Variety (August 1908)

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VARIETY WRIETY A Variety Paper for Variety People. l'ubllHlied every Saturday by THE VARIETY PUBLISHING CO. Knickerbocker Theatre Building. 1402 Broadway, New York City. SStb St. Coney Island's Mardi Gras celebration has been set down for the week of Sep- tember 14. Al Sutherland returned to New York on Tuesday, having remained but one week on the other side. Telephone f 4022 \ \4023 J SIME J. SILVERMAN, Editor and Proprietor. Earle Reynolds and Nellie Donegan, the skaters, have been booked solid by the CaRey Agency. ivjfc'J July, '00. Entered as second-class matter December 2'2, 1905, at the Post Office at New York, N. Y., under the act of Congress of March 3, 1870. CHICAGO OFFICE, Chioaeo Opera House Blook, (Phone, Main 4180). FRANK WIE8BEBO, Representative. The New York Hippodrome opens Au- gust 20. Eight circus acts new to the big Hippodrome stage have been booked. LONDON OFFICE, 411 Strand (Boom 8). JE8SE J. FBEEKAN, in charge. SAN FBAN0I8C0 OFFICE, 1115 Van Neaa Ave. (Boom 118). W. ALFBED WILSON, BepreientatiTe. BOSTON OFFICE, Colonial Building. EBNE8T L. WAITT, Representative. DENYEB OFFICE, ^^nfryaiaTTOealr* BuilaTnT HABBY X. BEAUMONT, Bepreaentative. CINCINNATI OFFICE, Ball Blook, HARRY HESS, Representative. Charles Michel, formerly of the Mari- nelli office, is now handling several acta, foreign and native, on his own account. The Four Stewart Sisters will return from abroad in time to open at the Fifth Avenue August 10, booked by H. H. Fei- ber. Ziska and King have dissolved partner- ship. The act is in the Northwest. Ziska will continue as a comedy magi- ' \ ru/i.' «c^ ■«— iwna—k»»- ^m: ST. LOUIS OFFICE, > 888 Commercial Building, - RICHARD 8PAMEB, Bepreaentative. LOUISVILLE OFFICE, 804 Columbia Building-, W. L. VANDENBUBOH, Representative. PARIS OFFICE, 66 Bit, Bue Saint Didier EDWARD O. XENDREW, Representative. BEBLIN OFFICE, Unter den Linden 61, RIE8EL8 LIBRARY. Mike Bernard and Blossom Seely have been lx>oked over the Orpheum Circuit by Pat Casey, opening Aug. 2 at Salt Lake Citv. Tin* Tasmania!!-Van Dicmans, one of the feature acts with the Hagenbeck-Wal- lace Circus, have signed with William Mor- ris for the coming season. ADVERTISEMENTS. 20 cents an agate line, 82.t?0 an Inch. O:io page, 8125; one-half page, $05; one-quarter page, 832.50. Charges for portraits furnished on application. Special rate by the month for profi-Hsiouul card under heading "Representative Artist*." Advertising copy should be received by Thurs- day at noon to Insure publication In current Ishuc Katheryn MacDonald, she of the P. G. Williams stair, has possessed herself of a "sheath" gown. The try-out will occur the first night the moon lays off. T_«^taJ«r;^£paL>8<> SUBSCRIPTION RATES. Annual 84 Foreign 5 Six and three months in proportion. Single copies ten cents. VARIETY will be mailed to n permanent ad- dress or ft* per route, as desired. Advertisements forwarded by mail must be ac- companied by remittance, made payable to Variety 1'iibllHblng Co. Copyright, 1008. by Variety lMibllslilnjj Co. Vol. XI. AUGUST I. No. 8. The Colonial and Orpheum will re-open August 31. The Six American Dancers are on a month's vacation. Clayton and Drew have signed with the "Merry Maidens." W. E. Whittle, the ventrilo.|uist, will return home in September. Pauline Hall will be the feature act at Young's Pier, Atlantic City, next week, Aug. 3*. A. Bcrnardi, the lightning change artist on the Hammerstein Roof, Is a brother of Constantino Bernardi, also a rapid changer of clothes, well known on the other side. WcUwhatdoyouknowaboutthat? ltosie Dougan sprang a "sheath" bathing gown on Brighton Beach last Sunday, and the sands turned over. Oh you ltosie! For the second time within two months Maurice Goodman, the attorney for the I'niled. has lost his mustache. Mr. Good- man has given up the ease as hopeless. Howard Prevosl (Rice and Prevost) is about again, but requires the support of crutches. It will be about two months before Pivvost can work. Grace l.eigh is playing the role taken by Gia e l.a Rue in "The Follies of 1908" until list Saturday night. Miss La Rue left to rehearse with the Sam Bernard show. It isn't true that business is bad every- where. The elevator systems in both the St. James Ruilding and the Knickerbocker annex are working at capacity and then some. Ijclia Smith, late of the Henry W. Sav- age and Richard Carle forces, has a single "kid" act planned in which Miss Smith will enter vaudeville. Sam Shannon and his "Quick Lunch Girls" open at Shecdy's, Newport, next Monday. Ed. Kennedy, formerly of Kennedy and Wilkens. and Anna R. Howard, of Balti- more, were married some time ago. They arc now playing together as Kennedy and Kennedy. Bert Leslie is rehearsing with "Fluffy Ruffles," which will open the Criterion. Mr. Leslie plays a slangy part and will introduce bits from his vaudeville sketches into the piece. William L. Lykens will be back at work next week. He was a victim of heat pros- tration six weeks ago, and for a time was in a critical condition. Susannc Leonard Westford, Lillian Rus- sell's sister, will have the role formerly played by Emma Janvier in "Fifty Miles From Boston," when that Cohan-Harris show takes to the road. Bert Miller, the Scotch ventriloquist, who causes his "dummy" to impersonate Harry Lauder, is in New York, and will publicly appear within a couple of weeks. Arthur Klein has the booking. The wedding was solemnized on Wednes- day of last week in Long Island of L. Frank Miller,*Tast season director of the "Colonial Belles," and Katherine Valmore, of the Valmore Sisters. Senor El Cota, a foreign xylophone player, will make his first appearance in America at the Fifth Avenue, Sunday (to- morrow). El Cota's xylophone is eight feet long. Arthur Klein has the act. Ross 1 ^ewis and Mamie Hennings (Hen- nings, Lewis and Hennings) were married July 21 at Toledo, in the home of the bridegroom's father. The newly-weds are at their summer cottage at Put-in Bay, O. The two Astrella girls will play as a "sister" act hereafter. Formerly the act was a trio with a young man as the third member. He was left in Cuba when a four weeks' engagement there was con- cluded. Cal Steward. "The Corner Grocery Story Teller," is in New York spending a vaca- tion varied with telling his humorous stories to the Edison phonograph. The latter will employ Mr. Stewart busily for some weeks. Harry Lconhardt, from Yonkers, will tender a benefit to the Order of the Bnai Rrith, in his home -city, on August 0. Lillian Shaw will appear. It is reported that when Mr. Leonhardt is in New York, Yonkers closes up pending his return. John Zouhoiilakis, the musician and clay modeler, who has played all over the west, i> in New York lo make his first ap]>ear- ance here. William Cameron, formerly with "The Orchid" and other musical comedy produc- tions, is preparing a singing and dancing sketch for vaudeville in which he will be assisted by Frankie St. John, formerly of the team of LeFcvre and St. John. Wes- lev & Pinsuc will direct the vaudeville tour. Williams and Tucker will return from England in time to 'open <Vtol>er 10 in either of their two former sketches or a new one they now have. Bookings arc placed by Bentham. Sampson and Douglas, Mrs. Nick Hughes and "Bob," the general utility man at the Alhambra, will be in "Fun in a Boarding House** when that B. A. Itolfe Fat Roonoy production appears at Trenton August 17. Sam Sampson will act as road manager for it, also playing a small part. The Three Florence Sisters have re- turned from a three weeks' visit to Hav- ana, Cuba. They repeat there August 17, opening at the National, and will continue on down toward the Isthmus, even penetrating the wilds of South America, booking direct with the man- agers. Rita Redmond is in Bellevue Hospital (Ward 21), New York City, slowly re- covering from a serious operation per- formed last Saturday. Within twenty minutes after her arrival at Bellevue she was operated-upon. Miss Redmond is en- tered upon the books of the institution as Mrs. Rita Brush. The Family Theatre, Chester, Pa. (Boom & D*Esta), will open September 21, play»r»g. two-a-day. Thl* change In policy will involve the expenditure of about one-third more for the weekly bills. Seven acts will be booked for each bill, instead of five as formerly under the "three-a-day" plan. Ward and Harrington, the American vaudeville pair, open nexYTMbnday at the Empire, Brixton, London/ for their Eng- lish premiere. The team went to London several weeks ago "on spec." Paul Mux- ray, the William Morris London represen- tative, arranged the engagement and will direct the foreign tour of the act. Mrs. James E. Cooper and baby, and Mr. and Mrs. Sam A. Scribner are due to return to-day from a two weeks' sojourn at Brookville, Pa., where they traveled in an auto "chauffeured" by Mr. ScVlbner. They were 140 hours in making the journey; 128 hours Scribner spent under the machine trying to locate the trouble. Jack Norworth's chauffeur was taken in custody the other night by a bicycle po- liceman for speeding. Upon his pedigree being taken at the station house, he an- swered that his employer was Jack Nor- worth. While the Lieutenant at the desk continued writing, he hummed, "I'm Sorry," when the chauffeur said, "That should be 'Honey Boy,' instead." Lew Morton will go to London as the representative for Hart & Werba in the London office to be established. Jos. Hart is expected to return about Sept. 1. Four "Futurity Winner" companies will be or- ganized for abroad, engagements having been entered for each by Mr. Hart. A fifth company in the same piece will go over the Orpheum Circuit. Two "Rain- Dears" companies are also booked abroad for the Hart & Werba account. Conway and Iceland, the monopedes, will play over here on Octolter 12, booked by Jenie Jacobs. V. C. Morley, well known among musical comedy players, has lieen engaged by Jos. M. Gaites to timid the 'No. 2" company of 'The Three Twins," the original of which is playing at the Herald Square, N. Y.