Variety (Aug 1933)

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Tuesdaxt August 15, 1933 PICTURES VARIETY 2T CALENDAR OF CURRENT : Pathe Studios; Culver City, Cal. Allied f 729 Seventh Ave^, Nevif York. N. Y. Dude Bandit, The. Western. story of retribution. ' Hoot Gibson. Geo. Melforcl. 65. minis. Rel. May 1., Rev. June 27^ . levehth Commandment,. The. From the play, by Eirandon Fleming. Marian Marsh, The6. Von Eltz, Alaii Hale. £>lr. Geo. Selford. 64 mins. Rel. Feb. 20. Ffflhtlng Parson, The. B!o6t Gibson Is mistaken for a revlvkllst. MarceUrie Day; Ethel Wales. Dir.: Harry Ffazer. OC; mIns. Rel. May 22. Rev. Aug. 8. - . Shriek tn the Night, A. Mystery: murder story. , Lyle Talbot, Arthur HoUt, : Dir. Albert Ray. ,CB mlns. Rev. July 25. ^ Hurold Auten a way, v. c. Companion Wanted.. Romance with niuslc^a'nd singing;, visualizing the dream of a spirited young^ slrK Annabella, Jeih. Murat, Duvalles. Dir. Joe May: 88 mlns. Rel. June 3. Rev. June 6. Footsteps In the Nlflht. Based on the mystery, novel by Mrs; C. Fraser Sim- son. Mystiery story of a rudely Interrupted honeymoon. .Benlta Hume. Dir. Maurice-Elvey. 69 mlns. Rel. April 18; Rev; May. 16. Ight and Pay. Farce comedy of a thief chase in a .wax museum. Jack Hurlburt. Cicel y Courti i eidge. 76 mlns. Rev. M ay .30. Savage Gold. Commander Dybtt's thrilling adviehtures with savage hunters. Coji^. pyott. Dir. Conjmander George Djrott. 67 mins. Rev. Aug. 8; Chesterfield ^l^Tv, By Appointment Only. (Invincible;) A: man's nian who was a woman's doc- tor. L.6W Cody, Sally O'Neill,. Alleen Prlngle: Dir. Frank Strayer. 65 nrilpfi; . Rel. July 7» I Have Lived. A girl's attempt to llVe down hier past. Allan Dlnehart< Anita Page.. AUenJfIncent. Dii^JBlcIu .Thorjjei. . Re.l Juae 15; Notorious^ But Nice, Story io <6me. Marian Marsh, Betty Compson. Donald pllloway. Dir. Rich, Thprpe. Rel. Aug.. 1. ' CQlumbia 729 Seventh Ave;,' New York, N. Y, : \Gower at Sunset, Hollywood, Cal. Ann_Caryer^i^ Profession. WomaxKiJawxer aavftg her husbaftd In a miirder trial. Fay. Wray. . Gene: Raymond. PTr."T:ddl¥^Bazzel|---7l—ittlns; -Rel; May 26. Rev. June-13. ■ " Below the Sea. A thrilling tale o.f treasury oh the. ocean floors Etalph Bel- lamy, Fay Wray. Dir. Al Rogell. .79 mins. Rel. April 25. Rev. June 6i California Trail, The. A buckaroo hero who combines old world gallantry with dashing twentieth century action. Buck Jones; Helen Mack. Dlr liambert Hillyer. 67 mins. R^l,'March .24. Rev. Aug. 1. Ircu*. Queen Murder, The. Murder under the 'big* top.' Adolphe Menjoii, Greta. NIssen. Dir. Roy William Nelll. 66 mlns. Rel. April 10. Rev ■May'9. Cocktail Hour. G|rl Illustrator narrowly escape's missing the. right man.. Bebe Daniels, Randolph Scott. Dir. . Victor SOhertzInger. 73 mins. Rel, June 5. Rev. June 6^ Dangerous Crossroads. A roaring romance , of . the rails. Chic Sale, plane Sinclair, Jackie Searie. pir. Ltambert HUlyer. 69 mins. Rel. June 16. Mussolini-Speaks. The 1931 address with hewsreel .shots. Interpolations by liowell Thomas. 74 mins. Special. Rev. Mar. 14. Night of Terror. Beta Xiugosl and his haunting eyes—blood-curdling Suspense —mysterious disappearances. Bela Lugosl, Sally Blane. Dir., Benjamin Stoloff. 66 mlns. Rel. April 24. Rev. June 27. Parole Girl. From Dance of the Millions.' First offender, sent to Jail, plots to be revonged on the . man who put her there, bUt lt boomeirahgs . Mae Clarke, Ralph Bellamyr Marie PrevoSt. Dir. Eddie Cllne. 67 minis. Rel. Mar. 4. Rev. April 11. Rusty Rides Alone. Tim McCoy curbs crime at every turn with his ever faithful police dog pal. Tim McCoy, Barbara. Weeks. Dir. D. Ross Ledermnn. 68 m(ns. Rel. May 26. Silent Men. Tim McCoy western original. ir. D. Ross Liedcrman. Rel. Mar. 3. Soldiers of the Storni. The first film featuring the U. S.. Border Patrol and the part played by planes. Regis Toomey, Anita Page. pir. D. Ross. Lederman. 69 mlns. Rel. April 4. Rev. May .-23. The Woman I Stole. Jack Holt a swaggering overlord\of the oil fields who outblufCs doublecrossers. Jack Holt, Fay Wray.'Dir. Irving ,,Cum- mings. 64 mlns. Rel. May 1.- Unknown Valley. A—full^fiflght-west«rn-dr4ma.^epleteLJwith_i4nlaue situa- tions Buck Jonies, Cecjlla Parker.; Pir. Letmbert Hlllyer. 69 fiflns. llel. May 6. What Price, Innbcencd. Story of a. girl Who didn't know. Jean Parker, WU- lard Mack. Dir. Wlllard Mack. 64 mins. Rev. June 27. Whan •St rangelra^MAi'cy-.-l.Djama against,^the_jnen qf the._troplca Theise. tabiilatiohs .are compileid from inforimation supplied by the' various' proiduetion companies and checked up as soon as possible after celea8e^^ ^Listina-is given when re* lease dates are definitely s6t. Titles are retained for siiic months. Man- agers who service subse- quent to that period should pre- serve a copy of the calendar for reference. The running time as given herd is presumably that of the projection room. showings and can only approx- iniate the actual release length in those' states or comnrmnities where local or state consbrship may resulf in deletions. Running time in the review's as given in 'Variety' carry this actiiall timei cloekad in the the- atre aftieir passage by the New York statia censorship, since pictures are reviewed only in actual theatre shovtfings. ""WKiteWe^ this list accurate, the information suppfied .miay hot always be .corrisctv oven though official. To obtain the '^uljj Bst^^egre^ ^rf exactne ss 'Variety' wiii appreciate'thi co-<jg«fftttion-of- all managers who may note discrep' anci Little Giant, The. Robinson as a comedy Cangster. E, Q. Robinson, Mary Astor. Dir. Roy Del Ruth. 70 mlns. Rel. May 20. Rev. May 30, Mind Reader, The. Mind-reading ad a new racket. Warren William and Constance Cummlngs. Dir. Roy Del Ruth. Rel. April 1. Rev. AprU 11. Hollywood (Continued from page 6) late, awaiting the delivery ot Jack Hblti Lilian Bond. Dir: Clarence Badger:-i68- iuinti. R .ehr-Mareh720. Rev. May 30. Whirlwind, The. A round-up of thrllis and action. Tim McCoy^ Alice Dahl. Dir. D.'Ross Lederman.. 6^ mins. Rel. March 14;- -i—- Woman i Stole, The. A swaggerlhg overlord of the oil ^elds. Jack .Holt, Fay Wray. Dir. Irvlnig Cummlngs. 69 mlns.. Rel. May 1. ^Hev, July 4. Wrecker, The. The season's timeliest story, with tlie recent California earth- quake. Jack Holt, Genevieve Tobin.; Dlr, Albert Rogell. 72 mins. Rel. First Divi8ioii-^°"^^^*^7ar"°Y;^^^^^^^ Releases Also Allied, Chesterfield and Monogram lack Beauty. Anna Sewell's famous book. Esther Ralston. Alexander Kirk- land,^ .Gavin Gordon, Hale Hamilton. Dir. Phil Rosen.' 66 mlns. Rel, July 16, Oassan. Life, customs, morals, habits and whatnot as lived by the penguin birds on 'Pehqulh Island.' Cherry Kearton produced and directed. Two running times; 38 mins. and 51 mins. Rel. June 15. .Dude. Bandit. A clumsy cowhand turns .to the disguise of a romantic dude bandit and solves , a murder. Hoot Gibson, Gloria Sheia. Dir. <3eorge Melfordv 66 mlnS. Rel. June 15. Forgotten. A kindly Jewish immigrant father, cast off In his old age by his sons, brings them to their senses. June Clyde, William Collier. Jr.; -Lee Kohlmar, -Natalie. Moorhead, Jeisin Hersholt, Jn Dlr^ Richard ,Thorpe. 67 mlns,. Rel., May 1. le Bride. ■ A murder suspect Is" shipwrecked, -with hie citptors. In the jungles. Anita Page; Charles Starrett Dir. Harry Hoyt. and. Albert Kelly, 62 mins. Rel. May 26. Rev. Ma/ 25. Love Is Like That. A. seventeen-year-old youngster gets mixed up In a couple i omestl ft t a " ngreg 7 fln 7 i ~ a near murder-mystecyH—JMn_JKatbMrLonjuJS9: chelle Hudson, pir. Richard Thorpe, 65 mlns, Rel. May 1. Rev. May 9. Twist.; The famous Charles Dickens classic.' Dickie Moor^ Irving Plchel, William Boyd, Alec Francis, Doris Lloyd, Barbara Kent. Dir. William Cowan. 74 mlns. Rel. May 1. Phantom Broadcast. A radio crooner attains phoney fame wlveh. his accom- panist secretly dbes his • singing fpt hini. . Ralph Forbes ,ViyIenho Os- borne, Pauline Garon. Dir.. Phil Rosen. 71 mlns,' Rel. Aug. 1. Return of Casey-Jones, A yoiiiig englnieer surmounts his difficulties through the spiritual Influence of the hero of his boyhood. Charles Starrett, Ruth Hall, Jackie Searie. 67 mlns.- Dir. J. P. McCarthy. Rel. July 10. Rev. July 4. Shriek in the Night. A miirder mystery In a swanky Park Avenue apart- . .ment house. Ginger Rogers, Lyle Talbot.. . Dir. Albert Ray. 67 . mlns. Rel. June 15. Sphinx, The. A deaf mute and his twin brother are Implicated In a series of ■ crimes wherein four stock brokers arc murdered in the same manner. Lionel Atwlll, Sheila Terry, Paul Hurst. Dir. Phil Rosen, 62 mlns. Rel. July 3, StrangiB People. Thirteen men and women, twelve of whom recognize each other as members of a murder jury, find gathered in tne house-of the murdered man,' hear midnight of a stormy night. John Darrow, Gloria Shea, Hale Haniilton. 64 mins. ReL June 16, Studios:. BurbanK,.^^ National ^^^r^^.^fk!?^^^^^^ Central Airport, A triangle In the aivlatlon game. Richard Barthelmess and Sally ISllers. Dir. William A. Wellman. Rel. April 15. Rev. May 9. Imer the Great. Baseball story. Joe B. Prown, Patricia Elll.s: Mervyn ■LcRoy* C4 nrlns: - Itel.- ATrll "22. Rev. - May 36^ ,._ , rand . Slam. A burlesque on the popular bridge f<'id. Paul Liikas. l^oretta Young. Frank McHugh, Glcnda Farrell. Dir. William Ulctcrle. C7 mins Rel.- March 18. Heroes for Sale. Post war activities of Amoric;in vets. harlliolinpsa, Lorctta Young. ltd. June 17. llcv. Juiy25. Lilly Turner, side shows and grlfter.s. Ruth Cliatterton, nrcnt. Kranlt ' McHugh. Dlr.-Wm. A. Well man. 35 mins. Uel. i<n:i Itcv. June 20. Buster Crabbei from Paramount, with Mary Carlisle, tJharles Starrett, Marion Biyrbn and Florence Lake Edwin Marin megs, ' - Marcella Burke goes to Majestic to write the script for 'The Diary of a Bad Woman.' Bernard Schii-r bert is scripting 'My Life' by Isa dord Duncan for the same company, Pdramount is dickering with Richard Blumenthal to return to Jolnville, France; as head of th6 stiidio. Blumenthal wants to re- main here. With his Par contract up Aug. 1, universal has offered him a production spot here, Dick Piearl is in charge of the TiCCany plant ^as studio manager for' a new New Tork company, now being organized, .Stiidio ialso due soon :for a change of monicker. Jason Joy is back in the Ha,ys of- iice on loan from Fox fdr a month ta help sapolio .the present .crop of pictures. ' He is working' in col- laboration with Dr. James Wingate, who succeeded him as censor con- itaet, : 850. Tenth Ave,, New York, N Studio: Pox Hills, Pn« Hollywood. Cal. rox Adorable^ Orlgihal. With "mus'lcr Janiet' -Gaynor, Henry darat. Wm, DIeterle. 86 mlns. RcU May 19. Rev. May 23. After the Bali, British made; Love at a diplomatic ball, Esther Ralston, Basil Rathbone, Dir. Milton.Rosiher. 68 mlns. Rel, Mar.. 17. ReV, Mar,.21.- Arizona to - Broadway^ James Dunn, June ^3. Rev. July 26. Best.of EhemleSi The. Racial conflict comedy; Buddy Rogers, Marian Nixon. Joe Cawthornei Frank Morgan. Dir. Ri&n Jaimes, 72 mins, Rel. June 23. Rev. July 18. Bondage, Original. Drama. Dorothy Jordan, Alex. Kirkland. Ir. At. San-> tell. 67 mins. Rel. Mar. 31. Rev. April 26. DevlTs Ih Love, The. Harry Hervey novel. Foreign legion yarn. Victor Jory,-Loretta Voung, Vivienne: Osborn., Dir. Wm. Dieterle. 70 mins, Rel. July 21. Rev. Aug. 1. Plvef-<?entg-a—OlassT-^ Lbve, mu s ic and beer. B uddy Rbgersr'Marian Nixonv Rel.. June 30. F. . 1. Futuristic plane landing fleld in mid-ocean. Leslie Fenton, Jill Esmond. Dir. Karl Hartl. - 76 mins. Hello Sister. Stage play, Jas, Dunn, Boots Mallory, Rel, April 14, Rev, May 9, Hold Me Tight, Love in a department store, Jas. Duhn, Sally isilers, David Butler. Rel. May 26, Rey. M&y 23. Humanity. Grlginal. Physician who' seeks to save his son from a woman's Mfluenc'e._.Boot^JIalloi!y,--Alex. -Kirkland, Jrene-jVaEe..-DiE.John .F^ran- — .,- cis Dillon. Rfeli Mar. 3. - Rev, April 25. I Loved You Wednissday. Stage play of four tangled Jives. Warner Baxter. Elissa Landl, Victor Jory. -Dir.; Henry King,. Rel. June 9, Rev. June 20. it's Great to Be Alive. An. only inan in a world of beautiful wbmcri; 'Raul iRoulIen, Gloria; Stuart^ Herbert Mundln. Pir. Alfred Werker. Rel. nJune-2r-vRev5-^uly-3-lT- ' — : — '• ■ ' . — ' • . . —— '— : — — ~' O'Brien, rendel, CL.lre Trev.or. Warren .Doane's next short for Universal is 'Mountain Musical,' a hillbilly tuner , starting Louise Fazenda, with William Hackney megging. Starts Tuesday (IB). Helen Twelvetreeia draws the femme lead in Paramoiint's bull- fight pic, 'Trumpet Blows/ with X3eorge -Raft . to doi-the , chief MixLV tossing. 'Funny Page' Tuff •Funny. Page' is no laughing matter for Paramount, with six treatments oh. story already scrapped, Lewis Gensler ahd^ Har- lan Thompson are on the seventh. Edward Griswold, once Albert Einstein's p. a., has joined Colum- bia. publicity^staft.. With Prances Puller set to return, to New Tork Sept. 1 to do a new Claire Kummer play With Roland young, writer-producer _team qt Jones and' McNiitt a;i:e hustling^ for i' new fehime lead . for 'Captain Jericho.' Universal. walnts Gregory LaCava for direction of three pictures at $45;000 each. -Gloria—Stuart-wiH-ber elevated—to- stardifm by Universal with 'Under Two ;Piags' as the proba'ble initlaler. Horace Jackson due back In two weeks from his. European vacation, tleturning to Fo^. The Charm Two previous assignments at 'Metro having blown up, William. JC. Howard for the third time goes to that studio to direct. He's set to do an original l>y Elizabeth Parad is. . .Harry .Frazer has been set . by Mascot to co-dir6ct 'The Wolf Dog' with. Colbert Clark.. Ralph Staub, formerly camera- man at Columbia, -went back, to the studio a.s si .director, megging the Will Ma;honey short, 'The Enter- tainer.' Carol Dunning has sent but 300 prints of 20-f.oot colored NRA trail- -er.^=^ta=-tb—opepatora hav6 "cnclor.scd the recovery act. Tfailet-H "" wcfff" Pndor.<}6cl by Gen.- Johnson. iOflWfird Norris,. from Eastorn .stock, sots hin fir-st pic aflsipnmcnt as: .a_. javo Garho's 'Quocp t' I'hil Gpr.sdorf, formorly Charlos II. Rofffrs, pre.^i.s agent, and Ed fChurchill have joined the U piib .staff. Kirtley Ua.skette is leaving thft (l<^r).'irtmif>nt to go with 'Photo- play.' Last^ Trail; The. -Zane Gray story; Dir. James Tinling. Rel. Aug. Life in the rtaw. Zane Grey story Cowboy saves girl's brother from bandit gang. Geo. .O'Brien, Claire Trevor, Greta Nissen. Dir. Louis King. 62 mins... Rel, Jiily-T. Man Who Dared, The. Iniaginattve biography based.on life of Antbn Cer. mak. Preston Foster, Zita Johann,' Dir. Hamilton McFadden, 77 mina: Rel. July 14, v' Paddy the Next isest Thing. From the stage play. Warner Baxter. , pir: Harry LCLehman. Rel,. Aug, 18, ' .— Plearure Cruise. ' Play by Austen Alien. Jealous husband trails his Beagolng wife. Dir. Friink .TuCtle.' Rel. Mar. 24. Rev. April 4, Pilgrimage, Mother loVe froni a heW ahgle.' Prom the I. A. R. Wiley story. Henrietta Grossman, Heather Angel, Norman Foster. Marian Nixon. Dir. John Ford. 96 mins. (roadShowlng tiine). Rev. July 18, iailor's Liick. Original. Romance of a U, S, Navy gob, Jas. Dunn, Sally ' Etlers. Victor Jory. Dir. Raoul Walsh. Rel. Mar. 3. Riev. Mar. 21. Shanghai Madness. ' Magazine story by F. H. Brennan, River pirates on a Chinese stream. Spencer Tracy, Fay Wray, Dir. John Blystone, ReU . Aug, 4, Trick for Trick. - Stage play of same title. iRalpb Morgan, Victor Jory, Bally Blane. Dir. Hamilton McFadden, 68 mlns. Rel, April 21. ■ Rev; June 13.. Warrler'a Husband, The. Stage play by Julian Thompson. An Amazon who had a heart. Elissa Landl^ Marjorle Rambeau, Ernest Truex, David Manners. Dir. Walter Lang. '74 mins. Rel. May 12. (Lasky produc-- tion.) Rev. May 16. Zoo (n Budapest. Original. Mystery story In a foreign zoo and an anlmaL Loretta Young, Geine Raymond, O. P; Heggle. Dir. Rowland V. Lee. R -'. April 28. Rev. iMay 2. <Lasky production.) t&: R.K.O. BIdg,, New York, N. V. Deadwbod Pass. Original. Western. Hidden treasure and government agents. Tom Tyler,. Alice Dahl, Wally Wales. .Dir.-J. P, McGowan. Rel. Mar. 16. Easy Millions. Original,, Reputed milllbhaire loses his Job, an Inheritance and almost his sweetheart, dkeets Gallagher, Dorothy Burgess. Dir. Fred Newmayer, Rel. June 30, Freul<5r Associates Majestic ity* Ity Thelma Todd, Rolfe Harold.- DIr, Jos, Levering, 61 mlns, Rel, AprU'L Rev, May-23.- ■ —■—^ r — Curtain at Eight. Story of a murder mystery, by Octavus Roy Cohen. ReL ■Jii'h'e, ' ■ - — • • - Free Love^ ReL May 1. Giin Law. Veetern. Jack Hoxie, Betty Boyd. Rel. itay 1.-* Sing, Sinner, Sinq. . Torch singer 'marries a millionaire, Paul Lukas, Leila Hyanis,. Dir. Christy Cabanhe,. Rel, May, ' . Trouble -Busters. Western. Jack Hoxie, Lane' Chandler. Rel, May 16, Woman in the Case,.The. Zita Johann, Woman Is framed for a 'crl shield higher-ups, ReL June, . World Gone Mad, ;The. Stoi'y.' behind present-day Conditions. Evelyn Brent, Pat O'Brien. Dir. Christy Coibanne. Rel. Mar, 1. Rev. April 18, Studios: 4376 Sunset Drive, Hollywood, Cal< air Offlces: 1^ Broadway, New York, N. Y, Alimony Madness, Story of alimony evils. - Helen Chandler, Leon Waycoft. Dir. Breezy Eason. 05 mlns. Rel. April 1. Rev,. May .'9^^ Her i=?esale Value, Story of a disgruntled wife, June Clyde.. Geo, Lewis. DIr, Breezy Eason, 63 mins. Rel, April 16, Rev. Jtine 27. Justice Takes a Hofiday, Original. Father love drives a cbhvlct back to .Jail, H. b; Warner, Huntley Gordon. Audrey Ferris.;. Dir^. Spencer Ben- jfTett 63 ffilna^^ " ' Studios: Culver City, Calif. Metro ct$i K4<S Broadway, ' Ne.W York, N, Another Language, Story of the In-laws' from Rose Franken's stage hit Helen Haye.s, Robt. Montgomery, ioMise Ciosser Hale. Dir. Edw. H. — . ,,Grifflth^-74)--minB.—Relr-J^riy-g^^R^^vr-A-ug ^ 8, — Barbarian^ The. Ramon Novarro as an Egyptian guide who |s really a prince. Myrna, Loy, Reginald Denny. Dir. Sam Wood; 80. mlns. Rel. May 12. Rel. May 10. , Clear AU Wires, Picturl2atl6n of the recent Broadway hit isibout a foreign correspondent. Lee Tracy. Bcnita Hiime. Dir. George HIH, 78 mIna,. Rel. Feb. 17. Rev. Mar. 24. ^ ' Devil's Brother, The. Operetta 'Fra lavolo.' Laurel and Hardy. Dennis King, Thelma Todd. Jas.- FlnlaySbn. Dir. Hal Roach. 91 'mins. ReL - May Gi—Re^v*-.l'une-13>—— : —;—, ■ > ; ' ——.:— ■ Fast Workers. John Gilbiert as a skyscraper wbtkdr. Robert. Armstrong, Mae Clarke, Muriel Kirkland. Dir. "Tod Browning, Rel. Mar. 10, Rev. Mar. 2L Gabriel Over the White House, From an anonymous novcK The U. S. under a dictator. Walter Huston, Karen Mbrley, iFranchot Tone. Dir. Greg- ory La Cava. Rel. Mar. 31; Rev, April 4. Hell Below. The submarine heroes of the World War. Robert Montgomery, Jimmy Durante. Madge Evans, Walter Huston. Dir. Jack. Conway. Rel. Jiine 9. Kev. May 2. Hold Your Man; A Shiart alcck crook Vrho cflcapc.>i everything but loya. .Jean Harlow, Clark Gable, Stuart Erwln. Dir. Sam Wood. Rel. June 30. Ucy. July i. Lady of the Night. Night life in a great city. . Loretta Young, Ri'cardb Cor- ..^_,,^le;s_.I..ra,nchot-l'one,--Ona-Mc,Pkel.-^^^ Looking Forward. The story of a great r.rfjndon department store. Based on the Kngll.Hh-btafte succeHs."' Lioricl lJarrymore, Lewis Stone. Dir. Clar- ence IJrown. 93 mlns. Uel. April 7. Rev. May 2. Made on Broadway. Original. Prcis agent power In politics and soMety. Kobt. Montwomory. Madwe ICvan.s. SalJy ICIIer.<j, Ifiugene Pallelte. Dir. - _ .. .Jfafry.Ua.'Jumoilt. 70..mlna. Itcl. . ay 19, Rev. July U. Midnight Mary. Gang-sler story with the Irlal-nasliback u.sed. Jticardo Cortex, Kranchot Tono. Dir. Wm. Wcllman. .luno 30. Rev. July 18. Nuisance, The. Lee Tracy as an firnbulnnro-chaslng l;iwyor. Madge K Frank MorK'in, Charles Uuttorworlh. ir. Jack Conway. 84 mlri. Juno 2. Rr?v. ;)y 30. <Contirifj(>(3 on page 29)