Variety (July 1933)

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S2 VARIETY riCTVHES Taesday, July 25, 1933 CALENDAR OF CURRENT RELEASES Chesterfield Studloa: Pathe Studios, Ali:,aJ Offices: 729 Seventh Ay«., Culver City, Cal. Alliea N«vv York, N. Y. Dude Bandit, The. Western story of retribution. Hoot Gibson. Dir. Geo. JWelfbrd. 66 xnlna Bel. May 1. Rev. June 27. Eleventh Commandment, The. From the play by Brandon Fleming; Harlan Marsh, Theo. Von Bltz, Alan Hale. Dir. Geo. Belford. 64 /^Ins. Rel Feb. 20. Offices: 1540 Broadway, New York, N. Y. By Appointment Only. (Invincible.) A nnan's man who was a woman's doc- tor, tew Cody, Sally O'Neill, Atfeen Prlngle. Dir. Frank Strayer. 65 mlns. Rel. July 7. Forgotten. Original. Story of a forgotten man. June Clyde. Wm. Collier, Jr.^ Natalie Moorhead. Dir. Rich .Thorpe. 65 mlns. Rel. Feb. 16. Rev. June 6; I Have Lived. A girl's attempt to live down her past Allan Dlnehart, Anita Page, Allen Vincent. Dir. Rich. Thorpe. Re.l June 15. Notorious, But . Nice. Story to come. Marian Marsh. Betty Compson, Donald Dllloway. Dir. Rich. Thorpe. Rel. Aug. 1. Studio: Gower at Sunset, Hollywood, Cal. Ann Carver's Profession. Woman lawyer saves her husband In a murder trial. Fay Wray, Gene Raymond. Dir. Bddie Buzzell. 71 mlns. Rel. May 26. Rev. June 13. Below the Sea. A thrilling tale of treasure on the ocean floor. ^Ralph Bel- lamy, Fay Wray. Dir. Al Rogell. 79 mlns. Rel. April 26. Rev. June 6. California Trail, The. A buckaroo hero who combines old world gallantry with dashing twentieth century action. Buck Jones. Helen Mack. Dir. Lambert HllJyer. 67 mlns. Rel. March 24. Child of Manhattan. Stage play by Preston Stutges. Romance of the dlme- a-dance. Nancy Carroll, John Boles. Dir. Eddie Buzzell. 73 mlns. Rel.'Feb. 4. Rev. F6b. 14. Circus Queen Murder, The. Murder under the lilg top.* Adolphe Menjou, Qrett^ Nlsseh; Dir. Roy William Nelll. 66 mlns. ReU April 10. Rev. May 9. Cocktail Hou^ Girl Illustrator narrowly escapes missing the right man. Bebe Daniels, Randolph Scott. Dir. Victor Schertzinger. 73 mlns. Rel. June 6. Rev. June 6. r'Al<«MkStt omces; 729 Seventh Ave., Columbia New York, N. Y. Dangerous Crossroads.' "X' roifrlng romance of~"tKB~Tailtr. " Chic—Saler-Diane Sinclair, Jackie Searle. Dir. Lambert Hillyer. 69 mms. Rel. June 16. MuMolinI Speaks, The 1931 address with newsreel shots. Interpolations by Lowell Thomas. 74 mlns. Special. Rev. Mar. 14. Night of Terror. Bela Lugosi and his haunting eyes—blood-curdling suspense —mysterious disappearances. Bela Lugosi, Sally Blane. Dir. Benjamin Stoloff. 66 mlns. Rel. April 24. Rev. Jilne 27. Parole Girl. From Diince of the Millions.' First offender, sent to jail, plots to be revenged on the man who put her there, but It boomerangs Mae qia'ke, Ralph Bellamy, Marie Prevost. Dir. Eddie Cllne. 67 mlns. Rel. Mar. 4. Rev. April 11. Rusty* Rides Alone. Tim McCoy curbs crime at every turn with his ever- faithful police dog pal. Tim McCoy, Barbara Weeks. Dir. D. Ross Lederman. 68 mlns. Rel. May 26. Silent Men. Tim McCoy western original. Florence Britton. Dir. D. Ross Lederman. Rel. Mar. 3. Soldier* of the Storm. The first fllm featuring the IT. S. Border Patrol and the part played by planes. Regis ~Toomey, -Anita Page. Dir...D. Ross Xrederman: 69 mlns. Rel. April 4. Rev. May 23. So This Is Africa. Original. Wheeler and Wolsey go to Africa with some tame Hons. Racquel Torres. Dir. Eddie Kline. 67 mlns. Rel. Feb. 24. Rev. April 26. State Trooper. Original. Story of a war between two gas companies. Regis Toomey, Evalyn Knapp. Barbara Weeks, Ray HattoH, Dir. D. Ross —Lederman, 68 mlns.. ReL Feb,. 10. _ Rev . Ma r. 28. The Woman I Stole. Jack Holt a swaggering overlord of the oil fields who outblufTs doublecrossets. Jack Holt, Fay Wray. Dir. Irving Cum- mlngs. 64 mlns. Rel. May 1. Treason. Original. Kansas after the civil war. Buck Jones, Shirley Grey. Dir. Geo. B. Seltz. 62 mlns. Rel. Feb. 10. Unknown Valley. A full-of-flght western drama, replete with unique situa- tions. Buck Jones, Ce(rilla Parker. 'Dir. Lambert HDlyer. 69 mine. R.el. May 5. What Price innocence. Story of a girl who didn't Imow. Jean Parker, Wil- lard Mack. Dir. Wlllard Mack. 64 mins. Rev. June 27. When Strangers Marry. Drama against the menacing magic of the tropics. Jack Holt. Lilian Bond. Dir. Clarence Badger. 68 mlns. Rel. March 20. Rev. May 30, Whirlwind, The. A round-up of thrills and action. Tim McCoy, Alice Dahl. Dir. D. Ross Lederman. 59 mlns. Rel. March 14. Woman I Stole, The. A swaggering overlord of the oil fields. Jack Holt, Fay Wray. Dir. IrVlng Cummings. 69 mins. ReL May 1. Rev. July 4. Wrecker, The. The season's timeliest story, with the recent California earth- quake. Jack Holt, Genevieve Tobln. Dir. Albert Rogell. 72 mlns. Rel. July 10. First Division !J!S te^N^Y. Releases Also Allied, Chesterfield and Monogram Black Beauty. Anna Sewell's famous book. Esther Ralston. Alexander Klrk- land, Gavin Gordon, Hale Hamilton. Dir. Phil Rosen. 65 mlns. Rel. July 16. Dasean. Life, customs, morals, habits and whatnot as lived by the penguin birds on 'Penquln Island.' Cherry Kearton produced and directed. Two running times: 38 mins. and 51 mins. Rel. June 16. Dude Bandit. A clumsy cowhand turns to the disgrulse of a romantic dude bandit and solves a murder. Hoot Gibson, Gloria Shea. Dir. George Melford. 66 mlns. Rel. June .16. Forgotten. A kindly Jewish immigrant father, cast off In his old age by his sons, brings them to their senses. June Clyde, William Collier, Jr., Lee Kohlmar, Natalie. Moorhead, Jean Hersholt, Jr. Dir. Richard Thorpe. 67 fnlns. TRei. May 1. Jungle Bride. A murder suspect Is shipwrecked, with his captors. In the jungles. Anita Page. Charles Starrett. Dir. Harry Hoyt and Albert Kelly. 62 mlna. Rel, May 26. Rev. May 25. Love Is Like That. A seventeen-year-old youngster gets mixed up li) a couple of domestic tangles and a near murder mystery. John Warburton, Ro- chelle Hudson. Dir. Richard Thorpe. 65 mlns. Rel. May 1. Rev. May 9. Oliver Twist. The famous Charles Dickens classic. Dickie Moore, Irving Pichel, William Boyd, Alec Francis, Doris Lloyd, Barbara Kent. Dir. William Cowan. 74 mlns. Rel. May 1. Phantom broadcast. A radio crooner attains phoney fame when his accom panlst secretly does his singing for him. Ralph Forbes ,Vlvlenne Os- borne, Pauline Garon. Dir. Phil Rosen, 71 mins. Rel. Aug. 1. Return of Casey Jones. A young engineer surmounts his dlfflculties through the spiritual Influence of the hero of his boyhood. Charles Starrett, Ruth Hall, Jackie Searle. 67 mins. Dir. J. P. McCarthy. Rel. July 10, Rev. July 4. Shriek in the Night. A murder mystery in a swanky Park Avenue apart- ment house. Ginger Rogers, I,yle Talbot. Dir. Albert Ray. 67 mlns. Rel. June 16. Sphinx, The. A deaf mute and his twin brother are Implicated In a series of crimes wherein four stock brokers are murdered in the same manner, Lionel AtwUl, Sheila Terry, Paul Hurst. Dir. Phil Rosen. 62 mins Kel. July 3. Strange People. Thirteen men and women, twelve of whom recognize each otiicr as members of a murder jury, find themselves gathered in the house of the murdered man, near midnight of a stormy night. John Darrow. Gloria Shea, Hale Hamilton. 64 mlns. ReL June 16. Theso tabulation* ard compiled from Information ■upplied by the various production companies and checked up as soon as possible after release. Listing Is given when re* lease dates are definitely set. Titles arc retained for six menths;. M^n- agers who receive service sub'se? quent to that period should pre- serve a copy cf the calendar for reference. The running, time as given here is presumably that of the projection room showings and can only approx> mate the actual release length in those states or communities where local or state censorship may result in deletions. Running time in the review* as given In 'Variety* carry the actual time clocked in the the- atre after passage by the New York state censorship, since pictures are reviewed only in actual theatre showings. While every effort is made to hold this list accurate, the information supplied may not always be correct, even though official. To obtain the fullest degree Cf exactness 'Variety' will appreciate the co-operat!ort of all managers whp may note discrep* ancies. Lilly Turner. 81de shows and grlfters. Ruth Cbatterton, Geo. Brent, Fl-ank McHugh. Dir. Wm. A. Wellman. 65 mine. Rel. May 13. Rev. June 20. Little Giant, The. Itobinson aa a comedy iSangster. D. O. Robinson, Mary Astor. Dir. Roy Del Ruth. 70 mlna. ReU May 20. Rev. Bfoy 80. Mind Reader, The. Mlnd-readinir as a new raoket. Warren William and Constance Cummlnge. Dir. Roy Del Ruth. ReL April 1. Rev. April l]« Hollywood Fir»t NAtir^nal Offlc*": 321 W. 44th St., r irSl i^ailOnSlI New York, N. Y. Studios: Burbank, Calif. Clondle Johnson. The female Public Ehiemy No. 1. Joan Blondell, Chester Morris. Dir. Ray Bnrlght. 67 mlns, Rel. Feb. 25. ' . Central Airport. A triangle fn the aviation game. Richard Barthctmess and Bally Ellers. Dir. William A.. WeJlman. Rel. April 15. Rev. May 9, Elmer the Great. Baseball story. Joe E. Brown, Patricia Ellis. Dir. Mervyn LeRoy. 64 mlns. Rel. April 22. Rev. May 30. Employee's Entrance. Original Xove In a Dept. Store.' Warren William, Lorctta Young, Alice Whlt6. Dir. Roy Del Ruth. 74 mlns. Kel. Feb. 11. Rev. Jan. 24; rand Sli^m. A burlesque on- the popular bridge fad. Paul Lukas, Lorctta Young, Frank McHugh, Glenda Farrell. Dir. William Dleterle, 67 mlns, Rel. March 18. Heroes for .Sale. Post war activities of American vets. Rich. Barthelmess, Loretta Young. Rel. June 17, (Continued from pago 6) Radio. Latter goes over a month. Jack La Rue, from Par, and Ralph Morgan, from Fox, borrowed by Warners for 'Keimel Murdei; Case * First JEladio pic for Wynne Gib- son will be 'Aggie Appleby,' in- tended for . Constance Bennett. 'Blonde Poison,* slated for Miss Gibson previously, shoved - back. Radio has bought Stefan Zweig's 'Letters of an. Unknown Woman' for Kaitharine Hepburn. Fourth adaptation' on 'Alimony Club* for Joseph Schnitzer being made by George Rosener. Two writers released . by Para- mount have hopped ta Radio—Eld.. Kaufman and Sidney Buchman. Adaptation of 'Man Who Broke His Heart' at Par being done by Samuel HofEenstein. and Frank Partes from Frederick Schlick's story. Al Lewis will produce. Lombard-Raft Team Carole Lombard and George Raft have been teamed by Par for 'All of Me,' based on life of Maurice, written by Ruth Rldenour, former p. a. for tbe dancer, Carey Wilson scripting. C. C. Burr prepaxing to make a feature, 'Say, Young Fellow,' by Jack Natteford. Warners will make six musical shorts In Technicolor this season. First will start tvithin a week, with John Francis Dillon directing and Larry Ceballos eta,glng the dances. Kent-Sheehan East Wlnfield S. Sheehan leaves Friday (28) for his European vacation. Sidney Kent arrives on the coast two weeks after Sheehan's depart- ure. They will confer In New York. Phil Mandella, a grip at Fox, looking the part, was pressed into service to play a gondolier paddler for 'Woman.' Unable to sing, the warbling necessary for the part was done by a stooge tenor, and will be dubbed In. •Don Hank of'San Xiorenze' is in production by Willis Kent for Ralph Like. Sam Neufold directing, with Donald Dllloway, Nina Quartera and Don Alvarado in the cast. Kenneth Goldsmith goes Into pro- duction Aug'. 1, after three months, with 'Carnival Kid.' Howard Hig- glns will direct. Talker edition of the serial, 'Perils of Pauline,', gets under way at Uni- versal, July 31. Paramount and Monta Bell are protesting the use of "P. T. Barnum' as a title for ?Oth Centuhy's pro- posed circus picture. Both claim they . registered the titl% several years ago, with the studio investing $70,000 for research and story. A week after he broke his leg at Lakeside Country club, Frank Lloyd was on the Fox lot on crutches pre- paring the script of his next Clara Bow'film, 'Hoop-La.' 'Skins' Miller and Al Klein stag- ing the vaude routine for Par's 'Too Much Harmony.' Beerys Away Completing 'The Bowery' for 20th Century, Aug. 16, Wallace Beery, accompanied by his wife, daughter and Lew Werthelmer go to Europe for a vacation. Returning, Beery goes into 'Soviet' and "Viva Villa' for Metro. Morris Ankrum, Pasadefta Com- munity Playhouse director, has been contracted by Fox on writing, di- recting and acting' for three months. Metro has given all producers ,a .'positive' ord6r that all scripts' must be completed before production starts. It's the umpty-umph time the order has gone out. Studio: Fox Hills, Hollywood, Cal. Pav Oinees: 850 Tenth Ave., New YorH, N Vi\ Adorable. Original. With innslc. Janet Gaynot, Henry Garat, Dlr.^ Wm. Dleterle. 86 mlns. ReL May 19. Rev,^ay 23. After the Ball. British made. I,ove at a diplomatic ball. Esther Ralston. Basil Rathbone. Dir. Milton Rosmer. 68 mlna. Rel. Mar. 17. Rev^ Mar. 21. ^ Arizona to Broadway. James Dunn, Joan Bennett. Dir. Jas. Tinllng, ReL June 23.. Best of Enemies, The. Racial conflict comedy. Buddy Rogers, Marian Nixon. Joe Oawthome, Pr^uik Morgan. Dir. Rian James. 72 mins. Rel. June 23. Rev. July 18. Bondage.- Original. Drama. Dorothy Jordan, Alex. Klrkland. Dir. Al. San- tell. 67 mlns.' Rel. Mar. 31. Rev. April 25. Broadway Bad. Story by Wm. R. Llpman and W. W. Pezet. Modern drama. Joan Blondell, Ginger, Rogers. Rlcardo Cortez, Margaret Sedden. Dir. Sidney Lanileld. €1 mins. ReL Feb. 24, Rev. Mar, 7. Dangerously Yours, Society thief and girl detective. Warner Baxter, Miriam Jordan, Herbert Mundin. Dir. Frank Tuttle. 74 mins. Rel. Feb. 3. Rev. Feb. 22. Devil's In Lovci The. Harry Hervey novel. 'Foreign legion yarn. Victor Jory, Loretta Young, Vivlenne Osborn. Dir.. Wm. Dleterle. 70 mlns. Rel. July 21. Five Cents a Glass. Love, musIC aiid beer. Buddy Rogers, Marian Nixon. Rel. June 30. ^' /Futurlstle plane landing field In mid-ocean. Conrad Veldt. Leslie Fenton, Jill Esmond. Dlr, Karl Hartl. 75 mlns; Rel. July 28. Hello Sister. Stege play. Jas. Dunn, Boots Mallory, ZaSu PiUs. 60 mlns. Rel. April 14. Rev. May 9. Hold Me Tight. Love In a department store. Jas. Dunn. Sally Eilers. Dir. David Butler. Rel. May 26. Rev. May 23. Humanity.—OrlginaL—^Physitilan-who-seeks-to save-hls-son-from-a—woman!a_ influence.. Boots Mallory, Alex. Klrkland, Irene Ware. Dir. John Fran- cis Dillon. Rel. Mar. 3. Rev. April 26. I i-oved You Wednesday. Stage play of four tangled lives. Warner Baxter. Ellssa Landl. Victor Jory. Dir. Henry King. Rel. June 9. Rev. June 20. Infernal Machine. Prom the novel by Carl Sloboda. Drama. Genevieve To- bln, Chester Morris. Dir. Marcel Varnel. 65 mlns. Rel. Feb. 10. Rev. els Dillon. ReL Mar. 3. Rev. April 25. ' it's Great to Be Alive. An only man in a world of beautiful women. Raul Roullen, Gloria Stuart, Herbert Mundin. Dir. Alfred Werker. Rel. June 2. Rev. July 11. Last Trail, The. Zane Gray story. Geo. O'Brien, El Brendel. Claire Trevor. Dir. James Tinllng. ReL Aug. 25. Life In the Raw. Zane Grey story. Cowboy saves girl's brother from bandit gang. Geo. O'Brien, Claire Trevor, Greta Nlssen. Dir. LkjuIb Kins. 62 mlns. Rel. July 7. Man Who Dared, The. Imaginative biography based on life of Anton Cer- mak. Preston Foster, Zlta Johann. Dir. Hamilton McFadden. 77 mlns, Rel. July 14. Paddy the Next Best Thing. From the stage play. Janet Gaynor, Warner Baxter. Dir. Harry Lachman. Rel. Aug. 18. Pledrure Cruise. Play by Austen Allen. Jealous husband trails his seagolns wife. Dir. Frank Tuttle. Rel. Mar. 24. Rev. April 4. Pilgrimage. Mother love from a new angle. From the.!. A. R. Wiley story* Henrietta. Crflssman, Heather Angel, Norman Poster. Marian Nixon. Dir. John-Jbrd, 416. mins..-(xoadshowijag time), _Rey,_Juiy- i8. - iailor's Luck. Original. Romance of a O.' S. Navy gOb. Jas. Dunn, Sali'y Ellers. Victor Jory. Dir. Raoul Walsh. ReL Mar. 3. Rev. Mar. 2L Shanghai Madness. Magazine story by P. H. Brennan. River pirates on a Chinese stream. Spencer Tracy, Fay Wray. Dir. John BlystOne. Rel. Aug. 4. smoke Lightning. From Zane Grey's 'Canyon Walls.) Geo. O'Brien. Nell O'Day. Dir. David Howard. Rel. Feb. 17. Trick for Trick. Stage play of same title. Ralph klorgan, Victor Jory, Sally Blane. Dir. Hamilton McFadden. 68 mins. Rel. AprU 2i. Rev. June 13. Warrior's Husband, The. Stage play by Julian Thompson. An Amazon who had a heart. Ellssa Landl, Marjorle Rambeau, Ernest Truex, David Manners. Dir. Walter Lang. 74 mlns. Rel. May 12. (Lasky produc- tion.) Rev. May 16. Zoo In Budapest. Original. Mystery story In a foreign zoo and an anlmaL Loretta Young, Gene Raymond, O. P. Heggle. Dir. Rowland V. Lee; R.'. April 28. Rev. May 2. (Lasky production.) ' Freuler Associates New vfrk^'S v. beadwood Pass. Original; Western. Hidden treasure and government agentst. Tom Tyler, Alice Dahl, Wally Wales. Dir. J. P. McGowan. ReL Mar. IB. Easy Millions. OrlglnaL Reputed millionaire loses his Job. an inheritance and almost his sweetheart. Skeeta Gallagher, Dorothy j3urgesB. Dir. Fred Newpaayer. Rel. June 30. KI88 of Araby. Original. Sahara story of British army and Rlflf. with love Walter Byron, Claire Windsor. Dir. Phil Rosen. Rel. Feb. 23. Penal Code. Story of a boy's regeneration surmounting complications. Regis Topmey. Helen Cohan, Robert Ellla Dir. George Melford. 62 min^ Rel. Jan. 15. Rev. Mar. 7. When a Man Rides Alone. Robin Hood of the West and some daring stage coach holdups and fast riding Tom Tyler, Adele Lacey. Duke Lee! Dir. J. P. McGowan. ReL Jan. 29. ^-o. Maiestic Offices: RKO BIdg., Radio City, Cheating Blondes. (Equitable.) Twin, sisters tangled In. a murder mystery. Thelma^Todd, Rolfe Harold. Dir. Jos. Levering. 61 mlns. Rel. AprU ll Curtain at Eight. Story of a murder mystery by Octavus Roy Cohen. ReL June. Free Love. Rel. May 1. Gun Law. Vestern. Jack Hoxle, Betty Boyd. Rel. May 1. Sfng, Sinner, Sing. Torch singer marries a millionaire. Paul Lukas. Leila Hyams. Dir. Christy Cabanne. Rel. May. Trouble Busters. Western. Jack Hoxle, Lane Chandler. Rel. May IB. Via Pony Express. Jack Hoxle western. Marcellne Day. Din Lew Collin. Rel. Feb. 8. Rev." May 9. Womian In the Case, The. Zita Johann. Woman Is framed for a crime to shield higher-ups. ReL June. World Gone Mad, The. Story behind present-day conditions. Evelyn Brent. Pat O'Brien. Dir. Christy Cabanne. Rel. Mar. 1. Rev. April 18. Sturtlis: 4376 Sunset Drive, MavfaJr OfHees: 1600 Broadway, Hollywood. Cal. mayrair ^^^^ ^fy. Alimony Madness. Story of alimony evils. Helen Chandler, Leon Waycoff. Dir. Breezy Eason. 66 mlns. Rel. April 1. Rev. May 9. Behind Jury Doors. Newspaper reporter jfnearths a Jury-framing case after many adventures. Helen Chandler. W,m. Collier, Jr. Dir. Breezy Eason. 67 mlns. Rel. Dec, 1. Rey. Mar. 28. Her Resale Value. ..Story of a disgruntle* wife. June Clyde, Geo. Lewis, Dir. Breezy Eason. 63 mlns. Rel: April 15. Rev. June 21. Justice Takes a Holiday. Original. Fi»ther love drives a convict back to 'f;.^-,"^^'""**'"' Huntley Gordon, Audrey Ferris. Dir. Spencer Ben- nett. 63 mlns. Rel. Feb. Rev. April 25. Rev.nge at Monte Carlo. Diplomacy in a small European kingdom. Jose Crespo, Wheeler Oakman, Dorothy Gulliver. Dir. Breezy Bason. 68 mms. Rel. Feb. Rev. May 2. Studios: Culver City, Callt. Metro Offices: 1540 Broadway, New York, N. Y. Barbarian,.The. Ramon Novarro as an Egyptian guide who is really a prince. Myrna Loy, Reginald Denny. Dir. Sam Wood. 80 mlns. Rel. May 12. Rel. May 16, Clear All Wires. Picturlzatlon of the recent Broadway hit about a foreign correspondent. Lee Tracy. Benlta Hume. Dir. George, Hill. 78 mlna. Rel. Feb. 17. Rev. Mar. 24. ' Devil's Brother, The. Operetta 'Pra' Dlavolo.' laurel and Hardy. DeniilS King, Thelma Todd, JasJ Flnlayson. Dir. Hal Roach. SI mine. HcL May 6. Rev. June 13.