Variety (Jan 1933)

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Toesday, Janntty 31, 1933 LESQUE VARIETT 61 Those Collegians! jlTale Studes in Chin Spinach Give New Haven Burley a Bum Welcome New Haven, Jan. SO. They brought l>urley Into the staid :and dignified old Shubert this'week. Next week probably the Salvation j^xmy lassies will be doing numbers cn the Central Oreen. That loud noise on College Street Monday night (23) was a combina- tion of the Tale students rocking the orchestra chairs, plus the ghosts of Belasco, Zlegfeld, Hammersteln and others rattling the rafters. The studes seamed to be protesting just on general principles, but with the ghosts it looked like a definite lamentation on the passing of one more old-time standby. New .policy got ofF to a bad start through no fault of Its own, but because a couple hundred students decided they were going to put on a bigger and better show in the audience than the performers did on the stage. The fun began when a < half dozen of the boys appeared In an upper box arrayed in various colored beards. The combo of the trick spinach, preventing the enter- tainers from working on stage. The false faces were probably the studes' Idea of a tie-up with the whiskered gags that Altered across the foots through the hullabaloo now and then. He'll Pay The ace laugh of the evening came not from the stage, but from the back of the house. Business on atage called for a comic to say Xet ne pay that check or I'll bust you -In the nose.* A stude piped 'I'll pay the oheck if you let me bust him.' Which gives a rough idea of the local reception that burley got. It Anally took 22 cops to calm things, the show was cut about a half hour and a wonderful time was had by •11—except the management. It was a tough break for those who sank their dough In this deal as. the sendoff didn't do the rest of the week's business any good. But this is a tough village for burley anyhow. The censors won't let them open up, the etudes rough house them at every opportunity and on top- of that a $1.10 top is a"lot of money lii a town where the de- pression is more than Just some- thing to read about. As far as the show itself is con- cerned, it's probably the highest class burley that ever played this city. And that's the'trouble. The lid was clamped on the dirt, elim- inating that attraction, and the ar- tistic angle was over the heads of the clientele. Cuts in over the dialog, orders to wear pants and brassieres at all times plus a taboo on strips and teasers left practically nothing to appeal to a burley Aend's appetite. Balance was tame stuff. New policy Is supposed to be set for six weeks but if town officials don't loosen up its a question If shows will reach that date. May possibly draw, however, as the only stage fare in town. DOROTHEA ANTEL t26 W. TSd St., New Tork Ctty My New ARSortment of OREBTING CARDS la Now Ready. 21 BeaoUfui CARDS and FOLDERS, Boxed, Post- paid, for One Dollar M. BOOKLCT ON HOW •TO AAAKB UP • S TEIN C MAKE UPtJ RKO STATE-LAKE CHICAGO "THE DEATH HSS" With CELA (Dracula) LUGOSI Bouncing LiQut. .Goy. Seattle. Jan. 80. The other night there was a little trouble at the Trianon dance emporium where XJeut. Gov. Vio Meyers Is known as Band Leader Vic Meyers, A fellow, rather heavily sat- urated with what it takes, was full of Aght and the regular bouncer was having his troubles. So along came the lieutenant governor, rather husky and healthy himself, and bodily picked up the disturber, threw him over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes, and carried him outside. The lined up patrons gave their 'gov' a cheer. B. and O. Routes (Continued from page 66) Octavet Qfc., U DnflleM Bt, Brooklyn. M. T. O'Hare, HUBk. La Balle H.. Chicago. OrHMTB. Trave. I^cClalr B., IfoUne, la Olaen, George, NBC, N. T. C. OUen. Ouy. Eaclaa And.. SeatUa. Wash. Olaen, Ole. . Commodore C. Vanconver, B. C. Oppentaelm, W., BenJ. Franklin B., Pblla. Original Georgta a DancelanO, Jamaica, I* 1. - Original Tellew Jacket*, Bumaerfand Beach, Buckeye Lake, O. Orlando, Nlok, Plaaa B., N. T. O. Oabome, 'Will, c/o Variety, N. T. dVena, Barry, Grand B., Santa Monica, CaL Paige, Ray, BUUon KBJ, I.. A. Paleraan, Dan. Black 'Cat R., N. T. C ' Palmqnlat, Krala, Btagle B. R., Mitwankee. ParialaB Red Beada, ta W. North Bt.. Indlaaapolla. Parker, Dad. SSO Bart Bt., B'klya. If. T. Pametl, Chaa.. Hartford B'. R., San Ber- nardino, CaL Paao. George C. RoaeTiUe. O. Paateniackl. Bteve, I^lgl'* R., Detroit. Pearl, Moray, an Bnnttng Ave., Beaton. Peck, Jack. Ml Keeaaa Bldg., Plttabnrgb. Peerlaaa Orcb.. MonsMnth Bt, Newport, Ky. PendarMa, Paul, Jonathan C, 1.. PemI, Dob. Baenger T.. New Orteaaa, La. Peny. Firaak, FUgler B^ lUlabarg, N. T. . Peteraoa. . Aft. Troat-dale-lB-ttte-Plaaa. Blrercreen, Cola Pettla, Jack, Wm. Pens B., PltUbnrgb. Peyton, Doe, New Kenmore B., Albany, N. T. PeUraoB. B.. Ttreli T.. Mleblgaa OHy. lad. Pfelffer'a Orcb., IMa Palmetto Ave.. Ta- ledo. Phllbrick'a Orcb., Toanker'a Dept. Btoie, Dea Holnea, la. Phillipa, Phil., Club Bagdad, DaJlaa. Picclno. A., 8<0 N. Mb St., Reading, Pa. Pierce, Chaa., Midway Gardena, Cedar Lake, Ind. Pipp'a Orcb., Bulllvaa'a, Bdmonton, Ow. Pontrelll, Pete, Palace B. R., Ocean Park. Cal Potter, JenT, LImebouae C, Cbleago. Powell, Walter a Rudy Bandy, care Leddy A Smith, 220 W. 47tta St.. N. T. C. Prado, Fred, American Houaa, Boatoa. Prior, Will, KFAC, U A. Pullaa. R. B., ISdB Bellera St., Fianhford, Pblla. Ralaton, Jack, Station WOL, Wlaablngtea, D. C. Radin. Oacar. U-G-U Studio, Culrer City, Cal. Radriguea, Joa., KFI, L. A. Rapee, Brno, Radio City Music Ball, .N. T. C. Rasrauaaan, F.. 148 Grabam Ato., Coaaell □luffa, la Ray, AlvlDO, NBC, S. F. Read, Kemp. U9 Aahley Blvd., New Bed- :<ird, Maaa. Redman. Don, 700 7th Ave., N.T.C. Reese, Gardner, 1610 Broadway, N. T. IlcUman, Leo. ISO W. D7th St.. N. T. O. Relyea, Al 'Buddy,' New Harmony H., Cohoes, N. T. Rendleinan, Dunk, Del Monte, Birming- ham, Ala. Reno. Frank, Blltniore H., Santa Bar- bam, Cal. Reynolds, Lou, 000 Central Ave., Ala- medn, Cal. INSTITUTION INTERNATIONALS Shoes for the S^^g^ Street ^ o^iO WFOLK'S SHOESHOP — 1552 BROADWAYyy RIccl. Aldo, RlU-CarltOB B.. N. T. C Rich, Fred, CBS, N. T. C. Rlcharda, Bamty, Uptown Village, Cbl. Rlckltta, J. C, Xoaolnako, Mian RInea, Joa.. IBlka B., Boaton. Rlttanbaud, J., U. ArtlaU T., Detroit. RUzo, Vincent. Sylvania H., Pblla. Roanea' Ponn, Commodore B., Lowell, Masa. Robbins, Saromy^ McAlpIn B. N. T. Roberta, Mllea, 8 Sheldon St.. ProT., R. I. Robinson, Johnny, Showboat, Seaalde, Ore. Robinson, Johnny, Olympic fl., Seattle. Roky, Leon, Byracnae B., Sytaonae. Rolfe, B. A.. Ill W. B7tb St.. N. T. C RomanelU. I.. King Bdi^ard B., Toronto. Roae. Irv., JeSeiaon B.,,St. Lb Barry Rosenthal. 1690 Broadway, N. T. C. Roiaroan, Harold, Bagdad C. Miami. Rothschild, Leo, 800 W. 14th St., N.T.C. Rubl, Wamey. Michigan Tech.. Hough, ton. Mich. Ruasell, B., King Cotton H., Oraenaboro. 8 Samplatro, Joe. KOIN, Portland, Oie. Sanders. Joe. MCA, Chi, Sans, P.. aiB RIdgewood Ave., B'klya. Schara. C F., «2« B'wny, Buffalo, N. T. Scblll. J.. Aroadia B. R.. N. T. C. Schubert. Dd.. 84 Arthur St., Lawrence. Maaa. Scbumlakl. Joe, Station WCFL, Chicago. ScbwarU. U. J., 81* Conrt St., Fremont. OblOu Scoggin, Ctalo, Pla-Mor B. R., Kanaaa City, Mo. Scott. L. W., too Dllbert Ave., Bprlng- field, O. Scott, Frank, 384 Prealdent St., Bkiyn., N. T. Cal. ScotU, Bill. Pierre H.. N. T. C. Beldcnman, BM. Mi^yflower B.. Waab. Beiger, Rudy. Fairmont B., 8. F. flelvlD, Ben. «/o C«>L Recording. SS *\\ Ave. Betoro, A., Paramount Studio, Holly. Severt, Glno, KBJ, U A. Sheffcrp, H. C, Wllbor'a Taunton, Maaa. Shepard, CSiaa,, KFI, L. A. Sheridan, Pbll. Moaaala. Mont. Shirman, Maurle, College Inn C, Cbl. Sldell, Cnrtla, Bollywood A. C, Bolly- wood. Sleff, Solly, Palace B., B. F. Silverman. D.. Mlaaoarl T,. St. Lonla. Slmmonda, Arlle. Playland Park. South Bend, Ind. SImona, Seymour. 1004 B'way, Detroit. Slaaon, Fred, Lotna R., Waablngton, D. C. Smith. Beaaley, Roaemont B., B'klya. Smelln, B., IM W. Buebtel Ave,, Akron. Ohio. Borey. Vincent. CBS, 4SS Madlaen Ave.. N. T. a Soanlck, Barry. MCA, Cbl. Bpector. Irving, WOKO. Albany, N. T. SplUlny, Phil. N. B. C. N. T. C Spor, Paul. Paxtm Hotel. OnuUia, Neb, Springer, Leon. 184 Livingston St., Bklyn St. Clair Jeetere, Prince Edward B„ WIndaor, Canada, St, George, Geo., 2100 Belmont Ave.. N.T. St Lonla KInga, 182S P. SBtb St., B'klya. Stafford,'B., 911 Soinner Bt., Lincoln, Neb. SUfford, Jeaae, c/o Variety, Bollywood. Btanflll, John, 820 Broadway, Ban An- tonio, Tex. Starr. Benry, Cotton C, Caiver City. Cal, Btalner, Max, Radio Studio, Bollywood. Stead, By, Button WHBC, Detroit Stem, Barold, St Morlts, N. T. Stevena, Perley, 9B8 Bontlngton Ave.. Boaton. Stoll, Gee,. Pafamount T.. Loa AngelM. Stone, Marty. Radlaaon H.. MInneapelU Story, Geo., WonB** C, London, Ont Straub. Berb, Buffalo Broadeaatlng Corp., Buffalo. Btrlaaoff, VanderbUt H., N. T. a Sweet Al. 38 Qolnoy Bt, Chicago. T Taylor, Art, NamiMket Taetat O.. Nan- tucket, Maaa. Telller, Ray, Falrmotmt B., B. F. Teppa% J. J.. 8S8 Glenwood Ave., Buffalo. Tcaven. Roy. Regent T.. Grand Raplda Ulcb. Tbomaa, Howard, e-o M. C. A.,, OS W. Randolph, Chicago. Thompaon'a 'Vlrglnlana,' Venter T.. At- lantic City, N. J. Thorpe, Sunny Fan Tan R.. 34^ Oala St., N. B., Pblladelpbla. TIemey Five. RItteabouae B., Pblla. Viloff, Andre, Surf C, Miami Beach, Fla. Tobias, Henry, WMCA, N. T. Tobler, Ben, Roaemont B., Bklyn. Tolland, Ray, Detroit Leiand B., Detroit. Trartler. Loo. Oaaino B. R., Ocean Park, Cal. Tremalne, Paul, Roseland BR., N. T, C. Treastor, Bob, Bleckbawk, Chi. Trevor, Frank, KOIN. Portland, Ore. Trlnl, Anthony. Roeeland BR.. N. T. C. Tucker, Tommy, Hollywood R., N. T. C. Turcotte, Geo.. M Orange St. Mancheater N. H. Turnham, Edith, Royale C. L. A. u Ullrich. Frank, Roney Plaaa H., Miami. V Valentz, Vol., LAkealde Caaino, Denver, Valentine, Jada, Statler B.. Boeton. Vallee, Rudy, 111 W. 67th St., N. Tj C. Van Cleef, Jimmy, 41 Pateraon St., Naw Druniwlck, N. J. Van Steeden, Peter, Towera H., Brook- lyn. N. T. Vllo, King, Rose Room D. H., L. A. VoRe). Ralph. 3302 Coral St., Fhlla- Voorheee. Don. WEAP. N. T, C. w Warlng'a Penna, o-o J, O'Connor. Ham- mersteln T. Dldg., N. T. C. Walters, Lou, 1007 104tb Ave., Oakland. Walker. Ray, 201 St, Jamee PI.. Brook- lyn, N. T, New Try by Herk to Salvage Wheel Burlesque with 5-Wk. Show Circuit Another Mad On Chapter 134, series 12 of 'Love In the Burlesque Biz': Izzy Herk and the Mlnskys are mad again, and at each other, as usual. TRIO AFTER HOUSES Shaw, Burns and Leavitt Take Na- tional on Lower East Side Solly Shaw, Charley Burns and Joe Leavitt, new combination for stock burlesque operation, ^ have taken over the National on Hous- ton street, New York. It will open in about two weeks. Same trio has started negotia- tions for the Sam Harris on , 42d street. If they get it there will be three burleycues in the one block, with the Republic and Eltinge now operating. The east side National is down- stairs from the old National Winter Garden. Burlesque Placements Chicago, Jan. 30. Milt Schuster made the following burlesque placements: "Willie Gordon, Kitty Axton, Mau- rice Llnal, Star. Cincinnati; Nat Mercy, Kaye Elton, Donna Faye, Colonial, Indianapolis; Bob Sand- berg, Jerry McCawley, Marlon Mor- gan, Joe Yule, Gayety, ■Washington; Frltzle Bay, Karl Bowers, Garrlck, St Louis; Beulah Hayes, Jackie Marshall, Vic Plant, Chick Hunter, DeVeaux and Darling, Maxine De- Shon, Star and Garter, Chicago; Sammy "Weston, Frank O'Nell. Des- demona, Jessie Rece, Gayety, Mil- waukee; Charby Bonneau, Bltz Bourkette, Empress, Cincinnati. Irons Quits Chicago Chicago, Jan. 30. "Warren Irons will transfer his managerial efforts to the Star, Cin- cinnati. During the present season Irons has had stock burlesque com- panies at the Garrlck and Haymar- ket. Chicago. Latter has just gone straight picture under Florence Pal- ey's management. Star, Clncy, has only 400 seats. Irons will open there Feb. 8. T-TCA-nTCTt. SUES EHPSESS Cincinnati. Jan. 30. Teddy Menge, orchestra leader, has filed a breach of contract suit against Meyer Lantz, manager of the Empress, for $1B,83B damages. Menge claims he contracted with Lantz Sept. 24, 1931, to furnish seven musicians for the theatre for two seasons, and avers that Lantz repudiated the contract Sept. 1. 1932, and employed other musicians. Empress Is operating non-union this season for the first time. Way, Panl. IVwsy'a Rooet, Southgate, CaL Wayne. Hal, New Torker C„ Bollywood. Weber, Thoa.. Breakfoat C, L. A. Weeka. Anaon, St. Keels H., N. T. C. Weema, Ted, Pennsylvania Hotel, N. T. Weidner, Art, 44 Wawona St., 8. r. Welch. Roy, Pulton-Royal. B'klyn. Warner. Ed.. Ulchlcan T.. Detroit. Wesley. Joa.. SIT 12th Ave.. Milwaukee. West, Ray, Pacific Coast C, Ix>ng Beach, Cal. Wetter, Joa.. flIT Adama Ave., Bcraatoa. Pa. Whldden, Ed, 120 Dlkcman St., Brooklyn. Whedden, Jay, MIramar H., Santa, Moni- ca, Cal. Whiteman, Paul, Blltmore B., N. T, C. Whttyre, Everett, New Hartford, N. T. Williamson, Tad.. (Me of Palma H., Charleston, S. C. Wilaon, Billy, Du Pont H., Wilmington. Wilson, Clare, Madison Gardena, Toledo. Wilson, Meredith, NBC, S. P. WInehrenner. W. 8., 287 Praderiek St., Hanover, Pa. WIttenbroch, Al., 1808 T St, Sacramento, Cal. Wlttateln, Eddie, New Baven, Wolf, Leo, Vanity Fair C, Chicago. Wolfe, Rube, o-o Fancbon A Marco. Hollywood. Woloban, Johnny, Bl Patle B. R., S. F. Wray, Robby, KFOX, Long Beacb. Cal. Wright. Joe, 410 Hllla Bldg., 8. F. Wandarllcb, P., 19ST B. IMh St., Bklyn. Wylla, Alliater, Coronado fl.. Bt. L. Y Taw Ralph, KERN, Bahersfleld, Cal. Young, Marty. 4300 Pershing Dr., El Paso. z Zlller. Les, Virginia n. R.. Long Reach. Zooper'a Arabian KnlghU, Kaego Harbor. Case LAfet, HIcb. Izzy Herk's new idea to kefp the Empire wheel breathing is a flvc- week circuit of as many theatres, with a new show produced at the starting point every week. Op- erating expenses are being cut by elimination of the $100-a-week traveling stage hand and some economizing on the shipping of cos- tumes and scenery. At the same time the remaining wheel houses are following the trend of the rest of show business by slicing the admish. The Ray- monds started it last week at the Star, Brooklyn, cutting from $1 to 65c, with a new low of 40c in the afternoon. The Star becomes the starting point for shows under the new Empire arrangement. Remaining dates at present, and in that order, are the Trocadero, Phllly; Empire, Newark; Irving Place, New York, and the Howard, Boston, when the latter's 30-day censorship closing is up on Feb. 28. Gaiety, "Washington, now- in stock, will be worked in if trans- portation can be arranged, Fred Clark is the Empire office producer of the new shows, which will be assembled at the Star. The Star's last week's show will go out over the time as the traU blazer. Principals are Eddie Lloyd, George Murray, Steve Mills, Joe Lyons, Fer- ber and Marvin, Herb Leonard, Three Cardova Sisters ^and Lillian Dixon. Star's current troupe and the No. 2 road show comprises Jean Bedlnl, Harry Evanson, Harry Pearce, Harry Levlne, Herbert Barrls, Bubbles Yvonne, Hiss Col- lette, Karlova, Art "White, Nellie Cassan, Patsy Johnson and Billle Holmes. 30 Stage People Uniform casts of 18 chorus girls and 12 principals will apply to all shows. This is an increase In peo- ple over the former wheel shows, and allowed by the saving on the traveling deck hands, transportation and scenery. The bus travel to which the wheel resorted eazjy this season for econ- omy has been discarded, with the players to ride- the trains again through the ofllce taking advantage of the new week-end excursion rates. Costumes and scenery will be shipped direct to the theatres weekly from wherever purchased or rented In New York. This saves the hauling charges on road Jumps from station to theatre, etc. Salaries remain about the same, with the house guarantees as Indef as ever. "With the traveling stage hands out, burlesque loses Its real stars Insofar as sal&rles are concerned. "With few exceptions, the union members' $100 has been the top In- dividual salary on any burlesque show pay roll this season. At the start of the season the Empire shows were required to carry two men at that figure, it the wheel succeed in cutting the union de- mands to one man before eliminat- ing the scene shifting primas alto- gether. Caved In The regular Empire wheel, which started in September ^Ith 15 shows and 14 weeks of pi- "ng time, Just about caved in when the old How- ard was ordered clor-d and the Modem, Providence, went stock last week. But three houses were left, Brooklyn, Phllly and Newark, The Irving Place, New York, Herk-op- erated, has been in stock all season, but win be tacked on the new wheel Feb. 13 to fill out the five weeks. Providence, Jan. 20. Cast of the Empire wheel's 'Round the Town' company was engaged by the Modern to start off the new stock policy which starts this week in place of vaude-fllms-burlesque (Empire) combination policy. The show found itself without a place to land when the old Howard, Boston, folded and the wheel almost went along with it. At the same time the Modern Is cutting its scale 50%. 'Round the Town* principals are Hay Freyer, Clyde Bates, Eoots Rush, Lew Petel and Wanlta Ca- sino, all ptaying over In stock. Empire Wheel Week January 30 Moulin Houce —Empire, Newark. ."-Vramblcd I^gs—Trocodero, Phllailel- l,hla. Tempters—Star, Brooklyn.