Variety (May 1933)

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r<-i 28 16, 1933 It's gay <t the Gaiety on Braadwa/t N* Where **Rciiiuon in Vietuui*'» playing a Wotid PicnUece en* gagement at ^2 ad* miniom YOC/SEE IT NOW AT OUR POPULAR PRICES! h \ She took her HUSBAND'S ADVICE and had <ct ROMANGE! You can't tnfle with cmo- tibhs! She knew that her former lover would be at the gay reunion patty. Her husband insisted that she go t What an evening.. * night •.. and dawn I ' > s '>^;^>x>::::•.:^; jo«n lyjrMay the night last fortver.*- V Enchantment awaits you on the screen. Of course It was a Quignificent opportunity for M-G»M., This £imed Theatre Guild romance by Robert E* Sher- woodi-a carnival hit for months on Broadway • • • record-breaking success on the road^./M-G-M has met the challenge of a great plfiy. with a great picture. Directed by Sidney FrankUn. The high hil- arity, the daring of its love scenes^ the heart-sUbbing ending of its romance will completely captivate youl A Metro'Goldwyn'Mayer Picture AD NO 5 COL'S >< llO LINES „ JXr^J COR . YOUR SERVICE! Special mats in addition to our regular press sheet* Ask M-G-M Ad Depu 1540B'ivay! for»«»»**V * catch al^ AO NO AVI ;4th Week at $2 @n the M-G-M Gay White Way!