Variety (Sep 1933)

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5ft VAnmTY TIMES SilJi^iRC TnesiSajr* September 12, 1933 East Florence Moore suing her chauf- feur husband for 9t>Ut. Claims de- sertion. Follows an episode In which he allegedly blacked her eye in their L, I. home. Mayor O'Brien. proclaims Thurs- day (14) as Jewish Day to help launch .the pageant. . Projectionist locial 306 urges (jrover. Whalen to recall the Blue Eagle from about 350 picture the atres, claiming they violate the col lective bargaining clause In NRA. Met bp^ra holding voice audi- tions, for chorus recruits. Mrs. :Oarliy;le Blackwrell, wife of the former ^picture star, reports loss of 127,000 ring. In a taxi Wednesday evening, She's the former. AVonrte Taylor, who divorced Tommy Man- ville. Qreta Nlssen and Mrs. Walter Hiistoh landed iii. Southampton without passports last week. Pic-, ture 0tar permitted to remialn two .months,. but Mrs.; Huston draws only, half that, on her permits . Borough Prez ■ Xievy reconsiders his ban on sidewalk cafes. They -can.'Stick around. Federal Broadcasting Corp, held Its first meeting. Former .Gov. Al Smith presided^ Routine matters. CUifside Patk (N. J.) schoolboy probatln for . six months because manager of lOcal picture house con- tended he gave the Bronx cheer, to an Arthur Tracy. ('Street Singer') short. Boy Contended he was: merely blowing his nose. Morris Pastinack, of Coney Island, comes, up, for ; trial today (12) on charge of violation, of -copyright act; Police found 176 songsheets in his |. hbi^e..' Boy told he. pays $1.26 a hundred and 'gets.:a nipkel aj^lece'^ ;'Chas. F. •Hei'mann,. treas. of G. Schirmer, music pub., reportied xnissing from- hls home In !E^t , Qrahge; Just back from a rest In ^ sanitarium for hervbus disorder. Started_for work, Jiut did., not ar-. .rive. ' ■, Major aiir webs sign President's blanket , Isiftor agreemeht, pending hearing- on the -NRA code heating,: Sept. 20. Stiandard code altered to include. ra,dlo special .labor clauses; Eva lieG&Uienne tb «tart rehe&rs- ^ for her'road tour.' Nat. Comm. of the liegit theatre ficowh^ on advance buys by ticket brokers. "Not permissible -under NRA. -That Ohcistopher Mol-ley play to be called 'Sdf t^'ShOulders/ ■ ■Samuel- Bart^ynerare -Colt to Jbin £va lljeGdllienhe co. , Producers of -'Sellout* shift to I>r4ma .Cratsmen; Theatre Crafts- men'-ln: prior use. Altman's .dry goods, store puts its name on store front. For 36: years no name appeared on .any of four aides of the block-big shop^, S. Jj. Rothafel announces ;he will continue fight for use of his name In .spite of. recent decision to sub- stitute Center for Roxy In the Radio. City s,et-up. ■ William WaUcer, nephew of former mayor, charged with assault by Margaret Shaw, nite club ho"stess. Details , of alleged attack withheld, other than stated she had to go to hospital. Francis i. Curtis .and Richard Myers to do 'Grive Us *hls Day,» by Howard iCoch. Al Woods has turned back to Irving K, Davis 'Life Wants Pad- . dinflr:' which he had Intended to pro- duce. Group theatre looking to Holly- wood for lead for "Waltz In Fire,*, its second production. John J. Wll- berg on quest; After several, times requesting Mrs. . Evelyn Schwartz, a patron of Lpew's Boulevard theatre, Bronx, to ' stop laughing so loudly as to In- I I I I r I I I 11 I I I I I I M I I ]1 I II n n:i«t.i l l l n-i l l m n l n m , i ; i l , , , i : i n m i i i i l I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I J I I I I J News From the Dailies This department contaim rewritten theatrical new items as published during the week in (ne ; dailjf papers of Nei» Yorfi, Chicago, Sans^ranciscQ, HollyT»ood and London, Vafief^ takes no \ credit for these nei»s itens; each has been rewritten from a daily paper. I I n 14 I I11-n 11111-t M il i.t fM t ift n rrn rrri.-i r.i m^in iNew York Tfieatresj CT/ui.i ALWAYS A BETTER SHQWui RKO! im o e^thST.u/w W«d, io Frt., Sept. U .to 15 JACK HOLT iii "THE .WRECKER" ■nd ^'THE SPHINX" iy«d. to Fri.. Sept. IS to 15 JACK HOLT GENEVIEVE TOBIN in "THE WRECKER" —On Seteen^ WARNER BAXTER In "PENTHOUSE" ■with MTRNA tOT In Person: BARBARA STAN- WYCK. DAVE APOLLON and Hit Ravue. Added attraction r Morten DOWNEY (TATE Efft10N.MFni.| Merle (Mlh) DBtSSkER Wallaoe (Bill) BEERY In "TUQBOAT ANNIE" StuRe: ^Veleoma Lewit, Jack Pepper Clifford A. Marlon-^tners—T^lder: "BitOADWAY TO HOLLYWOOD" terfere with his enjoyment of the vaudeville, Morrie Felnberg pasted her one Tuesday. Sxispended sen tenbe. Ida Kessler, daughter of the late .Tiddish tragedian, C ^pendent on city relief.: His will made no provision for her, as she was married. Abbott &. Dunning have shelved 'Heat.Ldghtlng' and will make 'Some People Live' their flrjst; / Plenty " of scrapping at Atlaiitlc City .' beauty pageant and girls threatened to walk until conditions were amended. iSome did. jBlock<7long bar oh site of Hotel Belmont opened Friday (8);. Single stox'jr brick' structure with a leanto for Icltcheh. Bar nearly 200 feet. Open air area under awnings 100 by 200 feet.. Brian Hooker' will have two new plays on B'way this season. Walter Hampden will do his 'Ruy iBlas' and Russell Janney will have his mu- sical from 'The ©'Flynh^' Huey Xioiig turns down an . offer from Rdxy, who Wanted to use the Kingflgh as counter attraction to Aimee and Dave.Hutton at nearby, houses. Roxy says he did not make an offer. Family of the late Jean Malln, whose autQwent biff a pier at Ven- ice; Cal., asKtng for an adminis- trator of the estate as a preliminary to entering suit, for $1,000,000 dam- ages against the pier co. Title changes: -Her Master's Vbice' instead of 'Only With Tou^' 'Chopin* Instead of ^Sacrlflee to Mildred Goodman, . show, girl; suing (xerard Opodmah in. Smeth- port,- Pa., for divorce. Another suit for $100,000 Against her mother-in- law for alienation. Another suit In N. T, under which .she receives $35 weekly alimony. Claims . all the money she ever received. from hlrri was $8 lor' flbwers. Colin Cllve announced as arriv- ing from England last week, but re- Iporl incorrect. He is waiting until he'. gets the word to sail. - Be6r licenses halted by N. Ti state commission until supply and demand cart be compared. To date 40,000 permits have b6en Issued. Ralph Kohn, before referee In bankruptcy, testified Thursday (7) that In 1929 he paid Zukor, Lasky, Katz, Kent and himself $2,000,000 In bonuses In addition to salaries of $450,000. Bonuses two previous years and first qtuarter of 1930. All in stock except that for 1929, which was In cash. Percentages based on earnings after $4 per share had •been deducted.^^ .Charges against David Lamar, the Wolf of Wall Street dismissed Fri- day (8). N. Y. Supreme court granted ap- plication of Sidney Franklin, Brook- lyn tpres^dbr, preventing exiiibltlon of Columbia film 'The B.uU Thrower/ which he asserts puts him In a hirt- ful light. Coi; agrees to wait final court action. Marc Connelly back from that cruise to Russia which he did not complete. Has what he claims to be the only Soviet apology for keep^ ing him but. Got him confounded with another of the same name. Examined In supplementary prb- ceedings in the matter of judgment for $23,547 obtained against late A. L. Erlanger. by Marc Klaw, Mitchell L. Erlanger discloses that all of his property was transferred to his •wife undet- an ante nuptial agree- ment. Judgment was for ah Inter- est In former firm of Klaw & Er- langer which Klaw complains Er langer disposed of. 'Sailor Beware,' formerly 'Fit As a Fiddle/ due at the Lyceum Sept. 28. N, Y. 'Post' goes tab In size but retains conservative attitude. Smaller -ticket agencies accuse four major concerns,of using NRA to corner ticket supply. Courtney Burr has taken over the Lyceym theatre for the season Kenybn Nicholson, first tenant. , Victor Freshman, son of radio manufacturer, niarrles Ann Bbland. Tried in Greenwich, but flve-dajr delay was too long, so back to N. Y; and no delay at municipal bldg, Friday (8); Philharmonic-Symphony's N. Y. schedule about thb isame as last year. Two series of 16^ alternate Thursday evening^ and as many Friday afternoons. Two sets of 10 students' concerts .Sat. evenings with 29 Sunday pops in three series Also a special series of six Sat mornings foti children; Yiddish art theatre to open with ^elght^performances-of-iYoshe-Kalb, with tickets In the agencies. W. F. "Carey, former prez of Mad. Sq. Garden corp., stoned by pickets for striking coal miners at Shen andoah. Pa. Badly bruised, Strip ping surface coal, which miners contend interferes with their battle for the deep hole coal, gleaning. He quit the Garden last June. I Elmer Rice announces he'll neither make a production himself this year nor stage for another. May 'write some plays. .Reported a brewery has offered $26,000 for beer sale, rights at 'White Horse Inn.' Creditors of the Bond Dress Co. nieet today (Tues.) to consider Helen kante's offer of $32,000 In set' tlement of claim against her. Lawrence Shead, paterson, N. J., theatre man, murdered following a party in his ai^artments Satiir-' day (9). Formerly at the Rivoli, Ni Y.. Mastbauin, Phlla., and Prbc- tor's, Newark. Two-bit opera starts at Mecca Temple Thursday (14). Caesare Sodero, manager. Has some of the. Met. singers. Distilleries double prices of me- dicinal whiskey and loath to sell even at. upped prices; Waiting for epeal. Third man jumped from Wash^ ington bridge ahd killed. Dave pa- rone, who twice jumped from Brooklyn bridge. Body not. recov- ered. Owner of a beer garden , at Mt. Vernon,. Coast Letters of administration to the estate of Fatty Arbuckle have been issued to Mrs. Nora Arbuckle St. John, the actor's sister. In: local court. Federal authorities in Washing- ton asked by U.' S. Attorney Pier^ son M; Hall , of Lbs Angeles to es-. tabllsh legal jurisdiction of' alleged gambling ships ofl; the California coast. Request followed death of Robert L. Moody, 24, after allegedly being slugged and beaten iaboard the 'City of Panama.* C. S. Morrill, chief of the Identlr ficatlon bureau of California, sta- tioned at' Sacramento,, made a round, of Hollywood studios to learn whether ' their msuihine 'ig^ns were properly licensed. Tour was made after 15. machine eruns were seized in a raid on. a Los Angeles arm', many with their numbers filed off. Firm held a license to rent guns to studios. More than 12,000 children re- ceived treatment during last yiear at the Marion Davlies clinic in Los Angelesc Betty Compson, Lillian Bond, Eric von Stroheim, Olga Baclanova, Matt Moore, Jack Mulhall and Bette Davis named in U. S. Income tax liens filed In Federal court here. Robert Montgbmery, Edmund Lowe,, Dbrothy Lee, and Roger Pryor have returned from the east Los Angeles police commission ruled that cafe-dance halls must keep out female Impersonators and their Ilk. Alleging Adolphe Menjou failed to make $2,600 payment as part of a divorce settlement, Kathryn Car- ver, former wife, attached his ac^ count In HpUywood bank. William S. Hart discharged from the Cedars of Lebanon hospital where he underwent abdominal op- eration July 22. Albert H. MarUn and Jack Hays, screen writers, have filed voluntary petitions In;, bankruptcy In L. A. federal court , iBarbat-a Roberts' marriage to Robert Dlllion was annulled In the L. A. superior, court when she testi- fied her husband had failed to have a previous marriage severed legally William S. Hart resting at liis Newhall ranch following stretch In Cedars bf Lebanon hospital. Hart near death' several times during psist two months after relapses fol- lowing abdominal bperatlbn. Masseurs and masseuses to form NRA code. Muscle thumpers seek diploma and experience require- ments from nebphyt^s. Amending her . divorce complaint against. Prince Dave Mdlvanl, Mae Murray charges Prince left her broke and stranded In New York, sailing for Paris While actress hunted funds. Ruth Hall Ybanaz married to Lee Garmes, award^wlnning camera- man. Margery Wellrnan, ex-wife of William Wellman, director. Injured in fall from upper deck on S. S. Malolo. Joan Blondell, who waljced at Warners the other day, asserting she was=through^"wlth^ples;=has changed her mind. Thirty-nine plc^ tures in twenty-nine months caused the uproar. Protest against opening of tango games in town of Burbank filed with city council .by Mrs. Clayton Woods, president of Parent-teach- ers. . Suit for divorce filed in San Diego by Sibyl Wilbur Stone, author, against John Stone, electrical en- gineer and head of Stone T&T com- ,pa,ny. Plckfalr, home of Douglas Fair- banks and Mary Plckford, no longer on market, according to Miss Plck- fbrd. California bureau' bf criminal Identification on hunt for tonsniy gun/ said to be in possession of Douglas Fairbanks. Bcbe Daniels and Ben Lyoil bd'clc in Hollywood wltii daughter Bar- bara after several nionths in France. Mrs. LeRoy Prinz puts the scram^ ble' on prowlers in her home by screaming at them. With Merian Cooper In hbspltai •with.a throat Infection, Pahdro Ber- man running the RKO lot. Christy Cabanne, director, in hos- pital suffering from, camera boom Injuries received while shooting at Annapolis. Durward Grinstead, author, and Foujita, Japanese artist, meet at culture group luncheon presided pyer by Rupert Hiighes.: So what? Mara Tartar in Holly wood to pro- mote Theatre Union, co-op organi- zation. Victor G. Herbert; sbn oiC late Vic- tor Herbert, bond salesman in L. A. Pacific Opera Association,^ San Francisco, takes $6,900^ from city tinder judgment from sujpieribi: court. Amount represents unpaid balance of deficit of $7,500 for 1931-32. " Rupert Hujghes, to be guest bf honor at convention baniquet of Cal- ifornia Writers, Ocuidehtal Cbllege, Oct. 5. Jack Upton, cafe ownes^sking annulnient from Joan Wilson Up- ton, iactress, on grounds Arlfp mar- ried already when he married her. . Marlon Valentine, studio xeader, to marry Donald McKay, represent- ative of Neil Hamilton. Mace B. Sheffield, ex-copper and fwnter operator bf Hollywood 41 Club, pays a century fine for viola- tion of Volstead Act. L. A. city council falls to votb or- dinance prohibiting Tango games within city limits. Prlmo Camera takes bow on Wil- shlre Boulevard when he isees traf- fic accident and sets overturned sedan on its wheels. John Harvey Gahan, showman, sues wife, Josephine, for divorce, al- leging she scrammed. C. B. DeMille takes troupe of 57 to Hawaii on locatibn. Alleging desertion without cause Prince Serge Mdlvanl battles suit for separate maintenance filed by Mary McCbrmlc, singer, whb askbd fbr $600 month. Mdlvanl. says singer lam^.ied on him. He denies advance of forty grand since their 1931 mar- riage. Gary Cooper back on 'Design for Living' set, fully recovered from make-up poisoning Which affected his right eye. Star Inactive for two days. Legana Kearns, ex-wlfe of Jack Kearns, seeking back alimony from the fight nianager. Claims she has a, judgment for $2,720. no part of which has been paid. John Huston, writer, granted di- Vbrce from Jean Harvey Huston, actress. Wife poar housekeeper and extravagant,' the writer charged^ Peggy Hopkins andUddie Suther- land out with marriage codes which provide for domestic hours of oc- cupation, play and homework. Both Codlfiers married four times. Four is par. Dorothy. Devore, actress, sued by ex-husband, A. W. Mather, to re- claim $100,000 In property allegedly ^7angled away from him. Jackie Coogan, now wearing a Santa Clara rooter's hat. film critic for cbllege paper. Reviews Indicate ex-boy star doesn't think film prod- uct so hot, Harold Graysbn, Harry Arnhelm and Ralph Cloclaisuris, musicians; court-battling wives over alimony payments. Mary Plckford puts the sniff on suit started by Edward Hommer against herself, DoUglas Fairbanks and Owen Moore. Hommer, actor, wants $260,000 for breach bf con- tract. Says Miss Plckford's mother, Mrj9. Margaret Plckford Smith; promised to remember him In her win if he laid off oppiosltlon to mar- riage to Fairbanks while Mary still married to Moore. 'No truth In charges,' actress says. Charlie Paddock and • Lucille Gleason dismissed as defendants in $501,650 suit brought against pair together with James Gleason and Norman Sper by Jack Montgomery, lathw W BabyTE*eggyr"^^^^ Sper must defend. ' Court Commissioner considering legality of attachment by. Maurice Cleary, agent, on. Gloria S.wansbn bracelet in effort to collect $7,500 judgment. Actress says wrist-band exempt. Paramount" seeking to protect amateur status of Jack Jenkins, high school gridder now in pictures. Youth V8» Age (Continued from page 3) dancing, pedestal clog, cane dance, Irish jigs and reels. And l^Qw about good sketches In a parlor set (not drapes with a door), kitchen sets, palace sets, and Wood sets, all new today? "They^haven't seen flat scen- ery in vaudeville theatres in years. How abbut real mpnologlsts? Single women that do character ■soiigs like Alice Lloyd, Lillian Shaw, Marie Lloyd, Maggie Cllne, Annie Hart,. Ray Cox, Irqne Franklin, iia Shields, Vesta. Victoria and dozens of others like them, good character songs without trick arrangements and a microphone;? Id. Timers oh They cry fbr youth and iget old •timers on thb air, stage and screen. Look over the comics on the air- all old timers!; Ed. Wynn, Jack. Pearl, Ben Bernie,'Bert Lahr, Julius Ta,nnen, Leo Carrillo, Tom Howard, Fanny Brlce, Amos and Andy, Al Jolsbn, Crumit and Sanderson, Will Rogers, Fred Stone, Fred Alien, Phil Baker, Burns and Allen, tiou Holtz, Eddie . Gantbr and no'W George. M. Cbhan, The same goes foi: the legit stage and musical shows; Leon Errol, Al Shean, Victbr Moore, : Billy Qaxtoh, Jim Barton; Ernest Truex, Marilyn Miller, Lynn Fontaine, Alfred Lunt, Charlie King, Lulu McCbnneil, Herb Williams, Hal Skelly, Fred Astairie, Dtfrs. Patrick Campbell^- Grace Gepirge, Alice Brady, Burton Churchill, Eddie Cantor,. Joe Cook, Ethel Barrymore .. i. And in the talkers all the old tim- ers steal the pictures; Marie Dress- ier, Wallace Beery, thevBarrymbres, Walter Hpuston, Ed Robinson, Wil- lie Collier, Jimmy Durante,. Joe Brown, .^Mae West, May Robspn, Louis Stone, Pat O'Brien, Lee Tracy, Charlie. -Murray, George Sidney, Polly .Morah, Paul Muni. Will Rog- ers, Charlie 'Chiaplln, George Arllss, Otis Skinner, Henry Lahgdon, Hal Lloyd. Dancers and dance prodpcers? No klhdergarteh class here: Phil Cooke, Johnny Boyle, Hairland plxbn, Sey- mbur Felix, Sammy Lee, Bob Con* nelly, Chester Hale, Albertlna Rasch, Carl Randall, Geo. Hplbrook, Danny Dare, Ned Wayburn, Pat Rooney, Gertrude Hoffman, R. H. Burnside. They cry for YOUTH—and the OLD TIMER answers the call. Summer Tryouts (Continued from page 5.3) escape from the dullest summer- Brbadway has seen in modern times. It. Is. estimated the a.verag6 wage Wai from $15 to $25 weekly. In country show shops where attend- ance was better and the house made money the leads dre-w $100 and $150 weekly through the summer, and there Is one known case where the femme lead demanded .and received $300 for try-out week. In many In- stances the-players figured they not only, got away from Broadway, but stood a chance of being retained if a new play clicked and came to Broad- way this, season. Westport Tops List Best rural spot was Westport, one. of the nearest to New York. Tak- ings •went to $4,000 and' $5,000 weekly; with a $2.20 top. At Deiinls, Cape Cod, the top was $2.75, highest scale being at Newport where the best seats were $3.30. Generally the adniisslbh prices •were modest.. .A. Jersey ispot had a 60-cents top. Down ,at Abingdon, Va., the bbx- oftlce accepted hams, eggs and prod- uce. Either the eats were bartbred or the actors ate the eats. Idea of how some of the rural stocks .got along may be. had from a comtiany which played at Clayton, N. Y'. near the St. Lawrence river, Average •wage was $J5j out of which the board and room was paid for at $12.50 each weekly. Business dropped and. the stipends were cut, the ac- tors thereupon asking the landlady to cut the rate. How -she fed the jgroup of about 40 people was her own secret. The players returned to New York by train but sent their trjihks down^by tru^^ "BaglfErg^was 'delTvered'^tT'clesired'^ addresses, saving the cost of haulr age at both ends. That's how close the. actors had to figure, A nijmbfer of the rural theatres kept to a stock schedule, not at- tempting new plays. Number of per- formances varied. A few played nightly while others gave, three and four performances weekly.