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Variety (Aug 1933)

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so VARIETY VAUDEVILLE Tuesday, August 29, 1935 / VIVIAN JANI3 (2) Songs, Instrumental 11 Mins.; Two (Special) Palace, N. Y. Sure fire. Blonde, pretty and not too tall, with a voice full of per- sonality and an easy way of singing numbers that fit her contralto pitch. Uses a mike but looks as not need7 ing any, this girl enhances any pro- gram. Has a guitarist and a pianist assisting, oft towairds the wings while she takes the middle. Just one of those things that Miss Janis makes her solo flight, so far as records show, at this time and at the Palace when that house holds its. final week of vaude. Ironically enough she.soon steps- away from vsLude, only after finding it Cor her- self, for she has been already select- ed for the new 'Follies,' now in process of being assembled. For- merly with Ben Bernie,-according to accounts, and more lately with Leqn Belasco band. Her manner of singing is easy. Starts with an unrecalled tune and moves into 'Lazy Bones,' whiph cinches her rith the audiencle. Romps off and returns to do 'Fcf- gotten Man,' anrl for an encore uses 'My, Oh, My,' which would be just ordinary but for the way Miks Janid handles it, with' simulations of Zasu Pitts and Mae West in the' dinging. Here in the middle of a five-Jibt bill and. grabbed the show when caught. Bhan. BOB ALLEN'S MOUNTAINEERS (7) Hillbilly IMovelty '11 Mins.; Two G. O. H., N. Y. Hillbilly type of act that smacks of the amateurish. While the usukl routine of hills music and singing ia adhered to, some of the charac- ters and their accents do not ring so authentic* Act is hot of adequate strength e-.cept for the smaller and unim- portant stage houses. Group of seven Includes five men and two girls, latter working as a sister t.eam alone and in back-count^-y songs with Allen. They make a falir appearance. i Opened show here. Char.- RHAPSODY IN DANCE (5) Flash 13 Mins.; Three (Special) Orpheum, N. Y, This act has three girls and two boys. The way it opens has two blonde kids with the chief boy dancer out in front for an Intro, the lad singing In a shrill tenor voice. He sings a couple of times later also and he shuffles through certain dance steps quite eloquently, once • remindful' of Hal Le Roy. Third girl is brunet highklcker who makee her first -appearance to the tune .of a violin. held by a second boy, . This, second, .boy stands by the. wings in the dark. The girl is under a spot. Usual flash routines against'a fancy draped setting with a piano but lighting not always there. One number has the second boy and the brunet all, dressed up in evening togs for a drunken duet step number. Needs, 'ftntslilng. Opener here- on five-act layout and not strong. Should be okay, with development. The blonde's look nifty with or ■ without dohfcliig and they step all right, fifRan. 'MANHAtTAN REVEUS' (ft)' D^nce FJash 14 Mins.; One and Full (Spectal) G. O. H., N. Y. Girl dance flash that saves Itself as passable entertainment through the efforts of a trio which conibines looks and ability with novel routin- ing of numbers. Act asks for Stronger support than- given this trio if to expect time much better than the Grand Opera House, where nearly anything goes. IDxcept for the manner In which the two numbers of the trio, tall girls, are routined, with an eye to novelty and effect, the staging is mediocre. Two girls open trying to sing an Introductory bit and go into :a dance. They are followed by a single whose dancing style Is unim- pressive, and later on the duo again Is topped by a single. Trio has'a number in between and at the close. On end of four-acter and ovter pretty, good on strength of two trio specialties. Char. 'VOICE OF EXPERIENCE' Lecturer 17 Mins.; One (Mike) Fox, Brooklyn Voice of Experience' is the for- 3 ROBERTS BROS. Songs, Instrumental 12 Mins.; Two Loew^s State, N. Y. The Roberts Bros, came into the mer 'Dr.' M. Sayle Taylor of the g^.^^.^"^^^ j^j^ ^j^^ j^^^^y Healy sex lecture platforms, but tnac . white Club Ha-Ha revue, al isn't in the,bniing.__ That the au- Ja^^^ ^^on thoritles halted his use or lerm - presentation. The Roberts Dr. before his name Is also omitted- ^ attention at the Ha-Ha, a Lately the good doctor has jbecome ^^^^ ^^^^^ are now psychic, or whatever it Is a guy be- ^ heralded as being presented- comes ]yhen people ^tort ask ng his ^ National Broadcasting Co. advice Is belief that he can tell them ^ Walter Winchell's proteges something. Upon going psychic, the doctor also went radlo^ and that accounts for his current .week's Stage bookr ing at the Fox in Brooklyn. Hels on Latter comes through the colQmn- ist's buUder-upperlng for the three- some on occasion in past months. Trio works before a mike in two. the air for CBS, after a stiart on reminding of the Mills Bros, in gen WOR, and he is getting national net- eral presentation. Their .instru- work attention. On .the'air he ped- mental background is a bit different, dies pamphlets .along with the free one flashing a string bass, another advice, just like in the old days. strumming ' a gultar-Uke and the He's' *iot peddling pamphlets at other AJhot fiddler. They aU do the the FOX. But he's recommending a soft-style croon-harmQitiics into .the psychiatrist friend to thpse who ask mike; one also . whistles. .. iThdy questions. Wh^n somebody "asks look fairly well" In dress »--.troqseifS the doctor something he can't and mess-jackets. ■ • • i straighten out he apparently sends _ i. l -■it!;. „t„„^-.;^-;«.««i^f.i'ii/^J that somebody, ko his jfkvorlte psy- , S^^'^®'?.'!^- chlatrist. That 'sounds- as go6d .and lacks the wallop .they have -.dlj perhaps better ^than the books. P/ayed o2.,^„^^^?,.r°°L^S?^\i^ In the old days the doc used to slbly. amidst the hectic, ..slatn Dlav to 'Men Onlv' and to 'Women M^ansery pf a patch-as-catch sty^e SS''on1?fernaS days. He taSS of entertainment they impressed^ as •of P5fMii«?lvelv He also being Something a ■ bit more leg|t Sled What ^e cwled'^ilvin^mOdS^ ^K^l'nStSJ^t^?^^^^ a crew of dames In bathing suits audience ith Spmethlng else agajfi, to illustrate .'his lectures. Also seemmgiy charts. And then the ushers sold They need a.stage coach. .San>e the books in the aisles. The books Lthing 'will apply for -their- NB told 'eni everything the doc might chores when 'they get that goin have happened to forget to mehtlon They should go in more for the p.dd from the stdge.: vocal callstenlcs and try to' impreSs • Now that "he's piSychlc the doc with the novelty of their vocallzi Is using the same approach, but tlons. They have something dlfr much classier. He gives advice on ferent and possess the makings to practically everything now, but sex prove that they have It, but some- Is still his favorite topic. From the how miss being as efltectlve as th^y Fox stage, after somebody Intro- might in showing it. - Abel. duced him as a 'quiet, unassuming Individual,' the doctor stated he has received 2,130,000 letters to date. )[t takes 30 secretaries, working eight hotirs a day, to handl'e the mall. Some of the matter is so confiden- tial the writers would be meat for blackmailers, sayp the doc. But everybody trusj^s the doc. After telling about his trip to VAUDE FOR PHILLY INDIE DEPENDS ON FILM DEAL Philadelphia, Aug. 28. Metropplltan Opera House (ThB •Met), on -feroad street, is due for a reopening .in. the near future, with pop-^prlced vaude and picture policy. Big house Is owned by the Shrlnei which has had It for several years] but which for last two seasons leased it to Stanley-Warner. This time Shrine will probably run It, with report that Harry Schwalbe, veteran Phllly flim man, will manage. R^op^nlng of house may be con- tingent on nihility to get Fox film second, riinS. Fox and S-y^ htjve broken on this,matter, and Met may benefit.'. i r-v DEMAREST and SIBLEY Songs, Comedy* Piano 15 Mins.; One' Loew's State, N. Y. Mixed combp. He's In a moderate eccentric, jgret-up through high rouged facial tinting; she'd Havana, the dOc read's -two letters 1 statuesque brunet who sopranos and discusses them in turn. First very dramatically. She over-acts Is a gag missive on the mother-in- her singing while he takes hjs law theme, for laughs. The second funsterlng rather lightly. It> should is more in the doc's territory. It's be, reversed, Demarest playing. from a woman who married a man his comedy and Miss Sibley playlrtg who can't be a father because of 1 down the seriousness of her voc{il THIS WEEK, Aug. 25 ! Next to Closing at LOEW'S STATE NEW YORK GEORGE BEATTY JOHNNY HYDE WM. MORRIS AGENCY PHIL OFFIN Injuries received In an airplane ac- cident. But he loves children. He won't stand for an adopted one. So the husband suggests tha-t his wife go Put and.have a baby by another man. The wife makes the great sacrifice; But! after the child is born the.'husbra,nd reacts In a more endeavprs. Conventional Intro' heralds her partner as one of the 'handsomeist men,' thence the comic entrance He does a bit of ambidextrous planology wearing mittens that gets over his keyboard prowess in okay manner. From then on the act "1*"^,*^ ^'i^'J^}^^ drifts ior 15 minutes and sql> who is not his own—and he walks out on both Mother and child. Now the dop, an understanding gent if. eiver '.there was one, con demns neither! the woman nor her husband. He esplaljle'd .the psycho! ogy .of .the caa^ In'a sinnple, direct manner whlchj any sap can un- derstand. He ihelped the wife out of her dilemma with his'advice all right. ,Bvt '.the husband was tougher, he said. So he sent the husband to hli psychiatrist friend It's likely the psychiatrist friend did his duty, because if there 'were any further squawks from the lady the doctor didn't read them, It took 17 minutes. The doctor didn't need 17 minutes. He got 'em in five, and from then on their mouths.were gaping. Along the way the doc took the opportunity to mention his revised schedule on the air. The M. Sayle Taylors have never slipped Into vaudeville up to now, and If not for radio It probably would never have happened Radio, .despite all the that it thinkd it .exudps, can no'vir stei> in line with the carnivals. Bige stantfateS its.>Jfo. 2 grooving. Abel. Labor Diffictilties Looin, Philadelphia, Aug. 28, 'With the expiration' of the--mu- sicians* cPnfraot on Sept, 1," uijilpn difficulties are- looming for the Earle here. Both staeJehands. and musicians are ^nslatlng on In- creise-ih personnel, in the first caae from 12 men to 14 and in the sec- ond from 13 to 16. Manager Joseph Peldman ]\m flatly refused to allow the increase, though he has stated that he would negotiate through the NRA com- mittee. He. pointed out that the theatre had fully obeyed the code in employing additional members of the house staff, including ushers and cleaners—non-union help—and that salaries had been raised to fit the code terms. He stated that there was. ho need for the add!" tlonal musicians and stagehands and that he would hot agree to the union's terms. Vaud After 6 Years Indianapolis, Aug. 28. After an absence of six years, vaudeville again makes Its appear- ance here Sept, 1, when the Lyrlo inaugurates a policy of vaude and short subjects. '. Charles .Olson, who operated the liyric for 15 yeirs, until he sold out In 1927, haa a^aln taken , over the house under lease. Thanks to appjreciative audiences,, VIVIAN JANIS RETURNS TO RKO PALACE, New York, this week (Aug. 26) (Within a period ot 4 weeks) Signed lor the BUIle Burke new "Zlecfeld FoUles" Sole BlonaEement HERMAN BERNIE 1619 Broadway, New York Velez Out, Armida In Armlda replices Lupe Velez in the tab version ,of 'Strike Me Pink,' which opens In Columbus Sept. 9 VIOLET CARLSON STILL HEADLINING Week Aug. 20, STATE-LAKE, Chicago Personal irectian ARTHUR S. BLONDEL After Six Months Sensational Engagement at the FOX, Brooklyn The National Favorite ESLEY EDDY Versatile Master of Ceremonies Selected by MILTON FELD for the Inaugural of a New Policy at the PALACE, AKRON, OHIO, Startii^ Direction-NAT KALCHEIM-WM. MORRIS AGENCY