Variety (Jan 1933)

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Tuesdny, JTanuarj 31, 19^33 ■■■(CTHBES VARIETY 27 Quittner's Trial Stopped Court Stay with Receivership for Par—^Trial On for Eight Weeks After eight weeks' trial before Judge CafCey In the Federal district eourt ot New York, the Paramount receivership resulted In a stay of all Utigration, including Ed Quittner's antl-truflt suit against Par and all the major distributors. The Mid- dletown, N. ezhlb was just about to be called to the stand when the Btay order was signed. Quittner's complaint dwells on his monopoly of the exhibition situation In hla bozife town until Paramount catiie In and built an opposition theatre. Quittner's sop, Joe, was the last witness for the plaintiff when the stay writ came through. 2 More Coast . Stndios Co Dark Temporarily : ■ .. Hollywood, Jan. 80. I^nttbd Artists and Mack Sennett 0tii^6tf> will go dark for next few mo«it£s. Closing last Saturday (28), tJA will remain practically Inac- tive until May 16, with Edward Small's 1 Cover the Waterfront,' starting Feb. 9, only picture to be made on the lot in the ihterlm. Sennett will have completed by April 1 the remaining 10 shorts on Its program of 30 for Paramount, and wUI shut dojw for a month, with only the wrlUng staff staying on. Paramount's option for 36 more with Sennett comes up March 1. ■ At Universal, writers without contracts wete ksked to take 10 to 26%; salary cuts \t they wished to Btayi on the payroll diu-ing the shut- do wit, starting F6b. 11. Most of the scribes, who were' not iJtebted by U's general cut,three, weeks ago, have accepted. ^ Publicity staffs of' the Pickford, Faliibanks, ScheKok and Qoldwyn companies at IJA will w:6rk iuntll Feb. 4.^' other employees'jleTti^at- nrday. \ 6 From World Wide Move Into Fox Chi Exchange Chicago, Jan. 30. Closing of the Educational-World Wide exchange put 16 people out of work Saturday. But six employes of the defunct exchange reported today (Monday) at the Fox ex- change and were assigned oflSce space. Dave Dubln, Chicago, manager for Educational, will supervise his company's hiterests under the deal whereby the Fox sales force and the Fox shipping department will handle the other company's product. Not reported if Dubin's connection is permanent. Edna Enk, veteran cashier at Educational, Harold Wise, chief booker, Thelma Kunsky, Dubin's secretary, and two-film inspectors, Mrs. Schack and Mrs. Moreno stay on the Educational payroll. UNIONS GIVE MO $550 WKLY RELIEF fli CHI Bdbby Jones'^Arrivitig For 12 Golf Shorts Hollywood, Jan. 30. Bobby Jones arrived here Sunday (29) to begin his series of 12 golf shorts for Warners. O. B. Ki^eler, Atlanta sports writer and Jones' manager and press agent, came in last Wednesday. George Marshall is leaving Sen- nett studio, where he has been di- recting shorts, to again direct and help write the Jones pictures. First will start next week. For Sale WORLD'S LARGEST BABY PARADE AND CARNIVAL! A mtmlclpal attraction, Htased In Aasost, with a history of tweaty- tliTM BaBCAsstnl yean and 300,000 potential patvons. Tea thoDsand portable seata, alM a CoBTeatlon Hall with 4,000 s«ata and ample ballroom space. Adequate police protection and mn- nlelpal oa-opetatlon are owiared the succesafnl bidder. Bids wUI be reedved Tneaday, F»b- rnary M, lOSS. For further Informa- tion write C. A. HBU.. JB., CITT CXKBK CITT OF wnnwooD, N. J. Chicago, Jan. 30. BKO ha^ thus far obtained about 1560 weekljf reHbe'from the unions for the Palace and State-Ijake ther atres here. These savings are made up between two musicians ellml- nate4 from the PaJace orchestra, $126 per week off each ixoiise from the Janitors' Union, $10.60 .]Rer man from the electrical workers' (mar' qiiee maintenance) union /a,nd- one projectionist firoin the P&lace booth. Mort Singer contacted the unions for RKO. Wright Rephces Huriey HOl'ijr^ood, Jan. SO. - With Harold Bfurley resii^ed'^ as aide to Emanuei pohefir, " WllUam Wright gets the lob of supervisng: westerns at Parainotmt. Wji^ght, former jpAt^was assistant to Hurley. His first .picture will be 'Uhder the Tonto I^m.* Boleslavsky, Hdd at MG, Won't Meg *Black Beauty* Hollywood, Jan. SO. Despite all the negotiations and publicity hocus pocus, Richard Bole- slavsky won't direct 'Black Beauty* after alL Megger will be kept at Metro on lost' untU too late to work on the L R. Chadwlck film, which must be released in March. Picture starts next week with James Cowen, who just finished megging 'Oliver Twist' for Chad- wick, probably directing. 'Hock Shop' for Rogers Hollywood, Jan. 80. 'Hock Shop,' original by William Ulman and Charles Belden, has been purchased by Charles R Rogers. Yarn Is the first screen writing effort of the team, both fan mag scribes. ANOTHEB IIUMMT PIC Hollywood, Jan. 30. Phil Goldstone has bought 'Scndl, the Terrible,' a mummy mystery by Florence Ryerson, and is seeking to borrow KarloK from Universal to star. If failing to obtain the actor on loan, Goldstone wants to make the picture with Karloft for Universal release. Newest Alibi Hollywod, Jan. 80. Illness, story treatment, aet of God, cast selection and pu- merous bt^er Itoms have been responsible for a hold-up in production start. Now, however, comes a feather to throw a monkey wrench In the production schedule -t>f 'Warrior's Hus- band,' Lasky-Fox pic. When the cameras were ready to crank it was found that the plumes on the 17 Amaxons* Tro- jan hats made the latter top heavy so new mllUnery was ordered Immediately. Picture was delayed three days. Co-operative Co. Will Open Met, Providence, At 2Sc—3,400 Seats Providence, Jan. 30. Based on an employee co-opera- tive plan of operation, Conn-s Metropolitan theatre, recently closed in a $2,000,000 financial erasbi will reopen Saturday (4), under the guidance of Charles H. WAllams; local theatre man. The new enter- prise will go under the name of the Metropolitan Theatre, Inc. . ■ Employees of the theatre will op- erate and own the business. on . a co-operative basis. Willlainis an- nounced. Company has leasecl the 3i400-capaclty building 4rom^^hran<- gellstie Turgeon, who purchased the theatre at an auction sale a few weeks ago. Williams says he intends to play seven acts and pictures at the top price of 26c evenings. He says four shows dally will be staged. Williams baa been Ideqtlfled with local theatrical enterprises for years. Presently he is int«]|«sted,.itli the 'operation of the liaurier the- atre, Woonsocket. The Met. was open for two months dniy under Jacob Conn, who built the theatre. Financial diffl> cultles forced Conn into bank- ruptcy, and . the theatre was soldi at auction, .fo saitsfy claims.. Coba lost |2,0to,O(Mi; eveiy e^ni' j|n the', venture. At present Conn is in Hollywood with a son. Opeinlng of the Met at this time 1^ expected tb throw the' theatrical situation heiN» ont pf gear,, Bx- bibltbrs are united in the belief that Providence is way over-seated now. • Stodio Phcements Bpoked for the Opening Week of THE ORIGINAL ROXY'S New Policy-^ THE THREE GOBS (SONNY—EDDIE ami EDDIE) This Week (Jan. 27) ROXY THEATRE, New York Thanks to MR. MARCO, MR. HARRY SINGER and MR. HARRY ARTHUR DireotloB MAT KAIiOHBIlI—WH. HOKMS OFFICH Aim Hovey, "Private Detective,' WB. Teddy Hart, In the Red.' Radio. . Gary Orant, John Halliday, ^ead Reckoning,' Par. Paul Panzer, Henry Kolker, Er- nest Wood. "Bedtime Story,' Par. Jackie Searle, lAdy's Profession,' Par. Dorothy Jordan. "House of Ref- uge,' Fox. Virginia Kami. "Rivets,' Metro. May Robson, Frank Morgan, Bodil Rosing, "Reunion in Vienna,' Metro. Fredrlk Vodeglng, Esther How- ard, Paul PJige, 'Beneath the Seas,' Col. Al Ray, to direct "Shriek in the Night,' Allied. Muriel Kirkland. 'Rivets,' Metro. Lou Helfltz and Neil Brant to adapt their original. 'The Great Greta' for Scbnltzer. Dudley Digges, 'Reform School.' Warners, . Barlett Cormack, scripting 'Black and White,' Par. John Halliday, "Dead Reckoning,' Par. Marcelle Corday, "Men on the Nile,' Metro. Reginald Bcu-Iq, Hlvets.' Metro. Sarah Padden. "White Sister,' Metro. Jamil Hasson, technical director, 'Man on the NUe,' Metro. Una O'Connor, "My Lips Betray,' Fox. Arthur Kober, new treatment on "House of Refuge,' Fox. Arthur Hoyt. "Pleasure Cruise,' Fox. Next for Irene Dunne at Radio Is 'No Greater Love,* an original by William Rankin. Robert Barrat. Marjorle Oateson, 'Lily Turner," WB. Dudley Digges,' "Narrow Comers,' WB. Gay Usher. "Rivets.* Metro. Donald Stuart, who directed 'Grand Oulgnol' plays, taken by Paramount for "Dead Reckoning* cast. Merle Tottenham. "House of Ref- uge^' Pox. Ralph Torhm, Theodore Von Bits, 'Pleasure Cmlse,' Fos. RKO May Operate Only East PoMibly CiUttinfir Out 98 Houses—^Leaving 78 Active iii New York State Crosby Pic Gets Started Before He Reaches Coast Hollywood, Jan. SO. With Blhg Crosby promised to Paramount by Chesterfield dgarets on or about March 6, production on 'Colleece Humor* will start Feb. 20. Company will work around the crooner for two weeks before he ar- rives here. Studio decided on the advance production due to Wesley Ruggles being assigned to the next Mae West picture, which will start immediately following 'College Humor.* Burns aiid Allen, Jack Oakle and Richard Arlen will appear In the sequences previous to Crosby's ar- rivaL 2 DETROIT HOUSES SOLD TO EMPLOYE t)etrott, Jan. 30. Publlx Michigan theatres has sold its' lease of the Alhambra, nabe house, to a corporation of which Barney Kilbride is the head. Kilbride is former comptroller of the Publlx Michigan theatres and of Kunsky.-Trendle theatres before that outfit was sold to Publlx. This makes the second house Kil- bride has bought recently the-other dnei being ihb Strand. Kilbride Is also bookkeeper of the Kunsky Tremble Broadcasting Co. Symoii Gould Bankrupt Symon' Gould, dblng special ex- ploitation for the Fox Embassy, New York, has declared himself bank- rupt. Schedule filed in New Tork lists;'his. liabilities as $4,769 and as- sets (9,124. ;C5(tuld:'icIalims: |d>000 .due^ hiih' ' 'An debts outatan,ding., as assets. 15 —i:—i-j , Eisenstein's Dlcitribution Sol Lesser, head of Principal Pic- tures, Is in New Tork arranging distribution of the Sergei Eisen- stein picture which Prin has taken over. By petitioning tlie Orpbeum Cir- cuit, the Pantages and the Inter- state houses into bankruptsy, RKO has served . virtual notice on the trade that it will confine its theatre operating activities to the east. That east may not Include New Jersey, New England nor the middle-west nor Detroit. It may be limited to New Tork, and altogether around 78 theatres of which eight are present- ly closed. While Orpheum, Pantages and In- terstate can be let out through their respective receiverships, the re- mainder can be removed In the same manner, it Is stated, through the receivership of RKO, parent com- pany, over all. It had to be done and frankly stated by their headmen who could see no other way of ob- taining adjustments In overhead and fixed charges. Eliminating New England, the the middle-west and New Jersey would chuck out 40 additional houses to those 68 already endanger- ed through the three subslds peti- tioned Into bankrubtcy. , Altogether their RKO would rid itself of around 98 theatres. The 78 remaining would form a com- pact circuit In and around New York City, Including certain up- state spots. Nothing on any of this Is positive. Gov't and Test POot' Hollywood, Jan. 30. Major Corliss Moseley, technical director for Metro's "Test Pilot,' is In Washington seeking^ government co-bper&tlbn' on the production of the picture. Muriel Evans gets the femme lead in the feature. Clark Gable has the top spot. J^S Sues Dillon for $1,850 Los Angeles, Jan. 30. Suit for unpaid commissions totaling $1,860 was filed In Munici- pal court by Frank Joyce-Myron Selznick, Ltd., against John Francis Dillon. Sum was for 16 weeks' work at Fox at the rate of |1,250 weekly. Paramount Publix Corporation STOCKHOLDERS PROTECTIVE COMMITTEE To the HoUen of the Conunon Stock of Paramount Publix Corporation: By order of the United States District Court for the Southern District of New York, entered on January 26, 1933, Messrs. Charles D. Hilles and Adolph Zukor have been appointed Tem- porary Receivers of Paramount Publix Corporation. It accordingly becomes advisable that holders of Common Stock of Paramount Publix Corporation should unite for their protection. To that end the undersigned Committee has been organized to represent the interests of the stockholders, and the stockholders are urged to cooperate with the Committee by de- positing their shares with the Depositary named below. Copies of the Deposit Agreement under which deposits will be received may presently be obtained upon request made either to the Depositary or to the Secretary of the Committee. Certificates representing shares of the Common Stock of Paramount Publix Corporation should be deposited with the Corporate Trust Department of The Commercial National Bank and Trust Company of New York, 56 Wall Street, New York, as Depositary. All such Certificates must be properly endorsed in blank for transfer or accompanied by proper instruments of transfer in blank with all signatures guaranteed by a bank or trust company having a correspondent in New York City or by a New York Stpck Exchange firm- Transferable certificates of ■ deposit will be issuied in respect of stock so deposited. Appli- cation will be made in due course to the New York Stock Exchange for the listing of such certificates of deposit thereon. DUNCAN A. HOLMES, CUi New York COOK, NATHAN & LEHMAN Ca«a*el RICHARD W. MATTHEWS, 20 PiM Street, New York Secretary BARNEY BAUBAN, CbiHgo Balaban & Katz Corporation JOHN P. BICKELL, Toroale Hclatjr* Pompiso Hiaea Lt'4. RULOFF E. CUTTEN E. F. HaHoa & C«. MAURICE NEWTON Hallfartea & Co. Committee Depositary THE COMMERCIAL NATIONAL BANK AND TRUST COMPANY OF NEW YORK 56 Wall Street, New York January 30,1933