Variety (Sep 1933)

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46 VARIETY Tnes^af, Sepfemlber £f, 1933 Sends Greetings FROM METRO - GOLD W YN-MAYER INQ RELEASES 'Turn Back the Clock' 'Bomb SheU' RICHARD LORENZ UNDER CONTRACT TO 'METRO-GOLDWYN-MAYEn STUDIOS King Vidor Director "Stranger's Return** with Lionel Barrymore A Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Production Chance for Cops (Continued from page 9) a grievance to open court when ma- terial damages are sought, provid- ing the complainant has first availed himself of the industry's disputes sifter. Zoning First movement in setting up the machine la that of zoning the coun- try.' Then all branches of each zone select eight members which com- prise the zone body for that picture district. Unless Washington frowns on reorganization of the Film Boards of Trade, this distributor arm and local exhibitor organiza- tions are unofflcially understood to be acti'tfe In the zone board selec- tion. Protection and run "will under the immediate supervision of each z-c. At the same time, such units will act as code police headquarters for persons knowing alleged violations of the code. The arbitration board, as it now shapes up, will be named by dis- putants, much as In the past Ex- hibitors and distributors, under the tentative writing, must first submit all disputes to such a board. If the case is so unusual as to be consid- ered beyond the capacity: of the local board, it will be turned over to the National Appfeals Board, with main office in New York City. This means that if the exhib disputant lives in Omaha he will have to put in a personal appearances, retain a lawyer, or else state his case in writing. When Ready for Coast A complainant, it is emphasized, can go into court only after he has submitted to arbitration. Resorting to civil channels immediately vio- lates the Optional Standard Agree- ment Contract and is subject to a penalty which involves cancellation of bookings. The Code Authority, or National Control Board, is depending upon the Government for its actual duties and power. These, along with lis constituents, will be. defined and named in Washington after Sept. 12. Unofflcially, since exhlbs differ from the views of distribs and pro- ducers in this respect, the Code Au- thority is now regarded as a gov- ernment-named group which will assist the NRA enforce the terms of the code. This would mean, then, that a violation going the regular channels would finally reach the C-A which, after investigation, would make recommendation as to the disposition of the charge to the Chief Administrator. Even his de- cision, it is believed by influstry code workers, would have to be turned over to the U. S. district at- torney's office for prosecution. The only man in Hollywood of whom it can he said simultaneously: "He Had Better Stick To His Writing" AND "He Had Better Sticfc To His Acting" ROBERT BENCHLEY PAUL L STEIN How Directing for British International Pictures LONDON ENGLAND Where Good FloWers Are Really Inexpensive HOTEL ASTOR FLOWER SHOP HOTEL ASTOR, TIMES SQ., NEW YORK LA-4-6568 David E. Arenwald m i- BILL BOYD JUST COMPLETING TEN YEAR CONTRACT WITH RKO-PATHE NOW FREELANCING