Variety (June 1908)

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VARIETY 29 Trad* Mark BIOGRAPH FILMS Trad* Mark THIS IS CERTAINLY A BIO tCRIAN I THE INVISIBLE FLUID «*- RELEASED JUNE 16 Had the poor melancholy Dan*, Hamlet, lived in tkli, the twentieth century, he would never have riven voioe to the remark, "Oh, that this too, too solid flesh would melt, thaw and resolve itself into a dew." No, indeed; he would . h*v* procured some of that mysterious fluid by which things animate and inanimate are rendered non est by simply spraying them with it. A quantity of this fluid in an atomiser falls into the hands of a mischievous messenger boy, and, of course, he doesn't do a thing with it. Strolling along the avenue is a young girl, leading a dog on a chain. Swish! and Fido vamooses. Next, a Dago with a fruit-stand; then two expressmen are lifting a heavy trunk from their wagon—same result. A wedding party is just leaving church when this young imp comes along. The groom vanishes, and the bride is thrown into hysterics. After playing a number of ludicrous tricks, he enters a restaurant, obliterates the young lady cashier and then steals the cash register. He is now chased by a mob. Halting on the road, he turns on his pursuers and effects their disappearance one after another as they approaoh him. A copper steals up from behind, and, taken unawares, the boy is carried off to the station house. With a policeman on each side of him, he appears before the Judge. Pick- ing up the atomiser, he gives it a squeese and vanishes instantly, leaving the Judge and officers dumfotrnded. LENGTH 669 FEET Mi I "THE MAN IN THE BOX" RELEASED JUNE 19 How amazingly ingenious are the schemes oonoocted by the denizens of the underwold in their nefarious operations. One of the most ingenious plots at robbery is depicted in this Biograph film. A New York bank is arranging to ship a large quantity of cash to the West to relieve the recent money stringency, when a poorly compensated bank clerk made up his mind to heed the solicitude of that spectre which had haunted him. Listening to the instructions given the bank's messenger as to the shipment of the funds, he hustle* off with the information to a gang of crooks, in whose company he had fallen. They are not long in devising a plan, and a most clever one at that. A large coffin bos is procured, and one of the party is to be fastened in it in such a way that he can release himself at the proper time. This is to be shipped on the same train and the same place with the funds; the others of the gang go as passengers. The coffin box and tho express strong box containing the funds are now seen reposing in the express room at a lonely Western station. The station agent, making himself secure for the night, so he thinks, starts to eat his lunch in the next room. Noise- lessly the top of the coffin box raises and out eomee the man. A blow on the head brings the agent to the floor like a log. Opening the door he signals to the crooks who are waiting. They enter and at once break open the box by drilling and blasting the oover. Meanwhile the agent, who was only stunned by the blow, crawls to his telegraphic instrument and sends out a help signal, and, as the crooks are taking out the coveted cash, they are surprised by the arrival of the railroad men, overpowered, and taken into custody. LENGTH 544 FEET GET Oil OUR MAIL LIST AID KEEP POSTED WRITE FOR OUR DESCRIPTIVE CIRCULARS ALL PICTURES ARC MADE WITH OUR CELEBRATED BIOCRAPH CAMERAS OUR FILMS RUN ON ANY MACHINE AMERICAN MUT0SC0PE"oBI0GRAPH COMPANY TTmn«nrrn.J KLEIire OPTICAL COMPANY. SOCIETY ITALIAN "CTNE8." ORE AT NORTHERN FILM CO. 11 g- tail, CTDCCT aVI IT %*' \#sts-»ar Al . u LICENSEES, j wnxIAM8| BROWN ft EARLS. AMERICAN MUTOBCOPE ft BIOORAPH 00. lit. I«wlll 9 I Ktt I , NEW YORK CITY WI WILL PROTECT OUR CUSTOMERS AND THOSE OP OUR LICENSEES AGAINST PATENT LITIGATION IN THE USE OP OUR LICENSED PILMS Kleine Optical Co., Chicago. Special Selling Agents 312 California Street, Los Angeles. Cal. JAMESTOWN, V. Y. CELERON (J. J. Waters, mgr.).—Bond, with Benton, in "Handkerchief 15," headline, and re- peated last year's hit; Willie Hale and Brother, Jugglers, clever; Hafford and Msntell, comedians, good; Chefalo and Capreto, magic, mysterious; Josephine Davis, songs, pleased. L. T. BERLINER. JOHNSTOWN, PA. OLOBB (J. O. Foley, mgr.).—Stinson (colored) baujolst, splendid; The Walser Twins, songs and dances, very clever; Phil Morton, eccentric com- edian, hit; business improving. LUNA PARK (Phil Caulfleld, mgr.).—The Chester Bishop Stock Co., "For Her Sister's Sake," the fore part of tbe week, and "A Man of the World." the latter half. JESTICAM. success of tbe season, re-engaged for a limited stay, leader Mlchellno Angelo Lenge. Vaude- ville In tbe Wigwam up to the standard. Head- liners, Lamant Trio of European gymnasts, novel and entertaining; Elliott, Belalr and Elliott, acrobats who are funny; La Tosca, is a Juggler well known on tbe Orpheum circuit; Lillian Selger, cornet soloist, pleasing; La Pine and Dries, dancing and talking comedians. Conces- sions doing good business. FAIRMOUNT PARK (W. F. Smith, mgr.).—The big open air resort Is doing well.—NOTE.—Eruption of Mount Vesr- vlous will come to Kansas City for two weeks beginning August 3, under management of O. H. Buckley. Mr. Buckley is the assistant manager of the Willis Wood theatre, Kansas City. Keens, mgr.).—This popular house has recently been opened, and will play stock companies and vaudeville. Tbe Casino Stock Co. this week. FAULKNER. LINCOLN, NEB. LYRIC (U. M. Miller, mgr.).—Week 1: Mara- blnl. Ice sculptor, warmly received; Keogh and Jackson, In tbe "Ward Heeler," splendid sketch; Clarence Selgle, banjasat, excellent; Laursnt, magician, mystifying; m. p. MAJESTIC (L. M. Gorman, mgr.).—M. p.. first week, good attend- ance. ELITE (N. Amos, mgr.).—M. p. and HI song; uhusI capacity crowds. AUDITORIUM GARDEN.—M. p., attendance good. LEE J. LOGAN. KANSAS OTTT. ELECTRIC PARK (Sam Benjamin, mgr.).— The Banda Rossa retained. The Red Band favor- ite here with Sorrentlno, the leader, pleasing. The Tickler an Immense bit; the big sea Hon farm, which Mr. Helm, tbe owner of the park brought to Kansas City at a reported cost of 20,000, novelty, and decidedly interesting; roller skating a feature and popular under tbe manage- ment of G. Kaufman, a well-known professional. FOREST PARK (Jim. P. Anderson, mgr.).—The ladles' graceful and fancy skating contest closed June 0. The three prizes were: A handsome diamond ring, solid gold watch, and sterling sliver toilet set. Luken's Trained Bears continue to delight the crowds. CARNIVAL PARK (Will R. Winch, mgr.).—The Banda Dl MUano, the real LAWRENCE, MASS. COLONIAL (J. Fred Lees, mgr.).—Gertrude Dudley and Co., musical comedy, "Tbe Merry Widow Hat," went big; Lowell Drew, songs and stories, pleased; 111. songs by Mabel Cook, very good; John Flaherty and Co., Irish drama, "The Spalpeen," hit of bill; Tom Bateman, singing and dancing, very clever; 111. songs by Harry Raymond, line. MARQUISE (W. V. H. Bsrbydt, mgr.).—Moving pictures and Illustrated songs by Joseph Blott. NICKEL (T. F. Twomey. mgr.).—Illustrated songs by Arthur Holmes. JOHN J. JOYCE. LEAVENWORTH, KAS. PEOPLE'S (M. Cunningham, mgr.).—The Pacen Stock Co. and five vaudeville acts constitute the bill. Tbey are drawing good crowds and have a first class entertainment. AIRDOME (Cbas. L0TJI8VTLLE. By W. L. VANDERBURGH. VARIETY'S Louisville Office, 804 Columbia Building. WHITE CITY (Wballen Bros., mgrs.).—8: Helen May Butler's Indies' Band, chic and charm- ing In white suits and natty white caps, opened an engagement and made an instantaneous hit. There Isn't any doubt that Cameron! wUl soon be known as the "friend of every kid In town," for when this Iron-Jawed gentleman makes what tho kiddles designate aa his "scoot for life," down the wire cable from the tower across tbe chutes hiKoon, he Is always aurrounded by a cheering mob of enthusiastic youngsters. Excellent vaude- ville has supplanted comic opera. Mae Reynolds appears with LeRoy Wade In "Ten Minutes in a Box Office." The sketch might be labeled "made In Louisville," for it was written by Morton Shaw, of the Masonic, and enacted by Louisville people. Alta Yolo has a powerful, well-tralued contrslto. Tbe Tivoll Quartet pos- sesses excellent voices. Then these are singing and dancing acts and comedy acrobats. The bill ia notable for the unusually good-looking women who appear this week. FONTAINE FERRY PARK (Wm. Rleckrasn, mgr.).—A few months ago wagcra were offered that the "dry Sunday" would be tbe doom of the amusement parka. The man who made such a wager has lost. No more" - conclusive decision against him would be wanted than a visit to Fontaine Ferry Park on a Sun- day like last. Interesting and wholesome forms of amusement assisted the visitors in enjoying themselves. There was a good class of vaudeville at Hopkins' Pavilion. It has lots of comedy, singing and dancing, tbe trio of features that appeal to the vaudevllllan. AVENUE.—M. p. LIEDERKRANZ HALL (Wm. Relckman mgr.).—Llederkrans Hall made its debut as on* of I.oulsvllle's prominent m. p. amusement places lust Sunday. LTHH, MASS. LYNN (F. a. Harrison, mgr.).—Pictures, aongs and three-act drama. Business good. OLYMPI1 (A. E. Lord, mgr.).—Hall and Htaley. in "The Twentieth Century Burglar"; Booth and Craln, in "A Model Maid"; tbe Cleodora Trio and Dan Maley. NOVELTY (C. H. Moore, mgr.).— Steele's Tyrolean BurleHOJicr*. In olio: Felix Mar- tin and Bessie Doyle. Manic Barrett. Ted and Clara Steele, Dan Latham. Mine. Zarelll. and MIhh Fara. COMIQI'E (M. Marks, mgr.).— M. p. and songs. KOHKKT A. DOYLE. Maude Hall« Carlton Macy SAIL FOR LONDON JUNE 18th RETURN IN AUGUST All conm«nlca.lo.s care •! VARIETY'S LONDON OFFICE, 418 STRAND, W. C WARNING.—Our new act, "MAMZ'B PROFESSOR," by Frances Livingston, was our own idea, written to order for us and is fully r-rotectod. It was publiahei as 4 story in tho "People's Magna ine," but no one has tho right to use it. When answering advertUementt kindly mention Varhtt.