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Variety (June 1908)

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32 VARIETY REPRESENTATIVE ARTISTS REPRESENTATIVE ARTISTS WESLEY AND PINCUS^eSt si i* HOW DOES THIS CAST LOOK TO YOU? MADDOX A MELVTM. TH08. H. FOLEY. JAMES TEH BROOKE. CHA8. FULLER. BARR 4 EVANS. A COMfcDY RIOT By GEO. TOTTEH SMITH. r THE DANCING REIFFB. *• & sea- sssa *»•"„',„. pat CASEY « 22, Alhambra, •• FRED HARM'S Comedians ■ Mgr. ALF. REEVES. Headlined continuously and successfully since October, 1905. WEEK JUNE 25, COLONIAL, NEW YORK CITY. Return to England Wednesday, June 6, S. S. Campania, for vacation and re- hearsals for grand new fall production. K A T E 8 O N Fr»M nting "HIS BAT OFF." XV VAUDEVILLE. TIME ALL FILLED. HARRY JACKSON, G«fral Stage Director for JULES MURRY. Address Uaited Beohing Office W Room 1, M>w Twfc^TWtr* Building. W. Y City. Eckhoff and Gordon THE MUSICAL LAUGH MAKERS. Address EAST HADDAM, CONN. v NOTICE NOTICE >. • . • NOTICE W V (Late of JORDAN and HARVEY) Now working alone, material new and original WESLEY & PINCUS, Managers NICK KAUFMANN WORLD'S CHAMPION TRICK CYCLIST. Refined Cycle Trick Riding Enterprises The Great KAUFMANN troupe of world-renowned cy cists made their first Australian appearance here ou Saturday, Fob. 20, and gave a specimen of their won- derful trick riding that proved a revelation to the crowded audience. Permanent Address WlntcrMrtestr. 8, Berlin. Wire. ••Bicycle, Berlin." WALLT One FELIX and THREE BARRYS will beat any two pair 4 FELIX* BARRY 4 GEORGE FELIX. LTDIA BARRY. EMILY AND CLARA BARRT. Winifred Stewart AMERICA'S FOREMOST LADY BARITONE EMPHATIC SUCCESS OH THE WESTERN STATES CIRCUIT. TIME EXTENDED. II GOING TO PLAY CLUBS THIS WINTER, THAT FUNNY MUSICAL ACT J' FEW WEEZS OPEN FOR SUMMER FARES. 331 a 93d Street New York City •I'hone 0480—7»th 8t. Sutton Sutton •THE RUBE AND THE LIVING PUMPKIN." IVI I K ERNARD THE AMERICAN PADEREW8KI. Assisted by (The Little Sunbeam) In Vaudeville. Direction MR. J. A. 8TERNAD. Everybody Knows "THE TYPICAL'TAD" J Vow Witt MABEL BARRI80N and JOB. E. HOWARD in "THE FLOWER OF THE RANCH" at the OARRIOK THEATRE, CHICAGO. When antwering advertiaementt kindly mention Variety.