Variety (Sep 1933)

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0 VARIETY E CROSSES Tuesday* SeptemBcr 5, 1933 HoGday a Hypo to Downtown LA Pic Situash; 'Sunday Aft.' 'Captured' Orph Panics 'Em liOS Angeles, Sept. 4. ^ Upheaval in the downtown subse- quent run situation, which brought the President Into the first-run ranks, and the long-darkened Or- pheum reopening over the weekend With what is regarded" as a 'dyna- Thite' policy, (two second runs and 10 acts) was offset hy the three day holiday, which saved several of the first-runs from dipping heavily. Orpheum, operated by Mike Ros- enbXirg group, threyv Downtown'op- erator group into a panic with ^old- out lines on the first two days. Had 4% hour show at 25c matinee and 3Bc nights, getting around |3,600 for first two days and looks like easy $8,000 first week. Chinese hit capacity through en- tire first week and came home with $32,000, which Is $3,000 behind house record held by 'Grand Hotel which had extra midnight show Initial week. Biggest disappointment among the deluxers is Loew's State, where •Pilgrimage' nosedived on the open- ing after three heavy take stanzas with 'Tugboat Annie.' Labor Day mobs alone helping to offset the alow start; looks oke for $13,000. Paramount got away to a little better than average start, despite a Tuesday opening for the current show, which will try and stick on for hine days to maintain schedule. Here, also^ the week-end holiday helped boost the gross, with Indica- tions score should register better than $16,000 for the seven day stanza. . , , President, one of the Principal subsequent run houses,, became a first-run currently, with initial screening hereabouts of the Nudist pic, 'Back to Nature.* Gated at a 2Bc admish, house should have no trouble garnering five grand or bet- ter. Hollywood (WB) looks headed for a $13,000 to $14,000 week with •Captured' and its accompanying stage show, while Warners Down- town, with the same pic, and Its customary five acts of vaude should kick over the traces to the tune of a healthy $12,000. Flushed with the success of Its first healthy week in months, RKO Is holding over 'Morning Glory' and pointing to a substantial $6,000 for the second-stanza. Other first-runs downtown held satisfactorily, with the holiday boosting Intakes gen- erally. Estimates for This Week Chinese (Grauman) (2.028; B5- $1.65)—Dinner at Eight' (MG) and stage show (1st week). With com- plete sellouts over the three-day holiday, second week of the Metro opus looks headed for a sweet $26,- 000. First week, including $5 pre- miere, brought a nifty .$32,000; mighty big these days. . Criterion XTally) (1,600; 26-40)— •The Masquerader' (UA) and stage show (2nd week). Biz holding eteady on the Colman opus, and current stanza should e<iua,l first seven days with around $8,500. Opening week clicked for close to $9,000, biggest for house ih many a jnoon. Stays a third week. Downtown (WB) (1,800; 2B-70)— •Captured' (WB) and vaudeville Regular normal biz was consider ably boosted by the lioll^ay,,^°^^ and If gross doesn't come to $12,000 there's going to be considerable dis- appointment. Last week 'Goodbye Aerain' (WB) exceeded expectations and came within a f6W dollars of ^^HolSiwoocf (WB) (2,756; 25-65)- •Captured' (WB) and vaude. Biz hopped up at this boulevard house with Indications pointing to better fhan $13,000. Last week 'Goodbye Again' at $12,000, plenty Profl/-„... Lo8 Angeles (Wm. Fox) X2,800; 15-25)—'Sensation Hunters' (Mono) and 'Notorious but Nice' (Ches), Only variation at this dual policy house is when a holiday Ijappens along, which tends to tilt the take bv a few hundred smackers. Cur- rently ought to hit $5,000. Last week •Important Witness' (Tower) and •Doubled and Redoubled' (Denny) a little better than $4,300. oke. Paramount (Partmar) (3,595; 25 55)_'One Sunday Afternoon' (Par) and stage show. Nine-day week for this one ought to brlnganeasy $18,- 000, with the holiday biz overcom- ing an ordinary getaway. Last week (five days) of 'This Day and Age' (PAr) holdover, disappomtlng at less than $9,000. ■ President (Principal) (864; 25)— •Back to Nature* (Co-op). Lonff a. second-run house, it's now in the first-rutt ranks, and opening 3ay of the nudist pic Indicated no trouble at' hitting $5,000 or better. RKO (2,950; 25-40) — 'Morning Glory' (RKO) (2nd-flnal week). Heavy exploitation and advertising campaign is helping second stanza for this Hepburn pic and currently ought to increase to better than $6,000, which coupled with first week's neat $9,000 Is sweet music FAY'S PROV. REOPENING PEPS IjP THAT SITUASH Providence, Sept. 4, Tug-of-war back with the ex- hibitors in Providence. This busi- ness- of hauling and pulling whicli sort of let up with the inception of summer has started all over again. Providence showmen are doing their darndest to pep things up for their respective stands, and as a con- sequence there is plenty doing. Saturday (2) Edward M. Fay re- opened his vaude house. Fay's the- atre, and started the boom. Stands along the main stem which had been more less dormant for months have suddenly some to life. A week ago newspapers were carrying a couple of columns of theatre ads daily. With the opening of Fay's the lineage jumped 800%, the ads spreading over to two pages. Like it was Just before early summer the fans' attention now seems to be focused on live enter- tainment. Screen fare best town has had since spring, but battle be- tween Fay's and Loew's State, both vaude stands, is overshadowing everything else. For the current week Fay's has Evelyn Brent headlining igtage show LIONEL ATWILL (Recent Pictures) "WAX MUSEUM" (Warner Bros.), "MURDERS IN THE ZOO" (Para- mount), "THE SPHINX," (Mono- gram), "MYSTERY OF THE BLUE ROOM" (Universal), "SONG OF SONGS" (Paramount). loon at Combo Stanley, PhiDy, Looks Best, $19,000, in Quiet Wk. HOLIDAY PROVES HELP, SPURTING ALL SEATTLE KC REACTS WELL TO EXTRA BALLY Kansas City, Sept. 4. With Labor Day added to the in addition to a tab revue with local I week-end holiday the first runs are youngsters and other acts. 'Life set for a good week's business. AH of Jimmy Dolan"^ on the screen, are offering late and heavily adver- Loew's has Mickey Walker, former tised releases and the fans can take light weight champ, headlining and their choice of both, stories and 'From Broadway to Hollywood' on stars. the screen. / ^ The Malnstreet Inaugurated its The three major first run picture greater show season with a change houses have all nice product. Para- back to a stage show policy, pre mount and the Majestic, however, senting' four acts of vaudeville, are getting the better breaks, headed by Arthur Tracy (Street Dietrich at the Par will tilt close Sihger) and was rewarded by a to $5,500, the Majestic with 'Pil- strong opening. grimage' about the same. Both Loew's Midland has 'Broadway to spots have double feature programs Hollywood' and the customers were but In each Instance second feature really lined up for it Saturday. Pic is kn indie and not much help. ture given grreat publicity and an Grosses last weelc varied some- extra strong boost by the radio what from anticipated biz, but in broadcast Thursday evening, han most cases the difCerence wasn't died for this territory by WREN, important. Katherine Hepburn The Newman is featuring 'This failed to give RKO Albee expected Day and Age' and like its opposi- I ;7,000 with 'Morning Glory,' sliding tlon went in for a lot of extra pub to $5,800. Estimates for This Week Fay's (1,900; 15-40)-^'Jtmmy Do- licitV and tieUps-. 'Pilgrimage' is at 1 the Fox Uptown, and has been given the benefit of an extra week's ad- lan' (FN) and vaude with Evelyn vance public ty ^^^^ ?K ^i'Vc Knn^f^^*°^®"^°f ^''^'.^^^ *M first rSns for the business and it's that $5,600 Isn't so bad, considermg. "i^a/T+ori +>int oil wni hPHAflt House ha3.been idle three nvonths h^Pf^J^^^hat a^^^^^^^^ because Ed I'ay, cham operator ^ 1-^^^ gt th shown here, couldn't get suitable product ^^^^^ ^he natignal con- Just now change in the theatrical mention of the Young Democratic scheme of things help it along^ last ^i^^is of America brought a number winter there were four stan4s Ljf delegates and visitors and they downtown playing vaude. Now the helped business a little, not much, fi^iA la >,o+w«*»T.'a ^,r^rl Wnv'a I Estimates fOP This Week field is between Loew's and Fay's. The Met is dark and RKO Albee is playing straight pictures. Philadelphia, Sept. 4. Chances are against this weelj; holding up to last ^yeek's figures, although there are a couple of llke«r ly looking ofEerings. A couple of holdovers will also serve to keep tho Seattle, Sept. 4. I total gross figures down, although Labor Day and fallish weather both should do average, help this week, with attractions Stanley, which got off to a fino back to normal following stage at- gtart with its return to a stage tractions last week at Fifth Ave. show policy, looks for another and Boxy, At former house Al strong week, but not equal to last Pearce and his giang went great .peek's $22,000. • Hal LeRoy heads guns; no stopping them for estl- ^he stage show, which also Ihcludeq mated $14,000 takings during five- the RItz Brothers, Gomez and Wl-* day engagement. The gang playing nona., and Sylvia Froos. 'Three-Cor* Bremerton, Everett and five days at nered Moon' is the picture. With Tacoma In mop-up tour of the Uny iiind of holiday breaks combl^ northwest, with repeat In sight for nj^^ion should be good for $19,000. ^^Sramount theatre swung back to relT"s?rprle'^S?^it''5iel's^^^^^^^ Par operation for a couple days, J^f^^*^^"'^.?"^;® ^'^^^^^ with Bill Danzlger up from L. A. to "on^.^^th $18 OOO-four gi^^nd b^ be set in as manager for a month or l^f^^ ^.fo «rtft®^T^^°"^^v,f ®* .* two. Then deal got warm again «a"sfying $13 OOp In second six with Evergreen Theatres, and so Uays. and-Paddy,'which shoved the Evergreen again in saddle there. f;o^„??ark up to $21,000, figures for The main gravy in the deal is use $15,000 on holdover, of Paramount pictures. The Earle has a bill without biff The two Hamrlck ifiouses opened names and 'Big Executive' on the big, with new season advertising screen, no more than $13,000 indU campaign a help. Labor Day is also cated. The Stanton Isn't likely to helping all the houses. Roxy using beat $6,500 with "What Price Innot duals for a few weeks, with Don cence'; 'Be Mine Tonight,' shown Smith band out, going to Club At- not long ago at the Aldlne, should wood. Smith and boys had long get a pleasing $4,0^0 at the Karlton< run here. Future policy indef, with The Arcadia found a bloomer in stage fare possible. 'Midnight Mary,' which went out Biz at Roxy last week helped after a couple of days, with'Another around 50% by the Angelus Temple Language' going ^n. Latter will torch singer, Dave Hutton. Aside probably make an eight or nine^t from curiosity of seeing the front- day run of It. pager, his voice liked, Nothing sen- The Aldlne, relighted Saturday sational given out in his dialog, in '^ith 'The Masquerader,' will be a spite of advertising stating he would XJA house with grind policy. Col* 'expose all.' He said almost noth- man picture expected to "l)e pushed Ing, and that in good-natured vein, weeks' stay If possible. Estimates for This Week Outside of Fox, Boyd and Stan^ Fifth Ave. (Evergreen) (2,400; 25- ley, last week's trade was moderate* 40)—'Stranger's Return' (MG). Ujach of these three houses was at Looks good for $4,000, okay at the jeast six grand over recent weekly, reduced 25-40 scale as against 35- average. The Earle had $14,500 for 50c. Last week. 'Man of the Forest the second week of its eight-act (Par) with Al Pearce and radio y^ude program policy, which wasn't gang on stage the star magnet for quite what had been hoped, but rousing big ^14,000 for five days. o^ay. Arcadia had a strong $2,500 'College Humor,' and the Karl* S^-f^f SF°^}' ffJ^ ton a Bound $3,700 for 'Bed of Love' (U) dual.' Slow again, $4,000. Roses.' Only the Stanton was arf Last week, 'Secret of Blue Room out-and-out bust, 'Midnight CluV. (U) and Dave Hutton In person on only $6,000 there, stage ~ accounted for $6,100, better . . r t-t - \At , but not good. Estimates for This Week Paramount (Evfergreen) (3,106; Arcadia (600; 25-40-50)—'Another 25-40)—'Song, of Songs' (Par). Language' (MG). Shoved In when Peppy bally helping Dietrich get- 'Midnight Mary' (MG) turned out ting the big play. $7,000, corking, to be complete bust and folded aftefi Last week, !F. P. 1.' (Fox) slow at three days.. 'Language'will probab« $3,200. make, a try for nine days to put Music Box (Hamrlck) (900; 25- house—back on former schedule!* 35)—'Moonlight and Pretzels' (U). 'College Humor' (Par) last wee^ Some nifty exploitation and timell- had excellent $2,500. ness theme helped for anticipated Boyd (2,400; 40-66) —r 'Tugboat good $4,200. Last week, 'Bed of Annie' (MG). Held in for second Roses' (RKO) paid nicely for $4,000. week, being first flhn to accomplish Blue Mouse (Hamrlck) (950; 25- that feat at this house all summer* 35)—'The Masquerader' (UA). Big should get sound $13,000 after last play for Colman, opened big, this peek's remarkable $18,000. one looks good for holdover; $4,500. | g^^,^ ^^,000; 40-66)-'Big Execu4 Liberty (Dubinsky) (860; 10-15- . .T, ^ ,20)—'Jimmy Dolan' (WB), 'Silver Loew's (3,200; 16-40)—'Broadway cord' (RKO), split. Should get near to Hollywood' (MG) and vaude with $2,500, good. Last Week 'What Price Mickey Walker. Opening not so Decency' (Eqult) and 'Mind Reader' forte, bill drawing varied reactions, (fn) $2,000, fair, yet even without a pick-up house Mainstreet (RKO) (3,000; 25-35- seems SQt for at least $9,000, aver- 50)—'No Marriage Ties' (RKO) and age, but oke at that. Last week stage show. Opened nicely and is 'Turn Back the Clock' (MG) in the expected to hold for $14,000, good, same neighborhood. Last week 'Headline Hunters' Majestic (2,200; 15-40)—'Pilgrim- (RKO) and India Speaks' (RKO), age' (Fox), and 'Her Resale Value' $8,000. (Mayfalr). First feature getting Midland (Loew) (4,000; 25)— the comment; $5,600 looks oke with 'Broadway to Hollywood' (MG) the house. Last week 'She Had to Heavy newspaper campaign and Say Yes* (FN), and 'Corruption' radio an'nbuncements, in addition to (PIzor) rather meek at $4,000. the NBC broadcast, let the folks Paramount (Independent)—'Song know what It was all about. Got of Songs' (Par), and 'Skyward' away to a great start and looks like (Mono). Nice bill, but Marlene a total of $16,000, big. Last week Dietriches attracting them here this 'Midnight Mary' (MG) was no sen- week; anticipated gross of $6,500 sation after the big l)uslness the seems assured. Last wepk 'Big house has been doing but turned m Executive' (Par), and 'Laughing at $11,000, fair. or^^«x Life' (Levine) stuck dose to $4,800, Newman (I*ar) (1,800; 26-35-40)— so-so " 'This Day and Age' (Par). With RKO Albee (2,500; 16-40)—'One hundreds of t^^©/oun&ste^^^ Man's Journey* (RKO), and 'Her from vacations and ready for Splendid Folly.' Barrymore the. only it Is expected this ^sPectacle of thing on this bill to keep things go- U^^^h 'wm ^e^P^*^^^.*'?™*"^^!^^^^ ing; opposish plenty tough and with of printer's ink ^sed for exploita- the holiday exodus against it, too. U on a^d frf* t^^^fs ^^^^S®*^' ffk gross most likely will not tilt more "mated $11,000, ^^l^^^^^^^-^.^^lJ ^Snin*g''aL;^(RKO)^a?d 'SfsJ S?eTI J^S^e.SlTut SSn? &J?.''%iru1-n'^SaS Uave^^^^ fz^O?''^-40)- them coming strong for a while. Uptown but slid later 1" the week and cut 1^^^^^^^ coin f'^om ^this gross down to $5,800, but oke Just joi^^^^ the publicity was started * /1 cnn. in !>ri 'ThP U week In advance, and the space RKO Y'eWJJ'^JO: ^?-2f)-The^ ^^^^ opened big and is ex- Intruder' (Allied) and Blind Ad- to do a big $6,000. Last week venture.' Started Thursday an<j i j^^^^^j^gg. (Prin), $3,800, closed Saturday (2). split week; hiz . . . up a peg around $1,100 for the three ' days. 'Son of the Border' and ^ - „ ;?ISfrsundaf(r?^/o;.h. '^tl "Red Kmght' Sold-Set ncsday; looks like $1,200 sure, oke tlve' (Par) and vaude. No striking names and no more than $13,000 In^ dicated. Last week 'Don't Bet on Love' (U) and vaude, $14,600 for second week of new 8-act vaudevillQ Last week 'Captured* (WB) slow $3,100 for nine days. Liberty (J-vH) (1,900; 10-25) Rustlers Roundup* (U), 'Shriek in the Night' (Mas), dual. Indicates a big $4,500. Last week, Talse Faces' ^^^^^^^ .u^af ":ood'''$4^60r'' Jones' POhcy. good.,, , ^^T«L^m rEve?g^^^^^^ 15. (Fox) and stage show. Held in and 25?-'ldirab^l5"TFo^^^^ /'Made on should hit $15 000 after last week', Broadway* (MGM). dual. Expects 8P^ndid ?21000 to reach $4,700, oke. Last week, I ,»^ar'ton /\::?*'*,t^" o ^ J" ^ <ir^^i {Tjrn\ and 'Warrior's Mine Tonight' (U). Second run* **'"""• I of Roses' (RKO) satisfactory $3,700. Stanley (3,700; 40-66-75)—'Three Cornered Moon' (Par) and stag© show. No reason why $19,000 shouldn't be approached. Last week 'Double Harness' (RKO) and first of new stage shows got a .fine $22,000. Stanton (1,700; 30-40-56)—'What Price Innocence' (Col). Looks weak, $6,500. Last week. 'Midnight Club' DIETRICH IS SOCKO IN MONTREAL, $11,000 Montreal, Sept. 4. Week-end grosses extended over to Tuesday owing to national Labor (Par) $6,000, dismal Day holiday will be a big boost to picture houses here currently, and should start ofC the fall season in something like old-time figures: Seasonable cool weather seems to have set in for good and all houses augur better results last week. Palace has the sho_w of the week, 'Song of Film). This sort goes pretty well here. May pet up to $6,000 gross. Palace (FP) (2,700; 60) 'Song o£ Songs' (Par). Liable to start ofC fall season with a wow $11,000. Last oune Songs,' Dietrich being week, W sure-fire in this town. For the first U^st fair at |8 oOo. time in many weeks there Is con- „ Capitol (FP) (2,700; 50) Moon- fldlnt expectation of-a five figure "sht ajid Pretzels' (U) and 'Biff gross at around $11,000. Capitol Is Executive' (Par). A good combo holding its general enhanced repu- that ought to gross up to $9,600. tktlon since the last month with Last week house to^ 'Moonlicht and • Pretzels' and 'Big at $9,000 with 'Lily Turner' (WB). Sutlve:' and should touch around and 'Private Detective 62' (WB) $9,500. 'Three-cornered Moon'_and Loew's (FB.) (3,200; 50) 'Tlj, for this house I ^1°^^ Gibbons' 'Red Knight of State (Loew'-Fox) (2,024; 25-55)— Germany,' the story of RIchtofon, Pilgrimage' (Fox) and stage show, the German ace, has been bought Brodied sharply at the start,, but rkO. holiday biz spurting trad© to a Currently in London, Raymond pretty good. $13,000. Last week, y jg readying a play version ?^„i''?&Gr« WMf« h'olfSf ?S tased on ,h« career of the fly- markably well for the long run. *lng Jiun, 'Disgraced,' at Loew's, are good enough, with the start of fall con- ditions and end of vacation time, 'to bring ih $9,000. Princess rer peats 'Masquerader' and 'Study in Scarlfct,' and r.fter an excellent $8,000 last week should gross at least $7,000 currently. Imperial French picture is 'Le Fllfl Improvise' and has chances for $2,400. Cinema de Paris runs third week of 'Lea Gars de la Marine,' which Is holding up well and may maintain a gross of $1,600, Nabes beginning to pork up. Estimates for This Week His Majesty's (Ind) (1.600; 25-50) 'Fighting White Slave Traffic' (Fed 'Three- Cornered Moon' (Par) and 'DIs- graced' (P'ar). Should gross $9,000. Last week. 'Secret of Blue Room' (U) and 'Black Beauty' (Mono), $8,000. Princess (GT) (1.900; 60) 'Mas- querader' (UA) and 'Study in Scar-^ let' (Bduc). (2nd wk.). Did first- rate biz last week at $8,000 and may get another $7,000 currently. Imperial (France-Film) (1,600 ; 50) 'Le Fils Improvise' (French). Looks good for $2,400. Last week. 'Rivaux de la Piste* (French), $2,000. Cinema de Paris (France-Flm) (6OO; 60) 'Les Gars de la Marine (French). Third week. Last week, $1,760.