Variety (Sep 1933)

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Tuesday, September 12, 1933 PICT E GROSSES VARIETY Philly s Rising B.O. Pace Continuing; Dietrich 19G, Rogers 20G, Hepburn 24G Philadelphia, Sept. 11. Plenty of prospects for real busi- ness in the downtown picture houses. That will make three good weeks in a row following about six in which b. o. activity was at a low ebb. A merry battle Is being waged be- tween the Stanley and Fox, both of Which have been well ahead of the average pace, for the last fortnight. The Fox has Rogers in 'Dr. Bull' on the screen and the Duncan Sis- ters as stage headllners. The Stan- ley has Willie and Eugene Howard and a big fashion show put on by a local fur firm and the much- praised 'Morning Glory* (Hepburn) on thd screen. Former should be good for a lively $20,000, while the Stanley ought to get $24,000 at least. 'Song of Songs' Is a natural at the Boyd,, and there's no reason it shouldn't gross $19^000. Not so much is expected at the Stanton where 'Turn Back the .Clock' is the feature nor at the Earle which has an eight-act vaudeville program lacking in big names and 'Goodbye. Again' as picture. The Aldlne, now a tJ. A. house, looks for between $8,000 and $9,000 tor the second week of 'The Mas- querader,' which may or may not Btay a third week. The rain and bad weather Labor Day were the factors that boosted last week's biz well above expected figures. Nearly all grosses ran about $2,000 ahead of anticipations. The Stanley got a corking $22,000 with 'Three Cornered Moon,' and Hal LeRoy heading the stage show. It was the second week of this the- atre's new policy. 'Paddy' surprised by getting a sturdy $16,000 for its second week, while 'The Masque- rader' was well satisfied with $9,- £00 for its first week. The two little houses, Arcadia and Karlton, both did well with sec- ond runs, the former getting $3,000 for seven days of 'Another Lan- guage,' and the latter $4,200 for 'Be Mine Tonight/ The Earle had a satisfactory $13,500 ■ without names, and the Boyd delighted by turning- in the same figure for the second week of 'Tugboat Annie.' Only the Stanton, with a miserable $6,500 for 'What Price Innocence' failed to join the parade. Arcadia (600; 25-40-50)—'Mama Loves Papa' (Par). Should be good here, $2,500' expected. Last week 'Another Language' (MG), good $3,000. Aldine (1,200; 40-65-65)—'The Masquerader' (UA). Got off to a good start, between $8,000-$9,000 figured after last week's $9,700. Boyd (2,400; 40-55-65)—'Song of Songs' (Par). Dietrich picture should be a natural, $19,000 indi- cated and a hold-over. Last week 'Tugboat Annie' (MG), $13,500 for a highly satisfactory second week. Earle (2,000; 40-65)—'Goodbye Again' (FN) and vaude. A fair $12,600 forecast. Last week saw a nice $13,500 for 'Big Executive' (Par) and eight-act bill. Fox (3,000; 35-56-75)—'Dr. Bull' (Fox) and stage show. House step- ping up stage shows to compete with Stanley. Duncan Sisters headllners this week. Strong $20,- 000 figured. Last week 'Paddy, the Next Best Thing' (Fox) and stage show, second week, good $16,000. karlton (1,000; 30-40-50)—'Double Hai^ness' (RKO). ^ Second showingf. A nice $4,000 forecast. Last week 'Be Mine Tonight* (U) excellent $4,200. Stanley (3,700; 40-66-75)—'Morn- ing Glory* (RKO) and stage show, Howard Bros, headllners. A big fashion show is also being heavily plugged. Strong $24,000 expected and that figure may be beaten some. Last week 'Three Cornered Moon* (Par) and stage show, cork- ing $22,000 grossed. Stanton (1,700; 30-40-55)—'Turn Back the Clock' (MG). Doesn't look strong, another less than $7,000 gross expected. Last week 'What Price Innocence* (Col) a weak $6,- 600. changer, playing 'Tugboat Annie' full week as a second run. Response okay on reissue of 'She Done Him Wrong' at Paramount as a supporting feature. Estimates for This Week Paramount (Publix) (2,348; 35- 60) 'Big Executive* (Par) and 'She Pone Him Wrong' (Par) revival. Looks set for an okay $7,000. Last week 'Song of Songs* (Par) big $10,700. Palace (Fox-Poli) (3,040; 35-50) 'Masquerader* (UA) and 'Cocktail Hour' (Col(. Opened at a good $7,80Q pace. Last week 'Bway to Hollywood' (MG) and 'Shanghai Madness,' nice at $8,000. Roger Sherman (WB) (2,200; 36- 60) 'Goodbye Again' (WB) and 'Man Who Dared' (Fox). On way to oke $5,000. Last week 'Captured' (WB) did well at $5,800. College (Fox-Poli) (1,666; 36-50) 'What Price Innocence?' (Col) and 'Dangerous Crossroads. As an open- ing bill will probably get a mod- erate $2,800. 10,000 STUDES BACK, LINCOLN IS HAPPY New Haven Stepping Up Its Bally, Par Oke $7,000 New Haven, Sept. 11. ,Everybody opening up e, hit on advertising and exploitation. Busi- ness In general picking up with re- turn of summer vacationers. College, dark for summer, re- opens with scale advanced from 25-40 to 35-50. House will prob- ably have a light play until the opening of Yale brings back the studft trade. Eijou, grind three-a-week Lincoln, Sept. 11. Well, it's her6—the college throws open the doors Monday (11) and welcomes, back some 10,000 studes. It's not the only place that'll have a welcoming hand out as the show- men will be glad to see 'em too. Last week the oflflcial tapping of the money year began with the State Fair, but the showmen made the mistake of thinking Joe Yokel would swallow anything and there were only two shows that got any- thing. The layout this week looks a lot better. The Orph, run down over the last six months by less than inferior stuK, came over to the Indies here with what looked like a situation plenty tough. They put vaude and a good picture in for the first week and they topped the town. Follow- ing right after this success, they're billing Lillian McArdie's 'Show of Shows.' There's one flaw that may show up soon with this reviie idea and that's the squawk the local mu- transient bands. Rialto,. another Indie house, Is booking in a pair of Siamese twins on percentage and that'll make what might be called the second vaude stand. The Stuart or Lin- coln is about due to get some'flesh, so it looks like Broadway or some- thing. The Sun finally opened up repainted and redecorated, and Bpb Livingston sticks three changes per for a dime here. His Capitol is ex- pected to ante and play a better class pic. Next week's biz should be good because it's rush week at all the frats, and theatre parties, etc., are not uncommon. NRA is begin- ning to show a little here and the indications of money being looser in this conservative town are every- where present. Estimates for This Week Colonial (LTC) (750; 10-15-20), 'Shanghai Madness' (Fox) and 'Man from Monterey' (V), split. Typical house stuff $800. Last week 'Phan- tom Thunderbolt' (WW) and 'Last Trail' (Pox) split for nice pot, $950 Liberty (Indie TG) (1,400; 10) 'Eleventh Commandment' (Indie). Will go well to $1,000. Last week 'Vanity Fair' (Indie) and 'Fighting Parsdn' (Allied), split, weak $900 Lincoln (LTC) (1,600; 10-15-25), 'Double Harness' (RKO), Nice ma terial here, $2,000. Last week 'Three- Cornered Moon' (Par) and 'Jennie Gerhardt. (Par), split, pitiful $1,600 Rialto (Indie TC) (10-15-25), 'Parlslenne Romance' (Maj) and Siamese Twins on stage. Good $2,000. Last week 'Face On the Barroom Floor* (Indie) very-weak $900. Orpheum. (Indie TC) (10-15-26), 'Tarzan, the Fearless' (Mono) and Lilian McArdie's Show of Shows on stage. Should push this house up to new recognition, swell $2,700 Last week 'When Strangers Marry' (Col) and Jo Ann Manners Surt Tan revue sent this house off to a dizzy reopening, bringing the gross that had been averaging $400 per week and down, up to a marvelous $2,600. And Is everybody happy! State (Indie TC) (500; 10-15-25), 'Shriek in the Night' (Indie) About the average take for this spot, $800. Last week 'Below the Sea' (Col) went off nicely, $2,000 Stuart (LTC) (1,900; 10-25-35- 55-60), 'Doctor Bull* (Fox), Look.g vory nicely .set to take $3,300. T^ast week 'One F^unday Afternoon' (Par) .somehow didn't appeal, $2,400. WiU Rogers' *Dr. BuU' Strong $4,500, Tacoma Tacoma, Sept. 11. Stage fare at Music Box for en- tire week, with two changes by 'Change Your Luck Company,' col- ored tab, and 'Doctor Bull* in north- west premiere for solid week at Roxy mark local deviation from usual routine. Blue Mouse contin- ues steady grind, with b. o. at so-so rate, on new lower price plan. Pearce gang last week at M. B. again mopped up, running true to its n. w. form, getting wow gross of $8,500. for five days; lines daily; admlsh tilted for the attraction to 35 and 50c. Estimates for This Week Music Box (Hamrick) (1,400; 25- 35)_']yiama Loves Papa' (Par), 'Headline Shooter* (RKO) split, with 'Change Your Luck,* colored revue, on stage. Providing the draw .punch, for expected $6,000. Last week 'College Humor* (Par), three days, did close to $2,000; 'No Marriage Ties' (RKO), five days, with Al Pearce and gang on stage, 36-50C., went to roaring $8,600 for great week's total, $10,600. Year's top dough here. Roxy (J-vH) (1,300; 16-26)— 'Doctor Bull' (Fox). Naturally giv- ing Will Rogers the big type, looks to do a corking $4,600. Last week 'Storm at Daybreak* (MG), three days, slow at $1,200; 'Stranger's Re- turn' (MG), five days, with Labor Day included, great $4,150. Blue Moude (Hamrick) (650; 10- 20)—'Supernatural' (Fox), 'Pleasure Cruise* (Fox), split. Slow at $700. Last week 'Hello, Sister' (Fox), 'Gambling Ship' (Par), split, fair $860. St L Easing Off, Ted Lewis Aids Ambasdr, Big 20G St. Louis, Sept. 11 Competition has cotoled a bit around the cinema houses and everybody concerned seems to be pleased about it Not that the boys have shaken hands, or anything like that, for the Fox and the St. Louis are still at it with a second week of Municipal Opera stars on the stages of both theatres. Fox won a decisive victory in the first week*s battle and seems to have slightly thft advantage in the second engage- J ^ Ambassador has made It a three- and Prelzela, whic B'way Biz Very Hey-Hey; lady Zowie at $95,000, Tenthowse Up To 55G, 'Songs' 42G; 'Bureau There's always something that militates against the box ofllce. This week It's the reopening of schools yesterday (Monday), but this factor won't have much effect adversely on theatre business. While return of kids to school hurts matinee business, among downtown first runs, managers do not consider iv of suflicient danger to get excited. Neighborhoods are hurt consider- ably, however. With only reopening of school season against them this week. New York's first runs are sailing along at the higher level of business which seems to have been established lately. Gone is the red-ink plague, and together with more patronage at theatres better attractions are being turned out for the box .office. Again the Music Hall is the lead- er. It is ploughing deep into film- goers' coffers with 'Lady for a Day' at a corking $96,000. 'Power and the Glory,' from a 3 % - weeks' run at the Gaiety aa a roadshow, is booked for Thursday (14). Getting back its momentum after a tough summer, the Paramount will top last week's good $38,500 for a fine $42,000 or better on 'Song of Songs,' which had a profitable $1.65 top run at the Criterion. Picture will hold a second week at this figure. Capitol also is better up in the money and currently looks to a big $66,000 or more from 'Penthouse' and, on its stage, Barbara Stan- wyck. Between the two, fine draft is provided and, unless pace slack- ens, a holdover is in sight here, too. Another house expectant of a big- time gross Is the'Strand, where a $30,000 week threatens on 'Bureau of Missing Persons,' which has had a swell teaser ad campaign to help. Riding on the crest of improved business all around, the Rlvoli is getting a good play with 'Masquer- ader'. On its second week, picture looks to hit big $26,000 and should prove strong enough for a total of four weeks. 'Voltaire' at the Hollywood, with $13,000 expected this week, remains a fourth and getting more than ex- pected when it opened. 'I Loved a Woman 'opens- here Sept. 20. Rialto brings in 'Secret of the Blue Room' today (Tuesday) after cornered fight with Ted Lewis and his company as ammunition. Lewis is doing what was expected of him, that is, bringing In the customers in paying quantities, and that without much help from the screen. The week's big surprise is the In- terest in a revival of Mae West's 'She Done Him Wrong.' Pix played first run engagement here soon after release, then made rounds of neigh- borhoods, and now Is back at the. Grand Central as featured part of a double bill. Program opened big and unless it drops off will do a sensational $7,009, which will mean plenty of profit in view of fact little was paid for privilege of reviving the picture. Otherwise it's the same story. Loew's and Missouri continue to make a little money, but it looks like a few more thousand will be sunk at the St. Louis this week. Theatre dropped around $10,000 on program with which house was opened after eight months of dark- ness. Fox holding over entire bill for two extra days and stage show, tab version of 'No, No, Nanette,' for full week. Plx changed Sunday. Lots of profit In the nine days and prob- ably some more this week. Estimates for This Week Ambassador (Skouras) (3,000; 25- 35-66) 'She Had to Say Yes' (FN) and Ted Lewis on staere. Lewis ac- counting for the big $20,000 film helping but little. Last week 'Three- Cornered Moon' (Par), fair $14,000. Fox (Fox) (6,000.; 25 - 35 - 50) 'Shanghai Madness' (Fox) four days only and Muny Opera stars on stage, opens today. Last week 'Paddy' (Fox) and Muny Opera stars on stage, a wow, $30,000 in nine days. Grand Central (Skouras) (2,000; 25-35-50) 'She Done Him Wrong' (Par), revival, and 'Secret of Blue Room' (U). Big $7,000 In prospect. Last week 'Song of Bongs' (Par), second week, fair $4,000. Loew's State (Loews) (3,000; 25- 35-55) 'Masquerader' (UA). Colman pulling a good $12,000. week 'Broadway to Hollywood' (MG), $11,600. Missouri (Skouras) (3,500; 25-35- 50) 'This Day and Age' (Par). Fair at $6,000. Last week 'One Sunday Afternoon' (Par), $8,000, good, St. Louis (Ind) (6,000; 25-35-55 'Morning Glory' (RKO) and Muny Opera stars on .stage. Poor at $14,- 000, little better than last week 'Her Bodyguard' (Par) and Muny Opera star.s, $13,000. two-a-day basis, succeeding 'Power and Glory' (Fox), which closed Sun- day night (10) after a run of three weeks and five days. Third week's gross was $8,000, and for final five days, $4,600. Hollywood (1.563; 25-35-55-75-85- $1.10)—'Voltaire' (WB) (3d week). Has been, standing up well and with . change in weather ishould beat sec- ond week's take of $12,300, Warnerp' figuring it to possibly hit $13,000. Mayfair (2,200; 36-55-66)—'I Have Lived' (Freuler) (2d week). After ekeing out $7,600 on the first seven days ending last night (Monday), is being held for part of a second week. Palace (1,700; 25-40-55-76) 'Paddy' (Fox) and vaude. Indications point to a fair $10,000. Last week ■'Morn- ing Glory' (RKO) got the benefit of the Labor Day holidiy for a juicy $16,000. Paramount (3.664; 35-66-75) 'Song of Songs' (Par) and stage show. Dietrich flicker, over from Criterion run, will strike $42,000 or better airtS—' hold. Ijast Week, 'One Sunday After- noon' (Par) built to a good $38,600, exceeding expectations. Radio City Music Hall (6,946; 36- 66-76) 'Lady for a Day* (Col) and stage show. Aided by good ex- ploitation and selling, the answer at the boxofflce will be In the neigh- borhood of $96,000, excellent Pre- vious Incumbent, 'One Man's Jour- ney' (RKO) upset most dope with the holiday and out-of-town trade running the gate receipts up tp $102,900, close to the high. Rialto (2,000; 40-66-;fffii) 'Moonlight and Pretzels* (U) (3rd week). Ended its third week last night (Monday) with $12,000 in the till, after a sec- ond week of $16,600. 'Secret of the Blue Roona (U) opens today (Tues- day). Rivoli (2,200; 40-55-76-85) 'Mas- querader' (UA) (2nd week). Col- man picture heading for a Wbrthy second week's pot of $26,000. Got $33,200 the first seven days, big. RKO Roxy (3,626; 35-40) 'Paddy* second week's pot of 'The Wrecker' (Col), three days. This duo on week, based on what 'Paddy' is do- ing, should get $9,000, slight. Last week's doubleton, 'Morning Glory' (RKO), four days, and 'Don't Bet on Love' (Fox), three days, $18,000, good. its third week showed good draft up to the last. House might have held picture a fourth week but for the way pictures already booked be- gan piling up and distributors wanted playdates. Commitment on 'Thunder Over Mexico' was to play it on or before Sept 16. It follows 'Blue Room', coming In Tuesday (19). Old Roxy falls doWn on 'Man Who Dared,' with Nick Kenny on the stage, or about $18,500, while the other Roxy (RKO), to be re- named the RKO Center, is hopeful of landing around $9,000, weak. State has been stepping away ahead of the Palace right along and currently will maintain Its lead over the. other combination house with expectations of a hitful $23,000 or better with 'Tugboat Annie'. Palace win be considerably behind at $10,000, but much better than It was doing in July and early August. Picture at Pal currently is 'Paddy'. Mayfair, Palace's neighbor In straight pictures, Is holding 'I Have Lived' for all or a part of a second week, starting today (Tuesday) after first seven days' take of $7,500. Walter Reade holds pictures' until they go under $760 a day, then tosses 'em without notice. 'Dinner at Bight* continues stout- ly at the Astor, getting $20,600 on its second week. It will have new roadshow competition tomorrow night (Wednesday) when Fox brings "Berkeley Square* into the Gaiety. Advance sale on 'Berkeley- better than It was on either 'Pil- grimage' or 'Power and the Glory.' Toward the end of the month Universal reopens the Criterion with 'S.O.S. E.sklmo.* U. had the liouse a short while back for a re- turn engagement of 'Be Mine To- night,' musical. Estimates for This Week Astor (1,012; 83-$1.10-$1.65-$2.20) —'Dinner at Klpht' (MG) (3d week). Look.s to be in for a long and healthy run. On Its second week $20,600, big. Capitol f5,400; 35-72-83-$1.10- $1.65)—'I'entliouse' (MG) a!nd stage .show, liarbara Stanwyck on a per- .sonal helping to kite week's take to a fine $55,000 chance. Will hold over at tliis figure. Last week 'Broadway to Hollywood' (MG) finally w(;;ikened to just under 540.000. Gaiety (808; 55-$l.lO-$l.C5)— 'Uerkeloy Square' (Fox). Opens tomorrow night (Wedne.sday) on 7> at $12,00i' ou Tjaretf txrox.r£i blUtles point to a. $18,600 week, light. 'Her First Mate* (U) dragged in a lot of coin the previous week, $28,000. State- (2,900; 36-55-76) 'Tugboat Annie* (MG) and vaude. Dressier- Beery comedy will make It another big week for this Loew combination, $23,000, perhaps over. Last week 'Golddiggers' (WB) did the trick sweetly, enticing a munificent $25,- 000. This Is real business for the State, like the old days. Strand (2,900; 35-55-76) 'Biureau of Missing Persons' (WB). Will be retained a second week on strength of $30,000 chance the first seven days. Last week 'Goodbye Again' (WB) failed to hold up as expected, $15,000. GOOD VAUDFUM BOOMING PROV. Providence, Sept. 11. Some dandy stage and screen en- tertainment in town this week, and with a little support from the weather things should be quite rosy. Fay's and Loew's State are continuing their jockeying for top position with live entertainment as the chief bait,. Fay's Is doing everything possible to be ahead of the parade this Sea- son. Now in the second week of the new season. Fay's Is spending plenty of dough on ballyhoo and is trying to fortify its position by giv- ing theatregoers plenty of show. This week Fay's is headed by Va- lalda Snow and 15 all-colored en- tertainers with Bomby and his gang second in Importancu. 'Life In the Raw' on screen, all for 40c top. Nothing of any Importance at Loew's on the stage this week, but the going seems to be fairly good. 'The Masquerader,' playing on the screen, is way ahead of any pre- vious. Colman picture .-shown at Loew's, largely due lo other Col- man picture prp stage support. Fay's shoi> neighborlip^ a sllght'- week. 1 of the ,. the week (Cor/ Lsly having ell In the tills stanza. r ^