Variety (Aug 1933)

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l^esdajk^Angust 22, 1933 No Duals for FWC on N. Y.S Orders After Advertising Twin BiHs lios Angeles, Aug. iPox-Wect Coast has nbandpned Its pUn to retui^h to duals upon orders Irbm New Tork. The New Totlt borders were received early Sunday (20) after F-W<5 Bad broadcast generally that It was returning the dual policy r to such houses as the Bouleveird, Flgu^roa, Westlake, Bel- mont and other neighborhoods. —^;'!r he chai h'B^-reitum-Hto—duals—: been sixrsheeted and. heralded ap paT^ntiy in fftce of the recent agifee- inent' among indies and chains to play diily singletons. ; How much the code thing In New Tork ms^ Jiave to do with this change of front on the part of P.rWC Isn't known, .excepting that thS exhibs in" New York have been rii^t^orted making the double fea- ture thing, under the code, a matter of . local consideration and optional with the majority box-ofBce opin- ion m each zone. ' However, that , code angle Isn't final, the Indie distrlb:^ inslstlhg that dualism be restricted in every way by code. { Public's Squaivvka .1 Sunday (20) when only' a single feature was shown around In the •IsyPFC 'nabeSt after the general her- aidfngV wias done, maniagots of houses were reported as being 'met b^/» Bquawklng public. "Ads In '' SMii^y paperis '.also had announced twp features at eAch of the Ave bouses involved. It Is given that Warner Brothers also burned, aa an * agreement ex- isted between WB and P-WG, and apparently someone neglected to t Ivlse Wiarhers of the 'change oi? Boiuethlng. When F-WC figured on returning to diiaW the Belmont, Sbuievard and Westl&ke dropped their b.o. tarill to i5c, or were sup posed ,to. _ „^ The dual thing which P-WC planned was prompted by an al- most wholesale deflection by lofcal ludle exhibs from a single feature hai^olicyr—F-WG- WBB thus coro psUefl to go to doubles for Its protection arid prevent biz raids by the Indie exhibs. Presently there are between 60 and 60 houses In Los Angeles proper in the double feature class. Canadian M.P. Union Affiliates in Canada \ Ottawa, Aug. 2i; Announced' that the Canadian Motion Picture Operators Union has become afflUaied with the All- Canadian isieotrlcal Workers Union. (jancidian Operators Union, dis- tinct trpm the International, has brariohie^ 4n v^ous cities of the Domlnlori; ClaJmi ifl naade that the Canadian lunloii is paying Its wair thrbueh support of Its own meni bets but afflUatlon with the laec trtcal Workers, hais been found de slrabld.. ■ . Independent exhibitors only toe using Canadian Union, operators to tin appreciable extent, but tlio. big chains have contlniied to employ members of the IJLT.S.B.,. 1hu0 making for further opposition. hcorporations California ^ Sacramento^ Mg. n. "hSSJSISS' M^itlon Plet^a Mak^aJP plotura prodacliiK. To aeU- all ot i,- ••iiSSSJ UfiS^'of Amariw. . Baaio progiSmi!/ To iBBUe. 3,480 out ot 3o,000 "'BO^irty'Hnto Home MoTlia.^^ Motion plctSto actoMortea, To Iwuo 600 out of : I BOO'ataaiea. no par. . . iew^^^i^lm. inei Hotlon picture piSdSSfonfro leiuo IP out of 1.000 ibarea:—no—pa^,-^—— r—^— ■ '■ — neUtloaa Blrm Namoa Ovcatand Amwemoit Go. Ijo*. Anfeiea Bart Bertelaon. Oklahoma Olilahomit City, Aur SI. PaaUae A«h1etle and ADaqsemeiit Co., ChattanooCa. Okla, C*P"a> »t«"'*VtV;" B* Incorporatora: B. D. Huff,. Myrtle f• HuS ana Bhlrley Blnita, all of Grand- field, Okla. ' Stock Market (Continued from page 9) with prices for wheat in Chicago sharply off and sounding a sour note In the KRA harmony. Ability Ot Iioew'a to make rrogress against a. general market decline was re- garded as an Important Index. Apparently It came.In response, to a nuinber of bullish Influences. First among them, of course, la the fact that the dull theatre season ap- proaches Its end, If Indeed the sum- mer season in a theatre .sense has riot ahready passed. There Is just ahead the start of the new season, with'fresh product ready for re- lease and summer vacationists re- tnrning to tholr homos to take up their regular round of c life In which the theatre plays an Important part. There Is reason to believe that rthe National Recovery movement lix certificates of 2% were a.niei>a fraction below the best leviel of the movement, all this recent proacen being made against the backgroui^ of uncertainty. In the general' li^t All these sigris suggest to the ob- servier that with any general ticker Improvemerit a forward surge might well be organized In the group^ which could reach large proportions^ Consensus' or broker oplrilbri over the we'ek-erid reflected pretty geia» oral bullish views, what with grad- ual clearing up ot disputes ovier NBA codes* hopes for a rise la grains and other commodities and, most of all, the realization that the administration has ari ace In the holer, to be used , only If necegflar y. iommunlty | in Its powers to bring about definite inflation. Loew Clique Confident :j As far as the amusements are .„ .X , concerned, the bullish view ha$!b€en Will benefit the pictures fully as gjp^mg f^y^ fortnight past and iriuch, If not more, than the gen- erality of buslriess lines, this being the poor man's theatre and the now is more an actuality than > prospect. *The way Loew'a'; tvaa traded In sizeable blocks all on the (Flnt name la tbat of the Judgment debtor: jUdginent taker :ana amount Ji^Tw^^T^^*^'^ supply CO.. ^uSSSTm Bwon and Tappan Baaltr Go»».» Bank Of ike V. 0., 9M|,<V ^ ^MuriUXIlimmaMm and Kxblbltora Ple- toTCi CvP't Commonwealth .Coal, ft OU ^%£*rbmm C4>tp.t . ollywopd ^JPllai: JSmgtme <Mcer| C. Gaotaot; .ff SSI. jjow X. BMUi}' Mohn ft Hunter Co. of. Buffalo; < 7j>."'' "« " ' ATTACHMENT (FIrat name la that of debtor; creditor ,»nd: ajnonnl fbnowB.> ' Mava Blawt B. Iiazenby; drl've^for re-employment [way up last week, was eloquent of confident sponsorship. TojLal of transactions was not especial^ large, but the trading was bunched in a spectacular way, making a bal- lyhoo that attracted' attention and was received In soriie quarters as a clique declaration of its IntentlonB, Warner Bros, ran Into high tgm for th«L tumovet. bnt here the. move was In and out, having a good deal the appearance of a market whirl. The Loew campaign looked rected specifically at the medium and lower grades of wa^^e-eamers. It Is perhaps significant that eta-, tistlcs last week were brought for- ward tending to show that volume of sales .In New York departriient stores has moved up In the; last two months, representing, certainly In some part. Increased eperidlng by people encouraged by prospects of Improvement jind seizing the op- portunity ' to escape ' from drastic personal and family budgeting; Kefter''bn^hir"trck"er~for the longer Benefits to the picture Industry are I future, obvious from, any sueh Increased'^ public Bperidbig as suggested .by the metropolitan department store re- turns. Pox-wont-agalnst the- trend of its , group, eriding the week rieariy a point down at 17 ^i. with the closing bid more than a, tull ;p.olnt_ a:wey. thing to the realization that old evUs ^f heedless spending have Brokers say that there is an «n- from the final trantectlori. •Thlii to larged public interest In the amuse- I the' new stock's second week of ment shares, attributed for one listed trading, the rights having ex- .....— — j.^.^ pired Aug, 14. It represents a new issue largely taken up by bankers been cured. and that the theatre ^t a price of $18.90. business is now being ruled by rphe old Fox A stock was reduced either new leaders or old leadersrt)y the Issuance of one new share |-made-wise-and cautious: by-the bit--1 for 8ixold> each new. share carry- ter experiences of the last four ing. the privilege of subscribing to I years. Before the depression the Ifive . new at $18.90 a share. Money theatre group was a favorite, spec- so received was used to take up ulating medium with outside spec- outstanding-bonds In the hands otv rulatonr. -Many were badly hurt In banks. Old stockholders are^nder*f amusement stocks and the revul slon was extreriie. Now the out- siders are taking a new interest.In these Issues. So Is professional jWftll s.treet, which aees theatre _red turning to black tinder riiore rounded out managements and the reform of old- abuses. All of which may easily set the stood to have passed up purchaBO under the privilege pretty gener^- ly. unsubscribed stock going to tne banks under agreement. What happened, then, was. that the banks paid themselves oft on I the bonds with stock, a radical. Ibuslhess move, suggesting-a, pretty, desperate situation, and a develop* IN stage for a major upturn during merit scarcely calculated to attract the autumn, grpwlrig Into a -broad I speculative attention to the new Is* I niOVement if the new season rear sue. Under the circumstances the lizes the hopeful expectations of the week's dealings were small, amount^ OF THE group's friends In Wall street and I throughout the country. Ahead of Market Examination of last week's clos- irig prices shows that the. active amusement shares gave a better performance than the general mar ing to 2, BOO new shares, the price being progressively down to the finish. . « .Prices of bonds 'were generally better, tioew's 6'a went tp a new top at 86, where they finished. Both the Paramounts recovered a good INDUSTRY And All Branches of the Business in the Sh< ket, moving forward toward their deal of their recently lost ground July-August tops faster than the and Warners hCld steadily close W pivotal Issues in the industrial list the former besti closing at 42%< and doing, better than the price compared to the top just above. 4lj indices. pathe 7's went sharply against t^ For example, U. S. Steel is still trend, losing 6 points to 80 in a few 14 points or 21% below its top; trades. . AT&T is 8 points below its August Recent violent movements m best, N. T. Central is 20% away amusement liens especially the from the peak, while the Dow Jones priced varieties, again suggeswa industrial average is more than 10 that a good deal 1^ and out spec* full- points and-nearly .ia% .under ulatlon has governed, the movemew. the August top. of prices Jiete afl .elsewhere in w Against this lx)ew's closed last, bond section, for depreciated nen* week only 1% away from the top, The two Paramounts, by the W*:^ less than B%; Columbia Pictures drew practically.abreast, oompietw was within 3 points of Its -peak arid the contused picture of fite one Warner Bros. Was within a fraction then the other commanding a pre- of the August top. Paramount-Pub-' mium. Summary for week endS HiBh. 7%" 6% 24^ 14% 80% 18% 80% 26 82% 78% 7 20% 2% 2% 9% 14% • Mi-: air - (scni 'Daily Variety' and Variety' $12 a Year DAILY VARIETY', 6282 Hollywood Blvd., H0LLYW00D7CAL. stock EXCHANQE .Low. Salen.. . Issue end rate. High. ■ 600 American Seat.t...... 4% 1% 40O. Consol. Film...i..;.'...'.i..f4 6% 1,800 Columbia P. vtc 22' 6% 1,800 Consol. Film ptd..<. 1 40 4,800 Kaetman Kodak (8) . 80' 17 2,600 Fox, Class A IT. 10% 87,800 Gen. Blec- (,40c.)..,.. 24% 8 ..... Keith pfd.......... 8%' 40,000 ■Ijoew--(l)i;'. ^a. 81% 85 ..... Do pref. (6%).. ....P.... .. 1% 800 Madison Sq. Garden..........i.^ 4 13%: , 800 Met-GrM pref. (1.80),'........... 20- % 46,000 Paramount eft...... 2% % 8,800 Pathe Exchange. 1% 1% • 2,800 Pathe, Class A^.... 8% a 100,900 Radio. Corp............0 l l. ..6^600 - RKO .•• •^;'..«. v. .......... ^... . • 8% "~10— ' T^.'.'TT~"t)1ifverBai prifT.. 1. ^JTJ" 148,800 Warner Bros................... 8% 100 Da pfd........... 20 63,700 Westlnphouse 44% Last. 24 ,: -T» 81 66% bid 4 20 2% 1% 7V 1 4% 10% 200 Columbia Plcts..... 1,000 Gen. Thea. E. pfd. 1,300 Technicolor ; 400 Trans Ltix........ Proouce Exchange 7% 20 80% 21 % 7% 2% 8% -a2^bi i! 8% 20 , 42% 21 8 -i ^ 30,300^EarrJ?-ub..^..- BONDS $82,000 Gen. Thea. Eq. ' .8% 4,000 Keith O'e, MC. ^2% 32,000 Loow O's, '41 gfl 6,000 Pathe 7'8. '37 ....... 80 71,000 Par-Fam-I^sky ' ' .......... 31% 213,000 Par-Pub 6%'s, • 31 ..... RKO debs O's • 605,000 "Warner Bros. C'B, '30 Over the Counter, N. Y. 6% 48 84% 80 27% 27 T 2H 30'/4 Roxy, Class A. • Par-Publix cfs sold $4,000 0 31. 20. 30. net off 2%. Qcn Theatre cfs sold $15,000 ® 6%, 5, C, net ott 1.