Variety (Sep 1933)

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10* VAMOETY PICT E CROSSES Tuesday, September 5, 1933 Squawks at B.O.'s Over Upped Scales JNew Ohio 10% Tax Levy Forces Upward Revisions—^Masquerader' Strong $16,500 Cincinnati. Sept. 4. Labor Day's added biz Is enabling downtown cinemas as a whole to match ti-ade of last week, which was highlighted ^by a dandy upturn. The weekend rain helped further, discouraging any holiday exodus. .Ohio's penalty on theatregoers, call- ing for a 10% tax, in addition to the Federal levy, on all admissions of lie or more, compelled exhibitors to boost scales Sept. 1, when the state tax became effective. New revenue itffeasure ushered in with public Squawking at all ticket cages. •The Masquerader' is the loudest b, 0. cliclcer currently. Capitol, fourth RKO ace house, jeopena Friday (8) with all-fllm. Initial feature, 'Morning^Glory,' to be .given Hollywood opening, be- ginning at 8:30 p. m., with $1 charge for main floor and 75c for balcony. Regular scale to be 36-44.. On the same day RKO will convert Family into a second-run house iWith thrice-weekly changes. Ohio theatre tax has caused ad- njiieh alterations locally, as follows: Albee, Palace and Lyric, from 30-40 to 36-44; Keith's from 25-40 to 30- 44; Grand from 15-30 to 20c. till 1 p. m.; 20-30 till 5 p. m. and 25-35 thereafter. Family from 16-26 to 20 till 1 p. m., then 20-30, with a dime charges for juves at all times. These prices obtain permanently, includlKg week ends and holidays. Estimates for This Week Albee (RKO) (3,300; 36-44)—The Masquerader' (UA). Film's flrst Ohio showing plugged by extra ad- vertising and exploitation via com- mercial contacts. Colman pulling lor a sweet $16,5«0. Last week ♦Faddy' (Fox) built up to |17,500, treat. ; Palace (RKO) (2,«00; 35-44)— ?Ier First Mate' (U) and vaude, Nptfe Bame Glee Club headlining. PItts-Summerville magneting of comedy fans the main b. o. ring. Five-act bill is tame and a big let- down from last week's start with c^ge fare. Over $14,000 in sight. Last week «n 'No Marriage Ties' (RKO) arid Bernice Olaire the rostrum topper, $12,600. Lyric (RKO) (1,394; 25-44)— rUhree-Cornered —rMoon'" (Par). Amusing comedy, and Colbert- Arlen-Boland names drawing $6,000, fair.: Last week 'Pilgrimage* (Fox) $5,200. weak. , Keith's (Libson) (1,600; 30-44)— •Goodbye Again' (FN). Prestige of farce's stage success, plus Blondell, Tobin and .William, bringing $6,000, 6kay. Last week 'Gold Diggers' (WB), brought back after five ■weeks, $4,200, mild. .Grand (RKO) (1,025; 20-25-30- 85r-'India Speaks' (RKO). Fast iretaway warranted holdover for full week, $3,500, good. Last week 'Storm at Daybreak* (MG) and 'Se- cret of Blue Room* (U), $2,700, nice. Family (RKO) (1,000; 20-30)— Tiast Trail' (Fox) and 'Easy Mil- lions' (Standard). Split week, $2,- 300, fine. Last week 'Man of the Forest' (Par) and 'Riot Squad' (Mayfair), split, $2,500. AL PEARCE RADIO GANG VPS TACOMA TO $8,500 Tacoma, Sept. 4. This week the,big biz the Music Box, where AI Pearce and his erang, from radio, are on stage for Ave'days. Drawing from as far as Olympia and Aberdeen, and right on top of big exploitation, billing and biz at Fifth Ave. in Seattle. Biz looks nothing short of remarkable and shows popularity of this gang with the personable Pearce as m.c . Last week 'Tugboat Annie' out after 10 days, as print could not be obtained. Was hitting the ball. In abj^ity to hold print was echo of the moHywood strike. This week back to normal, with Labor day helping some; weather also. Estimates for This Week Music Box (Hamrick) (1,400; 26) ♦—'College Humor' (Par) and 'No ^Marriage Ties' (RKO) with Al Pearce and gang on stage. Great gate, $8,500. Last week 'Double Harness' (RKO) and 'Bed of Roses <RKO) fair, $2,800. Roxy (J-VH) (1,300; 15-26)— *Storm fit Daybreak' (MG). 'Stranger's Return' (MG), split with latter In for five days, opening Labor Day. iEiXpects to total a fair t3,000. Last week -Tugboat Annie' (MG) in three days got $2,300. With $10,-600 first seven days, the 10-day tun grossed $12,800, tremendous 'Ann Carver's Profession' (Col) 'The, Sphinx' (Mono) dual, used four 'days to finish the week, got okay $1,700. Week's total, $4,000. Blue Mouse (Hamrick) (660; 10 20)—'Hollo Sister' (Fox), 'Gambling Ship' (Par) split. Looks slow at $800. Last week 'She Had to Say Tes,* (FN), 'I liove That Man' (Par) WUt, so-so, $850* It's Only Fair in Lincoln With Current Fair Week Lincoln, Neb., Sept. 4. Showmen evidently figure this week that there'll be so many in town to the State Fair that they won't need a good show to get 'em in. The billing looks mighty light except in a couple of spots, and it may be that the farm lads and lasses won't be so anxious. The Fair, although helping some with the shows, in the past couple of years has been a bigger pull away from pics than toward them The Orpheum opening Monday (4) with vaudfilm is the first house to go flesh for the coming season while it is not at all improbable that the Stuart will have a peopled stage before long, according to re- ports surrounding the LTC offices here; Orph is not setting in its own band, but will probably call for unit and revue type stuff carrying its own horn tooters. Estimates for This Week Liberty (Indie TC) (1,400; 10)— Vanity Fair' (Indie) and Fighting Parson' (Allied) split. Usual fare to usual good figure $950. Last week Devil Plays' (Chest) and Fiddlln' Buckaroo' (Mono) had nice play for $900. Lincoln (LTC) (1,600; 10-15-26)— Three Cornered Moon' (Par) and Jennie Gerhardt' (Par). Split fair- ishly, $1,600. Last week Stranger's Return' (MG) was sweet music at this spot, very neat $3,000. Orpheum (Indie TC) (1,300; 10- 15-25)-^When Strangers Marry' (Col) and Jo Ann's Sun Tan Revue. Marking the first vaude stand at this house in years, is looked to boost off to a nice start at pop prices. Gross will probably hit $2,- 000, fair enough. State (Indie TC)' (500; 10-15-25) —Below the Sea' (Col). Probably good $1,000. Last week 'Ann Car- ver's Profession* (Col) pretty slim $750. Stuart (LTC) (1,900; 10-25-35-56- 60)—'One Sunday Aftrnoon' (MG). Doesn't appear exciting in the way of gross. So-so $2,500. Last week 'This Day and Age' (Par) was a pretty fair pull with $2,900. MAE CLARKE Whose motion picture engagements followed her appearance as a night club entertainer, dramatic actress and musical comedy headliner. Philadelphia claims her birthplace, Atlantic City her childhood and New York the birthplace of her the- atrical career. Her pictures include releases from Fox, Warner, Colum- bia, RKO. Now under a term con- tract with M-G-M. Harmsworth Races Too Tuff Opposish To Detroit's Cinemas Detroit, Sept. 4. Six new openings with all struggling for what business the holiday week , and has to offer. Plenty of afternoon competition with the Harmsworth Races being held 30 hiiles out of town. It's hurting a lot. Some houses hope for a return this week after last week's mild dip all around. This week with 'Beauty For Sale' and 'Captured' leading the parade, other attractions offered are 'Big Executive' at the State, 'One Man's Journey' and George Jessel and vaude bill at the Downtown, 'Pil grimage' at the Fox with stage show, and 'Tarzan' at th$ Fisher. Last week 'Tugboat Annie' in its fourth week was the only attrac- tion that continued with the upbea.t Others played to bank holiday busi riess, the State being the worst suf- ferer. With the double attraction of Milton Berle and big stage' show and 'Morning Glory,* Downtown was fortunate to get $14,000. The Michigan ., with 'Turn Back the Clock' was under expectations at $13,200, as was the United Artists playing the 'Masquerader' with total of only $5,100. • The State with 'This Day and Age' was particularly unhappy with a very mild $4,600. The Fisher was okay with a nice $7,700. The Fox with a raise in prices offset the less people with more money for a fair $13,000. Estimates for This Week ichigan (P-P) (4,046; 15-25-35- 40-55)—'Beauty for Sale' (Par) and stage show. Should get $14,000 fair. Last week 'Turn Back the Clock' (MG) and stage show, $13, 200. Downtown (RKO) (2,665; 15-26- 36-40-65)—'One Man's Journey (HKO) and vaude show with George Jessel in person. Looks to $11,000. Last week 'Morning' Glory' (RKO) and Milton Berle and vaude show, $14,000. Fox (Indie) (5,100; 15-25-36-40 55)—'Pilgrimage' (Fox) and stage show. Poorer still this week, $12, 000. Last week 'F. P. 1' (Fox) and stage show, mild $13,000. United Artists - (PP) (2,018; 15 25-35-40-55) — 'Captured' (WB) Muni Opera Stars Plus Pix Hilight Battle of St. L St. Louis, Sept. 4. They're calling it the battle of (3rand Boulevard, this terrific box office combat between the St. Louis and Fox theatres. Swinging into action after eight months of idle- ness, former house laid down open- ing barrage Thursday by present- ing about half of stars who took part in recent Muny' opera season in an elaborate stage show. Neigh- boring Fox, a couple of blocks away, countered next day with the other, hajf of Muny stars in a stage presentation equally elaborate. Theatrical circles in toto and practically the whole city as well are standing by as interested ob- servers. What makes it more in- teresting Is that rival forces are be- ing commanded by two former as- sociates and friends, Harry Koplar and Harry Greenman, manager of the St. Louis and Fox, respectively. Fifteen years ago Greenman was a neighborhood manager for Koplar. Battle is still raging with un- abated fury, but the advantage is conceded to the Fox, which has Gaynor and Baxter on screen. Both are . fighting under a tremendous overhead. Looks like a neat profit for Fox at around $26,000. As the result of attendant excite- ment and publicity, combatants are getting most of' the patronage. Other houses doing fairly well, though, which means that business is still up. Estimates for This Week Ambassador (Skouras) (3,000; 25- 35-65)— ,' 'Three Cornered Moon' (Par) and stage show. Good at $16,000. L3t,st week 'Mary Stevens, M.D.' (WB) arid Cab Calloway on stage a sensational $26,000, the Hi de-hl kid, counting heavily. , Fox (Fox) (6,000; 25-35-65)— 'Paddy' ^[Fox) and Muny Opera stars bri stage. Heading for a big $26,0.00., Last week 'Tarzan the Fearless' ;(Prin) and Arthur Tracy on • stage,' $14,000, good. .Grand Central (Skouras) (2,000; 25-35-60)—'Song of Songs' (Par). Moved o-v!er'after week at Missouri, .$4,000, oke. Last week 'Headline Shooters''(RKO) and 'Before Dawn (RKO), $3,800, fair. Loew's'state (Loew's) (3,000; 26- 35-65)—'Broadway to Hollywood' (MG). Good trade, $12,000. Last week 'Turn Back the Clock' (MG), $10,000, fair. Missouri (Skouras) (3,600; 26-35- 60)—'One Sunday Afternoon' (Par). Good,' $8^000. Last week 'Song of Songs' (Par) went big for $12,000, St. Louis (Ind) (4,000; 35-50-65)- 'Her. Bodyguard* (Par) and Muny Opera stars on stage. Strong gate in opposish to the Ambassador, $18,000. HORNING GLORY' LOOKS STRONG FOR IIG, NEW'K Newark, Sept. 4. A steady rain Sunday cut into the mats, but if it eases up it will hold off the holiday opposition and work nicely for the theatres. It looks as though Proctor's might cop this week with over $11,000 for 'Morning Glory.' It opened better than the second week of 'Tugboat Annie' at Loew's, "which swept to a tremendous $23,000 on the opener. Nothing else going anywhere, with the Branford using a single, 'Cap- tured,' slipping badly from its double features of the week before. The Empire, with burleycue, opens neyt week, billing an illuminated runway. Estimates for This Week Branford (WB) (2,966; 16-65)— 'Captured' (WB). Surprising drop from last week. Maybe they want only double bills, about $8,000. Last week 'Moonlight and Pretzels' (U) and 'Private Detective 62' (WB) fine at $12,600. Capitol (WB) (1,200; 16-25-36-50) —'Stranger Returns' (MG) and 'Midnight Club' (Par). Should come more into its own this week, with over $4,500. Last week 'Heroes ."or Sale' (WB) r.rid 'Mama Lovps Papa' (Par) okay but not strong at $4,100. Loew's state (2,780; 15-76)—'Tug- boat Annie* (MG) (2d week) and Vode. Will be good for second week but hardly over $11,000.' 'Last week terrific- figure of $23,000. Newark (Adams-Par) (2,248; 15- 75)—'This Day and Age* (Par) arid vode. Although vode removed from nearby Proctor's, this house seems to get no advantage. Doesn't look Over $7,000. Last week 'Big Execu- tive!' (Par) weak at $6,200. Proctor's (RKO) (2,300; 15-25-30- 40-55)—'Morning Glory' (RKO). Hepburn's, pull is grand. Even with lowered -scale taking them to a fine $11,000 or more. Last week 'Pil- grimage' (Fox) okay with nearly $8,000. Terminal (Skouras) (1,900; 15-50) —'Man Who Dared' (Fox) and 'Pri- vate Secretary' (Mono). Even with the serial of 'Tarzan' appears no go and maybe $3,300. Last week 'Tar- zan the Fearless' (Prin) okay with $4,400. Bettering its position this week, $10,000. Last week 'The Masquer- ader' (UA), in its second week, mild $5,100. state (PP) (3,448; 15-25-36-40-55) —'Big Executive' (WB). About $6,- .000, mild, expected. Last week 'This Day and Age' (Par) fell to $4,600. Fisher (PP) (2,750; 15-25-35-40) —'Tarzap' (Prin). Indications point to $7,000, good. Last week 'Tug Boat Annie' (MG), $7,700, very big in fourth week. Downey at Reopened Boston, Plus 'Brief Moment; a Wow 19G Boston, Sept. 4. Last week films had the draw all alone, but now it's change about, for re-opening of the RKO Boston in gala fashion begins anew the old race among rival downtown spots to outdo one another in stage do- ings. Loew's Orpheum is beginning ex- ploitation on the Mills Bros., Met is to highlight Herb Williams, both due in Friday, while Scollay today opens up its barrage by presenting a Negro show, with mor6 exploita- tion than this house has used in months, RKO Boston's packing 'em in this week is largely credited to Mort Downey. Unscheduled week-end rain and cooler weather helping theatre biz' generally. Estimates for This Week Keith's (RKO) (4,000; 26-35-50)— 'One Man's Journey' (RKO). With- out fiesh aid, but doing very finely, dye to the Lionel Barrymore pull. Swell ballyhoo. Should hit $16,000, oke. Last week 'Morning Glory' (RKO) rose to $18,600, amazingly good, demonstrating the Hepburn magnetism. Boston (RKO) (30-40-50)—'Brief Moment' (Col) and vaude. Film planed from Hollywood . for world premiere to mark reopening of house after being closed since last winter. Morton Downey topping classy stage bill, a kayo, fiesh angle that has kept the house jamnied. Downey set up house's previous high niark. Should be $19,000, per- haps better. Orpheum (Loew) (3,000; 30-40- 50)—''Masquerader' (UA) and vaude. Cplman draw and stage program out for $15,000, superb. Last week 'Tugboat Annie' (MG) spot struck a pusher, $17,500. state (Loew) (3.000; 30-40-50)— 'Broadway to Hollywood' (MG) and one stage turn; special vaude Sun- day, with band. Okay for $13,000. Last week, 'Turn Back Clock' (MG) and one act, satisfactory for $11,500. Met (Mullen-Pinanski) (4,330; 30- 40-05)—'This Day and Ago' (Par) and stage show featuring 'Junior Stars' who appear in the film, Draw fair, prospect of $20,000. Holiday undoubtedly helps for bill is not up to Met's recent standard. Last week, 'Song of Songs' (Par) and good stage show reached $24,- 500, plenty velvet. Scollay (MuUen-Plnanskl) (2,800; 25-36-45-55)—'Voltaire' (WB) and vast draw in rippln' good all-Negro show on stage, beautifully ox ploited by Elli.ston Vinson. Film not type that patrons want, but HOT COMPEUSH IN FRISCO, BIZ BRISK San Francisco, Sept. 4. Competition is mightly stiff with Dressier-Beery in 'Tugboat Annie* at the Paramount; Colman in 'Masquerader' at the United Artists; Hepburn in 'Morning Glory' and Donald Novis on stage at the Gold- en Gate; . Ted FioRito's band on stage at the Warfield; with 'Three- Cornered Moon' screening, and Ar- liss in 'Voltaire' reopening the Em- bassy. Dressier and Beery are getting the plugging of their lives at the Par- ' amount, which opens at 9 . a. m. daily, and Saturday night two mid-., night shows, giving the house eight ■ turnovers that day and sevra dur- ing balance of the week. What that pair won't do to the Par's box office is nobody's business. 'Masquerader' served to begin the new Dlood injected into the United Artists' v^ins as the season's prod- uct starts. Colman well liked, smartly exploited, and ambling along, at ia fast pace, destined to stay two, maybe three, weeks. Hepburn is building up amazingly in Frisco, her current 'Morning Glory' belrig the'best to date'. Golden Gate will hit a neat figure with that film and Donald Novis on stage. House got a bum break Friday (1) when tonsillitis laid Novis low. At the Warfield 'Three-Cornered Moon' hasn't a decisively big screen name to draw, relying largely upon the local popularity of Ted FioRito's band. Will do okay. Arliss in "Voltaire' got the Em- bassy off to a good start after F- WC took the darkened house and reopened it. Picture a good one to.y purge the Embassy of its pre\'ious' burlesque, etc., and not yet decided whether house will remain first run or go into seconds, latter policy most probable. St. Francis right up among the profit brackets with 'Turn Back the Clock' and 'Big Executive,' ,Lee^' Tracy, Otto Kruger and Ricardo' Cortez meaning something at local . b, o.'s. Fox playing 'Sensation Hunters*-' and 'Important Witness,' and little!', better than average. Had the Orpheum opened Sept. as planned, it would have given the rlalto one of its busiest weeks in years. However, may start last of this week, next at the latest, with first ruri nix and stage shows head- ed by Rube Wolf, local fav, with a possibility of a 40c top, lowest in town, for stage shows. Estimates for This Week Embassy (FWC) (1,500; 30-40-55) —'Voltaire' (WB). House opening after long darkness and Arliss a good one to start. Drawing class trade, $5,000 worth of it. Fox (Leo) (5,000; 15-25)—'Sensa- tion Hunters' (Mono) and 'Impor- tant Witness' (Tower). Former get- ting the plugs, and biz somewhat over average with $8,000. Last weelc n.s.g. with 'Night of Terror' (Col) and 'Doubled and Redoubled' slip- ping to poor $6,500. Golden Gate (RKO) (2,844; 30-40- 65)—'Morning Glory' (RKO) and vaude headed by Donald Novis. Hepburn growing in popularity, and. Novis. liked, too; headed for neat $16,000. Last week over average with $15,000 on 'Moonlight and Pret- zels' (U) and Blue Monday Jambo- ree, of radio, on stage. Paramount (FWC) (3,70.0; 30-40- 55)—'Tugboat Annie' (MG). Dress- ier and Beery pointed toward the sky and. $30,000 not at all unlikely. Seven shows daily, eight on Satur- day, representing terrific turnover. Last week, second of 'Song of Songs' (Par)' was from hunger at $8,600. St. Francis (FWC) (1,500; 25-40) —'Turn Back Clock' (MG) and 'Big Exec' (Par). Good names in these double-billers, and coming out way over the top with $7,500. 'Mary Stevens' (WB) and 'Man Who Dared' (Fox) got $7,000 last week. United Artists (1,400; 25-35-50)-— 'Masquerader' (UA). Colman pic do- ing well at $16,000 to start off new season's product. Last week's re- peat of Cantor in 'Kid From Spai ' (UA) got $4,600 on six days. Warfield (FWC) (2,700; 35-55-65) —'Three Cornered Moon' (Par) and stage show. Ted FioRito's band counted upon for considerable as pic lacks strong draw names, mebbe $17,000. It was a great $22,000 last week on 'Paddy' (Fox), when every Irishman In Frisco jammed the house. flesh Is, so figures are booming and should teach $12,000, tremendous. Last week, 'Midnight Club' (Par) and' vaude, nice for $8,500. Paramount (Mullen - Pinanski) (1,800; 35-45-55)—'Big Executive' (WB) and 'Laughing at Life' Big exploitation shoves biz upward, with outlook for $8,000, thick gravy therein. Last week, 'Three Cornered Moon' (Par) and "I Have Lived' had a narrow margin In their joint $0,500.