Variety (Sep 1933)

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VARIETY PICT E S Tuesdayv Sepleniber 5; 1933 Actors Demand NRA Guarantee On Year Round Bidding for Jobs Hollywood, Sept. 4. Actor members of the Academy are standing unanimous' in their demands that the producers' agree ihent be modified before Inclusion in the industry NRA code. The players demand that so-called ?open 'season' for -offers from rival con cerns be extended from the' proposed 30 days before expiration to the whole life of a contract. If this goes over it would iheaigr that .the minutp .a.,s^vidio .^Isns^^i, contract .with a.player, anpther co.m^ pariy can ;}mnieai.a.tely~ f^le^ bfd^s f p.r the services .of ine iJlayer to gfp trlfo' effect on expiration "9^ tlie covenant.' As ,now bp.eratlng, ^uch.bjids can't go in, until a.perlb^ 30 days before expiration and: the studio also must be 'informed 6t [bids "up " to • six months after eiplratiori,' Code com- mitted of th6 AcaUeriiy is fl&htlrig' to get the after-contract'provisions remfoved but'-'actoi's " in. a m'eetiiig Thursday ' (31)" Vent'- further than this^' aiid" agreed tc sfaild '' Unaxi- Imoii'sly for a coritinubus-open 'Seat Bon. . ■. ;-\ , •./ Cleairing ^j^jaMSN^ji■,. -i Actors also .recoinrnend: tth^iit'.the Aoademy set up soipe kind of ma- ichinefy " whereby the. bids would clear through that.j6rgahi?a.tIon.and the company h9l4ing:;a .contract be iminediately Vnfprmie,d.,bf the. ofl^ers, but '.tl\e"name of "the, offerer, kept In th9 'dark. ' . '. 1 . , ■,. .. Playeris also , waiit . tjhe Acaderpy to efend an actor to the WashYrigton code hearln^rs to represent their fAc^ tion. ■[ At the saine mee'tlng the actors challebged the producers' statement in the' proposed'code tha;£ the^ hours of a pi*oductlon coni^ahy 'coiiid not be liihited, • du6''to thtg' pfeouIiaxWe^' ot ftlW pr'odu<5tld*i. ■MlTi*:^'.'agreed that Ih'e hours' df a' tinit. (JbiiVd; and should' be limited ■ and' suggested. tlMkt 48 Hours a week-biei .the. limit set. ■ ■ ■ •" . ■•• Protest wasi. n^ade of .a -sta-teipent credited to .. Eraipk:,. .'G^liApre.,; of Equity ^. ^lalmljoig. i that^!; lii 1. .NBA matters he represented; all jac^pr^, both pictures' and , ,'ifigit.y' Plasters, went on' record' 'fp,^ flie .effect that, they! 'do'nbt 'cons'fder\Gjlilnibte.''^.rJ^ht" to ^peak"' for'' Hotlywppd . actors, particularly those holding Aca.deiriy menibershi'p. R.C/« Gumshoer . . S<^mj^.thlng -ijeY^' to theatjje - operaitlbn' 1^ thk. guni' man the • Radio Ctty Music Hall has. on ^its" 'payroll. ' ♦ 'Hlj3 duties are to* continually liiietke rounds of the theatre 'with a sp^c'idl light to spot any Iruni ort carpetsi ' RKO CENTRE IS BEAUT FROM BELGIUM Contiest Winner'Given Tri|i td N. Y. foi* Film TiBst; as Part . of 'Prize A Metro test in N'ew' Tbrk.a-Waits arrival on -this sid6 of; big pond of Georgette Castell, ■ Belgium beauty winner, who' sails .on the 'Jeari Ja- dot' Wednesday ('6), Metro, aligned witli the contest abroad to select 'Mibs' Beli^ium' and spons^ored by 10 leading newspapers over there, holds ah optibn on the girl's services. " If her tests pah out on arrival, she'll- be inked to a con- tract aiid-Osent ■Vvfist.-. .-,'''.j^ilSj6V,ti;agt^ll ^coM«3 "^ to- 'iirc XJ.. ^i,' on a trip that's part of her prize, ' •■ Jljhere will be name hoisted ov^r the smaller lOf .the two Radio City theatres, soon-t-the-RKO ■ Cen^ trei* Theatre.:: The.-.- rRoxy i name' wjli officially come pff at that :time,i With date so far not set. jLi'poks lil^e this meafls. that.jPJECO. is ' giving Jup tl^^j fight .to • the ui^ bf ;the iRoxy name over the .theatre,' althpugh,'' 'official «ini}'oUnc'e'i^enta Wptild ' halve '- the .• cbmpany '-' cori'- tliljuihg to contest the tissue with. th'« old- Sbxy on behalf 'of- S. K Rothaiel '(ItoJcy')'' himself, "now ^ilh Rivicr-^i;••- - ••< - Souhdsi oiffiside^ thati --as ■ rebollecf-; tio)i -is' that. poxy'_s. p^^ohaViji'se, Qfi the name is not involved but mere- ly "thb "tide' *bf the " Rbxy7 liame * as title of -a-^hjeatre. •- The old -.-Roxy, on 'Ttfi avenue, holds!! the' declBibii oh that by virtue of the judgnient !0i; jth€> 'U..-S,' =Grfculf Court'Iri' Ne-w' .yptk; ;=lh"=th;6'' Ibw'er-'ffederkl' 'disi-' ',-tP,l^t ■Ctoiltt,''th^';V6rdlfct' was' agatnSt tji^.old'.-Hoxy.' :■'■''■-■'.'• ■■ •" _ RKO. tbPk'an appeiai' from the \cjdcui't' 06uH;'s revetdal • bf' the' Hab- ' trict" Court . to' th^ U. 'Supreme Court in ."VVashington, Whex'fe shbh ani a}>p0al:;ahQU/ld.:no,w' be: pehdihg' /oHsymeihing. .1,. ' .t>-.- ■.- -i- <|)rders /f6r the i new signs bearing 'the 'ne"v..hame. .are rstated. to - halve -be^n.^ei^t put. -:The, Jiew. pame lqo)tS' 'to't'^ Jin,,.the sniiller pf..t}i^ 'RajJi<;i. C^ty .hbus;e9 ,wit,h- thi^' Rjock^Tt feller. ..Cen(tr^',thine. -Info..h8is the name of ;itKO ,Ce|itre as selected .by. Harold Franklin. ... ,. ' \ \ •The argunient,over the use of the Ro^y 'name '"\s Radio ' CJity hous^ was ■'bn ' .'e'ven' prior to the op^nihg" of' the Radio'. City theatres, in [December, 1932. ' Ip selecting a- new iiam6,'-RK6 brings atbout- a cessatibn of any cohfusibn that' may exist with the show going public as between the old- R'biyi and' the hew spot. ' ' - 'I I I WILLMAHONEY Mt. ^otAoji .Hillman in th'e Bo'stbn Daily Record said, . "After seeing "Will Mahoney, - the "headliner dt Keith's,, there is a suspicion in my mind that ^r< Mahoney is one of the best one man.entertainments oh the stage." Direction^ FiALPH C: IF'ARNUM , Rooseivelt Hotel Hollywood, 'Ca'L AND HER DAVEY MAY BE OPPOSlTldN iNpex Bills 74 Burlesque 86 Chatter 82 Editorial .75 Exploitation 21 Film Reviews 19 Foreign News.., ....12-13 House Reviews 16-17 Inside—^Legit 76 Inside—Music 66 Inside—Pictures 75 Inside—Radio 57 Inside—^Vaude 75 Legitimate 76-80 Letter List 87 Literati 81 Music ... ..64-66 New Acts 68 News from the Dailies... 23 Obituary 85 Outdoors 87 Pictures 2-53 Radio 54-63 'Hadio Reports 56 Talking Shorts 19 Times Square 83 Vaudeville 67-74 Ail Urael. Wedding Pretty soon it's going to be what Mrs. Israel of South Carolina, says to Mrs..Israel of North Carolina. Arthur Israel, Par attorney and chief, assistant to A'.5sU-»-;iQ^oush; "Nvho'S '^fom 'Charleston, S. C, just came back- from vacation down that way after saying the first few im- portant ^ords - to iFannie Wallace of Salisbury, N.C.-.. Tihey'-re to wed. in October. Almee . S6riii»le : M!cPher.Son's ab- sent spouse, DaVe.' Huttbh, nj'ay. .be her, hiea.'viest opiibsish [ Vtien ^^h^ pliyis the Capltol',\Ne.w Tprk,' for. L<(ew ,4he -we^k!. of , .S^!pt.', 22\ Tlie old I'irioxy,' New YoiikV 'is after 't^e. cpkst''ei:g-stopper" ' *"*tTi.e', same ■•w^ek, !. • ..' Aimee has the Capitol and two mqre lioew weeks,-"Washington and Baltimore,^ to follow. Her terms for the G4.P..'are.Jf5,000, guaranteed, plus'-lf' mpii^y lin form bf..a 50-50, st)iit • With the" 'house- 'gPln^' ovesr i^BOjObOigrbss. 'Both 'thei'brigagicmeht aid', the iefalary!" were ' acbepted' for religious ' reasons,' Aimee " claims. • The Huttoh.' pppo'sisH.'date arbUnd ithe 'corner' • depend's ' oji ' ■Whet'her .he'p released 'by- the 'Fbx,;':^bdklS'n, [for which he's' booked the Week' of ,S«*t. 15.- At. the Fbx;' Hutton-_ Is' 'guaranteed $1,000, an^ one of 'those' p^ercentage things by which he-il .split everything' over $20,000;^.in-.a theati;e whose average gross , Is 'E'er the past]week,^^ii^ce .issuing thej contract,, the :.Fb:5:. has,..been "pT^vailiijg. upon Hutton's agent, BJll3r, iTackson, to cancel,' brighten-, 'ing| .chances of - tlie .iloxy's. landing the, feqc to play against the missus. Fox claims ' too many, , ad'vance squawks,.. including oitje from the Brooklyn fire department. Cbrislie on L I. SaDy s Fan Has Overdose of Mgrs. May Go Into Pictures If Ever Separating the Claiming Mob As«istaiic<^! , Hollywood, Sept. 4. Advertising man-at a major studio was pr^parthg an In^ •■■ stltutional trairbr; • with • thb usual flowery " superlatives about the company's product, ke ended it by saying that a coming picture -was excellent. His assistant, in all serious- ness, , tool! ^^pcept^pn.- 'You can',t.';use th.e wpr^ excellent)'. said the asst., "*tt spu.h^g .Hl^e: , a knock-'- -. HAItDINmYN Fox, Brooklyn, suffex;ed its,,y(orst week in three months last week with ■'Voice of^^nce.' (M. Sa-yle Taylor) heading t"he ^itage show, i He w^is in fpr. $.1,000 ^nd a; p.ercentage' split, but drew no '%, for the =gross dropped to $6,000 on the 'week; Tayloris a-form6i?'isek show pilot ordered -to stop' calling, himself 'Doc- tor*. !by, the .authorj^ties..,. Hp's. now., on. 'the radio, giving per^nal advice, on. si^bc stuff and other 'masters. 'OpS manages and' 'books' him, besides sending Taylor's advice' out on a thrice weekly air network. , Al Christie has leased space at the {paramount, Astoria, L. I., studib for the> productibn of shorts. He will make a series for £lducational re- lease. In the past Christie has confined his; production to the .west coast. Jobyna Howland tuy. "Hollywood, - Sept. 4. . niness is -forcing jobyna Howland out. of". Metrb'S- 'Meet the Baron.' Edna May. Oliver replacing. BLACKWEIX'S COMEBACK A Syracuse,^ Seipt.'4. - j His anticipated return to Ameri- can picture's* failing: to materialize, Carlyle Blackwell,'.matinee Idol of thp silent era, is sailing for Eng- land Sept. 16, accppipanied by the newest Mrs., BlackwtjH,; the - former A-iTonne Taylor. . "visiting his' home 'city for .the .first time since ' the • death bf his father two yeafs • ago,- BlackW^lT disclosed he would resume his as'- <sociation on the other ' side' with' British-Gaumbnt. 2d Strike Hearing with No Chaise Labor Board Only Requests Its First De- cision Be Posted at Studios Washington, Sept. 4. Hollywood and its Studios 'labor strike had another hearing. Thurs- day (31) before the Labor Board. There was no special result, from the report of the meeting. The board's previous ruling remained, that any lATSB man who had walked as a striker should be re- turned to work when a vacancy oc- curred. To clarify this original ruling the hearing had been called, said to have been requested by the lATSE. William Elliot, its president, was among those present. Elliot was told his union on the coast had broken a contract when its men walked out and that left the lATSE no standing of importance as a plcndor before tbc board. The only outstanding point of the hearing was a request by the board of Pat Casey who was there as representa'live of the studios to in- struct all the studios to post the original ruling of the board on all lots on Hollywood. Casey promised this would be done although the decision made by the board is well known throughout the, picture trade. The labor matter of the Holly- wood studios which became a juris- dictional matter between the lATSE and the BEPW, both unions affili- ated with the A, F. of L., becomes a matter for the AFL to adjudicate within its own headquarters. It is said around hero that the AFL has not given a positive decision on a jurisdictional battle within its ranks, coming before the headquar- ters execs, for the past 20 years. Coast III Mending Hollywood, Sept. 4. 'Claudette Colbert has left , the Good Samaritan li.bspital and 'will go to Honolulii next' Saturday (9) with Parambunt'S 'S'ouis iPrightened People' company. Clark Gable, who collapsed on Metro's 'Dancing-Tiady' set a week ago, will return to work Tuesday (5).^ He. has been resting at-home> ' iJfia'.' ijarryl Zanuck' and Mrs. ?%ivjf ua LeMali'e • •at" t,'e&tct'&'' 'i/£ --laea' banon, and Karen Morley, at St. Vincent's, are on the road ^to re- .coyery. Trio became • mothers last week. Jbhn Farrow is at Cedars for--ob- servation. Norman Bhodes, actor; is ia,t the. same hospital following an op, doing..nicely.• Reeves Espy,, recovering fijom,. an ..ap^ pendix-snat(?hihg„ .has left .Cedarsi William S. Hart, al^o there, is irn- proving slpwly. , . Richard Laemmle, Reader , at Uni-. veraal, was discharged from. HoUy-. wbod. hospital, where he was given medical treatment. Jan^ Bumiller, secretary to Robert Sparks at Par, doing well following an appendix op at Pasadena hospital. John Makln, who was injured in an auto accident, has returned to Metro and will not lose the sight of one eye, as first believed. Options Mona Barrie Hollywood, Sept. 4. Mona Barrie, Australian actress, has been given a one year optional ticket at Fox. Miss Barrie, oh her way to Eng- land, stopped off in Hollywood two weeks ago, but didn't get a tum- ble from the studios. While in Kew York, waiting to sail, .Fox made a test of her with the resultant con- tract. . Chicago, Sept, 4. , • Sally -Ramd and lier fans are ^ol Ing back to the fllmr, where Sally Rand came firpinij-without fans. She has .jBngaged ■with Paraniount for three pictures at $2,500, figuring four we6kB work per picture, and seven years pf options added. Adolph Zukor J^nd John Flinn do.u^. 1 lied itron}. tbfs.?:air to e^t the signa- ^ iThat is, Sally Rand is going back into, picture, if she ever gpj^ cIobi^, enough, to a camera. Fromnpresent)., indications; .it's likely that MlSs..' Rand,"who, according to her O'wn'"' statenrient', busted Into .fame when" she .tppk off: her pants, may spend:. the rest: of her life'-in courts bat--'.'' tlirig''a-'flbck of boys and girls who ' are";'claihllhiir"pife''ces of" her'.' Miss'' Rand -is -sliced' up so much ahe'B'' pr'acticallly "a.' prol^ssibhal hamb'ur- ' ger. Elvierybo4y'and!his uncle is claim,- Jng"..a,|.ple'pe,.of,.l4:lss' Rand. The gai can't ,e'yer! malj,e ..enough money ".tp'!! pajy'ofjc Ker^mfLhagers, She has mor^"' agjentp '.and' nvanagers than a fl'g^t , .' :.r! . ..1'.'. A;U;eady,. t\i^ ^ dozen oi? so mann.; at^Drs ai'ound this town, all of whom.'\'. claim a share in Sally, are threaten- ing" to yank the poor ga'. into the hall of justice. unless she strings}!'; along with them' and not with the other guys. And most of these man- agers have promises or fancy-look- lj:g sheets of i>aper to substantiate their- claims to first call on Miss 'Rand's services.' ..fehe'*haA a i^ahager for vaudb,"'] " , manafeei: fbr' nite !clubs, an agenFfdi^"' thefsiir' bookings, a manager "'for.', picture features, for shorts;"' JfipiP ,'' neVspapei*^, fbr^ testimonials! ."She/!! probably has .one for radip, !s.Omo^ sniat-t ^'ily •h'a'Vin^ .no .doubt sold her, thi ' idea ^ that; she can 'waye 'those, fans 'into a''mi(;rbphone for mbhejr^ ' Maybe she's "tied Up for' television. $0 the little lady who built herself up|in six shor;t weeks from $126 to a $'1,000 Iheajaiinelr and box oflice star^ may find herself without enough to Qat on. BUNCH OF CAULIFLOWERS Champs, Comers and 'Has Beens Goin'g'Intb Metro Picture Hollywood, Sept. 4. Metro Is adding to its galaxy of bashed'beezers in 'Prizefighter' and ' the Lady.' Studio' has ' lined ' up Smacksie Maxie Rosenbloom, Jackie. Fields, Jimmy McLarnin, Frahli Moran, Fidel La Barba, Torii'my' Burns and Billy Papke for the pic- ture. T'h'eSe' leather tossers 'will aug- " ment tlje^ Alrg.T,fyr. imposing-'array of. .'aiug&ed konks including Max Baer» Jack Dempsey, Prlmo Carnero, Jess WiUard, "Saildr Vincent, -Frank, l^agney-, • Jlni Jeffries ahd Jack'' f*ej^ry. George Bliike', natlonallly know.a refere> Is also'in the pic. Pair of top-notch pugs have been- made into actors by Universal for- ^K;id Glo.vjes,' prize fight story. -Maxie Rosenbloom, light-heavy- w'elght, has a. -good role, whilfe Hai-ry Galfund, welterweight, is in' ^' for a bit. SAILINGS Sept. .10 (San Francisco to Toko- hama) Alexander Kri.scl (Empress of japan). Sept. 5 (New York to London) Marlon Nixon, William T. Dewar.t, Florence Holtzman, Eleanor Board- man, Mrs, Ethel Wolheim, Lbbri Lconidoff (He de France). Sept. 2 (London to New York) .J.., H. Scidelman (Berengjuia). , Sept. ^ (New York to Genoa) Bruno Le.ssing (Conto di Savola). Sept. 1 (New York to Paris) Henry Chanin, W. B. Cokcll (Parl.s). Aug. 30 (New York to P.arls) John; Ki'imsky, Samuel. Ro))f>r, Albert Wilson (Washington). Atig.,80.(N<?w York to I'tuis.) «!<?-.'' .mjind Romberg, Claronoo Rrick.scn,, h! C. Cox (Majestic).