Variety (Sep 1933)

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/ ^SCREEN STAGE PRICE -J' ree Ladies' Aid Cuts h Lawti i, Ind., Sept, 11. A free vaude^ile show even Tuesday night hsu been given in a| ,open field adjaceit to the gener^a store herd! throiug; j|>ut,,the summei^ ]?«arl mckini^n> 1 pcai Impresarlol ^KHtaOteiii ^IB stuh«or the Ice cr^aniE 4Mii^eii8|ioi||t^^^^ On bi| recent fuesday' ii^pUr Ifaere Werei MZ acts ranging from, mere tots lo decrepid old flddlena^, the hopiiQ^lent of all the .surrounding count »s. i I^awton iis a mer ^watering trough '.^ttsisttng of chu ^h, school, store And hlacksmlth sh p, with scattered I nomesteads, so by Comparison' Win- I ^ac with its free K'ore show as re- ][K>rted in VARuaci is a congested ICTJnm^ysiae is ga-ll dm^TtKlTv'fiude- yille. Farmers Nice to Tourists ound /here are constitute prob- ost enthusiastic foregather of a Jshow-stafved. The; fi-^ibly the world's j'iiudlence when thi Tuesday. Sevdralfhundred drive in i^aoh week. So much prostilbrity for the ice ! vtedxa concession brought the ' pliiLtea' Aid S6cl<^ of Ijawton for- [iiaf^ with their mitts out, Church- l^ii^fmen. put on ao much pressure lltickman had to 'cUt them in on the Ijice cream net. pmKEEtERASim FfllB'WAVtK. i — ^^'AI Jolson and. Ruby Keeler as a %tage combination wftiit $25,000 iguaranteed t^galflist a' Percentage of the t;ro8s for a week'Li^figageii^^ •it the Capitol, New Ttpjj^ Kegotia- ;ttons with Loew's throWh Morrison 'A Winkler, are oft iSor the week of Oc Whether the Jolso: the asking price I X^st time Jolsbn n i«I as a single he mntee. That waa Unverifled repori getting the liqqrning the whoi io the fund for 4ir Germany Par's Music that figure 6. ;et it or not it a record. y«d the Capi- ■',$20,000 guar- yeara ago. Is that Jolson. contemplates ^^uarantee over of the Jews Not wanting to discourage people interested. In attend- ing the fair at Chicago,'c6p3 are unusually lenient with spieeders or other traffic vio- lators on the way to the windy town. ■ Motorists report sur- • prising, courtesy^ and patience ton thd hiirbway as well as in [passing'/ through towns. Believed word has gone out lot to ruin Chicago's golden rg. IN RACKET-EXPOSES MAE WESTWSONGS HOT? HiV^. Rogers, Jr., scion of the Standard Oil family, is said to have $l,OO0loo in cash from the family; whlcKjpwhetber tbd amount is more or leik is being utilized by the youth ^r indie/film production in New 'mt'k. has taken swank east sii9 offices and will utllizo one of thei^ong Island studios when and IL^r Sole (tfdviso by Rogers, Sr., be hind th«Vift, Is that each film be desIgned||or upllfit purposes, with a regenenitive. finale, wblch has prompted^oung Rogers to go In for a seriea iSixacket-ezpose features. The first iliiU be the Inside on'the racketeerlfi antecedents of oil curious sl%lght in vUw of the family ' fori^ne being so closely linked wItl»K j[he Ro^icetellers. A.feature.|f Rog^n?, Jr.' , offices is the' desk, ^hich was the original piece of fiiMtiture used by the founder of % family fortune, his father's fath». ^ho pioneered with John D. Rockifeiler, Sr., In Stand- ard Oil. V; School ells Go Home rmyr Music Off Par's Spltze ^h0 Harms general manager »UP of publishers, Albee, Brookli dozen or so ne week for its st; gals In the lltie u!3e were Importc Columbus, and there pronto to g' Girls were bro OUT OF THE ID 14,000,000 Visitors Put $140,000,000 in Circula- tion—Coin Cleans Up He^ ceivers and Mprtgajgr Everjrliodly a Winner THEATRES' NEW DEAL Chicago, Sept. 11. Chicago is tearing up the mort- gage to th« old farm. And the Wo!;M>.,£||i.r .|9..4l*4^1«^^ >Viri»o. Jlcjw t^x ^«Hilt-*h«^«C^tm<»tit*«iwith«^ needed cash to sh'ojB the sheriff to the showers. In three short months Chijcago's 3,000,000 people have climbed out of the red and have kicked the wolf in the kisstfr. Show .busines* ikarticu- larly has helil>ed itself to a share of the World's Pair monOy^ pie, With tho cashiertf one*, more iearnirig what SFtO means., in 90 cfaye the theatres hava chasad' the receivers* cleaned up bankruptcie8b> - and •h'ewmen who were out in the cold last year, are (Continued on page 63) *mW'- a Jones and Field loop Rej^i^^ Looking Ahead At those radio press lunch- eons more and more dramatic and -film reviowers are show- ing up, 'just to get a load of WhaVs what In this heW show business. ' "We'll all be working radio in- another fe>w. years,'; according to one critic, 'so it's not a bad idea to get in on it while it's atiU niore. or less new.' mmfs has to hire a chorus girls this acti 'Chirtfeen 24 currently in rOm Dayton and e to go back high school, t in by Alex .sScomlng ^lf^,^^SmS^o£ -m«mU) P*«tur(|o^^u^^^»^^t^ ^ r..^ con^erne J Spltzer merely Led that th^catalog Of Famous ..wic corp. waJjUoo ^'i"' fone^ are by;lBam Goslow and ^hur JOhnstoife ^While pertinent the tenor ot tbo-film, .taken by -selves the l;|rxics are deemed y fittucy i«r *he' home piano or ' mte^steoi 50% in Famous tout i9>*''Vileged ,to place Its elscwjre. ander Ouraansky, ^ee stager, aft er they won. som« Jfeateur contests In the middle wcstti One Blonde| choice j num .-blonde^ , New York, ■?1G a week, floor show .nt across as much, showing ts at the ago and. ow. She Palace ;he nite TBmlly Daj-rell, usherette at tfie is back usheiretting rather than strip in at the Paradise rest; the street for three tl NTQ saw Miss Di the customeris to theJr Palace a couple of vfe* engaged her foe his floo quit and returned to. When asked to i>eel 1 clubbers. ■Radio has not only exerted an ex traordinary code of morals upon un popular music, say the publisl^ors, but the effect that this ether censor ship has. had on the music Industry is: sharply reiQected in the latest screen ' musicals from Hollywood. Whatever may be the sexy tones and overtones bf the film's story and dia- log,' the lyrics In the score are com- ing through Impeccably proper. , The- .publishers whose knuckles have, been rapped by the. network censors in recent months are re sponsible for this quiet revolution in the confecting of moon and June rhymes at the studios. A series of tiffs with the web bluepenbiUers, and with the latter invariably standing pat, has convinced the music men or else, meaning the loss of air plugs for the picture. The publishers passed the meissage on to Hollywood and! Hollywood took mindful hote. Where producing firms have their own publishing subsidi- aries or partnerships the scrutiny for the suggestive and possibly ob-. jectionable has been particularly keen w;ith the heads of the latter houses" right on the studio spot to scan and advise. , mmymmm Soveral vaudevillians' have l>eeh reported biapkUsted by thar.vCuinard, White Star, and, United StatesXlnes. Reason is tbat their conduct, aboard shlp.was not fanci^ it la jaald. ' According't<^ tiie shipping interr ests^ there Is a right and wrong way to accept the hospltaltty of payMg passengers^: sonke of the'.ikerform- era who .were dea^lheaded. in xetum for their appearancesr It'Itr claimed, In ttie night club aboard ship pvet- iBteppedy .Id consequonpe,' these per- formers are .but for future 6ruis.e8« on .the . other luind, andvgiviiig a different picture of vaudeviltlana when mingling with the elite, ma^y actors have made 'ropeat trips and enjoy-rating with the st^ameihipa. Social angle is ^Uibre Important than actuat performing talent-as a popu- lar perspnaUtir gets across In the night, club regardless. Qt! ability. Oniy two or thrive i^i^ormances ate given during a i;wb-w6ek.^cru1£e, but the a,ctors are on deck anVl lA the. salons 'with the first class pas^^ sengers dallyi That's whiero the reps. ar«. made.. Chicago, Sept. jll. Marshall Field Sstate^; .w^ch owns more Chicaero propeHy than any other outfit, Ifl in 8h«^ bust'^ ness. Field Bstate I^ iRigur^d ok/its., loop holdings' at .appro^mately ona billion dollars, of,Which,about tTG^^^^ 00o;000 Is taken ui^^^ by aAAttdbmetift properties,. ■ This huge sum iii shb'tr blisihesa is divided up Into fiuct^ realty as the Chicago theatre pirbl^rty and LiOOp^EInd building, the Woodii ther atre building, the St^te-Itakd Loop Goes Timcis Sq^ Gets First Yap Wagon Chicago, Sept. 11. Icago now.has .the flr^t rubber hieck Wagon in the history of, the Loop. Parked on the Loop's main cor- ner, it Is a copy of the New York type, rubberneck bus, with . femme shills' all sot and Doc. Jfones splel-t ers. Visitors are being Invited to take a peek at the naughty nite clubs of Chinatown, the Mexican quart er.. , the ^Ghetto,. - New.9|iaper- had tQ ttUce. back lELpst ot thietw propeftles from th^ lea^biioldata; For, tli^r first six months it tried to nit^ the- theatres on a buaiiiMi^ angto, iand ^nade a mess bf it, They found ishow bu8ines9 beipnff)ii ia thik hands of jsbow people. Eistate has. appblnted Aarbn X JOttoiti', /asj.-gjs^ritiral, :*$u]^i*vla0r:. numager of Ijtsjtheati^e; hbldii^ in ti^e loop, and ISTormi^ ^i,il4 4>^^ age their theatre*pfflc;o.|»qildin -> - The Field J^iato litui ';ende^ to straie^ten but 4fQme tha.:A pending, using iti» ^ri^i^tig^ 'to 't^P^llF up Jams. wl4cb..'iB(er^:;ataUintf proper functioning of their thieiitresii. RADIO, IN_ Ignace Paderewski^ who has prc)<^ viously spurned radio or piit lilii. price up~ in l-fie Irarefli^d iieigti seriously a radio iiossil>illty iof thi^ fal}.' At. least, possiblb .to::th'e: 63^- tOQt tha^:. the. pianist, is about to the offered thtiQugh. a gorgeous hroch,urb protected, .by. cellophane and bound in lather.. .Understood price Is npw,' within .the . range of ' commercial, consideration., .. , PadereWs'kl notion Is for .a, series, of haif-h'ou^ taaio plckupb oyer a national'' Web,- Radio prograins would be the last half' of full hour concerts, . given before audiences. Pianist insists on the audience and. wants the flrst 30 minutes to get warmed Up bef6re turning on tho kliocycles. RoWi. and, finally, Bughouse Square B'lg play-up of the tour are the Newspaper Row and Bughpu.<?e Square'items. First la due to the influence of the newspaper and gangster films, which portrayed the Chicago news hound as on the in- side of the gang workings and the hero In the final reel. Also, of course, there was the a.<)SQclatlon of tho murder of Jake Llngle, the Chicago 'Tribune' reporter. Song Pliigger Is Judge In Westchester Gount^. Johnny White, Feist's Jiev'^^f'fl J, , ^ • vcssor in lesslonat mgr. and succc a»a»-i-aii with the Arm as t?;^ ^go. With thO he„ became man- the counter 19 yei Incoming of rad ager of Cont When not jts for that medluiU. iu'gglng tunes White, bench In Westchester Sounty.Ji%T:r^»«'^^^^^^^^ scntencj Sessionj e'a a judge of Qeneral that sector of the state*