Variety (Sep 1933)

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48 VAmrr RADIO Tuesday, Sepfeiolier 12, 1933 OUTSTANDING PROGRAMS ON THE AIR NATIONAL iTaking in chain programs of coast-to-coast or regional hookups. Lisiting artist, chain and Jeey station, iime—EDST, om of Ifeto Yorh— and days, if more than once weekly, commercial and advertising agency on the account. The time difference according to geogr^^ mn be figured out for local reference accordinglif.) * (This and Next Week, Sept. 12 to Sept. liB) (All Time EDST) Julia Sanderson and Frank Ci'Umtt, Parker . Fennelly, Jack Shilkret orchestra, ^^lackstdne Plantation.' 3^8:30 WEAP-NBC (Black- Stdne Cigars).. Raymond Paige's orchestra and Soloists. California Melodies.' iroxo Don Lee chain on' the west coast via WA^C-CBS. 10-10:45 p;m, . The Goldbergs, with. Gertrude Berg; Jdmea Waters, 7:46r8 p.m., NBC-WEAF. Also Wed;, Thurs., Fri, & Moiu (Pjfepsodent). (I^ord . & Thomas ageitcy'). I Amos 'n' Jindy, 7-7.15 p.m., NBC- WJfZ. Also Wed,,. Thurs., Pri. &' Mon; Itebroadcac^t for the midwest aiid we^t 10 p.m.. CPST (Pepso- d^nt). Clara, liu 'n' Ein, Louise. Starky, laabelle Carothers arid Helen King, 10:15-10:30 a.m., NBC-WJZ. Also Wed., Thurd., Fri.;. and Mon. (Palm- olive): (Lord ■ &: Thomasi i ageilcy) .-• Little Orpli&ti Annie, 6:45-6 p.m/.. NBC-WJZ: Also Wed.. Thurs-* Fri & MoA. (Ovaltiue) (Blackett-Sam- ple-Hummert).. Ben Bernie citdhestra, 9-9.30 p.m., NBC-WEAF (Blue .Blbbojp Malt) (Matt.e^pn<:FogaJ?ty-Jordan agency). LotoeihTftomaSt 6:46r7 p.m., NBC- WJZ. Also Wed.. Thurs., FrL & Mon. (Sun. Oil Co.) (Hbche. Wil- liams '&;C()nnlngh%m agency). Honselibld Musical' Memories, £>d- jiar A.' QiiiBst, Alice Mock, Josef Koeistner orcliestrd, 10-10:30 t>.tn, NBC-WJZ. (Household ^lnanc6 C6rp.) (Charles Daniel Fry^ency) •Skippy,' 6-B:15 p.m., CBS-WABC. iAIso Wed., Thurs., Fri. & Mon. (Phillips Dental Magnesia) (Black- ettrSample-Hummert). Boake Carter, 7:45-8 p.m., C9BS- .TVABC. Also Wed.. Thurs., Prl. & .;M6h. (Philco). Eddie East axid Kalph Durnke, John Male, , Bon Yoorheesf orch., NBCJ WEAP, 9:30-'10 p.m. (Texaco) (Hanif-Metzger), Eno' Crime Clues, . With Edward Re'ese, John MacBtyde, 8-8:30, f^G-WJZ. (Harold P. Rlfcbie fii Co ) (N. W. Ayery. WEDNESDAY (8EPT.;13) Fannie Brice, George O Jsen music (Chase & Sanborn Tea), WCAP- NBC, '8-8 r30 p.m; (J." ' Walter Thompson agency.) ' Potash and Perlmutter iJos. GreenU)dld and Lou Welch), "yVJZ- NBC, 8:30-8^46 p^m. (Feenamint) - (McCahn-Erlckson). The Poet. PHnC(B,. Eunice Howard, reading, NBC-WJZ, 11:15-11:30 p.m Irvin ,8. Cob}> and Al Goodman's orchestra, 9r9:15 p.m., CBS-WABC (Good Gulf). Also Fri., same time (Cecil. Warwick & Cecil), Guy Lomhardo's orchestra ' and Burns and Allen, 9:30-10 p.m., CBS- ;WABC. (White Owl cigar) (J. Wal- ter Thonipson). Fred taring's Pennsylvdriians and Milton Berle, Harry Richman, 110-10:30 p,m., CBS-WABC (Old ;Gold); (Lennon .& Mitchell). , Edtoin (7. Hill, news; 10.30-10:45 I p.m., CBS-WABC. ; One Man's Family, sketch by \ Carlton E. Morse, with Anthony ''Smythe, 9:30-10 p.m., NBC-WEAF, I originating from NBC San Francis- ! CO studios. i Morton Doioney; :15 p.m., CBiS jWABC. Also PfL . i Cyrena Van Gordon, Walter Gold^, .accompahist, 7:30-7:45 p.m.i NBC! WJZ. (Djer IClss Cosniietics.) \yRicHard Hi-niber, oirchestra. from i Essex House, 7:30-8 p;m.; NBC- • AJexdnder Woollcotty 'Thie Tbwn Crier/ 10:30-10:45^ CBS-WABC: also Fri. • ■ ■ kdie Smith, 9:15-9:30, CBS-WABC; Boswell duptihg, 8: , Freddie Rich, cdri- , CBS-WABC. THURSDAY (SEPT. 14) ^ Rudy Vallee-Fleischmann variety program, Buster Keaton, Fay Bainter, Moran and jfdcfc, WeAP-NBC, 8-9 p.m. (Pleischmann's Teast) (J. Wal i ter Thompson. ■ Cap'n Henry's Show Boat, including \Chas. Winninger, Lanny Ross, An I nc**e HanshaWi Muriel Wilson, Mo^ .lasses *n' January, Don Toorhees orchestra, WEAF-NBC, 9-10 p.m. .(Maxw ell Hous e. ^ Coffe e)- (Beiatbu^ & Bowles). . Glenn Gray's Casa L&ma orch ' mldnite to 12:30 a.m.; CBS-WABC. Al J Olson, Paul Whiteman, Deems Taylor, ni.c, and variety show, 10- II p.m., NBC-WEAF. coast-to-coast (Kraft-Phenlx Products) (J. Wal- ter Thompson). . ■ 'Singln' Sam,' 8:15-8;30, CBS' WABC. (Barbaaol) (Erwin Wasey) IpAY (SEPT. 15) Cities. Service .hour,..with Jesstcd Dragonette, the Cavaliers (Henty Shbpe. Frank Parker. Johii Seagle Elliott Shaw, Lee Montprbrnervi Frank Bdntd and Milton Rettenlterg, ROsarid Bourdon's orchestra, WEAF- NBC, 8-9 p.m. (Cities .iSeryIce Gaso- line) (Lord & Thomas). Fred ATleii, Portldnd Hoffd, Jack Smart, Roif AtWell, PhU Duey, Eileen Douglas, Ferdie' Grofe orchestra, 9- 9:30 p.m., .WEAP-NB(> (Best Poods) (Benton & Bowles). Rose Kearie and Chdrles Lduyrence, Lee Wiley, Paul Small, Victor Young brchestra, WEAF-NBC, 9:30-<lO p.iiL (Ponds* Cream) (J. Walter Thomp- son). Floyd Gibbons, . Headline 'Hunter, NBC-W JZ» 10:45 -11 p.m. 'First Nighter,' with June Meredith,. Don. Ameche, Carlton Bricjfert and Cliff Soubier, 10-10:30 p.m., NBC- WJZ (Campana Italian Balm) (Mc- Cann Ericksoh). Armour Hour, with Phil Baker, Harry McNaughtoUi Merrie Men, Neil Sisters^ Roy Shield orchestra,-9.30-lQ p.m., NBC-WJZ (Armour Packing): (N. W. Ay$r agency). •Let's Listen to Harris,' Pfc« Harris iahd orchestra, LeaTi Ray, 9'9:i0 p^ta., NBC-WJZ (Cutex) (J. Walter Thompson); Andre ° Kostelanetz presents, with Mary Eastman, Evan Evans, 9:30-10 p.m., CBS-WABC. Lum and Abner's Oldtlme Sociable, 10:30-11 p.m,. NBC-WEAP, originat- ing from WtaM. ^ (Ford dealers) (Critcbfleld agency)'. Ethel Shutta, Walter O'Keefe, Don Bestor's band, 8-8:30 p.m., NBC-WJZ. :(Ne8tle's Chocolate) (J. Walter Thompson). Clifford Soubier, Harry Kogen direct ing, NBC-WJZ out of Chicago, 9-9:30 p.m. (Sinclair OH) (Erwln Wasey). Jack Frost Melodies with Josef Pas- temack's orchestra and guest artist, 9:30-10 p.m. (National Sugar Befln- ihg) Gotham agency). Morgan L. E<istman orchestra, Gene Arnold, Lullalyy Lady^ 10-10:30 p.m., NBC. (No N. J. release) (Car- nation Milk) (Erwin Wasey agency). 1X)CALSH0WS (Einhracing jsame data as Na- tional programs, piping time, artists, comiiiercidlf agency, etc., of locdt programs, not on a nettQork hoof^- up, regional or natior^t.) NEW YORK (SEPT. 12 TO SEPT. 18) (All Time EDST) SATUflDAY (SEPT. 16) . Rex Battle Concert ensemble^ WEAF-NBC out of Torontb (via CRCT), 1:30-2 p.m. Week-end Revue, variety show, NBC-WEAP. 4-5: Ferde Grofe orchestra, Conrad TMbaUlt^ WEAP-NBC, 9-9:16 p.m. (Philip Morris Cigaret) (Blow agency). . B. A. Rolfe orchestra, with Rwiy Wiedoft, WEAF-NBC, 10-11 pjn, ! (H u d s o n - E s s e X) • (Blackman agency). , Glen jGray and Cdsa Lomd orches- tra, 7:30-8 p.m., CBS-WABC; SUNDAY (SEPT. 17) Alfredo's marimba orchestra, WEAF-NBC, 10:30-11 am- Major Bowes' Capitol Family from Capitol theatre, N. Y.^ 11:15 a.m.-12:16 p.m., WEAP-NBC. va- riety show,, with Maria Silviera, Han- nah Klein, Nicholas Concentino, Tom iicLaughlin, Four Minute Men, Waldo Mayo, Yasha Bunchuk conducting. Jimmy Durante, Ruth Etting, Ru hinoff's orchestra, WEAiF-NBC, 8-9 :p.m. (Chase & Sanborn Coffee) (J. Walter Thompson). Col. Louis McHenry Howe, Presi- dent Roose.velt's secretary. 10-10:15 p.m., WEAP-NBC. . Walter Trp,ml>ull interviewing him on- national affairs. (RCA Victor.) Radio City Music Hall Concert, Roxy (S. L. Rothafel) as m.c., .with Erno Rapee's. orchestra; choir .and soloists. 12:15-1:15 p.m,. WJZ-NBC George M. Cohan, The Revelers, Al Goodman's orchestra, WJZ NBC, 9:9-30 p.m.. (Good Gulf Gaso- line) (Cecil. Warwick & Cecil); Frank Crumit and Julia Sanderson, 5:30-6 p.m., WABCtCBS (Bond Bread) (Batten, Barton, etc.S The Gauchds, Vincent- Sorey con- ductlng, with Tito GUizar,;, WABC-CBS. Vincent Lopez; Alice Joy^ 7:30^8 p.m., NBC-WJZ. (Real Silk) (Erwin Wasey).. Manhattan Meixy-Go-Round, Ta- mara, David Percy^ Men About Town, Gene Rodemich orchestra, 9-9-30 p.m., NBC-WEAF. (Lyon's Tooth Powder) (Blackett-Sample-Hummert). American. Album of Familiar Mu- sic, Frank Munn, Elizabeth Lennoas, Ohman and Arden, Bertrand Hirsch, Gus Haenschen orchestra, 9:30-10 p.m„ NBC-WEAF. Bayer's Aspirin) (Blackett-Sample-Hummert). Willdrd Robison'a Deep River sym- phony, 5-5.16 p.m.i CBS-WABC. Also ■Thursaa5^r^o'Ti:B^roTJ5~p.m: • ■' Symphony Hour, Howard Barlow, directing, 4-5 p.m., CBS-WABC. MONDAY (SEPT. 18) . A&P (jypsies, Hairy Horlick di- recting, Frank Parker, WEAF-NBC 9-9:30 p.m. (Atlantic & PaciflcV. Sinclair Minstrels, Gene Arnold, Joe Parsons, Bill Childs, Mac Mc0loud, TUESDAY (SEPT. 12) Eddy Brown, violinist, with mlnlar tui-e symphony maestroed by George S/iocfclei/, 8:30-9 p.m., WOR. Footlight Echoes, directed' by Ceo, Shackley, LeUHs Reid announcer, 9 :30-10 p.m., WOR. ReinaJd. Werrenrath, barytone, 7:46-8, WMCA. s 'Sleepy Time Lady,' May Sprintz, 6:15r6:30, WINS. Same time every day but Sun.' Gabriel Hedtter.. news comment, 7:46-8 p; m., WOR. Also every other day but Sun. (Ebling Brewing Co.). WEDNESDAY (SEPT. 13) Phii Napoleon's orch., Merrill Lee, 9-9:30 p.m., WEAFl (Hudson- Esdex:) (Blackman agency). Pappy, Zeiee . and Ezra^^ 10-10.30 p.m., WMCA, Also Sun., Mon. and Fri. Market and Halsey Street Play- house, Roger Bower, m.c.; Lee Croni'. can, conductor, 10:30-11 pjn., WOR. Beniamino Riccio, baritone, 9-9:30 p.m., WMCA (Simmons Toiirs). THURSDAY (SEPT- 14) • 'Men of WOR,' variety, Sherman JE'eene directing, Grenadiers Quartet, Walter Ahrens^ 10:30-11 p.m., WOR. Merle Alcock, soprano) 9-9:30 p.m., WMCA. Jlferle Johriston's Saxophone Quar- tet and Paulitie Alpert, pianist, 7.45-8 p.m;, WOR. FRIDAY (SEPT. 15) Harold Stern's orchestra, 8:46-9 p.m., WOR (Crystal Corp.). Hendrik- de Leeuw, 'Taies of a Globe . Trotter; 8:15-8:30 p.m., Wevd. Bronx Marriage Bureau, Julie. Bernstein, Hyman Brotcn, 9-9:16 p.m,. WOR. Jennie Goldstein, p.m., WMCA. SATURDAY (SEPT. 16) Jack' Denny's Orch., Sigmund iSpaeth, Shirley Howard, 8-8:30 p.m., WJZ. (RheJngold. Beer) (Hanff- Metzger). WOR Little Symi>hony orchestra, Philip James, conducting, 8-9, W^OR. The Cuban Lady, C^uban songs, 2:16-2:30 p.m.; WMCA. SUNDAY (SfePT. 17) • Silverbell, with Sylvia MAller, Madeline Hardy, Elmo Russ, 9:16- 9: 30, WMCA. ■ Woodbury revue, with Roxanne and her orchestra, Al and Lee Reiser, Jack Arthur, 7:30-8 .pm., WOR. Red Lacquer and Jade, George Shackley, directing, Basil RUysdael, narrator, 6-6.30 p.m., WOR. V Margdret Anglin, presents, with Robert Beddete, Organist, 6:30-7 p.m., WOR, 'Radiant RevUe,' Al and Lee Reiser, Jack Arthur, Roxanne, conducting, 7:30-8 p.m., WOR (Woodbury cos- metics) (J. Walter Thompson). Jewish Little Symphony, with Jewish Serenadbrs,. 6-6:30- p.m., WINS. Choir Invisible, Vera OSbome, An- nette Simpson, Veronica Wiggins, John Qhine, David Crdswell, George O'Brien, Jack Keating; George fiAacfcIe2/> directing, 8 :30-9 p.m., WOR,- MONDAY (SEPT. 18) Back Stage with Boris Morros from Paramount theatre, N. T., with Orchestra, soloists, 8:30-9 pjn., WOR. Alfred WaUenstein's Sinfonetta, Veronica Wiggins, soloist, 10:30-11 p.m;; WOR. CHICAGO ^EPT.'iS^Tb" SEPTi^Wr (All ime CDST) WEDNESDAY (SEPT. 13) Palace Theatro Varieties with RKO. stage' talent, 8:30-8?45 p.m., WMAQ. (Staged by John Joseph and NB(C prodjiction staff.) Frank Wilson, Jules Stein, pianist. (Evans Pur Co.) WBBMMl: 30-11:45 a'.tn. Mooseheart Children's Band, WJJD, 1:16-1.45 p.m. (Sustaining.) THURSDAY (SEPT. 14) Adveiitures in Health with Dir. Herman Sundesen, 8.30-8:45 p.Ri>, weekly; WLS. (Horlick's Malted Milk.) (Lord, Thomas. A; Logan;) Story of Helen Trent, 2:30-2:45 p.m. dally except Saturday and Sunday,. WGN. (Bdna Wallace Hopper Co.) (Blackett-Sample- Hummert.) -. Cheri and the Merry Macs (Clima- lene), WlVtAQ, il';ll:l5 a,m.,. twice weekly. FRI DAY (SEPT. 15) Frank Westphal orchestra. Jack Burnett, vocal solbist. WBBM, 7:30- 7:46 p.m. (Sustaining.) SATURDAY (SEPT. 16) Art Linick, 'Happy GO Lucky Time,' WJJD, 8-10 a.m., six times weekly., ..SUNDAY (SEPT. 17) Jules Stein, pianist; Frank Wilson, tenor, and guest artists, 6-6:30 p.m., WBBM. . . Light Opera Program, WLS, 7-8 p.m., weekly on Sundays, (Sustaiin- Ing.) MONDAY (SEPTi 18) Auricle- CreVen and Cliff Nazarrd, vocalists with the Frank Westphal. orchestra, 6-6:15 p;m,, WBBM. SAN FRANCISCO (SEPT. 17 TO S^PT. 22) (All Time PST)v LOS ANGELES (SEPT. 15 TO SEPT. 21) (All Time PST) FRIDAY (SEPT. 15) Snug Harbor,, KHJ, 8:30-9 p.mi. maritime dramatization by Prank Gill iand W. N. Robson. Sustalninjr Salvatwce Santaellas' dinner mu- sic, KMTR, 6:15-6:30 p.m., nightly except Saturday. . Sustaining. 'In Laws/ KPAC, 6:45,-7 p.m., comedy sbrial every evening but Sunday. (Auburn-Cord). Francisco Del Cpmpo/ KHJ, 8' p.m.j Latin-American tenor, taining. Merrymakers,* XHJ, 9-ld. p.m., va- riety show, with oMd Doemling &ni. Ray Paige's orchestra. (Ford Diealers of Calif.) (McCann-Erlck- son). •i/on, Archie and Frank Watanabe, KNX, 7-7.15. p.m., comedy serleil, every evening except Sunday. (Marion R. Gray Co.) Al Pearcfs and His Gang, KFI, 2-3 p.m, daily except Sundays. Sus- taining. SATURDAY (SEPTi 16) KNX Varieties, KNX„ 8-9 Bovue with. Jacfc Carter; Sustaining. SUNUAY (SEPT. 17) Napoleon and Josephine, KPWB, 9-9:30 p.m. Serial dramatization of French history. (Barker Bros.) (Ray. Alden agency). •7i5 AlUStar Revue,' KHJ, 7:30-8 p.m.,-Donald Novis, Sterling Hollovbay and Orville Knapp orchestra. Union Oil .Co. (Lord and Thomas). Also Wednesday, Sept. 20; , 'The Wandereri KPWB, ' 9:30-10 p.m. Narrator; Bob Sherwood, chamber music. (Kclvlnator.) ''Hammel agency.) *. Crosscuts from the. Log o' the Day, KPO, 8:15-9:16 a.m. daily ex- cept Sunday. Dr. Laurence L. Cross, philosopher, and Southern Harmony Four, colored quartet. John and Ned, harmony team, KGO, 1:46-2 p.m. daily except. Sun- day. Langendbrf Pictorial, K(36, 3-3:16 p.m. daily except Saturday afid Sunday. Air column by' and With Rush Hughes. (Langendorf Bakery) (J. Walter Thompson); Hodge. Podge Lodge, KFRC, 4:15-. 4:45 p. m., Mon., Wed., Pri. Com- edy lodge meeting by and with Jennf-^ son Parker. Charles W. Hamp, KPO, 7:46-8, daily 'exc«!pt Saturday and Sunday. (Dr. Strasska) (Scott- Howe-iBowen). SUNDAY (SEPT. 17) Gunnar Johdnsen, KPO, 7:45-8 p.m., concert pianist. Kay Kyser and his Bad Tabarln orchestra, KGO, 11-12 p.m. MONDAY (SEPT. 18) Lee .8. Roberts and his Old Memory Box, KGO, 8.16-8:30 a.m., Mon., Wed., Fri., with Pom? C'orson, organist, guest star. (Folger Coffee Co.) (Botsford, Constantine, Gardner.) Blue Monday Jamboree, KFRC, 8- 10 p.m. Variety show, first half sponsored by Shell Oil Co. (J. Wal- ter Thompson), Second half . sus- taining. TUESDAY (SEPT. 19) Maurice Gun'sky Revue, KTA, 7:30- 8 p.m. Variety show with Harold Horton, others. Carefree. Carnival, KPO, 9-10 p.m. Variety show. WEDNESDAY (SEPT. 20) Eddie Peabody, KGO, 7:30-8. p.m. Entertainer with orch. and guest vocalist. (Safeway Stores) (Bots- ford* Constantine, Gardner). souvenirs of Italy,. KYA, 8-9 p.m. Native musical program, sponsored by local Italian firms. One Man's Family, KCSO, 9-9:30 Drama by Carlton Morse. (Wesson Oil) (Fitzgerald, New Or- leans), Marshall's Maverickis, KPO, 10- 10:30 p.m; Hill-billy show, with Charlie Marshdll, Johnny O'Brien, Mona €h-eer. Ace Wright, Johnnie Toffoli. * ^ THURSDAY (SEPT. 21) Standard Symphony Hour, KGO, 8-9 p.m., Alfred Her*» conducting. (Standard Oil) (McCann-ErlCkson). Borden Capers, KTAB, 7-9 p.m. Variety show. (Borden Milk) (Mc-. Cann-Erlckson). The Orchestra, KPO, 9:30-10 p.m., directed by Meredith Wiltsdn. I DAY (SEPT. 22) Feminine Fancies, KSTRC 3,r4 p.m Woman's hour, m.c.'d by Ed Fitzger- ald, Claude Sweeten'^ Orch, guest vocalists. Tim Ryan's Night Club, KPO, 10- 11 p.m. Variety show, with Ryan and Noblette, Joe Hornik's orch., guest vocalists. MONDAY (SEPT. 18) . Thunderbolt .Lodj/e; mystery seriai^ KPWB, 7:30-8 p.m. Sustaining, Blu4? Monday Jamboree^ ■ KHJ, (from KFRC, San Francisco). 8-10 p.m. (Shell Oil Co.) . 'Makers of History.' KFI, 8-8:3d p.m. Dramatization. (Puritas Water.) (McCarthv co.) TUESDAY (SEPT. 19) Hodge Podge Lodge, KHJ, ema* natlng K.;|'RC, San Prancisco, 9:30<> 10 p.m., comedy program* sustain* ing.. California Melodies, direction Ray Paige, KRJ (CBS), 6:30-7 p.m^ Sus- taining. Guardsmen, KNX, 7.16-7:30 Quartet. Sustniiiinft, WEDNESDAY CSEPT. 20) Charlie Lung and His -.Gang, com- edy, 5:45-6 p.m,, KHJ. Sustainihg. Catherine the Great, historical dt-amatic series, KHJ, 9:30-10 p.m. Sustaining. Song Silhouette, Jeanne Dunne and Nip and Tuck, KPWB, 7:46-8 p.m THURSDAY (SEPT. 21) Light Opera Favorites, KNX, 7:16- 7:45 p.m., with Charlotte Woodruff. Sustaining. DENVER (SEPT. 15 TO SEPT. 21) (All Time MST) FRIDAY (SEPT. 15) Luncheon Melodies,. Fred BUrkett, tenor; Joe O'Neill, baritone; Janet Bible, contralto; Bill Rogers, piano, 12-12:15, KLZ, daily except Sunday. CosmopoUtan HOt^l orchestra, Gene Quaw,. director, 1-1:30.; also 9-9:30 p.m.; 11-11:30 p.m., Sept. to; KOA to NBC-WJZ network. Arcadians, ■9-piece string orches- tra, Ruth Skefly Bello, director r JF'tor- ence Fiskel, soprano; Mildred Kyfsin, contralto; l:!>'0-2 p.m., KOA to NBC- WJZ network; Metropolitan.!Ensemble, Ruby Rick* ets sLiid Jack Dean, pianos and vocal* ists; 5-5:16 p.m., Pri., Mon., Wed.,* KLZ, SATURDAY (SEPT. 16) Denver Post Kids Cliib, /errl/ and Margie O'Neil, directors; 3:16-3:46 p.m., KLZ. " Brown Palace Casanova hotel or* chestra, Jack Walton, director; Hi* 11:30 p.m.; also 7-7:30 p.m., Sept. 11; 1:15-1:45 p.m., Sept. 12; KOA to NBC-WJZ network. SUNDAY (SEPT. 17) Mrs. E. L. Reynoids-Bengston, or- gan, with Bob Mar per, soloist; 10- 10:30 p.m., KLZ. MONDAY (SEPT. 18) IJnlversity of Denver Group muay"TalfiC^r5yTg"p^rJ^^ Huffman Theatre Revue, West ■Masters, organist, and others; - 11- 11:30 p.m., KLZ. TUESDAY (SEPT. 19) • Henry Trustman Ginsbnrg, violin- ist;- Faye Roswetlj accompanist; 5:30- 5:46 p.m., KOA. , Stagecoache'rs,- Charles J. Scheur- man, director, 9-9:30, KOA.