Variety (Jan 1933)

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P IC T II B E S VARIETY TueB(lay:i^MimTj. 24, .1^33 CALENDAR OF CURRENT RELEASES studios; Pathe Studios, Culver City, Cal. Allied Offices: 729 Seventh Ave., New York, N. Y. Cowboy Counsellor, The. Hoot Gibson poses as a lawyer. Dir. George Mel- ford. 66 mlns. Rel. Oct. 16. Iron Master, The. Success and romance In a steel mill. Reginald Denny, Llla Lee, J. Farrell MacDonald, Virginia Sale. Dir. Chester M. Franklin. 66 min. Rel. Nov. 15. Man's Land, A. Western, with Hoot Gibson winning Marlon Schilling. Dir. Phi) Kosen. 68 mlns. Rel. June 11. Rev. Jan. 3. Officer 13. Motorcycle officer exposes racketeers. Monte Blue, Lila Lee, Seena Owen, Mickey McGuIre', Jackie Se^rle. Dir. George Melford. 63 mlns. Rel. Dec. 15. Parisian Romance, A. Famous stage play. Lew Cody, Marian Shilling, Gil- bert Roland. Dir. Chester M. Franklin. 76 mlns. Rel. Oct. 1. Rev. Oct. 18.. Chesterfield Offices: 1640 Broadway, New York, N. Y. King Murder, The. From the novel. Conway Tearle, Natalie Moorehead, Robt. Frazer, Dorothy Revier. Dir. Rich. Thorpe. Time, 64 mins. Rel. Sept. 26. Rev. Nov. 1. Sllflhtly Married. Comedy drama. Evalyn Knapp, Walter Byron, Marie Pre- vost. Dir. Richard Thorpe. Time, 65 mins. Rel. Nov. 16. Rev. Jan. 3. Thrill of Youth, The. Modem society. June Clyde. Allan Vincent, Matty Kemp. Dir. Rich. Thorpe. TIrpe>. 63 mlns. Rel. Aug. 15. Women Won't Tell. Romantic dreimA/ Sarali Padden, Otis' Harjan. Dir. Rich. Thqrpe. Time. 67 mlns. . Rel, Dec: 1. - Offices Studio: Colunlbia 729 Seventh Ave., New York, N. Y. Gower at Sunset, Hollywood, Cat Air Hostess. Thrilling story of the adventure and romance of a 1933 girl who fearlessly flies across the continent in passenger ships. Eval)^ Knapp, James Murray. Dir. Al Rogell. Rel. Dec. 6. American Madness. Melodrama of a run on the bank and how It wa:6 checked. Walter Huston, Pat O'Brien. Kay Johnson, Constance Cumdilngs. Frank Capra. dir. Time, 75 mlns. Rel. Aug. 15. Rev. Aug. 0. . Bitter Tea of General Yen. Romance and adventures of an American girl caught in the maelstrom of Shanghai. Barbara Stanwyck. Nils; Asther, Walter Connolly. Dir. Frank Capra. Rel. Dec. 20. Rey. Jan.. 5:7. Deception. Story of the wrestling game .-and its frameups, Leo Carrlllo, Thelma Todd, Dickie Moore, .. Dfr. Lifrw. Seller. 67 mlns. HeL. Nov. 4. Rev. Jan. 17. End of the Trail,.The; A U. S. cavalry ofPcfer;.who "Is court matrtfaled, and redeem^'himself. Tim McCoy. .I^uahfl' Wietlters. Dir. D. Ross .Lederman. 68'iqlhSv :Be),.X>«<o. 9.. . ,^ . . . - Htllo Troubti>i~liSM<rk Jones oults the catiKers—but he goes back.> Buck Jones, V: LIna ' BiBW^uetta. Dir. liiitibert kHH Time, 61 mlna. Be). July 16. Kev.- Qct'-a?;,'..; ...... Lasi'Man, Thei'i.Drtinia of outlawry DA^the high seas^ Chas. ^ckford, Con- stance'OunamtngB.. pir. Howard Higglna., Tlnne. 66 mlns. Bel. Aug. 31. Revw Sept.,'^'0, . •' ■ ■ -.'^ ' ' '^ Man Against Woman. Man's strength agaibst woman's wiles. -. Jack Holt, Lillian Miles. Dir.-Irving Cummings.- Time, 68 mlns. ReJ. Nov. 16. Rev. Dec. 20. MeKenna of the Mounted. Canadian policeman drops below the .l*pr'der. Buck Jones, Greta Oransted. Dir. Ross Lederman. Time, 67 mlns. Rel. Aug. 26. Rev. Nov. 8. Murder of ther$il.ght Club Lady. See ;if>^bt,jClub Lady.' j Night Club Lady; UnlQue |nurae«,''ipj^t^^i':'dQ^ from .a- OomK .Adolphe MenJou,.iJMayo„Methot, Skeeta GaUag&w. . "Dir. Irving Ciimij^flg^.^ .Time. 66 mlns. ;Bel.'Aue:: 27. Rev. Aug. .80. .". - -^>- ..v NlBht Mayor. *ol»iIiBaI story based bo-' Jas. J. Walker. Lee Tracy, Eyalyn Knapp, Eugene Palette. Dir. Ben Stoloft. Time, 65 mlns. ReL Aug. 19. Rev. Nov.';23J. . . ' . ■' . . No More Orchldi. A millionairess wMjlis regenerated by the.-rtpWrAmerlcan spirit. Carole Lombard, Lyle lESfilfot, Walter. Connedy,,.Xpyise Cl9SBer Hale. Dir. Walter Lang. 70 i)Wp^ Reih Nov. 25, Bcv»; Jap,^ J,, That's My Boy. Football story Jordan, Mae Marsh. Dir. R Nov. 22. •••■^ This Sporting^Age. Revenge on the i^Ao fleld. Jack Holt, Evalyn Knapp. Dir. A. w. Bennlson. Time, 71 mlns. Rel. Sept. 15. Rev. Oct. 4. Vanity Street. Girl breaks a window to get Into Jail, but lands in the 'Fol- lies.' Helen Chandler, Chas. Bickford. Dir. Nick Grlnde. Time. 67 mlns. Rel. Oct 15. Rev. Oct. 11. Virtue. A street walker who goes Sfralght. 'iGarole Lombard,"/Pat O'Brlea.- Dir. Edw. Buzzell. Time, 6«..jnfilns. \ReL Oct. 26 off tiie>'-"ifiiuai lines. Rich. CroinwelVl^i'^orothy R. W.'^Niw Time, 71 mlns. Rel. 0<Jt..</*'Rev. Rev. Nov. I.' Washington MercyGo<Round. Pbliyoal satire." Lee Tracy, Constah<se' Cum- mlngs. Dir. Jas. Cruze. Tlm5, .^6 min?. Rel. Oct 16. Rev. Oct. 26. White Eagle. Buck Jones as an Indian pbny^ express rider. Jones, Bartara Weeks. Dir. Lambert Hlllyear. Time, 66 mlns. Rel. Oct 7. Rev. Sept. 27. studios: Burbank, Calif. First National "^'^^^ y. Cabin In the Cotton. A social study of the poor whltea Rich. Barthelmesa, Dorothy Jordan, Bette Davis. Dir. Michael Curtiz. Time, 76 mlns. Rel. Oct. 15. Rev. Oct 4. Central Park. Western cowboy hunts bandits in a New York park. Joan Blondell. Wallace Ford, Guy Klbbee. Dir. John Adolfl. Time. 66 rains. Rel. Dec. 10. Crash, The. How one couple reacted to the panic Ruth Chatterton, Geo. Brent. Dir. Wm. Dleterle. Time, 69 mlns. ReL Oct 8. Rev. Sept 13. Crooner, The. Comedy drama of a radio singer. David Manners, Ann Dvorak. Dir. Lloyd Bacon. Time. 68 mins. Rel. Aug. SO. Rev. Aug. 23. Doctor X. Mystery thriller in color. Lionel Atwlll, Fay Wray, Lee Tracy. Dir. Michael Curtiz. Time. 77 mlns. Rel. Aug. 27. Rev. Aug. 9. Frisco Jenny. 'Madame X' In San Francisco locale. Ruth Chatterton, Donald Cook, Jas. Murray. Dir. Gerard Beaumont. 70 mins. Rel. Jan. 14. Rev. Jan. 10. Life Begins. Tactfully handled maternity story from a stage play. Loretta • Young. Eric Linden. Dir. Jas. Flood and Elliott Nugent Time, 72 mins. Rel. Oct 1. Rev. Aug. 30. Match King. Fictitious romance of the Swedish financier. Warren William, LIU Damlta. Dir. Howard Bretherton-Wm. Kelghley. 79 mlns. Rel. Dec. 31. Rev. Dec. 13. Silver Dollar. Silver boom days In Col. Edw. G. Robinson. Dir. Alfred E. Green. 84 mins. Rel. Dec. 24. Rev. Dec. 27. They Call It Sin. Kansas girl breaks Into N. T. show life. LoretU Young. Geo. Brent David Manners. Dir. Thornton FreelaAd. Time, 70 mlns. Rel. Nov. 5. Rev. Oct. 25. Three on a Match. Three schoolgirls have adventures. Joan Blondell, War- ren William, Ann Dvorak, Bette Davis. Dir. Mervyn Le Roy. Time, 63 mins. Rel. Oct 29. Rev. Nov. 1. Tiger Shark. Life and tragedy with the tuna fishers. Edw. O. Robinson. ZIta Johan, Rich. Arlen. Dir. Howard Hawks. 79 mins. Rel. Sept. 24. Rev. Sept. 27. You Said a Mouthful. Joe Brown swims to Catallna. Joe E. Brown. Ginger Rogers. Dir. Lloyd Bacon. Time, 70 mins. Rel. Nov. 26. Rev. Nov. 22. Offices: 850 Tenth Ave., New York, N Y. Studio: Fox Hills, Pnv ~- - Hollywood, Cal. rux Call Her Savage. Tiffany Thayer's story of a half breed girl. Clara Bow. Monroe Owsley. Gilbert Roland. Dir. John Francis Dillon. Time. 82 mlns. Rel. Nov. 27. Rev. Nov. 29. Cavalcade. Noel Coward's pageant of British society. Diana Wynyard. Cllve Brook. Herbert Mundln. Ursula Jeans. Dir. Frank Lloyd. Roadshow length 110 mlns. No release date set. Rev. Jan. 10. Chandu the Magician. Dramatized radio broadcast. Edmund Lowe. Bela Lugosi, Irene Ware. Dir. Marcel Varnel. Time, 72 mlns. Rel. Sept 18. Rev, Oct. 4. Dangerously Yours. Society thief and girl detective. Warner Baxter, Miriam Jordan, Herbert Mundln. Dir. Frank Tuttle. ReU Jan. 29. Face In the Sky. Romantic adventures of a billboard sign palpter. Spencer Tracy, Mnrlan Nixon, Stuart Erwln. Dir. Harry Lachman. Rel. Jan. 15. First Year, The. Domestic drama from a stage play. Janet Gaynor, Chas. Farrell. Dir. William K. Howard. Time, .. mlns. Rel. July 31. Rev. Aug. 23. Handle with Care. Comedy! .las. Dunn, Boots Mallory, El Brendel. Dir. David Butler. Rel. Dec. 25. Rev. Dec. 27. Hat Check Girl. Murder and mystery In a nlte club. Sally Ellers, Ben Lyon. Ginger Hogers. Dir. Sidney Landfleld. Time. 63 mlns. Uel. Sept 26. Rev. Oct. U. Hot Pepper. Flagg and Quirt—with Lupe. Edmund Lowe, Vic. McLaglcn, Lui)c VflPz. Dir. John Biystone. 74 min.s. Rel. Jan. 22. Me and My Gal. Comedy drama. Joan Bennett, Spencer Tracy. Dir. Raoul Walsh. Time, 78 mlns. Rel. Dec. 4. These tabulatittna are compiled front information supplied by the various production oomt>anies and checked up as soon as possible after release. Listing is given when re- lease dates are definitely set. Titles are retained foi six months. Man- agers who receive service subse* quent to that period should pre- serve a copy of the calendar for reference. The running time .s given here is presumably that of the projection room showings and can only approx- imate the actual release length in those states or communities where local or state censorship may result in deletions. Running time in the reviews as given in 'Variety' carry the actual time clocked in the the- atre after passage by the New York state censorship, since pictures are reviewed only on actual theatre showings. While every effort is made to hold this list accurate^. the informjitron supplied may not always be correct, eveo though official. To obtain the' fullest degree of exactness 'Variety' will appreciate the co-operation of all managers who ntay note discrep- ancies. HoDywocd (Continued from page 6) sta^e Uitroduc^on of players at BUtmove opehlag of ^Slgn of the Cross/' . ■ Meitro ha^ spotted vClnartefl Mac- Arthjir to : script /^P'Ofic^ Mike,' based on the Proflletr on-PPlnce Mike RomelnofE printed; in. 'New Yorker.' 'Warrlor'a Husband' put in atellar class by Jps'se Lasky, with Eliesa Landl and Ernest Truex co-starring. - . FoK' ^Spciniih'Versions. .'. Fox 'is .placing^ two.^3pai](lsh pie-, tures ln,wbrk this #^k. 'Musical,; 'Fdrbjdden .Melo'dy,' ^stars Jose Mo-' Jica, and "*Romaptl<j".JVidbw,' fea- tures Catallna Saxceit^ ■ ] ' . Henrietta Acn't^diavl^luu 20, koo.wn professionally as "iblane Sinclair,' has had Columbia contract approved by Superior Judge Parker Wood. Salary starts at $100 weekly, and reaches $1,000 in seven years. .Columbia has signed Robert SI- mone| former stage director for Crosby Gage, as dialog megger. After three years at Paramount, Lothar Mendes, director, dropped. Two Lots Plan 'Two Cities' Looks like tiff between Paramount and Fox over who will do 'Tale of Two Cities.' C. B. DeMille wants to make it for Par with Frederic March starred and Fox has been considering producing it-with War- ner Baxter in the lead and Frank Lloyd directing. U.A. Studio Vacationing United Artists studio now dark for three weeks. Next picture to start will be Edward Small's 'I Cover the Waterfront' Until April, when Ooldwyn and Schenck units start, Small will be only active pro- ducer on lot Happy-Go-Luckies at Theatre Happy-Go-Lucky hour, coast CBS feature, will play one night at the Arlington, Santa Barbara on a BO- BO spit from the first dollar. This Is first theatrical engagement for air hour and was booked by Ted Braun of the Tommy Lee Artists' bureau of KHJ. Mlscha Auer, film actor, heading orchestra which opened at the Vista Del Arroya, swank Pasadena hotel, Friday (21). First entertainment at hotel. Cooper Joins Frasso's Caravan Without an assignment at Para- mount Gary Cooper plans to leave for Europe Feb. 1 upon completion of 'Turn About' at Metro. Joins Mary Plckford, Douglas Fairbanks, Frances Marlon, and Elsa Maxwell, who will visit Countess dt Frasso in Italy. Latter spent seven months at Plckfair recently. Mervyn Freeman, west coast rep for Universal Newsreel. left San Francisco Monday (23) for Toklo and the Manchurlan front to cover the Japanese-Chinese war clouds. Peggy Hopkins Joyce and Wil- liam Harrlgan arrived Sunday (20) from N. Y., Miss Joyce to go Into Paramount's 'International House" and Harrlgan into 'Pick Up' and 'Police Surgeon,' also Par. Lubltsch, Louis Lighten and his wife, Hope Loring, return Thurs- day (26) after two months In Ku- rope. Mae West gets back to the Par lot Fob. 25 to start''Don't Call Me Madame.' Painted Woman. Drama of the East Indies, with Spencer Tracy and Peggy Shannon. Dir. John Biystone. Rel. Aug. 14. Rev. Sept. 6. Passport to Hell, A. Drama of African Jungle. EUssa Landl, Alex. Kirkland, Warner Oland. Dir. Frank Lloyd Rel. Aug. 7. Rev. Aug. 30. Rackety Rax. Football satire. Victor McLaglen. Greta NIssen. Dir. Alfred Werker. Time. 65 mins. Rel. Oct 23. Rev. Nov. 8. Robbers' Roost. Rustler discovers that love Interferes with cattle stealing. George O'Brien. Dir. Louis King. C3 mlns. Rel. Jan. 8 Second Hand Wife. Banker's secretary steps from his office into his heart. Sally Ellcrs, Ralph Bellamy. Dir. Hamilton McFadden. 64 mlns. Rel. Jan. 1. Rev. Jan. 17. Sherlock Holmes. The .Conan Doyle story xVIth a new gangster twist. Clive Brook, Miriam Jordan. Ernest Torrence. Dir. W. K. Howard. Time, 68 mins. Rel. Nov. 6. Rev. Nov. 15. Six Hours to Live. Murdered diplomat Is revived to avenge his murder. Warner Baxter, Miriam Jordan. Dir. Wm. Dleterle. Time, 78 mins. Rel. Oct. 16. Rev. Oct. 25. Tess of the StoV-m Country. Talk version of an old silent. Janet Gaynor, Chas. Furrell. Dir. Al. Santell. Time, 75 mins. Rel, Nov. 20. Rev. Nov. 22. Too Busy to Work. Talking version-of 'Jubtlo.' Will Rogers, Marian Nixon. Dir. Jas. Biystone. Time, 76 mlns. Uel. Nov. 13. llev. Dec. 6. Freulc^r Associates.''NVw'vTk, n."^-.' Fighting Gentleman, The. A fighter who goes to the top and back again, wm. Collier, Jr.. Josephine Dunn. Pat O'Malley. Dir. Burton King. Time. 69 mlns. Rel. Oct 7. Rev. Nov. 16. Forty-NIners. .The overland trek In - pioneer ■ days. Tom Tylen Dir. J. P. McCarthy. 49. mins. Rel. Oct ^8. Rev. Dec. 20, Gambling Sex, The." Racing story with/a society slant. Ruth Hall, Grant ' Withers.. Dir. .'Fred Newmeyer. Time, 64 mins. Rel. Nov. 21. Rev. Dec. 27. • ; ■ . 'v Penal Code. Story'Oif a boy's regeneration' sui^inolinting compllcaMons. Regis . Toomey. Helen Coh^n, Robert Eills^ Dir. George Melfdfd.' 62 mins. . Rel. Jan. 16. _ . .. ' ' . ' ' ' Saviige Girl, The. Big game hunters find a white jiingte beauty. Rochelle .\Hudson. Walter ^yron. .Hatry ./Myers, AdoJph Milar. Dir. Harry L. • • Fraser. Rel. Dec-5. When a Man Rides Atone. Robin BTood of the West and some daring stage coach holdups and fast riding. Tom Tyler. Adele Lacey. Duke Lee. Dir. J. P. McGowiein. Rel. JAn. 29. Majestic Offices: 1619 Broadway, New York City Crusader, The^ Drama of a crusading district attorney. Evelyn Bren.. H. H. ..• Warner. Ned Sparks. Lew Cody. Walter Byron. Marccilne Day. Dir. . _ ■ Frank Strayec '72 mins. Rel. Oct. 1. Rev. Oct. 11. 6old. Western drama. Jack Hoxie, Alice Day, Matthew Betz, Dynamite- horse. Dir. Otto Brower. Time, 65 mlns. Rel. Sept 16. Rev. Oct It Hearts of Humanity. Drama of New York's East Side. Jean Hersholt. Jackie Searl. J. Farrell MacDonald, Claudi& Dell, Charles Delaney. Dir. Christy Cabanne. Time, 70 mine. Rel. Sept 1. Rev. Sept 27. Law and Lawless. Western drama. Jack Hoxie. Hilda Moreno, Yakima Can- utt Wally Wales, Dynamite-Horse. Dir. Armand Schaefler. Time, 61 mlns. Rel. Nov. 30. Outlaw Justice. Western drama. Jack Hoxie, Dorothy Gulliver, Donald Keith. Dynamite-Horse. Dir. Armand SchaelTer. Time, 61 mlns. ReL Oct 1. Phantom Express, The. ..Railroad melodramatic mystery. .J. Farrell Mac- Donald. WllllanJi C^IIter, Jr., Sally Brine; Hobart Boswo'rth, Wddle Phll- llp*. • DIrrChrlity C^aban^<e. Time, 70 qrlns. Rel. Sept'IprRfVf Sept. 27. Sing. Y0ii sinner. Dramatic'life of a torch-singer. From tbe play. W "Wilson ColIlBon, .JRel. Jan. SUj"^ ' . - j; j_ tlnwriti^i^n La\)r,. The. . A^dcamia of betrayals and vengeuho^. ;.<'Gretja NIssen, Skeeta :Gairagher, Mary^rjan. LewiCeioy, Louise Eazenda, Hedda Hop- "•' t>eri : Pft^:'(|hrlsty Cabstnto; Time, 70 mins. ReL Noy. R^. Dec. 20. Vampire,.Bat, fhoi "^vtfi^feifT*- tlonel Atwlll. Fay Wray,;-Mel«J>;;:i>ougIas, : Ge6rge E. - Stone, .'Maude'^Ebu'nie. ~ Dirs jlVank Strayer.^ ReLTaan. 2L Via Pony Express. Jack Hoxie western. Rei. Jan. 31. Studios: 4376 Sunset Drive, Mnvfniii" . Offices: 1600.Broadway, ^ Hollywood; CaL mayraif , - NjW.York, N. Y. Alias Mary Smith. Events follow a chance'meeting. Seml-dete]Btlve. John Darrow. Gwen Lee, Ray Hatton. Dir. E. Mason .Hopper,' Time, 61 mins. Rel,. July 15. Rev. Aug. ^O. i- - • • — Heart Punch. Murder story ^th a prize ring angle. Lloyd'Hughes, Marlon Shilling. Dir. Breezy Eaaon. Time. 64 mlns. Bel, Oct, 1^. I^jey.-Dec. 13. Her Mad Night. Mother .assumes guilt for a daughter's crifne. -^ene Rich, Conway/Tearle. Dir. EL Mason Hopper. Time, 67 inlns. Bel. Oct. 1. Rev. Nov. 29. No Living Witness. Novelty crime story. Gilbert Roland. Noah Beery, Bar- bara''Kent Dir. E: Mason Hopper. Time. 72 mins. ReL Sept 15. Rev. Oct 11. Tangled Destinies. Mystery In a deserted desert home. Lloyd Whitlock. Doris Hill. Glen Tryon. Vera Reynolds. Dir. Frank Strayer. Time. 69 mlns. Rel. Sept. 1. Rev. Oct. 25. Trapped In TIa Juana. Army life on the Mex. border. Edwina Bobth, Duncan Renaldo. Dir. Wallace W. Fop Time, 66 rains. ReL Aug. 16.' Studios: Culver City, MaIva Offices: 1640 Broadway, Calif. W^eirO - New Vork, N. Y. Blpndle of the Follies. Self explanatory title. Marlon Davles, Robt Mont- gomery, Billy Dove. Dir. E. Gouldlng. Time, 91 mins. Rel. Aug. 13. Rev. Sept 13. Clear All Wires. Picturlzation of the recent Broadway hit about a foreign correspondent. Lee Tracy, Benlta ~Iume. Dir. George Hill. Rel. Feb. 6. Divorce In the Family. Jackie Cooper saves the family happiness. Jackie Cooper. Conrad Nagel. Lewis Stone.'Lois Wilson. Dir. Chas. F. Riesner. Time, 78 mins Rei. Aug. 27. Rev. Nov. 1. Downstairs. Llle below stairs in a titled family. John Gilbert. Virginia Bruce. Paul Lukas. Dir. Monta Bell. Time. 77 mins. Rel. Aug. 8. Rev. Oct. 11. Fast Life. Typical Haines story with a thrilling speed boat race. William Haines. Cliff Edwards, Conrad Nagel, Madge Evans. Dir. Harry Pollard. 82 mins. Rel. Dec. 16. Rev. Dec. 27. Flesh. Wallace Beery as a wfestler. Karen Morley, Riccardo Cortez. Jean Hersholt. Dir. John Ford. 96 mins. Rel. Dec. 9. Rev. Dec. 13. Faithless. Rich girl leams the lesson of the depression. Tallulah Bankhead, Robt. Montgomery. Dir. Barry Beaumont Time. 75 mlns> ReL Oct. 15. Rev. Nov. 22. Hell Below. The submarine heroes of the World War. Robert Montgomery, Jimmy Durante. Madge Evans. Walter Huston. Dir. Jack Conway. Rel. Feb 19. . Kongo. Remake of the silent of the same title. Sorcery In central Africa. Walter Huston. Lupe Velez. Conrad Nagel. Virginia Bruce. Dir. Wm. Cowen. flme. 86 mins. Rel. Oct. 1. Rev. Nov. 22. Lady Deceived, The. Based on the Broadway stage hit by Martin Brown, Irene Dunne. Philips j^olmes. Dir. Charles Brabln. Rel. Jan. 13. Mask of Fu Manchu. Chinese plotter seeks the sword of Ghengis Kahn. Boris Karloft. Lewis Stone, Karen Morley. Dir. Chas. Brabln. Time, 68 mins. Rel. Nov. 6. Rev. Dec. 6. Outsider, The. An unlicensed surgeon performs seeming miracles. Harold Huth, Joan Barry, Frank Lawton. 00 nlns. Rel. Jan. 20. Pack Up Your Troubles. Laurel and Hardy full length military comedy. Dir. Geo. Marshall and Raymond Carey. Time, 70 mins. Rel. Sept 17. Rev. Oct 4. Payment Deferred. Murder story from the play of that title with Chas. Laughton in his original role, Maureen O'Sullivan, Dorothy Peterson. Dir. Lothar Mendez. Time. 80 mlns. ReL Oct 8. Rev. Nov. 16. Prosperity. Post depression comedy with Marie Dressier and Polly Moran. Dir. Sam Wood. Time. 87 mlns. Ilel. Nov. 12. Rev. Nov. 29. Rasputin and the Empress, The Russian overthrow and its cause. John, Ethel and Lionel Barrymore. Dir. Rich. Bolcslavsky. Roadshow time, 133 mlns. No release set. Rev. Dec. 27. Red Dust. Jean Harlow .ind Clark Gable as a new team In a story of Indo- Chlna. Dir. Victor Fleming. Time. 83 mlns. Rel. Oct. 22. Rev. Nov. 8. SmIIln' Through. Remake of the Norma Talmadge silent and Jane Cowl play. Norma Shearer, Leslie Howard, Kroflcrlc March, O. P. Hcggle. Dir. Sid- ney Franklin. Tlmn. 9C mlri.s. Hcl. Sept. 18. Rev. Oct 18. Son-Daughter, The. From thp piny by David npIa.HCo. Helen Ilayes, Ramon Novarro, Lowi.s .Stone, Warner I)ir. Clarence Brown. 81 mlns. Rel. Dec. 23. Uev. Jan. 3. Strange interlude. The famous O'N'flll pl.iy. Nprma Slir.nrcr, Clark Gable. Dir. Uobert Z I.,conar(l. 'J'iriio, 110 min.s. I>cc. 30. Itcv. Sept. 6. Today We Live. An Kn.u'll.xh (flrl anitiulannf-iltlvcr during the war. Joan Crawford, Gary Cooix r. l>ir. iovwird llawk.M. ltd. Feb. 12. (Continued on page 28)