Variety (August 1908)

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VARIETY 33 SEND III OPEN TIME FOR KEXT SEASON WITH ROUTE BOOKED. CAN ARRANGE CONVENIENT JUMPS. ACTS DESIRING TIME ABROAD, FORWARD PARTICULARS AND PHOTOS IMMEDIATELY Park Managers, WILLIAM MORRIS, INC., Can furnish you with all the best acts you want 1440 BROADWAY, NEW YORK London omcc, 4.» strand, w.c. 167 DEARBORN ST., CHICAGO HVGO MORRIS. R*pr*a*at*tlv IS YOUR ACT A SUCCESS? The Plunkett Sifter, writ* ui: "We received gowns 0. K. and are more than pleased with them. They are indeed very handsome and effective. We thank you for yonr prompt delivery, and will always praise yonr work to our professional friends." ^^ Lot us number you amour the satisfied wearers of our famous SOUBRETTE and ANKLE GOWNS. Got our "Booklet" VOW—It oosts absolutely nothing. WOLFF, FOBBING > CO., - 61-65 Eliot Street, BOSTON, MASS, Immm fl l"fJP Bel m sal Who can get yon the lowest prices and the best accommodations If M THE MAN >..«.^....europe References Aman ft Hartley, Asra, Bolses, Selms, Brats, Paul Conchas, Conn A Conrad. F» f\ %J L T f\ U m I O. Vaudeullla 4te>amahlp M&mnt 104 East 14th St. New York. Qerman Savings Bank Betiding. Telephone—2099 Stnyveaant. CHICAGO BOOKING AGENCY OHAS. H. DOTJTRICK, Manager. Room £9, 9t La Sails ft, CHICAGO. Booking far Vandeville Theatres, Parks, Airdomes and Fairs. Managers wanting food sets, writs. WANTED.—Big Comedy and Novelty Feature Acts to write or wire open time. CHICAGO VAUDEVILLE MANAGERS EXCHANGE 6th FLOOR, MERCHANTS' BLDG., 99 LA SALLE ST., CHICAGO. FRANK Q. DOYLE, Manager. THE LEADING ENGLISH THEATRICAL AND VAUDEVILLE NEWSPAPER. BatsbUsbsd USD. THE STAGE Foreign Subscription, 3/10d. per Quarter. May bo obtained at Samuel French's, 9824 West 22nd Street, Now Fork. ARTI8T8 VISITING ENGLAND are oordially invited to register at "The Stags" offloes immsi diately upon their arrival. The Editor of "The Stage" will always be plesssd to welcome them. Advance notices of sailings and opening dates should bo posted to the Editor. When an artist has registered st "The Stage" office, which may bo regarded as his permanent London address,. all cor- respondence will be immediately forwarded. London Offloet: 16 York St., Covent Garden, London, W. O. HAMMERSTEINS AMERICA'S MOST FAMOUS VARIETY VICTORIA Open the Year Around VAUDEVILLE HEADLMERS GOOD STANDARD ACTS If you bars an open week you want to 111 at snort notice, writs to W. L. DOCKSTADBR, Carrlcl Tkeatre. WllmUgtea. IsL Can doss Saturday night and make any city east Of Chlcsgo to open Monday night. Charles Horwitz Sketches from the pan of Horwlts are the bast In Tsudeville. His record spesks for Itself. Over One Hundred Hits now playing. Order that sketch, playlet, monologue or song from CHARLES HORWTTZ, Knickerbocker Theatre Building, Boom til, Um BBOABWAY, NEW YORK. MY BONGS, PARODIES, MONOLOGUES AND SKETCHES NEVER FALL. LEVA/ BONNER, It OhamplsJn St., Rochester, N. Y. Sit up and watob Johnny Busch's new act. Percy G. CIRCUIT The COLONIAL New York The ALHAMBBA Harlem The OBPHEUM Brooklyn The CRESCENT Brooklyn The NOVELTY Williamsburg The GOTHAM East New York And The NEW GBEENPOINT THEATBE Brooklyn Address all PERSONAL fetters U PERCY a WILLIAMS, ST. JAMBS BUILDING, 2sTH ST. AND BROAD- WAY, NEW YORK CITY • snd tbs following bill: Three Fsntons, ring act, very good; Barns and Crswford, comedy sketch, ranking a bit; Harry Wslters, Hebrew comedian, there with the goods; The Daly Comedy Trio, comedy singing, talking and dancing, meets with approval; Wolf and Zadells, comedy acrobats, good. NOTE.—Aug. SI will be the opening dsy of the Majestic Theatre. 8. O. son of 1908-1900.—Willis m Manning, formerly of the BIJou Theatre, has been sppolnted treasurer under Msnsger Wiley for the 8svoy Theatre.— 8avoy Tbestre opens for vaudeville Sept. 7th. B. F. RAFFEBTY. THREE MUSICAL TOYS FALL BITER, MSBS. PREMIER (L. M. Boss, mgr.).—Moving pic- tures snd Bell and Oliver, musical set, pssssble; Dsleys, roller sksters, hit; Burke and Bridge, acrobats, good; Francis and Cross, comedy sketch, very good; Berry more snd Compsny, sketch, plensed; Ssdle Qrshsm, ill. songs, good. PURITAN (F. W. Hooper, mgr.).—Moving pic- tures snd Walter Stead, chsrscter singer, good; Arthur Cody, wooden shoe dancer, very good; Lydls Dresms, ventriloquist, a hit; John Bohan, block f see comedlsn, excellent; Grace Dsvenport, ill. songs, very good. PLEASANT ST. (Jsmes Meson, mgr.).—Moving pictures snd Oronley Snd Brebnsn, comedy sketch, good; Lloyd snd Crswford, songs snd dsnees, very good; W. H. Burke, hsrmoolcs king, hit; Rsy Dsvls, ill. songs, excellent; Meson end Dornn, held over, good. SCENIC (Geo. Grsbsm, mgr.).—Moving pictures snd ill. songs by Geo.' Grsbsm. LIN- COLN PARK (J. W. Phelps).—Lincoln Psrk Opers Compsny In "Boccscclo," comic opers. NOTE8. —George 8. Wiley has been appointed mansger of the 8avoy snd tbe Acsdemy of Music for the see- FOBT WAYNE. IND. ROBISON PARK (Geo. H. Fisher, mgr.).— Closing bill of sesson. Rose Boysl nod horse, strong restore; Gsston sod Green, good; Gilllhsn snd Brocee, Isugbsble; Rose snd Severns, comedy sketch, plesslng; Finn snd Ford, very good. MAJE8TIC AIRDOMB (F. A. Biemer, mgr.).— Clsrk snd Duncsn, plessed; Pero end Wilson, juggling, clrver; The Muslcsl Forests, good; Shean and Williams, comedy talking, went big; Frank Jones, ill. songs,*fine. H. J. B. GALVESTON, TEX. ELECTRIC PARK (Chss. - Hlldenbrand, mgr.). —Week 17: Johnnie Guise, female Impersonstor, eighth week, best ever hare; Leo Beers, bsrltone, tenth snd last week, fine; Prof. Mlttard's Goats and Bears, good; La Mora, "Sslome," third week, sensational drawing card. HILDBNBRAND. Hendsrion't, Consy ■•lanes, AtaM. • 1 ALF. T. WILTON. Ag« JAMESTOWN, N. Y. CELERON (J. J. Waters, mgr.).—Fred Rsy snd Co., fine; Dillon Bros., psrodles, excellent; Qosker City Qusrtet, good; Stsfford snd 8tone, novelty, snd Ells Richards, wire, pleased. L. T. BERLINBR. HAMILTON, 0. NEW GRAND (McCsrthey A Ward, mgrs.).— Rose sud Severns, good; Trssk snd Montgomery, clever; Sid Bsxter snd Co., serisl cyclists, good; Two Grsys, vocslists, excellent; LaRose and Hat- field, comedians, good. ROBINSON. JOHNSTOWN, FA. GLOKE (J. O. Foley, mgr.).—20-22: Martin J. Guild, monologue, good; Wagner and Grsy, in s Jspsnese sketch, "Won st Lsst," good. It is freely borrowed from Ade's "Slim Princess." 8teele snd Sibley, comedy sketch, fslr. 24-20: Melrose snd Elmer, "kid" sketch, good; Adsms snd Wlnfleld, songs snd dsnees, fine. Business improving. CAMBRIA (H. W. Soberer, mgr.). —"Brosdwsy Gslety Girls," 20; good show sod business. LUNA PARK (Phil Csulfleld, mgr.). —Vaudeville, four acts a week, will be In thea- tre balance of sesson. JB8TICAM. KANSAS CITY, MO. CENTUBY (Jos. R. Donnegsn, mgr.) opened 23 with "The Empire Burlesquers" and Roger Im- hoff ss the stsr. The show st tbe first perform- snee pleased Immensely. A chorus of 20 girls sdded interest. The costumes were sll pretty and the new scenery which has just been pieced In tbe tbestre gave a brilliant effect. Imboff was given s big reception. The olio, consisting of six spe- clslllcs, can be considered way above the average. The Bennett 81sters well received; Montambo and Bartelll, acrobats, good; Imboff and Corlnne, "In a Strange Hotel," excellent; John A. West, mu- sical comedian, good; Howard and Under, comedy Hketcb, pleased; Armstrong and Levering, cyclists, giod work. G. P. CBANDALL. KNOXVLLLE, TEHH. CRYSTAL (Scott Leslie. mgr.).—Musical Smiths, comedy roaalcsl, well spplsuded; Billy Browning, blackface singing and dancing, pleased. NOTES.—The Alrdome put on s vsudevills bill of four acts last week, but it did not prove a financial success. Tbe house Is dark this week.—Stsubs' Tbestre opens its sesson to-dsy with tbe Jewell Kelly Stock Compsny for tbs week. They edvertlse speclsl vsudevllle sttrsc- tions between tbe acts. ARTHUR 8PB0U8BB. VI VAUDEVILLE'S PREMIER ATTRACTION INIA HA * "THE AMD COMPANY In a One Act Playlet Entitled IDOL OF THE HOUR" Opens at Orpheum, Brooklyn, Next Week (Aug. 31st). Booked solid for 20 Weeks. Sole Managers, & 140 W. 42nd Si., New York WAS* suuhwerfief •4v m ti $m*mt§ Musty w^mtion Variety.