Variety (Sep 1933)

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Tuesday, September 5, 1933 PICT E CROSSES VARIETY SHOW BIZ CAN TURN COPPER 'Glory' Shoving Palace to New High at $3$,000; ^e Sunday Dips Ace Chicago to Chicago, Sept. 4. Starting with the biggest opening In the history of the house, playing to mpre people and more money lor N a first day since its been built, the Pala'cia is headed for a new top. Strong combination of picture and vaude attractions has everything else In town playing secoh^^ flddle, the Palace's strong line-up even be- ing felt by the giant Chicago, which win currently slide down more than $10,000 from Its high marks of the previous two weeks. Palace former top of $34,000 will go ovfer the side by about $4,000. easily, and by a possible $6,000. It's figured from, the 6arly pace that the register must count up to $38,000, and there's plenty of chance that It will hit $40,000, a Jammed figure at' the present lowered tariff. House has hopped Its dally performances from four to five. Chicago slides currently, 'One Sun- day Afternoon' counting for little at the box office, and the stage's Burns and Allen not figuring pow- erful enough to hold up the drag of the flicker. It's a drop-off of some Importance, with the house deciding to cut its show this week from seven dally to six. And the slide In the amount of the final arithmetic will be in like proportion, from $74,400 to close to $GO,000. In other days $60,000 would have had B.&K. officials dancing up and down the streets, but these days are not nor- nial, days, and anything under 70 grand is a cause for wrinkled fore- heads. 'Tugboat Annie' stays as the only holdover In the loop, and will stick to a hearty pace, having touched $36,500 on the first week, and ap- parently set to hold to $24,000 for the current session. Other spot& are switching flickers, 'Masquerader' going out of the United Artists on Wed. Ce) to give way to 'Paddy/ Estimates 4or This Week Chicago (B&K) (3,940; 35-55-75) •One Sunday Afternoon' (Par) and stage show. Burns and Allen on the rostrum not going to help much against the down-drag of the pic- ture. After having been hitting in the high 70'8, the house currently win dive into the low $60,000's. Last .week 'Goodbye, Again' (WB) and • Amos 'n' Andy on the stage tore the house wide open on a seven-show dally grind that pushed the register into new high ground at $74,400. McVicker's (B&K) (2,284; 25-35) This Day and Age' (Par). Not strong in itself, but picture houses can't help doing business in the Chicago of today. With the Labor Day week-end piling mobs Into all theatres, this one Is going" to carry along in the tide to clip off an ex- cellent $10,000. Last week 'Moon- light and Pretzels' (U),' did okay by Itself for Its holdover in the loop after having come over from the HKO Palace to take $7,600. Oriental (B&K) (3,200; 30-40-65) 'Tugboat Annie' (MG) (2nd week). Meat and drink for the small- towners who are faithful to the 'Min and Bill' team. For current session will bolster itself at $24,000. Last week was high in the money for the opening at session at topping $36,500. Palace (RKO) (2,583; 40-65-83) •Morning Glory' (RKO) and vaude. Sophie Tucker on the stage help- ing. Picture appears to be the sock draw of the loop at the current stanza. Heading house to a new terrific high of five or six grand. Easily figured to bite off a new top at $38,000, and If Labor Day holds up as expected, likely to go to $40,- 000. Last week 'No Marriage Ties' (RKO) held the house on the profit side with no trouble at $00,000. State-Lake (Jones) (2,700; 20-40) •Rebel' (U) and vaude. Tilt In tar- iff will push the take up easily, since the Fair crowds arc not go- ing to worry about that extra nickel. Which means that the clicker .should road $10,000 this week. Last week 'It's Great to be Alive' (Fox), remained in the steady money groove established by this theatre at $17,800. United Artists (B&K-UA) (1,700; 35-55) 'Masquerader' (UA) (3d week). Profitable stay for this Col- man T>iece. *On final week will dig in for $9,000 anyhow, plenty okay. Last week was hearty enough to call for the holdover when it clipped off ff.jod .<;i5.309. 'Paddy. Next Best Thin«' fKox).'arrives n.s the new .siibjPcL on Wed. (6). *Day and Age' 8G, 'Mate' 46, B'ham Otherwise Blah Birmingham, Sept. -4. 'Day and Age' and 'Her First I.Iate' okay for the week. Former will get the gravy. Jefferson, beginning this week, goes Into the first run class with vaudeville. Pictures from indies. George Steele, former manager of the Ritz, becomes manager and p. a. Estimates for This-Week Alabama (WIlby) (2,800; 30-35- 40)—'Day and Age' (Par). A nice hunk of $8,000. Last week 'Moon- light and Pretzels' (U), $6,600. Ritz (Wnby) (1,600; 25)—'Her First Mate' (U). These two goofs, good for $4,000. Last^ week 'Stranger's Return* (MG), $3,200. Jefferson (Indie) (2,000; 15-25)— 'Jazz Cinderella' and stage show. Started this week, $1,500, blah. Strand (Wllby) (800; 25)—'No Marriage Ties' (RKO). Quick Mr. Banker, the smelling salts, $800. Last week 'Midnight Club' (Par), and get another bottle, $900. Empire (BTAC) (1,100; 25)— •Hold Me Tight' (Fox). Dunn and Eilers together again a help. A good line up, $1,200. Last week 'Lily Turner' (FN), and 'Hold Me Tight,' $900. PORT. CASHING IN ON ITS WEATHER BREAKS CODE OPENS DOOR FOR 'POLICEMEN' Film Boards May Be Reor- ganised—A rbitration Boards May Be Named by Disputants DEPENDS ON WASH. Portland, Ore., Sept. 4. Break In the weather to cooler nights plus stronger bookings sent all grosses up. Parker's United Artists launched Into a strong third week of 'Tugboat Annie' with steam up and all hawsers pulling. Second week of this pic doubled the aver- age house gross, and first week set ah attendance record for all time. Lower admish scale, than in former days stopped the UA from beating its own record gross. Parker's Broadway also going strong this week with 'Song of Songs' hitting a fast pace. Last week at that house 'Lily Turner' did nicely. This burg likes Its flesh shows, with very little salad and vege- tables. Colored road musical 'Change Tour Luck' mopped up at the Playhouse first week and holds for possibly two more, changing programs. Musical tab Is stacking them in and doing four-a-day to big b.o. returns on its current second week. 'Voltaire* at the Music Box get- ting strong attention and registered vei-y well on its opening. Lifted that house from a dull spot last week with 'Mayor of Hell.' Estimates for This Week Broadway (Parker) (2,000; 25-40) —'Song of Songs' (Par). Hit a break to cooler weather and looks like a smash hit for possible big $7,000. Last week 'Lily Turner' (FN) better than expected and nicely at $4,000 for six days. United Artists (Parker) (1,000; 25-40)—'Tugboat Annie' (MG). In its third week and will hold for four.' Third going strong for $4,500; sec- ond easily double average biz for this house at $6,900; first week a house attendance record at $12,700. Music Box "(Ilamrick) (1,500; 25- 40)—'Voltaire' (WB). Getting splen- did attention and may hold. If so, second week will be strong in-this town. First going great at $6,500. Las£ week 'Mayor of HeU' (WB) failed to register very well and $3,- 600, only fair. Oriental (Hamrlck) (2,500; 25-35) —'No Marriage Ties' (Radio). Slightly better than previous weeks and looks good enough around $3,- 000. Last week 'Jimmy Dolan' (WB) hit a fair avci-asje at $2,000. Liberty (Evergreen) (2,000; 25)— 'Her B6dypruard--(Par) with vaude. Biz improving up to possibly okay $4!50p; much lifettfif. Last week 'Whoopee' (UA) revival with vaude did fairly with $3,900. Playhouse (Ilamrick) (1,'100; 25- 40)—Colored road musical 'Change Your Luck' holding a .second week to great biz. Pic is 'Narrow Cor- ner' (WB) and .should go $6,000 okay. First week of this road unit with 'Cocktan Hour' (Col) scored a big $9,200. Every worker in show business can be a policeman under codism. This goes for legit, vaudeville, radio and outdoors, aa well as films. All a complainant has to do, if he does noit choose to fbllow the routine set up by industry, is to tell the story to the U. S. district attorney's of- fice in his locality and the govern- men't will handle the case the same as any violation of an age-old statute. This same privilege also applies to other industries with a copper invitation extended kike- wise. The picture business i^ already recommending Its workers, as well as principals, to follow the routine prescribed In what may in the next month be its own active formula. Although this is tentative and will not become official until authorized by Washington, the fact that differ- ences among the various depart- ments over zoning, contract arbitra- tion, etc., are so few, gives rise to the belief of representatives, roundly shared, that machinery to govern Itself Is In the business' own hands. The picture apparatus, while as Involved as government processes, themselves, is similar in many re- spects to the system which prevailed until five years ago when Judge Thacher's decree tabled uniformity. There are several Important addi- tions, and in the entire set-up there id no prohibition against carrying (Continued on page 46) Holiday, Rain Benefit B way, 'Journey' a Surprise OSCs Click, Colman, B^ VS^ Cap 50G, Par 35G lat^hii^ at Life,' Indie Pic, Pins Vode Strong in Denv., $4,500 Denver, Sept, 4. Downtown theatres benefited heavily from Labor Day parade. With rush for tickets several houses filled rapidly. Both amusement parks packed all day. Denham running close to double regular grosses. Reisman's Ala- banian's on stage, ropes up at this popular priced house every day since stage shows went in and house is filled repeatedly. As long as crowds keep coming, Lou Hellborn intends keeping shows. Starts producing own shows next week. Paramount and Aladdin both above average with Orph just average, but Denver a errand below. The Tabor, with stage and film below average at $3,100. Estimates For This Week Aladdin (Huffman) (1,500; 25-40) —'Captured' (WB). Viola K. Lee at the organ. Off at $3,800. Last week 'Moonlight and Pretzels' (U) on Its second week did a mighty nice $3,500, after clicking with $5,500 for the first week. Denham (Hellborn) 1,500; 15-20)— 'Laughing at Life' (Masc) and stage show. Strong trade, $4,500. Last week 'The Wrecker' (Col) backed by strong stage show, fine $3,000. Denver (Huffman) (2,500; 25-35- 50)—'Goodby Again' (FN). Edna Dodd at the organ. Bettcr at $5,000, Last week 'Heroes for Sale' (FN) closed with a poor $1,300. Orpheum (Huffman) (2,600; 25- 30-40) — 'Professional Sweetheart' (RKO). Fred Schmitt and orches- tra. Bullish biz, $6,000. Last week 'Pilgrimage' (Fox) closed with $4,800, di-sappointing. Paramount (Huffman) (2,000; 25- 40)—'Midnight Club' (Par). West Masters at the organ. Okay, $4,000. Last week '.Storm at Daybreak' (MG), booked for four days, did ho well it waK hold a week and turned in a fine $4,500. The first Monday holiday since Lincoln's Birthday (Feb. 12) Is here and with the rain the theatres are adding on 15% or more above what normally might be expected at the box office. While this holiday, like many others, provided a three-day exodus and hordes went out of town, It Is erroneous to believe that this reduces chances. Weather bfeak also strongly in favor of the cinemas this week. Tlieatre men's experience during the past year along Broadway is that the outgo of thousands over weekend holidays Is more than made up somehow at the theatres. In addition to the people drawn to New York from other cities, also on three-day picnics, New Yorkers who stay at home apparently pat- ronize more theatres. Regaining Its momentum and seeming to hold It, Broadway the- atres again are doing a good busi- ness. Though. the holiday would have been a preferred playdate, there are, no big sock attractions current, however, and the good grosses will have, to be thankful- largely to the holiday and fine b. o. weather It brought with rain both Sunday (3) and yesterday (Mon- day). Of the new attractions Saturday's (2) opener ' at the RIvoli, 'The Masquerader,' looks the stoutest In ratio to house averages. The Col- man picture, first In a long time aiid held back by Goldwyn from last season's output, started out to get a fine $32,600 on Its first week. Should get three and perhaps four weeks. The Paramount Is also doing nicely with 'One Sunday Afternoon' and, on its stage, Frank Fay and June Knight. With Labor Day to help, the chances here are fair for over $35,000, although it won't hold. Picture is day-and-datlng with the Par, Brooklyn. Play from which adapted Is still current In legit. Music Hall, after two soqk weeks, has a weaker picture currently In 'One Man's Journey' (Lionel Barry more) but with a big out-of-town trade and weather as breaks, It will grub out around $95,000, as com- pared to $88,000 last week on •Paddy' and mighty $101,000 pre vious week on 'Morning Glory'. Last mentioned is providing an above-average. draft at the Palace on takeover of house for Indle op eratlon by Sydney S. Cohen. Hep- burn's latest should get the Pal between $15,000 and $16,000, nice Vaude, booked by RKO, remained at the Pal on a last-mlnutfe decision not to go straight pix. Another grosser against which no complaints can be lodged, among new attractions of the week. Is 'Goodbye Again' at the Strand. Sophisticated comedy with Warren William and Joan BlondeU will get $20,000 or over, Just a little shy of meriting a holdover. 'Missing Per- sons Bureau' comes In Thursday (7). Warners are breaking with ads tomorrow (Wednesday) offering $10,000 for return of Justice Crz.- ter, lost about three years. The Capitol finally received the 'March of Time' remake under the title of 'Broadway to Hollywood.' Gave a special preview Thursday night (31), inviting all critics In hope of reviews next morning, as house did once before, burning up the Radio City <;rowd. Reshpt mu- sical is doing better than expected and at chance for $50,0D0 will have house In good shape. Among the secohd-weekcrs, both 'Voltaire' at the -Hollywood' and 'Moonlight and Pretzels,' at Rialto, are continuing strongly. Arliss pic- ture at $1.10 top on a continuous run, is figured for a comforting $18.- 000 on holdover and 'Moonlight' for around $16,500; both remain, Klallo figuring on four weeks for 'Pret- zels.' Astor foi'gos ahoad dominantly as a roarlsliow attraction, doing capac- ity, ticket agcnoios handling scats. On its first week, with some .stand- ing room sold, liic box office state- ment was ?22,000. Nenrby at Iho Gaiety 'Powoj: and the Glory' is in i's third wr-ok n.nd staying for a whilo, yot b"f')ro 'Berkeley •Siiu-'^rr-.' comos in. fJot $8,200 on its .sofond wonk, prf^tty good, consldf-ring o)(- r>ofilion from 'IMnncr.' Old Koxy playing a Surnrnfrvilh?- PittH com^-dy, 'Her First Mate,' looks to got $28,000, fine. Mayfair, whifh hold 'I'olice CJall' a full sec- ond wpok, onding last night (Mon- day) and getting $6,000. mild, brings in another indie today (Tuesday), 'I Have Lived.' Loew's State has 'Golddiggers' and should hit a fancy $25,000. While all figures here reported- are gross. Including tax, the net from which the theatres compute profit or loss runs anywhere from 5-10% less. Estimates for This Week Astor (1,012; 83-$1.10-$1.65-$2.20) —•Dinner at Eight' (MG) (2nd week). A powerful box office attrac- tion, with specs taking to the tick- ets, and capacity the order of the draw-. Got $22,000 on the first week. Including some standing room. Capitol (5,400; 35-72-83-$1.10- $1;65)—'Broadway to Hollywood' (MG) and stage show. Musical opened only falrshly but Is buUdlng nicely and ought to come close to $60,000. Last week. 'Turn Back the Clock' (MG) fell down to under $35,000. Gaiety (808; 65-$1.10-$1.65) — 'Power and Glory' (Fox) (3rd week). Holding up well and looks for at least A. couple weeks more. Pulled down $8,200 on Its second week. Hollywood (1,553; 26-35-65-75-85- $1.10)—'Voltaire' (WB) (2nd week). George Arliss' last for WB is turn- ing out a strong attraction; lobks In the neighborhood of $18,000 this week after getting off to a swank- start at $28,700. Mayfair (2,200; 35-56-65)—'PoUce Call' (Hollywood). Ended Its second week last night (Monday) at $6,000, weak, after a first week of $8,000. Today (Tuesday) ushers In 'I Have Lived' (Frueler). Palace (l.'iOO; 25-40-56-75) — 'Morning Glory' (RKO) and vaude. Hepburn 'draft will mean between $15,000 and $16,000, finel Last week •Mayor of Hell', $12,000. Sydney S. Cohen now operating the house un-r ,der $2,000 week rental to RKO. Lat- ter's vaude stays In, and not ousted as originally intended. Paramount (3,664; 35-55-75)—!- 'One Sunday Afternoon' (Par) and stage show. Rural comedy doing big, with house facing chance of bettering good $36,000. Won't hold. Last week 'This Day and Age' (Par) fell under expectations, $27,600. Radio City Music Hall (5,946; 35- 55-75)—'One Man's Journey' (RKO) and stage show. Around $95,000, a surprise for picture. Out of town- ers big aid here. 'Lady for a Day' (Col), planned for roadshow- Ing, comes in Thursday (7). Last week 'Paddy' (Fox) brought a Ijig and welcome $83,000. .Rialto (2,000; 40-55-65)—'Moon- light and Pi-etzels' (U) (2nd week). Musical caught on nicely and ought to get In the neighborhood of $16,-' 500 on Its second seven days. It got a big $22,000 the' first week. Rivoli (2,200; 40-55-75-85)—'Mas- querader' (UA). Colman starrer came In Saturday (2) and started out Invincibly for a big $32,500 first week. Final three days of 'Bitter Sweet' (UA) on second week's hold- over, $7,000. RKO Roxy (3,525; 25-40)—'Morn- ing Glory' (RKO), four days, ind 'Don't Bet on Love' (U), three days. On strength of. 'Glory,' house should get away better than average or about $18,000. Last week 'Pilgrim- age' (Fox) and 'Midnight Club' (Par), $12,000. Roxy (6,200: 25-35-55)—'Her First Mate' (U) and stage show. Comedy with holiday should attract nice $28,000. Last week 'Flying DevILs' (RKO) surprised by getting $21,600, State (2,900; 35-55-'75)—'Golddig- gers' (WB) and vaude. Warner mu- sical, playing six Loew hou'Ses this week in Greater New York, is duck soup for tills theatre and ought to bring big $25,000 or more. Last wopk 'Another Lancjuage' (MG) and vaude annoxed $20,000, surprisingly nice. Strand (2,900; 35-55-75)—'Good- b.vo Again' (WB). I'rctty to hfilduvor figure, in garnering $20,000. '('ar)turod' fWTi) on its second v/<'f'k. $M,700, mild. Fox to Romaiice Joiy Ilullywood, Sopt, 4. Dudloy Nifhols and Lmiar Trottf ;irc pounding out a romantic .script for Victor Jory, to be produced by .=;oI Wurtzel for l^ox. Yarn hua a Nfw Orleans back- ground