Variety (July 1933)

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TttCftaay, July- 25,' 1933 ¥IM E S SQUARE VARIETY ftroadway Buth Hardlner free lancing' ae a ptWB agent* ' Sid Weiss p.a. for Central cabaret. Yonkers. Prlmo Carhera dpvns a quart of l)eer In two gulps. Those 80% In favor of the house games at liong Beach. Margaret Sullavan starting to duck fan mag Interviews. Mother of John Kelley, RlngUn^ (how attorney, gravely 111." ' Jake Wllk to London, Main Idea i0 to play some golf, he claims. ' Phil Coffey of the lilxle' spot go- jng to Hollywood with Bill iTraw- iey. William A. Brady on liquid, diet Ijecause of affected foot, has dropped 16 pounds. Merritt Hulburd entertained his Paramount aesociates. Ab'otit 160 showed up. Beed Albee has been taking his ■prize horses seriously. He has a stable of 11. Joe Jackson, comedy cyclist, left j;a8t.wee.k to open in Berlin. Away for two years. Marcus Helman and Martin' Beck JunChlng together nowadays 'is one. (Bight all by Itself. • ' • Ben David sticking to agentlng In jpadlo only now, but still interested In producing a play. Mary Nolan appearing at th6 Jol- ly Friars, a night spot on Merrick road on Long Island. Evergreens placed' on grrave of Bobert Ames, at Hartford in nameisj -of-prominent-playera. C H 4 T T E Vienna By Erich -Glass President, a good audience! Tak- ing a recent moonlight cruise aboard the 'Showboat,' Liake George 'float- ing night club, Mrs. Boosevelt heard a special dinner program arranged for her by Don Bestor. Before the mike over which music is broadcast she thanked Beetor. Peggy Rich must have some in- side info about Jack deRuyter's coin. She's suing him for plenty of g's for breach of promise, forget- fulness or neglect or whatever it is when It happens like that happened. After Peggy lost her divorce suit and she and deRuyter thought they were notorius enough to go on the stage, the theatres had to bail Peggy out of a hotel bill In New York so she could open for a try- ' out with her sweetie at Trenton., Paris Mild Pelt ran out to Ohio on plans for .opening up as an exhibitor in' that state next month. Leo Morrison ordered a terrace • apartment at the Park Central. Got one with an 18-lnch terrace. Loew's Ziegfeld ac^ding a mind- reader for a week's frolic; pther- wise the straight pic continues. . Savirigton Crampton,. J. Walter Thompson agency exec, back, on. the 'Bremen' from a London vacadh. , Moss Hart klnda 'flustered and flattered at being Invited -to the White House by Mrs. Roosevelt. Motloij Picture Club d'rid A.MvP.A are .combining oh a day off up the Hudson Aug. 2. Nick will be £ fin. ■ Formerly at the Par, Brooklyn, Ben Grlefer landed the Criterion management spot for run of 'Song tof iSongs.' ' *He Men« and 'Panslefi,* N. .T. Times' two ball teams battled the heat at the Stadium Monday. Beer at third base. Dr. Keith Kahn, plastic surgeon, "known around the Square, has a play going the rounds, 'Hell's Chosen People.' Lucille Mendez (ex-Mrs. Ralph Ince) back east. Her kid sister, con- trasting; blonde, not bad either -on "the hoof and otherwise. Lloyd Pantages dally Hollywood column in the New York Evening 'Journal' is having a try at syndlca tion. Very limited at present. Arthur Brilant around Broadway from Hollywood with a west coast play ready for the boards but. still 50% of the b, r. to be promoted John Beck, Jr., now handling the vaude books for houses in Portland and other Northwest towns for the Roy McCray booking offices here. Club Osterman took the veil both upstairs and down for the summer. Jack's set for Loew's State Alig. 3. May reopen the nltery in th& fall Yacht Club Boys set for a,. Vita- phone short before going to Sara- -toga next month at the Piping Rock '.Borra Mine-\ritch also just finished ;one. Harry Benson, treasurer of thie 48th Street, reported better after .grave condition following recent appendix operation. Flushing hos •pital. ' One of the Times Square sheets admits it has been paying bfC its staff, from bad accounts.. If they collect it, fine—If not, let .'em David Boehm, in on the Tlex' from d Eluropean vacash, to the coast for Warner Bros, via .Canal .route on the ■'California.' .Set for a year again on the WB lot, West 46th street has had that handbook cigar store raided twice, but backliig the wagon In hasn't kept the boys from congregating, Three cops now to clear the loiter ing.' " '. ' The open window rehearsal halls emit so much song and dance stuff that plenty of expectant show business Is obviously in the mak- ing. And talk about nature In 'the raw Is seldom mild. W, E. Wllkerson of the coast was In New York last week on his usual quest after sugar. Wllkerson is re •ported furnishing the N. Y. Daily 'Mirror' with its new Hollywood : column, in addition to Winchell's. There's been so much trouble and •congestion backstage at the Hippo drome, N. Y., with opera enthusl asts or relatives mobbing the place that Tim Lahey has been engaged to keep people away from the back stage door. An uptown roii,dhouse has so ■many of Its creditors present nightly there's no room for paying customers. Restaurant on Broad- "way has declared all due bills, out for the siimmeri The cheapies -vfrere Interfering with regular trade. Ork. leaders and singers find Mrp T^ranklin D. Roosevelt, wife of the By Beulah Livingstone Mlstlnguett htis departed for Ju'an-les-Pins. Suddei^. "wS-rm Weather driving, e'verybody to the o.utdoor cafes. Hope Hampton and Jules Brula- tour coming here.later from Cannes, Arge'ntlna has departed for a tour of South'America,' but returns-in October, Dttlfmar'GiOdoWsky postcards-from Florence that she goes next to London from Switzerland^ Helba'-Huara attracting attention by her Peruvian dance, recitals at the Vleux Colombler. The. 'Hot Club de Paris,' new jazz spot, is presenting 12 colored musi clans, headed by Freddie Johnsoii. Alanova has gone to London as the solo dancer . in 'La Mort d'un. Tj-ran,' "by the French composer, Mllhaud. New play by Andre Pascal, •L'Homme aux Yeux d'Almee,' has' been accepted' for the Madeleine next "season.- Amerlcan colony turned out in- force at "Fourth of July" Embassy Garden party given by Ambasssfdor and Mrs. Straus. Geraldine Farrar, Franklin Roose- velt, Jr., Winston Churchill and Gen. John J.- Piershlng among July- dlstingulshed visitors. Lys Gauty» Maurlcet- and the- piano comedians, Jullen and Gllles, have formed a little cbmpany to go on tour through France. After a successful Paris debut dance reCltfd at the Madeleine, Edna^ Breyman has gone . -back to Los Angeles" with her mother. A letter from Muriel Pollock, composer and whirlwind pianist of tho NBC, says to expect her in August on her first Paris trip. After a few days' motor trip, Dr. and Mrs. Charles Holder (Dorothy Caruso) are returning to the Cha- teau d'Ury,.near Fontainebleau.. Frances, Virginia and Marguerite, the three -sisters of the Morgan Trio, have returned from 'the Riviera to-fill summer engagements here. Carlos Reymond has been en- gaged to design both sets and cos- tumes for 'L'Arleslenne,' which opens at the.. Comedie Francalse next season. , . Midget' golf Is being supplanted here ,by .'mln|ature speedway'—me chanlcal de'Klce for. racing toy autoi mobile^—which is even invading the Chanip^ Elysees.. Follp-wiiig. her - iengagement at the Casino de Paris, .next fall, Mistin guett has been offered the headline honors in Rip's new revue for the Bouffe-Parisietis. Almee M.cPherson "took leave 6f the American hospital and neglect- ed to leave her address, but Is thought ;to.;, be somewhere in. the south of F.ipance. .' Owing to sudden illness. Carmen Bonl was .obliged to cancel her eil- gagement for the leading role Kn 'The Lady of the Sleeping-Car,' which opened at the Varieties this weel^. replaced by. M.ona Sem- j Patrick -prunner,' London flliji dl rector, and Elaine Howett, screen actress and ballet dancer, recently married In the Rpyal Chapel at St Jameis Palace, 'v^tere they were honored by the King's presence, are spending their honeymoon here. Herb Williams getting plenty of revue offers. Omar doing a private party for Mrs. Corrlgan. J. B. Priestley recovering throat operation. Al Bowly again making friendly overtures to Roy Fox. Nina Mae McKinney's latest trouble is the mumps. Maurice Cowan now film critic for the 'Dally Herald.' Harry Dufor may team up 'with Iris Kirkwhlte for vaudeville. The Richard Tauber idea to ap- pear In a Schubert play h'-'-e is off. Stanley HoUoway doing audition for one of leads in new Drury Lane show. ■ Beatrice Lillle substituting' for Boswell Sisters at the Cafe de Paris. . Harry Foster week-ending with Mark Ostrer" at his country resi- dence. Joe Cohen framing new act with Len' Jackson;' -whd replaces Murray Leslie. Ruth Roland ; here, pleasure bound, but might consider a vaude- .vllle date.- • Mistinguette and Derval fly from see. the'.Prince of• "Wales' French revue. —-TommT-Lorne*s n e w b ltr 'cutting the lady's dress,' is -a steal from Doctor Rockwell. ■ Gaston Palmer coming over spe- cially to postpone his dates for General Theatres. . Embassy Club balance sheet just Issued reveals loss of $400 for year, first loss in years. Princess Jullana;v Holland's fu- ture queen, seeing 'Richard of Bor- deaux' at the New. Rajodon Novarro expressing desire to appear, in an.English revue, to be written by himself. King Felsal of Iraq attended gala performance of "Wild Violets' at Drury. Lane ( July. 6. Dodo Watts ■ crashing vaudeville, with Arthur Klein, English song- -writer, at the piano. Ted Ray surprised his friends by his sudden marriage to. Sybil Stev ens,. non-professlonal. Kid Berg -and Bunty Pain, from the Trocadero ca.baret, fixed, the wedding date this- week. SydAey Carroll dickering for pres- entation, of plays at his open-air theatre in Regent's Park. Larry Gains after -winning fight in Ireland wins $8,000 itvcard game, crossing .over to; -England. Leslie Sterling to croon at the Beach Casino, Monte Carlo, for eight weeks, opening Aug. 6. Understood - .Madam Colletta, former owner of the Queen's Hotel, has just bought the Hotel Splendlde. Mrs. Henry Kahn about to Join her husband in Johannesburg, where he ha^ been appointed JB^ox rep. . I Phyllis HiUen^ originally office girl, then private secretary to Syd- ney Hyman, left after 17 years. Married. Two hundred men. in all-night queue for final tennis match be- tween Helen Wills Moody and Dor- othy Round. . Jimmy Cainpbell, Irwin Dash, and Leslie 'Holmes flying over to' Paris July 16 for a special broadcast from Radio Paris; ' Fritz and Schnitz newcomers on the British Broadcasting' Co: are David Bums, American, and Teddy Elben, English. Edie, Eldle iemd Birdie Port, for- merly with Francis Manglii at the Rex, Paris, In for .12 weeks at Pal- lace, Blackpool. British International's Elstree studios closing end of August for six week^' to alloW distribution to overtake production. Lady Eleanor Smith tu play one of the leads In the plcturlzation of her book, 'The Red Wagon,' which Paul Stein Is directing.'" ing her vocal lessons seriously: Will sing with the local Opera Co, Still teaching dancing. Lyle Womack, Ruth Elder's ex- husband, returned to the Canals Zone with his new wife who has been playing bits in pictures. Mr. Womack is the local agent for a Mexica,n divorce factory. - Salomon Veissid, manager of the Venus theater got 10 days in Jail for showing an obscene picture. He had told Mayor Cervera it was a scientific picture. After seeing it, the Mayor thought dlfferently- "When entertainers fullfU their contracts they must immediately return to the States. Loe Byrne, of the Atlantic though differently, but was'repatriated by the gov't And she' was put' under detention until the boat sailed. Harry Metzger, who married Leslie Russel, of' the Metropole, failed to pay attorney for di-vorce granted last month. Judge says h« must pay or go to jail. Miss Russel has returned to cabaret work and pays never, again. New people from New Y6rk for the Atlantic nite club are Peggy Styles, Kathlyn Hufford, Helen Mc- Mamis, Retta Skolka, Kitty Ellis, Jean White, Shirley Hanseh, Con- ,8tance Vlolea, Charlotte Farquhar and Connie Duane. . .. _ .And still another new one—^The -Hunters-club, _w.ith_ a gymnasium and hand-ball court. Amateur TiOX^' ing bouts every week, charging dues of one dollar entrance fee ^oid BO cents a month. Harlem Buddie Ben- nett and his Dixieland orchestra furnish the entertainment. Bermuda John B. Gambling, WOR an nouncer, resting up. Shriners and Princeton alumni In mixed crowd on 'Queen' (17). British element looking forward to 'Cavalcade' showing shortly. 'Transylvania' (18), ushers In cruise boat summer season, arrlv Ing with 699 on board, but most of 'em appear to be entertainers. Among latter were Barry Townly, Jack Stanley. Anna Codee, Marya Marlowe, Harry N6Ville, William Lloyd, Pat Pattison, Fred Neal Prank Orth, Dave Hacker, Gail Henshaw, Virginia Oman, Marie Houston, Annie " Pekare, Margo Fischer and Nancy Barnwell. Bncharest City alive, till 3 a.m. and longer. Mme. Buiandra looks 10 years younger. • Baneasa Forest to become fash- ionable resort for week-enders, i , ^Private Lives' aihd .Sil Vafas' 'Queeii VlCtorld' due here' Ih fail. Gradina Colos turns open-air cinema after flopping with revues. •(jran'd Hotel* to be dohe for first time in Roumanian at the Ventura, Dr. V. Volculescu appointed lit- erary advisor for local radio iBta- **°Dinner at Eight' scheduled at the Regina Maria theatre for Oc- tober. ' First local sky-scraper ma.keS National .theatre •pposite look like a doll's house. .. • " • ' National theatre and the Regina Maria squabbling over performing rights of Lonsdale's latest;' Vox House gives charity per- formances of Kalman's 'CountesS Maritza' for German exiles. ; Local Luna- Park to open to swanky centre of city wUh^mam- moth open-air cinema seating 4,ooy. Misha Plshzon and Jewish Comr pany giving open-air performances of S<?halonl Asch play, 'Uncle Moses at the New. ^ , Victor Eftlmlu, president of local P.B.N, Cilub, has attractive library with dedication volumes of Piran- dello, Stefan Zwelg and scores of others. Panama By Bea Drew Mary Lee Kelly 111 in the hos- pital. . Kelly's Rltz has a new front, Spanish and classy. The Mask and Wig Club new show is 'Broken Dishes.' New cabaret. Paradise Nite Club, opened. Alexander Markus Is m.c. All cabarets must deposit $150 for every entertainer brought from the States. The RIvoll night club folded; Kelly's Rltz took over the enter- tainers. Mrs. Mace Jacques, mother of 'Bobby''Jacques, dancer, is seeking divorce. The Panama government has de- creed a reduction in the Import tax on liquor. But the sellers refuse to lower prices. Josephine flacnz, Panamanian girl, weds John Wayne, picture actor. Her father is Panamanian Consul ih Los Angeles. Eleanor Van, the dancer, la tak- Stroudsburg By John J. Bartholomew Tal Henry's North Carolinians one-alighting. ^ Bill. May's Lafayette College band now at Lake Mineola. Bernle Whitman's orchestra play- ing at Fauchere Casino. All local textile Industries hav* inaugurated the new 'code' hours. Almost all local golf courses an- nounce another cut In greens'fees, . The Harrod Singers, colored Hing- ing troupe, appearing in this sec- tion. , . Cy LaTour press agent and pho- tographer for Pocono Mt. Horse Show. ■ , , Joe McHugh m. c.'lng and head- lining the floor show at Yarrick's Hof Brau. S. S. Kresge, chain-store magnate, building dam and swimming poo) on his estate. The Hendrickson-Bruce Shape- spearean Co. playing the State Teachers Cgllege auditorium. Rose Hampton, Met opera con- tralto, and Wilfred Pelletler, con- ductor, concerting at Buck Hill Falls Inn. Glen Brook Country club, where Gene Tunney trained for the first Dempsey fight, building large ter- race garden for dancing and out- door dining. Alice Claire Butler, dancer. In the floor show at the Kresge hotel, mar- ried July 17 to. Edward Joseph Barnes (Wilkes-Barre), musician with the Charles Knecht Ramblers at the hotel. Swanky Buckwood Inn, home of the famous Shawnee Country club, has gonejn for a large beer garden, inclding ' an Hawaiian orchestra. California NlphthJi-wks in the inn'B main ballroom. Blind composer Bela von TJjJ,'*©* Pensioned ISurg actress Olga Lex Wlnsky—80. Lulse Ullrich home from fllmlnK In Black Forest. Karl -Parkas to open new revu^ stage 'Casino' in fall. Talk of Pox and Par'bidding fot U.> S. rights of Jeritza talker. ' Ma:*"' Relnhardt approached to lecture Artd direct" at' Warsaw."' Rumors of first Adele-Kei'n talker to be made shortly .under Fejos. Relnhardt planning revival- ot 'Saint Joan,' with Paula Wessely starring. Scala's publicity stunt Is to avoid publicity and to leave whole town guessing. Burg's ex-star, Alfred Lohner, out of prison and off to visit parents in Switzerland. Heinz Saltenburg acquires new Oscar Straus opus based on Schnitz- ler's 'Liebelel.' Art Film ■ Co. resurrects with plans for three talkers beginning with 'Love at Court.' Prlederich Schreyvogl appointed literary and publicity advisor' fop local federal theatres. Paul' ]Efartman.,and iiEwald Palser of the .Burg under .contract with the Volksbuehne in Berlin. Llch'tenberg comedy to be'done in Czechish at Btno prior to produo tion in driglnal (German. . M ax Hansen t o .return In 'a fe w weeEi" for Austrian milieu tal£err with music by Robert Stol2i. . Rudolf Hans B&rtsch fiends police after a 'mysterious' double who keeps double-crossing him, 'Lilac . Time'". . planned as New Year's ^Jve vehicle at the State'n, with Adele Kern as ^annerl. Septeharian Heihrich Glueck- mann recalls early dealings with Schnltzler, Schoenherr (^nd Wil^ gans. . Otto Klemperer under contract if or 83 concerts to Philadelphia^, wh^cli will fetch him 68,000 bucks, plu.Biea>> penses. . .Bronislaw Hubermann .jrecallij, rls^ to fame. and dwells on an en-i couraging hug'of .the great Br-abnu| in 18fl6. . . , ^'^ Act'or-feglsseur Wilhehn KUtdi maitles ..his. pupil,. Maria- ^firlede iyfaier, who Is a double of> bis -lato first wife. " .. . .. Peggy Pield makes her debut at Relnhar^t's and ."walks away ^ with Geyef piece in spite of not having A word of (Serinan, . 'Werner .Krauss takes English lecisons wlih Professor MacCaUum and prfiiw^B .his. part in 'Before Sunset' for London. . ' Kurt Robitschek, thinks of going into partnership .vlth Karl Farkafft, both flirting wlfh Bonacher's and two or three. Others. Leo Slezak, Szoeke Szakall.. Wal^ ter Jannsen are partners of Marie) Jeritza in ^Archd,ucheB8 Alexandre^'- talker now under way. Herbert Furreg wants a message from Shaw to mark new era of hiB management in Gmz, Sez G.B.S. ii an idol in that capital, Arthur . Loewensteln, Victor Ban;* n'owsky; Heinz. Salte'nburgi Hani Ziegler. and Karl Farkaa among the candidates of would-be managers .here. Richard'Duschinsky 'writing ne^. play with equally, famous and. no- torious painter, Hans MakaXt^ and the actor genius, Girardi, as. .chief characters. Josef' lifter, .'aged 22,.. has hie 'first operetta called. 'Prince 'of SchlrasT ready for. 'world, premiere. ait - the Stadt theatre in Zurich. Tex^t Is by Ludwig Herzer a'nd Dr. Beda. Fritz Kori;ner. back after, playing Copenhagen, Oslo,, Stockholm, ..Re* val. a^nd.lCownQ. Plans to ilar In 'Merchant, of Venice,'. 'Gftiosts' .and 'The ipatrlot' with Austrian, odm semble in U. S. tbe Ragne By M. W. etty>L««l The -^.oswell Slstiers at ihgen In Kursaal, Roulette concessions given out more freely here. Thiere are four casinos in Holland no^w. Oscar Strauss arrived In Holland. He is under contract with AVRO broadcaster to conduct concerts. In Scheveningen, Circus Schn« mann back in concrete building which they had not visited for 14 years. Gltta Alpar booked a great suc- cess at the Tivoll, concert hall In Utrecht. This concert broadcast by AVRO. Arrival of Italian air squadron with General Balbo, on Its way to Chicago, which made. Amsterdam first stop on long voyage. A new company has been formed, Neco-Fllm, which alms at film pro- duction In- Holland, It offers $400 for best sound-film scenario in Dutch. Dutch company, Groot Nieder- landsch Tooneel, has acquired sole rights to Holland of Relnhardro 'The Miracle.' It will be produced this fall.