Variety (Aug 1933)

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VARIETY PICTURE CROSSES Tuesday, August 29, 1933 LA FiiD of Holdovers, Including 3d Wk. for 'Annie; Colman Nifty 8|^G, 'Goodbye $18,000;'Dinner'An Set Los Angeles, Aug. 28. Another healthy week In store for the first runs, with Grauman's Chinese getting back into action after being dark for some weeks. •Dinner at Eight' opens tonight (29) with stage show at-$6.60 toP- Open- ings a sellout except for 200 press seats, putting $8,000 In. till as a starter; -■ — — — '- Two holdovers lu the downtown area, which includes five days of-a second week for 'This Day and Age' at the Paramount, and a third week for Tugboat Annie,' at Loew's State. Holdover for the third istanza marks the first time in th« history of the State that a feature pic. has been retained for more than 14 days, but was justified by the surprise strength set by the Dressier-Beery opus on its second week, when the turnstiles clicked to a little better that $24,000. Current week started strong, with an opening day take of better than three grand, which should spell an easy $17,000 for the third stanza. Paramount holdover did not start auite so auspiciously and stays only five days, and- $8,000 is expected, niildish. Hiil street, banged 'em at the Fri- day opening of 'Morning'GHory' lind Tally's Criterion, with Colrtian in 'The Masquerader' got. off to a hot start ■ same day. Two .Warner houses displayed^ greater strength than previous week, with the Holly- wood hitting to a .good $10,000 and Downtown geared for possibly a little better than $8,000. Estimates for This Week Crilerion (Tally) (1,600; 26-40), *The Masquerader' (UA) and stage show. House got away Friday to its best start since it reopened sev- eral weeks ago. With the Colman opus advertised not to be shown elsewhere in L. A. this year, looks like a nifty $8,500. Last week 'Storm at Daybreak' (MG), weak at around $3,000. ' Columbus' State Fair A Geu'l B.O. Bolsterer Columbus, Aug. 28. A battle between the Palace and the Ohio for the week's honors, With each resorting to a plenty heavy publicity campaign, is the -f-eatup^o^f—this—week—In -the—local- Broad's double bill getting best in months due to starring of Victor Jory, former local stock favorite. 'Captured' at the Grand also off" nicely, with Majestic expecting good things as well. Estimates for This Week Palace (RKO) (3,074; 25-40) 'Morning Glory" (RKO). Should have little trouble in building to nice enough $6,500. Last week 'No. Marriage Ties' (RKO) slow at $3,600. Ohio (Loew-UA) (3,000; 26-40) 'Song of Songs' (Par). Okay here at $6,500. Last week 'Tugboat An- nie' (MG) in for second week just faUed to hit same figure, getting $2r;00b for the fortnight. Grand (Neth) . (1,100; 25-40) 'Captured' (FN). Just good enough $3,600 in sight. Last week 'Vol- taire' (WB) plenty good at $5,200. Broad- (Loew-UA) (2,500... 15-3.6) 'The Devil's In Love* (Fox) and 'Exposure' (Tower). Goinff to mighty nice $3,000. Last week 'Storm at Daybreak' (Par) and 'Manhattan Tower' fair enough $2,600. Majestic (RKO) (1,100; 15-30) 'Professional Sweetheart' (RKO. Okay at $2,000. Last week 'Flying Devils' (RkO) $2,300. TADDY'S' BIG BEST BIZ IN CINCY Cincinnati, Aug. 28; Current traffic along main film p» 1. /-ciT-o\ /I onn oe r,n\ I lancs is heavier than last week., ^ . . — -- ■■ ?.^^^Z^:'T.JJ^lr^l-'''k Bulge absorbed mainly by Albee, but ^""^^'/^^G). Brightei^d^eyes _In 'Stranger^s Return' a Help For Lincoln, Neat $2,900 Lincoln, Aug. 28. Midst an agricultural setting such as this, there couldn't possibly be. any click in town greater this week than the showing a 'Stranger's Return,' which Bert Stern at the Lincoln finds himself blessed with for the full stretch—blessings hav- ing been few in.thla spot lately. It also marks the retur'ii of the Lin- coln to full week stands which were forsaken in early summer for splits to bum up overhanging weak prod- uct. Although this pic is set in Iowa, the diff between this and that side of the river is negligible. 'Chappy' Chapman caused more than expected furor last week when he" brought 'Lady for a Day' down from the Co l exc hange for the managers to squint at, anoT since he's been cooling his heels ^nd letting the boys beg for its fa- vor—something new again for a film peddler. At 12:01 a.m. Friday (1) morn- ing the Orpheum Is- kissed goodbye by the LTC and moves over to joih the expanding indie group making their fourth stand. George Monroe and Cal Bard, on the re- ceiving end, are still looking at each, hoVever, to the effect, 'Now we got ^ It, what are we going to do with' it?' Program will probably call for low-priced adms and two weekly changes to build up the re- cently failing clientele. vEstimates for This Week Coronial (LTC) (750; 10-15^20) 'Man Who Dared' (Fox>. Won't mean much more than Cermak did here, slight $650. Last week, 'Her Bodyguard' (Par) and'. 'Lone •Avenger' (WW) splits held .f^iirly well to $800. Liberty (IndieTC) (1.400; 10) •Devil Plays'. (Indie). Will hold up well with serial, $900. Last week, 'Probation' (Mon> and 'Gallant Fool' (Mon) split, with serials to match nice $950. Lincoln (LTC) (1,600; 10-15-25) 'Stranger's Return' (MG). Has the town to itself, very likely neat' $2,900. Last week 'Hold Me Tight' (Fox) and "Detective 62' (WB) split, went to a fairly good $1,500. State (IndieTC) (500; 10-16-25) 'Ann Carver's Profession' ■ (Col). Good for passable $900. Last week 'Soldiers of the Storm' (Col) clicked for $1,000. Stuart (LTC) (1,900; 10-25-35- 55-60) 'This Day and Age' (Par). Oke for $2,700. Last week 'Tugboat CIRCLE, INDPU., 17TH ANNIVERSARY BILL, 9G Indianapolis, Aug. 28. Seventeenth anniversary bill at the Circle headed by a seven-act vaudeville program, in addition to 'Life of Jimmy Dolan* on the screen Is the big noise this Week. Looks like the gross will reach a very good $9,000. 'Pilgrimage* is disap- pointing the Apollo with its falter- ing $3,500, after Ken Collins, house manager, had given the picture a splendid campaign. Neither the Palace nor the Lyric are causing any stir. Harry Katz, Milt Feld and Dave Chatkin took formal control of the Circle and Indiana last Saturday and plan to open the latter house,, which has been closed for several been retainedr in his present post as general manager. Stage presenta- tion and pictures are scheduled for the Indiana, while the choice of the films will be set in the Circle. Straight vaude minus feature photo- plays is the plan at the Lyric start- ing next Friday under the.direction of Charlie Olson. Estimates for This Week Apollo (Fourth Ave.) (1,100; 25- 40)—•Pilgrimage' (Fox). Not up to hopes with a fair $3,600.- Last week 'Her First Mate' (U) surprised with a strong $4',800. . Circle (Katz-Feld) (2.600; 25-40)— 'Jimmy Dolau' (WB) and vaude. Latter is responsible for good busi- ness and a dandy $9,000. Last week 'Gold Diggers' (WB) In return en- gagement only fair at $4,000. Lyric (Olson) (2,000; 25-40)—!Her Boclyguard* (Par).-. Pair at $3,5jOO. Last week 'Disgraced' (Far) weak, at $2».900. • . Loew's Palace (Loew's) (2.800; 25-40)—'Turn Back the Clock' (MG). Lee Tracy may help this one to reach a slow $3,800. Last week 'Midnight Mary' (MG) $3,600, mediocre. RADIO ACT AIDS TRETZELS'TO 15G,S.F. San Francisco, Aug. 28. A sudden hold-over, a return pic, and otherwise average fare are fac- tors voiding- the town of (sensation- alism, but the Warfield Is looking to a big $23,000, best in aix months, and the Golden Gate Is en route to its best' gross In. six weeks with ___^ ^. , 1 A„„ T i„ -,. B lue Monday Jamboree nn weeks, on eepi. i. Ace BBrry^has- g^^^^ 'Moonlight and Pretzels' AL PEARCE RADIO GANG. HUnON PEP UP SEATTLE 'Goodbye Again' (WB) and vaude- . pj^j^ce also good. Other RKO £ce vine. Showed exceptional strength matching last week's takes with around $1,900 on opening day principally due to improved scraeh memory of the good old days with a startling $4,500. and. should have no trouble passing $8,000, fair. Last week 'The Narrow Corhef (WB), discouraging at around $9,000. Hollywood (WB) (2,766; 25-65), 'Goodbye Again' (WB) and vaude- ville. Biz at this Hollywood blvd. house continues to show steady im- provement and currently ought to be good for $10,000 or better. Last week 'Narrow Corner* (WB), satis- factory^ at around $11,000. Los Angeles (Wm. Fox) (2.800; 16-26), 'important Witness' (Tower) and 'Doubled and Re-Doubled' (Denny). House Is back to duals after a couple of stanzas with single blUsi Usual biz in sight for the cur- rent week, probably topping $4,000 fare in celebrating debut of that chain's greater show season. , Advance as a whole is encourag- ing for theatres In view of spirited bid by parks for final summer trade and staging of annual fortnight's food show at the Zoo, which is pop- ular among housewives. Nat Holt and his local staff ac- complished a neat job in hurrahing the RKO exploitation drive. The three local dailies were gracious in Tadd/ Win More Than Square 'Adorable/ Is Balto's B. 0. Opinion! Baltimore, Aug. 28 . . 11 Ti. I Aided by good box-oflice material, co-op by going the limit on news local ace houses got off with a flying space and each contributing a page start this week; 300,000 people 1 box about the affair. At noon I ■t^.mmfn^ Ar^Ji^4-^^J. \,i.^^^T Friday (26) the stunt was bally- ^^^V?^ ^° hooed by four planes, one of them J^^, t^^^ NRA parade Friday nlte bannered, flying over the downtown "fi^^^V * -d * mu, _. . secUon; dischlrge of 21 bombs '^^^^^y Next Best Thing* at the „ „. from roof of Palace; release of | make up for 'Adorable'| Al Pearce. Gang on stage. Pearce Seattle, Aug. 28, • Return of Al Pearce and gang at Fifth Ave. and Dave Hutton, croon- ing and explaining at the Rdxy, en- livens first runs in the village. Pearce set for five days, .Hutton for full week. Both getting atten- tion. Latter got front page stories In dandy interview in which he said sih did not get him while Aimee was in Paris, as local Four SoLuare lady preacher stated in op- posing interview. Rex lets 'Change Tour Luck' (colored revue) go to Portland for two weeks, then Tacoma for a week at Hanoxlck's Music Box, when return is planned for Seattle, as this colored tab show held to nice and steady biz. The town seems to be going strong for sepia with colored burlesque at State, and several nite spots using colored, floor shows. Daylight saving eliminated Sun day helps with cooler weather com ing on. Estimates for This Week Fifth Ave. (Evergreen) (2,400. 35 50) 'Man of the Forest' (Par) and Last week 'The Avenger' (Mono) | hundreds of toy balloons from atop | ^i^^'^^ was yanked after three days. | means b.b. Return - for Av® held for a good $3,800. m — . . Paramount (Partmar) (3,695; 26 55), "This Day and Age* (Par) and stage show (2nd-flnal week). Hold' over of the DeMlUe opus, and Rube Wolf as m.c. for five days not hot at $8i000. ■ First stanza of 'Day and Age,' $18,300, great. RKO (2,950; 25-40), 'Morning Glory' (RKO). For the first time since last spring, when It had 'Goona Goona,' house Is getting a play with the Katharine Hepburn pic, and a $1,600 opener indicates take for the week should hit easy $8,500, great. Last week 'No Mar. riage Ties' (RKO), so-so at $3,800. State (Loew-Fox) (2,024; 25-55), the Albee; ad tieups with depart-I "^^^^e was enough coin coming in looks" set for big biz opening to ment stores and RKO day at the I at the b.o. to hold *Pilgrlmage' two day (28). Last week 'Hold Tour Coney Island track when races I weeks and there Is likelihood that Man' (MG) got nice play, nine flays, were named after RKO houses and 'Paddy' will get, just as much. being held over, with the week at the feature event styled the Ber- At the Centnry the strength lies seven grand; $8,200 for the nine nice Claire trophy. Miss Claire, In its stage attraction, the Duncan I days headlining at the Palace, presenting Sisters in an 80-mlnute version of a cup to the winning owner. I 'Topsy and Eva.* Universal gave up rental of the j At the Hippodrome the picture strength for once Is holding up a five-act vaude bill without a box- offlce name in the lot. 'Tarzan, the Fearless' is bringing 'em in. Estimates for This Week Century (Loew-TJA) (3.000; 25- 400-seat Ufa last week and ended 12-week showing there of 'Be Mine Tonight.' Estimates for This Week A'bee (RKO) (3,300; 30-40) 'Paddy,.the Next Best Thing* (Fox). Gaynor and Baxter the pull for •Tugboat Annie' (MG) show (3rd-final week). Starting the I bin topped by Bernice Claire, third stanza wifh early holdouts, Vaude setut» well balanced and each house clicked to around $3,100 on | tiurn a clicker. Screen feature. $14 000 good Last week 'Another 35-40-55-65) 'Midnight Club' (Par) Laneuac? f MGl S 8^0 '^""'^^M and Duncan Sisters in 'Topsy and Language (MG) HO 800. ^^^^^^ ^ ^ Palace (RKO) (2.600; 30-40) 'No factory $18,000 this week. Last Roxy (JvH) (2,300; 25-35) 'Se- cret of the Blue Room' (U), Dave Hutton on stage, Don Smith band in pif. Okay value at no advance, indicates a good $5,500. Last week, 'Devil's in Love* (Fox) didn't mean much, so-so, $4,500 Paramount (Evergreen) (3,106; 25-40) -F. P. I.' (Fox) and short, 'Aniakchak.' Adventures of Father Hubbard In exploring Alaska vol cano, give co-billing, in lieu oC usual duals, which are out, owing to difficulty in getting product on and stage Marriage Ties' (RKO) and five-act week Wma l^vea PaDa' fPar^ an^^ account of strike in Hollywood. A tartlncr the Km *^^^^a v,, tj/-„.„^ rii„»-.^ 1 weeic mama ix)ves I'apa crar; and | p^^j. {3 000. House may close, Frl- the initlaler of the third week, with Gus Arnheim and band deserving some credit for. the draw. If'An-nle' doesn't-garner another easy $17,000 on the week a lot of the wise ones will be disappointed. Take for the second stanza was unusually good, running around $24,300. which is equally -pleasing, has Richard Dix bigged over title. Not less than. $11, 000 in sight, good. Last week 'Mid night Club' (Par); $7,000 for six Ben . Blue on stage held to a fair $11,800. Hippodrome (Rappaport) (2,500; 25-35-40-55-,65) 'Tarzan, the Fear.- less' (Principal) and .vaude. $15,000 here this week. La;st -ive'ek''Heiid- day although a new lease Is pend ing. Last week 'Midnight. Club' (Par) 'She Had to Say Yes' (FN) dual, slow at $3,200 Music Box (Hamrick) (900; 25- 35) 'Bed of Hoses' (IIKO), Bennett as the film. House Is opening alt 10:30 each morning with radio auditions the bait, and the ether variety show is without a doubt responsible for a good share of the take; Paddy' at Warfield, is drawing all the Irish, of the town. ~ Otherwise, It's a week of expect*' aLcy more, than anything else. Fox-. West Coast opens the Embassy Thursday (31) with Arllss' 'Vol- taire,' first run at . 55c. top. Whether policy will continue thus isn't set but the class of Arllss will somewhat offset the bur- lesciue, sexies and ttnrkeys that iiave been in there,past four months. Other opening slated for this week is the Orpheum which Marco and Bill Wagnon plan to have going by Sunday (2) with Rube Wolf on stage with band, and come-what-may on screen. With these two openings slated to attract much of next week's spot- light Fox-West Coast ihade the smartest move of the season when Tugboat Annie' was suddenly held back from opening Saturday (26) and set over for another week, with Dietrich in 'Song of Songs' staying for a second stanza. First week of Songs' was surprisingly good, and house ought to come out okay, or nearly so, on the second chapter. SL Francis heading for a good total with 'Mary Stevens' and 'Man Who Dares,' at usual price of 40c. United Artists moving slowly with Eddie- Cantor in 'Kid from Spain* ba'": after a previous six-week run earlier in the year. It was at UA exclusively then, and is again. House starts its new product Sept.' 1 with 'Masquerader' leading off, and possibly 'Bowery' next. Fox has 'Night of Terror* and Doubled and Redoubled.' average. Estimates for This Week Fox (Leo) (5.000; 16-25)—'Night Terror' (Col) and 'Doubled-Re- doubled' (Denny). Average at $7,- 800. Last week 'Sing, Sinner* (MaJ) and 'Casey Jones' (Mono), pulled take to neat $8,500. Golden Gate (RKO) (2,844; 30-40- 65)—'Moonlight and Pretzels' (U) and vaude with KFRC's. Blue Mon- day Jamboree. Latter helping con- siderably and sending house to ^rood $15,000. Last week 'No Marriage Ties' (RKO) and vaude, hit fairish $13,000. Paramount (FWC) (2,700; 30-40- 55)_'Song of Songs' (Par) (2nd week). Held over suddenly when decided to withhold 'Tugboat An- nie' until next week. Maybe $10,500. First week surprisingly good at $17,- 500. Sti Prahcis (FWC) (1,600; 26-40) ■'Mary Stevens', (WB) and 'Man Who Dared' (Fox). May strike good $7,500. Last week saw $6,800 on 'Devil's in Love' (Fox) and 'Nar- row Corner'. (WB). United Artists (1.400; 25-35-50)— 'Kid from Spain' (UA). Repeating after six weeks earlier in the year, and okay at $5,500. Last week 'Wrecker' (Col) got poor $4,200. Warfield (FWC) (2,700; 35-55- 65)—'Paddy'*'(Fox) and stag6 "Show. Gaynor . and Baxter good and punchy, with big $23,000. best in six months. Last week saw $19,000 on 'Pilgrimage' (Fox) backed by a vigorous ad and publicity campaign. days, favorable, the run being line Shooter* (RKO) and Connie's getting the play, looks $3,500. iaii- shortened'to allow for Friday open- ing with vaudfllm policy. Lyric (RKO) (1,394; 30-40) 'Pil about four grand above optimistic grlmage' (Fox). Mild start Indi- cstlmates. | cates $6,000. disappointing. Last week 'Professional Sweetheart' (RKO) $5,900. tame. Keith's (LIbson) (1,500; 25-40) .'Gold Diggers' (WB). Pic brought back after five weeks, when it mag neted $39,000 on a four-week run. Hollywood, Aug. 28. I Present pace is $4,000, slQW, Last Studio draftsmen, in a last-minute week 'Captured' (WB) $G,000. fair effort to get In under code wire, are I Q'**"'' (l^KO) (1,025. 15-30) formulating an agreement to pre Studio Draftsmen Plan Code with 35-Hour Top 'Storm at Daybreak' - ^ A -u ^11 'Secret 6t Blue Room v^,. ^i,,.^. ^ sent to producers. A 35-hour week ^y^^^^ ^n ordinary $2,100. Last week is the proposed majamum. Present <Glrl in 419' (Par) and 'The working schedule is 42 hours or Wrecker' (Col), split, $2,600. nice more,' with.ij^st studios paying for] Family (RKO) (_l,0q0; 15-25) overUme. Draftsmen say code move it to make room for employment of more of their craft 'Man of the Forest' (Par) and 'Riot Squad' (Mayfali;). Split week. 'Hot Chocolates' on the stage a sat- isfactory $12,600. Keith's (Schanberger) (2.400; 25- 30-40-50) Trivate Detective 62' (WB). Makes It two consecutive picture sans femme appeal. Will only take $2,500 this week. Last week 'Secrets of the Blue Room' (U) got rained out pretty badly for weak $2,400. Stanley (Loew-UA) (3.400; 25-35- 40-55-65) 'Turn Back the (jlock' (MG). Lee Tracy not sedate enough for this swell Joint and will prob-^ J-"^^ ably do a poor $12,000. Last week (U). Split I 'Captured* (WB) was probably saved by Leslie Howard being in the cast; $13,600. just so-so here; New (Mechanic) (1.800; 25-S0-40- 50) 'Paddy' (Fox). Off with a fly- Last week 'Baby Face* (WB) fair at $3,100 Blue Mouse (Hamrick) (950; 25- 35) 'Captured' (WB). Good enough for its kind, getting around $2,500 fair. Last week, 'No Marriage Ties' (RKO) easy at $2,300. Liberty (JvH) (1.900; 10-25) 'False Faces' (Mono); 'Return of Casey Jones! (Mono) dual. Biz fair; $2,500. Last week 'Phantom Broad- cast' (Shef), 'Man from Arizona' (WW) dual, okay, $4*100. Coliseum (Evergreen) (1,800; 15 25) 'ITcll Bolow* (MG), 'Warrior's Husband' (I'ox) Dandy corabina tlon, looks to. reach $4,000, good Last week "Peg o' My Heart (MG), 'Working Man' (WW), dual very good, $4,000. 'Peti' main draw •Rex (iramrlc'k) (1,400. 25-30) This week back to grind at 15c Last week 'Narrow Corners' (WG) ing s.tart, look for v3,500 here this $1*700, average, same as last week I week. Last week'Pilgriniage' (Fox), I and 'Change Your Luck,* colored on 'Silent Man' (Col) and 'Ex- (2d week) held up for a pleasing tab on stage, the draw, for big posed.' I $2,600. I $5,800. Return in sight. Tretzels' and 'Strangers* -Are B-ham's Outstanders Birmingham, Aug. 28. 'Moonlight and Pretzels' coming down the stretch this week backed by a big ballyhoo splurge. For second honors the RItz with 'Stranger's Return' ranks. Estimates for This We^ek Alabama (Wilby) (2,800r'- 30-35- 40) 'Moonlight and Pretzels' (U). Clicking a nice $7,000. Last week 'Song of Songs' (Par) keeled over with a poor $5,500. Ritz (Wilby) (1,600; -25-30) 'Stranger's Return' (MG) oke for $3,500. Last week 'Central Airport' (FN) around $1,800. Strand (Wilby) (800; 25) 'Mid- night Club' (Par). Weak as 3.2, not over $900. Last week 'Gambling Ship' (Par), $850. Empire (BTAC) (1,100; 25) 'Lily Turner' (FN). Oke at $1,000. Last week 'I Loved You Wednesday' (Fox) and two days of. 'TurniT* $1,200.