Variety (March 1933)

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40 VARIETY Tuesday, March 14, 1933 Variety Oills NEXT WEEK (March 18) THIS WEEK (March 11) Numerals In connection with bills below ind.cate opening oay •# ■how. whether full or split week Picture Theatres NEW YORK crrv Mnsic HaU <16) Eugene Von Qrona Patricia Bowman (Three to flll) (9) Margaret Sande Ebsena Viola Pbllo Natalie Bodanaky Patricia Bowman Academy Ist half (18-21) Vaughn De Leath (Four to flll) 2d half (16-17)- N T Q"8 Rev Jack Pepper BROOKLYN AlbM (18) Berry Bros (Four to flll) (11) Karre Noyea & Le Vanderbllt Boys Kitty Doner Jack McLnllen Maurice Colleano Torke & Conroy Ruth Roye Fred Ardath Co R'm'nce In Rhythm HOUSTON Keith's (11) Alexander Gray Bernlce Claire LYNBROOK Keith's (18 on!)) 3 Stubble Fields Jerome & Ryan Wally Sharpies Co Don Santos Fox & Barnes NEWARK Pnlace (IT) Ben Dova V & B Ebsen Harry J Conley Co Ross & Edwards Vanesal (10) James Evans Co Brltt Wood Frances Langford Stuart & Lash Harry Crosley Rev At the Loew's State, New York City NOW HARRY SAVOY Placed by LEDDY & SMITH ProBpeot 1st; half (11-14) Dance Flashes Murray Wood Ray Shannon Cb Sylvia Clark Arthur Petley Co 2d half (16-17) Kay & Lenny Ra^lo Devils Bllly House Co B & B Newell 8 Decardos . ALBANY Palace Ist half (18-21) Billy Olbson Rev (Four to flll) 2d half (22-24) Buster Shaver Co (Four to flll) 2d half (16-17) Case Bros & Marie Nash & Fately Lionel 'Mike' Ames Johnny. Perkins Eddy Buiton Orch BOSTON Keith's (18) Whoopee- Rev (11) _ Bnoozer Jr Porsythe S'm'n & P Vera. Schwarz Torke & Klngr TacooITr , BUFFALO ." Keith's (18) 12 ArlstocralB Slim TImblln Dave Apollon Co cnicAoo Palace (18) DeWlf M'tc'lf & P Walter Walters Tony Wons Block & Sully Nick Lucas Bob Hope Bob Hope'a Antics (11) Con Colleano Al Verdi Co Evelyn Brent Co Jay C Fllppen Harriet Hoctor Co CINCINNATI Albee (18) Gilbert Bros Murray T.nno Co Evelyn Brent Co Roscoe Arbuokle Betty Jnne Cooper (11) Larimer & Hudson P & J Hubert Leavitt ft LQrkw'd Russ Columhn Or DETROIT Downtown (18) S Blue Streaks Lpavitt & T/Ockw'd Alice Joy Co Jay C Fllnpcn Jack Randall Co (11) DnWlf M'tcMf & F Klrby & Duval Bustpr Rhnver Co Joe Mnrka Co Bnrnev Ranp Cn GR.\^Ji RAPIDS Keith's let hnlf (18-^1) Buster Shaver Bayes & Speck Iicw Pollork Co (Two to flll) let hnlf (11-14) S Blue Streaks Walter Walters Lester Cole Co Garner Wolf & H Stone Gibbons HEMPSTEAD RIvoll Ist liJilf (18-21) RuBs'nn Art Clrcup 4 FrnnK-PnberiTB iBt half (11-14) Eno Tr NEW ORLEANS State (18) Swing & Swinger 3 Rio Bros Lewis & Ames 1^0 Carrlllo Dctoregoes (11) LIbonati 3 Al Abbott Irene Rich Co Vic Oliver June Purlana OMAHA Keith's 1st half (11-14) Gilbert Bros 3 Rio Bros Alice Joy Co Roscoe Arbuokle Hudson Wonders PATERSON Kelth'8 Ut Half (18-21) Case Bros & Marie Joe Browning (Three to flll) 2d half (22-24) Arnaut Bros Bert Gordon 2d half (16-17) e Buccaneers Ray Sc Harrison Gus Edwards Rev PARK LANE Keith's (12 only) Rii;slan Art. Circus Morgan & Clifford George Nlblo Co Paye Diamond & 8 Palm & Day Rev PROVIDENCE Keith's (18) Marcus Show (12) 3 White Flashes Hunter & Perclval Aarons'n Fayre & L Mel Klce GamberelU ROCHESTER Keith's (18) Olsen & Johnson SAN ANTONIO Keith's (18) Alexander Gray Bernlce Claire TORONTO nippo<]rome (11) Togo & Chlyo Lee Port & Dotty Arnaut Broa Ann Seymour Ingenues TRENTON Capitol 1st half (11-14) 3 Emeralds - Welsh & Hill B & B Newell Billy Ji'lttB Rev 2d half (15-17) 3 Lord ens Mel IClee Rosa & Bnnnett ' Hlokov Bros David Bines Ballet TKOY Keith's let hnlf 08-21) Rnillo Ramblers Ray & HarrlBon Geo McKay Co (Two to flll) 2d half f22-24) Flo Lewis Co (Three to nil) 2d half (15-17) T & B Waters Bernard & Henri M & A Skelly Dftve Vine Blllv GIliRon Co WF^STWOOD Keith's (11 only) Russian Art OlrruH Morgan & CllfTord Wnlly Sharpies Co Fnye DlBmond ^ Palm & Day Rov Ruth Raye Art Landry Orch Paradise (17) 6 Arleys Bllly Hallen Barry & Whitledge Milton Berle B Wells & 4 F State (17) Rector & Doreen Helen Lynd Harry Seamon Co Jack Powell Al Trahan Lee Gall Rev BROOKLYN Gates Ave. 1st half (17-20) Valfy, Paatlne & K Gautler's Hot Dogs Giant Crooner Dan Santos & B Art liandry Orch 2d haU (21-23) .T & I St Onge Lily Lido Co Foster & Batle Hal Sherman Melotone Rev Metropolitan (11) Ruiz & Bonlta Sid Gary Harry Burns Co Jans & Whalen Valencia (17) Audrey Wyckoft. Harriet Hutchlns A & M Havel rainiT Crosby Mlchon Bros BLIZABETH RIts 1st half (17-20) Al Verdi & Thelma (Pour to flll) 1st half (10-13) Lang Bros. Lemau & Stratford Fuller Rawson & Ji Sid Marlon Co Edwards Rev 2d half (14-16) Swan Lucille & C Helen Lynd Jack' Powell Penner & Farnum Honey Pam PinLADELPHIA Earle (11) Johnny Marvin Loew BALTIMORE Century (11) 3 Cossacks Trado 2 Ann Oreenway Jack Pearl Bernlce A Emily CLEVELAND State (11) Ted Lewis COLUMBUS Ohio (11) Show Boat JERSEY CITY Ix>ew'8 (11) 3 Viator Girls Wm Hall Joe Morris Co Bill Robinson Walter Powell Bd MONTREAL IXMW (11) Sue Hastings Co Pettet & Douglas Carr Bros & B Brltt Wood Chas Poy Co NEWARK State (17) Oretonas Raymond Baird Radio Rogues Me.dley & Dupree Parker & Sandlno NEW ORLEANS Ambassador (11) La Sdile & M Mlaa Patrlcola Davis & Darnel! Russ Brown Bert Nat;le Co WASHINGTON Fox (11) Follow Thru, WARNER Carl Freed Co (10) Downey & Lee Radio Rogues Ruth Ford Ruiz. & Bonlta Jack Pearl CIIR 'Sharlle' Hall WASHINGTON Earle (11) Plcard & Seal Annie Judy & Zeke Long Tack Saia Ray Bolger (10) 3 Victor Glrla Violet Carlson Ben Bernte Orch Fanchon & Marco NEW YORK CITY Roxy (17) Irene Taylor Jack Fulton BROOKLYN Fox (11) Wealey Eddy . BOSTON Boston (11) Lane & Rich Memorial (11) •Whoopee' Buddy Doyle Bobbe Arnst Jane Lee John Rutherford Pletro GentlU Mowatt Bros Norde & Jeannle Max I.ierner PHILADELPHIA Fox (11) 'Irene' Kathryn Crawford Bobby Watson George Dobbs Walter Regan George Bidl Buddy Karsen George Fox Sydney Reynolds Anolyn Arden Ruth Fay Betty Farrlngton StnV YORK CITY Paramount (10) Rudy Vallee Grace Hayes V & B Stanton Oliver Wakefleld Alice Paye Lenore Ulric 'Woman Accused' RKO Roxy (10) Art Prank Annie Judy & Z Geo Meyer Ted Harvey Debonair 4 ■King Kong* Roxy (10) Ralph Kirbery Zelda Cantly Harris 2 & L Carlton Emmy Portunello & Cirlll Dave Schooler 'Heritage of Desert' BROOKLYN Paramonnt (10) Mae West Georges Metoxa 'Done Him Wrong' BALTIMORE Hlppo«lrome (10) The Rlmacs Mnrty May Fields Smith & F Chic Kennedy 'Our Betters' Stanley (10) Amos 'n' Andy 'King of Jungle' BOSTON Metropolitan (10) Chester Fredericks Radio Rubes ■42nd Street' DETROIT Bllchignn (10) Berry Bros Wm & J Majdell J & B Torrence Harold Stanton 'Hell to Heaven' PinLADELPHIA Fox (10) Plain Bill Long Tack Sam Ml-na Nee-sa Long Pan ft Chang Manchu 3 4 Queens ■Sailors^ Luck' ST. LOUIS Ambassador (10) George Beatty Capps Co Leary & Craven Kohn ft Deplnto Arthur Mealy Fax (10) will Mahoney 4 Flushers Williams 4 Davey ft Rosemarle Alabamlana Bob Klrby 'Private Jonea' NEW ORLEANS State <10) CoUlna ft Peteraon T ft A Waldman Fuller Co Jack Usher Co Glrardo N'dlne A M ■King'a Vacation' OFFICIAL DENTIST TO.THB N. V. A. \ DR. JULIAN SIEGEL 1Q60 Broadway This Week: Olga Krolow; Teddy Hoae Carter DeHaven Jr William Dyer Eddie Abdo Howard' Nugent Virginia L Bouldln Junn Vlllasana BRIDGEl>ORT Poll (11) ■Spotllghta" I Charles Mclson MIsa Irmanette 3 Bredwlna Chalmers Ens CLEVELAND Palace (11) Christy & Nataro Wayne 6 Willie West ft McG Gene Sheldon Co HARTFORD Capitol (11) ■Sally" Mary Eaton Jack Waldron T Roy Barnes Hal Young MIKS Harriett George Guhl Harry Stallord Leia BlIaB Jack. Duffy Jaric Bgan LONG BEACH State (0) Crowell ft Allen CntchalotB O'Connor Pam ConBtnnoe Evans T«H ANGELES Pnrnmntint (0) Roalta Moreno Frank Gaby 3 Cheera 3 Qu«ena Dorothy LaMarr Wanda Allen Karaen ft Gretel SAN FRANCISCO Wqrfleld (0) Radio Ballyh'llg'ns Gloria Gilbert Martha Rave TORONTO Imperial (11) Benny Roaa ■ Maxine Stone Barney Grant & Barrows The DuPonts Dorothv Foster WASHINGTON Fox-Ix>ew (11) 'Follow Thru' Joe Penner Olive Olsen Moo Harris Bddle Tamblyn Helen Wright Fronklyn Farnum Madeline Sheffleld Bill HRlllgan Jerry Roas Allta Duncan Pee Lorctta Earl Maestro WORCESTER Poll (11) Georgia Minstrels 3 Gobs 3 Georgia Browns (1 Comedians Thomas Harris Chick Bcoman Lasses Brown Nav Brothers lillly Mitchell Billy Miller Norvclle Reese Simma ft Bowie Louise Cook Willie Jackson Lucky Seven 3 Cotton rinb A Ida Ward Henri ^Wesael Swan ft I/ee Anise Boyer Roy Atkins Nicholas Bros Leitha Hill Elmer Turner 4 Flash Devlla Necodemus Alma Smith Little Bits Bobby Sawyer JImmIe Baakette Norman Astwood Duke Ellington Or Clob Lido Gus Van Tom Manahan Orch Van Sisters Oracle Woods McCarthy & Payton Club Rlchman Jack Osterman Rlchman Rev Jerry Freeipan Or Arthur Brown C ft C Herbert Francis Paye El Chlro's Duran ft Moreno Lorenzo Herrera EI FlameoKO At Valencia Orch' Bl Plamenctto Nina ft Moreno Marqutta Plorea Ignacio Rufflno Marta de la Torre Accordion Luis Embassy Clob Morton Downey De Marcos Jean Vance H Rosenthal Oro Don Carlos Oro Gypsy Trail Baroness Brzsl Louis Hegedush Ethel Pastor Kokosch Gypsy Or H'iyw'd R'stanrnnt Harry Rose Collette Sla Frank Hazzard Blanche Bow Marquerlte & Leroy Isham Jones Orch Hotel Lexington Don Beator Orch Hotel Montclair Charley Eckels Or Monte Carl* James Holl Beth Chains Val Veatoff Vlto ft PIrl Donald Burr Medlaca ft Mlchaell Dorothy Dell Ethel Allls Nut Club Jack White Jerry Bergen Lulu Bates Brooke Adams BUI Spencer Blanche Latell Dorothy Maxine Al Parker Cabarets NEW YORK CITY NEW YORK CITY Iloulevnrti 1st half (17-20) Yvonne Co Lily Lido Co Chaa Kemper Co J ft J McKenna 4 Casting Pearls 2d half (21-23) Corvenes 3 Peg Leg Bates Murray ft Allen f'asB, Mack & O Valfy, Pasllnc ft K Orplirum lat half (17-20) Ponalclla Bros & C I'eg I^eg Bates riert Gordon Cass Made & O 2a half (21-23) 4 Casting Pearls Crecnlpc & RoRcra Dun Santos & E mil more Hotel Horold Stern Orch CrntrnI P'k Casino Morton Downey ICdily Duchin Orch Clintenu Internnt'l Quecnie Smith Ilosa & Sargent Don Mario Coblna Wright's Or Franzpll Joe M09.S Orch Will Oakland Club Mnytair Millard ft Anita Oscar Davia Margie I-andy Madlyn Moore Beth Cannon l.i>e Al Crawford Orch i Mayfalr Beauties Connie's Inn Cora Green Hobby Evans Jazzlips Uirhardson r & n M ceres F:mma Smith Bessie Dudley Lillian Cowan Red & Struggle Jimmy Murphy 3 Blake Sis Lew Dolgoff Joe Haymes Orch Paradise N T G Rev Cantor's Beauts Abe Lyman Orch Paramonnt Grill Ted Healy Co T Manahan Oro Park Central Hotrl Russ Columbo Orch Hannah Williams Park Central Bert Lawn Prances Langford Rachel Carlez 4 SIzzIers Charmel Selbys Place Plualle Peggy de Albrew Veioz ft Tolanda B Madreguera Orch D Alberto Tangolsts Hotel PennsylTanIn Ted Weems Orch Roosevelt Hotel Guy Lombardo Or Royal Box Elizabeth Welch Opel Cooper John Maclln Charles Lewis Gordon St. Chad Basslan Arts Joe Morantz Orch Renee ft Laura NIckoIas Hadarlcb Barra BIrs Misha Usanofr SImplon Clab Tacht Club Boys Larry SIry'a Orch St. Moritz Hotel Leon Belasco Orch Alfredo's Orch Gypsy Nina St. Reirls Hotel Vincent Lopez Orch Small's Paradise 'Black Rhythm' R Nyra Johnson Meers ft Norton 3 Speed Demons Geo Walker Wm Spellman 3 Palmer Bros May Alex Mabel Scott Roy White Dorothy Turner Chas Johnson Orch Taft GrUI Geo Hall Orch The Csarda Karoly Bencze Zalga Bela Mme Ilona deThury Karoly Nyaray Villace Bam Brook Adams Val Vestoff Molly MacGovern Joe Purst's Orch Waldorf-Astoria Nina Laughlln Jack Denny Orch CHICAGO Blackiiawk Rose & Ray Lyte Deane Janis Hal Kemp Orch Bismarck Wade Booth Rosemary Deerlng Art Kassel Orch Jinette Vallon Ales ft Swanson Blue Grotto Tina Twccdie Marjorle Tate Marge & Marie Honey Sla .lean MIlea Jackie Daw Orch Cafe DeAlex Alfredo & Dolorea Marie ile la Vega TiPola Acltman Knrlco Claual Dennis O'Nell E Hnrfnmn Orch Clicz Paree Henry Dunn Siadirr & Rose V.Wn I.OKan I'aulinc Ttelleau l">ori» Rnbblna Ben Pollack Orch College Inn Frank LIbuse I'iiU Levant Congress Hotel Baron ft Blair Kalya Libby ft C Frances McCoy Marie Whitney Cltn Wlnehlll Chas Starlght Or Via Lago Jackie Hamlin Todd Sis Paula Tymes Wlkl Bird Al Handler Bd Wlntergorden Buckley ft Bennett Miss Lydia Lovey Twins Joreska ft Lydla Frankle Masters Or 100 Clob LaMlgnon Johanna Nagle. Jimmy Noone Orch Grant Withers Going Places (Continued from page 12) Iner sprightly comments anent the younger generation quaintly phrased In current slang. ~Net Spread for Milady There Is nothing like a new cos- tume, the shops have always con- tended, to keep a girl from ponder- ing too much bbout political econ- omy. Then, too, it will soon' be Spring, tra la! £<ergdorf Goodman, Elizabeth Hawes and Jay Thorpe, therefore, are now all dewy with suggestions calculated to remind lovely womanhood that what she really needs Is a lot of fine new clothes. Bergdorf Goodman, addressing It- self to someone known as 'milady,' bids her continue a gentle, conven- tional woman, conflne her daring to starched white pique flat collars and bows on black lace dinner dresses, hearken to the well-bred guidance of Augustabernard, Lanvln, Patou and Vlonnet, and tosses to her, it she still feels she must scamper a bit, a cautious :ieasure of Schiapa- relli. Bergdorf Goodman's milady Is go- ing to be languidly graceful In the evening In Augustabernard's dresses draped softly across neck and shoulders, wrapped and fastened at the back of the low decolletage with jeweled clips and buttons. She will wear casual evening wraps tied with a bow at her neck, then flaring gently outward to the hem of their three quarter length. If she feels dramatic, she may come to the party with a chiffon velvet mantle thrown easily across her shoulder. She'll be comfortable in whatever wrap she chooses, for they are cut so skillfully they hang in the right lines without having to be clutched. Hawes' audience, a self confldent. Independent gathering of Bright Young People with excellent figures, aren't so much Interested in what other people wear so long as their own things are imaginative and definitely personal. The specialized Hawes young ladles will go about in costumes each the complete ex- pression of an idea. In the evening It's a seductive idea wisely achieved by the illusion of frank Innocence, for day it's a Jaunty, careless, swaggering Idea built from unex- pected materials, amusing decora- tion, creative accessories. The Jay Thorpe girl is a modern young woman who conforms to the general mode, leads it Just enough to be up at the head of the fashion parade. Sleeves massive at the armhole for her, and tailleurs. She'll spend the day in well-fitted suits and discreet printed dresses. Robert Royce Lopez Orch Frolic's Tex Gulnan Gang Florence Barlow Ralph Cook Yvonne Douvler June Carroll Bernle Marshall Easter ft Hazelton Dick Lane Dick Rock Orch Paramount Nan Blackstone Anita LaPierre Mary Nolan Peggy Moore Genevieve Moore Billy Carr Mary Neville Syd Lang Orch Playground Bddle Clifford Vaughn Pis Julia Lyon.s Koblnson & Louise .June Hurley .^loma Kallard Carl Lorraine Orch Terrace Gnrdrns Paul Sis Maydeld 3 The Daniels Alice Klue Don Pedro Orcli Vnnltr Fiilr Earl ft Josephine No Shut-Down Publix Books Week-End Vaude Agamst Quittner Publix is trying vaudeville at the Paramount, Mlddletown, N. T., on a two-day basis, using five-act shows economically budgeted on Fridays and Saturdays. First bill on Friday (10) signaled the Initial use of stage attractions of any kind In this town by Publix. Opposition is the State, former Joe Quittner house in receivership, which plays last half vaude booked by FaiHy Markus. The State is one of the three Quittner houses involved In the $6,200,000 Quittner suit against Par. amount-Publix and others recently dismissed in Federal Court. Abe Feinberg, booking Friday and Saturday vaude for Publix Into Peeksklll, is also supplying shows for Publljt In Mlddletown. (Continued from page 25) Ing was held at the Hollywood Chamber of Commerce, with 230 of a membership of 400 attending. Their single resolution did not mention the salary cut, but only stated that local 235 would do what- ever the majority of other unions did. Leaders in this group, although not saying so officially, were against accepting promissory notes in lieu of salary for pictures started be- fore March 6. The scenic artists in this group are only ones who are paid on a scale. Others, including arf directors, draftsmen, set dressers, set decora- tors, make-up artists and hair dressers, have several times asked for studio recognition unsuccess- fully. At the meeting, it was stated by one of the members that Maurice Chevalier and Marlene Dietrich had been excused from taking the cut because they were forced to pay high income taxes both to the United States and to their native countries. It was also stated that star, director, writer and executive salaries comprl.sed 80% of the pay- roll In studios, leaving 20% for union and other employees. Several times the meeting looked like it might turn into a rout, par- ticularly when severe earthauakc tremors shook the auditorium, and chiefly because of the large number of women present. Calmer persons in the group, however, assured the others that there was no danger. Quake Toll (Continued from page 3) preview of 'Hell Below' that night. His fate was in doubt for 18 hours following the first shock, until he was discovered at the Community hospital. Newberry had gone into a restaur rant next door to the Imperial the> atre for dinner, and was sitting at a table when the wall collapsed and threw him into the street. Carmen Quintana, chief usherette of the West Coast theatre pulled him out from under a truck and got him to a physician's office, where it was found his collarbone was broken, four ribs had been caved in and he had sustained a tupture in addition tQ bruises ahout the head and bddy. From there he was taken to ' the hospital by W. H. IiOlUer ahd'Percy R. Kent, Fox-West Coast executives, who had gone to the Beach Satur- day morning to search for him. He is in a serious condition. Morale Upset A meeting will be held today (Monday) by exhibitors in the stricken area to consider means for obtaining permits to reopen the safe houses as soon as the morale of the community is restored. Only a sparse audience, due to the bank holiday, averted a serious loss of: life in the Fox Wilshlre, Beverly Hills, where a large dome chan« delieir crashed Friday night. Serious damage was sustained In Los Angeles by the Golden Gate, on Whlttier boulevard, where the walls are badly cracked. Estimated that the theatres lost more than $100,000 in business over the weekend. Many theatres on Friday night played to mere hand- fuls, few daring to brave a recur- rence of the initial shock. Up to six o'clock Saturday morning there had been 130 tremors in Southern California, according to the records of the U. S. Meteorological bureau. Los Angeles film exchange man- agers met Saturday morning with circuit and independent executives and agreed to suspend all film C.O.D.s for 48 hours. Decision was based on chaos caused by continua- tion of the bank holiday plus earth- quake hysteria. Exchanges sus- pended deliveries of films to houses in the stricken area immediately the extent of the disaster was ascer- tained. For the first 24 hours after the Long Beach disaster outside com- munication was carried on exclu- sively by radio, contact being be- tween KFOX and Los Angeles po- lice department. Most of the early news copy used by papers and wire services was reported as being picked from that station's broad- casts of disaster. Long Beach 'Press Telegram' and Long Beach 'Sun' plants were both demolished by quake, with both papers having editions for .Monday printed at the plant of the Pasadena 'Star-News.' According to Insurance companies here, less than 5% of total Southern California quake damage is coverei by quake Insurance. Late Sunday nlglit the total damage was esti- mated at $35,000,000, with Long Beach close to $25,000,000 of that amount. Largo theatre, in Watts, town in earthquake zone, opened Sunday night, although ruined buildings on all sides. House, undamaged, w^ia on Main St., wliere many buildlnKS were destroyed. Played to a hand- ful only.