize ring angle. Lloyd Hughes, Marlon Shining. Dir. Breezy Easoo. Time, 64 mlns. Rel. Oct 15. Rev. Dec. 13. Her Mad Night. Mother assumes guilt for a daughter's crime. Irene Rich, Conway Tearle. Dir. E. Mason Hopper. Time, 67 mlns. Rel. Oct 1. Rev. Nov. 29. Honor of tha Press, The. Crook-newspaper story, E. 3. Nugent, Rita Le Roy, Wheeler Oakman. Dir. Breezy Eason. Time, 66 mlns. Rel. May 16. Rev. No Living Witness. Novelty crime story. Gilbert Roland, Noah Beery, Bar- bara Kent Dir. E. Mason Hopper. Time, 72 mlns. Rel. Sept 16. Rev. Oct 11. Tangled Destinies. Mystery In a deserted desert home. Lloyd Wbltlock, Doris Hill, Glen Tryon, Vera Reynolds. Dir. Frank Strayer. Time, 69 mlns. ReL Sept. 1. Rev. Oct. 26. Trapped in TIa Juana. Army life on the Mex. border. Edwina Booth, Duncan Renaldo. Dir. Wallace W. Fox. Time, 66 mlns. ReL Aug. 16. Widow In Scarlet. The. Society crook melodrama. Dorothy Revler, Kenneth Harlan, Glen Tryon. Dir. Geo. Sletz. Time, 61 mlns. Rel. July 1. Rev. Aug. 2. Reckas Takes Linden Chicago, Dec. 31. Harry Reckas has added the Lin- den on 63rd at Halstead to the Ramova which he operates. E.. Thomas Beatty, tenant of the Linden for 20 years, steps out. New flve-year lease between Reckas and William Volgt, prop- erty owner, guarantees |876 month- ly based on 15% of the gross. Archer at Denver Los Angeles, Dec. 31. Tony Archer, for the past four months western division manager for Educational-World Wide, be- comes head of the companv'e branch at Denver, due to abandon- ing of the supervisory post Joe Merrick will be circuit con- tact man for the Paolflo coast tor- Studioa: Culver City, Calif. Metro Offices: 1640 Broadway, New York, N. Y. Blondie of the Follies. Self explanatory title. Marlon Davles, Robt. Mont- gomery, Billy Dove. Dir. E. Gouldlng. Time, 91 mlns. Rel. Aug. 13. Rev. Sept 13. Divorce in the Family. Jackie Cooper saves the family happiness. Jackie Cooper, Conrad Nagel. Lewis Stone, Lois Wilson. Dir. Chas. F. Rlesner. Tlnre^,-7fl-mlnsr- -Rch--Aug-i74—Rev. Nov. 1. Downstairs. Life below stairs In a titled family. .Tohn Gilbert, Virginia Bruce, Paul Lukas. Dir. Monta Bell. Time, 77 mins. Rel. Aug. 8. Rev. Oct. 11. Fast Life. Typical Haines story with a thrilling speed boat race. William Haines, Cliff Edwards, Conrad Nagel, Madge Evans. Dir. Harry Pollard. 82 mins. Rel. Dec. 16. Rev. Dec. 27. Flesh. Wallace Beery as a wrestler. Karen Morley, Rlccardo Cortez, Jean Hersholt. Dir. John Ford. 95 mlns. Rel. Dec 9. Rev. Dec 13. Faithless. Rich girl learns the lesson of the depression. Tallulah Bankhead, Robt. Montgomery. Dir. Barry Beaumont. Time, 75 mlns. Rel. Oct, 15. Rev. Nov. 22. Kongo. Remake of the silent of the same tltla.- Sorcery In central Africa. Walter Huston, Lupe Velez, Conrad Nagol, Virginia Bruce. Dir. Wm. Cowen. Time. 86 mlns. Rcl. Oct. 1. Rev. Nov. 22. Mask of Fu Manchu. Chinese plotter seeks the •iword of Ghengls Kahn. Boris KarloCt, Lewis Stone, Karen Morley. Dir. Chas. Brabln. Time, 68 mlns. Rel. Nov. 5. Rev. Dec. 6. Pack Up Your Troubles. Laurel anj Hardy full length mllliary comedy. Dir. Geo. Marshall and Raymond Carey. Time, 70 mlns. Rcl. Sept 17. Rev. Opt 4. Payment Deferred. Murder story from the play of that title with Chas. Laughton In his original role, Mayrcen O'Sulllvan, Dorothy Peterson. Dir. Lothar Mendez. Time, 80 mlna, Rel, Oct 8. Rev. Nov. 15. Prosperity. Post dcpres.slon comody with Marie Presslor and Polly Moran. Dir. Sam Wood. Time, 87 min.s. Uol. Nov. 18. Rev, Nov. 29, Rasputin and the Empress. The nn.s.slan overthrow and Its cause, .Tohn, Kthel and Lionel Earryrnore. Dir, Rich. Dolcslavsky. Roadshow time, 133 mlns. ReL Dec. 23, Hev. Dec. '11. Red Dust. Jean Harlow .and CMarlc f!ablo ;is a new team In a story of Indo- Chlna, Dir. Victor Fkniinp. Time, 83 nilna. Ucl. Oct 22. Rev. Nov. 8. Skyscraper Souls. Drama. W.irron William, Maureen O'Sullivan, Anita Page. Dir. Edgar Sclwyn. Time. 100 mln.s. Ilel. July IG. Rev. Aug. 9. Smilln' Through. Heraako of tlio Norma Talmadgf- .silent and Jane Cowl play. Norma Shcarftr, Leslie Howard, o. l>. HpgRlc, Dir. Sidney Franklin. Time, 96 mins, U<-1. .Snpt. 18. 10 v, Oct, 18, Speak Easily. Slapstick comedy, Rustcr Keaton, Jimmy Durante. Dir. EMU Sedgwick. Time, 78 niln.'j. Rol. July 23. Ucv. Aug. 23. Stran0« Interlude. The famous O'N'III play. .Vorma Shearer, ClarkJSabla- Dir. Robert Z. Leonard. Time, 11 n mins. Not yet released. Rev. Sept 6, (Continued on payc 33)