Variety (Sep 1933)

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r VARtETY ADIO Tuesday, iS'eptemW 5, l^^jj East ^1 I III I I n < t,i t i-i > I I I hti I iH 1111 in III1 r n 1 in 11 i i ri n rii fii 111 11 111 i n RADIO CHATTER iM i 11 ji.i.r.Li ^-11 J*^i:Lir'-i 1 i-H 1 11mm.t.HL't 1111 h iJ;ioi-rii.u i ja;>;i-ia m-ivi u h i i n ri Gazette' to replace, with Barrell Martin, former radio ed of 'Sun Tele,' taking over Morrow's spot. CBS Is helping pluflT things for the tea-room converted into a cafe in Its headquarters building by tossing an opening night with the web's staJt entertainers asked to participate. May Sprlntz Is the new 'Sleepy Time Lady' on WINS, N. T., replac ing Claire Stetson Russotto. . CBS claims it was first to think of the Idea of giving the N. T. 'Sun' centenary sendoff on the air, but NBC beat it to the punch by staging its own 'Sun' celebration the night (2) before the CBS scheduling. WCAU, Philly. has a social regls- terlte, Mary Brown Warburton, do- ing a society column on It for Schrafft's. Henry Burblg is auditioning some- thing at NBC he's tagged 'The Mad Hatters in Krazy Kollege'. NBC has another baroness in the grooming stage. Web's auditioning her under the title of Baroness Marie De Clchiny. Warbling is the talent. WCAU, Philly, has the 'Meister- singer' now doing mike duty for the PeUn"'s Co. Al Jolson stalling Mervyn LeRoy jabout going to the Coast for 'Wun- derbar* (WB), preferring to finish ^rst his radio program in the etist. They're ail talking about that broadcast of 'Dinner at Bight' from Gr^uman'-s Chinese and how nega- tivply It came through on the east- ern end, Mlgnon Bushel, daughter of iTudge Hyman Bushel, has gone Jay Faggen lor ptjbllcity, leaving the Georgd Lottman office. Resli^iatlon of Percy Boyd as p.a. for KDKA, Pittsburgh, brought In Lynn Morrow, raaio ed of the 'Post MILTON BERLE OLD GOLD PROGRAM Sept. 6th Management CHARLES MORRISON MORRISON-WINKLER CORP. I Park Central Hotel ARTHUR TRACY "The Street Singer" HANAGEMENX MORRISON-WINKLER CORPORATtON Park Central Hotel NEW YORK **Your New Old Friend" DON ROSS Pontiac Program Coast-to-Coast Columbia System Broadcasts Tuesdays and Thursdays at 2:30 P. M. Manaoament MORRISON-WINKLER, Ise. "Badlo'd rovellest Iiork^ JANE FROMAN IN SONGS FRIOIDAIBB PROGRAM Friday 10:30 p. m. OBS. Direction, Morrison-Winkler Corporation Park Central Hotel. New York City LENNIE HAYTON AND HIS CHESTERFIELD-HOUR ORCHESTRA EACH FRIDAY 10 P.M. WABC Direction MORRISON-WINKLSR Corporation West Phil Rublnoff In Holljrwood to look after his brother's interests in the Edaie Cantor broadcasts. John A. Stewart, ad manager at KGB, San Diego, leaves to join com- mercial department of KNX, Holly- wood. KIBM, Eureka, CaU wants to be given unlimited time an the air and is after facilities of KFWI, San Francisco. city of Albuquerque, N. M., seek- ing a 60-watt police outlet. Application of Thomas R. Mc- Tammany and Wm. H. Bates, Jr., for a new 2B0-watt station license in Modesto, Cal., before the FRC* KPNP, Shenandoah, la., granted extension of permit to lise time as- signed to, but not used by, KUSD and WILL. New extension is for month of September. After being on KPWB for two years, . IBngUsh Coronets' becomes ;ust 'Coronets.' Change due to new historical series starting Sept. 3. TDrums of Prance,' also historical, dropped by the station. Bxamlner Pratt, of PRC, reversed by the commission, which granted renewal of Iteense to KVOA, Tuc- son, Ariz., ana assignment of license LEONI BELASCO OLDSMOBILE 10:30 Tues. and Thurs. WABC Moa., Tues. and KM., 11:S0 to 12:00 MIOHTLT 9X. HORiTZ HOTBE^ NEW YOUK Sol* Direction HERMAN BERNIS 1019 Broadway. New York The Nit Wits of the Networks WHITE OWL WABC Every IVednesday Evening at 0:30 P. H. BURNS ^oALLEN DIr.t WM. MORRIS AGENCt (TOMMY) TIM and IRENE RYAN and NOBLETTE Utovm Derby and Humboldt Beer Mon. and SVI., 0:45 P.M., PBT., KGO Network Carefree Carnival, Xues., 0 P.M., KFO Network NBC SAN FRANCISCO (BILLY) REILLY and COMFORT NOW IN LONDON PLAYING VAUDEVILLE Recording for Decca'and broadcasting regularly from May Fair Hotel for the British Broadcasting Corporation. European Representatives, REEVES & LAMPORT from Robert M. Riculfl to Arizona Broadcasting Co., Inc. Transmitter of KUOA moves from Pafayetteville to Mount Sequoyah, Ark. KDFN, Casper, Wye moves sta- tion locally, Ray Baile3r*s orchestra is the hew staff combination at KPAC-KFVD, Los Angeles. Singing Sherwoods are oft. 'E&tX Dancer's band will be piped once a week to the east for audi- tioning purposes. Dancer has added three to his outfit. Mr. and Mrs. B. L. Bengston, KLZ, Denver, are golf addicts. B. L. shot an 87 in his first tourna- ment, the Colorado state open, and MVS. Bengston Is' shooting In the 60s for nine holes. Mid-West Bd Petry company of station rep- resentatives moving to larger office space in Chicago. : Greorge Isaac ai>apa and bubbling- around WGN quarters. Bureau of Broadcasting has shift- ed out of the Wrlgley building to new offices. Hugh Cross, In Chicago from Council Bluffs, a guest on .an early morning program of WLS, his alma mater. Question of a successor for Nick Carter at J. Walter Thompson, Chi- cago, not settled. Carter joined Benton and Bowles in New York. WCFL, Chicago, made one oC its rare pickups of an NBC network show when taking the NRA pro- gram. Bob White auditioning several ideas for autumn sponsorship. New feature over WSUI, Uni- versity of Iowa station, will have all 99 individual counties in the' state featured for Individual pro- grams. D. E. Kendrick replaces Jim Car- penter as station manager at WKBF. Mrs. Mason Terkes, long time' with the KPAB staff at Lincoln, Neb., conducting a program devoted to better English speaking, goes as program director of XER, the Amer- ican-operated station just across the Mexican line. Howard NeumlUer back at WBBltt- after a tour of the Conti- nent. Pauline Frederick hits the ether this Tuesday (6) with the Ben Ber- nie-Blue Ribbon program. Don Bernard rests on Fridays, but makes up for it by showing up tar work on Sundays for the Hscys, Mc- Farland agency. Al Williamson getting out of the Fair-mobbed town for a couple of weeks in the Bloomington country. Wendall Hall has gotten tip a Wendell Hall press blurb. Homer Hogan spent his vacation from KTW at the Fftlr. Halloween Martin, the morning clock girl at KYW, practically had to be locked out of the KYW studio before she'd take her vacation. 36 30-Min. Dramas Seattle, Sept. 4. •The Pioneers,' sponsored' by Peoples Bank, will resume on the air Sept. 10, over KOMO. Series of 36 half-hour dramatizations, with players from Seattle Repertory Playhouse. Local historical events form theme. ESQ'S SPOT BEHOTES Des Moines, Sept. 4. KSO, of the Ded Moines 'Register and Tribune,' has Improved facili- ties for handling of spot news through addition of a short wave transmitter. Apparatus is housed in a special car amd is so designed that the an- nouncer may carry the -trandmltter on his back and follow any event without a 'phone line connection. Rural Papers But Met Radio, rs Add Air Copy Chicago, Sept. it Despite all the efforts of the press departments of the two* weba and the major stations, the papers out- side the metropolitan areas have talcen a new dislike for radio pub- licity and have sliced the air news Into non-exldtence. Press offices have tried to rearrange their boiler- plate to especlany please the small .town editors, but the weekly sheets Ether Slaiils George Cohan. George M. Cohan was a wow Sun- day night on the Good Gulf pro- gram. This third or fourth consec- utive air show evidences that' the Yankee Doodle Dandy has found still another new metier, the radio; to round out his prolific and bril- liant career in the show business. The manner In which Cohan reelfs off his introductory song lyrics In breezy, colloquial style, sans any thought to their commercial or song plug" appeal, but strictly as special material to elevate the standing and impression of the per- former, evldeno^s anew the wisdom of Cohan's showmajuship, whether it's on a rostrum or' in the ab- stract behind a mike. ' Doing everything in rhythmic patter, the lyrics are compelling and by their sheer simplicity command' constant dial-In attention. When he jocosely apologizes for his lyric satire on the Tin Pan Alley boys, he is appealing to the sophisticates and at the same time also clicking with the masses. His excerpt from 'The Tavern,' Cohan's favorite ptay, was a gem. His pop song medley, including a snatch of 'Over There' and finally that new-song-every-week which, for Sunday night's stanza, was a patriotic NRA eulogy, humorously titled, 'Look Out for General John- son.' In between Al Goodman's crack orchestra gave out its. rhythms In usual tiptop manner along with the Revelers. The Good Gulf ad spiel makes mention of the increasing impression Cohan has been making on gasoline buyers as evidenced by their reports. Cohan himself an- nounced that he's set for two more broadcasts. Payrolled at $5,000 per, Cohan brings a lot to the mike even for that money. He brings witli him a tlme-honoted reputation of the Cohans in the American theatre; he brings also special material and a personality which none but George M. can offer. INSPECT NEW WIND MGB. Chicago, Sept, 4. Ralph Atlass is arpidly setting his organization for the operation of the new WIND, Gary,'Ind. Last weeic Joe Jaspert landed with the station as general manager. Jaspert Is a radio veteran, being credited with having first started KYW here, More recently asso- ciated with WBZ, Springfield, Mass. Sing's Beer Spreading King's Beer, which started off with WABC, New York, only, spreads out over 10-station link on CBS Sept. 23'. Program will con tinuo With Fred Berren's combo, Jane Froman, Charles Carllle and a quartet billed as the 'King's Etenchmen.' Town& being added are Albany, Syracuse, Buffalo, Hartford, Provi dence, Boston, Bangor and Wash ing ton, i> GYPSY WNINA **The Haunting Romantic Voice of Radio" WABC COLtiMBIA BROADCASTING &YSTEM TUESDAY J SATURDAY 7 P.M. I 7:15 P.M. Met. CBS FOR EAR AND AIR! RAYMOND BAIRD Just a Musical Sensation continue to put the slight on for" radio news. Metropolitan papers remain the 5nly outlet for radio press matter ' 'here has been an Increase In radio chatter In the big dailies, 'this has ' been due first to the pressure of the national advertisers using both the radio and the dailies and reader interest. Dailies, despite all efforts can no longer Ignore the pressure of the fether pull. Especially are these dailies susceptible when they * 8jre themselves affiliated with, 6r own, radio stations. ' > ! But In the sticks there's nothing' to it but the Individual editor's own prejudice, and most editors have a flat anti-radio complex. WABC—CBS SAT, 7:15 P.M. THURS. 0:30 P.M. MILDRED BAILEY AND HBB ''ROCKING CHAIR*' AL RADIO'S ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ AIUSIOAI, DIRKCTOB GOOD MAN GULF GASOUNE tVITH IRYIN 8. COBB WABO WED.-FBL 9 P. M. WITH BOOERB StNDAY » P. BL THE GREEK AMBASSADOR OF GOOD WILL GEORGE GIVOT Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer's ''HOLLYWOOD PARTY" NOW IN PRODUCTION Bole Direction HERMAN BERNIE 1610 BroAdw07. New York "The Laaa Who Oomea from Dixie With a Song That'a Meant to Cheer. So Tune Her tn and You'll Begin To Find Bappineaa Ja Bere," BETTY BARTHELL RICHFIELD OIL PROGRAMS WABC III WEAF Monday 10 P.M.||| Friday 9:30 P.M. 1 WABC MBTWORK Thoraday, 0:80 P.U. •Direction CBB ABTIST BCBEAU JACK and LORETTA CLEMENS (4th ooualnB of Mark Tvraln) THURSDAY - - - atSO P.M. VRIDAY ----- 5:30 P.M. SATCBDAY - - - - 7:30 P.M. WEAF A BEN ROCKE PRODUCTION TED RUI> EDDY-BURSTON ORCH. Second Stinsoh FELTMAN'S MAPLE GARDENS CONET ISLAND, NEW rORK Manneromont Tom O'Connell ll>60 Broadway • JOE • HAYMES ■« AND HIS C.B.S. ORCHESTRA Steel Pier, Atlantic City -WABC-C.B.S.—Wed., Fri., Sat. Columbia, Brunswick, Victor • Records • Extilufiive M(?t. C.ft.fl. Arll8t(i Itureixu RALPH WONDERS, Mgr.