Variety (Sep 1933)

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t2 VARIETY Tuesdaj, Septemliicr 5, I933 ESTABLISHED 1898 WILLIAM MORRIS AGENCY, Inc. MAYFAIR THEATRE BUILDING, NEW YO Cable: WILLMORRIS, NEW YORK For 33 Years The World^s Greatest International Agen^ CHICAGO LONDON PARIS HOLLYWOOD Only IS <Continuecl from, page 67) would be up ugalnst It within a month for lack of good materiaL The material worry through loss of training and testing grounds for vaude acts has been predicted all over for the past five years. Ac- cording to the booHers, the predic- tions have come true. From the acts* viewpoint, opin- ions are similar to those expressed by the boolcers, but the actors are more optimistic about chances for the development of material to.fill the present yawning gaps. The acts contend that with a little more work they can again turn out finished product, and that developing in this After Four Years at the RKO Coliseum NOW in Our 67th CONSECUTIVE WEEK AT THE RKO ALBEE, Brooklyn FABELLO an d His Personality Music More Than Just a Versatile Pit Orchestra Also a Box-Office Builder-Upper era won't require the time needed in the past. I^imitations set by the. lowered playing time standards of' the past several seasons have- taught acts to set themselves in a few weeks. In the past as mUch as a year on the small time was needed. While the bookers vary slightly in the selection of the 15 remaining good standards that each mentions, most of them name the ^me acts, with the total acta selected not amounting to more than 20. SINGER CO. REMODELING BRANDEIS FOR VODULM Offices Moving Chicago, Sept. 4. Joseph Berne, representing the real estate department of the RKO receivers. Is here negotiating with the Metropolitan building In wliich is located the RKO Palace for space for the Western RKO office. RKO office for 14 years htis been in the State-Lake building. ,On ac- count of the rent adjustment for the Palace theatre, the move was requested. Omaha, Sept. 4. Vaudeville was made a certainty with the letising of the Brandels theatre by a company headed by Mort Singer. Negotiations for a Ave year lease with a five year op- tion on the property, owned by the Brandeis Investment Co., were completed Tuesday (29). Singer's associate In the deal Is Morgan C. Ames, formerly RKO Orpheum di- visional manager with headquarters in Omaha. The Brandeis ranks as city's old- est downtown house. House has a short main floor, a balcony, and a gallery with a fair size stage, equipment 'is obsolescent and house is not wired. This necessitates ex- tensive renovations. Ames an^ nounced work as planned would re- quire about a month. This would .make the house ready to open with vaude and pictures about Oct.. 1. New lessees also say that some road shows may be brought in. Seating capacity Is now 1,600, but this will ba Increased by intended changes. Negotiations of Ralph Goldberg to secure the World theatre for presentation of vaudeville are still current. This is the original vaude possibility, before Singer and Ames stepped in. See Price Battle Over Frisco Orpheum Scale San Francisco, Sei)t. 4. Although Mike Marco and Wil- liam B. Wagnon hope to have their Orpheum open this Friday (6), initial picture isn't set yet, neither is the film product to follow. Orlg Inal opening date was Sept. 2. Theatre will have a Marco-staged presentation with Rube Wolf as m.c. Prices may be 25 and 40 cents, Which might start an admission battle in the town which. has held all combination picture-stage show prices up to 65 cents. Wagnon hopped to Salt Lake City late last week to attend the Sept. 1 opening of the Orpheum there, which he and Marco also u operate. hternational Favorites Always a stand- ard European attraction Played the Palladium theatre just a year ago on their fifth re- turn'to London. Now scoring solidly at home This week (Sept. I) Albee, Ciqcinnati European and American Favorites SAMMY LEWIS and PATTI MOORE Direction IRVING TISHMAN JOE MORRIS, with DOROTHY RYAN EXTEND THEIR GREETINGS TO MR. BLACK AND MR. PARNELL OF LONDON, ENGLAND, TELLING THEM ONCE AGAIN HOW MUCH THEY ENJOYED THEIR EIGHT WEEKS IN LONDON IN SEPTEMBER AND OCTOBER OF 1932 LONDON REPRESENTATIVES FOSTER AGENCY and DICK HENRY AMERICAN REPRESENTATIVES CURTIS & ALLEN and LYONS & LYONS