Variety (Aug 1933)

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8 VARIETY PICTttBE GROSSES Tuesdaj, August 22, 1933 Despite the Heat LA. Fihi Trade ID'^y dud A|[6' IK 'Anide* 20G in 2d Wt'Corner 19G 1*08: Angeles. Au^. il. Happy i>&ys ;at. the local box offices, toi. the second week in a row. Followiniir phenbiaenat. biz at sev- eral ot the downtown houses last week, itk the face of terrific heist op- posIt}on» weather tioderated some- what over the week-end, and start- ed the first rqns off to what looks Uktf-apothef healthy «tan^ Grosses Pretty Even Blclyn AH Excited Over Par's Reopening This "Wlc. l^ooklynr Auff.. ZU ■ - AJl eyea aria turned on the Pojra- motrnt which opens Friday (2&). Meanwhile the flUQgoer8«^hat's.l9fi;. of *eni» ar« grabblnir the&r portions of the Coney Island waters unmind- ful of the picture fare on view at "the dbwhtowii emporiuins. Business is: spotty. It's be^it at the Albee and Met iStirand has Gold Dlggersf In fifth week and Loew's Metropolitan is pIu^King; Tugboat Annte' and Joe Xavtle Jfr/s act on" the stage. Ettimstei for This We«K Ignore Mpb. Mayor s Censorship Threat, fiaBr Getdi^ PirSB New Haven, Aug. Paramount brings in another stage show. Storm, ruined. Saturday S)e^^ s"ate':^nUnu^^^^ the I oPfnIng. but ^ord-of-mo«th should towxi. Willi re e urd-bieaMug altend- M >"»^ ahce for 'Tugboat Annie,* which <>n I ^Business pretty evenly dlsta^lbute^ its first %e^ registered within a week, with upped generally, feW dollars of $2T.00O, highest take Rog«r Sherm<^ has a new Ides for house has had in nearly two years, openings. WeeUy ro^^^ n»ri^n» (>,P/; nT»riv ^Pftk of thft Wed. maUnee and new bill starts -35- Dressler-Beery opus started off only [O-t^ e^..* a few hundred dollars below the CoUege CArthpr) reopens Sept, first peek's pace and should have f with -poUcy. tentativ^^ no troublegarneringaneasy <20,000, feature first runs. May possibly which will give the house plenty give way to vaude with advancing of-proflfi - ~ - .-, _ la^a^.i _ Paramount will be a close runner- | Eatfmates for This Week blah. Xtast week''Arizona to Broad way"<Foz) did tl0,O0O» uneventful business* Lo^vir's Metropolitan (2.400; 26 ^Dr)=*Tt»gboat Annte* (MG) vatida: Around r|23,O0O, okay. Last iyeek.'Another I>anguage* (MG) did 121,900. Strand-^'Gold Diggers of 1933' (WB). Fifth week, |lOi00O, oke. Bast w*ek,"|13.M0. . wp, with DeMille's *Day and Age,' which should httve no diflEtculty hit- ting $18,000, lots of dough these days. .; _1j!?;arner . honses—^Hollywoq^ and Downtowii—ire iatnus sock* "scireen -appeal-ctirpentJy^Thei-NaiTf>w-C!pry.-|^ Tier , ' not pt eaaging anything like | parace-^Aj4,hur-):^^^40^-3&-gO> Paramount (Publix) (2,348; 35-50) —^'By Appointment Only' and stage show. Stage end shotild help ti-sLde again, despite rather -inauspicious atart;^i,000,. iast-weekJBmergency: Call' (RKO) and *i Have Lived,' mobs breaking dtfwn^be^doors. At i ^11^,1^^^^^ (Pox) and Devil's In ^JAe. p«5Wi^QSCT,.;*lth^ddlfe topping the vaude show, outldok is [ gt^ge. I.6ofcs good for nice $7,- for a^9.pPP :St^??»-.With I^t week :?Het .Eiri9t Mate' wpoffnot eacpccted to get much oyer! 3,^; -that^ftgur^-"^^ ■ - I (U), with Three X Sisters on stage, HKO (HlUstreet) has another I ^^^^^ jg 200* with credit about 'sleeper' in I'Ntt Marriage Ties* and jl^^jj will be lucky^^lf ^hetake Mts I RoW Sherman (WB) (2,200; 35- Estimates fop ThisjVeek 60)^'Vbltalre' CWB). Seems to be ^Critei;ion (Tftlly) „ (1,«00; 25-40)-- hopping the usual Arllfls figure and •Donft^t on XUJ show. . Ought to show an Improve-* ment this week for around 14,000 Jack liaughlin presentations are helping, with mat biz bke. Last week, 'StolTO at Daybreak' (MG) bettisred $3,500, more than, antici- pated. Downtown (WB) (1,800? 26-70)— ThiB Narrow Corner* (WB) and Vaudeville. Eddlei iPeabody must get --credit; :*or most" "tjf—ttu week;«i8-theifeature jplc has no_unii- siial appeal. £ooSs'''IiIC'S' ft'n easy $9,^000 for the stanza, lia st week 'She Had to Say Tes' (WB(). clicked foir :$9i500, very good. Heirywobd (WB) (2,756; 25-65) The Narrow Comer' (WB) and vaudeville.- - Should hays no trouble clicking around $10,000,. which will mean gravy. Last week with 'Had ta Say tea.' (WB) and Peabody on stagey a iiifty $12,000, best in some Loa' Angeles (Wm._Fox) (2,800i l5-25)^'The :Avenger' (Hono^T^n week 'Be. Mine Tonight' (U) and and 'Narrow Corner* (WB) only at $3,800. PixTooHiClass «k Naiyd to SF Gaynor^ Francis, Beery, Ikessi^MTac^ Tacoma, Aug. 21. •Tugboat* Is a natural: for 'this burg; nnotber Fuget Sound pbrt» as Albs* (Z.600; 26'<>36-50)—'Pilgrim' s<»ne of sceneHf ataot were near here, age* (FOX) arid yaude. I<ooks like I Dressier and Beery make the pic, about $20,000, good. Last week Uqqs Indications are 1o£ xecord. bi?; Mama Iioyes Papa' (Par) and for Boxy, which has been coming vaude did $11,600, quieti along S^ce new fibn bookings of Fox .(4,000| 26-36-50)-—'Big Brain* two nionths ago. -p!«).^-^d stage show headed by' This pic got its wtart for Week Sylvia Froos. 7*:»ewe« xor $»,uoo, l -j^ith 11 fenlght mat Friday night. Minneapolis, Aug. 21,^ Sex plx have • the right of wayv i;hls-week with offerings at th« :hree leadliig lo4^> houses: leaning heaiirily. toward the torrl^ love atuf^ Mayor Bialnbrldg«'s. threat to cen«i< sorshlp appai-ently hasn't craniped the stylft of the boys who write/the newspaper^ bUIboard and- other copy, and they're aellins 'em plenty liot. This applies particularly' ta 'Baby Face' at the State. Frank StefCys and Don Alexan* dei^ of the State.put on a gigantio advance, campaign for this Stan« yryok, ■■ reisurrected the 'adults only' gag and didn't ■ ' ever teg 'Hollywood* premiere opening which woke up the town. Admlsh during week raised at . Roxy to 2P-a5( bftlping the groai9. . , Music Box also strong.. Estimates for this Week * Music Sox (Hamrick) (1,400; 25) •Adorable' (Fox); 'Mary Stevens, M. D.' (WB). Fomme stars in each haViiig nice folldwing'itt-thls town, looks a good $3,000. Last week 'In- ternational House' (Par) nice, at $1,800; 'Hold Me Tight' (Fox) light at $800, making week total $2,600^ fair. Roxy (Jen-VH) (1,300; 26-36) •Tugboat Annie' (MG). Big cam- palgfl, rightliVTieeTs orthm^ Baltimore. 'Aug, 21. I run in Seattle, Where the opposition Eichibitord In the first-rim spots circijit (Bvergreen) .advertised -j«.ith evidehtly hive i poor isystenf of plenty^ of prtaters* Ink, wW^ spotting their shows. For it usually rjed ™essag6 also to nelghbo Wka out thW If one 'exhib hsa a ^f^*^?*' bang-ui.: Show booked, that aU the | gj^ the ^PO«.ti<m^^l^^ POORER SHOWS, BAIL'S FACE DROPS exhlbs will have bang-up shows, i ""~ " -f,- ..^^ Aave Tn«it With the result , that no one shoW May hold over fo^^ Last will do lts Sm business. r'®®^\?**l^7^**'*' - ^ ^ Take the Loew's system, for ex- enough, $3,ioo, ample. Last weeK at the Century Blue Mouse <HamrIck) (660: 10 was a big4>ox-offlce-Bhow, the Mms l20) ?Strictly Phonal) (Fox); 'Lllli. Bros.-Don Redman show, while at 1 Timier' (FN) split. Looks to reach thci ssune ctlrcult's Stanley waa'Tur- boat Annie.* There Is a question whether there's enough coin among the fans to. permit them: to go twice to theatres in one week. Result was that the money was somewhat divided. This week,. , on the eontriory, there's- no strength at either... .the Century or the Stanley. Nor tor that , matter, at any other -house. This week the b.o. race i^ a race by turtles, while last week It was a battle of bdx-oflilce giants.- Last Week was hot-cha and yo-de-b. This week, however, the wail Is on.- And It reverts strictly to the weakhesjg of box-offlce power. About the leader in this race of turtles will be the Hippodrome which should be out* in frorit^ to the tune of $12,00ff with the 'Connie's Hot Chocolates* show, though the $1,000, oke. I*ast week, 'Warrior's Husband*: (Fox), . 'Sunset Pas^' (Par) split, good, $1,100. Stage To B ft's Every Time Sah Franncisco, Aug; 21. Those 21,000 sailors aren't build- ing iip grosses like expected because of the many activ ities of ann ual -Tfeet'WeeK-and'THa^ Day-wheii other single feature at this long-1 Frisco Puts on a lot of stunts for llims-RetoaS* otrt^^^ estabUshed—dual-4»rogrammer,. wiu 1 the gobs. the Harold Arlen colored choir the hold its owii, to the tune of better 1 What's more the town is pretty nreoedln^ Flicker 'Headline than $3,500. Week previous 'Sing, [ high class for any sailor this week, ' '*'^®°®*"*^' iieaaime Sinner. Slng^ ..(MaJ) slightly under I what with 'Pilgrimage' 'Song . of $4,000, oke. I Songs,^ ahd others of that ilk, hold- Paraniouht (Partmar) (3,595; 25- ing the screens. 65)—'This Day and Age* (Par) and I And the stage names that have stage show. Got away to a terrific [helped b.o. grosses the last few matinee start opening day and-held Seattle, Aug. 21. Normalcy "rules here this ■Week, The big play is at the Fifth- Ave edge: has rbeen. taken «ff:-the_ colored I f or 'Holdr yourJMan>^dCooler^^ show by the presence in town of the I bu^ moderate. Parent* Teachers have Joined the fight against daylight saving which may go but Sept, 1, and that's -a break for ishowmen. New shows all around. Loretta Young featured in two; 'The Devil's in Love* at Roxy, and 'She Had to braked with the tips of their , toes in disseminating sensational adver* tlslng matter. ■ Anyway, the. State Is 6ff to a Very igood-startTvlthr-'Baby-Faeer-eo4ha|^ as far as the box-oflflce is concerned^ it is proving very effective. On^Frf.' day night they held.'em out for the first time In weeks. iJyeh without cast names; 'Mary ^ Stevens, M. D.' also Is clicking at" the Century and proniises to give that house another nice - week, its second in succession. With Bix' carrylng little bex-offlce weight, 'No Marriage Ties' is a weak sister lo^, the Orpheum. Likewise, 'The Man Who Dared' doesn't inean much to the Lyric box-dfflcej d^^^ effective exploitation campaign en<< gtnered by Manageir Bob LeFevrei EstTiinafM ^"FThti^^ W State (Publlx) (2,200; 40) 'Baby! Fsice' (WB). Sensatlohal red-hot exploitation putting this one over* Stanwyck no particular magnet: here, but they sold this picture 100% and there has been plenty of trade the opening days. May hit Strong $10,000i . Xast week,. 'Hold -Your^Man^ (MG) -$7,600,-not_so goo.d.<L_ Orpheuhn (SInger> (2,890; 40) 'No Miarrlage Ties*. (RKO>. Dlx has lit-i tie pull here and picture not suf* ficiently outstanding to attract^ much attention. Around $3,000, lights indicated. Last week 'Don't Bet On, tiove' (U) and Tom Mix on stage, $8,700, fair, with Mix entirely re- sponsible for takings. C*ntury_ (Publlx) (1,600; 40) Miury Stfeyens, M. D.' (WB). Kay Francis-not B.o hot^as magnfi.t^.but woman's picture in women's the- atre' meant a lot and'nice handling by Manager Ayres'didn't hurt any. Should hit $4,800, good. Last week. Stranger's Return' (MQ) $6,000^ big. World (Steffes) (30O; 60-75> v'Be Mine Tonight' (U) (l9th week). Still going strong. Should equal last week's $1,800, good. Uptowh (Publlx) (1,200; 85) ♦42d Street' (WB) and 'She Done Him Wrong'-(Pa?)- retiiTff^engagements,- and "When ' ^'"'♦* 'T^rnv •J Shooter* rates as audience-fodder, but not box^fiace enticer* Though much Is being made of 'Captured,' both T>y the Warner out- fit and, reflection, by Loew's, It Is s^ong f or "^Ke^sessionr—bettering^ inRnTaatTnTWdlnary ses^slbn tor the $.3,200 on the day. Should click $18,000, 'and may/even beat that Last week '3 Cornered Moon* (Par) Weeks are missing, too, so it looks ;^";|r""A?_;v; " town. Warfi.eld has 'Pilgrimage* playing it lip without mention of the war Estimates for This Week Century (Loew-UA) (3,000; 35-40-56-66):^'Mama Loves 25<- Papa' held firm, but jsQmewhat hit by the or Gold' Star mothers background, (Par) and vaude. Ben Blue on the stage" has'Tjeeeme known- through his Taxi Boys .comedies, and may count, for some little, at the box office, though either way, the house is not figured In for any heavy money currently; $12^000, fair.. Last week 'Storm at Daybreak' (MG) didn't compare with the Mills-Red heat, $14,600. | but more as sob entertain RKO (2,950; 25-40)—'No Marrtage merit. Picture is going strong. Ties' (RKO). Lack of outstanding Dietrich in 'Songs of Songs' paced product again the alibi here for a | ^t the usual Dietrich cUja which is meager $3,500, but sans, house rent I quif.e g^Q^ and N. Y. overhead good for a slight I jiq^ ^5 .j^g best take In operating profit. Last week 'Her 1 gome time with'Sihgi Sinner, Sing' Ffa-st Mate' (U), $4.100, mor e than ^nd 'Return jif_i2a8ey_J[ones.* Whlje. ^ X X. ^ /o \.^A~~^K «N hst; "Fraiicis wltlj 'Devil's in Lov^ man sHow for b.o. potew m th^ State: (Loew-Fox) (2,024; 25-65)— ^nd 'Narrow.Corner* doing average, excellent $17,700. 'Tugboat Arinle' (MG) _and_ Stage | ■ Estimates for This Week L-^-PP^*"^?^*. - /TA«\ VKftAft. Ik 9K\ 25-36-40-65*65)—'Headline Shooter" o.f /^^??^v^ 'J^^S' and vaude. Connie's 'Hot Sinner* (Map^^and Cadey Jones Chocolates* figures to strengthen the (Mono). Might get house s^ best K^ke bere, eSpeciaUy for thT^ SFgHt gross in some time, possibly $9.000. j^^.^^^ ph^/^ >.Aip hnn^A tn $ip.,nrtn, Last week Dave Hutton on stage \^.^^ ^^^^ ^^gj^ .j^o Marriage s.bbw (2nd-fin)a,l week). Pre-depres- sion biz here.,with aliriost oonstarit holdouts, should spell a nifty $20,000 ] on the second 'week of this opus. At- -feendanc€M>f-more-thanJ?.7,fll)JtJnitifi pulled miserable at only $1,200. Too much hot weather and strong opposition. Remarkable biz last week by Al Pearce and his gang is talk of town. Lines afternoons and evenings, with the customers'ndt'squawkinig any at box-offlce tilt to four bits at. 1 V'Xa. daily. Friday. the sljow line began to form at 7:30 a.m. This IS news for this town. First show began s.t 9 a.m., ahd six shows went big that day. By 8:46 a.m. over 1,000 were in. line. -To get-in on opening 35c admlsh, daily lines by 1 p.m. usually ran 2,000 to 2,300, who stood there and waited for the next sh.ow. Lines heavy and clear around block to Wash. A.C. Nothing: like it, espefcl- ally-the-way-tbis-one-keptjtxullding. week was biggest b:o. turnover since, . , . ,j „ 1.1-. ..v* 1 e^-^* — °~ 78,Y00 paid to see 'Caught Short' in pust about paid^ for nimself with hpjjgg, (uxO) and Edmund Lowe in 1930, arid fooled even the most 'Avenger* (Mono),and Reform Girl jp^^^ skeptic with a take of a few dollars (MaJ) ^the^i*, gettii^^ to okay $10,600. under the $27,000 mark. The heat Golden Gate (RKQ) (2,»44; JO-40- Keith's (Schanberger) (2.400; 25 didn't mean^ thing, and a third 65)—'No Marriage Ties (RKO) aad. 3Qi,4Q,^5Qy^.gec^et of Blue Room' week is not an Improbability. Vaude topped by Trixle Priganza. ^u) * No power here for the matron Doing fairly with $12i600. Last week K^oney. On the slump with the rest I <ca«...!.<- a4> Bltle Room* (U) and'-- j.--- •« t--* ^^^-x. Ti^Pw'c Tiim<8 'Ra<»k C\vo\t^ 'Secret of Blue Room (U) and of the town to $3,000. Last week LMKYl.ii xurita Odyii V7ircic, |j;gt^ll^ topping, vaude sot Uere 'Her- First Mate* (U) drew Cleveland, to Orig Owner FJj^Lount (fox) (2,700; 30-40- Cleveland. Aug. 21. 65)-'Song of Songs' (Par). Dietrich ircle has been turned back by S^^lte .populai: ^^^e. Pullins J14.000. Loew's to its original owner, Mar-' Same last week on 'Another Lan- tin Printz, who's reopening it Sept. money for the PittE^SmmrtBrvitte pair for fine $4,300. New (Mechanic) (1,800; 26-30-40- 50)—'Pilgrimage* (Fox) (2nd week) Had okay $2P.700 last week and hold- ing over with the. likelihood of re- peating the performance. Picture Same last Week on guage^ (MQ)^ , . , ^ ^ , ^, St Francis (Fox) (1.600; 25-40) ,^ „ . l as a straight pix house. For last ,533^^3 Love' (Fox) and 'Narrow should hold Its pace throUgli excel year Printz was paid by Loew's to comer* (WB). Seldom changes lent reports throughout, keep house dark, decreasing com- much, so $7,000 is. good average. Stanley (Loew-UA) (3,400; 25-S5- petition for its-nearby houses. 'Best of Enemies' (Fox) and 'Dis^ 40-65-65)—-'Capturied' (WB). Off to _^-Ahatheg.^^aew^hauae.;^^d£ppjiefl.Uria^ from local chain is Mall, v^Wch has United Artists (1,400; 26-36-50>— about $13,000 total. 'Tugboat Annie. • ^ > 'Wrecker' (Col). Just keeping the (MG) last week broke the house |h6use open at $4,500. <Rebel' (U) record for attendance, playing to drew $4,000 last week. some 60,000 people, which tops the Warfield (Fox) (2,700; 35-55-65)— audieince total for 'Tarzan' (MG), •Pliirrlmaffe' (Fox) and stage show, previous tecbrd-holder. However, been taken over again by J. P. Stot-^. ter Co., but no leasers bidding for It yet. Bert Hansen, RKO publicity di- rector, shifted to Boston. Al Gregg g^j, entertainment aided by big ad at its gross of $20,700, 'Arinle' does taking over department in RKO campaign, great $23,000. Last week n't touch the money record, since Palace. Lew'!Wasserm'an becomes k^ag great $22,000 on 'Midnight house Is now working under a low- assistant publicity manager at indie Mary' (MG) and Benny Rubin on ered, tariff, but that 20G is terrific Hipp nnder Knox Strachan. 1 stages i nevertheless. Radio popularity of the gang held FesponsIbTe,'wltlx SKOw-having-good singing talent, rather tame comic stuffi and. lacking usual variety of stage shows. Show ran two hours 20. minutes, so-tunipver not so fast, hut jrunning eiirly and late got the kale. Estimates for This Week Fifth Ave. (Evergreen) (2,400; 36 60) 'Hold Your Man' (MG). .Rrice s Ladies Meet* (MG) About $2,600 in sight* pretty Last week 'Reunion iii Vi* (MG), holdover, and 'State (Fox), return, split, $2,300* split, good, erina' Fair* fair. . Lyric (Publlx) (1,300; 26) 'Man Who Dared' (FN)i Great front at this houise and nKty advertising* but public apparently not much in- terested. Probably $2,300, light. Last week 'Her Bodyguard'/0'ar) same^. Grand (Publlx) (1,100; 26) 'Inter- national House* (Par). Second loop run, perhaps $1,600, prejty good, Last week 'Working Men' (WB), isecorid .loop run, and 'She Had. V>,. Say Yes' (FN), first run, split. $90«^ light. Aster (Publlx) (900; 26) 'Temple Drake' (Par). 'I Love That Mari'^ (Par) and 'Jimmy Delan' (FN)* Second runs and split, $700, lights- Last week, 'Lily Turner' (FN)< Warrior's Husband' . (Fox)' and. Man of Forest' (Par), split, first two secon'd runs; latter, first run;" $760, fair. at this house now on new lafl basis of 60c top instead of 40c. Harlow and Gable liked for $7,600, fair. Last week 'Her Bodyguard' (Par), but the stage, Al Pearce and Gang, from radio, accounted f pr phenomenal biz. surprising all the smart showmen clicked for colossal $23,000, close to a house record. Roxy ., (i-vH) (2,300; 25-35) 'Devii's In LoVe' (Pox). Appears =heade"d=form'slow"$4;000=take;—Last week 'Her First Mate,' good at $6,- 700. Paramount (Evergreen) (3,106; 25-40) 'Midnight Club' (Par)^ 'She Had to Say Yes' (FN), double. Mild $3,500, Last week 'Tugboat Annie' (MG), 3d week, okay at $4,000 on the extended stay. Music Box (Hamrick) (90O; 25- 45) 'Baby Face* (WB). Big bally. but $2,800 Is only fair. Last week 'Double .Harness' (RKO), secondj. week, good for $3,000. . . Blue Mouse (Hamrick) (950; 25* 36) 'No Marriage Ties' (RKO). So*-: so at $2,600. "Last week 'The RebeVf (U) terrible, held only five days,, jerked af tier very slow $1,200; Liberty (J-vH) (1.900; 10r25) 'PhflTifnyn Ttrhftdft ftat' V f Shef >. ^Man from Arizona' (Shef); dual. . Shouia do $4,000, good. Last Week 'Death Kiss' (W-W) *Basy Millions' (Nat).. good at $3,700. i ^_ Coliseum (Evergreen) (1.800; 15* 26) 'Peg o' My Heart* (MG). 'Work- ing Man' (WB) dual; B6th liked, may get $3,800, good. Last weeK 'Eagle and Hawk* (Par), 'Arizona to Broadway' (Fox) dual, slow. %^>^ 000. „> „t\ —Rex—(Hamrick^--(4i400;--25^a5.).^ 'NarroT* Corner' (Wfe) and -Change Your Luck' colored- revue. Stage show is the big'draw; gteat goiri^. for . $6,000. Last week 'Flying Devils^ (RKO) and stage, .colored /evi?e responsible, sensational at .Colored show gees to HamrlcKs Playhouse in Portland, where Bm McCurdy is manager, after iwo weeks here; may. return later.