Variety (Sep 1933)

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SB VARIETY R AHIO .Tuesday, September 5, I935 OUTSTANDING PROGRAMS ON THE AIR NATIONAL iTaking in chain programs of coast-to-coast or regional hookiips. Listing artist, chain and key station, time — EDST, out of New York— and days, if more than once weekly, commercial and advertising agency on the account. The time difference according to geographical location can be figured out for local ref€rence accordingly.) (This and Next Week, Sept. 5 to Sept. 11) (All Time EDST) Julia Sanderson and Frank Crum- il, Parker Fenneliy, Jack Shilk'ret orchestra, 'Blackston© Plantation,' 8-8:30 p.m., WEAF-NBC (Black- stone Cigars)!' Raymond Paige's orcliestra and soloists, California Melodies, from -iDon Lee chain on the west coast via WABC-CBS. 10-10:46. p.m. ' ' The Goldbergs, with Gertrilde Cerg^ James Waters, 7.: 45-8 p.m., NBC-WEAF; Also Wed., Thjirss JFri. & Mon. (Pepsodent) (Lord & Thomas agency). . Amos 'n' Andy, 7-7:15 p.m"., NBC- WJZ. Also Wed., Thurs., JFri.; & if on. Rebroadcast for the midwest and west- 10 p.m.. CDST (Pepso* dent). . . . ' ■ Cla,ra, Lu 'n' £im, Louise Starky; Isabelle Carothers and Helen King, 10:15-10; 30 a.m., NBC-WJZ. ,Al30 Wed., Thurs.; Fri. and Moh..(Palm-- oiiv.ei) (Lord & Thomas agency) ' Little Orphan Annie, 6:46-6 p.m.. NBC-WJZ. Also Wed., Thurs., Frf & Mon.. (bvaltine) (Blackett-Sam-. ple-Huinnlert). .Ben Bernie orchestra, 9-9:30 p.m^ NBCfrWfiAF (Blue Ribbon Malt) (Mattesoh-Fogarty-Jordan agency). . Lowell Thomas, 6:^6-7 p.m., NBC- WJZ. Also Wed., Thurs:, Fri. & Mon. (Sun Oil Co.) (Roche,. Wil- liams & Cunningham agency). Household Musical Memories,. Ed.- .gar A, Gu^st, Alice Mock, Josef P^^Koestner orchestra. 10-10:30 p.m^ »^-NBC-WJZ. • .(Household Finance Corp.) (Charles Daniel Fry agency) - 'Skippy,' 6-6 :16 p.mrl CBS- WABC. Also Wed., , Thurs.. Fri, & Mon (Phillips Den tar Magnesia) (felack- €tt-Sample-Huitimerl). '^dsike Carter, 7:i6-8 p'm., 6tt^- WABC. Also Wed.. Thui-s., Fri.;& ^on. (Philco). ,1 ' Eddie' East and R'al^h Diimke, John Hale, Don -Vooi'hfees'' Otelh., NBC-WEAF, -9:30-10 pim. (Texaco) (HanfiC-Metzger)'. ' • .■ i WEDNESDAY (SEPTl 6) Faniiie Bride, Ge.ofge Olseri music (Chase & Sanbbrn T6a), WbAF- NBC, 8-8:30 p.m. (J. Walter Thompson agency.) Potash and. •■ Perlmutter (Jos. Greeiiwald and Lou Welch), WJZ- NBC, 8:30-8:46 p.m. (Feenamint) .(McCann-Erickeon).- The Poet Prince,, Eunice Ho^ward, teadlng, NBC-WJZ, ll:r5-ll:3p p.m. ' irvin S. Cobb and A^ Goodman's 6rchesti-a, 9-9:16 p.m., CfilS-WABC (Good Gulf). Also Fri., same time (Cecil, Warwick & Cecil). . Guy Lombardo^s 'Orchestra and Burns and Alien, 9:30-10 p.m., CBS- WABC. (White Owl cigar) (J. Wal- ter Thompson). . Fred Waring's Pennsylvanians and Milton Berle, Harry Richman, 10-10:30 p.m., CBS-WABC (Old Cold) (Lennon & Mitchell). Edwin C. Hill, hews, 10:30-10:45 p.m., CBS-WABC- One Man's Fainily, Sketch by Carlton- E. Morse, with Anthony Smythe, 9:30-10 p.m, NBC-WEAF. originating from NBC San FrancI&T Studios. V ' Morton Downey, 7-7:15 p.m., CB$- WABC. Also .Fri. - ■ , 'Dance Of tlia loe Cubes/-HowArd M^rsh, Snow <4.udens,- Jacques ..Re* nard, directing, 10:30-10:45, CBS-WABC (irrigidaire). With Jane Froman, Fri., same time. . Richard Himber, orchestra, from Essex House, 7:30-8 p.m., NBC- WJZ. Ethel Waters, 6:30-6:45 p. ni., N-BC-WJZ.- THURSDAY (SEPT. 7) Rudy Vallee-Fleischmann variety program, Dave Apollon, Leo Don- nelly, Roland Young, WBAF-NBC, :-8-9 p.m. (Flelschmann's Yeast) (J. Walter Thompson). Cap'n Henry's Show Boat, in- cluding Chas. -Winnlnger, Lanny Ross, Loretta Clemens, Muriel Wilson, Molasses 'n' January, Don Voorhees orchestra, WEAF-NBC. '9-iO p.m. (Maxwell House Coffee) (Bentxm-^&-rBoAvleg) .-r-' Col-umbia Revue, variety hour with Freddie Rich's orchestra, 9:30 10 p.m., WABC-CBS. : Concert Footlights, Mario Cozzi, Joseph Littau, directing, 7:15-7:45 p.m., NBC-WJZ. Glenn Gray's Casa Loma orch. Inldnite to 12:30 a.m., CBS-WABC. ■ Al Jolson, Paul Whiteman, Deems Taylor, m.c, and variety show, 10- 11 p.m., NBC-WEAF, coast-to-coast (Kraft-Phenix Products) (J. Wal- ter Thompson). FRIDAY (SEPT. 8) Cities Service hour, with Jessica Dragonette,' the Cavaliers (He^iry Shope, Frank Parker. John Sea^le 'Elliott Shaw.' Lee Montgomery) Frank Banta --and Milton Retten- berg, 'Rosario Bourdon's orchestra WEAFtNBC, 8r9. p.m. (Cities Ser- vice Gasoline) (Lord & Thomas), Fred Allen,' Portland Hoffa, Jack Smart, Roy Atwell, Phil.- Duey, £ileeh Douglas, Fei^die- Qrofe or- chestra,' •9-:9:30' -p.m., WEAF-NBC (Best Foods) (Benton & Bowles). * <-Rosc> Ke^ne and Charles Layv- rence, Lee W-iley, Paul Small, Vi.ctor Young orchestra, WEAF-NBC, 9:30- 10 .p.m: (Ponds' Cream) (J. Walter Thompson)i ., j • - i .Floyd Gijjbons,' Headline Hunter) NBC-WJZ, 10:45-11 p.m. ' . 'First -Nighter,' with June Mere- dith, Don. Ahiechet-Cacltoa Brickeri' and Cliff SoubTer, 10-10:30 p.m.,. NBC-WJZ - (C)a,mpagna Italian Balm) (McCani\ Erickson). Armour Hour, with Phil Baker, Harry McNaughton, Merrie Men, Neil-' Sisters, Roy Shield orchestra. 9:30-10 p.m.,-NBC-WJZ (Armour PackingJ (N..W.*Ayer agency). 'Let's Listen to Harris,' P\\\. Harris and orchestra, Leah Ray, 9-9:30 p.m., NBC-WJZ (Cutex) (J. Walter Thompson). °Andre.Kostelanetz presents, with Mary Eastman, Evan' Evans, 9:30- 10 p:ni;, CBS-WABC. • ' i Lum and" Abner's Oldtlme So- ciable. 10:30-11 p.m., NBC-WEAF. originating " from WTAM. (Ford dealers) (Critchfleld' agency). Ethel Shutta, Walter O'Keefe, Don- Bestor's band, 8-8:30 p.m., NBC-WJZ. (Nestle's Chocolate) (J. W;alte^ Thompson). SATURDAY (SEPT. 9) .'.Rex.' Battle., concert ensepible,' WEAF-NBC; out of Toronto (Via CRCT), .1:30-2 p.m. Week-end Re-v'ue. variety show, NBC-WteAF, 4-5 p.m. . Ferde Grofe orchestra, Conrad Thibault, WEAF-NBC, 9-9:15 p.jn.' (Philip Morris Cigaret) (Blow agency). ' ' B. A. Rolfe orchestra, with Ruflv Wiedoeft, WEAF-NBC, 10-11 p.m. (Hudson-Essex) (Blackman: agency). Glen Gray and Casa Loma or- chestra, 7:30-8 p.m., CBS- WABC. SUNDAY (SEPT. 10) Alfredo's marimba orchestra, WEAF-NBC, 10:30-11 a.m. , Major Bowes' Capital Family fiom Capitol theatre, N. Y., 11; 16 m.-12:16 p.m., WEAF-NBC, va- riety show, with Maria Si!viera. Hannah' Klein, Nicholas Concentino, Tom.MoLaughlin, Four Mi.nute Men, Waldo Mayo, Yasha Bunchuk con- ducting. Jimmy Durante, Ruth Etting, Ru- binoff's orchestra, WEAF-NBC, 8-9 p.m. (Chase & Sanborn Coffee) (J- Walter Thompson). Col. Louis .McHenry Howe, Presi- dent Roosevelt's secretary, 10-10:16 r.-.m., W,]^AF-N,BC Walter Trunrl- bull interviewing him on national affairs.. ■ (RCA .Victor.) Radio. .City Music Hall Concer'^j Roxy (S.'^L. Rothafel) .as m.c, with- Erno Rapee's orchestra, choir arid !jo]pis,ts,; 1?;1,5-1:15 p,m,. WJZ-NB({; (sieorge M. Cohan, The' Revelers, Al : G^oodman's. orchestra, WJZ- ISJBC, 9:,9rj0 p.m. (Good .Gulf Gaso- J;ne) (Cecil, Warwick & Cecil)... \ Frank Crumit and Julia Sander* son, 5:30-6 p.m., WABC-CBS (Bond Bread) (Batten, Barton, etc.). The Gauchos, Vincent Sorey con- ducting, with Tito Guizar, 9-9:30 p.m.,, WAEC-CBS. Vincent Lopez, Alice Joy, 7:30-8 p.m., NBC-WJZ. (Real Silk) (Erwin Wasey). Manhattan "'^rry-Go-Round, Ta mara, David Percy, Men About Town, Gene Rodemich orchestra, 9- 9:30 p.m., NBC-WEAF. (Lyon'a Tooth Powder) (Blackett-Sample-' Hun^mert). American Album of Familiar Mu- .ciic, Frank Muhn, Elizabeth Lennox. Ohman and Arden, Bertrand Hirsch, Gus Haenschen* orchestra, 9:30-10 p.m., NBC-WEAF. (Bay er's Aspirin) (Blackett-Sample Hummert). Willard Robison's Deep River symphony, 5-5:15 p.m., CBS-'V^ABC Also Thursday, 10:16-10:45 p.m. Symphofiy Hour,-Howard Barlow, directing. 4-5 p.m., CBS-WABC. (MONDAY (SEPT. 11) A&P G^ypsles, Harry Horlick dl rectlng, Frank Parker, WEAF-NBG, 9-9:30 p.m. (Atlantic &«Paoiflc). Sinclair. Minstrels, Gene Arnold, Joe parsons. Bill Childs, Mac McCloud, Clifford Soubier, Harry Kogen directing, KBC-WJZ out qf Chicago. 9-9:30 p.m. (Sinclair Oil), (Erwin Wasey). Jack Frost Melodies with Josef Pasternack's orchestra and gUest artidt, 9:30-10 p.m. (National Sugar Refining) (Gk>tham agency).. " Morgan L, Eastman orchestra, Gene Arnold, Lullaby Lady, 10- 10:30 p.ha., NBC. (No N. T. release) (Carnation Milk) (Erwin- Wasey agency). SHOWS {Emhradng same data as Na- tional programs, giving time, artists, programs, not oh a network hook- commercial, agency, etc., of local up, regional Or national.) NEW YORK (SEPT. 5 TO SEPT. 11) (All Time EDST) ' TUESDAY (SEPT. 5) Eddy Brown,'violinist, with mini- ature symphony maestroed • by George Shacklby, 8:30-9 p.m., WOR. Footlight , Echoes, directed by Geo. Shackley,.. Lewis Reid an- nouncer, 9:30-10 p.m., W.OR. Reindid Weri^en'r ath, ' barytone, 7:46-8 p.m., WMCA-WPCH. 'Sleepy Time Lady,' May Sprintz, 6:16r6:30, WINS. Same time every day but Sun.. Gabriel Heatter, news comment, 7:45-8 p.. m., WOR. Also every other day but Sun. (Ebllngr Brewing Co.). WEDNESDAY (SEPT. 6) Phil Napoleon's orch.', Merrill Lee, 9-9:30 p.m.; WBAF. (Hudson- Essex) '^Blackman agency). Pappy, Zeke and Ezra, 10-10:30 p.m., WMCA. Also Sun., Mon. and Fri. Market and Haisey Street Pla,y- house, Roger Bower, m.c.; Lee Cron- ican, conductor, 10:^0-11 p.m., WOR. Beniamino Riccio, baritone, 9- 9-^30; WMCA XSimindns Tours). The Beggar's Bowl,' Basil Ruys- dael, narrator, 10-10:16, WOR. V THURSDAY (SEPT. 7) •Men of WOR,' variety, Sherman Keene directing, Grenadrdrs Quar- tet; Walter Ahrens, 10:30-11 p.m.. WOR. Merle Alcock, soprano, 9-9:30 p.m., WMCA-WPCH. ' Merle Johnston's Saxophone Quartet and Pauline Alport, pianist, 7:45-8 p.m., WOR. FRIDAY (SEPT. 8) Harold Stern's orchestra, 8:46-9 p.m., WOR (Crystal Corp.). Hendrik > de Leeuw, 'Tales of a Globe Trotter; 8:16-8:30 p.m., WEVD. Bronx Marriage Bureau, 9-9:16 p.m., WOR- Jennie Goldstein, 7:30-8 p.m.i WMCA. SATURDAY (SEPT. 9) Jack Denny's Orch., Sigmund Spaeth, Shirley. Howard, 8-8:30 p.m., WJZ, (Rheingold Beer) (Hanff- Metzger). w6r Little Symphony orchestra, Philip James, conducting, $-9 p.m., WOR. The Cuban Lady, Cuban songs,\ 2:16t2:30 p.m., WMCA. 1. 1 SUNDAY ($^Pt.'iiO) Silverbeil, with Sylviia Miller, Madeline Hardy, Elmo Russ, 9:15- 9:30, WMCA. Irving Aaronson orchestra from R-ils Park, Long Island, 7-7:30 "p.m., WOR, Woodbury revue, with Roxanne and. her orchestra^ Al and .' Lee Reiser, Jack Arthur, 7:30-8 p.m., WOR. Red Lacqueif and. Jade, George Shackley, directing, Basil Ruysdael. narrator, 6-6:30,'WOR. Margaret Anglin Presents, with Robert Beddele, organist,^ 6:30^7 p.m., WOR, 'Radiant Revue,' Al and Lea Reiser, Jack Arthur, Roxanne, con- ducting, 7:30-8 p.m.,. WOR (Wood- bury cosmetics) (J. Walter Thomp- :son). Jewish Little Symphony, with Jewish Serenaders, 6-6:30 p.m., WINS. Choir Invisible, Vera Osborne, Annette Simpson,. Veronica Wig> gins, John Qhine, David Croswell, George O'Brien, Jack Keating; George Shackley, 'directing, 8:30-9 p.m., WOR. Modern American Composers. Lanibros CallimahOs, flutist; Vivian Fine, pianist, 8-8:30, WEVI>. MONDAY (SEPT. 11) Back Stage, with Boris Morros from Piiramount theatre, N. Y., with orchestra, soloists, 8:30-9 .p.m., WOR. Alfred Wdllenstein's Slnfonetta, Veronica Wiggins, dololst, 10:30-11 p.m., WOR. CHICAGO (Sepf. 6 to Sept'. 11) (All Time COST) .WEDNESDAY (SEPT. 6) Palace Theatre Varieties with RKO stage talent, 8:30-8; 46 p.m., WMAQ."" (Staged by John Joseph and NBC production staff.) THURSDAY (SEPT. 7) Adv^intures in Health with Dr. Herman Bundesen, 3:30-8:46 p.m., weekly; WLS. (Horlick's Mailed Milk.) (Lord,' Thohiad & Logan.) Story of Helen Trent, 2:30-2:46 p.m, ■ daily except Saturday and Sunday, WGN. . (Edna .^Vallace Hopper .. Co.) (Blaokett-Sa'mple- Humniert.) SUNDAY (SEPT. 10) Jules Stein, pianist; Frank Wil- son, tenor, and ^uest krtists, 6/-6:30 p.m., WBBM, . ' MONDAY (SEPT. 11) Auricle Creven and CI iff Nazarro, vocalists with the Frank Westphal Orchestra, 6-6:16 p.m., WBBM. LOS ANGELES (SEPT. 8 TO SEPT. 14) .(All Time PST) FRIDAY (SEPT. 8) Snug Harbor, KHJ, 8:30-9 p.m., maritime dramatization by Frank Gill and W. N. Robson. Sustaining. Salvatore Santaella's dianer mu- sic, KMTR, 6:15-6:30 p.m., nightly except Saturday. Sustaining. 'In Laws,' KFAC, 6:45-7 p.m., comedy serial ' every evening but Sunday. (Auburn-Cord). Francisco Del Compo, KHJ, 7:35t 8 p.m., Latin-American tenor, sus- taining. Merrymakers, KiHJ, 9-10 p.m., va- riety show, -yirith Gill a.nd Doemlihg and Ray Paiic|e's orchestra. (Ford J3ea,lers of Calif.) ■CMcCann-Erlck- son). • •• " 'Hon. Archie and'' Frank Wata- nabe, KNX, 7-7:15 p^m,, comedy seriel, every evening except Sunday. (Marion R, Gray' Co.) ' i Al Pearce and His Gang, KFI, 2-3 p.m. daily except Sundays. Sus- taining. SATURDAY (SEPT. 9) Hollywood Bowl concert, KFI, 8:15-10 p.m. Sustaining. KNX .Varieties, KNX, 8-9 p.m. Revue with Jack Carter. Sustain- ing. SUNDAY (SEPT. 10) Napoleon and Josephine, KFWB, 9-9:30 p.m. Serial dramatization of French history. (Barker Bros.) (Ray Alden agency)*' '76 All-Star Revue,' KHJ, 7:30-8 p.m., Donald Novis, Sterling Hollo- way and Orville Knapp orchestra. Union Oil. Co. (Lord .and Thomas). Also Wednesday, Sept. 6, 'The Wanderer,' KFWB, 9:30-10 p.m. Narrator, Bob Sherwood, chamber music. (Kelvinator.) (Hammel agency.) MONDAY (SEPT. 11) Thunderbolt .Lodge,, mystery b6- rial, KFWB, 7:30-8 p.m.''Sustaining. Blue Monday Jamboree,, KHJ (from KFRC, San Francisco)■. 8-iO p.m. (Shell Oil Co.')* • : 'Makers of Histpry,'ICi^i; ' 8-8:S0 p.m. Dramitizatlon. (Puritas-Water*.) (McCarthy Co.) SAN FRANCISCO (SEPT. 10 to SEPT. 15) (All Time PST) Crosscuts from the Lot? o' Day, KPO, 8:15-9:16 a.m. daily ei! cept Sunday. Dr. Laurence L Crpss, philosopher, and Southern Harmony Four, colored quartet, John qnd Ned, harmony team KGO, 1:45-2 p.m. dally except s5S day. Langendorf Pictorial, KGO, 3-3-15 p.m. dally except Saturday and Sunday. Air column by and with Rush Hughes. Langendorf Bak- ery) (J. Walter Thompson). Hodge Podge Lodge, KFRC, 4:15, 4:46 p. m., Mon., Wed., Fri, Com- edy lodge meeting by and with Jen- nison Parker. Charles W. Hamp, KPO, 7:46-8 p.m., daily except Saturday and Sunday, (Dr. Strasska) (Scott- Howe-Bowen), SUNDAY (SEPT. 10) Gunnar Johansen, KPO, 7:46-8 p.m.; concert pianist. Kay Kysdr and his Ral Tabari orchestra, KGO, 11-12 p.m. MONDAY (SEPT. 11) Lee S. Roberts and His Old Mem- ory Box,.KGO, 8:16-8:30 a.m., Mon., Wed., Fri., with Paul Carson, or- ganist, guest star. .(Folger Coffee Co.) (Botsford, Constantlne. Gard- ner.) Blue Monday Jamboree, KFRC, 8- 10 p.m. Variety show, first half sponsored by Shell Oil Co. (J. Wal- ter Thompson). Second half sus- taining, TUESDAY (SEPT. 12) Maurice Gunsky Revue, KYA, 7:30-8- p.m. 'Variety show with Harold Horton, others. Carefree Carnival, KPO, 9-10 p.m. Variety show,. WEDNESDAY (SEPT. 13) Eddie peabody, KGO, 7:30-8 p.m. Entertainer, with orch, and guest vocalist. (Safeway Stores) (Bots- ford, Constantino, Gardner)! Souvenirs ,of Italy, KYA,- 8-9 p.m. Native musical program, sponsored by locar Italian firms. One Man!s Family, KGO, 9-i:30 p.m-. Drama by Carlton Morse. (Wesson. Qjl)...(?'itzgerald, I^w Or- leans). ' ■ ' . ! • Marshall's-• Mavericks,- KPO, 10- 10:30 p.m.' Hlll-billy show, with Charlie Marshall, Johnny O'Brien, Mona Greer, Ace Wright, Johnnie Toffoli. TUESDAY (SEP.Y. 12) Hodge Podge Lodge; KHJ, ema-' nating KFRC, San Francisco,. 9:30- 10 . p.m., comedy prOgrani, sustain- ing. California Melodies, direction kay Paige, KHJ (CBS), 6:30-'7 p.m. Sus- taining. Guardsmen, KNX, 7:15-7:30 p.m. Quartet. . Sustaining. WEDNESDAY (SEPT. 13) Charlie Lung and Hi^ Gang,, com- edy, 5:45-6 p.m., KHJ. Sustaining. Catherine the Great, historical dramatic sOrJes, KHJ, 9:30-10 p.m. Sustaining. Song Silhouette; ..JdanvtO DUhHig and Nip and Tuck, KFWB, 7:45-8 p.m. THURSDAY (SEPT. 14) Light Opera Favoi<ites, KNX, 7:15-7:45 p.m. With Charlotte Woodruff. Sustaining. THURSDAY (SEPT. 14) Standat:d Symphony Hour, KGO, 8-9 p.m.; Alfred Hertz conducting. (Standard Oil) (McCann-Erlckson). Borden Capers, KTAB, 7-9 p.m. Variety'show. (Borden Milk) CMc- Cann-Erickson), The Orchestra, KPO, 9:30-10 p.m., directed by Merewith Willson. FRIDAY (SEPT. 15) Femi ine Fancies, KFRC, 3-4 p.m. Woman's hour, m.c.'d by Ed Fitz- gerald, Claude Sweeten's orch., guest vocalists. Tim Ryan's Night Club, KPO, 10- 11 p.m. Variety show, with Ryan and Noblette, Joe Hornik's orch., guest' vocalists. DENVER ($EPT. 8 TO $Ef*T. 14) (Air Time MST) FftlDAY (SEPT. 8) , 'Luncheon. Melodies, Fred Burkett, tenor; Joe O'Neill, bairitone; Janet Biblfe; j:ot>t:raHo{ ' ill Rogers, pi9.n0, I2rl2:l6i KLZ, daily except Sunday. Cosmopolitan Hotel Orchestra, Gene• Quaw, flirictoi', 1-1:39 p.m.; als'o 9-9:3£l'p.'rpv:. ll-li;: 30 p.m., Sept. 10; KbA-to NBC-WJZ network.-; Arcadians, 9-plece string" orches- tra, Ruth Sikelly Bello, director; Florence Fiskel, tenor; Mildred Kyssin, contralto; 1:30-2 p.m., KOA to NBC-WJZ network. ' Metropolitan Ensemble, Ruby Rickets and Jack Dean, pianos and vocalists; 5-5:15 p.m., Fri., Mon., Wed., KLZ. SATURDAY (SEPT. 9) Denver Post Kids Club, Jerry and Margie O'Neil,. directors; 3:15-3:4.'» iTm., KLZ. Brown Palace hotel orchestra. Jack WaltoOf director; 11-11:30 p.m.; also 7-7:30 p.m., Sept. 11; 1:15-1:45 p.m., Sept. 12; KOA to NBC-WJZ network. SUNDAY (SEPT. 10) Mrs. E. L. Reynolds-Bengston, or- gan, with Bob Harper, soloist; 10- 10:30 p.m., KLZ. (Continued on page 63)