Variety (June 1933)

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Tiiesdiiy, jane 20, 1933 T I M E S S Q U A-R E VARIETY 45 Loop Helen Morgan will step In Ches jpuree. Al Williamson has resumed borse- back riding'. . Max Halperin took Tess Gardella to Qoe the expo. ' Hazel Flynn ^ >ok u|> bloycllng on ' her Bermuda trlpi > Max Greenspai^ liouie's brother, has devised a new radio index-loie:, 'Shuffle Along' spotted by Billy Bison for hia Grand Rapids house. Frank 3urke new manager of Aragon ballrpQm for Andrew Kar- las. Bertha Fenberg a^nd Jack Stone : publicizing Charles Cukor enter- prises. Mrs. Claude Binyon and 'Tardy' here on a visit -to old south- side haunts. Bill <B&K) Hollander's daughter ^111 make Sill a father-in-law July 8. Bivoll, Toledo, booked out of Chl- cagb by Frank Gladden, dosed for sumn^er. Arch Herzolf has four wheels at- tached to a motor and will go places this summer. Paramount execs and salesman will hold convention June 29-80 at the'i)rake Hotel. Cafe de ^aris, former Coffee. Dan's, set to Open June 27 With Earl Bronson and > Irene Renee, Art Hall with Radio Rubes at .. the Chicago theatre used tp be of Hall and'Shapiro in vaude. I/tter-confusion, gate crashers by the hundreds, at the Hollywood stu- dio premiere "in the Fa,ir "iprounds. , Randolph street drug store open. 90 days filled 11 prescriptions in that time, but sandwiches and beer saved 'em, Fred Allen writes . a Chicago friend he has retired to his coun- try home in. Maine which he calls ■ Camp BflaLverbhftr fi-TBn<1-trt-TCn<1 Juleo Jaffee's ork, and George Han- kins,, trumpet with the same outfit, like- to talk of the time they both played ait thj& Absinthe House, New Orleans, when Mary (Kelly's. Ritz, Panama) ran it.- Nite spots, now bpenr-^Rlver Club, Riimson; club Lido, sea Girt; River- view Club,' Iioiig Branch; Hilltop Club, Oceanport; San Remo, liong Branch; Maison Fcloi, Long Branch: Log .Cabin, Long Branch; Monterey Gull, • Asbury, Park; Shrewsbury Manor, Shrewsbury. Harry Horlick and his A&P Gyp sles due in' Chicago in a week to start their sumniier chores in their sponsors' open-air gardens at the Fair. Northwestern tJniverslty college kids learned about'show business when plasters were Mapped on the' wardrobe of 'Hats Off' at the Stude baker.' Billy Diamond's missus will take the children to a cottagie near Min> neapolis, where Alice Elson will merge with the pfkrty for summer sunning. P'rof. Frank O'Hata of the Uni- versity of Chicago has launched his students on 'Uncle; Horn's Cabin/ possibly' inspired by the success in Manhattan. Goodman Ace ^gone to New Tork, will rejoin Jane Ace- in Kansas City and' probably ship tP California with Bum6 and- Allen or Jack Pearl for the summer layoff'. ■ ^Prge and Irene McCall, west bound for Holljrwbod from Chicago, had a rock 'bounced through the windshield. A bit of glass lodged In McCall's eye but was' reioaoved' satoly. 'When . the International Chess tournament starts July 9 - at the World's Fair, one of the contest ants will be a high officer of the expo, Allen Albert. He's exec asr slstant to Bute 'Daw^s. liaaao Yan Grove. Paul Bachelor «nd Chajhles Freeman co-operating In putting over 'Romance of a Peo- ple' on Jewish Day (July <) at the World's Fair, the biggest pageant thus far staged for the expo. Jersey Shore By Wee Nolte Some talk of shifting WJBI, Red Bank; to New Brunswick.' Planii being madd for grand opera at the Asbury Convention Hall. Talk of . a show boat on the Shrewsbury RivjBr at Red Bank. . Npble_^Sissle._" one nights at .the Rati tan Balhrocym, Perth Ambby. Lydia Hunting retUrn^ to hier Fair Haven home after an. appendix' op. ~ ■ ■ \Tom Howard and Howard Marsh' both have summer places at Rum son. . 'Peaches' Browning a two day - booking at the Long Branch Para mount The dance marathons are on. .One —^at.. Xong- .-Branch*—Sea—CUrt—and- Keansburg. Jimmy DeForest's old fight camp at Long Branch'has been turned in to a nite club. Roger .Pryor and hfs 'mother-in law, Bessie Clayton, sun bathe to gether on the lawn. Ruth and Doris Harding, of the Colonial (SingacX Inn floor show ■ around for a few days. - Carnivals are out at Lbng.Branch this season. Yelps made last year to the city fathers can still be beard. Max Davidson, drama critic of the Asbury Park 'Evening Press,' is a \ i^abbl _ in his sp are time. jQr visa ' 'VeriMf, Mary PIckford secret guests it at the Herb Dreyfus', of the Deal sum- »ner colony, with Tony Harwood doing the pointing out. Polly Moran recalls the old days with . Bobby Barry at Atlantic High- lands, and looks over a Fair Haven cottage which she niay buy. Bessie Letzrinng, 'Miss Florida,' the 1931 National Beaut contest, held at Long Branch in connection ^Ith a jewel theft. Later released. Ed Worthliey, trombonist with CHATTE im^Y Island folded Cleveland Qlenn C. Pu'len Coney again. Barkers and Pehhl-hearts game operators using mikes to spiel to mob; Easier _ on the tonsils. Autogyro adyertisiiig plane flying around beaches on weekends with a streamer on 'Golddiggers of 1933.' Loew's Coney Island seventh an- ni.: this week, Mgr. Wm. Woolfolk and Sam Kaplan aisst., handingr out cigars; Old' Mblln Rouge cafe near Sheepighead bay reopened as Kings Garden with dansiapation by An- thony -Trinfc and radio-ork. ( •Uncle Murray Bracker of Sheeps- >tead theatre Century circuit, gifted on his birthday. His Mickey Mouise dub members didn't forget. Cute looking Marion Weeks, sis ter- of Ada Mae now singing In Feltman's with Eddy-BUrston or chestra, spotte d in Maple Garden. liUdwig Satz and friends IttHk Sea Gate will see his picture. 'His Wife's Lover,' playing at TUxedO theatre in Brighton June 20-21. Coney is heavy-on sports. Boxing and wrestlin[^ matches at Fugazy bowU baseball at Brooklyn Sports Stadium, and bike races at Velo drome. ' Sl|x acts of vaude and pict. draw Ing biz for New Brighton, althp plenty squawks .about second run Alms n. 8. 'h. Mgr' Jackson would like to experiment with ten acts of Half Moon -rendezVouis of noted fliers, Including Jimmy Mattern who tested here before his present solo flight 'round the world. Wiley Post and two Lithuanian lllerf no^ around playing checkers in AViator'is room. Ptoyd Bennett Add near here la takeoff-apot for their flights. ■ ■ .\ San Francises ...By Harold. Bock„ A fortnight in Chi was enough for Ruth Wefitgate. , Arch Bowles to LA for oonfab with the Skourases. Mike Newman is In . town on a publicity campaign. The Warfleld's birthday eakie this week has 10 candles. The stork up and leaves the Ed Vutphys their fourth. Jay Brewer to Salt Lake KKO, where he's band leader. Cynthia Duane is chanting for NBC after a Hollywood career. Jerry Saffron, Columbia's new Coast chief, here with Jack Tillman. After his leg amputation. Bill Mc- Siay is resting, tat his Alameda home. . Ann Chase, doing Chiffon Jazz* program, is NBC's first femme an- nouncet'. 'Herman Cohen is back by the home fires after a stay In New Tork and Boston. While Dollo Sargent goeis Holly- wood, Georjge Nyklicek presides over the NBC console. Wilbur Hall has added to his col lection a cane belonging to Bis marck. dated 1880. Larry Rich has a swell'home in Los Angeles, but it's rented for so long he can't use iti Bill Wolff practicing for that July 7-9 RKO convention by talking to himself, with gestures. --; Florence.. .D.uiiand.j« wedding vows on June 22 W^ith John MacGowan, state piarole officer of L."A,. "/ i "' ^ - Dobbsie's secretary, Jane Barrett, moved from CBS to NBC while her boss goes NBC 3,000 miles away in New York. Fred Johnson and frau are head- ing toward Chi fair while Rene Cazanave subs at the 'Call-Bulletin' drama desk. I4oyd Campbell and Jack Wltte- more have opened up again, this tline in the Wlllard hotel. They call It the "Variety club. , ^ • Charlie Leonardjiron't go to UA's •lfew"Y<)rlrbffice now Ih^t thSf out- fit has . given him a raise and or- dered him to remain here. - - A bandit burgled the Walter Baker home, taking the kid's bank, and the housekeeper's watch, but spuming the master's Ingersoll.^ For several months Peggy O'Neill has been loafing. This week she had her kiddie revue at the War- field, put a lineup in Turpln's cafe, gave a dance recital, opened a new studio in Burlingame. and readied her presentations for El Capitan. John Fergus quits Public Hall b.o. for World's Fair berth. Howard Bernon jumping into roadhouse biz with Club Thistle- down. Frahky. Burns, former head ^man of Plaza nltery, now managing a beer spot. Dave Lederman has. gone back to law with folding of Carter's musical revue stock. Freddie Carlone due. back with Flfl D'Orsay to open Cohneaut Lake park's s^son. Otto Wllle out .of Lakeshore Gar- dens. Peter Schmidt, owner, planr ning to reopen it. RKO Palace bias cut out switch-, board and half its phone lines M economy measure. Cal De "Vol, cpntinuity writer for Gene and Glehni making trek to Detroit with boys. • . Largest beer garden in Ohio, with 7,000 capacity, being opened by George Lake. park. Graves Taylor still getting razz-^ berries from WGAR cCowd for fill- ing in ingenue bit on. a kids' broad- " RKO" and- Loew~ moguls again dickering With niusiclans' local on putting vaude back in Palace iand State Margaret Hamilton, Cley^lander groomed by Playhouse here, now in Hollywood acting In filmed 'Another Language.' -^_-iBi iu_:Ttekftr \ri Hanna'fl stock Intends to reopen Academy, as a burlesque house in September. Mis. Mike Cullen putting on weight and glad of it. She was Hazel Jennings of the Ziegfeld choir. Magldson Twins cut short a Toledo hlte club engagement to get back to town for their: high ischool dlplbmas., Jimihy' Murray* former news- paperman and now radio pia., mar^ ryihg Erma Scott, local girl, in New York next week. Newspapers, here .have all. been sesleged with inquiries about Dick Ppwell's condition. He's down with pneumonia on the coast. burned when gossip-chatterers made much of her former marriage to fYederic March of plctinres. Syracuse By Chester Minneapofis By Les Reea Max Roth, new. Columbia district manager. ' Aulger dramittlc rep again tour- ing northwest under canvas. Helen' Anderson, Loring cashier, recovered from eye pperation. . Chuck Saunders has opened new night club and beer garden In loop. David .Ackerson is back from his tour as Flske O'Hara's accompanist, Helen Anderson, Loving theatre cashier, recovered from -eye opora- ■tibn.'" ■■' . ' ■ 'Be Mine Tonight^ in 10th week at World theatre and still no end In sight. North Dakota exhibitors all set for -hardest fight eyer for Sunday shows. - Saturday openings now at the two leading loqp bouses, State and Or Bahn RaJtaelo Diaz, tenor of the. Met, Opera, is the house guest of Dr. and Mrs. Irving A, Oberlander. Emi^ire, dark since the V7lthdra.wal of the ^ouras interests, may be lithted soon; two deals are simmer luir. . ' i Cinema Critics Club marked the half-way .iBtone in its seventh year with « dinner .dance tiX Drumlins last week. Replacinig Franz Westphal at the Liberty, Herkimer, as manager, Stephen Bbisclair will ddUble at the house's console. . Syracuse publishers cold to rates out. the Paramount has followed lioe^'B in dropping out of .the Sun- day amusement page. Roy 's Gang, radio combination on WFBL opens at Loew's State next week. Harry F. Shaw, State's manager, acting as c. Arthur Hopkins' cronies, victims of his practical jokes for years past, are plarining a warm welcome for the Syracuse realty broker and his bride. Doris Keniyon. Stricken with a nervous break- down while driving his truckload of 18 trained dogs thrPugh Maniius, Sanchos Morales, circus and vaude- ville performer; is under treatment at the Syracuse Psychopiathlc taps pital. Hollywood PittslNirgh By Hal Cohen Ken Hohl, former WB explolteer, doing freelance publicity. Warner Club's annual picnic . set June 2«.at Slippery Rock. Elmer Kenyon will soon tietke off for annual summer Visit tp Europe ' Bernice Warner, four years secre- tary in WB's Pittsburgh office, rcr signed. Lynn Morrow, 'iPost-Gazette' radio ed, and the family, gbing to Canada for vacash. . '\ Magldson Twins, locaT redheads, doing their. stuff-At the- Crescent- Club, Toledo. Emil Jensen, Variety Club trainer, off tp Saratoga for the summer. Back Labor Day.- In Fairmont, W. Va., his home town. Fuzzy Knight always gets top billing in pictures. C. J. Latta's Mrs; and the children by motor to Omaha and Indian- apolis for a. month. Howard Addelsberger, former treasurer, slipping out pasteboards at Forbes ball park. It's a new plane for 'Virginia Dahlman, saxophpnlst with Jean Wald's all«glrl=band..=^=i.:.=i===i^^^^.,- Mrs. Donn WermUth and Dohn, Jr., wife and son of the p.a., in Los Angeles for the summer. It'll be wedding bells next week for Bobble Walker, band leader, and Gladys Stahl, cigaret gal. First thing Max Baer did when he got to town was to slip down .to the Fulton and see fight pictures. Betty Nylander, acrobatic dancer with 'Tattle Tales,' a north side gal and a former Stanley chorine. George JafXe through with vaude. pheum. Cool weather, after two record breaking heat waves, has helped theatre. Orpheum reduces balcony to 36c for stage show weeki^. Lower floor still 60c. Bill Elson back from Grand Rap ids, Mich., where he took oyer two RKO houses. Merle Potter. 'Journal' film editor, back from New "ifork with plenty of theatrical lowdPwn. Carlton Duffls of Publix publicity staff weds Helen Watson, non-pro- fessional of St.'Paul; Film salesmen report business picking up in' North Dakota since wheat prices' advance. Norvy Mulligan's orchestra land ed choice engagement at Radissoh Inn, summer lake hotel. Bud StrUck, locfUite, has quit Gus Amheim'a band to wed St^ Paul girl and enter business here. Jimmy Londos' wrestling match with Joe Cox first sport event here in some time to escape red. Roscoe-Fawcett-of• Fawcett Pub-, lications recuperating after fifth major operation in 12 months. With<midweek changes of Marcus'^ stacre show and of pictures, RKO Orpheum has its first split week. Eva Fhtlllps, secretary to Ben Blotcky. Paramount district man- ager, wedded^ to Milford Myhre. •' ^Cavalcade' reported as grossing better, comparatively, in neighbor- hood houses than In loop first-runs. '42d Street,' playing its fourth lo<^p engagement, a full week at-the Aster theatre, held over an extra day, Ila Green, blonde, new Informa- tion girl at .PubUx, succeeding Eve- lyn Schwartz, brunette, recently married; New North Dakota exhibitor's assoc., askihg exchange to refuse to sell to. theatres charging dime admission. Henry Woehnlng, veteran musi- cian and one of organizers of Min- neapolis . Muslcia.ns' association, dead at 64, Two, voters-wrote name . of Lou Breese, Lyceum orchestra con- ductor,, on ballots for mayor at re- cent election. Pantages theatre had street sign inviting pedestrians to step Into lobby and enjoy benefits of new cooling .system. WCCO loses Bill Slater, Its star sports announcer, leaving to. take headmaster's position at Brooklyn, N."Xr private school;—' • • ■ For first time in many a moon three loop; film-houses—^State, Or- pheum and Lyceum—have stage en- tertainment simultaneously. Johnny Green, song writer and State theatre guest orchestra .con- ductor, composed two . numbers and Introduced them h^re for first time. Minnesota Amusement Co. (Pub- lix) withholding, annouqceinent of its acquisition, of 4,200-«eat Minne- sota and plans to reopen house hi fall. Thurston entertained at parties during local engagement. Given by Carl=Jones,-=--Journal^publlBher,-and- Mystic 13, local society of magi- cians. •Duktf Hlckey, Universal ex- plolteer from New York, a former local newspaperman, here to help ballyhoo 'King of Jazz' at the Lyceum. Stage hands' union has demanded city council employ an additional stage hand at municipal auditorium to replace Andrew Campion, stage carpenter, resigned, althoiigh coun- cil policy is to fill no vacancies. Eleanor Packer back from N. Y. Paul Shell finally fell for a hahr^ cut. Thelma Todd expected back from London July 10. Vic Clark searching for iEi ranch for his son, Wbodyi Ed Lo'wTy came on from Chicago and Will angle a bit for pix. Ben Goldman here from the. War* ner h. o. service dept. for a few days. Flo Marshall, fan maggie, back from a- three-^month Visit In "Ven- Shirley Temple, baby star fttr Educational, is posing for a 24-she^ soap ad. Lyle Talbot Wtck at Wamiers iotftw visiting the home folks 4n Omab^ and Kansas City. I. Robert BrodCr. Milt . Lewis anfl Joe Lefkowitz blew in together foe biz and pleasure trips. B. P. Sdhulberg hopes to pick up a play for pictures while In Budaai pest oh his European jaunt. . . Walter Klofeldt handling Souths em California distribution fo^ Race Night,' new novelty short. Jim Dai{idson accompanied Spy* ros Skouras to the coast. He's as* ^ sistant film buyer for the Skourases* Eddie Hatrick arrived here IVl* day (16) from New York, cbmlnjg by way of the Hearst ranch at Sao Simeon. Hugh Herbert has rented his Malibu home to Norman Houston^ while Mrs. Herbert (Anita Pam).li visiting in-New York. M. Mitchell taaff opened Metro En< tertalnment booking offices herej. designed primarily to furnish stac and banquet entertainers. That maitiage of Brown Holmeil to Janet Banks, Ben Piazza's sea scheduled for two. weeks ago. is stilt in the offing. No reason given.. EcfidLiJflajaett—of ana Re^ firm of Hughes. Schurman Dwight, here for a vacation, turns to Manhattan through CanaV Seattle By Davs Trepp 'Walter Lemon here from N'. Y.. J. G. von Herberg flew to N. lb last weekt - '. Jean Singer plugging music nf 10-cent store, Yio Meyers back from fl}rtln|( with Alms in Hollywood. Al Q. Barnes circus here July t-4 on civic auditoriuta ball park. Al Capone's 116.000 motor par esM hlbited here at 16 cents a throw bf) John Danz. < Only one rodep set for N. W. thii yparT-Ellensburig, Wash., with.Pett^ dleton reported out. . Short horse-race seaspn aesurea* Also readying for dog ra^ at SIW ver Lake aaid possibly Playland. Frank Newman back from Portii land, Eugene, Ore., and. Vanc'puveqi Wash., looking at Evergreen hPusei^ George Hood readying^ nlte clnV at Frye hotel, with oldtlme Aiaskii barroom.type and entertainment re« produced. Gus Sonnenberg, ek-chanip rass^ ler. iihows here to okeerowd at Ra^ nier club date at civic aude^ butting Bob Kruse around. « Pompom night club scene of hlllx ing, with one of proprietors admit-i* ting he fired shot at robber. He'# charged with murder. Ben Shearer in town from P6rt<' land, where he is remodeling the Heilig theatre, which will bePomej Hamrlck's Music Box. Roy Fehner resumes^ weekl)^ wrestling shows. Jim Browning'; heavy title claimant, on opening: bill* Now five wrestling olubs in town. . Lawrence D. Wicklund, formerlyt treasurer at the Metropolitan, wheql it Was an Erlanger house, has gone north, forming cPmpany to -pacto. herring. Strondwi By John J. 'Bartholomew Eddie Duchin band playing oneN nlghter at F^brook park. Plaza reverting to straight pi<H tures after trying last-half vaude. BushkiU's Marine ballroomi open^ ing._witbire.tum of, Allen..Quirk.4>rlb George Grubey and orchestra from the Embassy club opening thei Castle Inn grill. , Cold June having a disastrous ef-i feet on' night baseball, but ]ncreas«ii ing theatre patronage. Lew Stanley's California Nights hawks one of the two bands chose^ for the Laurel Blossom ball. Harlan Dixon and Peggy Cornell, furnishing the entertainment at th^i .local high school alumhl banquet. The Sherman theatre here now id affiliation with the Comerford in< terests of Scranton for joint book*i ing. :^ Y<f-Y9^btr8lneflBTg;ettlnr^ belated"" play around here. Local depart^ ment store has a Filipino experll and promoting contests. Embalmed 68-ton whale on a 100« foot exhibition car on a siding near the D., Ix &'W. depot. Comedy re- lief, London flea circus. Rev. Percy Crawford, young'min- ister of the Church of the Air (WMCA and WCAU every Sunday), recently purchased a hotel near here and will conduct young people's all- summer revivals.