Variety (Jan 1933)

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82 VABJETY RADIO TnesJay^ jmmry 24, 1933 ^■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■HlMMBHIlll]yHHMMlMllllMJM BAmO CHATTER ^■■^■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■iiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiKnwm-»«*j l East Vallee and Milt Cross are the only regulars permitted to ad lib in an- nouncing numbers over NBC. Gordon Thompson, who selects the acts for the Fleischmann Hour, Is associated with but Is no relation of J. Walter Thompson, bead of the agency handling the account. Mrs. Clara M. Ripley, former dra- matic editor of the Albany •Knick- erbocker Press,' now director of •Radio School of the Theatre.' new WGT program. Clyde Doerr's Saxaphone Octet's Sunday afternoon shot over NBC's red network is now a half-hour af- fair. Phil Baker Is now auditioning for NBC. Makes two chains trying to sell him. John Royal's WTAM contract taken over by NBC expires Feb. 1. with his shift to Radio <:ity's the- atres still a good probability around that date. Eddie Miller has a warbling in- terlude set for him during the Al ani Lee Reiser piano act On WOR, Newark, this Thursday (26) night. . Frances Langford Joins the Management WALTER BATCHELOH BATH CLUB REVUE WABC Sunday, 9 P. M., E. iS. T, And His ORCHEStRA "THE. GREATEST-TRKO ON THE AIR*? «Cwo and a 'bo7 that 'elicle and •paikl» with red hot inii»lo «nd aon* tor tba earlr rlMra." (AIXICASTBR) DON-HALL TRIO COAST TO COAST, WEAP SUNDAY 10 P.M. Blon., Taes., \9*Ai, Than., IM., Sat., WJZ 7:30 A.M. Mst M. 0*1*. 151 W. 46tli 8t, N*w York Freddy Martin band at the Central Park Casino, with Russ Columbo stepping out for a string of RKO dates. Rudy Vallee may return to the Pennsylvania Grill. Guy Ijombardo quits the Hotel Roosevelt In New York Feb, 1 and goes one-nightlng. NBC program board gave a hear- ing to Percy Hemus' act, 'The Al- iens.' Same-board is still pulmotor- Ing around with a Mutt and Jeff dramatization. Ralph O. Wolfran has not become program manager for WHP, Pitts- burgh. C. M, Meehan, the station's manager, says. he and Wolfran haven't even met. Deiinis and Reese have the Sun- day spot for Klein Shoe Repairing on WEAF. Series starts Feb. 22. NBC beats Columbia to the punch and broadcasts the 10 Best Songs, picked in a N. T. 'Journal' poll, two nights before the opposition. Poll Idea among the band leaders had originally been suggested to. the dally by Bob TapUnger, CBS p.a. Belle Baker is in line for a radio commercial which may be closed within the week. She's dieting at a farm In upstate New Tork, con- trary to the femme radio adeige that you've got to be fat to click. Maria L,yher, of the German Opera Co., on a WMCA buildup under Elmo Russ of the produc- tion staff. Mort Mllman with Al Jolson on Florida- vacash. G. M. will pick up Jolson from . Miami, costing the inammylst $1,200 personally for the wire charges.. WOR'a pugilistic commentator. The Rlngslder, is how being sup- plementarlly air identified as Jack Pulaski of'Variety.' There is no John .Williams con- nected with "Variety." This Wll- liatns first mentioned the N. T. 'Times' and later switched to "Va- riety* as :hi3 newspaper affiliate upon trying to crash into an NBC V. p.'s office. West KGT, Olympla, Wash., now broad casting Washington state legislature proceedings. Increase In time is granted for that pur|>ose. Ijlceilse of KVOA, Tuscon, Ariz., assigned to Arizona Broadcaisting Co., Incj, by Robert. M. Rlculfl. Freeman Talbot, ' director KOA, Denver, directed, special radio show put on by machinery jobbers for highway commissioners of Colorado KMJ, Fresno, jgets a 500-watt, un- limited time, license. Boost in daytime power from 6Q0 watts,to 1,000 granted KOT, Phoenix. ..Pioneer Mjercantile Co., Bakers- field, Cal., receives permission for a 500-watter. . Restricted to experl mental purposes. Tacoma, Wash., and El Paso, Tex., granted municipal police stations with 100 watts power. Mrs. Kenneth Nlles, wife of an- nouncer at KHJ, In hospital, Los Angeles, after an emergency ap- pendicitis operation. ABE LYMAN AND HIS CALIPORNIA OACHESTRA ColmnbU BroadcastliiK 6yat«m PHILLIP'S DENTAL MAGNESIA Toes., Than., Bat., 8 to 8:15 P.M., E.8.T. COAST-TO-COAST 'W A B C* id-West s-77ltQta to WON. Chicago, for its Mark Fisher orcheatm. Charles Glldbrlst'a radio gossip for" Monarch, over WMAQ, last week -was devoted to Bob White's various records, Including his per- formance score of 949 commercials. Mich. Network Starts Jan. 31; 3 Konsky-T. Statwns and 4 Others Detroit, Jan. 28. The new Mlohlgaii Radio Network starts operation Jan. 81. Using WXTZ as key station, seven outlets are Included, rdinglng In power from 100 to 1,000 watts. Stations are WXYZ, Detroit; Wood, Grand Rapids; WASH, Grand Rapids; WIBM,' Jackson; WELL, Battle Creek; WKZO, Ka,lamaz6o, and WFDF, Flint. will use sus- taining programs originating in the various stations. WXYZ, WOOD and WASIJ are owned and operated by Kunsky- Trendle, the former Publlx theatre partners of Detroit. WOR CAN GET A RATE NBC Woiild Like Newark Station to Move Over to 5th Ave NBC Is still trying to Induce WOR, th6 Bamberger station In Newark, N. J.," to tWce over the present NBC quarters at-711 6th avenue when NBC moves over to Ita4io' city Mou'nd 'A^^ 1. The chalii: has asked WOH X6 mention Its own price for all or any of the some 80,000 feet of space NBC has under letise on 6th avenue. ' Unexpired .term of the NBC lease for 18 years, stands the network $350,000 a year. NBC moved Into the. Fifth avenue building In 1927. NBC win not abandon Its 5tb avenue space until September or October, next It will not cost any- thing like the reported: $2,000,000 for NBC to move, as the equipment Is portable and modern, and doesn't require replacement. Julia Hayes, long absent, is back on WBBM, Chicago. Spieling for housewives. Jack Brooks, ex-partner of Don Ross, now teamed with Norm Sherr. The pair have a sponsor in Oscar Mayer frankfurters via WBBM, Chi- cago. 'Uncle Bob,' otherwise Walter Wilson, has celebrated his 10th an- niversary as founder of the 'Curb Is the Limit Club' for kids over KYW. Thei:e are 600,000 names on the membership rolls. Mac and Bob were 'way out front in a popularity poll of WLS enter- tainers. Boys are blind. Mrs. Franklin Roosevelt broad- casts from the point where on June 1 her husband, as President, will open the World's Fair. Edgewater Beach hotel may Married—But Happy Chicago. Jan. II. Burrldge Butler, president of WLS, 'The Prairie Farmer iStatlon,' Is sentimental about hla employees and has refused to cut expenses by letting out any married man. Butler rieputedly takes 'the ■view that the boys at the stM tion married 1A this belief that they had permanent Jobs. ' CanGoytWt Share Cost on Network Hours PAUL WHITEMAN'S V^gr NBO Network - Blltmore Uote/ / RADIO STARS ^^^^^^ Rocleefeller (Continued, from page 1) heads as well as Fox's. Discussion of an RKO-Fox combo Is Intermit- tent with these Interests. The last talk happening only a week or so ago. ■ Neither combo Is an Immediate possibility. It is held downtown that the merger most likely to first go. through is of Fox and RKO. That's principally because Rocke- feller is a lar^e stockholder In RKO, as well as RCA. So far as the Warners go, they have been reported combining with nearly every one of the major com- panies, but so far It's been only talk. Limitations Altogether what makes the Rocke- feller family connection with show biz permanent may be indicated from the advices that have John D., 3rd, as heading the Rockefeller Investments In show biz. Discussing the position of the Rockefellers frankly. Industry states- men believe that obligations to so- ciety prohibit them from partici- pating too actively In show biz. As the head of Sabbath associa- tions and similar organizations the Rockefellers, it Is pointed out, would be forced to hesitate at barriers reg ularly circumvented by the business itself. As a slight Illustration, the Sunday opening Issbe might prove embarrassing were the Rockefellers to assume even an Indirect hand In participating on policy matters. Radio City The Radio City opening cemented the Rockefeller connection with the Industry and the two houses now at Rockefeller Centre may eventu- ally be entirely operated by and through the Rockefellers themselves with RKO assenting. Such nego- tiations would come from prom- inent downtown connections of RKO through association with Rockefel- ler relatives. Report has It already In the swing. Roxy (Rothafel) personally would head operation for them, in such an eventuality as when and If the Rockefellers finally decide to take a direct hand In Radio City operation, there are Indicati^/ns that Roxy will be the key man. It is believed that when Roxy himself Is fully recovered from his Illness, the parties to the Radio City project will go ahead on such a plan. So far as theatre showmen go, Roxy is head man with the Rocke fellers, from all accounts^ and will continue to 'be' under their aegis. Ottawa, Jan. 28. Coast-to-coast radio networks are again being organized In thei Do- minion, this time under auBpIdes of the Canadian Radio Commission which yf\n bear a percentage of the cost Cross-country hook-Ups here died out two years ago When com- mefclal enterprises began to feel the need for retrenching and, as a re- sult, the west has heard little from eastern Canada, for months. Commission will share a substan- tial proportion of the cost of the country wide broadcasts which will be the first under direct Federal ausplcles. Orchestras In Montreal and Toronto will be featured, . KEITH McLEOD LET OUT OF NBC, PRESTON SET Walter Preston has been assigned the spot on the NBC'program board made vacant by the departure of Keith McLeod, let out last week. Preiston Is best known In radio as a' tenor although he has done pro- gram building and published a fan mag, among other things. ikcLtiod'fl connection with the network dates back to Its organiza- tion In 1926 and previous to that he had been for three years on the WJZ payroll where he had started aa a plaito player. Warings AU Set With Old Gold, Benny Maybe Old Gold executives are still de- bating about the selection of Jack Benny as m. c. on the ciggle ac- count's half-hour show which Is due to start on CBS within the next two weeks. Voting was pretty much In Benny's favor up to the time he put on a second audition for the account last Wednesday (18). Consideration of Joe Cook, another candidate who also audi- tioned for the spot, had in the meantime been passed up. Fred Warlng's band Is definitely set for the program's musical back- ground, with the warblers yet to be picked. Navy-CBS Row Up Washington, Jan. 23. CBS scrat>-T7ith-Navy on again with Radio Commission setting case for hearing within next three months. After net had spent $100,000 on WJSV building, studios and trans- mitter here. Naval Research Labo- ratories at Bellvue, Md., squawked that station Interferred with its tests. Commission renewed license till May 1, with hearing on, protests In meantime. Bellvue Is mile away from WJSV which uses 10,000 watts on 1460 kc. 1 JR. ORIGINAL MUSICAL TRIED ON COAST San Francisco, Jan. 23. Shell Oil i* considering a bank- roll tor It inuBlcal comedy program over the Don Lee chain. To that end It listened to a public preview of a 60 minute broadcast which KFRC staged. No decision yet. Shell already sponsors Dobbsie's Happytime group, half hour dally a. m. period, and up until last month paid for Bb and Zeb, serial team. First musical comedy, 'Columbus Conies Across,' was produced by John Hasty with Stianley MacLewee writing script and Edward Harris, former accompanist for Lawrence Tlbbett, penning harmonies and batoning. Pete Morgan Is no ..>nger p.a'ing Paul Whiteman, George D. Lott- nian taking It over. Jack Lavin re- mains the personal rep. NOW AT ST. R EG I S ANSON WEEKS I AND HI8 ORCHESTRA N.B.C. NETWORK LUCKY STRIKE BRUNSWICK RECORDS I DlrecUoB UUSIC COBF. OF AMKRICA fLEONi BELASCO N.B.C. Wed. 9:30, E.S.T. Woodbury Hour C.B.S. Mon., Thurs. and Saturday MiOHTLT AMBASSADOR HOTEL, N. Y. Soto DIreotloa HKBMAN BKRNIK 161* Broadway, Now Toik A Man Can Reach the Zenith of Success Only If His Mind I* at Ease. Hit Loved Ones Should Ba Pro- vided For. InsurancB It the An- swer. M Ml INCORPORATKD -^-INSURANCE 1671 BROADWAY NEW - VORK - crrv Information Without Obligation to Radio Folk JACK DENNY AND ORCHESTRA WEAF WABC Waldorf-Astoria Hotel Victor Records Lucky Strike Dance Hour Whitman Chocolates WJZ 0 WOR Management M. C. A. A. KUZNETZOFF with "JOLLY RUSSIANS" from RUSSIAN KRETGHMA (Rest) 244 E. 14th St. TUESDAYS, 10:15 P.M. 60th Consecutive Week STATION WOR TOM KENNEDY "VORKO" SUITE 00, SIXTH FLOOH, BKO BUILUIN<i. UADIO CITY ITHE BACHELORS St Otoroa. States Idtad . RKD Proipoet RADIO RUBES Lmw'i, WaihlROtM THE BALLYHOOLIGANS RKO AlbH, Brotklyn