Variety (June 1908)

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34 VARIRTY REPRESENTATIVE ARTISTS REPRESENTATIVE ARTISTS RICE&PREVOST • ii * ! JN Bumpty Bumps if PHIL PETERS Bail June 1 Jth for their tour of the world. BOWtN AND OommAj Rar Outfit Act. At Hearty for tho MANIEY Ml STIRLING fid Hickey and al are at their summer homo on Lake Erie. Re- fords to Bob Fits. SILVENO Matieian, Maficlan and Shadowgraphist. Playing' Westsm States Vaud. Am'b Time. Managers or Afonts desiring a real ADVANCED VAUDEVILLE Novelty Act, write mo core of CRYSTAL THEATRE, DENVER, COLO. STUART BARNES Direction OEO. HOMANB. rRAJTE MAJOR * 00. "ft 5 ft w Sailed Jane 4th B. 8. ••Celtic" AddroM Frank Major, Vaudeville Cluh, London, W. 0., Eng. Le BRUN -' Management Trio A«t In Vanderille. O stteassd. T SUTHERLAND. GRACE Ritter and Foster ACROSS THE FOND. Address care BOMER * WARNER I Tottenham Oonrt Road. London, Eng. ALF. T. WILTON. Amerioan Agent. WILDER Marshall F. tft No. VOW Hampahire A w., loll Fhone 196. ATLANTIC CITY. N. I. KELLY m KENT ORPHEUM ROA© SHOW. 1ft Minutea in "One." "Debating Dno." By John OUroy and Junto MoCre e TheSeyons With T. W. DIHBJHB. BEABON 'OS.'*. In mirthful acrobatics. JACK It Isn't tho name that snakoa the It's tho net that makes the name. THE KINO OF IRELAND, JAMES B. DONOVAN RENA ARNOLD QUEER OF VAUDEVILLE. DOING WELL, THANK TOU. ALL AGENTS. JO** * BALLY Rice - Cohen Presenting "A Bachelor Wife. i» »» MR. and MR8. POWERS VAUDEVILLE 'TIT-BITS." Agent, AXF. T. WILTON. MARION VICTORIA Direotion AL SUTHERLAND. Netta Vesta SINGING COMEDIENNE. Keith Circuit 'THE MAN WITH THE FUNNY SLIDE.' NE L L0 BURKHARDT JUGGLER, A-i.fd ay MM-E. NELLO Address L. H. Frank. Sherman Home, Chicago. REID and GILBERT Producers FIRST FARTS AND BURLESQUES. GAYETY. PHILADELPHIA. Bob Van Osten THE MAN WTTM THE DUOK BOSK. George m Georgie BOUNDING TABLE ACROBATS. Have Your Card in VARIETY Haying lots of fun in Kansas City this week. EDWARD J\ •) Lbbk Bkessn^1^ AND ^gi\r I Laws I if WINIFRED In "The Musio Teacher." Week June 14, Lake Bide Park, Joplin, Mo. LOUISE DR E88ER Shea's, Buffalo, June 8th, IN VAUDEVILLE. DRAWING (Not with a two weeks* Ceo! I've forgotten my bathing suit. Houdini please write. il) at the Orpheum, San Francisco for A big hit in my home country. DIRECTION OF PAT CASEY When answering advertisements kindly mention Variety.