Variety (Aug 1933)

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VARIETY 31 OF GURRENT RELEASES rPatha studio*, A1litf>f| Offleeir rajJ Seventh Av«., Culver City. Cat. /VHCa. New, York, N. Y.. Dude Bandltr Th«. Western sCotr <)f iretributlbii. Hoot Gibson. Dir. Geo. Melford. 6S mtns. ReL Udy 1. Rey. June 27. leventh Commandment, The. From the play by Brandon Fleming:^ Marian Harsh. Theo. Von Bits, Alan Hale. Dir. Geo. Belford. 64 mlns. Rel. Feb. 20. Flohting Paredn, The. Hoot Gibson Ip mistaken for a revivalist Marcellne Day, Bthel "VT^alea. .Dir. Harry Frazer. 6& miiis. Rel. May 22.. Rev. Aug. 8, Shriek in the Night, Arthut" Hout; Mystery murder stoty. Ginger' Rogers^ Lyie Talboti . Ailbert Ray. 65 injlns. ReL Apri^ 16. Rev. July 26; Harold Auten im» e-way* n. y. c. Companion Wanted. Roinahce with music and singing, visualizing the dream of a spirited young girL Annabella,- Jean Miirat,. Duvalles. Dli*. Joe May, 88 mlns. ReL June 3. Rev. Jupe 6. iFootiitept Th the'Night.' Baiied~ on the ffiysteiy noveriiijrMrjj.^ son. Mystery story of a rudely Interrupted honeymoon. Benita Hume. Dir. l^urtee Bivey. 59 mlns. RoL April 18. Rev. May 16. Night and^iOay. FULrce comedy bit a thief chase in a wax museum. Jack . Hurlburt, Cicely Couftneldge. 76 mlns. Rev. May 30. Savage Golil. Commander DyOtt's thrilling adventur^R With. .e!A^ya:se.hunters. Comm. Dyott Dir. Commander G6orge I>yot.t;i 6i[:i<Up8,;. Rev. Aug. 8, Chesterfield .Qfnce»:. 1!S40 Brbadwiiyi I9W nrvwwpjr, NeVr York. N> Y* Py Appolntme,ot. Only., (Invincible.) .A.sian'6..jnan who waa a.|,woman'fl .doc^ tor. Lew Cody, Sally O'Neill, Aileeh. iPringle; Dir; Frank Strayer. 65. mlns.; Rel, July 7. ' I Have. Uvbd. A glrl'ls attempt to live down her piast Allah Dlh^hart, Anita Page, Allen Vincent. Dir^ Rich.. T)iorpe.. Rb.1| Jtine lS.. Notorious, But Nice. Story to come. Marian Marsh, Betty Compaoh. bonald DlUoway.. Dir. Rich. Thorpe. Rel. Aug. 1. :. GowOr at Sunset, 'f^Aliimkin Ofliceii: tlilO. Seventh ■ Avb., H oily wood. Cal, VOlUmpia New York, N. . Ann Carver's Profession. Woman lawyer saves her husband in a murder trial. Fay Wray. Gene Raymond. Dir. Eddie Ruzeelli .71 mlha Rel. May 26,■ Rev. June'13. .^^^j,. . . BeloW the Sea. - A "thrilling" tale of trcasurd^^-on th* iSfcean hd«r." Ralpli "EteTi; lamy, Fay. Wray. Dir. Al Rogell. 79:ii(ilns. Rel.'April .26.:. RevJ June 6.' California Trail, The. A buckaroo hero who .^combines, old world gallantry with .Ashing twentieth century, action; Buck Jones. Heleb Mackv.- 'Dir. .liamb^rt Hlllyer. 67 mlns. Rel. March 24.Rev; AMg. 1., ^ ^ - . Ircus Qiieen Murder, The,. Murder under'the:.'big!jLQB..\iAj4pl^!h.e .M^^ 'Greta Nlsjaen. Dir.- Roy William Nelll. 66 mlns. ReT. April 10.- Rev. May 9. • > Cocktail Hour. Girl Illustrator narrowly escapes missing the right jnan. Be be Daniels, Randolph Scott. Dir. Victor Schertzinger. 73 mlns. Rel. June 6. Rev. Juiie 6. Dangerous Crossroads: A roaring romance of the rails. Chic Sale, plane Sinclair, Jackie Searle.. Dir. Lambert Hlllyer. 69 mlns. Rel. June 15. Mussolini SpeaKs. .The 1931 address with newsreel shots.;. Interpolations by. Lowell Thomas. 74 mlns. Special. Rev.^ Mar. 14. Night of Terror. Bela Lugosl and hls.liauntihg eyes^blood-curdllhg suspense —mysterlmnrndisappeorances:—Bela-Lugo8lr^ally-Blane^*-Dir:-BenJamin StolofC 65 mlna. Rel. April 24. Rev. June 27, Parole Girl. From Dance of the Millions.' First offender, sent to Jail, plots to be revenged on the man who put her there, but it boomerangs Mae ClarkO, Ralph Bellamy, Marie. Pre vest Dlr..Eddle<.Cllne....97 mina.. Rel Mar. 4; Rey. April 11. Rusty Aides Alone. Tim McCoy curbs crime at evdry turn with his ever- faithful' pbllcie dog paL Tim . McCoy, Barbara Weeks. Dir. D. Ross Lederman. 68 mlns. Rel. May 26. Ilent Men. Tim McCoy western 'original. Florence Brltton. Ir. D. Ross Lederman. ReL Mar. 8. •oldlertf of the Storm; The Urst film" featuring the'lT.' S. 'Border^ ^atrol'.and the part played by lAanes. Regis Toomey, Anita Page, Dir. D. Ross Lederman;' 69 mlns. ReL April 4. Rev. May 23. Tho Woman I Stole. Jack Holt 'a swaggering ovorlord 'of the oil fields who outbluffs doUbleoFossers. Jack Holt. Fay Wray. Dir. Irving Cum' mlngs. ' 64 mlns. ReL May 1.' Unknown Valli&y. A~full-OfrjBght western dftima, replete with tinldtfe sltqa tions. . Buck Jones, X^ecilla Parker. iDlr. / Lambert. Hlllyer; 69 mlns. ReL May 5. ■ "■ ■' .' ■ , . What Price liinocehce. Stoi^ of a girt. Who didn't know. Jeaiii Poirker, WU- lard Mack. Dir. WUlard Mack. 64 mlna. Rev. June 27. When Strangers Marry. Drama against the menacing magic of the tropics. Jack Holt, Lilian Bond, Dir, Clarence Badger. .68 .minau ROL March 20, ^Rev. May 30. Whirlwind, The. A round-up of thriUS and action. Tim. McCoy.. Alice Dahl. Dir. D. Ross Lederman. 69 mlns. ReL . March 14.' Woman I Stole, The, A swaggering ovOrlord' Of the^ oil fields. j_Jacfc Holt, Fay Wray. Dir. Irving Cummingn. - 69 mlns.. ReL Bfay .1. Rev.: July 4. Wrecker, The. The season's timeliest story, with the recent California earth- buake. Jack Holt, Genevieve Tobln. Dir. Albert Rogell. 72 mins. ReL July 10, Rev. Aug, 8, . ' , First Diviwii ir ?^^^^^^^^ Releases Also Allied, Chesterfield and, Monogram lack Beaiity. 'Anna- Sewell's famous book. Esther Ralston. Alexander Kirk- land, Gavin Gordon, Hale Hamilton. Dir. Phil: Rosen 66- mlns.' Rel July 15. -- ' ; DaMan. Life, customs, morals, habits atid 'whatnot as lived by the itenguln birds on 'Penguin Island.' Cherry Kearton produced and'dlrectedt Two running times: 38 mlns. and 51 mlns. Rel. June 16. Dude Bandit, A clumsy cowhand, turns to the dlsgulsO of a romantic .dude bandit and solves a murder. Hoot- Gibson,. Gloria. >Shea, -Dir. George ■Melford^ ■ 66 mlns. ■ ReL-June 16. Porgotten. A kindly Jewish Immigrant father, cast off lii his old age hj his sons, brings them to their senses. June Clyde, William Collier. Jr.. Lee Kohlmar, Natalie Moorhead, Jean Hersholt, Jr. Dir. Richard ^ Thorpe. '67 mlns. ReL May 1. Jungle Bride. A muraer"imspect^^^T^ shipwrecked, Mth .his: (^afltoi's;-'In~ t Jungles.. Anita Page. Charles..Starreft,, Dir. Harry Hoyt and Albert , K elly, 62 mlns. ReL May 25, Rev. Ma/ 26. _ _i_ tove 19 tiice .That.. "^"Jevinfeeri-year-brd'ybu^^ gifts miieaTip in a bouple of domestic tangles an4 a near murder mystery. -John Warburtbni Ro- chclle Hudson. Dir. Richard Thorpe. 65 mlns; ReL May 1, Rev. May 9: Oliver Twist. The famous Charles Dickens Classic Dickie Moore, Irving Plchel, William Boyd, Alec Francis, Doris Lloyd, Barbara Kent, Dlr^ . William Cowan, 74 mlns. ReL May 1, Phantom Broadcast, A. radio crooner attains phoney fame, when his accbm . pianist .secretly does his singing for him. Ralph Forbes ,Vivlenne Os bbrne.,Paulina Garon. ^I)lr; Phil Rosen. 71 mlns. ReL: Aug. 1; Return of Casey Jones. A young .engineer surmounts his dlfflcuitie.s through the spiritual influence of the hero of. his boyhood. Charles' Starrett, RatR Hall, Jackie Searle. 67 mlns. Dir. J. P. McCarthy. Rel. July 10, - Rfev. July 4. ^ _ _ ItHrTek" In "the "lilght. A murder mysfery^n '^a' swaincy Parkapart- ment house. Ginger Rogers, Lyle Talbot. Dir. Albert Ray. 67 mlns, ReL June 16, Sphinx, The. A deaf miute and his twin brother are Implicated in a series of crimes wherein four stock brokers are murdered in the same manner, Lionel Atwill, Sheila Terry, Paul Hurst. Dir. Phil Rosen. 62 mlns, ReL Jiily 3. Ctrange People. Thirteen men arid women, twelve of whom recognize each other as members of a murder. Jury, find themselves gathered In the house of the murdered mkn, near midnight of a stormy night. John Darrow. Gloria Shea; Hale Hamilton; 64 mins. ReL June IB. These , tabulatioha are ^compiled irom .information supplied by the yarioM ..production coRtpahies and checked up as sOon as possible after release. Listing is given when rsr ease dates are definitely'siet. Titles are t*etained for six months. Man*, agers who receive service subse- quent, to that period should pror serve a copy of the ^alondar for reference. The running timo as given hero is presumably that of the projection room showings and can only •pprox- imate the actual release length - in those staites «r communities wbers. local or state censorship may result in deletions. Runnino time, in the. reviews as given in 'Variety' .carry the actual time cloeked in the the-, ittre after passaoe by: the New York state ^enso^hi ' inee pictures are reviewed only- actual theatre sh.bwiiio** While every, offort is made to hold tiiis list aieciirato, the information iupptied may hot always be correct, even though official. To obtain the fullest .deares of sxactness 'Variety* wilJ .a:PPreciato' tha co-operation of all. managers Who may note discrep- Studios: Burbank, -Calif r .Hirst^.Nation^|li!^•i!^^S^,j!S^^ Central Airport. A triangle in the aviallort game. Richard Bartheimess aiid Sally EUers. Dir. William A. Wellman. ReL April 16. Rev. May 9 Elmer the Great. Baseball story. Joe E. Brown, Patricia Bills. Dir. Mervyn LeRoy, 64 mlns. Rel. April 22. Rev. May 30. Qrand Slam, A burlesque .^n. the popular bridge fad. . Paul. Lukas. LoretU Youne, Frank McHugh, Glenda Farrell. Dir. William DIeterle. 67 mlnS ^ Rel. March 18. / "ttrois for Siale. Post war activities of Anierloan vets, .Rich. Bartheimess Lofetta Young. ReL Jurte.l7. "Rev. July 26. ^"ly. Turner. Side shows and grlfters. Ruth Chattertoii. Geo. .grent, ''rank Mcllugh, Dir. Wm. A. Wellman. G5 minS, Rel. itiay 13. Rev. June 20 Little Giant, The. Robinson as a comedy (^ngster,. E. G. Robinson. Vasw AatOt. Dir. Roy Del Ruth; 70 mlns.. ReL May 20. Rev, May 30, Mind Reader, The, MInd-readIng as a new racket. Warren William and Constance Cummliigs.. Dir.. Roy De) Ruth. ReL April 1, Rey. April It Studio: Studio PlacemenU R^iinald De^ny, Tatrol,' Radio. ^Eugene Paltetto, "From Head^ quarters,' Warners, Harry Langdon, 'My WeaJkness,' Fo;x. Ruth eii •Walls of Qoid,' Pox. Clifford Careen Jonea,. Georjge Batbier, Clarerico Wilson, 'TilUe and Gus,' Par, —Vlctor~Pbtelr~*Mountaiir-^u8lc?' Ddane-'UhtversaL ^ Mary E'oy,'Ann Vlckers,'RKO. . Phil, Tead,. "Life Worth Living,' IFoi, ■ Luclen Llttlefleld for a short, Roach. Wialter Walkwr, Tm No An£rel,' Par. Frank/ Morgan, .and the Fiddle.' Metro. Mary Blackford, SYanklln Parker, Eddie Tamblyn, 'Sweetheart of Sil^a Chi/ Monogram. Mary. Carr, 'BpoibBhelV Metro. < P&trlcla O'Brleii Alden Chase, Thelma Hardwlek, beautiful.' HKO, ' Vivieiiiio Segal, - Qarry HoUnan; Paul PorcaAl, 'Cat^ »iid the Fiddle/ Metro. - <;ora Sue CoUlno, ^orch Singer/ Par. : Joseph Moncure March, script, tWild Birds/Badiow Llta Chevret, Xied White, Huntley Gordon, 'Only Yesterday/ U. Jean Mulr,, Johnny. Mack Bro'wn, George. Bilackwood, George Irving, Purnell Pratt, Arthur Vinton, 'Sons of Gobs/ Warners. Jack Larue, 'Keiuiel Murder Case,' Warners. \ Henry Stephenson, -'Behoid 'We Llyo/ Radio, Hramweil Fletcher, Tola Nesmlthi Howard Hickman, 'Beautiful/ Badio, George . Meeker, 'Chance at Heaven/ Radio. Junior Bailey, ''Sfag€» Mothers, Metro. ' Paul Jones, gagging^ 'Tlllie and Gus/ Par. .Eleanor Wesselhoft. 'Without Glory/ Radiol Harry Holmeui, 'Bast pf BtH . Ave-r -nUer-Gbli Gertrude Purcell, termer, Univer- S£tl Ruth Clifford, *Walis Fox, Claire Trevor,, "The Mad . Game/ Fox. George O'Brien, The Frontier Marshall/ Fox, Fox Ofnees: 850 Tenth Avs.. New York, N V, Fox Hills, Hollywood,' Adorable. 'Orlglna:i. . With muslb. Janet Gaynon Henry GaraL Dir, Wm. DIeterle. a6 mins. ReL May 19.' Rev. May 23, AttsF the BalL British made. Love at a diplomatic balL • Esther Ralston, Basil Ra(hbone, Dir. Milton Rosmer, 68 mins. ReL Mi^. 17> Rev* Mar, 21. . Arizona to Broadway. James Dunn, Joan Bennett Dir. Jas. Tinilng. Ri^ June 23. Rev. Jiily 26. Best of Enbmles, The. Racial conflict comedy. Buddy Rogers, Marian VTixon. Joe Cawthorne^ Frank Morgan; Dir.- Rlah James. 72 mins;. ReL June 23. Revi July 18, , , Bondage.- OrlglnaL Drama. Dorothy Jordan^ Alez; Klrkland. Dir. AL Bain-; tell. 67 mlr^a Rel.Kar, 31. Rev, April 25. Devirs. in Love, The. Harry Hervey nOveL ti'oreign legibii yarn. 'Victor Jory, Lbr^tta Young. Yivienne Osborn. Dir. wm. DIeterle. 70 mlns. Rel. Jtily 21. Rev. Aug. 1. ,•','.. Five Cents.'a Glasa. Love, .music ahd beer.. Buddy. .Rogers, Marlfi'n Nixon. R;eL June 30. / . \ . .. F. .. 1. Futuristic plane landing fleld Ih mid-ocean. Conrad Veldt; :Lesli«r- Fentoh, Jill Esmond, Dir. Karl Hartl, 76 mins. ' ReL July 28. Hello SiMer. Stage play. Jas. Dunn, Boots Mallory, ZaSu Pitta 6(> mins^ ■ ■ . ReL. ApM 14..-' Rey. May -.9.';-' ' ' -r^ Hoi IVfe Tight. Love in cL depairtihent'store. Jas. Dunh; Sally Etieirs. Din X>aVid Butler.. ReL May 26, , Rey. May:-23, / Humanity. Original. Physician'v^ho .seeks to-save his son from a wbman'a Influence,' Boots Mallory, Alex. Klrkland, Irene Ware. Dir. John Fran» cis Dillon;. Rel. .Mar. 3. R^v^ April 25. . / I Loved You Wednesday. Stage play of four tangled. lives'. / Warner Baxter, Ellssa Landl, Victor Jory.' Dir. Hiinry King, ReL Jut^b9, Rev, June 29. It's. Great to Be AUve. ■ Aii only maii in'a world of beautiful. women. Raul Rbullen, Gloria Stuart. Herbert MuhdIn. - Dir. Alfred Worker. ReL June 2. Rev,' July "11. . _ Last" Trail,'The. Zane. )&r4y story. •"Geo, rien,; Bl TBrehdeL"Ci:;iFe T*evbl6 -Dir. James-Tlnllng, ReL-Aug.-r2fr.i- , ; , -r---—^ Life in the Raw; Zan^ Grey story. 'Cowboy Saves elrVi brother from bandit gang. Geo: O'Brienj ■ Claire Trevor, -Greta Nissen. Dir. Louis King. 62. mins. ReL. July 7. Man Who Dared, "The. Imaginative blbgt^phy based 'on life of Anton Cer- mak. Preston Foster, Zita Johanh,. 'Dir, Hamilton McFadden. 77 mins. ReL July 14. "• . • ; / Paddy the Next Best 'Thing.. Prbm the stage play; Janet Gaynor, Wambr\ Baxter. Dir. Harry Lachman.: . R^l, Aug, 18.' Pleaeure Cruise. Play by Austen Aileiil' Jesdous husband trails his seajgolng wife... Dir, Frank "Tuttle.. . ReL Mar. 24, Rey. April'4. Pilgrimage. Mother love from a new angle. .From the L A. R. Wiley story. Henrietta Grossman, Heather Angel, Norman Foster, Marian Nixon. Dir. John Ford. 96 mins. (roadshowlng time). ROv. July 18. iailor's Luck. Original. Romance of a U. S. Navy gob. Jas. Dunn,. Sally Ellers. Victor Jory. Dir. Raoul Walsh. ReL Mar. S. Rev. Mar,. SL ; BhanghaLJtfadnesSi^JiIagazlna.j^QtyJ)y_F._H^Brjennan^ Chinese stream. Spencer ' Tracy, Fay Wray. Dir. John Blystone. ReL Aug. 4. Trick for Trick. Stagre play of same title. Ralph Morgan, Victor Jory, Sally Blane. Dir. Hamilton McFadden. .68 mins. ReL April 21. Rev. June IS., warrior's Husband, The.' Stage play by Julian Thompson. An Amason who had a heart. Ellssa Land!, Marjorle Rambeau, Ernest Truex,. David Manners. .Dir. Walter Lang. 74 mlns. ReL May 12. (LAdky produo" tion.) Rev. May 16. Zoo In Budapest. OriglnaL Mystery story In a foreign zoo- and an animal, Loretta Toung, Gene Raymond, O. P. Heggle. Dir. Rowland V. LIm. R:', AprU 28. Rev, May 2. (Lasky production.)-^— Freuler Associates Ofllee: R.K.O. BIdg,, Nsw YorK, M. V. Desdwood Pass. Original, Western. Hidden treasure and gbVeiiiment agentsi Tom.Tyler, Alice Dahl, Wally Wales,; Dir.'J. P. McQowan.' 'ReI. Mar. IC Easy- M llllbnsi. OrigltiaL Reputed jnillloneifre Ibsi^s his lob, sin Inheritance and almost .his sweetheart.. Skeets Gallagher, Dorothy Burgess. Dir. Fred NewUiayer. ReL June 30. ' lUtnvMl-io <^fllces: RKO fiidg.t Radio City, majCSCIC New York City Cheating Blondes; (Ekiultable.) Twin 'sisters tangled In a murder mysteryr iTheima Todd, Rolfe Harold. Dlr^ Jbs, Levering.- -61 mlns.- ReL April L Rev. Bfay 23.. - ' ' Curtain at Eight. Story of a murder^ hiiystery'by Octavua Roy Cohen. ReL, .. <■ '•• Free Lbvs;; ReL.May L. Gun Law. Vestem, Jack. Hbxle, Betty Boyd. ReL' May 1. 8lng, Sinner, Sing. Torch singer marries a millionaire. ' Paul Lukas, Leila Hyams. Dir. Christy Cabanne, Rel. MAy, Rey. Aug.. 15. Trouble ^MStere*. Western. Jtu;k Hbxiei Lane-Cbkhdldr. R^I. M&y IK Woman In the base, The. ZIta Jobann. Woman Is framed (or a crlms to shield higher-ups. ReL June. ^ World Gone Mad, The. Stbry behind present-day eonditlona ' Evelyn Brent.. ............Pat .O'Brien.-'Dir.-Christy Cabanne. ReL Mar. 1. Rev. April 18, May lair Ofllces: 1600 Broadway, New York. N. V. First Runs Aid hdies Minheapoiis, Aug, 21. Locial Independent exchanges get a break as a . result of the decision of Bill Elson to use a bigger per^ centage of first runs in his 10 and 20b Seventh Street theatre here and President, St.. Paul, which hitherto have been' playing mostly third to sixth runs. He already :haa^bo.usht^cbnstderable^indfiP£jad-= ertt product. . .; Eisqn'a decision . ^ of thiS' reduction in prices ait Piiblik loop houses with' iscales as low as 15. and - 25c,. which use consider- able first-run major product. He sought iti valh to have the protec- tion period covering his theatre cut down after the Pubilx adiftisaloh cuts. Studios: 4376 Sunset Drive, Hollywood, C|iL Alimony Madness. Story of alimony evils. Helen Chandler, Leon Waycott, Dir. Breezy EasOn. 65 mins. ReL April 1. Rev. May 9. Her Resale Value. Story -of a disgruntled Wife.' Jane Clyder Geo.-LewliL Dir. Breezy Eason. 63 mlns. ReL April 15. Rev. June'27;,' Justice Takes a Holiday; Original. Father love drives a convict back to jail. H, B. Warner, Huntley Gordon, Audrey Ferris. Dir.- Spencer Ben- nett. 61 mlns, .ReL Feb. Rev, April 25. Studios: MOrfk ' eeS::i640-Brosdwsy^ ■New-York, N. Another Language. Story of the in-laws from R^oae FTanken's .Stage hit. Helen Hayes, Robt.- Montgomery/Louise Ciosser Hale.' Dir. . EdW, H. .Griffith. 70 mins.' ReL July 28. Rev. Aug. ,8. , Barbarian, The. Ramon Nbvarrb as an Egyptian guide whb Is really a prince, Myrna Loy, Reginald Denny. Dir. Sam Wood. 80 mlns; ReL May 12; ReL May 16. ■ Clear All. Wires, Picturlzatlbn of the recent.Broadway hit .about, a. foreign correspondent; ' Lee Tracy. Benita Hume. Dir. George Hill. 78 mlns, ReL Feb. 17. Rev. Mar. 24. Devil's Brother, The. Operetta 'Fra Dlavblo.' Laurel and Hardy/'De'ftnls King; Thelma Todd, Jas. Flnlayson.' Dir. Hal Roach. 91 mlns; ReL May 6, Rev. June 13, Fast Workers. John Gilbert a^ a skyscraper worker. Robert Armstrong, Mas .; .„.^;.'.CIarke, Muriel Klrkland. Dir.:Tpd^rowiilng. ReL. Mar.' lO. Rev,.Mar, 21... Gabriel Over the White House, From an anonymous novel. The tJ. S; under a dictator. Walter Huston, Karen Morley,. Franchot Tone. Dir. Greg- ory La Cava., Kel. Mar. 31. Rev. April 4. Hell 1?el6w. The submarine heroes of the World War. Robert. Montgomery, Jlihmy. Durante. Madge Evans, Walter Huston. Dir. Jack Conway. ReL June 9. Rev. May 2. Hold Your Man. A smart aleck crook who escapes everything but love. Jean Harlow, Clark Gable, Stuart Erwin. Dir. Sam Wood. ReL June SO. Rev. July 4. Lady of the Night. Night life In a great city. Loretta l^oung, Ricardo Cor- tex. Franchot Tone, Una Meckel. Dir. William Wellmati. Rel. July 14. Looking Forward. The story of-a great London departitieht. storb. Based on ^^-^^^the=^Engllsh^stage=succe38.-^Ijionel-Barrymoro,=Bewls?:Stone,--^^ ence Brown, 93 mlns. ReL Ai>ril 7. Rev. May 2. Made on iBroadway. ; Original. Press agent power In - politics and soi/^lety., :Robt. Mbhtgomefy,. Madg^^^ Sally. Ellers, Eugene Pallette, Diri Harry Beaumont. 70 mins. Rel. May 19. Rev. July 11. Midnight Mary. Gangster story with the trial-flashback used. Iibretfa Young, - Ricardo Cortes!;/ Franchot Tonef. Dir.' Wm; Wellman; June 30. Rev; July 18. Nuisance, The, Lee Tracy as an ambulance-chasing lawyer. - Frank Morgan, Charles Butterworth, Dir. Jack Conway. June 2. Revr May 30. (Continiiod on page 34> 76 mlns. -ReL' Madge BvansL 84 mh>«i' asl